CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D.
`Page 1
` __________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________
` Case IPR2013-00240
` Patent 6,670,905
` Cincinnati, Ohio
` Thursday, February 27, 2014
`Reported by:
`Deborah C. Furey, RPR, CLR
`JOB NO. 71425
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`3 4
`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 1


` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D.
`Page 2
` February 27, 2014
` 3:35 p.m.
` Deposition of JOHN R. GRINDON, PH.D.,
`held at the offices of Wood, Herron & Evans, LLP,
`2700 Carew Tower, 441 Vine Street, Cincinnati,
`Ohio, 45202, before Deborah C. Furey, a Registered
`Professional Reporter, Certified Livenote
`Reporter, and Notary Public of the State of Ohio.
`2 3 4 5
`7 8 9
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 2


`Page 3
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D.
`Attorneys for Petitioner
`1940 Duke Street
`Alexandria, Virginia, 22314
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`2700 Carew Tower
`441 Vine Street
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
`8 9
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 3


`Page 4
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D.
`J O H N R. G R I N D O N, D.Sc.,
` called as a witness, having been first
` duly sworn by a Notary Public, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. State your name for the record,
` please?
` A. John R Grindon.
` Q. Okay. I won't go through the
` formalities of introducing myself, but I'm an
` attorney here for K-40. And this is similar to
` the deposition -- as we discussed this morning
` on the '721, the same rules apply.
` If you need a break, let me know.
` Let's try not to talk over each other,
` et cetera, et cetera.
` MR. MCKEOWN: This is Exhibit 1001. I
` guess it has the same number as the other
` proceeding but it's a different patent, but
` this is a different deposition. So this is
` U.S. Patent 6,670,905.
` (Exhibit K-40 1001 previously
` marked was offered.)
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 4


`Page 5
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D.
` MR. MCKEOWN: While we're at it, this
` is 2074. Same number just a different
` report from Dr. Grindon. This is now
` IPR 2013-00240, and this is a declaration
` directed to U.S. Patent 6,670,905.
` (Exhibit K-40 2074 previously
` marked was offered.)
` Q. So, Dr. Grindon, do you recognize
` Exhibit 1001, which is what purports to be
` U.S. patent 6,670,905?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So it is that patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you recognize Exhibit 2074?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What is this exhibit?
` A. This is a declaration that I prepared
` in this matter.
` Q. Okay. And this matter being
` IPR 2013-00240, is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So that is your signature on
` the last page there?
` A. Yes, it is.
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 5


`Page 6
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. Okay. So I'll be asking a lot of
` questions you've already heard, but
` unfortunately that's what we have to do here.
` Have any of your positions or opinions
` or statements in this declaration changed since
` you executed on February 10th?
` A. No, except there may be a few
` typographical or drafting errors.
` Q. Okay. So you're sure nothing has
` changed substantially, aside from typographical
` issues that we'll point out as we go along?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And I won't go through some of
` the other questions, I think you said this
` morning that roughly you spent an equal amount
` of time on this declaration, reviewing it,
` preparing it, as you did the '721; is that
` generally accurate?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And the last paragraph of the
` declaration, Paragraph 106, you signed this
` declaration under penalty of perjury; is that
` correct?
` A. I'll turn to that. Yes.
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 6


`Page 7
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. Okay. You stated this morning that
` you are not a patent attorney, is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And you're not a patent agent?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And your current vocation is a
` consultant, is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And within the past year your
` consulting work has been primarily consulting
` for patent cases?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So this morning I asked you generally
` to describe the work flow for the '721
` declaration. Was that work flow any different
` for this declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. And you stated earlier this morning
` that you met Mr. Orr the first time in the 2009
` time frame, is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And your declaration discusses
` activities and efforts of Mr. Orr prior to the
` 2009 time frame, is that correct?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 7


`Page 8
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Okay. And you did not participate in
` any of those activities or observe any of those
` activities?
` A. I didn't observe the activities prior
` to 2009. I've observed recreations of those
` activities since.
` Q. Okay. So let's switch to your report,
` Paragraph 1. You state in the second sentence
` there, as you did in the '721 declaration, that
` you have submitted -- let me read it exactly.
` "I am submitting this report in
` support of Escort's assertion that its patent
` 6,670,905 is valid, which counters the opinions
` of Requestor's K40 technical expert,
` Dr. Bartone, set forth in his opening Report
` dated April 6th, 2013."
` That's an accurate statement?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this morning we also looked at
` another report that you did in the Fleming
` versus Escort litigation.
` Do you remember that report?
` A. Yes.
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 8


