In_the Replication.Partners dialog box, select the WINS servers to which
`you want to send
`a replication trigger, and then choose the Push or Pull button, depending on
`whether you
`want to send the trigger to push partners or pull partners.
`Optionally, you can check the Push With Propagation box if you want the
`selected WINS
`server to propagate the trigger to all its pull partners.
`I£Push' If not checked, the selectedtNINS server will
`not propagate
`the trigger to its other partners.
`l If Push.WithWitn Propagation is checked,
`push.trigger to its pull partners after it has pulled in the latest information
`from the
`the selected WINS server sends a
`source WINS server. Iéig it does not need to pull in any replicas because it
`has the same
`orinore up—to—date replicas than the source WINS server, it does not propagate
`trigger to its pull partners.
`—TTT——g_To start replication immediately
`4—1;=In_the Replication Partners dialog box, choose the Replicate Now button.
`Frller. None
`Sort [lrder
`0 Sort Static Happlngs by LP Address
`® Sort Statrc Happings by Computer Name
`‘M 4NNlEP[UUh]
`l2l xm—ANN EP[n3hl
`844—ANN Er 2 h]
`8 x
`u MY[n3h]
`8 §'§J HY 2Uh
`3 §§nn ~mLn[nnh1
`ll lul.4l.l2
`11 111 41 12
`ll.l [l5.B?.5B
`ll.lul.43 58
`Sgt. Filter
`Add Happings
`[Mort Happings
`Edit Mapping Delete Mapping
`Static mappings are permanent lists of computer name—to—IP address mappings
`that cannot be
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 121

`challenged or removed, except when the administrator removes the specific
`mapping. You use
`the Static Mappings command in WINS Manager to add, edit,
`static mappings
`for elientsciients on the network that are not WINS enabled.
`import, or delete
`If DHCP is also used on the network, a reserved (or static) IP address will
`override any WINS
`server settings. Static mappings should not be assigned to WINS—enabled
`To view static mappings
`From the Mappings menu, choose the Static Mappings command. —Statit+
`€autien—You cannot cancel changes made to the WINS database while working in
`the Static
`Mappings dialog box. You must manually delete any entries that are added in
`error or
`manually add.back any entries that you mistakenly delete. This is because all
`changes to
`the WINS database made in this dialog box take effect immediately.
`In the Static Mappings dialog box, select aserta Sort Order option,
`either by IP address or by
`computer name. This selection determines the order in which entries appear
`in the list of
`follow the procedures described in
`static mappings.
`To edit or add amappinga mapping,
`"Adding Static Mappings" and
`Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers
`Managing Static Mappings
`I .
`"Editing Static Mappings" later in this chapter.
`£=To remove existing static mappings, select the mappings you want to delete
`from the lis~list
`and then choose the Delete Mapping button.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 122

`£=TO limit the range of mappings displayed in the list of static mappings,
`choose the Set Filter
`button and follow the procedure in "Filtering the Range of Mappings" later
`in this chapter.
`To tumturn off filtering, choose the Clear Filter button.
`.=When you finish viewing or changing the static mappings, choose the Geseclose
`" T
`LP Address:
`O Qmup
`O Inlernet Group
`0 M.u
`ih0 —ned
`; M
`anaging Static Mappings
`Adding Static Mappings
`You can add static mappings to the WINS database for specific IP addresses
`using two
`;=Type static mappings in adialega_diaiQg box
`;=Import files that contain static mappings
`IJl>—To add static mappings to the WINS database by typing entries
`1. —In;2 the Static Mappings dialog box, choose the Add MappingsNlappings
`In the Name box of the Add Static Mappings dialog box,
`name of the
`type the computer
`system for which you are adding astatiea static mapping. (Ifig you.wan~want
`you do not need to type
`two backslashes, because WINS Manager—willManagerwill add these for you.)
`In the IP Address box,
`type the address for thetlwe computer.
`If Internet Group or Multihomed is selected as the Type option,
`the dialog
`box shows
`additional controls for adding multiple addresses. Use the down—arrow button
`to move the
`address you type into the list of addresses for the group. Use the up—arrow
`button to ehange
`cbange the order of aseleeteda selected address in the list.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 123

