Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 1
`Petitioner :
`v. : U.S. Patent No.:
`(now STRAIGHT PATH IP GROUP : IPR2013-00246
`INC.) :
` San Francisco, California
` Thursday, May 29, 2014
` Deposition of LESLIE EHRLICH, a witness
`herein, called for examination by counsel for
`Patent Owner in the above-entitled matter, the
`witness having been previously duly sworn, taken at
`the offices of Kilpatrick Townsend, Two Embarcadero
`Center, Eighth Floor, San Francisco, California at
`1:03 P.m., on Thursday, May 29, 2014, and the
`proceedings being taken down by Stenotype by CINDY
`TUGAW, RPR, CSR and transcribed under her
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 2
`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP
` 1001 West Fourth Street
` Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101
` (336) 607-7391
`On behalf of Patent Owner
` Fisch Hoffman Sigler, LLP
` 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Eighth Floor
` Washington, DC 20015
` (202) 362-3550
` VANDANA KOELSCH, In-house Counsel
` Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
` (Patent Owner)
`ALSO PRESENT: Sean McGrath, Video Operator
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 3
` C O N T E N T S
`By Mr. Hoffman 5
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibits previously marked. Exhibits retained by
`8 9
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 4
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Good afternoon, we're on the
`video record, ladies and gentlemen, at 1:03 p.m. I
`am Sean McGrath from Alderson Court Reporting in
`Washington, D.C. The phone number is (202)
` This is a matter pending before the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board in the case captioned Sipnet
`EU S.R.O. versus Innovative Communications
`Technologies, Incorporated, IPR 2013-0246.
` This is the beginning of Disk 1, Volume 1,
`of the deposition of Leslie Ehrlich, on May 29th,
`2014. We're located at Two Embarcadero Center, San
`Francisco, California. This is being taken on
`behalf of the patent owner.
` Counsel, will you please identify
`yourselves, starting with the questioning attorney.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Jason Hoffman on behalf of the
`patent owner, and I'm joined by Vandana Koelch.
` MR. MORLOCK: Michael Morlock on behalf of the
`petitioner, Sipnet.
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Will the court reporter
`please swear in the witness and we can proceed.
` Whereupon,
`called for examination by counsel for Patent Owner
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 5
`and having been duly sworn by the Court Reporter,
`was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good afternoon. State your name for the
` A. Leslie Ehrlich.
` Q. Ms. Ehrlich, have you ever been deposed
` A. No.
` Q. Were you advised at the time that you
`filled out a declaration that there was a chance
`that you could get deposed?
` A. No.
` Q. What is your current title?
` A. Patent prosecution paralegal.
` Q. And could you just describe some of your
`responsibilities and roles as a patent prosecution
` A. I assist with prosecuting patents with the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office -- sorry,
`I assist with prosecution of patents with the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office, and
`other foreign offices, such as filing patent
`applications, maintaining duty of disclosure for
`patent applications, reviewing patent terms and
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 6
`other duties.
` Q. And how long have you been a patent
`prosecuting paralegal?
` A. Since November 2007. Or September.
`September or November 2007.
` Q. What did you do prior to that?
` A. I was in college.
` Q. When did you graduate college?
` A. June '07.
` Q. And have you been employed by Kilpatrick
`Stockton since the time you joined in November
`of -- since the time you started being a
`prosecution paralegal in --
` A. No.
` Q. -- June of '97?
` A. No.
` Q. All right, so let's start -- so you
`graduated June 19 -- sorry, start again.
` You graduated in June 2007.
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. So where did you work, what
`was your first job after college?
` A. I worked for Morrison & Foerster LLP as a
`patent prosecution paralegal starting in September
`or November of 2007. So just later that year.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 7
` Q. And when did you wrap up your time at
`Morrison & Foerster?
` A. April 2012, two years ago, and then I
`started here.
