`Civil Action Nos. 10-389-LPS
`Motorola PX 1019b_1

`Portions of Intrinsic Record Relied Upon by Defendants
`Motorola PX 1019b_2

`JUNE 8, 2001
`Motorola PX 1019b_3

`Substitute for Form 1449/PTO
`(use as many sheets as necessary)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor:
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`Complete if Known
`June 8,2001
`Quoe A. Tran
`005207 .POO 1XD
`No 1
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of the
`item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc.), date, page(s), volume-issue
`number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published
`Combined Printout of HTML Help Files for Opera 3.60 (HTML pages printed to PDF docs
`and combined), Available on May 12, 1999.
`Screenshots compilations of Web pages using Opera 3.60, including:
` - May 1, 1999
` - May 8, 1999
` - May 8, 1999
` - April 22, 1999
` - April 17, 1999
` - April 27, 1999
` - May 5, 1999
` - May 8, 1999
`/Quoc Trani
`~Examiner: Ini1ial if reference considered, whe1her or n01 ci1a1ion is in conformance wi1h MPEP 609. Draw line 1hrou~h ci1a1ion if n01 in conformance and n01 considered. Include
`copy of 1his form wi1h nex1 communica1ion 10 applicant 1Applican1's unique ci1a1ion designa1ion number (op1ional). Applican1 is 10 place a check mark here if English 1ransla1ion
`is a11ached.
`Motorola PX 1019b_4

` - May 1, 1999
`The following screenshots are of the page:
`This corresponds to the www.altavista,com search page on May 1, 1999 1
`, as served by the
`Wayback Machine Internet Archive site. 2
`Machine: Hewlett Packard Brio; Intel Pentium' II, 160MB RAM
`OS: Windows 2000 Professional
`Note some duplicates are not shown. f-:Jt(;.~l~_
`• denotes when site was updated.
`Material typically becomes available here 6 months after collection. ~
`. .
`. . . .. .
`. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ . . . .
`. . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`.... .
`1 The May 02, 1999 page was not available
`21t is noted the Wayback Machine augments the Web page source definition by adding some Javascript at the end of
`the source document - it does not appear the Javascript alters the appearance of the page.
`Motorola PX 1019b_5

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 100%
`F H g (~. 12
`AV Family FIIiOI - AV Photu & Madia Fillder· All Tools &. Gad98\S
`OnlinR Shopping. P,V Finar,ctJ- Health· Industrial Communities - Careara
`Map2. People Finder· Travel· Usenai • Yaila'N Pages. Entertainment
`................................................. -...... -_ .... -........................................................ -......................................................... -............................ __ .
` & FIrHlnC8
`Cumputers & Internet
`ttealfh & FttnA65
`H'Jbbi~ & Intcr~~ts
`Home" Family
`Media & Amusornenw
`People & C.h~1
`Reference & Education
`Shopping & Services
`SOd81y & Potitics
`SportS & Recreation
`Travul & Va';iltiolls
`NATO Blasts Belgrade Horder Than E,vr
`NJ~A Heads for ShuwdIM'I'l
`Copyca1H Thre~tan Schools
`Bomn Strikes l ondan AGain
`'<"'6"eis'pii"e ·f.j~ws ~'·;PU$·hj·~;g 'Ti~:'F!i~'s'"
`Tr;velerE Pay Ex1ra Cred~ Card Fees
`Win 3 Weekend Gr:t(;W~Y
`AIiN'stR Acids Rol"".nl Paid Links
`··G~ti~·i~r;l~i·Exiiioriii 5:· Err:ili(···
`AliaViEta Discovery 1. t
`Video Search Demo· Free Phot,) Albums
`AV TrOlr,sla1ion Services' Asian Langu.ges
`Make Us '(our Homepage
`Prints, iJos1els &. CCirds
`AJ1iJ\rrrta H~m~ i I-ielp! fudb.a~ I Advtarti$i~g lrofo ! Se!Y(llJf ?1~1err.W('lei! Taxl-OnlyVlir.oiQr'I
`COMPAQ: Ducl.imer: Pf!~.AC:}" I Our Sur~h N .. ~1k ~Ab,utAlt .. Vi$l. :Acd. P4QO
`~ .. ~:::;.~:.~~: :~. ~.},.~~~~.~::J.,~~ ...
`Buv. sell, coilect at
`Lowest MULIC ~.
`Movie prices on the
`Tasty Gifts For
`Mom (rom Hickory
`Fin,j yc,lJr matA:
`Motorola PX 1019b_6

