`Petitioner - Motorola
`PX 1007
`Motorola PX 1007_1
`Motorola PX 1007_1


`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`W3C Working Draft, 29 Oct 1998
`This version:
`Latest version:
`Previous (member only) version:
`Jon Ferraiolo, Adobe Systems Incorporated
`This document is a work in progress representing the current consensus of the W3C
`Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group. This draft of the SVG Requirements
`document has been approved by the SVG working group to be posted for review by
`W3C members and other interested parties. It is the first public review draft of this
`document. Publication as a working draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
`Review comments from the public should be sent to, which is an
`automatically archived email list. Information on how to subscribe to public W3C email
`lists can be found at
`The W3C has chartered a Scalable Vector Graphics working group to produce a
`specification for an SVG format, written as a modular XML tagset and usable as an XML
`namespace, which can be widely implemented in browsers and authoring tools and
`which is suitable for widespread adoption by the content authoring community as a
`replacement for many current uses of raster graphics.
`This will mean that the graphics in Web documents will be smaller, faster, more
`interactive, and be displayable on a wider range of device resolutions from small mobile
`devices through office computer monitors to high resolution printers. This will be a
`significant advance in Web functionality. Interoperability, both in multiple browsers
`across multiple platforms and in multiple authoring tools (both read and write), is a prime
`The SVG working group decided to solicit public review and feedback at the earliest
`possible point to best ensure that SVG meets the Web community's needs for a vector
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`graphics language specification. This document reflects early SVG working group
`discussions on what SVG should and should not be. The working group has not
`reached consensus on all topics, so the document below sometimes describes particular
`features as open issues that are still under discussion.
`This document lists both SVG Design Goals and SVG Detailed Requirements. The SVG
`Design Goals describe the high-level objectives which SVG should attempt to achieve.
`These design goals should also act as the criteria by which proposed features are
`judged. The SVG Detailed Requirements contains the actual list of proposed features.
`A first draft of the detailed specification for SVG will be made available a couple of
`months after the posting of this requirements document for public review. The
`specification will be developed largely by looking at:
`the design goals and detailed requirements that are contained in this document
`review comments on this document from public feedback, invited experts and
`working group members
`The home page for the W3C graphics activity is
`SVG Design Goals
`Open specification
`Widely implemented and supported
`Relationship to other Web standards efforts
`Graphics features
`Interactivity and Dynamic Behaviors
`Interchange features
`SVG Detailed Requirements
`General requirements
`Consistent visual results and behaviors across implementations
`Elegant, uniform, complete and consistent
`Alternate representations
`Backward compatibility
`Well internationalized
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`Accessibility features
`Graphical facilities
`Vector graphics shapes
`Text data
`Image data
`Color support
`Transparency support
`Grouping and layering
`Template objects/symbols
`Fill options
`Stroke options
`Coordinate systems, relationship to CSS positioning
`Stenciling and masking
`Client-side filter effects such as shadowing
`CSS support
`Connectable reference points
`Parameter substitution and formulas
`Print control
`Zoom and pan
`Event handling
`Object selection, clipboard
`DOM access
`Inclusion of private data (metadata)
`Embedded fonts and images
`The following are the Design Goals for SVG. Besides providing a set of high-level
`objectives for SVG, these goals act as the criteria by which proposed features are
`judged. Thus, the features list shown below under SVG Detailed Requirements should
`reflect the higher-level goals listed here.
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`These SVG Design Goals are not listed in any particular order. It is recognized that some
`of the goals might conflict or be unachievable and that tradeoffs will need to be made.
`The specification should be controlled by the members in the W3C, not by a single
`vendor. Thus, the specification should not subject to sudden change by a single
`The specification should be vendor neutral and thus should not contain features
`biased towards a particular vendor.
`SVG should be a standard feature in Web browsers
`Implementations of SVG should be consistent so that the same visual results and
`behaviors exist in all conforming SVG processors.
`There should not be subset problems and incompatible generator/reader sets.
`Thus, there should be a single language specification, not a set of layered
`language specifications.
