Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 1
`Petitioner :
`v. : U.S. Patent No.:
`(now STRAIGHT PATH IP GROUP : IPR2013-00246
`INC.) :
` San Francisco, California
` Friday, May 30, 2014
` Deposition of VADIM ANTONOV, a witness
`herein, called for examination by counsel for
`Patent Owner in the above-entitled matter, the
`witness having been previously duly sworn, taken at
`the offices of Kilpatrick Townsend, Two Embarcadero
`Center, Eighth Floor, San Francisco, California at
`9:07 a.m., on Friday, May 30, 2014, and the
`proceedings being taken down by Stenotype by CINDY
`TUGAW, RPR, CSR and transcribed under her
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 2
`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP
` 1001 West Fourth Street
` Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101
` (336) 607-7391
`On behalf of Patent Owner
` Fisch Hoffman Sigler, LLP
` 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Eighth Floor
` Washington, DC 20015
` (202) 362-3550
` VANDANA KOELSCH, In-house Counsel
` Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
` (Patent Owner)
`ALSO PRESENT: Sean McGrath, Video Operator
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 3
` C O N T E N T S
`By Mr. Hoffman 5
`BY Mr. Hoffman (Resumed) 113
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibits previously marked. Exhibits retained by
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 4
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Good morning. We're on
`the video record, ladies and gentlemen, at 9:07
`a.m. I am Sean McGrath from Alderson Court
`Reporting in Washington, D.C. The phone number is
`(202) 289-2260. This is a matter pending before
`the Patent Trial and Appeal Board in the case
`captioned Sipnet EU S.R.O. versus Innovative
`Communications Technologies, Incorporated, IPR No.
` This is the beginning of disk 1, volume 1
`of the deposition of Vadim Antonov on May 30th,
`2014. We're located at Two Embarcadero Center, San
`Francisco, California. This is taken on behalf of
`the patent owner.
` Counsel, would you please identify
`yourselves, starting with the questioning attorney.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Jason Hoffman on behalf of
`the patent owner. I'm joined by Vandana Koelsch.
` MR. MORLOCK: Michael Morlock on behalf of
`petitioner, Sipnet.
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Will the court reporter
`please swear in the witness and we can proceed.
`called for examination by counsel for Patent Owner
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 5
`and having been duly sworn by the Court Reporter,
`was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you state your name for the record.
` A. Vadim Antonov.
` Q. I noticed that you paused before you said
`yes to the oath. Why did you pause?
` A. I'm nervous.
` Q. You're nervous. All right.
` Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. A very long time ago. And it wasn't in
`kind of adversarial setting like that. So it was
`friendly position. I was an employee of a company,
`so they just wanted to get -- I was an employee in
`the company, and they just wanted to get a record
`of what I did for the company. That was really
`long time ago, like 20 years.
` Q. So let me go through a little bit of the
`background of the deposition.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. I'm going to ask questions.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 6
` Q. Hopefully you're going to answer
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. If you're ever confused by my questions,
`please tell me, and I will attempt to clarify.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. From time to time you may hear your
`attorney object, but you're still going to be
`required --
` A. Thank you.
` Q. -- to answer the questions.
` We will take breaks from time to time.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. All I ask is that, if we take a break, we
`take a break without a question pending.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. That we answer the question and then we
`take a break.
` A. (Indicates affirmatively.)
` Q. We're, I think, set to go for about seven
`hours today, so we'll obviously take a bunch of
`periodic breaks during the day.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. And if you need to take a break again for
`any reason, feel free to take them.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 7
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. Is there anything that would stop you from
`giving truthful testimony today?
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. Are you on any drugs or anything else --
` A. No.
` Q. -- that would affect your testimony?
` A. Just sleepy.
` Q. Are you sleep-deprived today?
` A. To some extent, yes. It's not my normal
`time to wake up.
` Q. What is your normal time to wake up?
` A. Around noon.
` Q. You don't know?
` A. No, around noon.
` Q. Around noon, excuse me.
` A. So, yeah.
` Q. All right. Are you currently employed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And who is your employer?