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 60%
`.--.-.-.--.- ...... -.--.-j\i;.,~~- .... -... ----- •.••... -•. ~
`. ___ ~~:c:~~ _____ ~;:-!~!i~~~!;~:-;~!:~~?!~~~~w~r.: ___ _
`1t"Frmll~·RIi40;-,(.I PlIO~iaM;O!i RMtl'-AVTQYII ,,~V
`oAlput'tnIi. h'ttlftiot
`1'1.'IiII_ Ii Mlr.ll~;
`N~I ~';'~If\''''l.c~y.
`. '~~~oH~:i~t~=n;iY'ai aiR","'
`copp* h~:n.$lCfIOOt:
`lkt:paf,,",'~'UI'9n't: .. ,
`,~"I nllmllar*lrnrll-i!'lIrzll
`C::s!;-:~I_~r.t P~P.blMS
`A"Tl<lwDl~'It~:Ub>3 -Altu I .. !}~n
`~ __ :_II_!-'--I~'jaO"'--,'-~-­
`w""' ..... ~c-... ~Plnq'lw"'-"_ .. !' __ .lnftIGI.I .... PO
`.... ~tlllll7.b&
`'fr.:Al'ittoojr ... &!
`FllCJIP'I • • '
`Motorola PX 1019b_7

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 50%
`Puge 14
`N ..... l..,...1II,J,."IJ.\. .. ·s.,,~,
`.~.~ ............ ::~~-;-.;-.~ ... .
`Motorola PX 1019b_8

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 40%
`' .... tll'U'f,.'lW'
`Motorola PX 1019b_9

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 30%
`Motorola PX 1019b_10

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 20%
`Motorola PX 1019b_11

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 150%
`AV Family Filter - AV Photo & Media Finder - AV Tools & Gadgets
`Online Shopping - AV Finance - Health -Industrial Communities - Careers
`Maps - People Finder - Travel- Usenet - Yellow Pages - Entertainment
`Business & Finance
`computers & Internet
`Health & Fitness
`Hobbies & Interests
`Home & Family
`Media & Amusements
`People & Chat
`Reference & Education
`Shopping & Services
`Society & Politics
`Sports & Recreation
`Travel & Vacations
`NATO Blasts Belgrade Harder Than Ever
`NRA Heads for Showdown
`Copycats Threaten Schools
`Bomb Sttikes London Again
`. ······D·~·~·p·~·;···Fy~~~···~·P·~~·h·i~g··~fi~i···Fri;~ ......................... .
`Travelers Pay Extra Credit Card Fees
`Win a Weekend Getaway
`AltaVista Adds Relevant Psjd Links
`G~t Intemet Explorer 5 - Email
`AltaVista Discovery 1.1
`Video Search Demo - Free Photo Albums
`AV Transls.tion Services -Asian Languages
`Make Us Your Homepage
`Prints, Posters 8. Cards
`~.~.~:.~.~~:~~.::.~~:~ ... ~~r~:::~.~.~.~.~~~.~~ ...... .
`Buy, sell, collect at
`Lowest MuZic &
`Movie prices on the
`Tasty Gifts For Mom
`from HickolY Falmsl
`webpersonals .com
`Find your mate I
`Motorola PX 1019b_12

`Pagz~ 19
`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 240%
`AV Family Filter - AV Photo & Media Finder - AV Tools & Gad:
`Online Shopping - AV Finance - Health - Industrial Communities·
`Maps - People Finder - Travel - Usenet - Yellow Pages - Entertai.:
`Business & Finance
`NATO Blasts Belgrade Harder Than Ever
`NRA Heads for Showdown
`Copycats Threaten Schools
`Motorola PX 1019b_13

