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`Gaius Gillman Fountain JR., Youngsville, NC;
`IR103 (Rev. 11/05)
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313- 1450
`Qin—Yi Tong
`1 1/07/2008
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-271 (Rev. 04-01)
`/Asok K. Sarkar/
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 2891
`November 3,2008
`Reponse to Rule 312 Communication
`Part of Paper No. 20081103
`OK TO ENTER: fAS/ (11/03/2008)
`SERIAL NO: 11/134,359
`FILED: MAY 23, 2005
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`DOCKET NO: 254586US20
`SERIAL NO: 11/134,359
`FILED: MAY 23, 2005
`In response to the Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008, please amend the
`above-identified application as follows:
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins on
`page 2 ofthis paper.
`Remarks/Arguments begin on page 16 of this paper.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Please amend the claims as follows:
`Claim 1 (Previously Presented): A method of forming a structure, comprising:
`forming a structure comprising a first element, an amorphous silicon layer disposed
`on said first element, a second element disposed on said layer; and
`heating said structure at a temperature to detach said first element from said structure
`at a location ranging from approximately an interface between said first element and said
`layer to approximately an interface between said second element and said layer.
`Claim 2 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`detaching said first element from said structure at approximately said interface
`between said amorphous silicon layer and said first element.
`Claim 3 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`bonding said second element to said amorphous silicon layer; and
`removing a substantial portion of said second element after bonding said second
`element to said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 4 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 3, wherein removing
`comprises at least one of grinding and polishing.
`Claim 5 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, wherein said second
`element comprises a substrate having a device layer, said method comprising:
`removing a substantial portion of said substrate to leave said device layer.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 6 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, wherein forming
`said amorphous silicon layer comprises forming a hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 7 (Currently Amended): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`forming a hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer having at least about 5-20 at. %
`[[per cent]] hydrogen concentration.
`Claim 8 (Currently Amended): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`forming a hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer having at least about 10-15 at. f/_o
`[[per cent]] hydrogen concentration.
`Claim 9 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`forming an adhesion-promoting layer on one of said first and second elements;
`forming said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer on said adhesion promoting layer;
`detaching said first element from said structure at a location ranging from
`approximately an interface between one of said first and second elements and said amorphous
`silicon layer to approximately an interface between said adhesion promoting layer and said
`amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 10 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 9, comprising:
`fonning one of a Ti and a silicon nitride layer as said adhesion—promoting layer.
`Claim 1 1 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`adding B to said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 12 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 11, comprising:
`adding B to a concentration of about 1 X 1016cm‘3 to 1 X 1021cm'3.
`Claim 13 (Original): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`adding one of B, In, Ga and A1 to said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 14 (Original): A method as recited in claim 6, wherein forming said
`hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer comprises:
`depositing said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer below a temperature at which
`hydrogen releases from said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 15 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming an amorphous silicon layer having impurities in a range of approximately
`10-15 at. %.
`Claim 16 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 15, comprising:
`heating said structure at a temperature where said impurities in said amorphous silicon
`layer are released.
`Claim 17 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 15, comprising:
`forming said amorphous silicon layer at a temperature below a temperature where said
`impurities in said amorphous silicon layer are released.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 18 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 16, comprising:
`heating said structure at a temperature of at least 200°C.
`Claim 19 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 15, comprising:
`bonding a third element to said second element; and
`heating said structure at said temperature where said impurities in said amorphous
`silicon layer are released and a bond is strengthened between said second and third elements.
`Claim 20 (Original): A method as recited in claim 15, comprising:
`forming an amorphous silicon layer having impurities selected from a group
`consisting of hydrogen, deuterium, helium, neon, krypton and xenon.
`Claim 21 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, wherein:
`forming said amorphous silicon layer comprises forming a hydrogenated amorphous
`silicon layer; and
`said structure is heated at a temperature where hydrogen releases from said
`hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 22 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 21, comprising:
`using said released hydrogen to detach said first element from said structure.
`Claim 23 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 22, comprising:
`accumulating hydrogen at approximately said interface between one of said first and
`second elements and said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 24 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 22, comprising:
`accumulating hydrogen at approximately said interface between said first element and
`said hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 25 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 22, comprising:
`forming hydrogen bubbles in said structure.