`Page 9
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. So we'll mark this one.
` MR. HUMPHREY: For the record we have
` objected this morning to the use -- to the
` manner of use of what is Exhibit 1014 and we
` have the same objection today, so I'll just
` note that in the record for preservation
` purposes.
` MR. MCKEOWN: It's noted.
` (Exhibit K-40 1014, Expert report
` of John R. Grindon, D.Sc, no
` Bates stamp, was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Dr. Grindon, do you recognize
` Exhibit 1014, which you've just been handed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And at Paragraph 1 of this report you
` state that -- in the second sentence -- I am
` submitting this report in support of Escort's
` defenses and counterclaims that United States
` Reissue Patent Numbers RE 39,038 ('the 038
` patent') and RE40,653 ('the '653 patent') are
` invalid and unenforceable."
` A. Yes.
` Q. So this report, like your report for
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 9


`Page 10
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` the PTO, was also analyzing the patent validity,
` is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's go to Paragraph 9 of
` Exhibit 2074, which is your declaration in the
` USPTO proceeding, IPR 2013-00240.
` Can you read that first sentence in
` Paragraph 9?
` A. Yes. I have some errors in the
` sentence but it says, "It is my understanding
` that it is K40's burden to prove that it is more
` likely than not that each claim under review is
` invalid over the Fleming '798 and Hoffberg '554
` prior art that is the subject of this review."
` Q. You said there were some mistakes
` there?
` A. Yes, I would simply rewrite this to
` say it's my understanding that it is K-40's
` burden to prove that each claim under review is
` invalid over the Fleming '798, Hoffberg '544
` prior art that is the subject of this review.
` Q. So what are you taking out of that
` sentence?
` A. "It is more likely than not."
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 10


`Page 11
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. Why are you removing that language?
` A. Because that is not my understanding
` Q. What do you mean it's not your
` understanding of what?
` A. Of K-40's burden. I think some words
` got inflated.
` Q. So you didn't apply that standard in
` this declaration?
` A. The standard as it's stated here?
` Q. Correct.
` A. My actual understanding is that it's a
` higher bar than what this would say. K-40's
` burden is more than simply being more likely
` than not that each claim is invalid.
` Q. And when I asked you about this
` language this morning, you said that you were
` positive that this was correct?
` A. I don't think so. I think you're
` reading was correct, but I don't recall.
` My recollection now is that on a first
` reading I didn't carefully look at what it was
` saying, that I was merely saying that the
` wording is as it's printed. But then I looked
` at it again, as you recall I mentioned this
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 11


`Page 12
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` isn't quite right the way it was.
` Q. Uh-huh. But it is still your opinion
` that the -- strike that.
` But it's still your opinion that
` K-40's burden, in your revised version of the
` sentence, is to demonstrate invalidity of both
` Fleming and Hoffberg?
` A. It's my understanding it's K-40's
` burden to show the invalidity.
` Q. All right. So Paragraph 10 of
` Exhibit 2074, we discussed this morning the
` meaning of the term "medium."
` Can you remind me what you said about
` that?
` A. Yes. This is -- Paragraph 10,
` discussing the ordinary skill and the relevant
` art. The sentence somewhere in the middle of
` the paragraph says, "In my opinion, the level of
` skill and the art relevant to the
` patents-in-suit is medium," and then I go on to
` explain specifically what I mean by that.
` And in the remainder of the paragraph,
` which I can read if you're interested --
` Q. No. That's okay. But is there a
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 12


`Page 13
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` difference between medium and ordinary, or are
` they saying the same thing?
` A. They're two different things. What
` we're wanting to do here is to define the person
` of ordinary skill in the art with regard to the
` patent, so who would be looking at these
` patents.
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. And my assessment is that this would
` require an ordinary level or, rather, a medium
` level of skill in the case of these particular
` patents and prior art pieces.
` Q. So referring back to 1014, which is
` your expert report in the Fleming/Escort
` litigation -- we discussed the patent at Page 50
` this morning, it's listed there in Number 1015,
` Silverman, U.S. Patent Number 6,201,493.
` Do you remember that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` MR. HUMPHREY: This specifically is
` the issue of objection, correct?
` MR. MCKEOWN: Uh-huh. Noted.
` MR. HUMPHREY: Right.
` Q. Can you read Paragraph 233 aloud,
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 13