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 300%
`) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .
`. AltaVista
`AV Family Filter - AV Photo & M
`Tools & Gadgets
`Online Shopping - AV Finance - H
`Communities - Careers
`:.. Pea Ie Finder - Travel - Us
`Motorola PX 1019b_14

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 370%
`- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
`Motorola PX 1019b_15

`Browser: Internet Explorer 6
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 100% (as rendered)
`This screenshot is provided for comparison purposes
`HOme &F!lmily
`Media &. ArnY5!!rnenl!!
`Reference & Edycation
`Shoppjng m Services
`Society & Pulitics
`Tr1lllRI Ii Vacstipns
`.. ~: P"P~~ ;;:ia.\~,;· :fi·Ushi;;~:ji·ti>F·ir~:~· ,', . ,', ....
`~. Travelsrs Pay Extra Crecit Card F BBS
`.. Win " Weekend G.'iiwa.
`frt' M?Vi$fa A.rld*, Releyant paid [ loks
`. ~i;,:dllj!lt!i!lthjitcir~jj: : . ~L~~ij' .. "
`::M~Q..ii.~NQLCte.lllil. - E[e~bQ).ll.l~ll!.U1L~
`"''LJj1lli§l.fu!rc~~rvJt~ - ~.ll.!L"m:tg!!.!!.g~~
`tdll.k~_!l • ..Y.Ql!rJ::j.lliJ1§p~9~
`pnnls ppshmj &, Cards
`:;~,.)"t.~·~:,: ~·;~.\~~.'\v:~
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`i'Hfli\Y. ..
`Lowesl t.,·luZic 8:
`rf19vje priCp.c on tbe
`w§bper~QQ;ilJ.:: cQm
`Find your malei
`~_Q.~E:..~q i Q.!;;_~l'!L'tl i fL'.!i,!l!!l': I Q£L§~~!L~lif : ~~Bl!.<!Jtl~~ i :8.!J.!L~J~.~~
`Motorola PX 1019b_16

`Browser: Firefox 2.0
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 100% (as rendered)
`This screenshot is provided for compan'son purposes
`§'} Click Here
`'’'m“ '5‘
`Av Famlty rum, mm. a. Media Finder - A\/Tools 3. Gadgets
`Dnhns Shnpaim: - AV Finam:a- Health ~ industrial Commumzias - Careers
`’_~1an,s. - E§.3fi.lE.E‘.'l§§,' - ILs_rv.eJ- 952091 - 1§1Luw Ema - Emsrtainmtzns
`NEWS “Y"BC"?'!“S
`cuck Here
`Buslness In Finance
`!-I-Mm.-a!Ii_I=« & '"‘|"'L‘.'!
`Nnnlfll 8 Ffinans
`Hnlpbles is lnlnnests
`r.Buv sfll
`f-ELrLnwas| Muliz: ez.
`ha: Gm, Fm
`r«ebgeIso'1a|= cum
`Home an Family
`Midi! E Aznunnmnnfn
`V 1-
`_ nternel EXQIOIEI
`N‘.aVI5la Discover} L1
`..___._.__._ ,_._..,._.____
`man Ssarch Damn - Frse Phuln Albums
`Refer-ence 8. Education
`Suclgg Z. I'DIiUG
`Sgurls «I Reneadnn
`Travsl & Vacation:
`g]-_\nmgrhn\ xLgfl|_pig|gg am; n..-may mmF::lmw.'Ims}Yp Du} v-.
`ccmpm zn
`:mII|lL1V/151-I man a P. E
`Motorola PX 1019b_17