` Q. So in April 2012, you started at
`Kilpatrick Stockton?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you've had the same role since you've
`been here?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When did you start doing any work on --
`with respect to the Sipnet matter?
` A. I was approached to do a special project
`for Paul Haughey to compare a disk to a paper copy.
` Q. And prior to that time of being approached
`by Mr. Haughey, you hadn't done any work on the --
`with respect to the Sipnet matter, is that correct?
` A. No. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. And what did Mr. Haughey ask you to
` A. There was a paper copy of a document and a
`disk copy, and I was to compare the two to see that
`they were the same thing.
` Q. And what did you conclude?
` A. That they were pretty much the same thing.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 8
` Q. Is that what you said in your declaration?
` A. I don't think I said it as casually.
` Q. It wasn't your conclusion, in fact, they
`were different documents?
` A. No, I was concluding that they were the
`same document.
` Q. So it's your testimony today under oath
`under penalty of perjury that when you did the
`comparison of the two documents, they were the same
`document, correct?
` A. I believe I said in my declaration that
`they were substantially the same. There were some
`errors regarding things that looked like typos or
`formatting, and I believe that one section was
`different, glossary section was different.
` Q. So is your conclusion that the two
`documents are the same documents or are they
`different documents?
` A. I don't know what you're asking. Are they
`literally identical? No.
` Q. So you would agree that the two documents
`that you compared were not identical, correct?
` A. Not one hundred percent identical, no, to
`my knowledge.
` Q. So to make the record clear, the two
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 9
`documents that you compared --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- they were not identical, correct?
` A. No. Do you mean identical -- what do you
`mean by "identical," like exactly the same?
` Q. Exactly the same, yes.
` A. No, not completely identical, no.
` Q. Were the two documents that you compared
`completely the same?
` A. No.
` Q. Were the two documents that you compared
` A. No.
` Q. There were differences between the two
`documents, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Next to you is a document that's got a big
`binder clip on it. If you can pull that document
`out. This document is labeled Exhibit 1004.
` Do you see at the bottom?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is this one of the two documents that you
` A. Yes, it looks like it.
` Q. Where did you get this document,
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 10
`Exhibit 1004 from?
` A. Paul Haughey.
` Q. Do you know where Mr. Haughey got the
`document from?
` A. No.
` Q. And have you ever seen Exhibit 1004 prior
`to Mr. Haughey giving it to you?
` A. No.
` Q. I'm going to give you a copy of your
`declaration. I apologize, but it was given to us
`in seven or eight parts. So that's how I'm going
`to give it back to you.
` The first part of your declaration is
`labeled 1018. Part 2 of your declaration is --
`continues on Exhibit 1018, starts on Page 31.
`Part 3 of your declaration, 1018, starts on
`Page 61. Part 4 of your declaration starts on
`Page 91. And Part 5 of your declaration starts on
`Page 121. Part 6 of your declaration starts on
`Page 151. Part 7 of your declaration starts on
`Page 181. Part 8 of your declaration starts on
`Page 211. Part 9 of your declaration starts on
`Page 241.
` And I note for the record that it ends on
`Page 269. All right.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 11
` So can you confirm for me that
`Exhibit 1018 from Page 1 through page 269 is a copy
`of your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And, for the record, as I refer to
`Exhibit 1018, I'm going to refer to Page 1 through
`Page 269. All right.
` Let's turn to Page 1 of your declaration,
`which is Page 2 of Exhibit 1018, and Page 3. First
`and foremost, is that your signature?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you executed this declaration on
`November 26th, 2013, is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you draft this declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Who drafted the declaration?
` A. Paul Haughey. And then I reviewed it and
`made some edits and then executed it.
` Q. What edits did you make to it?
` A. I remember that I made edits to say that
`they were substantially identical except for the
`typo stuff and the section about the glossary.
` Q. So the words "substantially identical,"
`does that come from Mr. Haughey?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 12
` A. No, that came from me.
