`© 1994
`Jacob Tal
`All rights reserved
`No part of this book
`may be reproduced by any means,
`nor transmitted, not translated
`without written permission from the author.
`Galil Motion Control, Inc.
`203 Ravendale Drive
`Mountain View, CA 94043
`4 1 5-967- 1700
`ABB Inc.
`Page 1 of 23
`Page 1 of 23

`The previous chapters dealt with the fundamental questions of how to select
`the right components for the system and how to use them correctly. Special
`emphasis was placed on the subject of system stability, quick response, and
`The second part of the book focuses on programming the motion. Here we
`assume that the control system is indeed stable and that the motor position
`follows the commanded trajectory. The emphasis now is on commanding the
`appropriate trajectory that results in the required motion.
`It was indicated previously that the generation of motion consists of two
`major parts: generating the required profile and following it. The first part of
`the book deals with forcing the motor to follow the required trajectory. The
`second part deals with generating the profile.
`Chapter 10 starts with a description of general programming tools. Chapters
`11 and I2 discuss two special modes of motion: coordinated motion and
`contouring. Chapters 13, 14, and 15 deal with special motion types known as
`electronic gearing, tension control, and dual—loop control.
`The discussion presented here is general in nature and the design methods
`apply to most motion controllers. However, in order to provide specific
`illustrations and examples, we describe the implementation of the motion
`programming with the language used by Galil controllers.
`Page 2 of 23
`Page 2 of 23

`This chapier fiescribes a variety cf metti-an pmgranxnmg £0013. “Phage £0015
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`Indeperzdeni Eviatisn Cammands
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`characterized by the distance? siew Vei0€:ity, and aaseiaratian and
`deceieratimz rates.
`Figure 16.1: Trapezsi(ia1Vei0City Profile
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`Page 3 of 23
`Page 3 of 23

`PR 4000
`Relative distance
`SP 20000
`Speed rate
`AC 200000
`Acceleration rate
`DC 200000
`Deceleration rate
`Start motion of X motor
`The host computer sends the characters indicated by the program
`shown above and the motion starts immediately.
`Another type of simple motion is the jog move. Here the motor is
`motion parameters
`commanded to run indefinitely at a specified speed.
`in this case are limited to the speed, acceleration, and deceleration. These
`parameters can be expressed in units of resolution as illustrated below.
`Example 10.2
`JG 40000
`AC 400000
`Jog speed
`Acceleration rate
`Start X motion
`The generation of more complex moves is described in the following
`Stored Programs
`The instructions for performing the motion can be issued directly from the
`host computer, resulting in an immediate move. This mode, the immediate
`mode, requires the continuous involvement of the host computer. An
`Page 4 of 23

`alternative approach is the use of stored programs that reduce the involvement
`of the host computer.
`In this method the host computer downloads the motion program to the
`controller memory. To start the motion, the host sends a short command,
`such as "Execute Program A." The controller will then receive the
`instructions from its memory without the intervention of the host computer.
`To illustrate the concept, consider the move described in Example 10.1. To
`perform the same move from a stored program, the host modifies the program
`by adding a label. #A, for example, and an end statement. EN. The resulting
`program is as follows:
`Example 10.3
`PR 4000
`SP 20000
`AC 200000
`DC 200000
`Program label
`Start X motion
`End of program
`The host downloads this program to the controller nieinory. where the
`program remains lIl‘dL,‘ll\'C. lo execute the prograni. the host sends the
`Page 5 of 23
`Page 5 of 23

`which causes the controller to execute the program.
`Control Variables
`Variables allow the motion controller to perform certain mathematical
`functions and to make decisions accordingly. This capability increases the
`intelligence of the motion controller and allows it to perform some
`supervisory functions in addition to the simple motion control.
`A variable can be defined as a constant or can be equated to a controller
`parameter. For example, the instruction
`sets the value of the variable V to 3. The instruction
`P = _TPX
`reads the position of the X motor and equates the variable P to that value.
`Variables can be defined in a variety of ways. For example, the instructions
`equates the variable YERROR to the position error of the Y motor.
`Page 6 of 23
`Page 6 of 23