`Page 14
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` please?
` A. Sure. "It is my opinion that
` Silverman anticipates certain claims of the '038
` patent as described below. In this regard, I
` have been instructed to assume that Silverman is
` prior art to the '038 patent. Regardless, the
` application that issued as U.S. Patent
` Number 6,201,493 was filed on May 28th, 1999,
` only a few weeks after the filing date of the
` application that issued as the '798 patent. As
` such, it is my opinion that Silverman, and the
` disclosures described below, constitute evidence
` of what would be obvious for one of ordinary
` skill in the art to try at the time of the
` filing date of the application that issued as
` the '798 patent."
` Q. Thank you. And when you wrote that
` patent, you intended to be truthful an accurate?
` A. Yes, I did.
` (Exhibit K-40 1015, U.S. Patent
` Number 6,201,493, no Bates stamp,
` was marked for examination.)
` Q. Dr. Grindon, Exhibit 1015 is U.S.
` Patent 6,201,493, is that correct?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 14


`Page 15
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. Yes.
` MR. HUMPHREY: We have an objection
` for 1015, put that on the record.
` MR. MCKEOWN: Noted.
` Q. And that's the same patent that's
` listed at the bottom of Page 50 of Exhibit 2074,
` your declaration in Fleming versus Escort, is
` that correct?
` MR. HUMPHREY: That's 1014.
` MR. MCKEOWN: Sorry. 1014.
` THE WITNESS: State the Exhibit
` Number 2 again, please?
` Q. So Exhibit 1014 is your declaration in
` the Fleming/Escort litigation. And on Page 50
` there's a patent listed there, toward the
` bottom, it's called "Silverman U.S. Patent
` Number 6,201,493."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, so this is the report filed
` several years ago in the Fleming versus Escort
` case.
` Q. So the question is: Is the Silverman
` patent listed on Page 50 the same as
` Exhibit 1015?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 15


`Page 16
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Let's move to Paragraph 236 of Exhibit
` 1014. Can you read that paragraph?
` A. I'm sorry. The paragraph again?
` Q. 236, it's on Page 51.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Can you read that out loud for us?
` A. Yes. "Silverman teaches that, quote,
` 'a radar detector is equipped with a positional
` tracking system, such as a global positioning
` satellite (GPS) system, which can track the
` location of the vehicle in which the detector is
` located and a processor enabling the detector to
` learn about the location, the sources of false
` alarms,' close quote. Further Silverman teaches
` quote, 'If desired a signal strength profile,
` frequency band of the energy causing the alarm
` and/or time of day information can also be used
` to distinguish false from real alarms,' close
` quote. Thus, Silverman teaches an incoming
` radar signal having a frequency and the signal
` strength. (Abstract)."
` Q. Thank you. Did you intend that to be
` truthful and accurate when you wrote it?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 16


`Page 17
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Let's go to 248 of the same document,
` that's 1014. That's the same exhibit, 1014.
` A. All right. I have it.
` Q. Can you read that paragraph out loud,
` please?
` A. Sure. "Silverman teaches that, open
` quote, 'On the other hand, if no match exists
` when the current location is compared to stored
` locations in database 155, or even if there is a
` match, that the other compared information, such
` as frequency band, is different, a NO result
` occurs in step 213, and the process proceeds to
` step 215, where the alarm generator 105 is
` activated. Column 3, Lines 54 to 59."
` Q. When you wrote that you intended that
` paragraph to be truthful and accurate?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Okay. So we talked about a lot of
` these questions this morning, but just for the
` sake of completeness we need to go over them
` again.
` Can you explain the legal standard for
` reduction of practice?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 17


`Page 18
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. Again, that, not being an attorney, as
` we've established, I can just give you my own
` words regarding that. With respect to a written
` document, reduction in practice to me would
` constitute describing something in sufficient
` detail so that a person of ordinary skill in the
` art at the time could practice the invention;
` and with regard to a physical demonstration, it
` would constitute a demonstration having the
` functionality claimed.
` Q. In Paragraph 86 of your declaration,
` which is Exhibit 2074, you discuss a
` demonstration that's conducted on February 7,
` 2014, is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who was present during that
` demonstration?
` A. Steve Orr.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. Yes. Joe Davis -- this is the -- this
` is the -- that would have been Tom Humphrey.
` Q. So Mr. Orr and Mr. Humphrey?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Anyone else?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 18


`Page 19
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. So who was driving the car?
` A. Wait a minute. Let me rewind all of
` this.
` Q. Sure.
` A. This is the lab monitoring test. So
` this particular test only Mr. Humphrey was
` present.
` Q. Did you do any other road tests?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Directed to Mr. Orr's work or road
` tests generally?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. So you did another road test related
` to Mr. Orr's work?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was that?
` A. Let me think. I don't know if I have
` the actual date with me right now. This would
` have been sometime previous to the road test.
` Q. A month previous, a year previous?
` A. Weeks.
` Q. Weeks. And what was the purpose of
` that road test?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 19