`There should be widespread support in authoring applications and related tools
`To promote widespread adoption and support, SVG should be specified to be as
`basic and simple as possible while still providing necessary features to satisfy the
`needs of graphics on the Web. While the chief goal is to aim at the middle ground,
`a basic and simple feature set will allow it to be used on devices with a wide range
`of resolutions and capabilities, from small mobile devices through office computer
`monitors to high resolution printers.
`Straightforward generation via hand-authoring with a text editor or server-side
`scripts (e.g., CGI)
`SVG should be as self-contained as possible. While SVG should leverage and be
`compatible with other W3C work, it should attempt to do so without introducing
`excessive dependencies on other specifications.
`Ready availability to the casual implementor is desirable
`Reference source code is desirable
`Defined as an application of XML
`Compatible with and/or leverages other relevant standards efforts, including XML
`namespaces, XML links (XLink), DOM, CSS, XSL and metadata.For example:
`the elements and attributes of an SVG drawing should be scriptable via the
`text should be expressed as XML character data so that it can be found by
`search engines
`attributes which make sense to be part of a style should be expressed in
`The SVG working group will need to coordinate proactively with other working
`groups when it is more appropriate to meet the SVG requirements through
`modifications to other Recommendations.
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`Complete, general-purpose Web vector graphics format that satisfactorily meets
`the graphics delivery needs for all creators and consumers of Web vector graphics
`Sufficiently powerful and precise to meet the needs of professional Web graphic
`designers such that they will utilize SVG instead of raster formats in those cases
`where vector graphics is a more natural or appropriate format
`Sufficiently powerful to meet the needs of business presentation and diagramming
`applications such that these drawings will be published on the Web using SVG
`instead of raster formats
`Feature set is rich enough such that a reasonable conversion of most existing
`standard static graphics files into SVG is possible
`Sufficiently compatible with the graphics design and publishing industries' feature
`sets and file formats such that there is (as lossless as possible) a straightforward
`mapping from these applications and file formats into SVG. The goals are to
`facilitate conversion of existing artwork into SVG, promote the creation of lots of
`compelling new SVG artwork, make it as easy as possible for the graphics design
`and publishing industries to adapt existing authoring tools, and provide for new
`SVG authoring tools.
`Compatible with the needs of non-technical persons who want a straightforward
`way to generate relatively simple graphics either by hand-editing or via
`server-based graphics generation (e.g., CGI scripts).
`Compatible with high-quality, efficient printing at full printer resolution and with
`reliable color
`Focused on basic foundation, presentation-level graphics facilities, with a critical
`eye toward higher-level (model-level) constructs which might be better suited to a
`higher-level standard which would sit on top of SVG
`The working group is investigating whether other Web standards (e.g., CSS, XSL,
`MathML, Web Schematics) could use SVG as its low-level rendering specification.
`(This goal has significant dependencies on other W3C initiatives such as the W3C
`Formatting Model and might change accordingly.)
`The specification for SVG should take into account the possibility of building a
`future 3D graphics specification which either sits on top of SVG or which is entirely
`independent but with a similar syntax; however, the SVG working group should not
`let itself be slowed down or constrained by 3D upgrade path issues.
`Allows for interactive and dynamic Web pages
`Suitable as a platform-independent graphics exchange format
`Mechanisms for inclusion of application-specific (or industry specific) private data
`which would facilitate use of SVG as a application-specific (or industry-specific)
`native file format for authoring applications
`Capable of use as a print metafile: sufficiently expressive such that a higher-level
`print metafile XML grammar could use SVG for its page imaging operators
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`The following is the detailed list of required features and capabilities in SVG. Items
`which are already listed as a Design Goal are not repeated here. It is recognized that
`some of these requirements might conflict or may not be possible.
`Consistent visual results and behaviors across implementations
`The specification needs to be complete and unambiguous
`The goal is to have at least two independent implementations each of SVG
`viewers and SVG generators under development as the specification is
`defined to help find and remove ambiguities from the specification.