`Select aTypea Type option to indicate wheeherwhether this entry is
`aaniquea_uniqu§ name or akinda_kind of group with aspeeial
`e special name, as described in the following list.
`Installing and Configuring WINS Servers 9of27
`Type option Meaning
`Unique Unique name in the database, with one address per
`Group NermalNormal group, where addresses of individual members
`are not stored. The client broadcasts name packets to
`normal groups.
`Internet group Groups with NetBIOS names that have 9xlG0x1C as the 16th
`byte. An internet group stores up to 25 addresses for
`members. The maximum number of addresses is 25. For
`members. The maximum number of addresses is 25. For
`registrations after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a
`replica address or,
`if none is present, it overwrites the
`oldest registration.
`Multihomed Unique name that can have more than one address
`(multihomed computers). The maximum number of
`addresses is 25. For registrations after the 25th address,
`WINS overwrites a replica address or, if none is present,
`it everwrieesovenNrites the oldest registration.
`For internet group names defined in this dialog box (that is, added
`statically), make sure
`that the primary domain controller (PDC) for that domain is defined in the
`group if the PDC
`is running Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1.
`For more information, see "Managing Special Names" later in this chapter.
`Choose the Add button.
`The mapping is immediately added to the database for that entry, and then the
`boxes are
`cleared so that you can add another entry.
`Repeat this process for each static mapping you want to add to the
`database, and then
`choose the Close button.
`Because each static mapping is added to the database when you choose the Add
`you cannot cancel work in this dialog box. If you make a mistake in entering
`a name or
`address for a mapping, you must return to the Static Mappings dialog box and
`delete the
`mapping there.
`You can also import entries for static mappings for unique and.special group
`names from any
`file that has the same format as the LMHOSTS file (as described in Chapter
`6, "Setting Up
`LMHOSTS"). Scope names and keywords other than #DOM are ignored. However,
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 124

`group and multihomed names can be added only by typing entries in the Add Static
`dialog box.
`777:——To import a file containing static mapping entries
`In the Static Mappings dialog box, choose the Import Mappings button.
`In the Select Static Mapping File dialog box, which is similar to the
`standard Windows NT
`Open.dialog box, specify a filename for a static mappings file by typing its
`name in the box,
`or select one or more filenames in the list, and then choose the OK button
`to import the file.
`The specified file is read, and astatiea static mapping is created for each
`computer name and
`address. If the #DOM keywerdKeyword is included for any record, an internet
`group is created (if it is
`not already present), and the address is added to that group.
`1 Help
`Managing Static Mappings
`Editing Static Mappings
`You can change the IP addresses in static mappings owned by the WINS server
`you are
`currently administering.
`TTT:——To edit a static mapping entry
`In the Static Mappings dialog box, select the mapping you.want to change
`and choose the
`Edit Mapping button, or double—click the mapping entry in the list.
`Com ute Name: %%€iiagFree—'§§[IIingFree
`Mapping Type: Unique
`-Efi Address:
`i I
`You can view, but not edit, the Computer Name and.Mapping Type option for the
`in the Edit Static Mappings dialog box.
`In the IP Address box,
`type a new address for the computer, and then
`choose the OK
`The change is made in the WINS database immediately.
`If you want to change the computer name or group type related to aspeeifieg
`specific IP address, you
`must delete the entry and redefine it in the Add Static Mappings dialog box.
`and Configuring WINS Serverssewers 10 of27
`Managing Static Mappings
`Filtering the Range of MappingsNlappings
`You may want to limit the range of IP addresses or computer names displayed
`in the Static
`Mappings or Show Database dialog boxes.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 125

