United States Patent
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Jun. 17, 1986
`Juan C. Kristiansen, Chubut,
`[73] Assignee: Metalurgica Industrial Mecanica
`S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
`[21] Appl. No.:
`[22] Filed:
`Mar. 13, 1984
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Mar. 15, 1983 [AR] Argentina ..
`.............. 292396
`Int. Cl.4 ............................................ E21B 33/129
`[52] US. Cl. .................................... 166/123; 166/ 135;
`166/181; 166/192
`[58] Field of Search ............... 166/118, 123, 131, 135,
`166/140, 179, 181, 184, 188, 192, 196
`[5 6]
`References Cited
`3/1960 Crowe ................................. 166/135
`3,000,443 9/ 1961 Thompson
`166/ 192
`9/1962 Bonner ..........
`8/1963 Fredd ........
`2/1984 Mayland ............................. 166/135
`Primary Examiner—Stephen J. Novosad
`Assistant Examiner—William B. Neuder
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Holman & Stern
`A reperforable bridge plug fastenable to a tool through
`a weak point and integrated by an elastic gasket be-
`tween support and compression pieces has a dentated
`fastener for fastening to a tube line, a bridge plug having
`a tubular body with upper and lower ends, an enlarged
`diameter hollow portion on the lower end portion of the
`bridge plug forming a chamber, a plurality of slots
`through the wall of the chamber so that it communi-
`cates with the exterior of the bridge plug body, a plural-
`ity of calibrated rings formed by enlargements of the
`exterior surface of the wall calibrated to fit the well
`diameter in which the bridge plug is to be applied, an
`interchangeable converter plug mounted in the end of
`the tubular body adjacent the enlarged portion between
`the chamber and tubular body, a lower compression
`piece located below the elastic gasket and fastened to
`the tubular body by a fuse pin and having an external
`frusto conical surface thereon, a frusto conical surface
`on the exterior of the enlarged diameter portion spaced
`below the lower compression piece, and wherein the
`dentated fastener comprises a cylindrical jaw member
`mounted on the tubular body between the lower com-
`pression piece and the enlarged diameter portion, two
`oppositely directed diverging frusto conical surfaces on
`the interior surface of the jaw member at least partially
`operatively engaging respectively in superposition the
`frusto conical surfaces on the lower compression piece
`and enlarged diameter portion, substantially circumfer-
`ential saw teeth on the exterior surface of the jaw mem-
`ber, and a plurality of circumferentially spaced axially
`directed slots in the exterior surface of the jaw member
`to produce weak fracture areas which fracture in re-
`sponse to predetermined relative movement of the
`lower compression piece and enlarged diameter portion
`of the bridge plug toward each other.
`19 Claims, 32 Drawing Figures
`MEGCO EX. 1010
`MEGCO Ex. 1010


`US. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`' 4,595,052
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`US. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`Sheet 2 of 6
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`US. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`US. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`4,595,052 ‘
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17,1986
`Sheet 6 of 6
`FIG. l2b
`MEGCO EX. 1010
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`1. Field of the Invention
`The present
`invention relates to a reperforable
`BRIDGE PLUG of the type used for sealing in transi-
`tory or permanent form the perforations lined with
`pipes or tubes of insulation particularly those that are
`used in oil wells or the like.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`The principal object of the invention is to obtain a
`new type of plug of the above mentioned type, adapted
`to be installed in the selected place by any of the pro-
`ceedings or equipment used in the industry, either with
`the use of cables or tube lines for such purpose.
`The invention has been made to considerably reduce
`the working and writing time of the costly equipment
`used in the art, resulting among other bentfits, that shall
`be enumerated in the course of this specification, in the
`elimination of the first gate pass prior to the installation
`of the plug and less time in the milling of the same for its
`destruction, because with the invention, its rotation has
`been avoided,
`through the turn interlock provided.