`CNET .com - May 8, 1999
`The following screenshots are of the page:
`This corresponds to the www.cnct.conlpage on May 8, 1999\ as served by the Wayback
`Machine Internet Archive site?
`The first set of screenshots is at a resolution of 1280 x 800. The second set is at a resolution of
`800 x 600.
`Machine: Hewlett Packard Brio; Intel Pentium II, 160MB RAM
`as: Windows 2000 Professional
`intarnsl .A.rChi'/8 I Tarrrs of Use I Pri~lacy Policy
`1 May 4, 1999 date on Wayback Machine is incorrect - selection of this link returns the May 8, 1999 page.
`21t is noted the Wayback Machine augments the Web page source definition by adding some Javascript at the end of
`the source document - it does not appear the J avascript alters the appearance of the page.
`Motorola PX 1019b_18

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 100%
`r ~:.{ ! r ..... jjroa;n~;;a~~;·
`.. ii·p;-i~; ih-~ ~;i;';':/;~;9- w~i; ~-di-t;r--
`!" ·Giii;·! r···· ·t3i~s·iQr·lirad~····
`" .•. _______ .•. '
`: rutlds :: ____
`fhe ullima!6 6Jyir.g GUide for grads
`(Jt~klop$. Mt"..fTIc':y. Morjor~. )ofr.HolIe •.•
`News & Investing
`'(ht.: Net. IrlW:'iit(. E IIlerpri;e Con~;I,;\1lg ..
`Web Building
`Al,.Ith'Jring. ?I09felf,l"'w-t;t. Gr~pr.ic:i .. ,
`Tech Jobs
`Jc.b Seatc.hAQent. Find a.Job, Pos~ aJeb..
`H<;}'ldt~Id;;:. CI,Jlrxul~n;c.:~itlr:~. D:!J~al C';cIK.1~ ...
`M{lr~ pl}Ptl!~ TI}I':Cl;
`J...ntlljll1!S Utilitip,,;l. fm!;nt) Tr~~~l SF.=MCP.S· Y:?K· QIJ[tKe· 81arCran· T,1mb Raider. Hai~-l.if~· H;:ndhe~ds· RefE-f&n.:& ~:;oftwarA. Uiilr.y Snfiw~re. AU topics
`f ·D;~~·ai ! ! ... ·Dig;iaiiii;~ ·i~~i~';;I····:
`i film
`:.f~ .• tiy;l!.:! .......................... .
`Will (ligita: wid .. ,; I>~plo(,~ rr:m?
`l~~~<! i······O~ii,;s·iun·~s·······:
`Dt)wnhj~d in .. , h}P N .. ,t ;:NdIC' F,!o)r~~r~
`The wecl-::n rCvl";-\v: AT&T
`· ... ins bid~in9 ... ~r, Micro.oft
`MCI1n .. 'r'-:~ Day ~Irder~
`~vs""helm Ne, fio,i,ls
`HhoO readyir,g ';'1eo r~dlO
`Locallelco Focal flies for
`Merced ~ets lis 0' .... 11 venture
`MOle ClifT 1Iewl;
`~~~~~1" .:.::
`Whal's your favonle streaming
`Nel audio player?
`(" RealPlayer Plus
`(" Windows Media Player
`(. Spinner Plus
`(' MP3Spy
`COon' h.1o'9 one
`Motorola PX 1019b_19

