Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation N um ber:
`Title of Invention:
`Distributed Computer Architecture and Process for Document Management
`First Named lnventorfllpplicant Name:
`Laurence C. Klein
`Customer N um ber:
`Scott A. Horstemeyerflulie Campbell
`Filer Authorized By:
`Scott A. Horstemeyer
`Attorney Docket Number:
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`C FR 3.73( b).
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`in re appiicaticn of: Laurence C. Kiein
`Appiicafiion Seria! Na;
`Fiieci: 12f{34f20Gf3
`For: Distributed" Com puier Architecture and Procss Ear Beau men: Management
`Commissiener fer Patents
`P-.0. Bax 1235:)
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`PCBWER ()3: ATTGREEY S-Y A$$i$i‘«_iEE
`As assignee of recerd caf ihe. entire interest of the ahaw-identified:
`E appiication,
`aii powers 9? attorney prerriousiy given are hereby remked and
`iiwe hereby appoint aié 91° the foiiowing attorneys and agents of Thomas, Kayden,
`Horstemeyer 8: Ristey, LLP, Wm) are Hated under the USPTC} flustaaner Number Shawn below
`as my-ieur attcsrraeys and agents to prosecute this: appiicatian and to transact aii business in the
`Ura'iia.=2r:‘ States Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith, recognizing that the specific
`attorneys and agents Eisted under that Customer Number may be changed from time in time at
`the $019 discretican of Thomas, Kayden, Horsnameyer 8: Risiey, LLP, and request that an
`csrresgaondence be addressed to the address flied under the same USTPQ Customer Number.


`In re application of: Laurence C. Klein
`Application Serial No.: 12I328,104
`Filed: 12!04i'20DB
`For: Distributed Computer Architecture and Procss for Document Management
`Mail Stop
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`The assignee of the entire right, title and interest hereby seeks to take
`action in the PTO in this matter.
`The assignee of this matter is:
`3350 Riverwood Parkway, Suite 800
`Atlanta, Georgia 30339
`Scott A. Horstemeyer
`Attorney for Assignee
`Page 1 — Certificate Under 37 C.F.R. §3.73(b)

`A chain of title from the inventor(s) to the current assignee is shown
`From: Laurence C. Klein and Imagination Software. Inc.
`Donner, Inc.
`Recorded in PTO: Reel: 022189
`Frame: 0103
`From: Donner, Inc.
`Renaissance Group IP Holdings, LLC
`Recorded in PTO: See Exhibit A evidencing
`assignment that has already been filed. No Reel and Frame has
`been assigned as of yet.
`I, the undersigned, have reviewed all the documents in the chain of title of
`matter identified above and,
`assignee identified above.
`to the best of my knowledge and belief,
`title is in the
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge
`are true, and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true;
`and further,
`that these statements are made with the knowledge that willful false
`statements, and the like so made, are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both,
`under Section 1001. Title ‘I8 of the United States Code, and that such willful false
`statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent issuing thereon.
`the person signing below, aver that
`statement on behalf of the assignee.
`I am empowered to sign this
`Tel. No. 770-933-9500
`Customer No.: 24504
`Docket No. 051327-1083
`Scott A. Héstemeyg. Reg. No. 34,183
`8. RISLEY, L.L.P.
`600 Galleria Parkway, Suite 1500
`Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5948
`Page 2 - Certificate Under 37 C.F.R. §3.73(b)