`You can specify a portion of the computer name or IP address or both when
`filtering the list of
`To filter mappings by address or name
`In the dialog box for Static Mappings or Show Database, choose the Set
`Filter button.
`Computer HarneMama:
`In the Set Filter dialog box,
`address, or both in the
`Computer Name or IP Address boxes.
`You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard for portions of the name or address or
`both. For
`type portions of the computer name,
`example, you.could type \\acct* to filter all computers with names that begin
`with acct.
`However, for the address, awildearda used only for a complete
`octet. That is, you
`can type ll.l01.*.*, but you cannot enter 11.l*.l.1 in these boxes.
`the OK button.
`The selected range is displayed in the Static Mappings or ShomrDatabase dialog
`box. The
`filtered range will remain until you clear the filter.
`£aExfi§xgeAInessage will tell you ifneif noinappings are found.to1natch.the range
`you specified, and the
`list of mappings willwill be empty.
`If afiltera.filter is in effect for the range of mappings, theggg Clear Filter
`button is available for restoring
`the entire list.
`To clear the filtered range of mappings
`In the Static Mappings or Show Database dialog box, choose the Clear
`Filter button.
`TheTlwe list now shows all mappings found in the database.
`Installing and Configuring WINS Servers 11 of27
`IP Address:
`Managing Static Mappings
`Managing Special Names
`WINS recognizes special names for several types ef—greupsofgroups, including
`a normal group,
`multihomed, and internet group. This section describes these groups and
`presents some
`background details to help you understand how WINS manages these groups.
`Normal Group Names
` name does not have an address associated with it. It can be valid
`on any subnet and
`can be registered with more than one WINS server. AgreupA group's timestamp
`shows the last time
`for any change received for the group. —I—fi*eheIf the WINS server receives a query
`for the group name,
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 126

`it returns FFFFFFFF (the limitediimited broadcast address). The client then
`broadcasts on the subnet.
`The group name is renewed when any member of the group renews the group name.
`Multihomed Names
`AmultihemedA1nultihomed name isemHa3glea.single, unique name storingimiltiple
`addresses. A multihomed device
`is aeemputera computer with multiple network cards and/or multiple IP;§
`addresses bound to NetBIOS over
`TCP/IP. AmultihemedA multihomed device with multiple IP addresses can
`register one or more addresses
`by sending one address at a time in a special name registration packet.
`AmultihemedA multihomed name in
`a WINSWlNS database can have one or more addresses. The timestamp for the
`record reflects any
`changes made for any members of the name.
`Each multihomed group name can contain a maximum of 25 IP addresses.
` TCP/IP manually on.aWindewsa Windows NT computer, you
`use the Advanced
`Microsoft TCP/IP;§ dialog box to specify the IP;§ address and other
`information for each adapter
`on a multihomed computer.
`Internet Group Names
`The internet group name is read as configuration data. When dynamic name
`registrations for
`internet groups are received,
`broadcast address)
`the actual address (rather than the subnet
`stored in the group with a timestamp and the owner ID, which indicates the
`WINS server
`registering that address.
`The internet group name (which has a 16th byte ending in exlG0x1C reserved
`for domain names,
`as described in the following section) can contain amaximema maximum of 25
`IP addresses for primary
`and backup domain controllers in.a domain. Dynamically registered names are
`added iftheif the list
`is not static and hasggg fewer than 25 members. If the list has 25 members,
`WINS removes a
`replica member (that is, amembera member registered by another WINS server)
`and adds the new
`member. Ifalllf all members are owned by this WINS server,
`is replaced by the
`new one.
`the oldest member
`WINS gives precedence over remote members toinembers in an.internet group name
`registered with it. This preference means that the group name always contains
`geographically closest Windows NT Server computers. To establish the
`preference of
`members of internet groups registered with other WINS servers under the
`\Partners\Pull key in
`the Registry, apreeedeneea precedence is assigned for each WINS partner as
`avaluea value of the MemberPrec
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 127

