41. If a process communicates using the TCP or UDP protocol (a higher level
`protocol running on top of the IP protocol), each process communication channel
`(usually called a ‘socket’) is assigned a ‘port’ (a 16-bit number) that uniquely
`identifies that channel, and thus, the ‘process’ within a given ‘processing unit’. For a
`process communicating using the TCP or UDP protocol, the network protocol
`address consists of its processing unit IP address and the port number assigned to the
`process communication socket. is an example of such an address,
`where is the processing unit IP address, and 1111 is the process port
`42. Some TCP or UDP communication applications use fixed default port
`numbers. For example, Web (HTTP) servers use the TCP port 80 by default, and
`POP3 mail servers use the TCP port 110 by default. As a result, in order to instruct a
`Web browser to connect to a Web server running on a certain computer (‘processing
`unit’), one can specify just the IP address of that computer: if the port number is not
`specified, the Web browser will connect to the port number 80 by default. The Web
`URL http://12.34.5678 is the same as the URL.
`Page 24
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 26

`43. When an application has a default port number specified, a name server
`may contain a mapping of an application process name into the IP address of the
`processing unit (as opposed to a mapping into the full process address including the
`process port number). The name can be mapped to the IP
`address, and when this name is used in the
`URL, the Web browser will add the port 80 to the IP address
`44. If all processes registered with a name server use the same default port
`number, the name servers may store just the IP address of the registered processes
`(i.e. the network address of the ‘processing unit’). The preferred embodiment of the
`‘704 Patent, the WebPhoneTM product (‘704 Patent Col. 3, lines 6-10) used the fixed
`TCP port 21845. The ‘connection server’ of the WebPhoneTM service could register
`either the full process network address (, or just the computer IP
`address (, relying on the fact that the port number (21845) is fixed and it
`is known to the caller process (some other WebPhoneTM application instance). It is
`likely that this was the cause of the terminology confusion mentioned above.
`Page 25
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 27

`45. For NetBIOS—over-TCP, the process network address consists of the
`‘processing unit’ IP address and the ‘process’ registered name (this can be shown as
`somename AT 12.34.56. 78). When a datagram is sent to a NetBIOS ‘process’, it is
`delivered over the network to its ‘processing unit’ IP address, to the fixed UDP port
`number 138. The sent data packet contains the target ‘process’ name and the
`datagram itself. The NetBIOS—over-TCP software running on the target ‘processing
`unit’ receives all packets delivered to the port 138. It uses the supplied process name
`to deliver the datagram to the target ‘process’.
`46. There can be confusion about the contents of NetBIOS Name Server
`records: do they contain only IP addresses of ‘processing units’, or do they contain
`full network addresses of the registered ‘processes’? In reality, they contain both. A
`record mapping the process “Jim Files” to the IP address l.l.l.l contains a mapping
`from a process name to its processing unit address. But because the process full
`network address is “Jim Files” AT l.l.l.l, the same record also contains a mapping
`from a process name to the process network address: in NetBIOS—over-TCP, the
`process name itself is a part of the process network address.
`Page 26
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 28

`47. Conclusion. The Patent Owner’s Expert has made the following
`statements: “NetBIOS merely tracks the registration of a computer or node, and does not
`store any information relating to processes running on that computer or node” (Exhibit
`2018, p.26 and p.34), and “WINS only tracks registration of a computer, and does not
`store information in its database relating to processes running on that computer” (Exhibit
`2018, p.46), and “Lastly, the use of "PC1" and "PC2" further demonstrates that WINS
`merely coordinates queries regarding computers, not processes running on those computers”
`(Exhibit 2018, p.48), and “It [WINS] also does not store information regarding a process
`running on the computer” (Exhibit 2018, p.49), and “This "process," as discussed above,
`is a process or program running on a computer, not merely the associated computer itself.
`WINS only discloses the registration of a computer” (Exhibit 2018, p.55). All these
`statements are incorrect, as NetBIOS Name Servers (including WINS) contain
`registrations for process names. While many names may be mapped to the same IP
`address (many registered processes running on the same computer), each mapping in
`a NetBIOS Name Server includes the full process network address, as the registered
`name is a part of that address. I present an example of that mapping is Section 75.
`Page 27
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 29

