the subnet mask value to be associated with
`Specifies, ifpresentif present,
`thistnis route entry. If not
`this parameter defaults to
`Specifies the gateway.
`Troubleshooting TCP/IP
`14 ofl8
`This connectivity command runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH
`service. For
`information about the .rhosts file, see the Repgpp command.
`rsh hesthosf
`[—I username]
`Specifies the remote host on which to run command.
`—$; username
`Specifies the user name to use on the remote host. Efemietedlf omitted,
`logged on user name is
`Redirects the input of rsh to NUL.
`Specifies the command to run.
`Rsh.copies standard input to the remote command, standard.output of the remote
`command to
`its standard output, and the standard error of the remote command to its
`standard error. Rsh
`normally terminates when the remote command does.
`Using Redirection Symbols
`Use quotation marks around redirection symbols to redirect onto the remote
`host. If quotation
`marks are not used, redirection occurs on the local computer. For example,
`the following
`command appends the remote Eile—remeeefilefile remofeiile to the local file
`rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile
`The following command appends the remote file remetefileremofe17le to the
`remote eile—etherremeeefilefile ofherremofefile:
`rsh otherhost cat remotefile ">>" otherremotefile
`Using Rsh on awiadewsa Windows NT Server Domain
`If the user is logged on to a Windows NT Server domain,
`must be
`the domain controller
`available to resolve the currently, because the
`is not cached
`on the local computer. Because the username is required as part of the rsh
`command will fail if the username cannot be obtained.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 211

`Troubleshooting TCP/IP
`This connectivity command starts terminal emulation with a remote system
`running aTelnet—a Telnet
`service. Telnet provides BEGMDECYM VT 100, DEC VT 52, or &T¥gg; emulation,
`connection—based servieessengices of TCP. +
`host must be
`configured with the TCP/IP program,
`auser—a user
`the Telnet server program or daemon, and
`account for theggg Windows NT computer.
`Microsoft does not provide the Telnet serversewer daemon (telnetd).
`Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote systen1you.want to connect
`providing compatibility with applications such as Gopher and Mosaic.
`Specifies the remote port you.want to connect to, providing compatibility with
`such as Gopher and Mosaic. The default value is specified by the telnet entry
`in the
`SERVICES file. Efflelf no entry exists in the SERVICES file,
`connection port value is
`decimal 23.
`the default
`The Telnet application is found in the Accessories program group after you
`install the TCP/EP;§
`connectivity utilities. Telnet is a Windows Sockets—based application that
`simplifies TCP/IP
`terminal emulation with Windows NT.
`To use Telnet
`_O I*_
`Double—eliekciick the Telnet Accessories progranlgroup.
`type telnet and press ENTER.
`At the command prompt,
`From the Connect menu in the Telnet window, choose Remote System.
`In the Connect dialog box,
`type the host name you want to connect to,
`and then choose theggg
`Connect button.
`AeenneetienA connection is made, and you can begin awerka work session.
`4. To end a session, choose the Disconnect command from the Connect menu.
`You can specify your preferences for items such as emulation options,
`screen font, and
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 212

`color by choosing Preferences from the Terminal menu. You can also use commands
`from the
`Edit select, copy, and.paste text from the Clipboard. For information
`about Telnet
`Troubleshooting TCP/IP
`Select Telnet 11.1 83.41 .12
`Qonnect Qdit Ierminal Help
`J\ \ \ M \ \
`\w\ \
`Téiininal pf¢f¢¢¢n¢e¢
`j Terminal U ptionx E mulation
`Local Qcho vr—52
`I w\m\Iwmw\ M ww ww w w u \w\ \\\\=\II\\\\\w~I~
`Blinking Culsm © VT—1 UUIANSI
`>< Block Cursor
`. Buffer §
`»= = »= »r w: = l W
`Select Telnet 11.1 U3.=11 .12
`Qonnect Qdit Ierminal Help
`Baglggruund Colm
`options, see the online Help.
`This connectivity command transfers files to and from a remote computer
`running the Trivial
`(TFfP+—servieeTFTP) sengice. This utility is similar
`File Transfer Protocol
`to ftp, but it does not provide user
`authentication, although the files require read and write UNIX permissions.
`tftp [—i] host
`[get Iput put] source [destination]
`Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called octet). In binary image
`the file is
`moved literally byte by byte. Use this mode when transferring binary files.
`If —i is omitted,
`the file is transferred in ASCII mode. This is the default
`transfer mode. This
`mode converts the end—of—line (EOL) characters to aearriagea carriage return
`for UNIX and a
`carriage retumreturn/linefeed for personal computers. This mode should be
`used when
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 213