`With the above mentioned purpose in mind, the inven-
`tion also contributes a remarkable constructive simplifi-
`cation that brings about an important economic advan-
`tage, and at the same time its technical improvements
`not only offer a better mechanical fastening, but the
`possibility of being used in various applications with the
`same structure,
`through the change of a single key
`piece. It is well known that a variety of plugs have been
`created with the purpose of sealing oil wells, according
`to the known manner of operating in this activity.
`Among them is a plug used as support of the sealing
`elastic body, a gasket composed by one or more de-
`formable plug rings that are accomodated or adhered to
`the walls of the jacket pipe with the compression set
`effected by the displaceable pieces proper of the plug, in
`the inherent process for its placement, so the resilient
`material or rubber that constitutes the elastic body, does
`not unduly flow or become exhausted through the plug
`contour and effect its closing.
`In other kinds of plugs, these annular bodies have
`been substituted, through both simple or double laminar
`washers, with a skirt of frusto-conical shape directed
`toward a conformation similar to the elastic body in
`agreement with the washers.
`In other cases the sealing element is materialized by
`resorting to two or three independent elastic bodies,
`with peripheral lips and forms as displaceable blades,
`that complement each other with the purpose of im-
`proving the closure.
`Other small differences existing among the known
`models could be mentioned. Notwithstanding, it is ad-
`visable to understand that the whole of these appliances
`resort to the use of two jaws arranged with the other
`component pieces at each side of the packers elastic
`body or bodies.
`As known by the expert on the subject, these jaws, at
`the end of the process of placement of the plug, that is
`to say, once the expansion of the elastic packer body is
`obtained and the respective fuse pins are broken and
`before the weak tension point is broken, the above men-
`tioned jaws, are expanded, nailing their teeth on the
`tube line ofjacket pipe to secure the immovability of the
`plug in its position. In the already mentioned conven-
`tional plugs provided with two jaws, it has been proven
`that in the process of the plug fastening it is required
`that the indented jaws are approached between each
`other in order to provoke the deformation of the flexi-
`ble gasket. Breaking the first fuse pin displaces the
`upper cone and the respective jaw, while the lower one
`remains fixed, so that relative displacement causes a
`strong rubbing of the teeth of the jaws against the steel
`tube wall which, taking into consideration the impor-
`tant forces in operation, the teeth suffer a strong abra-
`sion making them blunt and subsequently restricting
`their capacity of penetration in the wall and therefore
`weakening the mechanical fastening of the plug. In
`some cases, both jaws are displaced impairing the situa-
`Another constructive aspect of this pair of jaws may
`be mentioned, in certain cases they are constituted by
`independent segments fastened by “fuse” screws to the
`respective cone or maintained in position by rings
`mounted in a perimetral throat or by a wire of copper
`In another embodiment, the jaws are substantially
`cylindrical bodies with channels arranged according to
`interior generatrix which defines areas of lower resis-
`tance, but offer the problem of the formation of burrs in
`the fracture areas directed toward the periferic contour
`and moveover to the loosening of fragments the pres-
`ence of which between the teeth of the jaws cause sub-
`sequent disturbances.
`Other usual problems in the perforations under con-
`sideration are included in the rubbish found inside the
`tubes. In order to eliminate this, the use of baskets must
`be resorted to, incorporated with the gages for their
`recuperation, by passing this device through the tube
`line, so that all the matter that is found in its downward
`direction is collected in its interior basket. In the hith-
`erto known techniques, the use of the gage is essential,
`in as much as with them there are found variations in
`the diameter of the jacket pipe. Variations may be origi-
`nated, for example, in the perforated layers, that a men-
`tioned above offer holes with burrs which may create
`problems in the downward direction of the plug. With
`the gage, collapses and/or failures are also detected
`which are due to an excessive thread of the pipe section,
`which also causes burrs in the edges of the pipe and
`even its flare shape. There are known the anomalies
`which may be found in the tube line covering the wells,
`that can be detected by the different systems used by the
`surface installations for placement of plugs.