`IX. Dynamic Process Addresses: Not a limitation.
`48. Claim. The Patent Owner and the Patent Owner’s Expert stated repeatedly
`that a requirement for a process to receive (get assigned) a network protocol address
`“following connection to the network” is an important limitation of the ‘704 Patent
`Claims. ‘‘In the current inter partes review, the Board stated that "the limitation ‘connection to
`the computer network’ was given the narrow construction to require a dynamic element" in the
`reexamination proceedings, and then determined that the claims did not require dynamic
`addressing (Decision at 9-10). I do not agree with this statement and decision, for the
`dynamic element is incorporated into the ‘704 claims via the language "following connection
`to the computer network." (See Ex. 2005, Notice of Intent to Issue Ex Parte Reexamination
`Certificate at 2-3 (emphasis added)). The fact that a network protocol address is assigned to
`a process upon its connection to the network is, by definition, dynamic address allocation.”
`(Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.18).
`49. As noted in Section VIII of this Declaration, the ‘704 Patent uses only the
`term ‘process’ in its Claims. The Patent Owner’s Expert even tried to show that the
`‘704 Patent Description is also talking about the ‘process’ (though it does not use
`Page 28
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 30

`that term): “20. The specification also confirms that the claimed process is a computer
`program, rather than the computer itself: "The first processing unit 12 may operate the
`disclosed point-to-point Internet protocol by a computer program described hereinbelow in
`conjunction with FIG. 6, which may be implemented from compiled and/or interpreted source
`code in the C++ programming language and which may be downloaded to the first processing
`unit 12 from an external computer. The operating computer program may be stored in the
`memory 16, which may include about 8 MB RAM and/or a hard or fixed drive having about
`8MB." (’704 Patent at 3:39-47 (emphasis added)). This disclosure corresponds with the
`common understanding of the term "process." To one of ordinary skill in this art, the term
`"process" as used in the claims conveys a process or computer program running on a
`computer, rather than the computer itself.” (Mayer-Pate1Dec1aration, Exhibit 2018,
`p.10-l 1). I agree with the Patent Owner’s Expert that the ‘704 Patent Claims are
`using only the term ‘process’. The ’704 Patent Claims talk about the “process
`network protocol addresses,” and not about “process unit network protocol
`addresses” or “computer network protocol addresses.” The difference was explained
`in Section VIII of this Declaration.
`Page 29
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 31

`50. The ‘704 Patent Claim 1 uses the phrase “a network protocol address
`received by the first process following connection to the computer network,” while
`the Claims 2,4, and 32 specify a process address received “following connection” to
`the network, and the Claims 33 and 38 specify a process address received “upon
`connection to the computer network.”
`51. I agree with the Patent Owner’s Expert that a process is a running instance
`of an application, which is created anew every time when an application starts: “Q.|f
`a program is started again, is a new process created? A. Generally that is true, yes.”
`(Mayer-Patel Deposition, Exhibit 1022, p.l6:5-7). Such a dynamic entity gets its
`network address dynamically, too. Generically speaking, a process gets its network
`address when it “connects to the networ ”, i.e. when a process uses the Operating
`System controlling its ‘processing unit’ to prepare a network communication
`channel the process can use. The Patent Owner’ s Expert provided an even more
`restricted definition: “That process would receive a network protocol address when it uses
`the operating system in order to make a connection to some other process on some other
`computer.” (Mayer-Patel Deposition, Exhibit 1022, p.22:l5-19).
`Page 30
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 32