` A. A start-up company in San Mateo called
`Snowflake Computing.
` Q. And what does Snowflake Computing do?
` A. Let me figure out how much I can tell
`without disclosing proprietary information. They
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 8
`are active in the field of cloud computing. It's a
`big data startup, and it's still in stealth mode.
`It's a common term meaning that they're not yet
`publicly disclosed what exactly companies do. As
`you understand, I cannot really tell you without
`disclosing certain information as well.
` Q. How long have you been with Snowflake
` A. As bit over a year.
` Q. Do you have a title?
` A. Founding engineer.
` Q. How many employees does Snowflake
`currently have?
` A. Thirty-three or thirty-four. I don't know
`the exact number.
` Q. How many other founders were there besides
` A. I'm not the founder. I'm a founding
`engineer. It's basically one of the first
`employees who joined company before they received
`funding from venture capitalists.
` Q. Who are the founders of Snowflake?
` A. Founders of Snowflake are Thierry
`Cruanes -- you can find -- that information is
`public. Thierry Cruanes, Benoit Dageville, and
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 9
`Marcin Zukowski, if I pronounce that correctly. I
`always have trouble with Polish names. And two of
`them worked for, like, 16 years for Oracle, and one
`of them was founder of company called Teradata.
`They're all experts in databases.
` So for all purposes, what that company is
`doing he has no relationship to the matter we're
`going to discuss.
` Q. Has -- was it -- is it standard practice
`for your company to allow you to serve as an expert
`in another pending matter?
` A. Yes. The company, he has -- he had no
`objections when asked.
` Q. Have you ever served as an expert in the
` A. No.
` Q. Tell me, how did you become an expert in
`this matter?
` A. Do you mean circumstances of how I got
`involved in this particular case or how I became an
`expert in general sense?
` Q. How you became involved in this particular
` A. I was contacted in -- let me recall. I do
`not remember exact date. It was end of March by
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 10
`Julia Pogodina. And I cannot really say how -- how
`she decided that I'm a suitable expert, but I'm
`known in the community as somebody who worked in
`this field.
` Q. What community is that?
` A. It is basically a community of computer
`professionals of European origin.
` Q. And did you know Julia Pogodina prior to
`her reaching out to you?
` A. Only socially. We met at some parties.
` Q. So how long have you known Ms. Pogodina?
` A. Several years. I cannot really say I
`remember when I met her the first time.
` Q. And do you know Ms. Pogodina's occupation?
` A. Yeah, I knew that she was an attorney
`specialize in corporate law.
` Q. And --
` A. But I didn't know any specifics of what
`she's doing. Never expected to work with her in
`any professional sense.
` Q. So she reached out to you in March of this
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did she reach out to you by phone?
` A. Yes.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 11
` Q. By cell phone?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So she had your cell phone number?
` A. Yes. It was funny because one of the
`times we met she gave me her card, so -- you know
`how that works. You need services of that kind,
`please call me. Just never can --
` Q. So Ms. Pogodina gave you a call, and what
`did she ask you -- tell me the first conversation
`she had with you.
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, calls for --
`potentially calls for privilege. It's beyond the
`scope of discovery allowed in this proceeding, and
`potentially beyond the scope of Federal Rule 26
`work product.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Are you instructing him not
`to answer?
` MR. MORLOCK: I'm instructing him not to
`answer as to what Ms. Pogodina said to him. He can
`answer as to that they talked, when they talked.
` THE WITNESS: I think I'll already
`answered this question who contacted whom and when.
` Q. Were you retained in that first
`conversation as an expert in this matter?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 12
` A. We only had the discussion about me being
`able to talk as an expert in this case, would I be
`available, and would I be willing to review the
` Q. And did you enter into a formal agreement
`to be an expert in this matter?
` A. No, the agreement was verbal. I trust
` Q. What was your verbal agreement?
` A. That I will produce my opinion and that I
`will be paid no matter what the outcome of the
`case, and we agreed on the rate.
` Q. And it was a rate of $600 an hour?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how many hours have you billed to date
`on this matter?
