(such as when the Workstation service or Server service is stopped), it no longer challenges
`other registration requests for the name. This is referred to as releasing a name.”
`75. The Patent Owner’s Expert claims: “LastIy, WINS repeatedly states that
`"computers register themselves with the WINS Server." (WINS at 51). A process in the
`context of the ’704 Patent is a process or program running on a computer, not the computer
`itself. WINS only tracks registration of a computer, and does not store information in its
`database relating to processes running on that computer.” (Mayer-Patel Declaration,
`Exhibit 2018, p.45) and “Lastly, claim 32 requires an identification of a "process" currently
`connected to the network. This "process," as discussed above, is a process or program
`running on a computer, not merely the associated computer itself. WINS only discloses the
`registration of a computer, and so does not anticipate this requirement of claim 32.” (Mayer-
`Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.55). Firstly, the Expert has confirmed that
`Workstation (and other) Services are processes that register their names (which may
`consist of a computer name plus a l—byte Service—specific suffix), the WINS Manual
`description of this event as “computer registering itself’ is a simplification
`characteristic for these types of documents. Secondly, a computer utilizing WINS as
`a NetBIOS Name Server can run many other processes, and they can register with
`Page 49
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 51

`WINS, too. While the Microsoft TCP/IP manual does not talk about 3rd party
`NetBIOS applications and their name registrations (another understandable
`simplification), an illustration of the WINS registration database shows that there are
`many registered processes, using different names, all running on the same computer
`and registered with the same IP address mapping. In the example illustration, a
`computer with the IP address and the “A—ANNEP2” computer name
`has its following processes registered with WINS: _MSBROWSE_[01h] (Master
`Browser), A—ANNERP2[00h] and A—ANNERPDOM[O0h] (Workstation Service),
`ANNERP2[O3h] (Messenger Service), ANNERP2[20h] (File Server Service), etc.
`Page 50
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 52

`Show Database - [|_o1:al]
`511-11 0111::
`@ 5”, bl cw, E“,
`0 Son by Lineuapp
`O 501! Iipgmaun ID
`0' South: Tppg
`5320194 -I:III:43 PM
`532054 I:l4:5fl PM
`5120131 I:N:4! Pll
`5l2‘.lJ1i'94 -l:lC:5fl Pll
`5J'ZlJJ‘9l -I:Il:49 PH
`5III1t'3l $15243 PH
`5131391 It] (:15 PH
`A J J J J J J J J
`(Exhibit 1004, p.150)
`76. The Patent Owner’s Expert uses the same “on—1ine vs. registered”
`argument for WINS: “First, as described by the above disclosure, a name in the WINS
`system may remain registered when it is disconnected from the network, as long as the
`Workstation service is ongoing. Processes that are, for example, off-line while the computer
`system is still running will remain registered in the database. Second, like NetBlOS, WINS will
`still recognize a name as registered until it is challenged by a new node. A name that is not
`Page 51
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 53

`connected to the network will remain in its default, "registered" state unless and until a new
`node contacts WINS requesting the same name for a different address than the first node.”
`(Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.45) This statement is incorrect: these
`names remain registered in the database for a limited time only. When their
`registrations time out, they will be marked as ‘expired’, keeping the process on—line
`status information “relatively current” (the expression used in the ‘704 Patent at
`5:39-44). This was already discussed in Sections 25-27 of this Declaration.
`77. The Patent Owner’ s Expert makes a statement about the way the WINS
`server maintains its internal registration database: “Third, the above disclosure specifies
`that registered names will remain registered in the database even after it is challenged, and
`WINS will simply "mark" registered names as "released" until "a certain period of time" has
`elapsed. The names are then merely “marked” as “extinct,” and even these "extinct" names
`will "remain in the database for a designated period of time." (WINS at 59).” (Mayer-Patel
`Declaration, Exhibit 2018, pp.45-46). Firstly, the quoted section talks about names
`being explicitly “released to the WINS server,” and does not talk about “challenges”
`taking place when a name conflict is detected. Secondly, it is true that the de-
`registered records are not removed from the WINS database immediately. This is
`Page 52
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 54