`52. As the Patent Owner’s Expert has confirmed, there is no way for a process
`to receive a “network protocol address” other than “upon/following connection to
`the computer network.” All process network protocol addresses are assigned
`dynamically, after the process (a running instance of an application) has started and
`when it uses the operating system to “connect to the network.” This is true for any
`process, whatever communication system or interface (NetBIOS, ‘sockets’, or any
`other) that process is using.
`53. Conclusion. I cannot agree with the Patent Owner that “process receiving
`a network protocol address following a connection to the computer networ ” is a
`limitation not disclosed in NetBIOS, or that it is a limitation at all. I similarly cannot
`agree with the Patent Owner that “processes having dynamically assigned network
`protocol addresses” (‘704 Patent, Claim 33) is a limitation not disclosed in NetBIOS,
`or that it is a limitation at all.
`X. Dynamic Addressing of Processing Units
`54. The Patent Owner and the Patent Owner’ s Expert pointed to the
`Description part of the ‘704 Patent which uses the term ‘processing unit’, as opposed
`Page 31
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 33

`to the term ‘process’ used in the ‘704 Patent Claims. They refer to the Description
`sections which talk about dynamic assignment of network addresses to processing
`units: “27. The specification also explicitly incorporates dynamic addressing into the claimed
`system. The Background of the patent explains a problem in the prior art as the following:
`Permanent IP addresses [i.e., ‘static’ addresses] of users and devices accessing the Internet
`readily support point-to—point communications of voice and video signals over the Internet...
`Due to the dynamic nature of temporary IP addresses of some devices accessing the
`Internet, point-to-point communications in realtime of voice and video have been generally
`difficult to attain. (’704 Patent at 1:48-56). 28. The descriptions of the patented invention also
`explicitly describe dynamic, rather than static, addressing: "When either of the processing
`units logs on to the Internet via a dial-up connection, the respective unit is provided a
`dynamically allocated IP address by a connection service provider." (’704 Patent at 5:21-23).
`The figures of the patent also specify that the system utilizes dynamic addressing: "As shown
`in FIG. 1, the disclosed point-to-point Internet protocol and system operate when a callee
`processing unit does not have a fixed or predetermined IP address." (’704 Patent at 5:15-17).
`The Patent lastly provides the following conclusion:
`Realtime point-to—point communication of audio signals over the Internet, as well as video and
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 34

`voicemail, may thus be established and supported without requiring permanent IP addresses
`to be assigned to either of the users or processing units. For the duration of the realtime
`point-to-point link, the relative permanence of the current IP addresses of the processing units
`is sufficient. (704 Patent at 7:32-38).” (Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, pp. 19-
`55. As noted in Section VIII of this Declaration, the term ‘processing unit’ is
`not used in any of the ‘704 Patent Claims, and in my opinion, the ‘processing unit
`network addresses’ are not relevant to the ‘704 Patent Claims, which discuss only
`the ‘process network protocol addresses’. Nonetheless, I have decided to review the
`Patent Owner’s and the Patent Owner EXpert’s statements about dynamic address
`assignment to processing units being incompatible with the NetBIOS references.
`56. The ‘Dynamically Assigned IP address’ Terminology. The NetBIOS
`was designed in early 1980s, and the NetBIOS—over-TCP standards (RFC1001/ 1002)
`were published in March 1987 (Exhibit 1003). At that time automated mechanisms
`to assign IP addresses to ‘processing units’ (devices and computers) had already
`emerged. The BOOTP protocol standardized in RFC951 was published in September
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 35

`1985. At that time the term ‘dynamically assigned’ was not in use yet: while BOOTP
`implements what we now call ‘dynamically assigned IP addresses’ the word
`‘dynamically’ is not used anywhere in the RFC951 document. Only when the
`BOOTP protocol eventually had evolved into the DHCP protocol (standardized in
`RFC1531 in October 1993), did the term ‘dynamically configured hosts’ begin to be
`introduced. Abbreviated (and technically incorrectl) notion of ‘dynamically assigned
`IP address’ appeared even later than that. It is not surprising that the ‘dynamically
`assigned IP address’ notion does not appear in the RFC1001/RFC1002 documents
`published six years earlier, in March 1987.
`57. No limitation to static IP addresses. The NetBIOS—over-TCP was
`designed with a clear vision that in its target environment (office networks)
`computer network addresses were not assigned permanently. The
`RFC1001/RFC1002 standard does not contain anything that would limit its usage to
`1 It is incorrect because dynamic network configuration requires assignment not only of a host IP address, but, as a
`minimum, of the IP network ‘mask’, and of the ‘default gateway’ IP address.
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 36