`transferring text tilesfiles. If a file transfer is successful,
`transfer rate is displayed.
`the data
`Specifies the local or remote host.
`Transfers destination on the remote computer to source on the local computer.
`Since the TFTP protocol does not support user authentication,
`the user must
`be logged on,
`and the files must be writable on the remote computer.
`Transfers source on the local computer to destination on the remote computer.
`Specifies the file to transfer.
`Specifies where to transfer the filefiie.
`Troubleshooting TCP/IP 170f18
`This diagnostic utility determines the route taken to adeseinatieng
`destination by sending Internet Control
`Message Protocol
`(£GMPlCMP) echo packets with varying Time—To—;Live (TTLEEQ)
`values to the
`destination. Each router along the path is required to decrement the TTLEEQ
`on a packet by at
`least 1 before forwarding it, so the Téfiggg is effectively a hop count. When
`the TTLTTL on a packet
`reaches 0,
`the router is supposed to send back an ICMP Time Exceeded.message
`to the
`source system. Tracert determines the route by sending the first echo packet
`with a £11351 of 1
`and incrementing the TTLEEQ by 1 on each subsequent transmission until the
`target responds or
`the maximum.T££;g; is reached. The route is determined by examining the ICMP
`Time Exceeded
`messages sent backzby intermediate routers. Notice that some routers silently
`drop packets
`with expired time—to—live (TTLs) and will be invisible to tracert.
`[—;h maximummaximum hops};
`target—name—w fimeouf]
`[+;j hesthosf—list]
`Specifies not to resolve addresses to hostnames.
`—h maximummaxirmzm hops
`Specifies maximum number of hops to searehsearch for target.
`—j host—list
`Specifies loose source route alengalong host—listlisf.
`—w timeout
`Waits the number of milliseeendsmilhseconds specified by timeeut
`ferfimeouffor each reply.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 214

`The following shows sample output for tracert. The first column is the hop
`number, which is
`the Time To Live (TTLEEQ) value set in the packet. The next three columns are
`the round—trip
`times in milliseconds for three attempts to reach the destination with that
`$$LTTL value. An
`asterisk (*) means that the attempt
`hostname (if it was
`timed out. The fourth column is the
`resolved) and IP address of the responding system.
`Tracing route to
`over a maximum of 30 hops:
`[&98T49T4§T&Gl98.49.45. 10]
`<10ms <10 ms
`lons <10ns 10nu;seattle1seattlel—[192T8e:12T82192.80.12.82]
`;=10 ms 19—ms—enss143loms enssl43—
`20 ms
`;=10 ms t3—3.seattle—
`30 ms 30 ms 20 ms t3—9:—les0.105—angeles—cnss8:gét3.ans:énet [
`70 ms 70 ms 80—ms—tg§;3——york—
`80 ms 81 ms 80 ms—tm§;3—0.denver—
`100 ms 91 ms 90 ms t3—;—york—
`90 ms 90 ms 91 ms—mfmsmf——yerkyo1'l<—
`10 100 ms 90 ms 91 ms t1;;—
`11 140 ms 191 ms 100 ms ds:—é
`Trace complete.
`Troubleshooting TCP/IP
`18 of18
`MIB Object Types ferggg Windows NT
`This appendix lists the objects in the LAN Manager MIB II, DHCP MIB, and WINS
`MIB, and
`provides a brief description of each.
`The following MIB objects are listed in this appendix:
`;=LAN ManagerMana er MIB TTL; for Windows NT ebjeets7—ineludingob‘ects,
`includin Common greupg J g g roup, Server group,
`Workstation group, and Domain group
`Microsoft DHCP objects
`Microsoft WINS objects
`This appendix assumes that you are familiar management, TCP/IP,
`and SNMP. It
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 215