`Registry parameter. Preference should be WINS servers near the WINS
`server you
`are configuring. For more information.about the value of this parameter, see
`its entry in
`"Advanced Configuration Parameters for WINSWlNS" later in this chapter.
`Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers l20f27
`WINS always returns a negative response.
`The internet group name is handled specially by WINS, which returns the 24
`closest Windows
`NT Server computers in the domainq plus the domain.controller. The name ending
`in 1 C is also
`used to discover aWindewsa.Windows NT Server computer in.ademaina domain.when
`aeemputera computer running
`Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server needs aservera senger for
`If your network still has domain controllers running Windows NT Advanced
`Server version 3.1
`to be included in the internet group name, you must add these to the group
`manually using
`WINS Manager. add such.aeempatera computer to the internet
`group name,
`the list
`becomes static and no longer accepts dynamic updates from WINSWlNS—enabled
`For information about related issues in LMHOSTS for #DOM entries, see
`"Designating Domain
`in Chapter 6, "Setting Up LMHOSTS."
`Controllers Using #DOM"
`How WINS Handles Special Names
`Special names are indicated by a 16th byte appended to the computer name or
`domain name.
`The following table shows some special names that can be defmeddefined for
`static entries in the Add
`Static Mappings dialog box.
`Special Names for Static MappingsNlappings
`Name—ending——Usage —Hew—WINS—handles—qaeries
`exlE——AnermalA normal group. Browsers
`broadcast to this name and listen
`on it to elect a master WINS—always—reEurns—Ehe—limited—breadeast—address
`+FFFFFFFF++——browser. The
`broadcast is done
`on the local
`subnet and should not cross
`9xlD——Clients resolve this name to access
` t
`Oxl E
`How WINS handles queries
`WINS always returns the limited broadcast
`address (FFFFFFFF).
`the master browser for server lists.
`There is one master browser on a
`subnet. WINS—always—returns—a—negative—respense
`controller registers this name.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 128

`the client
`If the node is h—node or m—node,
`broadcasts a name query to resolve the
`name. For registrations, WINS returns a
`positive response even though the names
`are not put into the database.
`GxlG——The—internet—greup—name7——WINS treats this as an internet group,
`whieh—eentains—a—list—e£—the——where each member of the group must
`speei£ie—addresses—e£—syste%m+—renew its name individually or be %hat—have
`registered—the—nameT— released.
`The internet group is limited. The—demain—eentreller—registei¥+—to 25 names.
`(Note, however,
`ehis—nameT— there is no limit for
`#DOM entries in LMHOSTS.)
`WINS returns apesitivea positive response for g
`adynamiedynamic registration of a static l€——;g=name,
`but the address is not added to the list.
`When a static 1 C name is
`replicated that
`leig name on
`clashes with a dynamic
`another WINS server, a union of the
`members is addedTé and
`marked as static.
`the record is
`The following illustrates a sample NetBIOS name table for a Windows NT Server
`controller, such as the list that appears if you.type nbtstat —n at the command
`prompt. This
`table shows the 16th.byte for special names, plus the type (unique or group).
`NetBIOS Local Name Table Name—Type—Sta%es
`0x1C The internet group name, which
`contains a list of the specific
`addresses of systems that have
`registered the name. The domain
`Name Type
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 129

`Example NetBIOS Name Table for a Windows NT Domain Controller
`As shown in this example, several special names are identified for both the
`computer and the
`domain. These special names include the following:
`4—————9x9' 0x0 (shown as <OO> in the example),
`the redirector name, which is
`used with net view.
`the Messenger service name for sending messages.
`R Q
`xl 0x3,
`subnet to announce
`the name master browsers broadcast to on the local
`their domains to other master browsers. WINS handles this name by returning
`broadcast address FFFFFFFF.
`the domain master browser name, which clients and browsers use
`9xlBl 0x1B,
`to eeneaeecontact the
`domain master browser. AdemainA domain master browser gets the names of all
`domain master
`browsers. When.WINS is queried for the domain master browser name, it handles
`query like any other name query and returns its address.
`WINS assumes that the computer that registers ademaina domain name with the
`lB;§ character is
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 130