`systems with permanently or ‘statically’ assigned IP addresses. This standard was
`designed to support ‘dynamically assigned addresses’, though these documents do
`not use this term because it was coined years later.
`58. Clear Reference to the Dynamic nature of IP addresses. The Domain
`Name System (DNS) was standardized in the RFC882/883 documents published in
`November 1983. By the time the RFCl0Ol/ 1002 documents were published in
`March 1987, DNS was already being used on the Internet. It was also used for large
`internal networks (universities, large corporations, etc). The Domain Name System
`was designed for environments where computers had permanently assigned IP
`addresses, and it was based on ‘static’ (manually modified) databases containing
`(among other things) mappings from names to IP addresses. The RFCl00l
`document described a NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS) that should contain similar
`mapping (from a process name to the processing unit IP address), and that document
`provided comparison between its NBNS and the already popular Domain Name
`System (DNS). When NetBIOS—over-TCP standards were developed, it was
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 37

`recognized that these name—to-address mappings should be dynamic (i.e. that the IP
`address can change) and this is why the traditional DNS could not be used2. The
`RFCl0Ol document reads: “This RFC, however, requires the NBNS to provide
`services beyond those provided by the current domain name system. An attempt has
`been made to coalesce all the additional services which are required into a set of
`transactions which follow domain name system styles of interaction and packet
`formats. Among the areas in which the domain name service must be extended
`before it may be used as an NBNS are:
`- Dynamic addition of entries
`- Dynamic update of entry data” (Exhibit 1003, p.386). As an entry data in
`NetBIOS Name server database contains a ‘process’ name and its ‘processing unit’
`IP address, a requirement to support “dynamic update of entry data” indicates that
`the RFCl00l document anticipated the ‘dynamic’ nature of IP address allocation:
`record data for a given name contains only an IP address, and record data needs to be
`updated only if that IP address can change.
`2 The Domain Name System was later extended to support dynamic addressing, too. The resulting
`Dynamic DNS (DDNS) standards appeared in July of 1994.
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 38

`59. The ‘704 Patent does not contain any mechanism specifically designed to
`support dynamic addressing, nor does it disclose any mechanism for dynamic
`allocation of IP addresses. The ‘704 ‘processes’ (or ‘processing units’) connect to
`the network, register their current network addresses with the server, and later
`disconnect from the network. When they connect again, they may be using the same
`network address, or they may have a different network address assigned — the
`‘connection server’ of the ‘704 patent simply registers the network address supplied.
`Similarly, a NetBIOS Name Server works equally well if a name was registered
`being mapped to one IP address, and later this name is re—registered being mapped to
`the same or to a different IP address.
`60. The Microsoft WINS is an implementation of NetBIOS Name Server
`(NBNS). It was designed specifically to work in DHCP environments (i.e. in
`networks were IP addresses are assigned dynamically, using a DHCP server). WINS
`strictly follows the RFC1001/RFC1002 standards: “As described in the following
`section, WINS is a NetBIOS over TCPfIP mode of operation defined in RFC
`1001/1002 as p—node.” (Exhibit 1004, p.65); “The WINS protocol is based on and is
`Page 37
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 39