`Page 20
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. That was a different test. That was
` the one to test the GRAPH3 software operating
` with a GPS guard card, a radar detector and a
` laptop computer all, as close as we have been
` able to determine, were used by Mr. Orr in his
` 1996 road test that he integrated into the GPS
` radar system.
` Q. And who was present during that road
` test?
` A. That test was John Davis, Steve Orr,
` Tom Humphrey and myself.
` Q. What was Mr. Orr's role?
` A. Part of his role was to hold the
` laptop computer on his lap.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. There is a resource to explain things
` as needed.
` Q. Is there anyone else, other than those
` gentlemen, present?
` A. No.
` Q. Was there anybody on the phone during
` this test?
` A. I'm not recalling any phone calls.
` Q. So you testified earlier this morning
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 20


`Page 21
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` or earlier this afternoon, I should say, that
` the last known edit date of GRAPH3.BAS was May
` 2012; is that right?
` A. That's was my recollection. I didn't
` have the information in front of me, but that's
` the best I can recall.
` Q. I'll represent to you that Mr. Orr
` said it was May 1st, 2012 yesterday, so, you're
` consistent with him.
` Let's move back the Paragraph 96,
` Exhibit 2074.
` A. Okay. I have it.
` Q. And so you've read this paragraph in
` the other declaration, I believe it's identical,
` and it states that there's a small amount of
` code in GRAPH3.BAS that was recreated, is that
` correct?
` A. A small amount of code compared to the
` software that it was recreated from, which is
` the TST4600.
` Q. Okay. And you said this morning that
` would be roughly 10 percent?
` A. That's my estimate.
` Q. So 10 percent difference in size, I
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 21


`Page 22
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` guess?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the additional lines of code, are
` they listed anywhere in this declaration?
` A. Only by reference to Mr. Orr's report.
` Q. Okay. But you testified this morning
` that essentially what these additional lines of
` code did was described in this paragraph, and
` roughly begins at the language in the middle of
` that paragraph " -- to interface the program to
` the Rockwell GPS card and to the laptop computer
` display, and to perform location-based lockouts
` in order to integrate the GPS data with the
` radar detector so that he could perform
` location-based lockouts of false alarms for his
` road test demonstrations."
` Is that right?
` A. I believe you read that correctly.
` Q. Okay. All right. And so you
` testified earlier that in terms of that code
` that's referenced there in Paragraph 96 -- I'll
` get to the right page -- so have you ever seen
` the entirety of that code in any other file,
` other than GRAPH3.BAS?
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 22


`Page 23
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` A. I'm not sure what you're asking, but I
` don't know of any other file of a different name
` that has the identical code as GRAPH3.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I'm not saying there isn't any, BUT I
` don't know of any.
` Q. All right. Paragraph 103, I think we
` discussed the companion paragraph in the other
` declaration this morning, but can you read
` Paragraph 103 for me?
` A. Sure. "I believe, in view of the
` historical software and the data created by
` Mr. Orr in 1992 and 1996, that it would have
` been obvious to one of ordinary skill having
` access to this historical software and data to
` create the revisions to TST4600K.BAS to
` implement the historical demonstration recreated
` by Mr. Orr."
` Q. Thank you. So when you say "obvious,"
` are you referring to the '96 time frame?
` A. Yes, I'm referring to that time frame
` that someone who wanted to do what Mr. Orr
` wanted to do would be able to do it.
` Q. Uh-huh. And we're going back to
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 23


`Page 24
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Exhibit 1001, the '905 patent has a priority
` chain that ends in 1999; is that correct,
` June 14th, 1999?
` A. Let me see my exhibits. 1001. So the
` priority dates go back to June 14th, 1999.
` Q. But Paragraph 103 is talking about
` three years earlier, correct, 1996?
` A. Approximately, yes. A little more
` than three years, probably.
` Q. Let's go back to -- it looks like
` Paragraph 12 of your declaration, Exhibit 2074.
` So, again, we discussed both
` Paragraphs 12 and 13, they're companion
` paragraphs, in the other proceeding. I believe
` both of those paragraphs were numbered 12.
` So this morning you stated that when
` you say the combination in Paragraph 12 that
` references a radar detector, a GPS receiver, a
` central processor, memory, and user interface
` that included a map, you're saying that it's the
` claim combination that is not -- so the claim
` combination of the '905 patent that is not shown
` in Hoffberg, is that correct?
` A. That's right.
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 24