`Once the variable is defined, it can be used in mathematical operations.
`Motion controllers can perform mathematical functions that typically include
`algebraic, trigonometric, and logic operations.
`completed. the controller can use the
`s. For example. the results
`can be used to change the speed, set the distance. or change the filter gain.
`The use of variables is best illustrated by the
`following example.
`7 h
`xample 10.4
`Write a controller~level program that determines the maximum
`acceleration/deceleration rates that the motor can follow. To determine
`command signals. Once the controller output reaches saturation‘ we
`conclude that the maximum acceleration rate is exceeded.
`For a specific program, suppose we command the motor to move a
`distance of l0,000 counts and we increase the accele
`starting value of lU.OO() counts/s3. W
`e conclude that the controller is
`saturated itthe output signal is greater than ‘).8\/’ lor three eoitsectttixe
`ration from the
`Page 7 of 23
`Page 7 of 23

`Figure 10.2: Velocity Profiles with Increasing
`Acceleration/Deceleration Rates
`The resulting velocity profile is shown in Figure 10.2. We start with
`curve (a) and incnease the acceleration/deceleration, leading to curves
`(b) and (c). The flowchart of the program is shown in Figure 10.3.
`And 0000
`DIST-1 0000
` NO
`Figure 10.3: Flowchart for Example 10.4
`Page 8 of23i
`A-A"1 .05
`Page 8 of 23

`The actual program consists of two parts. The first part, #MOVE,
`performs the move repeatedly while increasing the parameter A by 5%
`each time. A is used as both the acceleration and deceleration rate.
`The second program, #TEST, tests for saturation.
`It monitors the
`controller outputs and checks for three consecutive tests where the
`magnitude of the controller output exceeds 9.8V.
`The specific programs are shown below. Note that the test program
`sets the FLAG variable to 1 when saturation is detected. The #MOVE
`program repeats the motion as long as the parameter FLAG is zero.
`The two programs run simultaneously.
`PR 10000
`SP 1000000
`initial value of acceleration
`Run program #TEST in multitasking
`Start motion of X motor
`Wait for end of motion
`lncrease A by 5%
`Wait 1 sec between moves
`WT 1000
`JP#LOOP1, FLAG = 0 Repeat if not saturated
`Restore previous value
`Report A value
`End program
`in ltl
`Page 9 of 23
`Page 9 of 23

`FLAG == 0
`N = 0
`JP#TEST, M<9.8
`N = N+1
`J P#LOOP2, N<3
`FLAG = 1
`Initial value
`Initial count
`Magnitude of output
`Start if not saturated
`Count upif saturated
`Repeat test 3 times
`Set FLAG to 1
`End test
`Input/Output Interface
`Motion controllers can read some input signals, both digital and analog, and
`can generate some digital output signals. This enables motion controllers to
`control a complete process rather than be limited to the motion control
`Inputsignals, both digital and analog, can be read by.the controller and their
`values can be stored in control variables. These variables can be used later in
`motion programs. The reading ofdigital inputs can be performed with the
`DIGITAL = @ M21
`whichreads thedigital input#2and storesits content, 0or 1, inthevariable
`DIGITAL. Analog signals are similarly read with the instmction
`ANALOG -.- @ AN[3]
`The generation of digital output signals is performed by setting or clearing a
`bit with the instmctions
` Page 10 of 23
`Page 10 of 23

`which sets and clears output bit #3.
`The interface with the inputs and the generation of the output signals allow
`the controller to perform complete process control without a host computer
`intervention. This is illustrated by the following example.
`Example 10.5
`Design a control system that controls the velocity of an XY table
`acording to the analog voltages generated by an XY joystick. The
`polarity and the magnitude of the motor velocities are determined by
`the corresponding potentiometer voltage.
`Suppose, for example, that the requiredspeed is l0,000 counts/s for
`every volt of input signal. The resulting program reduces to reading
`the voltage of the two analog input signals, multiplying both results by
`10,000, and adjusting the speeds of the X and Y motors accordingly:
`The program flowchart is given in Figure 10.4 and the instructions are
`shown below.
`AC 100000100000
`DC 100000100000
`JG 0,0
`VX = @ AN [1]*10000
`Acceleration rates
`Deceleration rates
`Set in jog mode
`Start motion
`Compute X velocity
`Page 11 of 23
`Page 11 of 23