`compatible with the protocols defined for NBNS in RFCs 1001/1002, so it is
`interoperable with any other implementations of these RFCs.” (Exhibit 1004, p.69).
`61. Conclusion. It is my opinion that not only the Microsoft WINS
`implementation, but the NetBIOS—oVer-TCP standards (RFC1001/ 1002) themselves
`fully anticipate configurations Where IP addresses of ‘processing units’ are assigned
`on a non-permanent basis (‘dynamically’).
`XI. Rebuttal to Additional Characterizations of NetB|OS
`62. While most of the NetBIOS-related statements in the Expert Declaration
`(Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018) are repetitions of the same two statements
`(“on-line status vs. registration” and “dynamic address assignment”), there are
`several other statements that, in my opinion, should be reviewed and discussed.
`63. The Patent OWner’s Expert claims ‘‘If a system is configured to utilize dynamic
`address allocation, each process is assigned a unique IP address from the sewer during
`network initialization.” (Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.16). This statement is
`incorrect, as an IP address is assigned (permanently or dynamically) to an entire
`computer (‘processing unit’), and processes running on that computer unit share the
`Page 38
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 40

`same IP address as the ‘computer part’ of their process network addresses. This is
`why a process network address should include (explicitly or implicitly) a ‘local part’
`uniquely identifying that ‘process’ within the ‘processing unit’. It can be a ‘port
`number’ for processes using the TCP/UDP protocols, or it can be the registered
`name itself for a process using the NetBIOS—over-TCP protocol.
`64. The Patent Owner’s Expert makes the following statement about NetBIOS:
`‘‘35. In fact, once a node is registered, its status does not change in any way unless it is
`"challenged" by a new node requesting the same name registration as the original node.”
`(Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.22). This is incorrect, as the NetBIOS
`Name Server may detect the change of the process on—line status when the process
`requests its ‘name release’, when the process or its ‘processing unit’ fail to refresh
`the registration before it times-out. See Sections 27 and 29 of this Declaration for the
`65. The Patent Owner’ s Expert makes the following statement about the
`record set (database) kept by NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS): “36. In the previous
`reexamination of the ’704 Patent, I noted that NetBlOS sets all names to "active," regardless
`Page 39
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 41

`of the name’s on—line status with the network. An active name simply refers to a name that
`has been registered and that has not yet been deregistered, independent of whether the
`associated computer is or is not on-line. The fields in the name flag merely denote whether
`the name is (1) active, or (2) in conflict, as pictured below: [...] (NetBIOS at 447).” (Mayer-
`Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p. 23). The quoted NetBIOS record (“pictured
`below”) is taken from RFCl002, the document describing the formats of NetBIOS-
`over—TCP protocol messages, and the quoted part describes “4.2. 18. NODE
`STATUS RESPONSE”, sent by a ‘processing unit’ (not a particular ‘process’) in
`response to NetBIOS NODE STATUS REQUEST. Firstly, the NODE STATUS
`REQUEST does not correspond to any of the operations described in the ‘704 Patent
`(it asks a ‘processing unit’ to report all registered names of all ‘processes’ running
`on that unit), although it can be used to implement more effective ‘active polling’
`(the ‘704 Patent does not disclose ‘active polling’ at all, see Sections 31 and 35 of
`this Declaration). Secondly, the quoted NetBIOS record is part of the protocol, not a
`record of the NetBIOS Name Server internal database as the Patent Owner’s Expert
`implies, and the NODE STATUS RESPONSE record format does not define or
`restrict the content of that database.
`Page 40
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 42

`66. The Patent Owner’s Expert makes the following statement: ‘‘I note that the
`NetBIOS system does not actually deregister any names. Instead, NetBIOS will allow the user
`of the computer to delete its own name from the NetBIOS database. According to NetBIOS,
`"The only valid user function against a marked name is DELETE NAME." (NetBIOS at 380).”
`(Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.24). This statement was taken completely
`out of context, which is RFC1001 section NAME CONFLICT. That section
`explains what should happen to a ‘process’ trying to register a NetBIOS name that is
`already in use with some other ‘process’, and to the NetBIOS software running on
`the ‘processing unit’ where the first ‘process’ runs. The quoted section says: “Notice
`that only those nodes that receive the name conflict message place a conflict mark
`next to a name. Logically, a marked name does not exist on that node”, and then
`“The only valid user function against a marked name is DELETE NAME.” The ‘704
`Patent does not even try to discuss situations in which two different processes try to
`utilize the same name, so any discussion about duplicate names handling in
`NetBIOS is not relevant.
`67. The Patent Owner’s Expert later makes a similar statement: “39 Moreover, if
`the system does become aware that the node is not connected to the network (through a
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 43