`also assumes that you are familiar with the concept of a management information
`base (MIB). If
`i; you are not familiar with_TCP/IPIE or the Ineernet—MIBinternet MlB 2, see
`laeeraetwerkiaglnternetworking with TCP/IP by
`Douglas E. Comer (Prentice Hall, I¥9}1991) and The Simple Book by Marshall
`T. Rose (Prentice
`Hall, 1991 ).
`. Appendix A l0fl5
`N l n — o 4 u 4 A \ 444l4 \ u nn— wA A 9 l \ u V iv / qv 4u¢qg4 4 — \ l 4 A
`Manager MIB II;; for Windows NT Objects
`The LAN Manager MIB III; for Windows NT contains aseea set of objects
`specifically designed to
`support computers running Windows NT. Notice that there are fewer objects in
`the LAN
`Manager MIB II for Windows NT than the LAN Manager MIB II for OS/2 because
`of differences
`in the operating system.
`All LAN Manager MIB III; objects apply to computers running Windows NT
`Workstation and
`Windows NT ServerT—Sen[er.
`A L
`AN Manager MIB ll for Windows NT Objects
`Common Group
`eem¥ersienMajggmyer§iQnNlaj {common 1}
`The major release version number of the Windows NT software.
`comVersionMin {common 2}
`The minor release version number of the Windows NT sefewaresonware.
`comType {common 3}
`The type of Windows NT software this system is running.
`eemstatstartcomstatsta 1 {common 4};
`The time,
`in seconds, since January 1, 1970, at which time the Windows NT
`statistics on
`this node were last cleared. The comstatstart object applies to the
`fel4ewingfoliowing statistical
`eemS%a%NametiGs——comStatNumNetIOs svStatErrorOuts wkstastatsessstarts
`eemStatFiNeti9s——comStatFiNet Os svStatPwErrors wkstaStatSessFails
`eemStatFeNe%iGs——comStatFcNetIOs svStatPermErrors wkstaStatUses
`svStatSysErrors wkstaStatUseFails
`svStatSentBytes wkstaStatAutoRecs
`svS%a%TJebsQaeaed——svStatJobsQueued svStatRcvdBytes
`eemS%a%Neme%i9scomStatNumNet Os {common 5}
`comStatFiNet Os {common 5}
`The number of network I;/Gg operations on this node that failed issue.
`comStatFcNet Os {common 7}
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 216

`The number of netwerk—4%9nerwork I10 operations on this node that failed
`Appendix—A—MIB Object Types for Windows NT 3of15
`LAN Manager MIB Il for Windows NT Objects
`Server Group
`svDescription {serverseNer 1}
`AeemmentA comment describing the server.
`svSvcNumber {server 2}
`The number of network services installed on the server.
`svSvcTable {serverseNer 3}
`AlistA list of service entries describing the network service installed on
`the server.
`svSvcEntry {svSvcTable 1}
`The names of the network services installed on the server.
`svSvcName {svSvcEntry 1}
`The name of a Windows NT network service.
`svsvclnstalledstate {svSvcEntry 2}
`The installation status of a network.
`svSvcOperatingState {svSvcEntry 3}
`The operating status of a network servieesenzice.
`svSvcCanBeUninstalled {svSvcEntry 4}
`Indicates whether the network service specified by this entry can be removed.
`svSvcCanBePaused {svSvcEntry 5}
`Indicates whether the network service specified by this entry can be paused.
`svStatsOpen {server 4}
`The total number of files that were opened on the server.
`svStatDevOpens {serverseNer 5}
`The total number of communication devices that were opened on the server.
`svstateaeuedréebssvstatQueuedJobs {server 6}
`The total number of print jobs that were spooled on the server.
`svStatSOpens {serversewer 7}
`The number of sessions that were started on the server.
`svStatErrorOuts {server 8]
`The number of sessions disconnected because of an error on the server.
`svStatPwErrors {server 9}
`The number of password violations encountered on the serverrfi
`svStatPermErrors {server 10}
`The number of access—permission violations encountered on the server.
`svStatSysErrors {server $§}1 1)
`The number of system errors encountered on the server.
`svStatSentBytes {server 12};
`The number of bytes sent by the server.
`svStatRcvdBytes {server 13}
`The number of bytes received by the server.
`svStatAvResponse {server 14}
`The mean number of milliseconds it took the server to process awerkstatien
`1%9a workstation go request
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 4of15
`the average time an NCB sat at the server).
`(for example,
`svSecurityMode {server 15}
`The type of security running on the server.
`svUsers {serverseNer 16}
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 217