`It is obvious that taking into consideration the high
`cost of the equipment placed on the well, the less inter-
`vention time of each one on each perforation may result
`in a lower cost per cubic meter of the oil obtained. For
`such purpose it is very important to attain the maximum
`guaranty that the tube line with which the perforation
`has been lined be in perfect condition. That is to say,
`that since a slight diameter difference exists between the
`plug and the tube, the plug may be lowered without
`trouble and there are no undesirable burrs, collapses or
`rubbish which may affect its downward movement.
`Consequently, it is required to lower in the first place a
`calibrator device which carries downwardly all the
`rubbish which is being housed in-its interior part. This
`kind of basket is exteriorly shaped, with annular cali-
`brated bands the diameter of which will guarantee that
`the minimum diameter found in the well, shall not affect
`the lowering of the plug.
`MEGCO EX. 1010
`MEGCO Ex. 1010


`So in each perforation and in a manner prior to the
`placement of each plug, it is necessary to effect a stroke
`with the above mentioned calibrated basket. As briefly
`mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, the plugs may be
`fastened through arrangements operated by cable or
`pipe, in the first case the fastening system operated by
`remote control depends from a cable and in the other it
`is obtained through rotation of the tube line with which
`the plug is seated and fastened on the selected place.
`In the cable plugs several problems may arise, such as
`when blasting charges are used, their deflagration pro-
`duces gases generated in a closed chamber that are
`transformed into hydraulic pressure which at the same
`time causes a mechanical force. It may occur that the
`fluid may penetrate inside the appliance thus
`avoiding its correct operation.
`With the plug under consideration, as only the rubber
`has been swelled,
`it may be once more recuperated,
`which is not common with a conventinal plug because
`the latter has to be mechanically fastened and after-
`wards must be rotated and reinitiate the cycle, which is
`very costly.
`In order to overcome the above problems, the object
`of the invention is ideal, in as much as with its new
`constructive arrangement, the first necessary pass of the
`caliper is eliminated, because the plug itself already
`constitutes a substantial modification of the relevant
`technical-economical importance, as it reduces the time
`of use of the surface equipment and a subsequent cost
`reduction. Simultaneously, the tube line calibration is
`obtained guaranteeing that the diameters are not infe-
`rior to those established. Also, the rubbish and debris
`that may exist within the conduit are collected.
`As regards the mechanical aspect of the new reper-
`forable bridge plug of the invention, the plug has been
`developed with great simplicity, incorporating every-
`thing necessary for its optimum operation avoiding the
`eventual failures and eliminating various parts whose
`sole presence introduce higher probabilities of originat-
`ing undesirable failures. In a manner that in more detail
`will be oblserved hereinafter, a simplification has been
`reached by designing the new plug with a single interior
`jaw instead of two jaws as in all the known plugs, to
`which are added the complementary pieces which have
`been also eliminated in the invention. Another improve-
`ment obtained with the new plug, resides in the im-
`proved shape of the support ring of the elastic gasket
`forming part of the plug, which at the same time is
`constituted by a sole piece with incorporated interior
`Another advantage provided by the plug of the in-
`vention, in compliance with the new idea of its con-
`structive arrangement consists in that it admits a range
`of utilization impossible to attain with any of the known
`devices. Therefore, all the basic structure of the body
`and its accessories to harmonize the operation of the
`plug are the same. The key piece that permits the trans-
`formations in a simple and economic manner is a piece
`which shall be precisely called converter plug.
`Consequently, the alternative uses may be enumer-
`ated in the following manner:
`I—Cementer bridge plug
`II—Production bridge plug
`III—Articulated joint bridge plug in which a check
`valve is included which may be opened through a
`controlled tube
`IV—Bridge plug to inject, provided with interchange-
`able calibrated hole
`V—Bull bridge plug
`VI—Sloveliness bull plug of reduced cost.