`the domain controller. This name is registered by the browser running on the
`controller. This ensures that the domain controller is in the internet group
`name list that is
`returned when a 1 C name is queried, for which WINS always returns the address
`of the lB;§
`name along with the members of a léhamev 1C name.
`Address Display Server Statistics
`C) Cgmputer Name Unly ® Auto Refresh
`(ED LP Address Only lnterval
`0 Computer Name
`[IP Address] Computer Names
`IE Address
`[Computer Name] @ N lflanager—Compatible
`Ealidate Cache of "Known" WINS Servers at Startup Time
`>< Confirm Qeletetion of Static lflappings 8: Cached WINS servers
`New Pull Partner Default Configuration
`Qtart Time:
`Qeplication Interval
`New Push Partner Default Configuration
`Ll pdate Count:
` BU *-
`Dx Cancel L* .Hyip
`B: [IU am
`91 ,v¢
`SehEihg—Preferehees—fer—WINS—Mahager—1 DUI]
`You can configure several options for administration of WINS servers. The
`commands for
`controlling preferences are on the Options menu.
`To display the status bar for help on commands
`0 From the Options menu, choose the Status Bar command.
`When this command is active, its name is checked.on the menu, and the status
`bar at the
`bottom of the WINS Manager window displays descriptions of commands as they
`are highlighhed
`hightighted in the menu bar.
`w7————To set preferences for WINS Manager
`From the Options menu, choose the Preferences command.
`To see all the available preferences, choose the Partners the
`Preferences dialog
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 131

`Select an Address Display option to indicate how you want address
`information to be
`displayed.throughout WINS Manager—as computer name, IP address, or an.ordered
`combination of both.
`Remember that the kind of address display affects homraexxaaaeeiena connection
`is made to theiNINS-seiaKH9—fereIPaaddresemx&—+&H&€KHHaeeEien—isa%ade4via4RSPliP+
`and Configuring WINS Servers—Sewers
`Setting Preferences for WINS Manager
`server — for IP addresses,
`the connection is made via TCP/IP, for computer
`connection is made via named pipes.
`Check Auto Refresh if you want the statistics in the WINS Manager window to
`be refreshed
`automatically. Then enter a number in the Interval box to specify the number
`of seconds
`between refresh actions.
`WINS Manager also refreshes the statistical display automatically each time
`an action is
`initiated while you are working in WINS Manager.
`Check the LAN Manager—Compatible check box if you want computer names to adhere
`the LAN Manager naming convention.
`LAN Manager computer names are limited to 15 characters, as opposed to
`NetBIOS names used by some other sources, such as Lotus Notes®. In LAN Manager
`the 16th byte is used to indicate whether the device is a server,
`messenger,<on. When this option is checked, WINS adds and.imports static
`mappings with 0, 9xg§03, and 9xg§20 as the 16th byte.
`All Windows networking,
`including Windows NT,
`follows the LAN Manager
`convention. So
`this box should be checked unless your network accepts NetBIOS name froniother
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 132

`Check Validate Cache Of Known WINS Servers At Startup Time if you want the
`system to
`query the list of servers each time the systenistarts to find out if each server
`is available.
`Ifyeulf you want awarninga warning message to appear each time you delete a
`static mapping or the
`cached name of a WINS server, check the Confirm Deletion Of Static Mappings
`Cached WINS Servers option.
`In the Start Time box, type a time to specify the default for replication start
`time for new pull
`partners. Then specify values for the Replication Intervallnter§[al to
`indicate how often data
`replicas will be exchanged between the partners.
`The minimum value for the Replication Intervalinterval is 40 minutes.
`type anumera number to specify adefaulta default
`In the Update Count box,
`for how many registrations
`and changes can occur locally before a replication trigger is sent by this
`server when it is a
`push partner. The minimum value is 5.
`When all options are set for your preferences, choose thetne OK button.
`Managing the WINS Database
`The following files are stored in the
`\systemreetsysfemroof\SYSTEM32\WINSW NS directory thattrwat is created
`when you set up a WINS server:
`JET.LOG is a log of all transactions done with the database. This file is used
`by WINS to
`recover data if necessary.
`S¥S$EMTMDBl SYSTEMMDB is used by WINS for holding information about the
`structure of its database.
`WINSTMBBI WINSMDB is the WINS database file.
`WINSTMPTMDB' WINSTMPMDB is a temporary file that WINS creates. This file may
`remain in the \WINS
`directory after a crash.
`You should.back up these files up etherotlwer files on the WINS
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 133

