`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: Dec. 17, 1996
`Inventor: Bradley P. Allen, Hermosa Beach,
`[73] Assignee:
`Inference Corporation, Novato, Calif.
`Appl. No.: 518,850
`Aug. 24, 1995
`Related US. Application Data
`[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 869,926, Apr. 15, 1992, abandoned,
`which is a continuation—in—part of Ser. No. 664,561, Mar. 4,
`1991, abandoned.
`........................... G06F 15/18
`Int. 01.6
`[52] US. Cl. ......... 395/10; 395/50; 395/51;
`395/75; 395/77; 395/11; 395/13
`[58] Field of Search .................................. 395110, 50, 51,
`395/75, 77, 11, 13, 600, 934
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`A software agent which performs autonomous learning in a
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`those actions which gather further information so as to better
`solve problems. Multiple autonomous agents may form a
`collective entity and may cooperate to select an action to be
`performed by that collective entity.
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`........ GUSB 13/02
`20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`1 17
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`1 19
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`US. Patent
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`This application is a file-wrapper continuation of patent
`application Ser. No. 07/869,926, filed Apr. 15,1992, now
`abandoned which is a continuation-in-part of application
`Ser. No. 07/664,561, filed Mar. 4, 1991, now abandoned, in
`the name of inventors Bradley P. Allen and S. Daniel Lee
`hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to case-based reasoning and to a
`case-based reasoning system which performs autonomous
`learning in a real-world environment.
`2. Description of Related Art
`While computers are capable of tremendous processing
`power, their ability to use that processing power for reason-
`ing about complex problems has so far been limited. Gen—
`erally, before a computer can be used to address a complex
`problem, such as one which requires the attention of a
`human expert, it has been necessary to distill the knowledge
`of that expert into a set of inferential rules (a “rule base”)
`which allow an automated processor to reason in a limited
`field of application. While this method has been effective in
`some cases, it has the natural drawback that it often requires
`a substantial amount of time and effort, by both computer
`software engineers and experts in the particular field of
`application, to produce a useful product.
`Moreover, mle—based systems of this type present a
`diflicult programming task. Unlike more prosaic program-
`ming tasks, constructing a rule base is sometimes counter-
`intuitive, and may be beyond the ability of many application
`programmers. And once a rule—based system has been con-
`structed based on the knowledge of a human expert, it may
`be difiicult to accommodate changes in the field of operation
`in which the processor must operate. Such changes might
`comprise advances in knowledge about the application field,
`additional tasks which are intended for the processor, or
`changes in or discoveries about the scope of the application
`One proposed method of the prior art is to build auto—
`mated reasoning systems which operate by reference to a set
`of exemplar cases (a “case base”), to which the facts of a
`particular situation (the “problem”) may be matched. The
`processor may then perform the same action for the problem
`as in the exemplar case. While this proposal has been
`well—received, case—based systems of this type may still
`require a substantial amount of human effort to identify
`exemplar cases and present a processor with sufiicient
`information that cases may be matched and acted upon. For
`example, it may be necessary to deduce or supply extensive
`information about a complex environment so as to determine
`a preferred sct of exemplar cases.
`A parent copending application, Ser. No. 07/664,561, filed
`Mar. 4, 1991, discloses inventions in which a case-based
`reasoning system is smoothly integrated into a rule-based
`reasoning system, and in which an automated reasoning
`system may dynamically adapt a case base to problems
`which it encounters. An aspect of the inventions disclosed in
`that application also includes a technique in which a system
`may be set to work with a limited case base, and may solicit
`human advice for treatment of new problems which are not
`already well-treated by the case base, thus learning how to
`do its job on a dynamic basis.
`Another application, Ser. No. 07/869,935, now aban—
`doned, filed the same day as this application, discloses
`inventions in which a machine learning system may operate
`in conjunction with a relational database system, and par-
`ticularly in which a machine learning system may operate in
`conjunction with a relational database system with an SQL
`interface. This allows the machine learning system to use
`high-speed searching power of computer systems which
`have been designed for use with relational database systems
`with an SQL interface, and allows the machine learning
`system to be smoothly integrated into computer systems
`which have relational databases, even if those databases
`were not designed to work with learning or reasoning
`systems of any kind.
