`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,108,704 C1
`Hutton et al.
`(45) Certificate Issued: Oct. 26, 2010
`Inventors: ‘Glenn W. Hutton, Miami, FL (US);
`Shane D. Mattaway. Boca Raton, FL
`(US); Craig B. Strickland. Tamarac, FL
`200059377 A I
`200059378 A1
`200059379 A1
`0455402 A2
`0497022 Al
`l l/2000
`(73) Assignee: NetZPhone, Inc., Newark, NJ (US)
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 90/010,416, Feb. 17, 2009
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent No.:
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Appl. No.:
`Sep. 25, 1995
`Int. Cl.
`H04M 1/57
`H04L 12/58
`H04L 29/06
`........................................ 709/227; 709/204
`(52) US. Cl.
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None
`See application file for complete search history.
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`establishing a point-to-point communication link between
`the first and second processing unit through the Internet.
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