(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0155050 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 24, 2010
`US 20l00l55050Al
`W. Lynn Frazier, Corpus Christi,
`TX (US)
`Correspondence Address3
`(21) Appl. No‘:
`Dee- 23: 2008
`publication Classification
`Int CL
`E213 33/12
`E213 33/129
`E21B 23/06
`E21B 23/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ....... .. 166/102; 166/142; 166/192; 277/322;
`A flow back plug, a bridge plug, a ball drop plug andplug with
`a disintegratable check therein are made from a common
`subassembly including, in some embodiments, a mandrel, a
`slips/seal section, a setting assembly and a mule shoe. In other
`embodiments, the common components are a mandrel, a
`slips/seal section and a mule shoe. To make the flow back
`plug, a ball check is placed in the mule shoe. To make the
`bridge plug, an obstruction is inserted in the mule shoe. To
`make the ball drop plug, the mule shoe is left unobstructed so
`any ball dropped in a well seats in a tapered inlet to the
`mandrel. To make a plug with a disintegratable check, a ball
`dropped in the well is of a type that disintegrated in frac
`liquids. The setting assembly includes a setting rod connected
`to a setting device in the mandrel passage. When the plug is
`expanded into sealing engagement with a production string,
`the setting rodpulls out ofthe setting device leaving a passage
`through the mandrel and through the setting device. Another
`embodiment is an improved adapter sleeve used on conven-
`tional setting tools.
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun 24, 2010 Sheet 1 of4
`US 2010/0155050 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2010 Sheet 3 of 4
`US 2010/0155050 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2010 Sheet 4 of4
`US 2010/0155050 A1
`1 I30
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`US 2010/0155050 A1
`Jun. 24, 2010
`[0001] An important development in natural gas produc-
`tion in recent decades, at least in the continental United
`States, has been the improvement of hydraulic fracturing
`for stimulating production from previously
`uneconomically tight formations. For some years, the fastest
`growing segment of gas production has been from shales or
`very silty zones that previously have not been considered
`economic. The current areas of increasing activity include the
`Barnett Shale, the Haynesville Shale, the Fayetteville Shale,
`the Marcellus Shale and other shale or shaley formations.
`[0002] There are a variety of down hole tools used in the
`completion and/or production of hydrocarbon wells such as
`bridge plugs, flow back plugs, ball drop plugs and the like. In
`the past, these have all been tools specially designed for a
`single purpose.
`It is no exaggeration to say that the future of natural
`gas production in the continental United States is from here-
`tofore uneconomically tight gas bearing formations, many of
`which are shales or shaley silty zones. Accordingly, a devel-
`opment that allows effective frac jobs at overall lower costs is
`[0004] Disclosures of interest relative to this invention are
`found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,714,932; 2,756,827; 3,282,342;
`3,291,218; 3,393,743; 3,429,375; 3,554,280; 5,311,939;
`5,419,399; 6,769,491; 7,021,389 and 7,350,582 along with
`printed patent application 2008/0060821.
`In this invention, there is provided a common sub-
`assembly that can easily be assembled with specialty parts to
`provide a bridge plug, a flow back plug, a ball drop plug, or a
`plug having a disintegratable ball or plug check. Thus, a
`variety of down hole tools or plugs may be assembled from
`common subassembly parts and a few specialty parts that
`provide the special functions of different plugs. Thus, a sup-
`plier does not have to keep so much inventory because one
`always seems to receive orders for what is in short supply.
`[0006] The subassembly parts that are common to the down
`hole plugs disclosed herein are, in some embodiments, a
`mandrel, the elements of a slips/seal section, a mule shoe and
`a setting assembly that, when the plug is manipulated by a
`conventional setting tool, expands the slips/seal section into
`sealing engagement with the inside of a production or pipe
`string. An important feature of this subassembly is that
`manipulating the tool to set the slips creates a passageway
`through the setting assembly and, in some embodiments,
`through the plug. This allows the assembly of a bridge plug,
`a flow back plug, a ball drop plug or a plug having a disinte-
`gratable valve simply by the addition of specialized parts.