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 100%
`D~k:op~. NQtf!.blJok~. MN'IiI:r.Js ..
`D~tl.:op~. ~crr.I)'1I. MClnilol3. s.;r~\L(iI~~ ..
`News & Investing
`The N~L I"vc:$tt~". Eot~I;'fi:\.:~ U.llnpl,.l~(IU, ..
`Web Building
`Al.lthoriog, PICt~gri:rr~ GI.;.phic5 ...
`Tech Jobs
`JC'b ~l!AI'dl.';AJ~r,t. Fine 9 .Ioc,. r·a.!:~ II Joo.
`Ir~Clnot [)r''''''. M',I~odid ~ ve>lgO ...
`H~~It!hekh:. COOlIlll,..lrt:o.;atior,:s. :):~~:t! COflIt:l<!4 ..
`BIC'me~S'.A~~.u & 8.;d'lC;,.o,.id.i1. Email. Chat.,
`N~'''''J:. Ae-Mr,vl., SrlAoW r-!!~.s. H.sOlliN8
`Mo:'l~ f'0p;j!ar Top',:8
`,Ar,tivirIJR Utililias· On::rl~ TrR ..... )1 SErrViI;6:H. Y)K. Oll~kfl • SlarCn~f. .. Tr.mb R~jd9r· Ha:~lifEt. H:i:ndhp.:rIB. Refp.nmr:1oi! Snf!w,;Jm .l!tilit~ ... SoftVl~rR. AU tnpir!$i:
`rc;~ii~-~l r·----·O~ii~e-t~~~;·--·--·~
`D~nd(J:~d lilB 10:J Net a~JljjG pij{yf!IH
`l~~~f~:::l r ... Dig;iai~I~:j~st;~~I···J
`Will digit.: vide" ,""I"". ti:m'?
`Safety First
`We review affordable home·security gadgets. Get the scoop on alarms, video
`sUlVeillance equipment, and more,
`Windows 2000: Final Beta
`We got our hands on the final beta olWindows 2COJ. Find out what's in stOte for the
`as forme~y known as Windows NT 5.0.
`Online Tunes
`Listen to Net broadcasts in style with the best streaming Net audio player. We
`review the four top players.
`So Many Superfloppies
`Outgrown your floppy drive? We've tested two lS-120 dr;,es and a myriad of Zip
`drives. Find out which scored best
`Mer~ed ~ets Its O'j,m \ienture
`More ClifT lIews
`A:DY.RTlS·£:J,I·C N:T
`~F~ .
`..;.;.:..: ... ..:..:..: .. : .... .:.:..: ......... .:..: .. :.;.:.;..;.; .........
`What's your lavorit8 streaming
`Net audio player?
`(~ RealPlayer Plus
`(~ Windows Media Player
`{~ Spinner Plus
`{~ MP3Spy
`{~ Don' have one
`Motorola PX 1019b_20

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 50%
`Derltl~, ~otEl)O(l~~. Stor.:q:o:, MCII'1itt:ll:]
`r;C!wl~. i'o'tefljllfll, MClfyi<u'J. $I;l/:......ate: •.•
`NP\II .... r..lrNp~.r.o
`1 Nrt N~, Ir'tv~.lh)f, F.r'tb"-.... ;lnM Cmflput'!ltl .
`' ... ¢ P.aJilding
`,..\vtho(inQ. P1t'UlilC"I),:,<ng. G,~~,h~, ..
`r,cr. Job:f
`.lob S"~rd, . .\,gertt, Firad!i Job, POtt a.kb ..
`O~If:JCltKKJ Syrtmns. Ut~iOO1.l;ri:.\rtc ..
`ir~Cln~l. r),r/~r •. M'..Ii~lr1cdid ~ V f.~'"
`HNII~1:I~. r;onlh"llJr,:,~oIioN-. :);gi~1 fH.M'!I~ "
`BI'~~I~. t~~:t~i ~ 8~tll!"""S~I. EIlI~~. Chllt ...
`NEc'r-.~, Rri:\'i6Wl;, Srltlak p~~::, Hbld~l!I ..
`• SilO"""
`!~~!:.;!.--...... ,~ ... -----..... --.--
`:-!~~~!:!~~~;!I~ .. ~~_., ... -.1 __ ..... , .... cn ....... .-._III_'" u
`~~i~·~~ ...... _.,._-...,._ ....... , __ ' .. , ....... t,
`:!~~,:;:-~;~~-.. ,....--.~ .. :..-.,-... ----.
`Motorola PX 1019b_21