` Q. Well, what did it say before?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. So you authored the words "substantially
` A. I believe I did, but I can't remember.
` Q. And when you say substantially identical,
`you didn't actually mean the two documents were
`identical, correct?
` A. No, then I would just say identical.
` Q. Now, I want to talk about the documents
`that you compared. One of them was Exhibit 1004,
` A. Yes.
` Q. The other exhibit you compared is what you
`referred to as the Yuri guide?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Exhibit 1008. Why do you call it the Yuri
` A. Paul calls it that. It was given to us by
`someone named Yuri.
` Q. Had you ever met Yuri?
` A. No.
` Q. Had you ever talked to Yuri.
` A. No.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 13
` Q. I'm going to give you a copy of
`Exhibit 1019. It's in two parts.
` Now, before the deposition started, your
`counsel brought in a stack of paper, I think
`represented to me that this was the document that
`you printed out from the CD-ROM.
` Is that the same document as Exhibit 1019?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. So talk to me about the process that you
`went about in terms of printing out the document.
`How did you do it?
` A. I opened up the disk -- well, first I had
`to have IT install the program to read the disk on
`my computer. Then I opened the disk and opened
`every section and printed every section contained
`on the disk.
` Q. So what program did you have installed on
`your computer in order to read it?
` A. I do not know.
` Q. How did you know which document that you
`were going to print out?
` A. I found it on the disk, and it looked like
`the Exhibit 1004.
` Q. So can you compare the two first pages on
`Exhibit 1004 and 1019? Are they the same?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 14
` A. No.
` Q. They're not the same, correct?
` A. No, the first pages are not the same.
` Q. Did you note that in your declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. So your declaration is incorrect with
`respect to what parts of the documents are actually
`different, correct?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Well, doesn't your declaration say that
`they're substantially identical with the exception
`of the glossary which contained different terms?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. There's no mention on the cover
`page, correct?
` A. No. Well, one is a printed paper document
`and one is a computer program. They are -- can
`appear visually different.
` Q. I'm sorry, what is a printed paper
` A. 1004.
` Q. And what do you mean by a printed paper
` A. It appears to have -- at the time, I
`assumed, and it appeared, that it was a book
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 15
`document, not a computer document.
` Q. And how do you know it was a book
` A. I don't. That's what I assumed.
` Q. Have you ever seen a book that looks like
`Exhibit 1004?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You have?
` A. I've seen manuals that look like that. I
`guess a manual would be the appropriate word.
` Q. Have you seen the exact manual that
`Exhibit 1004 was copied from?
` A. No.
` Q. So you don't know where Exhibit 1004 came
`from, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. And you don't know if it was copied from a
`book or copied from a printed out piece of paper,
` A. No.
` Q. Or if it was a draft?
` A. No.
` Q. Or uncirculated draft, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know when -- or do you know if
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 16
`Exhibit 1004 was ever published?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know if Exhibit 1004 was ever made
`publicly available?
` A. No.
` Q. All right. Can you turn to the second
`page of Exhibit 1004?
` Is the second page of Exhibit 1004 in the
`materials that you printed out?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you note that difference in your
` A. No.
` Q. So your declaration is incorrect again
`with respect to your comparison of the similarities
`between the two documents, correct?
` A. Yes, I believe that when I said the main
`differences between the different texts of the
`glossary are formatting type differences due to the
`help screen format on the CD-ROM. I realize now
`that doesn't read well, but that was my intent in
`the declaration to say that large differences in
`the text are due to the formatting from the CD-ROM
`versus the paper document.
` Q. Well, now, the comparison that was done,
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 17
`for instance, does your comparison show that the
`first two pages of Exhibit 1004 is missing?
` A. No.
` Q. Did your comparison compare -- so the
`comparison is incomplete, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you -- at the time the -- you didn't
`actually do the comparison, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. Somebody in word processing did the
`comparison, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you check the comparison
`afterwards to see that the entire documents had
`been compared?