`done to optimize future re—registrations and to support multi—server WINS ‘database
`replication’. The presence of a ‘released’ record in the database does not mean that
`the name is considered ‘active’ or ‘on—line’. In his Deposition, the Patent Owner’s
`Expert agreed that the same is true for the ‘704 Patent, too: “A. [..] I also see, on
`Column 6 around Line 5, that it describes either removing the user's information or simply
`flagging the information as being off-line. Q. So it describes removing the user's information?
`A. It describes that as one possibility for how it maintains its internal data structures.”
`(Expert Deposition, p.32:30-p.33:5)
`78. I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
`States of America, that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true
`and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.
`Executed on: 4/29/2014
`Page 53
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 55

`Vadim Antonov
`I'm a software manager and developer, with technical leadership and hands—on implementation
`experience in a number of ground—breaking projects in diverse fields of computer industry, including
`development of operating systems (both research and production), compilers and interpreters, Internet
`backbone networks worldwide, supercomputer software, terabit data routing, Web—based applications,
`IP telephony, hosted business applications, application and network security, network monitoring, etc.
`My managerial experience includes founding several companies and 10 years of software development
`management (executive level) in both small and large (up to 60000 employees) companies; my
`expertise is in building and running small highly efficient "Skunkworks style" teams.
`Snowflake Computing, San Mateo, CA; 3/2013 — present
`Founding Engineer
`Designed and implemented compressed columnar file storage subsystem;
`Designed and implemented internal binary representation for semi—structured data;
`Implemented high—performance JSON parser and generator;
`Implemented AVRO parser;
`Implemented local file caching logic;
`Implemented various SQL functions for to—string and from-string conversions;
`Implemented SOL functions for handling semistructured data (extraction, flattening, casts, etc);
`Implemented various generic and low-level classes and functions (fast hashing, numeric conversions,
`data structures, etc).
`Participated in architectural and design work.
`Avistar Communications, San Mateo, CA; 6/2012 — 2/2013
`Sr. Software Engineer
`0 Reverse-engineering Microsoft implementation of firewall/NAT traversal protocols in Lync server and
`- Created firewall/NAT traversal testbed for interconnectivity testing between Avistar Media Engine and
`Implemented Lync-compatible STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) protocol engine;
`Implemented Lync-compatible TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT) protocol client;
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 56

`Participated in design and implementation of ICE protocol engine (Interactive Connectivity
`Estabishment) for Avistar Media Engine;
`Refactoring and improvements of Media Engine platform classes;
`Participated in porting Media Engine to Android (improved UI, added screen orientation change
`handling, worked on interface to OpenMAX hardware video codecs).
`Pure Storage, Mountain View, CA; 9/2011 — 6/2012
`Member of Technical Staff
`Developed SSD operations trace analyzer;
`Developed SSD performance test bench to test SSD access strategies and aid in discovery of SSD
`firmware timing behavior;
`Refactored low-level SSD I/O routines;
`Refactored volume label writing and reading;
`Added use of TRIM to improve SSD performance;
`Implemented advanced strategies for SSD scheduling;
`Added back—pressure handling and refactored from push to pull interface of in—memory and persistent
`change log recorders;
`Conitributed to bug triage and fixing.
`Avistar Communications, San Mateo, CA; 8/2011 — 9/2011
`Contractor, Software Engineering
`See description of full-time Avistar position above
`Symantec Corp., Mountain View, CA; 7/2007 — 6/2011
`Sr. Principal Software Engineer
`Designed and implemented very high speed web server and in-memory database for website
`reputation service with 50 million end—users (providing XML access to site reputation database and
`static content delivery from RAM); including non-stop reconfiguration, fault tolerance, and low-
`overhead synchronization with Oracle RAC database.
`designed and implemented clickstream aggregation and statistical processing server;
`created patent—pending architecture for real-time site rating service using Bayesian information
`integration from massively distributed sensor network;
`implemented very high performance server for on-line executable file trustworthiness validation, a
`core component for the 2009 and subsequent releases of Norton Anti-Virus;
`designed and implemented Intelligent Analysis Scheduler;
`designed and implemented high—performance platform for Symantec's on—|ine services (a critical
`component in 2011 NIS/NAV);
`designed and implemented SafeWeb plugin for the new-generating on-line services platform;
`designed and implemented SRDB Reader, a component for converstio of website reputation data
`from Oracle relational DB to object—oriented representation
`designed and implemented Android client for Norton Remote Rescue anti-theft service;
`invented a novel method of signature proximity-based malware detection (patent pending);
`invented fast cryptographic method of client authentication (patent pending), and implemented
`Symantec Client Authentication servers and client libraries;
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 57