`An extensive conformance test suite needs to be delivered in conjunction with
`the final specification.
`Elegant, uniform, complete and consistent
`Wherever possible, all graphical attributes and operations should be
`available to all object types. For example, if 2x3 transformation matrices are
`available for shape objects, then 2x3 transformation matrices should also be
`available for text and image objects.
`Stand-alone packaging: Compatible with the need of stand-alone graphics
`authoring packages. It should be possible for a graphics authoring
`application to save a stand-alone SVG file. ("Stand-alone packaging" means
`that an SVG file is saved as a separate, self-contained file, probably with a
`.svg extension on platforms where the extension is important.)
`Fragment packaging: Compatible with the need of consolidated full-page
`Web authoring packages which would like to author/deliver full pages of XML
`with optional vector graphics elements interspersed as isolated components
`within the page. ("Fragment packaging" means that snippets of SVG would
`appear inside the content of a parent XML grammar. For example, a picture
`of an arrow expressed in SVG might appear inline within an XML file. The
`expected way this would be achieved would be by referencing the SVG
`namespace within the XML file.)
`Reasonable display performance on commonly used end-user machines
`Highly efficient representation to minimize download times
`The working group should investigate abbreviation schemes
`(particularly for path data) to minimize file sizes
`The working group should also collaborate with other working groups,
`such as the XML working group. on binary compression alternatives.
`Streamable (i.e., support progressive rendering)
`Simple primitives (e.g., lines) should exhibit fast performance
`Alternate representations
`The working group should investigate the issue of alternative representations
`in the form of text strings or image data. Alternate representations as text or
`images might provide a good answer for backwards compatibility in some
`cases or provide for a faster display option for some drawings. Alternate text
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`strings would be particularly valuable to visually impaired users.
`Backward compatibility
`The working group should develop a reasonable backward compatibility
`strategy for when a user attempts to view an SVG drawing in a browser which
`doesn't yet support SVG.
`Well internationalized
`By virtue of being written in XML, SVG will already have baseline
`internationalisation capability (Unicode characters, language tagging). The
`working group will collaborate with the I18N working group to ensure that
`SVG is suitable for worldwide Web graphics.
`The working group should ensure that adaptive interfaces for people with
`disabilities are fully supported, and that mapping SVG content to these
`contexts is easy and graceful.
`Vector graphics shapes
`(Note: in the remainder of this document, the terms "vector graphic shape" will be
`abbreviated to "shape" or "shape objects")
`Path data
`Paths can be made up of any combination of the following:
`Straight line segments
`Cubic bezier curved segments
`Quadratic bezier curved segments
`Elliptical and circular arcs
`No other curve types (Other curve types such as splines or nurbs
`are either technically very difficult, industry-specific and/or have
`not established themselves as industry standards as much as
`Compound paths (i.e., paths with donut holes) should be supported.
`Both the non-zero winding and even-odd fill rules should be supported
`in both fill and clip operations to ensure compatibility with the design
`and publishing industries' existing file formats and authoring
`applications. (Also, it is much easier to implement these fill rules inside
`a renderer than it is in a file format converter.)
`A set of predefined shape types such as rectangles, rounded rectangles,
`circles and ellipses should be available so that simple objects can be defined
`without having to learn bezier mathematics. The exact list of predefined
`object types has not been decided yet.
`Any shape can be filled, stroked or used as a clipping path and/or mask.
`(See Fill options, Stroke options and Stenciling and masking, below.)
`Text data
`Text strings should be expressed as XML character data which could be
`marked up with arbitrary XML name spaces. (Text strings as XML character
`data allow search engines to find the strings.)
`All text/font attributes from CSS should be supported. Complete support for
`CSS is what the Web community will expect. (See CSS support, below)
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`It is clear that precise text sizing/positioning is a requirement for the graphics
`design community. Thus, SVG should allow for precise control of text sizing,
`positioning, rotation, and skewing on a character-by-character basis. In
`particular, the working group should look to see if this feature could be
`packaged as to provide for precise text on a path.