` A. I did not check the entire document word
`for word, no. I did a visual description between
`what I had printed and what was here and determined
`that the appropriate information had been compared.
` Q. All right. But so far, the first page of
`Exhibit 1004 is missing, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the second page of Exhibit 1004 is
`missing, correct?
` A. Yes.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 18
` Q. And what about the third page of
`Exhibit 1004, is that missing, too?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So now we're up to at least three pages
`that weren't compared, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. What about the fourth page of
`Exhibit 1004, was that compared?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The fourth page was compared, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Show me where that shows up in the
` A. Chapter 1, "Overview of Microsoft TCI/IP
`for Windows NT." Oh, you know what, no. Page 4
`was not compared. The table of contents was not
` Q. So that includes Page 4, Page 5, Page 6,
`Page 7, Page 8, Page 9 and Page 10, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So the first ten pages of Exhibit 1004
`weren't compared, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, there's also -- so, in fact, the
`first 16 pages of Exhibit 1019 weren't compared,
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 19
` A. No. The first 16 pages? Correct.
` Q. So when you did this comparison of the two
`documents, in fact, you didn't compare at least ten
`pages of Exhibit 1004 and at least 16 pages of
`Exhibit 1018, correct?
` A. Correct. Because the computer program
`does not contain references in the table of
`contents to page numbers. The computer programs
`don't have page numbers as the Exhibit 1004 does.
` Q. I'm sorry, I don't understand your answer.
` A. So Exhibit 1019, which is the printout of
`the computer program, has a table of contents but
`does not list page numbers for each section in the
`table of contents. Exhibit 1004 includes a table
`of contents with reference to page numbers.
` Q. So you've identified yet another
`difference between the two documents, that is
`specifically Exhibit 1004 has a table of contents
`with page numbers and 1018 has a table of contents
`with no page numbers, correct?
` A. Yes, because the computer program doesn't
`have page numbers that I'm aware of.
` Q. So they're different again, and you've
`pointed out yet another difference in the
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 20
` A. Yes, due to the formatting as in this was
`formatted in a computer program and this isn't.
` Q. At the time, did you compare the two table
`of contents to determine that they were exactly the
`same with the exception of page numbers?
` A. I remember comparing the headings of all
`of the chapters and they were consistent.
`Actually, yes, I did compare them visually myself
`and they were the same.
` Q. Why did you have the word processing
`department compare them as well to double-check?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Now, all the differences that you
`identified in your declaration in terms of what was
`attached, did you go through all the differences at
`the time you wrote your declaration?
` A. I reviewed the document, but I did not go
`through each individual difference.
` Q. Did you go through to determine what the
`source of the difference was, each of the
`differences were at the time?
` A. I don't know what you mean.
` Q. Do you know -- is it your conclusion that
`some of the differences were based upon formatting
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 21
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you go through to compare -- to
`examine the differences to confirm that, in fact,
`each and every change was due to a formatting
` A. No.
` Q. Let's ask you a question about Page 31 of
`your declaration.
` So can you explain to me the different --
`what's going on in terms of the compare that
`appears in the first set of double underlines on
`Page 31?
` A. Double underlines are insertions, so that
`task was included in the Exhibit 1019 but not
`included in Exhibit 1004.
` Q. So, for instance, this line about "Fiend
`Trap with Community Hamas" was in the 1018 but was
`not in 1004, is that correct?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. So if you could turn to Page 35, at the
`bottom of 35, there is a cross-out starting -- says
`Chapter 2 - "Installing and configuring Microsoft
`TCP NP and SNPM option meaning."
` What does that mean that's crossed out?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 22
` A. That that was included in Exhibit 1004 but
`not in Exhibit 1019.
` Q. And so a cross-out throughout your
`comparison is information that was deleted from --
`or, sorry, information that's been -- with a single
`cross-out is information that does not appear in
`1004 but does -- sorry, I'm still confused. Let's
`try this again.