`In the preferred embodiment that shall be described
`in detail hereinafter, the reperforable bridge plug of the
`invention is comprised of an interchangeable converter
`plug piece mounted on the end of the tubular body of th
`bridge plug, in correspondence with a widening shaped
`in said body which forms a chamber in the base, the
`chamber walls are crossed by a plurality of grooves for
`communication with the exterior of the bridge plug
`body; the widened exterior surface of the body presents
`calibrated rings to the daimeter of the well to which the
`bridge plug is applied; said dentated means of mechani-
`cal fastening of the bridge plug to the tube line are
`arranged on one single jaw. Interiorly arranged sub-
`seqeuntly to the elastic gasket and of its support and
`compression pieces, the jaw of which is mounted on the
`tubular body of the bridge plug presents two opposed
`frusto conical areas interiorly arranged and diverged so
`they are operatively connected through contact and
`partial superposition so the superior area related with
`the conical compression piece fastened to the tubular
`body through one fuse pin and the interpolation of a
`turn lock while the inferior area is connected with the
`frusto conical contour shaped in the outer surface adja-
`cent to the above mentioned widened body of the
`bridge plug, the outer surface dentated in the saw tooth
`of the jaw, is arranged so the points of said teeth are
`placed in opposed directions as from one medium
`diematrical line and presenting a plurality of symmetri-
`cally distributed cuts according to both generatrix.
`In order that the invention may be easily understood
`and may be put in practice without inconveniences,
`detailed description of a preferred form of embodiment
`will be hereinafter explained, with reference to the
`accompanying drawings, all of which are a purely illus-
`trative example of the invention but not a restrictive
`example and wherein:
`FIG. 1 is an elevational view, partly in cross sectin,
`showing the reperforable bridge plug of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a cross sectional view of the turn lock de-
`FIG. 20 is an enlarged cross-sectional view showing
`a detail of part of FIG. 2;
`FIGS. 3a, 3b, 3c show in its three positions the fas-
`tener ring, and FIG. 3d shows a detail in enlarged cross
`section of the right side of FIG. 3c;
`FIGS. 40, 4b show the turn lock in two positions;
`FIGS. 51:, 5b show the superior and inferior fuse pins;
`FIGS. 6a and 6b are views in two positions and FIG.
`6c is a cross sectional view of the superior cone forming
`part of the plug;
`FIGS. 7a and 7b are views in two positions with a
`partial cross-section of the support ring;
`FIG. 8 is an elevational view in partial cross-section
`of the elastic gasket;
`FIG. 9 is an elevational view partially in cross-section
`of the interior seal arranged within the elastic gasket;
`FIGS. 10a, 10b, 100 are views in three positions
`showing the interior cone,
`in elevation, plan and in
`FIGS. 11a, 11b and 11c are plan, elevation and cross-
`sectional views, respectively of the jaw in accordance
`with the principles of the invention;
`MEGCO EX. 1010
`MEGCO Ex. 1010


`FIGS. 120 and 12b are elevational and end views,
`respectively, of the bridge plug body partially in cross-
`FIGS. 13a and 13b are cross-sectional and bottom
`plan vieWS, respectively, of the converter plug;
`FIG. 14 is an elevational view of the piece known as
`weak point;
`FIG. 15 is a cross-sectional view of an embodiment
`including a ring that shall work at cut as “weak point”;
`FIG. 16 is a cross-sectional view of another embodi-
`ment variable of the “weak point”, consisting in the case
`in a thread coupling; and
`FIG. 17 is a cross-sectional view of another embodi-
`ment of the converter plug as a calibrated element.
`In the figures the same reference characters indicate
`similar or corresponding parts.
`In FIG. 1 the reperforable bridge plug of the inven-
`tion is constituted by the tension mandrel 1 of the con-
`nection between the tool (not shown) and the plug that
`is constituted by a bar threaded in an end connectable to
`the tool and an interiorly threaded housing in its op-
`posed end, where the weak point is fixed which consists
`in this case in a stud bolt 2, with a reduced throat 3
`cross-section in its central area that provides a fracture
`area and through which the mandrel 1 is connected to
`the converter plug 4, in the annular seal ring grooves 5
`of which both sealing toric rings are arranged.