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 30%
`~i-'1rl .... NMObcl:-ak~, St.:'.!1{J1!:. M,Wlll:t.
`Rfr..~~ ~~elflQl"f. Mcn~ors. $otlw.-Jle ...
`J.:ie.J:I~~ IroVe<lor. ErleQ"ile COO4lt:!il'>;l •.
`fi.;Jlll~(1tl. PI~!JI~lnnling, r:(~~hj~~ ..
`Job S~.:lcl-I,.'\~enl. Find e J~b. PCi~t 3 Job. ..
`u{~~ S.i't'ti')tn~.lJtillb~t, Gr~NII~ ..
`~t DlrlC"4~. MIA;~ia ~ vegigo ...
`~JlII>el:II. CO~dooricolior". D;O'IIli f.~"".,,,,
`~~~;';.A~t.:~S~ & 8~lljwi~i.h. Enl.'iil. rJlijt. ..
`N e'I"~. Rev~l. Sr,~ak Peeks. H~;dwgre ...
`(>(",.,,; .. ;...,-:
`Cop)'!i_h' 6>1995-1999 CNET • Inc. All riglIs r.served. F'!ivac,' potioy
`Motorola PX 1019b_22

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 150%
`r··Ea~Y···i i ......... Dr~ar;;w_e·ave~··········
`i Web ii
`L~~i~~!~~l ! ....................................... .
`Tips for the Wysiwyg Web editor
`O;)sk1npR. Mt:tl~·h)ry'. M'Xlitl")ra. SOft\Y1'lrol
`News & Investing
`rha Nat IIr ... '9 ~tor. En1erprise Computing ...
`r··ii~···i :·········Gitt;;·f~~·g;a·ds·
`l.~;~.~ ... l .......................................... ;
`The ultimate Buying Guide for grads
`(JpC-IltiIINj S~;.Hm$. Utili1j9S. urtlphit:s .
`l-Iar,dh9:OS. Cornmun!ce.tlons. Dig!te.1 Ci:I.rneras ...
`The week: in review: AT 8. T
`wins bidding vJar, Microsoft
`Mother's Day orders
`overwhelm Net florists
`Yahco readying Wab radio
`Local talco Focal filas fl1r
`Merced gets its own venture
`More CNET News
`Motorola PX 1019b_23

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 150%
`More Popular Toplc~ •
`.Antivirus Utilities· Online Travel Services· Y2K· Quake· StEliCraft· Tomb R8.ider· Half· Life • Handhelds •
`Reference Software • Utility Soft\Nare • All topics
`[~:I [~~:~::~::'~.~J
`Download the top Net audio players
`Safety First
`We review affordable home-security gadgets. Get
`the scoop on alarms, video surveillance
`equipment, and more.
`Windows 2000: Final Beta
`We got our hands on the final beta of Windows
`2000. Find out what's in store for the as formerly
`known as Windows NT 5.0.
`Online Tunes
`Listen to Net broadcasts in style with the best
`streaming Net audio player. We review the four top
`50 Many 5uperfloppies
`Outgrown your floppy drive? We've tested two
`LS-120 drives and a myriad of Zip drives. Find out
`which scored best.
`What's your favorite streaming
`Net audio player?
`C· RealPlayer Plus
`C Windows Media Player
`C:. Spinner Plus
`(' MP3Spy
`(' Don't have one
`Backio Top
`CCllly.i':lhl ~1995-1999 CNET. Inc. All rights reserved. PriVl'lcy po:ir.y
`Motorola PX 1019b_24

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 200%
`Fuge 18
`!~.p .. T.~~h News
`1 eN:)::"l' 1
`1 ......... ~ ... :.:~ •......• 1
`The week in revii:iW: AT&T
`wins bidding war, Microsoft
`Mother's Day orders
`overlrvhelm Net florists
`Yahoo readying VVeb radio
`Local telco Focal files for
`Motorola PX 1019b_25

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
`Zoom: 400%
`.A,ccess &
`J En-lail J Chat. ..
`vie\,vs .. Sneak
`rdvy'are ...
`Motorola PX 1019b_26