`invented archtiecture for immune-system like web site reputation system (patent pending);
`invented method for malware signature distribution which reduces false positive matches without
`reducing coverage of known malware (patent pending).
`co-invented the method for telephone phishing protection (patent pending);
`invented the method for protecting data on lost/stolen mobile devices (patent pending);
`reiceived Mercury award for innovation;
`received A++ award for outstanding performance;
`received a number of Applause awards (2009,2010,2011);
`received 2011 Standing Ovation award.
`NebuAd lnc., Redwood City, CA; 6/2006 — 5/2007
`Chief Architect
`participated in development of company's product definition and service architecture (ultra-
`transparent HTTP proxy-based advertisement insertion, deployable at |SPs).
`designed and developed the first-generation proxy appliance (Intel P4—based), personally
`impemented the following subsystems:
`network flow processor (user—space prototype and in-kernel module);
`fault tolerance protocols and supporting code for parallelized processing;
`0 modified Linux TCP stack to support ultra-transparent proxy operation;
`high-performance asynchronous I/O library capable of servicing up to 30k simultaneous flows
`per CPU;
`fast URL matching library (using novel hashed tree algorithm and custom NFA-based regexp
`UI for the app|iance's LCD.
`Trustworthy Software Inc., Hayward, CA; 10/2002 — 12/2008
`CTO, majority shareholder.
`Principal Investigator on a contract with US Army TACOM, developing secure Web-centric solutions
`for engineering document management, SBIR Phase I and II:
`0 designed architecture for the secure Web-centric application platform;
`created winning proposals for the SBIR Phase I and II solicitations;
`o managed the development team;
`0 designed and implemented C++ foundation classes library, including multithreading support,
`error reporting, tracing and logging, various data structures (including novel hash trees), a
`novel C++ incremental garbage-collector and a fast small structure memory allocator;
`0 designed and implementer portable C++ asynchronous I/O library (Linux x86, Windows NT
`and XP, Sun Solaris 9, 10) including event model, thread pooling, file and network I/O
`(including support for scatter/gather ops), asynchronous DNS resolver, directory access,
`process management, network configuration access;
`0 designed and implemented Distributed JavaScript (DJS) bytecode compiler & asynchronouns
`event-driven interpreter, implementing JavaScript extended with support for strong typing
`(elementary types, fixed-point arithmetic, classes and enumerations) and direct access to
`object request broker and other remote data access methods;
`0 designed secure transport layer architecture;
`implemented Public-Key Infrastructure support library for the secure transport layer;
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 58