`name challenge, for example), the node will still remain "registered" with the system, merely
`marked as "in conflict."” (Mayer-Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.24-25). Again,
`marking a NetBIOS record ‘in conflict’ takes place only when two processes try to
`use the same name — the condition completely ignored by the ‘704 Patent. Outside
`that condition, the NetBIOS Name Server does de—register records if their processes
`are no longer ‘on—line’, including the situations of active ‘name challenge’ polling:
`“A well—behaved NBNS, would, however, issue a challenge to-, or request a list of
`names from-, the non—reporting end—node before deleting its name(s). The absence
`of a response, or of the name in a response, will confirm the NBNS decision to
`delete a name.” (Exhibit 1003, pp.400-401).
`68. The Patent Owner’s Expert claims that not only is NetBIOS Name Server
`unable to detect that a process is no longer ‘on—line’ (this incorrect statement was
`examined in Section VII above), but that “NetBlOS clearly delineates its protocol for
`when a computer or node is thought to be disconnected from the network, and it does not
`include the generation or transmission of an off-line message to the first process” (Mayer-
`Patel Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.36). This is an incorrect statement. When a
`process tries to connect to other process by name, and the NetBIOS—over-TCP
`Page 42
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 44

`software sends a NAME QUERY request to the NetBIOS Name Server, in a
`situation in which the Name Server does not have the requested record in its
`database, it generates and sends back a NEGATIVE RESPONSE message, in
`exactly the same way as the ‘704 Patent ‘connection server’ sends back its ‘off—line
`message’. The RFClOOl document reads: “The following diagram shows what
`happens if the NBNS has no information about the name:
`(server has no information about the name)
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __>
`< ——————————————————————————————— ——
`(Exhibit 1003, p.389). The RFClO02 section 4.2.14. NEGATIVE NAME QUERY
`RESPONSE specifies this ‘off—line message’ format (Exhibit 1003, p.460).
`69. The Patent Owner’s Expert then makes one more attempt to show that the
`NetBIOS—over-TCP does not teach an equivalent to ‘off—line message’ reporting of
`the‘704 Patent (Sections 55-56 of the Expert Declaration). I agree with the Patent
`Owner’s Expert when he says ‘‘I note that the “END-NODE CHALLENGE
`Page 43
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 45

`REGISTRATION RESPONSE” transmitted by NBNS could not be interpreted as an "off-line
`message" generated and transmitted "to the first process".” (Mayer-Patel Declaration,
`Exhibit 2018, p.37), because he reviews a wrong RESPONSE. Here the Patent
`Owner’s Expert reviews the process of NetBIOS registration and various messages
`the Name Server (NBNS) generates when it discovers that the name to be registered
`is already claimed by a different process. Firstly, the ‘704 Patent does not even try
`to disclose what should be done if two processes claim the same name. Secondly, the
`‘off—line message’ as claimed in the ‘704 Patent Claim 7 is generated in response to
`“receiving a query from the first process to determine the on—line status of the
`second process” (parent Claim 4, B), i.e. in response to a NAME QUERY request
`(in NetBIOS—over-TCP terms), not in response to a NAME REGISTRATION
`request (in NetBIOS—over-TCP terms), claimed in the parent Claim 4, A. And, as
`shown in Section 68 of this Declaration, the NetBIOS—over-TCP Name Server does
`generate an ‘off—line message’ in response to a NAME QUERY request, in the form
`70. The Patent Owner’s Expert claims that “61. Further, NetBIOS does not delete
`an entry from its database. Claim 42 contains a step to "delete an entry from the
`Page 44
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 46