`W = @ AN [2]*1000O
`Compute Y velocity
`Update velocity
`Repeat the process
`BY 1 0,000
`Figure 10.4: Flowchart for Example 10.5
`Reading the analog input signals is beneficial in force control systems
`because the force feedback is analog. To illustrate this process, consider the
`following example.
`Example 10.6
`Drive the X motor against a slowly moving target and maintain a
`constant force between the two elements. The Contact force is
`Page 12 of 23
`Page 12 of 23

`measured by a load cell whose output is applied to analog input #1.
`Assume that the
`foroelevel corresponds to a signal level of SV
`and that forward motion increases the tension between the two
`The simpiest control procedure is to run the motor in the jog mode
`where the motor nmstcontinuously at a specified speed. The controller
`leads the analog signal to detezmine the force level and sets the speed
`of the motor in proportions wifla the error in the force level. The
`flowchart is shown in Figure 10.5. The program is shown below.
`DRIVE Xlfitkoton IN .163
`. Moosewnwa-zsno INITIAL
` Rem meamnoe sremn
`NEW.8PEf='D-=1°O'ER -
`_ Figure 10.5; Flowchart for Example 10.6
`_Page 13 of23
`Page 13 of 23

`AC 100000
`DC 100000
`JG 0
`ER = 5 — @AN [1]
`VEL = ER*100
`Acceleration rate
`Deceleration rate
`Set jog mode
`Start motion
`Measure error in force level
`Set velocity
`Update velocity
`Repeat the process
`Motion control programs often include several functions. These fimctions are
`scheduled by delaying the execution of each fimction until a ceitain condition
`occurs. These conditions are called tiippoints.
`For example, the "after distance" (AD) trippoint delays the execution of a
`function until after the motor moves a certain distance. Similarly, the
`execution of a function may be delayed until a move has been completed
`(AM), an input signal changes states (Al), or by a pure time delay (WT).
`The following example illustrates the use of tiippoints in executing a motion
`Consider the motion cycle illustrated by Figure 10.6. A forward
`Example 19.7
`motion of 10,000 counts must start upon a start pulse on input #1. The
`Page 14 of23 fl
`Page 14 of 23

`initial velocity, acceleration, and deceleration rates equal 20,000,
`100,000, and 100,000 respectively.
`I I I I I I I
`I I I I V
`Figure 10.6: Motion Cycle of Example 10.7
`After the motor has moved a distance of 6000 counts, the controller
`starts a deceleration toward a speed of 10,000 counts/s. That speed is
`maintained for the rest of the move. Upon completion of the motion,
`the controller waits 100 ms before returning the motor to the starting
`position, at a speed of 20,000 counts/s. Once there, the controller is
`ready to repeat the cycle.
`Notice that the scheduling of the various functions requires the use of
`trippoints. The start of the motion is delayed by the trippoint All.
`When the motion starts, the velocity change is scheduled with the
`Page 15 of 23
`Page 15 of 23

`trippoint AD 6000. The controller must then wait until the completion
`of the move (AMX) and adds a pure delay of 100 ms (WT 100) before
`returning the motor to the starting position. The resulting flowchart is
`shown in Figure 10.7, and the Instruction Program follows.
` DlSTANCE=1 0000
`WAIT 100 ms
`MOVE BACK 10000
`AT SPEED 20000
`Figure 10.7: Flowchart for Example 10.7
`PR 10000
`SP 20000
`AC 100000
`Initial speed
`Acceleration rate
`Page l6of23 A E
`Page 16 of 23