`designed and implemented secure object request broker library;
`designed secure distributed object naming service;
`designed secure logging service;
`designed universal federated user identity management subsystem (distributed authentication,
`flexible authentication dialogue scripting, pub|ic—key based user credentials, user and
`authentication information source integration);
`0 designed secure distributed role-based access control and session managament serivce.
`- Contractor with Veritas Inc. (acq. by Symantec) - designed and implemented Network Communication
`Manager quick network diagnostic tool (performance measurements, fault analysis, detects most
`kinds of LAN and WAN access links and gateways malfunction, misconfiguration and overload
`conditions in 20-40 seconds).
`Principal Investigator on a contract with US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA):
`created winning proposal for the SBIR Phase I solicitation;
`created architecture for secure distributed satellite and air recon imagery search and
`created architecture for secure P2P network, including novel approach to regional P2P node
`clustering and the first P2P network design resistant to flooding and poisoning attacks;
`created architecture for LAN—wide P2P cache management and LAN-WAN access link
`bandwidth management;
`created hybrid P2P/streaming architecture for highly scalable real-time and delayed video
`o Contractor, misc. contracts:
`0 designed and implemented basic IP routing daemon software on PPC/Linux platform, including
`user-space part of PPP protocol and support for NAT/firewalls and L2 switching;
`0 designed and implemented HDLC—over-Ethernet protocol, including Linux kernel module;
`0 designed and implemented Broadcomm Gigabit Ethernet switch controller driver for
`Zultis Technology, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA; 02/2003-12/2003
`- Designed and implemented soft IP router component of the integrated VOIP PBX/network gateway
`platform (PowerPC 440 and PowerPC 405 CPUs), including:
`0 Linux kernel driver and user-space configuration support for Broadcomm Gigabit and 100Mbps
`Ethernet switch;
`PHY control and monitoring for Ethernet interfaces, including powered Ethernet feature;
`user-space routing daemon with company's proprietary configuration and UI access,
`supporting dynamic routing tables and L2 switching;
`implemented user-space support for PPP (LCP, IPCP, PAP), integrated with the router
`component, and interfacing with Linux kernel-based PPP stack;
`implemented distributed routing table synchronization across multiple modules within the
`0 designed and implemented HDLC-over—Ethernet tunneling protocol for interfacing T-1 WAN
`lines (through DSP) to the router module (supporting clearchannel and channelized T—1s with
`various mixes of data/voice timeslot assignments), including Linux kernel module;
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 59

`0 designed and implemented firewall and NAT configuration module (interface between the
`company's proprietary Ul, proprietary configuration database, and Linux iptables kernel
`Exigen Group, San Francisco, CA; 7/2000 — 10/2002
`Chief Architect — responsibile for the architecture of the company's computing utility software suite.
`Supervised the company's Architecture Group.
`- Created middleware concept for large-scale computing utilities, including novel security architecture.
`Invented (patents pending), supervised implementation, and partially coded the industry-first secure
`object broker (EOL), including foundation library, platform-independent asynchronous I/O library,
`secure transport layer, inter-object protocol engine, object definition language complier, regression
`test suites (over 300 thousand lines of source code).
`- Designed or participated in design of a number of services for the utility middleware platform based
`on EOL, including: distributed secure name service, authentication service, activation management,
`distributed file service, logging service, common component configuration framework.
`Supervised EOL development, QA, and documentation teams in US and Russia.
`MongoNet Inc., San Francisco, CA; 6/2000 - 2/2013
`Member of the company's Board of Advisors
`created company's engineering plan and initial product definition based on the company founder's
`designed software and service architecture for the fax to any e-mail gateway based on OCR
`helped to hire and manage the engineering team during early stages.
`Genesys Telecom Labs, Inc. / Alcatel, San Francisco CA; 4/1999 - 6/2000
`Chief Network Architect— responsibile for creating and advancing company's strategy in Internet telephony
`and Internet-based multimedia applications.
`- Co-authored Simple Media Control Protocol for providing Class 5—|ike features to VOIP and
`conventional telephone switches, and for controlling multimedia communications.
`Participated in design of the Genesys VOIP software switch product (DMX).
`- Authored comprehensive technology and trends analysis on core networking technology for
`integrated carrier networks.
`Syntext Inc., Seattle, WA; 1/1999 — present
`Director, major investor
`provided business and technological advice for the developers of the most advanced XML editor on
`the market.
`Civilized Discourse, Belmont CA; 8/1998 — 4/1999
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 60