` A. I do not -- I didn't do the sums. I need
`to go to my time-keeping records to get exact
`number. My estimate is about from 20 to 25 hours
` Q. So you have yet to issue an invoice?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is Ms. Pogodina paying -- going to pay
`your invoice?
` A. I'm not sure who is paying in the sense
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 13
`that I do not know if she will sign the check
`herself or that would be her company. The only
`conversation in this respect was through her.
` Q. So have -- would you agree you've been
`retained on behalf of a company called Sipnet?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So were you aware of Sipnet prior to your
` A. No.
` Q. Are you aware today what Sipnet does?
` A. Only what I learned from reading the
`materials related to this case.
` Q. What materials did you read from this
`matter that informed you about what Sipnet does?
` A. There's quite a thick pile of legal
`materials. Response -- what was the nicknames of
`all that? Okay. Basically I learned about that
`from their petition. I see a copy of that right
`here. Actually, not that declaration. I haven't
`seen this one. Declaration of Kolesnikov -- no.
` So I learned about Sipnet and got some
`idea of what they're doing. I have no idea what
`their business is about. I -- from reading their
`petition, what is it called, inter parte? I'm not
`legal expert, so I --
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 14
` Q. You just referenced a gentleman by the
`name of Yuri --
` A. That's what I just read.
` Q. -- Kolesnikov.
` Do you know who Yuri Kolesnikov is?
` A. Yeah, I also know him socially. It's a
`small community.
` Q. Do you know that he is involved in this
`matter as well?
` A. I've learned about that about a week ago.
` Q. Did you have any discussions with
`Mr. Kolesnikov about this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. And, I'm sorry, how do you, again, know
`Mr. Kolesnikov?
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, beyond the scope
`of direct.
` Q. You can answer.
` A. We go to the same parties. We sail
` Q. You sail together?
` A. Yes. And as a matter of fact, that what
`we did a week ago on the weekend.
` Q. This weekend you were sailing together?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 15
` A. Yes.
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, beyond the scope
`of direct.
` Q. Have you been sailing with Ms. Pogodina as
` A. No.
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, beyond the scope
`of direct.
` Q. How often do you sail with Mr. Kolesnikov?
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, beyond the scope
`of direct.
` THE WITNESS: A few times a year.
` Q. What do you consider yourself to be an
`expert in?
` A. I'm an expert in computer networks,
`operating systems, computer hardware, computer
`security, voice over IP telephony. Voice over IP.
`IP is Internet Protocol telephony and many other
`fields. I'm a generalist.
` Q. What was the last word you just said?
` A. A generalist.
` Q. A generalist?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 16
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. Do you have an undergraduate degree?
` A. I have a graduate degree.
` Q. So you do not have an undergraduate
` A. Well, I graduated from Moscow State
`University. And in Soviet Union, at that time,
`there was no distinction. So, essentially, it's
`always granted, a graduate degrees. So I wrote the
`thesis when I graduated, and you have to define it,
`so this is a graduate degree.
` Q. So the graduate degree that you're
`referring to is your Master of Science?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that was in mathematical computer
`science 1987?
` A. Yes.
` Q. From Moscow State University?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When did you come to this country?
` A. In late 1991.
` Q. So you issued a declaration in this case,
` A. Yes. Correct.
` Q. Did you draft the declaration?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 17
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you typed it up?
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection. Again, just
`instruct the witness not to answer with regard to
`communication with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I
`did typing.
` Q. You did the typing?
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. Did anybody assist you in drafting the
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, calls for
`privilege. Instruct the witness not to answer with
`regard to communication with counsel.
` MR. HOFFMAN: I disagree with your
`objection. There is no question with respect to
`revealing privileged information. Who he worked
`with on a declaration is not privileged.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I had some help with
`legal terms and proper phrasing and as a general
`form of the document from Julia.
` Q. From Julia?
` A. Yes.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 18
` Q. That's Ms. Pogodina?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So there's a number of case citations.
` MR. MORLOCK: Objection, calls for
`protected material. Instruct the witnesses not to
`answer with regard to communication with counsel in
`this matter. That's work product under Rule 26.