`DC 100000
`AD 6000
`SP 10000
`WT 100
`PR -10000
`SP 20000
`Deceieration rate
`Wait for start pulse
`Start motion
`Wait until X moves 6000 counts
`Change the speed
`Wait for completion of move
`Wait 100 ms
`Reverse motion
`Return speed
`Start motion
`Wait for end of motion
`Repeat the cycle
`Arrays are structured memories where data can be stored and retrieved in a
`certain order. They are useful for storing sequences of position points or
`output signals.
`An array is characterized by a name and a size. Each element in the array is
`identified by its index. For example, the array XPOS may have a size of 100
`units. As a consequence, each point is identified as XPOS [N] where N
`varies between 0 and 99.
`To store data in the array, we use an instruction such as
`XPOS [5] = _TPX
`which reads the current position of the X axis and stones the value in the
`array. The value of the position may be retrieved later with instructions of the
`Page 17 of 23
`Page 17 of 23

`X = XPOS [5]
`which transfers the position value tothe variable X.
`The use of arrays is illustratedby the folloiiving example.
`Exam gle 10.8
`The controller is required to movean
`characterized by their
`the controller reaches
`are stored in the arrays
`the specified point, it must
`resumingthe motion. The waiting time milliseconds is stored in the
`may WAIT.
`The program is described in two parts.
`defines the arrays. The second part, RUN, performs the moves
`according to the requirements. The flowchart is given in Figure 10.8
`and the programs follow.
`One of the main uses of the
`is for recording motion as described in the
`following section.
`Page 18 of 23
`Page 18 of 23

`Figure 10.8: Flowchart for Example 10.8
`Define arrays
`Set values
`Page 19 of 23
`Page 19 of 23

`YPOS [1] = 20
`YPOS (21: 153
`YPOS [3] = 200
`WAlT [0] = 50
`WAIT [I] = 100
`WAIT [2] = 60
`WAIT [3] = 120
`End of program
`AC 200000,200000
`oc 2ooooo,2ooooo
`SP 50000,50000
`N = 0
`N = N+1
`Initial count .
`Specify final position L
`Start motion
`Wait for completion
`Wait specified time interval
`Increment index
`Repeat fourtimes
`End of program
`Controllers may record motion data at a fixed rate and store the data in an
`array. This data can be used later to duplicate the motion or to analyze it.
`The recording process includes several steps. First the army where the data
`are stored must be specified, and later the type of data, such as position,
`position error, etc., must be defined before the actual recording is
`Page 20 of 23
`Page 20 of 23

`accomplished at a specified rate. The process is illustrated by the following
`Example 10.9
`Write a program that records the position error of the Y axis every 16
`ms, a total of 100 times, and stores the results in the array YERROR.
`The actual recording is done with the instruction RC that has two
`the first parameter, n, defines the recording time interval
`as 2“ ms. In the given example, 11 = 4 results in 16 ms intervals. The
`second parameter sets the number of the recorded points.
`RA YERROR [100]
`RC 4,100
`Storage array
`Data type
`Actual recording
`The following example illustrates how recorded data can be used for analysis.
`Example ;0.10
`Use the position error data collected in Example 10.9 to perform a
`statistical analysis on the positions error of Y. Determine the maximum
`and minimum values as well as the root mean square value. The
`following program performs the required tasks and stores the results
`under the variables MAX, MIN, and RMS. The program flowchart is
`shown in Figure 10.9.
`Page 21 of 23
`Page 21 of 23

` 2
`LL MN-o SUM-0
`Figure 10.9: Flowchart for Example 10.10
`N == 0
`MAX == 0
`MIN = 0
`SUM a O
`Initiaf values
`Read position error
`Page 22 of 23
`Page 22 of 23

`MAX = E
`JP#M|N, E >M|N
`MIN = E
`N = N+1
`MEAN = SUM/100
`Compare with MAX
`Redefine MAX
`Compare with MIN
`Redefine MIN
`Compute sum of squares
`Increment Index
`Repeat 100 times
`Mean square
`Root mean square
`End of program
`The programming tools described above are used to generate motion
`programs as shown in the following chapters.
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`Page 23 of 23

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