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`Julie. camp-be ]]
`Curnzs pendent Name:
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`Address Line I:
`600Gal|er'a Parkway
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`Suite 1500
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`Donner, Inc. (“Assignor") hereby assigns its entire right, trio and interest to all of the
`following patents, and pending patent applications to Renaissance Group [F Holdings,
`LLC (“Assignce"):
`US. Patent No. 6,185,590 (“Process and architecture for use on stand-alone machine and
`in distributed computer architecture for client server andlor intranet andfor internet
`operating environments“)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,381 (“Distributed computer architecture and process for virtual
`Any patent application now pending or which is ever pending (and any patents which
`issues as a result of any such application) based in whole or in part from the invention
`disclosure of any of the foregoing patents, which is a continuation, continuation-in-part or
`divisional patent application of any ofthe foregoing patents or any patent applications to
`which any ofthe foregoing patents claim invention priority. If further documentation as
`to the ownership of additional patents or patent applications meeting the foregoing
`description is deemed advisable or necessary by either party, the parties shall cooperate
`with each other reasonably to execute such documentation.
`Said assignment includes all rights of action and damages for present and past
`infiingernent relating thereto, in consideration ofthe sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and
`other valuable and legally sufficient consideration, the receipt of which by the Assignor
`from the Assignee is hereby acknowledged, to have and to hold for the sole and exclusive
`use and benefit ofthe Assignee, its successors and assigns, subject to any pre-existing
`license or encumbrances to such rights, to the full end of the term for the patents
`identified above, subject to the following license, release and covenant not to sue that
`Assignee hereby grants:
`Assignee shall pay all necessary maintenance fees to maintain the patents during their full
`term. In the event that Assignee no. longer wants to maintain the patents, Assignee shall
`assign the patents back to Assignor, providing at least sixty (60) days for Assigncr to pay
`all necessary maintenance fees, without penalty or fees for extension of time, to continue
`the term of the patents.

`IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Assignor and Assignee have executed this
`itle: President
`Donner, Inc. (“Assignol”)
`Title: Managing Member
`Renaissance Group IP Holdings, LLC

`Approved for use through 07i‘31.’2Dt2. OMB 0551-0031
`US Patent and Trademark Otfice; L.l.S. DEPARMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of intormation unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`FY 2009
`Fees ursuiunr to the Consoildatedll re rieflons Act. 2005 H.R. 4815‘ .
`Docket Number (Optional)
`Application Number 12i'32B.104
`Filed 12fCl4f2008
`F°' Distributed Computer Architecture and Process for Document Management
`Art Unit 2625
`Examiner DOV P°P0ViCi
`This is a request under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(3) to extend the period for filing a reply in the above identified
`The requested extension and fee are as follows (check time period desired and enter the appropriate fee below):
`Small Enti Fee
`One month (37 CFR 1.1T(a){1))
`$ 55-09
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`Four months (37 cm 1.1?(a)(4))
`Five months (37 CFR 1.1?{a){5))
`Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27.
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`I am the D applicantlinventor.
`D assignee of record of the entire interest. See 3? CFR 3.71.
`Statement under 37 CFR 3.730)) is enclosed (Form PTOISBIQG).
`attorney or agent of record. Registration Number 34=133
`D attorney or agent under 37 CFR 1.34.
`Re istr
`ion number if acting under 3? CFR 1.34
`Scott A. Horstemeyer
`March 2, 2011
`(770) 933-9500
`Typed or printed name
`Telephone Number
`NOTE: Signatures of all the inventors or assignees or record or the entire interest or their representativeisi are required. Submit multiple forms if more than one
`signature is required. see below.
`El Total of T: forms are submitted.
`This collection of irifonnation is required by 3? CFR 1.136(a). The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.1-1. This collection is estimated to take 6 minutes to
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Offioe, US. Department oi‘ Commerce. P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria. VA 22313-1450 DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
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`Application or Docket Number
`Filing Date
`1 2204/2008 D To be Mailed
`Substitute for Form PTO—875
`Under the Pa
`HATE cs)
`FEE (st
`X L1‘!
`(Column 1)
`(Column 2)
`3TCFRI.16a. b.oI' C
`37CFR1.t6k. I.or mt
`37'CFFt t.16o_ u .or u
`3? CFR t.lGi
`3? CFR 1.16 h
`(37 CFFt1.16(s)}
`minus 20 =
`minus 3 =
`lfthe specification and drawings exceed 100
`sheets of paper, the application size fee due
`is $250 ($125 for small entity) for each
`additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof. See
`35 U.S.C. 41 a‘! G and 37 CFFI 1.16 s.
`' It the difference in column 1
`is less than zero. enter "CI" in column 2.
`(Column 1‘)
`(Column 2)
`-- 20
`(Column 3}
`03."02I'201 1
`I 1 ill
`'37OF|'1' I.l . ht
`FEE ($}
`RATE ($)
`X 5926:
`X 5110:
`FEE ($3
`RATE ($‘i
`><X (II(I1
`Ij Application Size Fee (3? CFR 1 16(5)}
`FEE ($)
`FIATE ($3
`RATE {$l
`FEE ($3
`Total (37 cm
`El Application Size Fee (37 CPR 1.16(sIl
`* It the entry in column 1 is less than the entry in column 2. write "0" in ooiurnn 3.
`“ If the “Highest Number Previously Paid For" IN THIS SPACE is less than 2|], enter "20".
`*““ It the “Highest Number Previously Paid For’ IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, enter “3”.
`The “Highest Number Previously Paid For" (Total or Independent) is the highest number found in the appropriate box in column 1
`This collection of information is required by 37' CFR 1.16. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process} an application. Confidentiality IS governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 3? CFFI 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete. including gathering.
`preparing. and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you
`require to complete this form andror suggestions for reducing this burden. should be sent to the Chief Information Oflicer. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. US.
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`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner tor Patents, PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`if you need assiisiarice in completing the form, call H300-PTO—9t99 and select option 2.
`Legal Instrument Examiner:

`UNIT].-‘D S’l‘A'1'LiS PA’l‘EN'l' AND TRADIJMARK Ol*'l‘lC_fl_*',
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.(). Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgiliiu 223l3—l45[)
`600 G/\I.l.HRlA PARKWAY, SJ-L.
`STE. 1500
`AT] .AN'l‘A, GA F‘-(l339—5‘)94
`Application No.:
`1 2/328,104
`Date Mailed:
`First Named Inventor:
`Klein, Laurence, C.
`Attorney Docket No.:
`Art Unit:
`Confirmation No.;
`Filing Date:
`Please find attached an Office commu nication concerning this application or proceeding.
`PTO-90:: (Fiev.08-06)
`Commissioner for Patents

`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`(37 CFR 1.121)
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`The amendment document filed on 02 March 2011 is considered non-compliant because it has failed to meet the
`requirements of 37 CFR 1.121 or 1.4. In order for the amendment document to be compliant, correction of the following
`item(s) is required.
`|:| 1. Amendments to the specification:
`[I A. Amended paragraph(s) do not include markings.
`D B. New paragraph(s) should not be underlined.
`|:I C. Other
`E 2. Abstract:
`D A. Not presented on a separate sheet. 37 CFR 1.72.
`E B. Other Submit clean version on separate sheet.
`I:| 3. Amendments to the drawings:
`D A. The drawings are not properly identified in the top margin as “Replacement Sheet,” "New Sheet,” or
`“Annotated Sheet” as required by 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`E] B. The practice of submitting proposed drawing correction has been eliminated. Replacement drawings
`showing amended figures, without markings, in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84 are required.
`I:I C. Other
`I:I 4. Amendments to the claims:
`I:I A. A complete listing of all of the claims is not present.
`E] B. The listing of claims does not include the text of all pending claims (including withdrawn claims)
`[I C. Each claim has not been provided with the proper status identifier. and as such, the individual status
`of each claim cannot be identified. Note:
`the status of every claim must be indicated after its claim
`number by using one of the following status identifiers: (Original), (Currently amended), (Canceled),
`(Previously presented), (New), (Not entered), (Withdrawn) and (Withdrawn-currently amended).
`g D. The claims of this amendment paper have not been presented in ascending numerical order.
`E. Other:
`D 5. Other (eg., the amendment is unsigned or not signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.4): For further explanation
`of the amendment format required by 37 CFR 1.121, see MPEP § 714.
`1. Applicant is given no new time period if the non-compliant amendment is an after-tinal amendment or an amendment
`filed after allowance, or a drawing submission (only)
`It applicant wishes to resubmit the non-compliant after-final
`amendment with corrections, the entire corrected amendment must be resubmitted.
`Applicant is given one month, or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer, from the mail date of this notice to supply the
`correction, if the non-compliant amendment is one of the following: a preliminary amendment, a non-final amendment
`(including a submission for a request for continued examination (RCE) under 37 CFR 1.114), a supplemental
`amendment filed within a suspension period under 37 CFR 1.103(a) or (c), and an amendment filed in response to a
`Quayle action. If any of above boxes 1 to 4 are checked, the correction required is only the corrected section of the
`non-compliant amendment in compliance with 37' CFR 1.121.
`Extensions of time are available under 37 CFR 1 .136(a) o_my if the non-compliant amendment is a non-final
`amendment or an amendment filed in response to a Quayie action.
`Failure to timely respond to this notice will result in:
`Abandonment of the application it the non-compliant amendment is a non-final amendment or an amendment
`filed in response to a Quayle action; or
`Non-entry of the amendment if the non—compliant amendment is a preliminary amendment or supplemental
`Legal Instruments Examiner (LIE), if applicable /FLORENCE R. PATTERSON}
`Telephone No: (571)272-0544
`US. Patent and Trademark Olfice
`PTOL-324 (04-06)
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment (37 CFR 1.121)
`Part or Paper No, 201 10303-2