`The converter plug 4 (also see FIG. 130), is threaded
`in the body 6 of the plug. The upper section of body 6
`has a tubular cylindrical form 7 and a keyway 8 and is
`saw tooth threaded with the points downwardly in its
`outer surface 9 along a certain length. On this thread the
`fastener ring 10, illustrated in detail in FIGS. 2' and 3, is
`threadedly mounted the inner thread of which, also a
`saw tooth with opposed inclination, has a pitch double
`that of the outer thread. Exteriorly ring 10 is threaded
`in a saw tooth form similar to that on the body 6, but
`with the points directed upwardly.
`The fastener ring 10 is cut through to provide a space
`or slot 11 between its free ends, which in the assembly
`corresponds with the keyway 8 of the tubular protion 7
`of the body 6, for the purpose of housing the turn key 12
`illustrated in detail in FIGS. 4a and 4b. This is first
`mounted in the assembly and fastens it into position, and
`is fastened through the upper fuse pin 13, passing
`through the upper cone 14 and partially housed in the
`hole 13’ that penetrates into the body 6, 7.
`The upper cone 14 has machined thereon an annular
`flat bottom on its outer face and has an inner saw thread
`tooth in order to admit the fastener ring 10. Beneath the
`above mentioned cone 14, a support ring 15 is arranged
`which is constituted by a laminar body with a form
`similar to a cup, (see FIGS. 70 and 7b), comprising a
`central annular flat part with the corresponding central
`hole, and a frusto conical outer section 16 ending with
`a cylindrical flange of relatively reduced height 17. This
`support ring 15, jointly with a similar one 18 arranged in
`inverted position, embodies between both the elastic
`gasket 19. This gasketas shown in FIG. 8 bears shaped
`in its inner part a channel 20 of trapezoidal transversal
`section, within which a metal ring 21 of similar shape is
`housed, and within which is arranged a toric seal 22.
`Both ends of the body 19 are cylindrical presenting p
`extensions of a relatively reduced diameter, with pe-
`ripheral ribs 19’ in the respective ends. This shape pre-
`disposes the deformation of each support ring 15 and 18
`to carry same to the more convenient position.
`Supported below the support ring 18, the lower end
`23 is arranged, the characteristics of which may be
`easily observed in FIG. 10. This cone, is fixed to the
`body 6, 7, through the lower fuse pin 24. It is observed
`that the lower zone also has part of its exterior surface
`in frusto conical shape 25,
`to relate same through
`contact with the also frusto conical interior surface 26
`of the jaw 27. The above mentioned interior surface of
`the jaw 27 is completed with a cylindrical central area,
`of similar diameter, with a slight adjustment, as the
`cylindrical portion 7, of the body 6, following with
`another frusto conical area 29 adaptable to the frusto
`conical exterior 30 of the body 6.
`The FIGS. 11a, 11b and 1c. where the jaw is shown
`in better detail, in addition to showing the above men-
`tioned details, show the dentated exterior surface of saw
`tooth type, where the inclination of its teeth, changes
`from a central diameter in opposed directions upwardly
`in the upper one 31 and downwardly the lower one 32.
`This jaw, which as observed in the assembly FIG. 1 is
`arranged in the lower part of the plug, is provided with
`a plurality of cuts 33 symetrically distributed, acording
`to the generatrix of the piece, causing fracturable weak
`areas. When in operation the rupture conditions are
`produced, the jaw is frgmented in equal segments. Ac-
`cording to private tests effected in due course, it was
`considered as optimum the quantity of seven cuts which
`are machined in order to obtain a minimum thickness of
`the cuts and still not lose a contact surface. With the
`seven segments produced, it is possible to obtain a better
`gripping against the jacket pipe.
`The lower part 34 of the body 6, presents a hollow
`widened section with a plurality of vertical slots 35
`which communicate the outer part of the plug with the
`interior part of the body, whereby a chamber forming
`member of basket 36 is defined, restricted in the upper
`part by the converter plug 4.
`This chamber forming member 36 has the dentated
`end 37, the teeth of which have been especially de-
`signed in order to attain a better locking effect and to
`permit the plug to be anchored in such a manner, either
`in the bottom of the well or_else on another plug, in
`order to rotate same in lesser time. The body 6 is com-
`pleted with the diameter at 38, being calibrated to the
`diameter of the jacket pipe,complemented with another
`two rings of equal diameter 39, arranged near each
`other, but separated by a small space.