`The number of concurrent users the server can support.
`svStatReqBufsNeeded {serverseNer 17}
`The number of times the server requested allocation of additional buffers.
`svStatBigBufsNeeded {server 18}
`The number of times the server needed but could not allocate aioig buffer while
`a client request.
`svSessionNumber {serversenger 19}
`The number of sessions on the servervé
`svSessionTable {serversewer 20} Alist
`A list of session.entries corresponding to the current sessions that clients
`have with the
`svSessionEntry {svSessionTable 1} Asessien
`A session that is currently established on the server.
`{svSessionEntry 1}
`The name of the remote computer that established the session.
`svSesUserName {svSessionEntry 2}
`The number of connections to server resources that are active in the current
`svSesNumConns {svSessionEntry 3}
`The number of connections to server resources that are active in the current
`svSesNumOpens {svSessionEntry 4}
`The number e£—§ilesoffiies, devices, and pipes that are open in the current
`svSesTime {svSessionEntry 5};
`The length of time,
`in seconds, since the current session began.
`svSesldleTime {svSessionEntry 6}
`that the session has been idle.
`The length of time,
`in seconds,
`svGiientTypesvCIientT e {svSessionEntry 7}
`The type of client that established the session.
`svSesState {svSessionEntry 8}
`The state of the current session.
`deleted with
`netSessionDel deletes the client session. The session state cannot be set to
`(Setting the state of an active session to
`svAutoDisconnects {server 21}
`The number of sessions that the server automatically disconnected because of
`svDisConTime {server(sewer 22}
`The number of seconds the server waits before disconnecting an idle session.
`svAuditLogSize {serverseNer 23} The
`Tiwe maximum size,
`in kilobytes, of the server's audit legigg.
`svUserNumber {server 24}
`The number of users who have accounts on the server.
`svUserTable {server 25} Atable
`A table of active user accounts on the server.
`svUserEntry {svUserTable 1;} Aaser
`A user account on the server.
`svUserName {svUserEntry 1;}
`The name of aasera user account.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 218

`svShareNumber {server 26}
`The number of shared resources on the server.
`svShareTable {serverseNer 27} Atable
`A table of the shared resources on the server.
`svShareEntry {svShareTable 1;} Atable
`A table corresponding to a singlesingle shared resource on the server.
`svShareName {svShareEntry 1;}
`The name of a shared resource.
`svSharePath {svShareEntry 2}
`The local name of a shared resource.
`svShareComment {svShareEntry 3} Aeemment
`A comment associated with ashareda shared resource.
`svPrintQNumber {server 28};
`The number of printer queues on the server.
`svPrintQTable {server 29} Atable
`A table of the printer queues on the server.
`svPrintQEntry {svPrintQTable 1} Atable
`A table entry corresponding to asinglea single printer queue on the server.
`svPrintQName {svPrintQEntry 1;}
`The name of a printer queue.
`svPrintQNumJobs {svPrintQEntry 2}
`The number eé—jebsofjobs currently in a printer.
`A E
`AN Manager MIB II for Windows NT Objects
`Workstation Group
`wkstastatsessstarts {workstation 1}
`The number of sessions the workstation initiated.
`wkstaStatSessFails {workstation 2};
`The number of failed sessions the workstation had.
`wkstaStatUses {workstation 3}
`The number of connections the workstation initiated.
`wkstaStatUseFails {workstation 4}
`The number of failed connections the workstation had.
`wkstaStatAutoRecs {workstation 5}
`The number of sessions that were broken and then automatically reestablished.
`wkstafirrerwgsizewkstaErrorLogSize {workstation 6}
`The maximum size,
`in kilobytes, of the workstation error log.
`wkstaUseNumber {workstation 7}
`This object will always return the value 0.
`NIIB Object Types for Windows NT 5of15
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT e of15
`LAN Manager MIB II for Windows NT Objects
`Domain Group
` {domain 1}
`The name of the primary domain to which the computer belongs.
`A M
`icrosoft DHCP Objects
`Enterprises are 1155—SMI~S §AI. Object Type is defined in RFC
`1212. Displaystring
`is defined in RFC 1213.
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 219