`It is clear that precise control of fonts and glyphs is a requirement for the
`graphics design community. It should be possible to achieve precise control
`of the exact font and the exact glyphs within a given font to use for a given
`character sequence so that graphic artists have a way to ensure that the end
`user sees what was intended
`The same fill/stroke/clip/mask capabilities that can be used with vector data
`should also be available to text data. For example, it should be possible to fill
`a text string with a gradient or stroke it with a dashed line pattern. This is a
`widely used feature in the graphics design world and is required for
`compatibility with existing graphics content.
`The working group hasn't investigated yet whether it is advisable to provide a
`capability to automatically position a text string relative to another graphical
`element (e.g., automatically centering a text string within a rectangle). It is
`clear that such a feature would be a great convenience for hand-coders of
`certain types of drawings, such as diagrams. The working group should
`investigate whether there is an easy-to-use (for a hand-coder) yet robust and
`elegant way of achieving this.
`Having a text string determine the dimensions of a parent graphical object
`(e.g., a box is drawn to fit around a text string) is too high-level of a construct
`and is not planned for version 1 of SVG.
`Adding a text-on-a-path capability to SVG is still under consideration. The
`working group recognizes that there are many technical complexities which
`make it difficult to design the feature in such a way that it will be both
`sufficiently powerful and sufficiently compatible with the needs of various
`authoring scenarios.
`Image data
`The same image formats available to HTML should be available to SVG
`The working group hasn't had time yet to address the issue of color
`management on image data. The goals will be to:
`achieve compatibility with how other specifications (e.g., HTML) perform
`color management on image data
`(just like the rest of SVG) take full advantage of color management
`systems when supported by the browser and/or the platform operating
`system (see Color support below)
`if different ICC profile are specified both as an attribute on an image
`and embedded within the image, the attribute should win
`Color support
`All colors need to be specified in the sRGB color space for compatibility with
`other Web standards.
`It is clear that reliable color is important to both end users and Web content
`creators. sRGB does not answer all precise color needs, and most desktop
`platforms support the more complete ICC-based color management system.
`Thus, an alternative ICC-based color representation should be available for
`all color attributes. If the SVG processor supports color management, then
`the ICC color takes precedence over the sRGB color.
`There has been little discussion so far on sport color support. Spot colors
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`might be possible by specifying then using ICC profiles (perhaps via a
`Named Color profile), or by storing spot color information as private data
`(metadata) in the SVG file.
`Transparency support
`Transparency support is becoming commonplace in authoring applications and is
`widely used today in Web animations.
`Many existing authoring applications achieve transparency by adding an
`opacity property wherever a color property is allowed. For compatibility with
`these applications, and because this represents a good technical solution to
`many transparency needs, wherever a color property is allowed, there will be
`a corresponding opacity property which indicates how transparent a given
`object/component/attribute should be when blended into its background
`In group opacity, the collection of objects that makes up a group is (in effect)
`drawn into a temporary area in memory, and then the temporary area is
`blended as a single unit into the background graphics. Group opacity is
`necessary when you have an aggregate object such as a automobile which is
`drawn as a collection of overlapping, opaque components (e.g., the hubcap
`might be an opaque circle that is drawn on top of an opaque tire) and you
`want to blend that object as a unit into the background. Group opacity is a
`requirement for many animation applications and has utility with static
`graphics also. It is straightforward to implement, particularly once you have
`support for transparent image objects, which is needed for GIF and PNG. It is
`infeasible to achieve these effects without this feature. Thus, group opacity
`should be supported in SVG.
`The working group decided that identification of a transparency/blue-screen
`/chromaKey color will not be supported for shapes and text because the
`opacity features are sufficient. However, the transparency color feature that
`exists in image file formats such as GIF and PNG will be supported.
`See Compositing, below.
`Grouping and layering
`There needs to be an ability to define groups (i.e., collections) of objects to
`allow for convenient access for scripting applications. Groups should have
`the following attributes (among others), all of which are accessible and/or
`controllable via scripting:
`Unique ID
`z-index for explicit layering
`Implicit layering: unless an explicit z-index value is provided, objects will be
`drawn bottom-to-top in the order which they appear in the input stream. This
`strategy is compatible with most popular graphics file formats.