`In some embodiments, the common subassembly is
`a mandrel, the elements of a slips/seal section and a mule
`shoe. In these embodiments, the plug is expanded by pulling
`on the mandrel and/or pushing on the slips/seal section to
`expand the slips/seal section in a conventional manner.
`Another embodiment is an improved adapter sleeve used with
`conventional setting tools to set a plug having an expandable
`slips/seal section.
`is an object of this invention to provide an
`improved down hole well plug that is easily adapted to pro-
`vide different functions.
`[0009] A more specific obj ect ofthis invention is to provide
`an improved down hole plug in which a setting rod is ten-
`sioned to set the plug on the inside of a production or pipe
`string and then pulled out of the plug.
`[0010] These and other objects and advantages of this
`invention will become more apparent as this description pro-
`ceeds, reference being made to the accompanying drawings
`and appended claims.
`FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a subassembly
`which is readily modified to act as a variety oftools and which
`also comprises a ball drop plug, illustrated in a running in or
`extended position;
`FIG. 2 is an enlarged isometric view, part ofwhich is
`broken away for clarity of illustration, of a setting device used
`in the subassembly of FIGS. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the ball drop plug
`of FIG. 1, illustrated in a set or collapsed position;
`FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view ofa flow back tool,
`illustrated in a running in or extended position;
`FIG. 5 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of a
`bridge plug, illustrated in a running in or extended position;
`FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of another embodi-
`ment of a subassembly used to provide a ball drop plug, a
`bridge plug and/or a flow back plug;
`FIG. 7 is an exploded view, partly in section, of an
`improved adapter or sleeve used in conjunction with a con-
`ventional setting tool; and
`FIG. 8 is an end view of the adapter of FIG. 7.
`[0019] Referring to FIGS. 1-3, there is illustrated a subas-
`sembly 10 which is usable, without modification, as a ball
`drop plug and which may have a few components added to it
`to provide a flow back plug 12 shown in FIG. 4 or a bridge
`plug 14 as shown in FIG. 5. The subassembly orball drop plug
`10 comprises, as major components in some embodiments,
`substantially identical mandrels 20, substantially identical
`slips/seal sections or assemblies 22, substantially identical
`setting assemblies 24 and substantially identical mule shoes
`26. Because it is often desired to drill out the plugs 10, 12, 14
`the components left in the well are typically made of drillable
`materials, such as composite plastics, aluminum, bronze or
`other drillable materials. Composite plastics are well known
`in the art and comprise a fabric impregnated with a suitable
`resin and allowed to dry.
`[0020] The mandrel 20 provides a central axial passage 28,
`an upper section 30 and an elongate lower section 32 sepa-
`rated from the upper section 30 by a shoulder 34. The words
`upper and lower are somewhat inaccurate because they refer
`to the position of the well tools as if they were in a vertical
`position while many, ifnot most, ofthe plugs disclosed herein
`will be used in horizontal wells. The words upper and lower
`are used for purposes of convenience rather than the more
`accurate, but odd to oil field hands, proximal and distal. The
`lower end 36 of the lower section 32 is threaded for connec-
`tion to the mule shoe 26 as will be more fully apparent
`hereinafter. In some embodiments, the exterior of the lower
`section 32 is smooth so the slips/seal section or assembly 22
`slides easily on it. The passage 28 includes a tapered inlet 38
`providing a ball seat for purposes more fully apparent here-
`inafter. One or more seals 40 can be provided to seal between
`MEGCO EX. 1003
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`US 2010/0155050 Al
`Jun. 24, 2010
`the mandrel 20 and the mule shoe 26 as is customary in the art.
`The terminus of the mandrel 20 includes a rabbit or annular
`notch 42 to receive part ofthe setting assembly 24 as also will
`be apparent hereinafter.
`[0021] The slips/seal section 22 is more-or-less conven-
`tional and provides one or more resilient seals 44 and one or
`more wedge shaped elements 46 which abut wedge shaped
`slips 48, 50 having wickers or teeth. The elements 46 are
`conveniently pinned to the mandrel lower section 32 by plas-
`tic bolts or pins 52 so the seals 44 and elements 46 stay in
`place during handling. The plastic bolts 52 are easily sheared
`during setting of the plugs 10, 12, 14. The upper slips 48 abut
`a pair of load rings 54, 56 while the lower slips 50 abut a
`square shoulder provided by the mule shoe 26.