`In Re Application of:
`Confirmation Number: 6370
`Laurence C. Klein
`Group Art Unit: 2625
`Serial No.: 12i‘328,1U4
`Filed: 121042008
`Examiner: Dov Popovici
`Docket No; 051327-1083
`Distributed Computer Architecture and
`Process for Document Management
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria. VA 22313-1450
`The Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment dated March 3, 2011 has been received and
`carefully reviewed.
`In response. Applicant submits the following remarks and includes the abstract
`on a separate page as required in the Notice.
`The non—final Office Action mailed November 4, 2010 has been carefully considered.
`response thereto, please enter the following amendments and consider the following remarks.
`it is not believed that extensions of time or fees for net addition of claims are required, beyond
`those which may otherwise be provided for in documents accompanying this paper. However, in the
`event that additional extensions of time are necessary to allow consideration of this paper, such
`extensions are hereby petitioned under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a), and any fees required therefore
`(including fees for net addition of claims) are hereby authorized to be charged to deposit account no.

`The following is a marked—up version of the specification with the language that is
`underlined (“_") being added and the language that contains strikethrough (“*"} being deleted:
`Page 1. line 3, please replace the paragraph as follows:
`This application claims priority and is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application 10!3T-4,172
`filed on June 24, 2004, now U_S. Patent {-T—-;---] 7 477 410, which claims priority and is a
`continuation of U.S. Patent Application 091438.300, filed November 12, 1999, now U.S_ Patent
`6,771,381 which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application 60l1D8,798, filed November 13,
`1998. all of which are incorporated herein by reference.

`The following is a substitute abstract to replace the originally filed abstract.
`A system andlor method enables atypical PC user to add electronic paper processing to
`their existing business process. The system andfor method extends the notion of copying from a
`messes-that-involves paper passing going through a conventional copier device. to a process that
`involves scanning paper be-i-ng-scanned from a E device and copying the image of
`that paper copied to a remotely-located second device . l-n—its-more
` @ system andior method can optionally copy paper from a @ device at
`one-location directly into a business application residing on a network or on the Internet. or visa
`versa. The system andlor method includes [[is]] software that manages paper so that it can be
`electronically and seamlessly copied in and out of devices and business applications without
`needing to modify said devices or applications.