` The Board has specifically instructed
`counsel to attempt -- against any attempt to
`inquire on cross-examination into how direct
`testimony declarations came to be prepared. That's
`a cite, Pevarello v. Lan, Patent Interference No.
`105394. It's a decision from the Board instructing
`counsel not to ask questions into how direct
`testimony came to be prepared.
` Q. Well, let's turn to your declaration,
`then, Mr. Antonov.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. It's been marked as Exhibit 1023.
` A. Thank you.
` MR. MORLOCK: Thank you.
` Q. Can I ask you to turn to Page 5 of your
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 19
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. Paragraph 16 --
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. -- it says, "It is my understanding that
`a claim is invalid by anticipation when a single
`prior art reference (as defined by 35 U.S.C.
`Section 102) existed prior to the claim's priority
`date and teaches every element of the claim."
` Have you read 35 U.S.C. Section 102
` A. I didn't read the section per se. Julia
`explained it to me what they mean in layman's
` Q. So you have never actually read the
`statute, correct?
` A. No, I never actually read the statute, but
`I have help from Julia in understanding what it
` Q. And do you know if Ms. Pogodina provided
`the correct advice to you with respect to what it
` A. I have no reason to think that she
`provided an incorrect advice.
` Q. You do not quote the actual statute in
`your declaration, do you not?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 20
` A. From what I understand, you need to
`include exact references into the document, so she
`provided the reference.
` Q. She provided you a copy of the statute?
` A. She provided -- she provided explanation
`and the reference. I do not think I would be
`competent in actually understanding what the
`statute means because understanding legal language
`requires special training in order to understand.
` Q. You're not a lawyer, right?
` A. No, I'm not a lawyer.
` Q. All right. So what does it mean here
`where it says, "Verizon Services Corp. v. Cox
`Fibernet Virginia, Inc."?
` A. That -- well, that means that there was a
`case in which court made some decision.
` Q. And what decision did the Verizon Services
`Corp. vs Cox Fibernet court make?
` A. Basically, from what I understand from
`advice of my attorney who helped me in this case,
`which is Julia, is that a single prior art
`reference is sufficient to invalidate the claim.
` Q. So what specifically about a single prior
`art reference is used to invalidate a claim?
` A. That you do not need multiple instances of
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 21
`prior art to confirm that this is -- some
`particular invention is not novel.
` Q. And in your declaration, do you provide an
`opinion that any piece of prior art teaches each
`and every element of any specific claim?
` A. Yes, this is correct. Sorry for the
` Q. Where in your declaration do you
`demonstrate that each and every claim element is
`rendered invalid by a piece of prior art?
` A. This is described in subsequent sections,
`and basically every section discusses a specific
`claim made. And in the patent, in the original
`'704 patent, or in declaration of expert witness,
`Mr. Mayer-Patel, if I remember the name correctly,
`and other of those claims. So the entirety of that
`document is basically the answer.
` Q. Is there anywhere in your declaration
`where you list, say, the claim elements, and you
`show in comparison to the claim elements where the
`piece -- let me finish my question -- where each of
`the alleged elements are taught in the prior art?
` A. Can you be more specific? Because there
`are several elements, and you may want to ask about
`specific elements.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 22
` The reference to verbiage document --
`verbiage claim is discussed in the part 6,
`"Document Structure," Page 6 and Page 7 and Page 8.
` Q. Are you familiar with the concept of a
`claim chart?
` A. No, I am not.
` Q. A chart where there is an
`element-by-element comparison of a particular claim
`to where the alleged prior art reference teaches
`that particular element?
` Have you ever seen a claim chart before?
` A. No, I haven't seen claim charts. From
`what you're saying, I get a basic concept,
`basically a list of things which -- and I
`understand the concept of independent and dependent
` Q. Is there anywhere in your declaration
`where you list the texts of all of the claims at
` A. All the claims at issue. I provided some
`copies of things addressed in the document, but I
`do not cite a complete list of claims in verbatim
`form. Sorry.