`Browser: Internet Explorer 6
`Resolution: 1280x 1024
`Zoom: 100% (as rendered)
`This screenshot is provided for comparison purposes
`<>l~~t·~)>l~i!t· .• ~~~~j,~? ·:·~~.:.··:~~~~4~~~: .• ;·.~#~~~:·;.:~~t~Jf;!;~l,Li.~·:
`.~g:h.~. !':!!!h~tll'J9~. ~tQ!'.1...'l.~,.t!'!...QJ2!Q~ ..
`.Qz!;lm. hI~lUl.'l\!.ItID!.IJj.ito{J~iilf~ ...
`.rt~K<:!.loml21 .. l;;wWJlfl'~);_'l.I!/?'.d!m·.
`Tech Jobs
`jiJ)<'-i,cf:ilwd.~.~ ..
`~ll!!'.!~Ijtl!l.Sy~o!i. !:..!.~~il!.-1.lJ.!rot&~·
`JG!;I:lIl\:!.Qti~liI.t.l:lo.jlJlJKIIiat.QZ"Iru .. ·
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`drives: Find ·oul. wh(ch scorell besl:
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`Motorola PX 1019b_28

`Browser: Firefox 2.0
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
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`Wha!'s your fa¥orile slreaming
`Net audio pl.~er?
`,- Re.IPI.~er Plus
`r:. Windows Media Player
`(~ Spinner Plus
`;'. MP3Spy
`('. DonI have one
`Motorola PX 1019b_29

`Browser: Firefox 2.0
`Resolution: 1280 x 1024
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`Safety First
`',!I&r!li,ieW:affordabla:hpml!-securily gadgels. Gijt Ihe .• coQPon~larms, ~id!lO
`~urveIUar:ce gg·ui~rnent,: aM more.·
`'lMndowS zomk FlmlJ Beta
`','\Ie::991 o\whaMs.o~tne .fihaJ :bela·of)Vindol'ls·;;>f(JP:fihd Q'l)Wh.fsin .store (0'
`the OS iiJtin~riyknlj~~sW>liiliJ;';"~NT5jj
`Onlin.e Tunes
`Ustan 10 Nef witlllhBbeSI.?lreaming NeliljJQio playar, We
`review fhefilurioppia}<ef$·
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`so. Many·SiJpeJ'flopp!es
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`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 800 x 600
`Zoom: 100%
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`!.~.p. .. T~~ll News
`L. .. S:~.~·T .. .!
`ThE? vy'eel~ m tevie\N ;~.T&T
`'vvins bidding war, i\o'licmsof!
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`Local talco Focal files for
`Motorola PX 1019b_31

`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 800 x 600
`Zoom: 100%
`Safety First
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`Windows 2000: FinaJ Beta
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`Browser: Opera 3.60
`Resolution: 800 x 600
`Zoom: 50%
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`Browser: Opera 3.60
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`Zoom: 30%
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`.Qi?~J.a~ng SJ;stem~, Utilitie:s, Graphics ...
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`Browser: Opera 3.60
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`Zoom: 200%
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`Browser: Opera 3.60
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`Zoom: 400%
`Antivirus Utilities ·
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`, " ' , ' ','::.: ............ " , " .
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`Browser: Internet Explorer 6
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`Browser: Internet Explorer 6
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`Zoom: 100% (as rendered)
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`p ;..~ g {~ 121
`Otlline Tu.nes
`ListeJitb Nethroadcas1s in style with the
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`Browser: Firefox 2.0
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` - May 8, 1999
`The following screenshots are of the page:
`This corresponds to the search page on May 8, 1999, as served by the Wayback
`Machine Internet Archive site. l
`Machine: Hewlett Packard Brio; Intel Pentium II, 160MB RAM
`OS: Windows 2000 Professional
`lit is noted the Wayback Machine augments the Web page source definition by adding some Javascript at the eJ?d of
`the source document - it does not appear the Javascript alters the appearance of the page.
`Motorola PX 1019b_41

`Browser: Opera 3.60
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`Zoom: 1Q0%
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`cu; Guides
`Clnscifinis & Aucliuns
`Cnqaifius 6. lmenwl
`"linp Slnllcs|PhnIns1u.n;- n eaowun
`- NATO Admits 1: Altaclmd Wlung Emldnngln
`. CP* Vunl.FuryA

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