`In general, all the pieces forming parts of the plug are
`manufactured with white cast iron which is more easily
`destroyed by the mill when it has to be withdrawn from
`its position.
`In order to effect the conversions allowed by the
`converter plug 4, the channel 40 may be incorporated in
`the body 6, 7 of the bridge plug, as illustrated in FIG. 15
`where the ring 41 is housed, which shall work at cut and
`shall act as a “weak point” with the cooperation of a
`suitable tool h. Moreover, in other applications, a tool h
`may be fixed to the modified bridge plug modified
`through a nipple or threaded coupling 42, illustrated in
`FIG. 16, which shall operate as a weak point at the
`notch 43 therein.
`The object of these modifications, is to avoid any
`obstacle along the whole interior part of the plug body,
`allowing a free access to the place into which is placed
`the above mentioned fitting.
`MEGCO Ex. 1010
`MEGCO Ex. 1010


`As shown in the above specification, the complete
`arrangement described is addressed to the obtainment
`of bull bridge plugs and of slovenliness bull plugs,
`where in the latter, lower cost materials are used in
`order to cheapen the product. The replacement of the
`converter plug 4 and the incorporation of the cut ring
`41, or the nipple 42, permit access to the central tube of
`the plug body in order to facilitate adding the corre-
`sponding fixture so that any of the above-mentioned
`operations may be effected, being only possible with the
`invention arrangement and introducing the adequate
`type of valve in the piece 4 or in replacement of same.
`The incorporation of the calibrated hole 44 in the con-
`verter plug 4 and the replacement of the weak point 2,
`3 with the threaded coupling 42 according to that illus-
`trated in FIG. 17 permits disposing of the required plug
`to be applied as a dosifler in the injector wells. It is
`known that in injector wells, secondary recuperation
`wells, the water injected water flow, as well as the used
`pressure are of extreme importance in order to avoid
`problems which may render useless the area. For such
`reason, the water should be correctly dosified in order
`to channel a determined flow with a good determined
`pressure and push the oil toward another well.
`Normally, small seal balls are provided in the ground
`water in order to seal the holes of the punching and
`restrict the conduction of the water flow.
`The problem of difficult handling is solved through
`the converter plug. Interchangeable steel tube 46 hav-
`ing a linear hole 44 therethrough is provided in the plug
`- 4’ in order to obtain the necessary flow. Therefore, the
`regulation of the flow corresponding to the selected size
`of the hole 44 may be effected in an interchangeable
`way according to the needs. The steel lining for the hole
`is to prevent wear and obtain a longer life of the device.
`In a certain construction interchangeable calibrated
`tubes 44 may be changed by surface equipment in order
`to permit the flow modifications which may be neces-
`sary at the time. The functional relation is simple and it
`is carried out in the following manner:
`Once a certain well is drilled and the coats placed in
`their respective levels the need may arise for placing
`one or more plugs as the case may be. The placement
`technique in any of the cases is fulfilled according to an
`automatic sequence of passes which are connected ac-
`cording to the gradual increment of the compression,
`after a shooting signal originated from the surface
`equipment which provokes the defiagration of the
`charge provided for said purpose, and initiating the tool
`motion. Consequently, in the first place, the bridge plug
`is carried to the exact level where it is to be placed, and
`afterwards said charge is shot and the pressure increase
`is initiated in order to cut the first fuse pin 13. With that
`causing the relative displacement of the upper cone 14
`with respect to the body 6, 7 which stays fixed sup-
`ported by the tension mandrel 1, a pre-pressure is in-
`duced on the gasket 15 that swells the gasket until mak-
`ing contact with the well lining. At the same time the
`deformation of the elastic body of the gasket deforms
`the fastener rings 15 and 18 the flanges 17 of which also
`touch the well lining strongly resting against it, which
`influences deformation of the rubber which constitutes
`the gasket and maintains an angular inclination which
`prevents the elastic material from flowing through the
`space existing between the well
`lining and the plug
`body and confines it in the thus established space.