`WINSTMPTMBBWINSTMPMDB files should not be removed
`or tampered with in any manner.
`Like any database,
`the WINS database of address mappings needs to be cleaned
`and backed
`up periodically. WINS Manager provides the tools you need for maintaining the
`database. This
`section describes how to scavenge (clean), view, and back up the database.
`For information
`on restoring and.moving the WINS database, see "Troubleshooting WINS" later
`in this chapter.
`Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers 14 of 27
`Managing the WINS Database
`Scavenging the Database
`The local WINS database should periodically be cleared of released entries
`and old entries that
`were registered at another WINS server but did not get removed.from this WINS
`database for
`is done automatically over
`some reason. This process, called scavenging,
`intervals defined by
`the relationship between the Renewal and Extinct intervals defined in the
`Configuration dialog
`box. You can also clean the database manually.
`For example, ifyeuaaneif you.Want to verify old replicas immediately instead
`of waiting the time interval
`specified for verification, you can manually scavenge the database.
`To scavenge the WINS database
`4——;=From the Mappings menu, choose the Initiate Scavenging command.
`The database is cleaned, with the results as shown in the fellewingfoilowing
`State before scavenging State after scavenging
`Owned active names for which the Renewal Marked released the—Renewal
`interval has expired
`Owned released name for which the Extinct Marked extineeexfincf
`Replieas—ef—extinet—names—fer—whieh—Beleted—Ehe—Exeinet—timeeue has expired
`Replicas of active names for which the Verify Revalidated
`the—¥erify—interval has expired
`For information about the intervals and timeouts that govern database
`scavenging, see
`"Configuring WINS Servers" earlier in this chapter.
`MterAfter WINS has been running for a while,
`the database may need to be
`compacted to improve
`WINS performance.
`To compact the WINS database
`At the WINS server, stop the Windows Internet Name Service using the
`Control Panel
`Services option or by typing net stop wins at the command prompt.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 134

`(which is found in the
`\sys%emreeesysfemroof\SYSTEM32 directory).
`Restart the Windows Internet Name Service on the WINS server.
`Installing and Configuring WINS Servers l50f27
`Owned extinct names for which the Extinct
`timeout has expired
`Replicas of extinct names for which
`the Extinct timeout has expired
`Replicas of extinct or deleted names Deleted
`5 elFilter
`§-3-§2§§ 38
`llelete Uwner
`8 xx—— MSBHUWSE-[01 h]
`8 \'u4.—ANN|EP2[UUhL
`8 xm—ANN EP2[u3h]
`8 am—ANN EP2 2nh
`8 am—ANN|EPDoM[nuh]
`8 mm—ANNIEPDnM[l Bh]
`8 KM4.—ANN|EPDUH[l Ch]
`8 um—aNN|EPDuH[lEhl
`11 1u3 41 12
`11 lo3.41.12
`11 1u3 41 12
`11 11]3.41.12
`11 1u3.41.12
`5:20134 4:14:43 PM
`5 20 44 4 14:50 PM
`5.»*2U.»"94 4:14:49 PH
`5;2[];94 4:14:50 PH
`5:20:94 4:14:49 PM
`5f20[94 4:14:43 PH
`5:20[94 4:14:49 PM
`5J‘2U/94 4:14:43 PH
`Managing the WINS Database
`Viewing the WINS Database
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 135

`You can view the actual active and.static mappings database,
`based on the
`WINS server that owns thettie entries.
`77—To view the WINS database
`1. From the Mappings menu, choose the Show Database command.
`In the Show Database dialog box, to view-ehetne mappings in the database
`for a specific
`WINS server, seleeeseiect Show Only Mappings From Specific Owner, and then
`from the Select
`Owner list, select Ehe—WINStbe WlNS server whose database you want to view.
`By default, the Show'Database dialog box:s%&fieeskxows all mappings for the WINS
`database on
`the currently selected WINS server.
`Select aserta Sort Order option to sort by IP address, computer name,
`timestamp for the
`mapping, version ID, or type.
`earlier in this chapter.)
`Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers 16 of27
`'Dixplay Upliuns
`8 Owner
`(For information.about types, see "Adding Static
`— O Qhow All Happings
`‘Sort Urder
`0 Sort by LP Address
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 136