`Explicit layering: objects or collections of objects can be assigned an explicit
`z-index value, which takes precedence over the implicit bottom-to-top drawing
`order. (The bottom-to-top drawing order of objects with the same z-index
`relative to each other is the the order in which they appear in the input
`stream.) This explicit layering is a requirement for achieving certain types of
`animation effects.
`Template objects/symbols
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`There should be a capability for defining template objects that can be
`instantiated multiple times with different attributes.
`The template objects should be able to establish a full set of default
`attributes, and the instantiated objects should be able to override any of
`these default attriubutes.
`Fill options (i.e., painting the interior of a shape or text object)
`The following fill options should be available:
`Solid-color fill (see Color support above)
`Multiple gradient stops will be supported (not just two)
`Both linear and radial gradients will be supported
`It is still an open issue within the working group whether additional
`gradient types should be supported. Examples: conical, elliptical,
`square, rectangular, Gouraud shaded triangle and rectangular meshes.
`Gradients should allow for both a linear ramp between gradient stops
`and a well-defined sigma function for the calculation of the intermediate
`colors between the stops.
`For all gradients, the specification should provide details for the exact
`behavior of the gradient ramp. If there is a disagreement about what the
`gradient ramps should be, priority should be given to: (1) making sure
`the gradient ramp rules are consistent with real-world lighting effects,
`(2) retaining compatibility with as much existing content as possible
`(with a bias towards existing content whose users really care about how
`their gradients look)
`The suggestion has been made to allow for substitution of a different
`color table for use with a given gradient. (The color stop positions stay
`the same, but the colors used change.) This suggestion hasn't been
`discussed yet in the working group.
`Patterns (i.e., tiled object fill)
`Any objects (i.e., shapes, images, text) can be used to fill any other
`When objects are used to fill other objects, parameters can be set to
`achieve tiling effects.
`The tiling options should be at least as capable as those found in the
`file formats used by the design and publishing industries to ensure
`compatibility with existing artwork and authoring applications.
`Other fill styles - The working group hasn't decided yet whether other fill
`styles such as fractal patterns are appropriate.
`Custom fill styles - See Extensibility, below.
`Stroke options (i.e., drawing the outline of a shape or text object)
`The same attributes available for filling an object (see Fill options, above)
`should be available to stroke an object. For example, you should be allowed
`to stroke with a pattern.
`The set of stroke options should be at least as capable as the stroke options
`in the file formats used by the design and publishing industries
`Arbitrary, continuous values for line width
`The working group hasn't reached consensus yet on whether SVG
`should support hairlines (i.e., instructing the device to draw the thinnest
`possible line)
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`User-defined dash patterns and initial phase offset
`Caps, joins and miterlimits
`Arrowheads and polymarkers
`There should be a small set of predefined arrowheads
`Arrowheads are optional and can be placed at the start and/or end of
`path objects
`The working group should investigate the possibility of providing for
`custom "arrowheads" at the start and/or end of a path object which are
`defined by referencing a different graphical object or group. This
`capability would solve the following needs:
`Diagramming applications might use arrowheads extensively, but
`the predefined arrowheads might not be satisfactory
`Graphic designers who want to attach arrowheads to drawings will
`want complete control of the visual characteristics of their
`This feature can be leveraged to provide a polymarker capability
`for applications such as scatter diagrams
`Arbitrarily nested 2x3 matrix transformations should be available. This facility
`is necessary to ensure compatibility with existing artwork and authoring tools.
`2x3 matrices are sufficient to achieve any types of translation, scaling,
`rotation and skewing
`Transformation matrices can be nested to an arbitrary depth. A given
`transformation matrix is concatenated with the transformation matrices
`of all parent objects.
`In the spirit of making SVG reasonably easy to use for content creators who
`would have difficulty constructing 2x3 matrices, SVG should offer an
`alternative set of simpler transformation attributes (e.g., rotation=, scale=).