` Q. So your declaration fails to provide an
`element-by-element basis for why -- let me finish
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 23
`the question -- about why a particular piece of art
`might invalidate a particular claim of the '704
` A. No, this declaration contains complete
`list of everything, but what I am saying is that
`the entire declaration is that list. So you cannot
`point to any single section and say here is the
` Q. All right. But you admit that there's --
`the claims aren't repeated verbatim within your
`declaration, correct?
` A. They are incorporated by reference in
`those cases. So in the cases where I do not copy
`the text completely, there is simply a reference to
`sections of expert declaration, or specific line
`numbers in '704 patent, or references to other
`documents. I do not necessarily copy the entire
` Q. And I want to just understand the breadth
`or the scope of your opinion.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. If you turn to Page 5 of your
`declaration --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- your opinion is that "all of the claims
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 24
`subject to the current Inter Partes Review (i.e.
`claims 1 - 7 and 32 - 41) are anticipated by
`NetBIOS," is that correct?
` A. Yes. This is correct.
` Q. And then you say in parentheses, "(and
`WINS as a NetBIOS Name Server implementation.)"
` What do you mean by that?
` A. WINS is a commercial product which
`implements NetBIOS as a -- W-I-N-S. It's a
`Microsoft product which was and still is widely
`used. So NetBIOS is a specific API and description
`of a protocol as specified in the RFC 1001 and
`1002, and WINS is an implementation of that.
` Q. Is your opinion with respect to WINS with
`respect to the product WINS?
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
` Q. And it's the product WINS as you know has
`been implemented over the years, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your opinions with respect to WINS are
`not based on simply, say, the Microsoft manual -- I
`think it's Exhibit 1004 -- that was produced to us
`in this case?
` A. No, I had experience of work on WINS as a
`product over the years.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 25
` Q. So your opinion is that the WINS product
`invalidates the specific claims of the patent,
` A. As a product, the WINS itself as a product
`is obviously a proprietary software code, so it is
`impossible by looking outside of the product to say
`what it is doing inside.
` However, it implements a well-defined
`protocol, which is NetBIOS, and this is easy to
`tell that it does that because, as a network, it
`sends over the traffic -- it implements NetBIOS as
`claimed in Microsoft documentation. Because the
`traffic sent over the network is visible and can be
`analyzed with appropriate tools.
` Q. But I still want to understand your
`opinion with respect to WINS, is it is the WINS
`product, plus the WINS documentation, plus the
`NetBIOS documentation or standard that is the basis
`of your opinion?
` A. Yes, yes. So what I'm saying is that --
`that it was a standard document, NetBIOS. There is
`a specific implementation of that, which is WINS.
`And there are documents which confirm that they are
`-- indeed, one of them is implementation of
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 26
` Both documents, in my personal experience,
`confirms that. So I have no reason not to adopt
`any claim made by Microsoft in this respect.
` Q. I don't understand your last comment.
` A. What I'm saying, I have no reason to think
`that what Microsoft claims in regard to WINS in
`their documentation is incorrect.
` Q. So you believe that everything that
`Microsoft says --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- in its documentation is correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Besides Ms. Pogodina, were there any other
`attorneys involved in helping you draft your
` A. No.
` Q. Is there anybody -- any other nonattorneys
`involved in helping you draft your declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. And then you -- also you mentioned
`Mr. Mayer-Patel?
` A. Yes. I reviewed his deposition and his --
`what is it called -- the document he wrote, which
`was in the materials of the case. That was -- what
`is the legal term for that?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Straight Path Ex. 2045
`Sipnet EU S.R.O. v. Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2013-00246

`Vadim Antonov
`San Francisco, CA
`May 30, 2014
`Page 27
` Q. The declaration.
` A. Yes, declaration.
` Q. Had you been familiar with Mr. Mayer-Patel
`prior to reading his declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review his background at all?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have any reason to disagree with
`Mr. Mayer-Patel's background in terms of him being
`able to serve as an expert in this matter?
` A. My impression, there is not a lot of
`information about his specific background I was
`able to find in the documents of this c

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