`ff fll © Sort by Computer
`Select Owner: H‘ h l ID ‘Q es 0 Sort by llmeslamp
`CJ Sort by '3‘ ersion ID
`Filter: None
`Hgppings A S Timestamp 'hfersion ID
`If you want to viewview only a range of mappings, choose the Set Filter
`button and follow the
`procedures described in "Filtering the Range of Mappings" earlier in this
`chapter. To tamturn
`off filtering, choose the Clear Filter button.
`Use the scroll bars in.the Mappings box to view entries in.the database.
`Then choose the
`Close button when you are finished viewing.
`As shewnshown in the Mappings list, each registration record in the WINS
`database includes these
`E 3
`Computer name
`IP address
`A or S
`internet group, or multihomed €emputer—name
`The NetBIOS computer name. IP—address
`The assigned Internet Protocol address. Aers
`Whether the mapping is active (dynamic) or static. Timestamp
`Shows when the record was registered or updated. When a replica is stored
`in the database, its timestamp is set to the current time on the receiving
`WINS server. ¥ersiea—IB—Aaaéqae
`A unique hexadecimal number assigned by the WINS server during name
`registration, which is used by the ser¥ersen[er's pull partner during
`replication to
`find new records.
`You can also use the Show Database dialog box to remove all references to a
`specific WINS
`server in the database,
`including all database entries the WINSWlNS
`w7w———To delete a specific WINS serverseNer's entries in the database
`In.the ShomrDatabase dialog box, select:a.WINS server in.the Select Owner
`list, and then
`choose the Delete Owner button.
`c:"4users"~.def ault
`New Directory H
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 137

`8 Perferm incremental Backup
`E# C:'§
`[3 users
`8 default
`& M
`anaging the WINS Database
`Backing Up the Database
`WINS Manager provides backup tools so that you.can.back up the WINS database.
`After you
`specify a backup directory for the database, WINS performs complete database
`backups every
`24 hours, using the specified direeterydirectoiy.
`4—————To back up a WINS database
`From the Mappings menu, choose the Backup Database command. —Seleee
`In the Select Backup Directory dialog box, specify the location for
`saving the backup files.
`Windows NI‘proposes a subdirectory of the \WINS directory. You can.accept this
`proposed directory. The most secure location is to back up the database on
`another hard
`disk. Do not back up to a network drive, because WINS Manager cannot restore
`from a
`network source.
`If you want to back up only the newest version numbers in the database
`(that is, changes
`that have occurred since theggg last backup), check Perform Incremental
`You must have performed.aeempleeea complete backup before this
`used successfully.
`Choose the OK button.
`You should alseaiso periodically back up the Registry entries for the WINS
`To back up the WINS Registry entries
`Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers l7of27
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 138

`1 .
`In Registry Editor, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window, and then
`select this key:
`From the Registry menu, choose Save Key.
`Iain the Save Key dialog box, specify the path where you store backup
`versions of the WINSWINS
`database files.
`For information about restoring the WINS database, see the following section,
`"Troubleshooting WINSWINS."
`Troubleshooting WINS
`This section describes some basic troubleshooting steps for common.problems
`and also
`describes how to restore or rebuild the WINS database.
`. Installing and Configuring WINS Sewers l80f27
`Troubleshooting WINS
`Basic WINSWINS Troubleshooting
`These error conditions can indicate potential problems with the WINS
`h T
`he administrator can't connect to a WINS server using WINS Manager. The
`that appears might be,
`"The RPC serversenger is unavailable."
`l The WINS Client service or Windows Internet Name Service may be down and
`cannot be
`The first troubleshooting task is to make sure the appropriate services are
`To ensure the WINS s

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