`The SVG specification, however, needs to defined unambiguously what
`should happen if both the simpler transformation attributes and a 2x3
`transformation matrix is provided.
`These transformations should apply to all object types (shapes, images and
`text) in a uniform and consistent manner
`Transformed objects should have the option of exhibiting true scalability
`(where all attributes should scale uniformly, and linewidths, images and text
`should scale along with the sizes of the shapes). Additionally, transformed
`objects should also have the option of selective scalability such that certain
`attributes (e.g., stroke size and textsize) are invariant.
`Coordinate systems, relationship to CSS positioning
`SVG should use CSS positioning for establishing a viewport for an outermost
`SVG element, such as an <svg>...</svg> complete drawing or an SVG
`fragment within an XML Web page.
`SVG will support local user coordinates
`Real number values (i.e., an integer followed by a possible decimal fractional
`component) should be possible for all appropriate attributes and coordinates.
`The language definition itself should not inhibit infinite precision.
`It is clear that the graphics design community not only wants antialiasing to
`be available, but also wants to have the ability to turn antialiasing on/off on
`an object basis in order to achieve precise control of the rendering and
`possibly to control drawing speed. Thus, there will be an antialias control
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`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`attribute on each graphics object in SVG.
`Antialiasing adds a significant burden to the casual implementor and isn't a
`requirement for all potential applications of SVG, such as viewing CAD
`drawings. Thus, antialiasing control will be regarded as a hint to the SVG
`processor, which can choose whether or not to honor it. Major general-
`purpose implementations of SVG processors such as commercial Web
`browsers should honor and implement the antialiasing control hint.
`Stenciling and masking
`Clipping paths
`Clipping paths are a commonly used feature in existing artwork and an
`integral part of all authoring products used by graphic designers. Clipping
`paths are as fundamental to the design and publishing industries' existing file
`formats and authoring tools as are nested transformation matrices. Clipping
`is relatively easy to implement in viewers using a raster mask approach in
`device space if you have code for drawing a filled path into an offscreen
`buffer. Nested clipping paths are easy to achieve on top of an unnested
`clipping path implementation by just looping through each parent clipping
`path one after another. The performance overhead with nested clipping paths
`in animation scenarios is probably small relative to other necessary
`computations (e.g, filling and stroking) and can be overcome on the user end
`by simply avoiding/minimizing the use of the feature. Without nested clipping
`paths, converters from the design and publishing industries' existing file
`formats will have a significant burden in determining how to flatten the nested
`clipping paths they encounter. Nested clipping paths are necessary to
`prevent lossless translation from the design and publishing industries'
`existing file formats.
`Any shape or text object can be used as a hard-edge clipping path
`Clipping paths can be nested arbitrarily to ensure compatibility with
`existing artwork and authoring tools.
`8-bit masking is a fundamental feature on all operating systems, and a key
`feature for both static and dynamic Web pages.
`Any graphics object (i.e., shape, text, or image) can be used as an 8-bit
`alpha mask to control the alpha-compositing of a different object (or
`group/collection of objects) into other objects
`Client-side filter effects such as shadowing
`Client-side filters provide for the possibility of significant file size and download
`time savings in many applications. An example is text drawn with a glow effect and
`a drop shadow. If client-side glow and drop shadow filters were available, then only
`the text string and the names of the filters would need to be downloaded, instead
`of today, where the text needs to be converted to a raster by the author.
`SVG should include a set of built-in client-side filter effects for commonly
`used effects such as shadowing. The definitions of these effects should be
`unambiguous so that all implementations produce the same visual results.
`Additionally, the working group should investigate the feasibility of a general
`filter mechanism which would allow for custom filter effects to be downloaded
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`Motorola PX 1007_13


`Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Requirements
`and applied to a given graphical object (see Extensibility, below)
`Compositing means the rules by which a foreground object's colors are blended
`into a background object's colors. There are many different approaches to
`compositing. Alpha compositing (where each pixel has an 8-bit alpha channel
`which determin

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