`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 7of15
`Microsoft DHCP Objects
`DHCP MIB Parameters
`ParDhcpStartTime {DhcpPar Ii}
`DHCP Server start time.
`ParBhepIetaINeeIBIseeversParDhcpTota|NoOfDiscovers {DhcpPar 2}
`Indicates the number of discovery messages received.
`ParBhepIe%aINeefReques%sParDhcpTota|NoOfRequests {DhcpPar 3}
`Indicates the number of requestIIreguests received.
`ParBhepIetaINe9fReIeasesParDhcpTotalNoOfReleases {DhcpPar 4}
`Indicates the number of releases received. ParBhepIetaINeeIeIIers
`ParDhcpTota|NoOfOffers {DhcpPar 5}
`Indicates the number of offers sent.
`ParDhepIetaINe9fAeksParDhcpTotalNoOfAcks {DhcpPar 6}
`Indicates the number of acknowledgments sent.
`ParDhepIetaINeOINaeksParDhcpTotaINoOfNacks {DhcpPar 7}
`Indicates the number of negative acknowledgments sent.
`ParDbepIe%aINe9IDeeIInesParDhcpTotaINoOfDeclines {DhcpPar 8}
`Indicates the number of declines received.
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 80f15
`Microsoft DHCP Objects
`DHCP Scope Group
`ScopeTable {DhcpScope Ii}
`A list of subnets maintained by the server.
`sScopeTableEntry {ScopeTable Ii}
`The row corresponding to asubneea subnet.
`SubnetAdd {sScopeTableEntry Ii}
`The subnet address.
`NoAddlnUse {sScopeTableEntry 2}
`The number of addresses in use.
`NoAddFree {sScopeTableEntry 3}
`The number of free addresses available.
`NoPendingOffers {sScopeTableEntry 4}
`The number of addresses currently in the offer state — that is,
`are used
`those that
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 9of15
`Microsoft WINS Objects
`Enterprises are RFC 1155—SMI. Object Type is defined in RFC 1212.
`is detineddefined in RFC 1213.
`E M
`IB Object Types for Windows NT l0of15
`A M
`icrosoft WINS Objects
`WINS Parameters
`ParWInsStartIIme—%Par—I}—ParWinsSta|1Time {Par 1}
`WINS start time.
`ParLastPScvTime {Par 2}
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 220