`compilation”.” The Expert then immediately contradicts himself, saying that NetBIOS
`does delete names, but does it “incorrectly”: “Second, for a name to be deleted, it must
`be deleted by the registrant, not by the NetBIOS system. Petitioner cites the NetBIOS
`excerpts that "NetBlOS names may be released explicitly or silently by an end-node," and "P
`nodes send a notification to their NBNS." (Petition at 55). I note that both of these excerpts
`establish that the registrant deletes itself, as names are released "by an end-node," and the
`"P nodes send a notification" requesting the deletion of its name.” (Mayer-Patel
`Declaration, Exhibit 2018, p.42). Firstly, it is not true that a NetBIOS Name Server
`deletes names only in response to a registrant process request (in response to its
`NAME RELEASE request). When a NetBIOS Name Server discovers that a process
`is not ‘on—line’ any more, it deletes its name: “The absence of a response, or of the
`name in a response, will confirm the NBNS decision to delete a name.” (Exhibit
`1003, pp.400-401). Secondly, the NAME RELEASE request sent by the registrant
`process perfectly matches the ‘704 Patent Claim 42. That process does not delete its
`registration completely by “itself”, as the Patent Owner’s Expert states: a ‘process’
`running on a different ‘processing unit’ does not have direct access to the Name
`Server ‘processing unit’ and its database. Instead, a ‘process’ that desires to remove
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`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 47

`its name (to “de—register”) uses the NetBIOS software to send the NAME RELEASE
`request to the NetBIOS Name Server. And the NetBIOS Name Server then deletes
`the process name from its database of active names (“releases the name”) and it
`sends back the POSITIVE NAME RELEASE RESPONSE. The RFClOO2 document
`shows how a NetBIOS Name Server should process NAME RELEASE requests:
`* secure server may choose to disallow
`* a node from deleting a name
`update data base — remove entry;
`send POSITIVfi NAM% RfiLfiAS% R%SBONSj;
`(Exhibit 1003, p.502). Receiving a NAME RELEASE REQUEST is an example of
`“a predetermined event” specified in the ‘704 Patent Claim 42.
`Rebuttal to Additional Characterizations of Microsoft WINS
`71. The Microsoft WINS product is an implementation of NetBIOS Name
`Server (NBNS). In this Section I address several statements the Patent Owner’s
`Expert has made about the Microsoft WINS product.
`Page 46
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 48

`72. Microsoft WINS fully follows the RFC1001/RFC1002 standards: “As
`described in the following section, WINS is a NetBIOS over TCP/IP mode of
`operation defined in RFC 1001/1002 as p—node.” (Exhibit 1004, p.65); “The WINS
`protocol is based on and is compatible with the protocols defined for NBNS in RFCs
`1001/1002, so it is interoperable with any other implementations of these RFCs.”
`(Exhibit 1004, p.69).
`73. The Microsoft TCP/IP manual (Exhibit 1004) is a document designed to
`help system administrators to understand concepts and ideas behind a NetBIOS
`Name Server (WINS), dynamic IP address allocation (DHCP), FTP, SNMP, and
`many other networking protocols and methods. This document can be used to
`illustrate some features of those protocols and methods. On the other hand, the
`Microsoft TCP/IP manual is not a formal programming guide, nor is it a detailed
`description of product internals. This document does not define everything a
`particular protocol or product can do: an absence of a technical detail in such a
`manual does not mean that this detail is not implemented in the product.
`Page 47
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1023 - Page 49

`74. The Patent Owner’s Expert claims: “65. Registration (or the "cIaim[ing oi] the
`particular IP address") occurs during system startup. As the WINS reference states, "To
`ensure that both name and address are unique, the Windows NT computer using TCP/IP
`registers its name and IP address on the network during system startup." (WINS at 49). "A
`computer typically registers itself when it starts." (WINS at 50).” (Mayer-Patel Declaration,
`Exhibit 2018, p.44). Microsoft Windows NT allows a user to assign a ‘name’ to the
`computer. When Windows NT starts, several system processes are started
`automatically. Among them the Workstation Service and, optionally, the Messenger
`Service. These processes are registering themselves with a NetBIOS Name Server
`(such as WINS) using the computer na

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