`Page 25
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. But the combination radar detector,
` GPS receiver, et cetera, is shown in Hoffberg,
` it's just, according to you, not in the claim
` manner, is that correct?
` MR. HUMPHREY: Objection. Foundation,
` If it's intended to be a foundation
` question.
` THE WITNESS: Those individual
` elements are found in Hoffberg.
` Q. And I guess did we do Hoffberg as an
` exhibit yet? I don't know if we did.
` (Exhibit K-40 1002 previously
` marked was offered.)
` MR. MCKEOWN: And Hoffberg, just so
` the record is clear, is this Exhibit 1002?
` Q. The Exhibit 1002 is the Hoffberg
` reference that you're discussing in Paragraph 12
` of your declaration, is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And so, again, the elements:
` Radar detector, GPS receiver, central processor
` memory, and user interface that included a map,
` are they shown in Figure 1 of Hoffberg?
` A. Let's take a look at Figure 1. It
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 25


`Page 26
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` shows some of those things in Figure 1.
` Q. Okay. What's missing?
` A. Just in the abstract, the term radar
` detector is shown in Figure 1, the GPS receiver
` is shown, a processor is shown, a memory is
` shown, and a user interface.
` There's no indication in Figure 1 that
` the user interface includes a map or anything
` else in particular.
` Q. Okay. So let's refer to Column 3 of
` this exhibit, starting at -- looks to be Line 46
` or 47 there, going through to the next column,
` let's say 12, yeah. Do you want to spend a
` minute and read that?
` A. Sure. All right. I'm finished.
` Q. In your opinion does that section
` discuss a user interface that would include a
` map?
` A. Yes. Now, this is the Hoffberg
` reference, and there's a background --
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. -- section. So it's discussing
` particularly the GPS system that was available
` at the time.
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`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 26


`Page 27
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. And some of the uses of it, which
` included map displays.
` Q. Okay. Let's go back to Exhibit 1014,
` which is your report in the Fleming/Escort
` litigation, Paragraph 325.
` A. I have it.
` Q. It's lengthy but could you read that
` paragraph?
` A. It begins "Hoffberg teaches"?
` Q. Exactly.
` A. "Hoffberg teaches the use and
` capabilities of a radar detector with GPS
` technology. It discloses that, open quote,
` 'applications of GPS include...vehicle
` navigation.' close quote. For this purpose
` Hoffberg teaches that, open quote, 'the user may
` also need to store and display locations or
` calculate range and varying...' close quote.
` Column 3, Lines 47 through 62. To this end
` Hoffberg teaches that, open quote, 'the first
` system makes use of stored map displays, wherein
` the maps of a predetermined area are stored in
` the in-vehicle computer and displayed to the
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 27


`Page 28
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` vehicle operator or driver. The maps, combined
` with information describing the location where
` the vehicle started and where it is to go, will
` highlight the direction and the driver will have
` to read the display and follow the route. One
` such stored map display system was offered by
` General Motors in their 1994 Oldsmobile, using
` Global Positioning System, GPS, satellites and
` dead reckoning techniques and likely map
` matching to determine a precise location,' close
` quote. Column 7, Lines 12 through 22. "Further
` facilitating this, Hoffberg teaches that, open
` quote, 'a compass located in the vehicle then
` gives a compass direction to the destination
` address. Such a compass direction is shown
` in graphics as an arrow on a display unit,
` indicating the direction a driver should go,'
` close quote. Column 7, Lines 49 through 54."
` Q. Thank you. When you wrote that, you
` intended it to be truthful and accurate; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Moving back to Exhibit 2074, Paragraph
` 13, there's a statement there about the Fleming
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 28


`Page 29
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grindon, Ph.D..
` reference.
` (Exhibit K-40 1003 previously
` marked was offered.)
` Q. I've handed you Exhibit 1003, it's
` U.S. Patent Number 6,204,798 to Fleming.
` Is that the Fleming reference you're
` discussing in Paragraph 13?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So in this paragraph we're also
` listing the same components, a police radar
` detector that included a GPS receiver, a
` processor, memory, and an alert circuit. I
` guess they're not the same elements. I'm sorry.
` There's a listing of elements, a
` police radar detector that included a GPS
` receiver, processor, memory, and alert circuit.
` Do you see those elements?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you disagree with Dr. Bartone,
` that those elements are shown in Fleming, is
` that correct?
` A. My disagreement is as stated, and it's
` not what you just said.
` Q. So when you say "combination," you
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`K40 Exhibit 1020, pg. 29


`Page 30
` CONFIDENTIAL -- John R. Grind

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