`Claim 26 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming nucleation sites on one of said first and second elements prior to forming said
`amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 27 (Original): A method as recited in claim 26, wherein forming said
`nucleation sites comprises performing at least one of the following processes on a surface of
`said first element on which said amorphous silicon film is formed:
`roughening said surface;
`forming a hydrocarbon on said surface; and
`exposing said surface to a plasma.
`Claim 28 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 27, wherein exposing
`exposing said surface to one of a N and Ar plasma in reactive ion etch mode.
`Claim 29 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming a deposited oxide on said first element; and
`forming said amorphous silicon layer on said deposited oxide.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 30 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming an amorphous silicon layer containing at least one of deuterium, helium,
`neon, krypton and xenon.
`Claim 31 (Original): A method as recited in claim 30, comprising:
`heating said amorphous silicon layer containing at least one of deuterium, helium,
`neon, krypton and xenon at respective temperatures at which deuterium, helium, neon,
`krypton and xenon desorb from said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 32 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`heating said amorphous silicon layer to release a species present in said amorphous
`silicon layer; and
`using said species to detach said first element from said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 33 (Currently Amended): A method as recited in claim 32, comprising:
`accumulating said element species at said interface between said first element and
`said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 34 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`planarizing the amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 35 (Original): A method as recited in claim 34, wherein said planarizing
`at least one of polishing and etching said amorphous silicon layer.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 36 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, wherein the
`bonding comprises:
`forming a plurality of said structures;
`bonding each of said plurality of structures to a third element; and
`detaching a first element from each of said structures.
`Claim 37 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`heating at a temperature of at least 200°C.
`Claim 38 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`heating at a temperature in a range of 450-500°C.
`Claim 39 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`adding B to said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 40 (Original): A method as recited in claim 39, comprising:
`adding B to a concentration of about 1 X lO'c‘cm'3 to 1 X 1021cm'3.
`Claim 41 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`adding one of B, In, Ga and Al to said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 42 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 6, comprising:
`forming said amorphous hydrogenated silicon at a temperature between about 20°C
`and 150°C.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 43 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, wherein heating comprises at
`least one of furnace heating and platen heating.
`Claim 44 (Previously Presented): A method a recited in claim 1, comprising:
`detaching said first element at approximately an interface between said second
`element and said amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 45 (Original): A method as recited in claim 44, comprising:
`removing any residual amorphous silicon material from said second element
`remaining after said detaching step.
`Claim 46 (Original): A method a recited in claim 1, comprising:
`detaching said first element at an interface between said first element and said
`amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 47 (Original): A method as recited in claim 46, comprising:
`removing any residual amorphous silicon material from said second element
`remaining after said detaching step.
`Claim 48 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming a bonding layer on said first element;
`forming said amorphous silicon layer on said second element; and
`bonding said amorphous silicon layer to said bonding layer.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 49 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming a bonding layer on one of said second element and a third element;
`bonding said second element to said third element using said bonding layer.
`Claim 50 (Original): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`reducing a bond energy between said amorphous silicon layer and said first element.
`Claim 51 (Original): A method as recited in claim 50, wherein said reducing step
`increasing a surface roughness of at least one of said amorphous silicon layer and said
`first element.
`Claim 52 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming said structure comprising said first element comprising a first carrier
`substrate, an amorphous silicon layer disposed on said carrier substrate, and said second
`element comprising a donor workpiece disposed on said layer;
`bonding said second element to a third element comprising a second carrier substrate;
`heating said structure at a temperature to detach said first carrier substrate from said
`Claim 53 (Previously Presented): A bonding method, comprising:
`forming a structure comprising a first element, a silicon oxide layer having about 5—20
`at. % hydrogen disposed on said first element, and a second element disposed on said layer;
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`bonding said second element to a third element to form a structure; and
`heating said structure at a temperature to detach said first element from said structure.
`Claim 54 (Original): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming said silicon oxide layer using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at
`a temperature in a range of about 100—200°C.
`Claim 55 (Original): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming said silicon oxide layer using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at
`a temperature in a range of about 100-150°C.
`Claim 56 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`heating said structure at a temperature above a temperature at which said silicon oxide
`layer is formed.
`Claim 57 (Original): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming a low hydrogen diffusivity layer disposed one of between said silicon oxide
`layer and said first element, between said silicon oxide layer and said second element, and
`between said silicon oxide layer and both of said first and second elements.