`Created business model for cooperative self-rating discussion forums.
`Designed and implemented very high performance object-oriented distributed database (Linux, C).
`Designed and implemented Web—based interface to the database simulating operation of a local
`newsreader software (Apache, Linux).
`Designed and implemented e—mai| gateway to mailing lists and the anonymizing remailer based on
`the CIVD database.
`Designed and implemented a message archive search engine.
`Invented a new route flap damping algorithm allowing to increase stablity of Internet backbone routing
`(RFC publication pending).
`Pluris, Palo Alto CA; 7/1996 — 8/1998
`Founder and CTO - Responsible for all design and engineering in the company.
`Invented and patented core massively parallel routing technology. The technology allows to increase
`capacity of Internet routers 1000-10000 times over conventional routers, allowing to route data at
`several terabits per second.
`Invented and patented new interconnect technology for massively parallel computers (the permuted
`Invented and patented scalable LAN architecture.
`Created business plan and presentation and successfully raised $3M first round of venture capital.
`Hired and managed software and hardware teams.
`Designed hardware architecture and detailed specifications for the prototype.
`Selected and initially installed company IT infrastructure, including workstations, file servers, LAN,
`telephone and voice mail systems.
`Participated in board debugging of hardware prototype.
`Designed architecture and directly supervised MPR software design, including: packet routing engine,
`device drivers, bootstrapping, diagnostic logging, configuratuion manager, configuration compiler,
`configuration database, user interface, network monitoring, hardware diagnostic, routing protocols
`and configuration microcode.
`Implemented significant portions or all of: configuration compiler, packet forwarding engine,
`configuration manager, device drivers.
`Performed component selection for hardware design.
`Created hardware architecture for the product line.
`Invented new type of linearly scalable communication network (permuted multihypercubes) providing
`significant speed and redundancy advantages.
`Evangelized company technology at conferences and technical commitees' meetings.
`Participated in fundraising for the second round (successfully raised $20M).
`nCUBE, Foster City CA; 7/1995 — 7/1996
`Sr. Software Engineer— Responsibilities included kernel and application development for nCUBE massively
`parallel computers.
`Participated in design of CUBE 2 ISDN communication facility for video—on—demand applications.
`Installed and supported Plan 9-based corporate network.
`Performed troubleshooting and bug fixes in Plan 9 systems.
`Developed 100Mbps Ethernet drivers for PC and nCUBE 3.
`Worked on improving performance of Plan 9 TCP/IP stack and user-space file system (KFS).
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 61

`Reimplemented Plan 9 Address Resolution Protocol streams modules and generic Ethernet driver
`Designed and participated in implementation of distributed file system for nCUBE 3 operating system
`(Pluto), including distributed cache and software emulation of RA|D—5 disk arrays.
`Sprint, Herndon VA; 7/1993 - 7/1995
`Sr. Network Engineer (Acting Manager, departments of SprintLink Engineering and Software Development,
`1/94 - 10/94) - Responsibilites included SprintLink DS-3 backbone and dia|—up engineering, design and
`development of operational, customer support, build-out of infrastructure and development of tools.
`Designed and built the world first commercial and telco-owned T-3/OC-3 Internet backbone.
`Designed SprintLink backbone and support infractructure architecture.
`Performed full range of backbone equipment installation and configuration tasks, including on—site
`Designed and implemented SNMPSTATD v1 - a SNMP network monitoring and statistics collection
`tool including report generators.
`Implemented the first link-state based (I-ISIS) IGP routing in a tier-one backbone network.
`Re-engineered SprintLink backbone to support CIDR and BGP—4.
`Designed and introduced SprintLink backbone numbering plan and routing policies.
`Implemented BGP confederations in SprintLink backbone.
`Designed SprintLink routing architecture and coordinated deployment of the first DS-3 circuits and
`backbone routers.
`Invented automatic reverse-path source address verification (implemented by Cisco as part of CEF in
`Designed and implemented customer information, hardware configuration and topology database for
`SprintLink, International Connectivity Management and Sprint Managed Router Networks.
`Designed Pennsauken NAP architecture.
`Participated in the design of NYSERNET Ill architecture.
`Designed and coordinated implementation of tools for automated DNS zone generation from the
`database information.
`Designed and coordinated implementation of SNMPSTATD v2 (the new monitoring system integrated
`with the topology database).
`Designed and implemented Sprint's SWIP and CIDR registry software.
`Worked with cisco and other vendors on debugging and alpha-testing new software (including cisco
`9.2+BGP4 and 10.x IOS).
`Participated in IETF activities in BGPD/ALE, Routing and IPNG working groups.
`Performed third—|evel troubleshooting and on-going backbone configuration modifications for
`SprintLink and ICM customers.
`Coordinated development and operations of SprintLink services (DNS, USENET News, X.400<-
`>RFC-822 e-mail gateway, IP dial-up, MBONE, NTP) and engineering LANs.
`Berkeley Software Design, |nc., Falls Church VA; 12/1991 - 6/1993
`Sr. Systems Engineer- Responsibilities included developing utilities and hardware drivers for a 386 PC
`operating system.
`Debugged interrupt handling code.
`Reimplemented bad sector forwarding for AT hard disk driver.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 62