`Most recent date and time at which planned scavenging took place. Planned
`happens at intervals specified in the Registry. scavenging involves changing
`nonrenewed entries to the released state. Further, released records may be
`changed to
`extinct records, extinct records may be deleted, and revalidation of old
`replicas may take
`ParLastATScvTime {Par 3}
`Most recent date and time at which scavenging took place as a result of
`ParLastTombScvTime {Par 4}
`Most recent date and time at which extinction scavenging took place.
`ParLastVerifyScvTime {Par 5}
`Most recent date and time at which revalidation of old active replicas took
`ParLastPRpi$imeParLastPRplTime {Par 6}
`Most recent date and time at which planned replication took plaeepiece.
`Planned replication
`happens at intervals specified in the Registry.
`ParLastA¥Rpi¥imeParLastATR Time {Par 7}
`Most recent date and time at which administrator—triggered replication took
`ParLastN$Rpi$imeParLastNTRplTime {Par 8}
`Most recent date and time at—triggered.replication.took place.
`Network—triggered.replication.happens as a result of an update notification
`message from a
`remote WINS.
`ParLastAG$Rpi$imeParLastACTRplTime {Par 9}
`Most recent date and time at which address change—triggered.replication.took
`changes because of a new registration.
`ParLastlnitDbTime {Par 10}
`Most recent date and time at which the local database was generated statically
`from one or
`more data files.
`H .
`ParLastCounterResetTime {Par 11}
`Most recent date and time at which the local counters were initialized to zero.
`ParWins¥etalNeG£RegParWinsTotaINoOfReg {Par 12}
`Indicates the number of registrations received.
`ParWins$etalNe9tQeeriesParWinsTota|NoOfQueries {Par 13} Indieates
`indicates the number of queries received.
`ParWins$etaiNe9éRelParWinsTota|NoOfRel {Par 14}
`Indicates the number of releases received.
`ParWins$etaiNe9£SueeRelParWinsTotalNoOfSuccRel {Par 15}
`Indicates the number of releases that succeeded.
`ParWins$etaiNe9tFaiiRelParWinsTotaINoOfFaiIRel {Par 16}—;
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 11 of15
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 221

`Indicates the number of releases that failed because the address of the
`requestor did not
`match the address of the name.
`ParWins$etalNe9fSaeeQaeriesParWinsTota|NoOfSuccQueries {Par 17}
`Indicates the number of queries that succeeded.
`ParWins$etaiNe9tFaiiQaeriesParWinsTotaINoOfFaiIQueries {Par 18}
`Indicates the number of queries that failed.
`ParRefreshlnterval {Par 19}
`Indicates the Renewal interval in seconds (sometimes called the refresh
`ParTombstonelnterval {Par 20}
`Indicates the Extinct interval in seconds.
`ParTombstoneTimeout {Par 21}
`Indicates the Extinct timeout in seconds.
`PaE¥erifylntervalgarygrifylntgflai {Par 22}
`Indicates the Verify intervalintervai in seconds.
`Par¥ersGeunterStart¥alParVersCounterStartVaL LowWord {Par 23}
`Indicates the Low Word of the version counter that WINS should start with.
`Par¥ersGeunterStart¥alParVersCounterStartVaL HighWord {Par 24}
`Indicates the High Word of the version counter that WINS should start with.
`{Par 25}
`Indicates whether replication is allowed with If not
`set to zero,
`replication will be done only with partners listed in the Registry (except
`when an update
`notification comes in).
`ParStaticDatalnit {Par 26}
`Indicates whether static data should be read in at initialization and
`reconfiguration time.
`Update of any MIB variablevariabie in the parameters group constitutes
` {Par 27}
`Indicates whether logging should be done. Logging is the default behavior.
`ParWgFileNameParLogFileName {Par 28}
`Specifies the path to the log file.
`ParBackupDirPath {Par 29}
`Specifies the path to the backup directory.
`ParBeBaekepGn$enHParDoBackupOnTerm {Par30}
`Specifies whether WINS should perform a database backup upon termination.
`Values can
`(yes). Setting this value to 1 has no meaning unless
`(no) or 1
`be 0
`ParBackupDirPath is
`also set.
`ParMigration (Par 31}
`Specifies whether static records in the WINS database should be treated as
`records during conflict with new name registrations. Values can be 0
`(no) or
`Microsoft WINS Objects
`WINS Datafiles Group
`DFDatafilesTable {Datafiles 1} Alist
`A list of datafiles specified.under the \Datafiles key in the Registry. These
`tilesfiles are used for
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 222