`Claim 58 (Original): A method as recited in claim 57, comprising:
`forming said low hydrogen diffusivity layer as one of aluminum, nickel, titanium and
`amorphous silicon.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 59 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`heating said structure at a temperature above a temperature at which hydrogen in said
`silicon oxide layer is released.
`Claim 60 (Original): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`reducing a bond energy between said amorphous silicon layer and said first substrate.
`Claim 61 (Original): A method as recited in claim 60, wherein said reducing step
`increasing a surface roughness of at least one of said amorphous silicon layer and said
`first element.
`Claim 62 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming said silicon oxide layer to have a hydrogen concentration of about 10-15
`at. %.
`Claim 63 (Original): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming said silicon oxide using a gas having about 20-50% silane.
`Claim 64 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 53, comprising:
`forming said structure comprising said first element comprising a first carrier
`substrate, a silicon oxide layer having about 5-20 at. % hydrogen disposed on said carrier
`substrate, and said second element comprising a donor workpiece disposed on said layer;
`bonding said donor workpiece to said third element comprising a second carrier
`substrate to form a structure; and
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`heating said structure at a temperature to detach said first carrier substrate from said
`Claim 65 (Previously Presented): A structure, comprising:
`a first element;
`a substrate portion having a first surface bonded to said first element, directly or
`through an intervening bonding layer, and a second surface, opposing said first surface,
`detached from one of an amorphous silicon layer and a silicon oxide layer each containing
`about 5—20 at. % hydrogen.
`Claim 66 (Previously Presented): A device as recited in claim 65, comprising:
`said silicon oxide layer containing about 10-15 at. % hydrogen.
`Claim 67 (Original): A device as recited in claim 65, comprising:
`said amorphous silicon layer containing a boron concentration of about 1 X 1016 cm'3
`to 1 X 1021 cm'3.
`Claim 68 (Original): A device as recited in claim 65, wherein:
`said first element comprises a first carrier substrate.
`Claim 69 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`bonding a third element to said second element prior to said heating.
`Claim 70 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`removing a substantial portion of said second element prior to said heating.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 71 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 5, comprising:
`bonding a third element to said second element after said removing.
`Claim 72 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`detaching said first element from said structure at approximately said interface
`between said amorphous silicon layer and said second element.
`Claim 73 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 1, comprising:
`forming said amorphous silicon having planar groupings of hydrogen complexes.
`Claim 74 (Previously Presented): A method of forming a structure, comprising:
`forming a structure comprising a first element, an amorphous silicon—containing layer
`disposed on said first element, and a second element disposed on said layer;
`heating said layer to release a species present in said layer; and
`using said species to detach said first element from said layer.
`Claim 75 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 74, comprising:
`accumulating said species at one of approximately an interface between said first
`element and said amorphous silicon layer and between said second element and said
`amorphous silicon layer.
`Claim 76 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 74, wherein said layer
`comprises hydrogenated amorphous silicon.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Claim 77 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 76, comprising adding
`a group II material to said layer.
`Claim 78 (Previously Presented): A method as recited in claim 74, wherein said layer
`comprises hydrogenated silicon oxide.
`Application No. 11/134,359
`Reply to Notice of Allowance dated October 8, 2008
`Favorable reconsideration of this application as presently amended and in light of the
`following discussion is respectfully requested.
`Claims 1-78 are pending in the present application, Claims 7, 8, and 33 have been
`amended by the present amendment.
`The present amendment is submitted under the provisions of 37 C.F.R. §1.312.
`Referring to MPEP §714.16, amendments that merely embody the correction of formal
`matters in the claims without changing the scope of the claims may be entered. The above
`changes embody only such an amendment. Also, no substantial amount of work is needed on
`the part of the USPTO other than a cursory review. Entry of the present amendment is thus
`believed to be proper, and entry thereof is respectfully requested.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Eckhard H. Kuesters
`Registration No. 28,870
`Carl E' SChlier
`Reglstration No. 34,426
`Attorneys of Record
`Customer Number
`Tel' (703)413 3000
`Fax: (703) 413 -2220
`(OSMMN 08/07)
`I :\ATTY\CES\254586US-AM-DUE-1 -8-09.ooc