`Wrote POS|X—comp|iant more utility.
`Found and fixed number of bugs in cache buffering, kernel memory allocation and machine
`dependent code, reimplemented mbuf clusters allocation.
`Wrote the Wangtek/Archive QIC-150 tape driver.
`Wrote the 3C507 Ethernet driver.
`Implemented the pr utility.
`Reimplemented the f|oppy—disk driver and added support for O|C—80 f|oppy—tapes.
`Wrote R|SCom/8 asynchronous multiplexer driver.
`Wrote R|SCom/N1 high-speed HDLC synchronous port driver.
`Wrote the 3C501 Ethernet driver.
`Wrote the 3C505 Ethernet driver.
`Implemented the NE1000 Ethernet code.
`Reimplemented the 3C503 and WE8013 Ethernet driver.
`Wrote the 3C509 Ethernet driver.
`Ported the EtherExpress driver.
`Converted the BSD/386 drivers for the use with the new autoconfiguration interface.
`Debugged the serial port driver.
`Implemented virtual screens in console driver.
`Wrote the driver for R|SCom/H2 dual high-speed synchronous port.
`Implemented Point-to-Point Protocol for dedicated synchronous and asynchronous circuits and for
`dial-up asynchronous lines.
`Reverse—engineered and implemented cisco serial line IP protocol and SLARP.
`Implemented the font loading program.
`Performed troubleshooting and customer support.
`Demos co-operative, Moscow, USSR; 9/1990 — 12/1991
`Founder, Lead Software Engineer, Postmaster- Responsibilities included developing networks and systems
`software, administrate RELCOM network.
`Took part in the development of RELCOM - now the largest UUCP and TCP/IP-based transnational
`network participating in EUnet. Supervised the development of the national e-mail backbone.
`Developed the number of software tools for supporting adaptive message routing and highly effective
`message relaying (including UUCP line discipline, UUMAIL message routing software, e-mail
`compressor BATCHMAIL, redesigned BSD Unix modem interfaces, "intelligent" USENET<->e-mai|
`gateway, generic RFC822 parser library).
`Carried duties of the postmaster of
`Demos co-operative, Moscow, USSR; 7/1989 — 9/1990
`Founder, Head of Software Department - Responsibilities included coordination of software design and
`marketing, consulting and developing system software in field of Unix and Unix—compatib|e operating
`systems working on IBM PC/386, VAX-11 and PDP-11.
`Was the head of design of commercial releases of DEMOS operating systems for PDP—11 clones,
`DEC Professional, IBM PC/XT and revising the DEMOS documentation. (DEMOS is a family of Soviet
`most popular Unix-like operating systems compatible both with Unix System V and BSD Unix).
`Designed the Ethernet TCP/IP network drivers for NE-1000 clones under SCO XENIX 2.3 and
`Lachman/Convergent Tech. STREAMS TCP/IP.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 63