` Information that's been crossed out is
`information that appears in 1004 but does not
`appear in Exhibit 1018, correct?
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, foundation.
` Q. You can answer.
` A. Not necessarily, no.
` Q. So explain to me what does a cross-out
`line mean?
` A. It either means that it was stuff that was
`deleted from Exhibit 1004 and is not contained in
`Exhibit 1019 or it can also mean that it was text
`that was in Exhibit 1004 and was moved in 1019.
` There's a legend at the back of the
`exhibit. The printout does not appear in color.
`So it was not as informative.
` Q. Was the original done in color?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 23
` A. Yes. As you can see, insertion, two
`underlines, deletion, strike through, moved from
`was in a color, I don't remember if it's green or
`blue, and moved to is an underline in either green
`or blue. I don't remember the colors.
` Q. Okay. So turning back to the back page of
`the document where this legend is, it gives us
`statistics, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So in comparison of the two documents,
`there was 5,603 insertions, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And there were -- in comparing the two
`documents, there was 4,513 deletions, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And there were 74 times where text was
`moved, is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And so the total amount of changes in
`comparison of the two documents, that being
`Exhibit 1004 and Exhibit 1018, was 10,264 changes,
` A. Correct.
` Q. And as a result of all these changes, it
`is clear that the two documents are not identical,
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 24
` A. Correct.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Take a break?
` MR. MORLOCK: Sure.
` VIDEO OPERATOR: The time is 1:32 p.m., and
`we're off the record.
` (Brief recess.)
` VIDEO OPERATOR: The time is 1:42 p.m., we're
`on the record.
` Q. Can I ask you to turn back to Page 2 of
`Exhibit 1018 which is your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want to look at Paragraph 4 for a
`moment. It says, "I received the box for Windows
`NT 3.5 from Yuri Kolesnikov."
` That's not a true statement, correct?
` A. No, I received it from Paul Haughey who
`received it from Yuri.
` Q. How do you know Mr. Haughey actually
`received it from Yuri?
` A. I do not.
` MR. HOFFMAN: I have no further questions.
` MR. MORLOCK: Okay.
` VIDEO OPERATOR: This marks the end of
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 25
`Volume 1, Disk 1, and concludes the deposition of
`Leslie Erhlich. The time is 1:43 p.m., and we are
`off the record.
` THE REPORTER: Do you want a rough draft?
` MR. MORLOCK: Yes, that would be great.
` (Whereupon, the deposition
` concluded at 1:43 o'clock p.m.)
` ---o0o---
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 26
`I hereby certify that I have read and examined the
`foregoing transcript, and the same is a true and
`accurate record of the testimony given by me.
`Any additions or corrections that I feel are
`necessary, I will attach on a separate sheet of
`paper to the original transcript.
` _________________________
` Signature of Deponent
`I hereby certify that the individual representing
`himself/herself to be the above-named individual,
`appeared before me this _____ day of ____________,
`2014, and executed the above certificate in my
` ________________________
` ________________________
` County Name
`Alderson Reporting Company
`2 3
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Leslie Ehrlich
`San Francisco, CA
`May 29, 2014
`Page 27
` )
` I, CINDY TUGAW, a Certified Shorthand
`Reporter of the State of California, duly
`authorized to administer oaths pursuant to Section
`8211 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, do
`hereby certify that
`the witness in the foregoing deposition, was by me
`duly sworn to testify the truth, the whole truth
`and nothing but the truth in the within-entitled
`cause; that said testimony of said witness was
`reported by me, a disinterested person, and was
`thereafter transcribed under my direction into
`typewriting and is a true and correct transcription
`of said proceedings.
` I further certify that I am not of counsel
`or attorney for either or any of the parties in the
`foregoing deposition and caption named, nor in any
`way interested in the outcome of the cause named in
`said caption.
` Dated the 2nd day of June, 2014.
` CSR No. 4805 (California)
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2044
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

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