`It would be advantageous if an automated reasoning
`system could dynamically create its own case base in
`response to problems which it encounters, thus learning how
`to do its job on a dynamic basis and without substantial
`human intervention, or at least with only occasional human
`intervention. Limited intervention would allow an auto-
`mated reasoning system to examine a larger set of cases and
`to determine a preferred set of exemplar cases without an
`external agent, such as a human operator, having to deduce
`or supply extensive information about a complex environ-
`It would also be advantageous if an automated reasoning
`system could operate autonomously in a complex environ-
`ment, possibly with external intervention such as positive or
`negative reinforcing stimuli. External stimuli might be in
`response to a result of the system’s attempts to manipulate
`its environment, or might be provided by an external agent,
`such as a human operator. Accordingly, it is an object of the
`invention to provide an automated reasoning system which
`does not require intervention for every case.
`The invention provides a software agent which performs
`autonomous learning in a real-world environment. The
`autonomous agent may learn by reinforcement (including
`positive and negative, and delayed and sporadic, reinforce-
`ment), in addition to learning by example and learning by
`being told what
`to do. In a preferred embodiment,
`autonomous agent may be implemented in a case-based
`reasoning system, which may be coupled to a sensor for
`gathering information from, and to an effector for manipu-
`lating, its environment (which may comprise a software
`environment, a physical environment, or some combination
`thereof). In addition to gathering a case base of experience
`in its environment, the autonomous agent may tune that case
`base in response to an evaluation of how well it is operating
`in that environment. The evaluation may be its own, or may
`be in response to a stimulus such as a reward or punishment.
`In addition to taking action on a problem based on its case
`the autonomous agent may take action to gather
`information so as to determine which cases are most appro-
`priate to that problem.
`In a preferred embodiment, the autonomous agent may
`comprise a memory of cases, the contents of that memory
`being determined by a genetic technique for producing,
`evaluating and selecting cases. New cases may be produced
`by inspection of scenarios from the environment, by muta-
`ORACLE EX. 1004 (pg. 9)
`ORACLE EX. 1004 (pg. 9)


`tion of old cases, or by combining or selecting features from
`old cases; thus the memory may comprise cases the autono-
`mous agent has never encountered in the environment. The
`stored cases may be evaluated in response to a history of
`previous matches and in response to an external stimulus,
`and evaluations (such as measures of accuracy and utility)
`may be associated with stored cases. The contents of the
`memory may be limited to a set of cases which provides a
`preferred model of the environment, such as those cases
`which have the better evaluations.
`In a preferred embodiment, the autonomous agent may
`comprise a selection technique based on multiple factors,
`such as match quality, case accuracy, or case utility. The
`selection technique may also induce experimentation by the
`autonomous agent, such as by employing a random or
`pseudorandom effect in selecting cases. The selection tech-
`nique may also distinguish between those actions which
`solve problems and those actions which gather further
`information so as to better solve problems. Multiple autono-
`mous agents may form a collective entity and may cooperate
`to select an action to be performed by that collective entity.
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of an autonomous agent
`embedded in a complex environment.
`FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of a behavior module of an
`autonomous agent.
`FIG. 3 shows a data flow diagram of a genetic technique
`for producing, evaluating and selecting cases.
`FIG. 4 shows a data flow diagram of a technique for
`selecting cases in a memory.
`FIG. 5 shows a block diagram of an intelligent oflice
`equipment device including an autonomous agent.
`FIG. 6 shows a block diagram of a customer service
`system with a help-desk system including an autonomous
`FIG. 7 shows a block diagram of a knowledge discovery
`system including an autonomous agent.
`. Appendix A shows an example software environment and
`autonomous agent for distinguishing between classes of
`An embodiment of this invention may be used together
`with inventions which are disclosed in a copending appli-
`TIONAL DATABASE", application Ser. No. 07/869,935,
`filed the same day in the name of the same inventor, hereby
`incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of an autonomous agent
`embedded in a complex environment.