`static initialization of the WINS database.
`dDFDatafileEntry {DFDatafilesTable 1}
`Data file name record.
`dFDatafilelndex {dDFDatafileEntry 1}
`Used for indexing entries in the datafiles table. It has no other use.
`dFDatafileName {dDFDatafileEntry 2}
`Name of the datafile to use for static initialization.
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 120f15
`Microsoft WINS Cbjects
`WINS Pull Group
`PHlllnitTimePuI|InitTime {PuUPuII 1}
`Indicates whether pull should be done at WINS invocation and at
`reconfiguration.lf_;f any
`pull or push group's MIB variable is set, that constitutes reconfiguration.
`{PulL 2}
`Specifies the retry count in case of communication failure when doing pull
`replication. This
`is the maximum number of retries to be done at the interval specified for the
`partner before
`WINS stops for aseea set number of replication—time intervals before trying
`PuUPnrTablePullPnrTable {PuUPulI 3} Alist
`A list of partners with which pull replication needs to be done.
`pPHiiPnrEntry—%PuiiPnrTable—$}—pPul|PnrEntry {PullPnrTable 1}
`The row corresponding to a partner.
`PuéiParAdd—+pPui&ParEaery—1}—PuI|PnrAdd {pPulIPnrEntry 1}
`The address of the remote WINS partner.
`PuiaParsp$&me—+pPu&&ParEaery—2}—Pu|IPnrspTime LpPu||PnrEntly 2}
`Specifies the specific time at which pull replication should occur.
`PEiiPnrTimelnterval—{pPaiiPnrEntry—3}—PullPnrTimelnteNaI {pPullPnrEntry 3}
`Specifies the time interval for pull replieatienrepiication.
`PHiiPnrMemberPree—+pPfi&&PnrEntry—4}—Pul|PnrMemberPrec {pPullPnrEntry 4}
`The precedence to be given to members of the special group pulled from the
`WINS . The
`precedence of locally registered members of aspeeiala special group is more
`than any replicas
`pulled in.
`PaiiPnrNe9fSaeeRpls—%pPuiiPnrEnt£§L5%—PullPnrNoOfSuccRpls {pPullPnrEntry 5}
`The number of times replication was successful with the WINS after invocation
`or reset of
`PaiiPnrNe9fGemmFails—{pPeiiPnrEntry—6}—PullPnrNoOfCommFails {pPullPnrEntry
`The number of times replication was unsuccessful with the WINS because of
`communication failure (after invocation or reset of counters).
`PeiéPar¥ersNeLewweré—{pPeééParEaery—4}—PuI|PnrversNoLowword LpPul|PnrEntry
`fie Low Word of the highest version number found in records owned by this WINS .
`Pu PnrEntr
`The High Word of the highest version number found in records owned by this
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 223

`MIB Object Types for Windows NT l3of15
`A M
`icrosoft WINS Objects
`WINS Push Group
`PushlnitTime {Push lg}
`Indicates whether a push (that is, notification message) should be done at
`PushRpiGflAddGhgPushRp OnAddChg {Push 2}
`Indicates whether a notification message should be sent when an address
`PushPnrTable {Push 3}
`AlistA list of WINS partners with which push to be initiated.
`pPushPnrEntry {PushPnrTable lg}
`The row corresponding to the WINS partner.
`PushPnrAdd {pPushPnrEntry lg}
`Address of the WINS partner.
`PushPnrUpdateCount {pPushPnrEntry 2}
`Indicates the number of updates that should result in a push message.
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 14 of15
`A M
`icrosoft WINS Objects
`WINS Cmd Group
`ITrigger {Cmd 1}
`This variable when set will cause the WINS to pull replicas from the remote
`WINS server
`identified by the IP address.
`CmdPushTrigger {Cmd 2}
`If set, causes WINS to push a notification.message to the remote WINS server
`by the IP address.
`CmdDeleteWins {Cmd 3}
`If set, causes all infennatieninformation pertaining to a WINS server (data
`records, context infennatien
`information) to be deleted from the local WINS server. Use this only when_the
`owner—address mapping table is nearing capacity. Deleting all
`iafeaaatéeninformation pertaining to the
`managed WINS is not peanittedpermitted.
`CmdDoScavenging {Cmd 4}
`If set, causes WINS to do scavenging.
`CmdDoStaticlnit {Cmd 5}
`If set, WINS willflg do static initialization.using the file the
`value. Ifgg 0 is specified,
`WINS will do static initialization.using the files specified in the Registry
`(filenames can be
`read and written to using the Datafile table).
`CmdNoOfWrkThds {Cmd 6}
`Reads the number ef—werkerofvvorker threads in WINS.
`{Cmd 7}
`Reads the priority class of WINS to nennalnormal or high.
`CmdResetCounters {Cmd 8}
`Resets the counters. Value is ignored.
`CmdDeleteDbRecs {Cmd 9}
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 224