`A system andlor method enables a typical PC user to add electronic paper processing
`to their existing business process. The system andlor method extends the notion of copying
`from paper passing through a conventional copier, to a process that involves scanning paper
`from a first device and copying the image of that paper to a remotely-located second device.
`The system and/or method can optionally copy paper from a first device directly into a business
`application residing on a network or on the Internet, or visa versa. The system andlor method
`includes software that manages paper so that it can be electronically and seamlessly copied in
`and out of devices and business applications without needing to modify said devices or

`in the Claims
`The following is a marked-up version of the claims with the language that is underlined
`“) being added and the language that contains strikethrough ("—") being deleted:
`Claims 1-2 (Cancelled).
`(Currently Amended)
`computer data management system including at least one of an electronic image, graphics and
`document management system capable of transmitting at least one of an electronic image
`electronic graphics and electronic document to a plurality of external destinations including one
`or more of external devices and applications responsively connectable at least one of locally
`and via the Internet, comprising:
`at least one memopg storing a plurality of interface protocols for interfacing and
`at least one processor responsively connectable to said at least one memogy
`and implementing the plurality of interface protocols as a software application for interfacing
`and communicating with the plurality of external destinations including the one or more of the
`external devices and applications,
`wherein the computer data management system includes
`the integration of at least one image using software so that the image gets seamlessly
`repiicated and transmitted to at least ens-of-other one of said plurality of external destinations
`(Currently Amended)
`-1-. A computer data management system including at least one of an electronic image,
`graphics and document management system capable of transmitting at least one of an
`electronic image, electronic graphics and electronic document to a plurality of external
`destinations including one or more of external devices and applications responsively
`connectable at least one of locally and via the Internet, comprising:

`at least one memopy storing a plurality of interface protocols for interfacing and
`at least one processor responsively connectable to said at least one memogy,
`and implementing the plurality of interface protocols as a software application for interfacing
`and communicating with the plurality of external destinations including the one or more of the
`external devices and applications,
`wherein the computer data management system includes
`integration of one or more electronic images into a destination application without the need to
`modify the destination application.
`(Currently Amended)
`4-. A computer data management system including at least one of an electronic image,
`graphics and document management system capable of transmitting at least one of an
`electronic image electronic graphics and electronic document to a plurality of external
`destinations including one or more of external devices and applications responsively
`connectable at least one of locally and via the Internet, comprising:
`at least one memogg storing a plurality of interface protocols for interfacing and
`at least one processor responsively connectable to said at least one memogy
`and implementing the plurality of interface protocols as a software application for interfacing
`and communicating with the plurality of external destinations including the one or more of the
`external devices and applications,
`wherein the computer data management system includes an interface that enables
`copying images between physical devices a_rtct[[.]] applications,—and—the
`i-nteFnet—using a single "GO" operation.
`(Currently Amended)
`-1-, A computer data management system including at least one of an electronic image,
`graphics and document management system capable of transmitting at least one of an
`electronic image, electronic graphics and electronic document to a plurality of external
`destinations including one or more of external devices and applications responsively
`connectable at least one of locally and via the Internet, comprising:
`at least one memopg storing a plurality of interface protocols for interfacing and

`at least one processor responsively connectable to said at least one memogy,
`and implementing the plurality of interface protocols as a software application for interfacing
`and communicating with the plurality of external destinations including the one or more of the
`external devices and applications,
`wherein the computer data management system includes
`least one of electronic document, data and paper processing means with Q a single
`programming step.
`(Currently Amended)
`4-, A computer data management system including at least one of an electronic image,
`graphics and document management system capable of transmitting at least one of an
`electronic image, electronic graphics and electronic document to a plurality of external
`destinations including one or more of external devices and applications responsively
`connectabie at least one of locally and via the Internet, comprising:
`at least one memo[y storing a plurality of interface protocols for interfacing and
`at least one processor responsively connectable to said at least one memopy
`and implementing the plurality of interface protocols as a software application for interfacing
`and communicating with the plurality of external destinations including the one or more of the
`external devices and applications,
`wherein the software application comprises:
`at least one input module managing data comprising at least one of paper and electronic
`papa: input to the computer data management system, and managing at least one imaging
`device to input the data through at least one of a scanner and a digital copier, and managing
`the electronic igj3_Li'c papal: from at least one third—party software applications;
`at least one output module managing the data output from the computer data
`management system. managing at least one imaging device to output the data to at least one
`of a standard Windows printer, an image printer, and a digital copier, and managing the output
`of the data to the third-party software application;
`at least one process module app

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