`A software agent 101 may be embedded in an environ-
`ment 102 so that the agent 101 may receive a stimulus 103
`from the environment 102 by receiving a stimulus message
`104, and may perform an action 105 which affects the
`environment 102 by sending an action message 106. In a
`preferred embodiment, the stimulus message 104 and the
`action message 106 may each comprise a manipulable
`software object 107 and may transmit that software object
`107 from source to destination. Software objects 107 may
`comprise data elements 108 and relations to other software
`objects 107 as is well known in the art. Object-oriented
`systems are more fully described in “Object—Oriented
`Design With Applications” by Grady Brooch, published by
`Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, Redwood City, Calif.
`(1991), hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
`In a preferred embodiment, the environment 102 may
`comprise either a software environment or a physical envi—
`ronment, or some combination thereof. For example, the
`environment 102 may comprise a physical room; the agent
`101 may receive a LIGHTS stimulus message 104 telling if
`a set of lights in the room is off or on; and the agent 101 may
`send a LIGHTS-ON action message 106 to turn on the
`lights. Alternatively, the environment 102 may comprise a
`graphic database; the agent 101 may receive a PICTURE
`stimulus message 104 telling about a picture in the database;
`and the agent 101 may send an ADD-PROPERTY action
`message 106 to add a property value (e.g., “auth0r=Ver-
`meer”) to the picture.
`A set of receptors 109 may receive the stimulus message
`104 and generate a features message 110. In a preferred
`embodiment, the receptors 109 may map a set of aspects or
`features 111 of the environment 102 (especially those relat-
`ing to external stimuli) into a set of feature objects 112,
`which may comprise software objects 107 which describe
`the aspects or features 111 of the environment 102. For
`example, the environment 102 may comprise an oil refinery
`and the feature objects 112 may comprise temperature and
`pressure values at various positions in the refinery.
`The set of receptors 109 may also generate a reward
`message 113, which may comprise a scalar-valued rein-
`forcement 114 which measures what success the agent 101
`is having with the environment 102. In a preferred embodi-
`ment, the value of the reinforcement 114 may be determined
`by the receptors 109, or may be externally supplied, such as
`from a human operator 115. For example, the environment
`102 may comprise a loan portfolio database and the rein-
`forcement 114 may measure loan performance, or the envi-
`ronment 102 may comprise a music audio database and the
`reinforcement 114 may be entered by the human operator
`115 after listening to selections made by the agent 101.
`A set of proprioceptors 116 may generate a motives
`message 117, which may comprise software objects 107
`which describe goals or needs of the agent 101. In a
`preferred embodiment, the proprioceptors 116 may map
`aspects or features of the environment 102 (especially those
`relating to internal states of the agent 101 itself) into those
`goals or needs. The goals or needs of the agent 101 itself are
`thus a kind of feature 111 which the agent 101 may consider,
`and are similar to the features 111 which are reported by the
`receptors 109. For example,
`the environment 102 may
`comprise a piece of oflice equipment such as a photocopier
`and the motives message 117 may comprise internally
`generated features 111 such as the need for new ink or paper.
`The proprioceptors 116 may be altered by a designer so as
`to change the essential goals of the agent 101.
`A behavior module 118 may receive the motives message
`117, the features message 110 and the reward message 113,
`and may generate a queries message 119, which may com-
`prise software objects 107 which describe a request 120 by
`the agent 101 for further information, and a commands
`message 121, which may comprise software objects 107
`which describe a command 122 by the agent 101 to affect the
`environment 102. In a preferred embodiment, the behavior
`module 118 may comprise one like that disclosed with FIG.
`A set of effectors 123 may receive the queries message
`119 and the commands message 121 and generate the action
`ORACLE EX. 1004 (pg. 10)
`ORACLE EX. 1004 (pg. 10)


`message 106. In a preferred embodiment, the action message
`106 may be coupled to the environment 102 (e.g., a physical
`device or another software element) and may cause an eifect
`in the environment 102. For example, the environment 102
`may comprise a chess program and the action message 106
`may direct the chess program to make a particular move on
`behalf of the agent 101.
`In a preferred embodiment; the software agent 101 may be
`implemented with an automated processor 124, which may
`execute a software inference engine 125 for reaso

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