`If set, causes all data records pertaining to a WINS server to be deleted from
`the local
`WINS server. Only data records are deleted.
`CmdDRPopulateTable {Cmd 10}
`Retrieves records of a WINS server whose IP address is provided. When this
`variable is
`the following table is generated immediately.
`CmdDRDataRecordsTable {Cmd 11}
`The table that stores the data records. The records are sorted
`lexieegraphieallylexicographioally by name.
`The table is cached.for a€£HHaain—eimea.certaintime
`(to save overhead on WINS).
`To regenerate the
`table, set the CmdDRPopulateTable MIB variable.
`CmdDRRecordEntry {CmdDRDataRecordsTable 1}
`Data record owned by the WINS server whose address was specified when
`CmdDRPopulateTable was set.
`CmdDRRecordName {cCmdDRRecordEntry 1}
`Name in the record.
`CmdDRRecordAddress {eGmdBRReeerdEnerycCmdDRRecordEntiy 2}
`Address(es) of the record” If the record is a multihomed.record.or an internet
`addresses are returned sequentially in pairs. Eactipair comprises the address
`of the
`owner WINS server followed by the address of the computer or of the internet
`member. The records are always returned in network byte order.
`MIB Object Types for Windows NT 15of15
`CmdDRRecordType {cCmdDRRecordEntry 3}
`Type of record as unique, multihomed, normal group, or internet group.
`CmdDRRecordPersistenceType {cCmdDRRecordEntry 4}
`Persistence type of the record as static or dynamiceé
`CmdDRRecordState {cCmdDRRecordEntry 5}
`State of the record as active, released, or extinct.
`{Cmd 12}
`The Low Word of the version number counter of the record.
`CmdWinsVersNoHighWord {Cmd 13}
`The High Word of the version number counter of the record.
` ;L
`Windows Sochets Applications
`AGE Logic,
`9985 Pacific Heights Blvd.
`San Diego, CA 92121
`(619) 455-8600
`(619) 597-6030
`X WindewiMndow software
`American Computer eg Electronics Corp.
`209 Perry Parkway
`Gaithersburg, MD 20877
`(301) 258-9850
`(301) 921-0434
`Petitioner Sipnet EU S.R.O. - Exhibit 1018 - Page 225

`Network management
`Attachmate Corporation 3644434st—Avenue
`3617 131stAvenue SE
`Bellevue, W—Aflé 98006-9930
`(800) 426-6283
`(206) 747-9924
`Terminal emulation
`Beame and Whiteside
`P.O. Box 8130
`Dundas, Ontario L9HgQg 5E7
`(416) 765-0822
`(416) 765-0815
`Terminal emulation, £i4e—trans£er7nie fransfen remote process execution,
`e—mail, NFS, network printing
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`Attn: Lori Heron
`2 Results Way
`Mariboro, MA 01752-3011
`(508) 467-7855
`(508) 467-1926
`eXcursion, X Window serversenzer and e4éentclienf libraries
`Distinct Corporation
`14395 Saratoga Ave. Suite 120
`Saratoga, CA 95070
`(408) 741-0781
`(408) 74l-0795
`Terminal emulation, éé4e—traméer7—X—WénéewHle transfen X VWndow,
`process execution, e—mail, NFS, ONC+4RPC
`1181 Chess Drive, Suite C
`Foster City, CA 94404
`Appendix B 1of1
`(415) 341-9065
`(415) 341-6412
`Terminal emulation, éé4eg=g transferT X Wénéewvwndow,
`execution, NFS
`Executive Systems/XTree Company
`4115 Broad Street Bldg. #1
`San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7993
`(805) 541-0604
`(805) 541-4762
`remote process
`Network management
`Frontier Technologies Corporation
`10201 North Port Washington Road
`Mequon, Wisconsin 53092
`(414) 241-4555
`(414) 241-7084 Hypereube7—Ene

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