`When the pressure is increased to a value capable of
`cutting the second fuse pin 24, a pre-pressure on the jaw
`27 is initiated through the lower cone 23 which is freed
`and slides on the body 7 of the plug. As the bridge plug
`body widens toward its base in the area 6 and there
`another conic surface 30 is shaped, when the pressure
`has reached the pre-established value, the jaw 27 breaks
`along the lines of lesser resistance produced by the cuts
`33 being separated in segments, the teeth of which 31
`and 32 penetrate into the well lining fastening more
`each time and so producing the maximum deformation
`of the gasket 19. It may be recalled that the body has
`been steady by the traction to which it is submitted by
`the action of the tension mandrel 1 in correspondence
`with the tool (not illustrated), while the exterior parts of
`the plug advance as described, neutralizing the mandrel
`tension efforts and the peripheral compression, with the
`movement of the parts forming part of the plug.
`It is especially noted that during all this process, the
`jaw 27 has stayed motionless, therefore its dentated
`surface has stayed completely intact to be nailed with
`all firmness to the steel tube wall. The turn lock, com-
`posed by the fastener ring 10, the tie or lock 12 and the
`fuse pin 13, at the same time operates as a union device,
`is shaped so that its function results precisely to avoid
`rotary displacement of the upper cone 14 with respect
`to the bridge plug body 6, 7. When the fuse pin 13
`breaks, the special dentated system of simple and double
`pass saw tooth existent between the body 7 and the
`exterior and interior part of the washer 10 and the conic
`body 14, permits the axial displacement of the assembly
`10, 14 during the compression effect imposed by the
`tool action throughout the channel 8 always keeping
`the lock against the relative turn of the so connected
`component parts. This process reaches its conclusion
`when the pressure reaches the value which causes the
`rupture of the weak point 2, 3.
`At this time, the tool is free to be raised and the
`bridge plug placed and well fixed in its position.
`It is logical to suppose that in carrying this invention
`into practice, amendments may be introduced without
`departing from the fundamental principles specified in
`the accompanying claims.
`I claim:
`1. In a reperforable bridge plug of the type having
`means for fastening to a tool through a weak point and
`integrated by an elastic gasket between support and
`compression pieces, and dentated fastening means for
`fastening to a tube line, the improvement comprising:
`a bridge plug having a tubular body with upper and
`lower ends;
`an enlarged diameter hollow portion on the lower
`end portion of said bridge plug forming a chamber
`having a tubular wall in said lower end;
`a plurality of slots through said wall so that said
`chamber communicates with the exterior of said
`bridge plug body;
`a plurality of calibrated rings formed by enlargements
`of the exterior surface of said wall calibrated to fit
`the well diameter in which the bridge plug is to be
`an interchangeable converter plug mounted in the
`end of said tubular body adjacent said enlarged
`portion thereof between said chamber and the tu-
`bular body;
`a lower compression piece located below the elastic
`gasket and fastened to said tubular body by a fuse
`pin and having an external frusto conical surface
`MEGCO EX. 1010
`MEGCO Ex. 1010


`a frusto conical surface on the exterior of said en-
`larged diameter portion spaced below said lower
`compression piece; and
`the dentated fastening means comprises a one piece
`cylindrical jaw member mounted on said tubular
`body between said lower compression piece and
`said enlarged diameter portion,
`two oppositely
`directed diverging frusto conical surfaces on the
`interior surface of said jaw member at least par-
`tially operatively engaging respectively in superpo-
`sition said frusto conical surfaces on said lower
`compression piece and enlarged diameter portion,
`substantially circumferential saw teeth on the exte-
`rior surface of said jaw member arranged so that
`the points on said teeth on opposite sides of a sub-
`stantial middle position on the exterior surface of
`said jaw member are oppositely directed, and a
`plurality of circumferentially spaced axially di-
`rected slots in the exterior surface of said jaw mem-
`ber to p

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