`[0022] The setting assembly 24 includes a setting rod 58
`having a lower threaded end 60 received in a passage 62
`provided by a setting device 64. Because the setting rod 58 is
`removed from the well, in most embodiments it is normally
`not made of a drillable material and is typically of steel. As
`most apparent from FIG. 2, the setting device 64 includes a
`body 66 through which the passage 62 extends completely.
`The passage 62 has a threaded upper end 68 and a slightly
`larger lower end 70 which, in some embodiments, is conve-
`niently not threaded. In most embodiments, the threaded end
`68 is considerably shorter than the unthreaded lower end 70.
`The setting device 64 includes a shoulder 72 sized to be
`received in the rabbit 42 and a series of radiating charmels 74
`in the bottom wall 76, which have a function in the flow back
`plug 12 shown in FIG. 4. The setting device 64 is made of a
`drillable material, usually a metal such as aluminum, brass or
`[0023] When setting the plugs 10, 12, 14 the setting tool
`(not shown) pulls on the setting rod 58 and pushes on the
`slips/seal section 22 to expand the seals 44 and set the slips 48,
`50 against a production or pipe string in the well. It is neces-
`sary to pull the rod 58 completely out of the mandrel passage
`28 and it is desirable that the rod 58 pull out ofthe mandrel 20
`in response to a predictable force. To this end, the number of
`threads on the setting rod 50 and/or in the setting device 64 is
`limited. In other words, if six rounds of threads produce a
`device having the desired tensile strength, then the threaded
`end 60 and/or the threaded passage section 62 is made with
`only six threads. In the alternative, it will be apparent that the
`rod 58 can be connected to the device 64 in other suitable
`ways, as by the use of shear pins or the like or the rod 58 can
`be connected using other releasable techniques to the mandrel
`[0024] The mule shoe 26 comprises the lower end of the
`subassembly 10 and includes a body 78 having a tapered
`lower end 80 and a passage 82 opening through the lower end
`80. The passage 82 includes a valve seat 84 which is the lower
`end ofa chamber 86 housing a ball check in the flow back plug
`12 of FIG. 4 or an obstruction in the case ofthe bridge plug 14
`ofFIG. 5. The mule shoe 26 includes an upper end 88 abutting
`the bottom of the lower slip 50 and a series of grooves 90
`which allow completion fluids to pass more readily around
`the mule shoe 26 at appropriate times, for example when the
`plug is being pulled by a wireline upwardly in a liquid filled
`well. A pump down collar 92 slips over the lower end of the
`mule shoe 26 and abuts a shoulder 94 so the plug may be
`pumped into a horizontal leg of a well.
`[0025] No special components need to be added to the
`subassembly 10 to provide the ball drop plug. In other words,
`the ball drop plug and the subassembly 10 are identical.
`However, in order for the ball drop plug 10 to operate, a ball
`check 102 is dropped into a production or pipe string 104 to
`seat against the tapered inlet 38. Those skilled in the art will
`recognize that the ball drop plug 10 can be used in a situation
`where a series ofzones are to be fraced. There are a number of
`ways that ball drop plugs are conventionally used, one of
`which is to frac a zone, run a ball drop plug into the well above
`the fraced zone, drop a ball 102 into the production string 104
`and thereby isolate the lower zone so a higher zone may be
`In order to assemble the flow back plug 12 from the
`subassembly 10, it is necessary only to insert a ball check 96
`into the chamber 86 as the plug 12 is being assembled. It will
`be apparent to those skilled in the art that the flow back plug
`12 is often used in situations where a series of zones are to be
`fraced in a well. After a zone is fraced, the flow back plug 12
`is run into the well and expanded against a production string.
`The ball check 96 prevents flow through the plug 12 is a
`downward direction in a vertical well but allows the fraced
`zone to produce up the production string.