`Made the localization for USSR of SCO XENIX including reimplementing several utilities.
`Designed the PC graphic library and font design kit for HP Laser Jet II and Canon LBP—8 (LIPS-Ill)
`series. Designed device-independent version of Unix troff typesetting package supporting extended
`8-bit coding.
`Designed the message-routing software for DEMOS phone-based public network.
`Developed the model of D3 operating system kernel.
`Consulted DEMOS, Unix and XENIX users.
`Computing Center of Ministry of Automobile Industry, Moscow, USSR; 7/1987 — 7/1989
`Head of Department of Systems Software - Coordination and development of DEMOS and Unix system
`software and documentation, teaching of system programmers and system administrators for Unix-
`compatible systems.
`Ported the Unix BSD 2.9-based system (DEMOS 2) to Electronika-85 (DEC Professional compatible),
`a low-level graphic package was designed for E—85.
`Designed a fast termcap-driven window & menu library under Unix.
`Reimplemented numerous components and partially the kernel of DEMOS 2 in order to reduce
`memory and processor speed requirements.
`Written manuals for DEMOS 2 operating system.
`Delivered lectures on Unix Kernel, C and C-shell programming, Unix Software Development Tools
`and others; appr. 240 hours/year.
`Consulted DEMOS and Unix users.
`Personnel Retraining Institute of Automobile Industry, Moscow, USSR; 1/1983 - 7/1987
`Department of Applied Mathematics and Computers.
`Systems Programmer- Responsibilities included design and supporting MNOS and (later) DEMOS operating
`systems, technical coordination and documenting. Continued education in Moscow State University.
`Designed the MNOS 1.0 operating system (Unix v6-like) for PDP-11.
`Designed the 1st Soviet hardware-independent screen editor EDA.
`Invented the russian lexicographic 8-bit character set (now referred to as "basic" coding for PCs or U-
`Reimplemented and developed device drivers, terminal i/o routines and designed 8-bit revisions of a
`number of Unix utilities.
`Designed a popular form editor for Unix.
`Designed the multiple line printers spooling subsystem.
`Re-implemented Unix v6 up to Unix v7 interfaces (MNOS 1.2 operating system).
`Designed a new assembler and linker kit for PDP-11.
`Ported the INGRES r.7 relational DBMS to PDP-11/40 and revised it in order to support 8-bit
`character encoding.
`Designed parts of DEMOS operating system for VAX-11 clones.
`Designed parts of DEMOS operating system for IBM/370.
`Designed the ISO Pascal compiler for PDP-11.
`Designed the Release 2 (joint release of MNOS 1.2, DEMOS 1 and Unix BSD 2.9) of DEMOS
`operating system for PDP-11 (intended to be compatible both with Berkeley BSD and ATT System V
`Designed parts of the first Russian Unix Training Course.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 64

`- Conducted research in object-oriented programming.
`- Consulted MNOS, DEMOS and Unix users.
`Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR; 8/1980 — 6/1987
`Student & free-lance programmer.
`- Designed the lexical and syntax analyzers for A|gol—68 cross—compiler for Elbrus-2 (cross-
`development on HP—3000).
`- Designed the IBM-compatible magnetic tape driver for DISPAK (BESM-6).
`- Designed the program for searching topological combinators of Rubik's cube (FORTRAN IBM/360).
`- Created software for calculating plasma density in scatrones (relativistic electronic devices)
`- Designed a simulator and an interactive cross-debugger for Intel 8080 (FORTRAN and Assembler
`0 Designed the APL interpreter for PDP-11/34 under RT-11.
`Specialized Construction Bureau for Telemechanics and
`Automated Control., Nalchik, USSR; 12/1979 — 5/1980
`Technician - assisting engineering staff in building hardware prototypes and development of analog and
`digital circuitry.
`- Designed parts of circuitry of TA-100 fault-tolerant industrial control computer's ALU.
`Invented the "weight center" method of digital phase correction and demodulation for 2400 baud
`industrial telegraph-line modem.
`US Pat. 8,667,587: Rea|—time website safety reputation system.
`US Pat. 8,621,625: Methods and systems for detecting infected files.
`US Pat. 8,463,235: Protection from telephone phishing.
`US Pat. 8,412,952: Systems and methods for authenticating requests from a client running trialware
`through a proof of work protocol.
`US Pat. 8,185,956: Rea|—time website safety reputation system.
`US Pat. 7,143,164: Dynamic object library software architecture.
`US Pat. 7,002,958: Method for |oad—ba|ancing with FIFO guarantees in multipath networks.
`US Pat. 6,044,080: Scalable parallel packet router.
`US Pat. 5,940,367: Fau|t—to|erant butterfly switch.
`US Pat. 5,884,046: Apparatus and method for sharing data and routing messages between a plurality of
`workstations in a local area network.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 65

`2008: Symantec A++ Award for Outstanding Performance.
`2008: Symantec Mercury Awa

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