`In order to assemble the bridge plug 14, it is neces-
`sary only to insert an obstruction 98 into the chamber 86 as the
`plug 14 is being assembled. In some embodiments,
`obstruction 98 includes 0-rings or other seals 100 engaging
`the inside ofthe chamber 86. It will be seen to those skilled in
`the art that the bridge plug 14 prevents flow, in either direc-
`tion, through the plug 14 so the plug 14 is used in any situation
`where bridge plugs are commonly used.
`It will be apparent that the ball check 98 or the ball
`check 102 may be made of a disintegratable material so the
`check valve action of these plugs is eliminated over time.
`[0029] As shown best in FIG. 3, in operation, a conven-
`tional setting tool (not shown) such as a Model 10, 20 or E-4
`Setting Tool available from Baker Oil Tools, Inc., Houston,
`Tex., and appropriate connector subs are attached to the set-
`ting rod 58 of the plug being set and an annular member rides
`over the upper section 30 of the mandrel 20 to abut the load
`ring 56, which is the uppermost component of the slips/seat
`section 22. When this assembly has been lowered to the
`desired location in a vertical well or pumped to the desired
`location in a horizontal well, the setting tool is actuated to
`tension the rod 58 and/or compress the load ring 56. This
`shears offthe plastic screws 52 so the slips 48, 50 slide toward
`each other on the exterior of the mandrel 20. This forces the
`resilient seals 44 outwardly to seal against the inside of the
`production string 104 and expands the slips 48, 50 so the
`withers grip the inside ofthe production string 104 and set the
`plug in place. Continued pulling on the rod 58 shears off the
`threads 68 between the rod 58 and the device 64 thereby
`releasing the rod 58 which is withdrawn from the mandrel 20.
`This leaves a passage through the mandrel 20 and through the
`device 64. This feature allows the subassembly 10 to be used
`without modification as a ball drop plug, to be configured as
`the flow back plug 12 of FIG. 4 or the bridge plug 14 of FIG.
`It will be apparent that the subassembly 10 may be
`shipped to a customer along with a container including the
`ball check 96 and the obstruction 98 so the plug needed may
`be assembled in the field by a wire line operator.
`[0031] Referring to FIG. 6, another embodiment 106 which
`serves as a ball drop plug and which can readily be modified
`to provide a bridge plug or flow back plug. As illustrated, the
`subassembly 106 differs from the subassembly 10 mainly in
`a different technique for expanding the plug. More specifi-
`MEGCO EX. 1003
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`US 2010/0155050 A1
`Jun. 24, 2010
`cally, the subassembly 106 is set by pulling on the mandrel
`108 and/or pushing on the slips/seal section 110. This has
`several consequences, one of which is that the mandrel 108
`provides one or more passages 112 for receiving a shear pin
`(not shown) for connecting the mandrel 108 to the setting tool
`(not shown). The mandrel 108 is preferably made of alumi-
`num or other strong drillable metal so it can withstand the
`forces involved in setting the plug 106.
`[0032] The setting device 114 no longer acts as a setting
`device and thus no longer requires threads but acts to provide
`a function in both the flow back plug version and the bridge
`plug version of FIG. 6. The device 114 acts as a lip for
`retaining a ball check where the subassembly 106 has been
`converted into a flow back plug analogous to FIG. 4 or an
`obstruction where the subassembly has been converted into a
`bridge plug analogous to FIG. 5. The bypass channels 116 act
`to allow fluid flow around a ball check placed in the chamber
`118 so upward flow is allowed. It will be seen that the device
`114 need not be a separate component but may comprise part
`of the lower end of the mandrel 108.
`It will be seen that the subassembly 106 provides a
`mule shoe 120 which is threaded onto the mandrel 108 so a
`ball check analogous to the ball check 96 may be placed in the
`chamber 118 during assembly to convert the subassembly
`106 into a flow back plug. Similarly, the removable mule shoe
`120 allows an obstruction analogous to the obstruction 98
`may be placed in the chamber 118 during assembly to convert
`the subassembly 106 into a bridge plug. Other than the tech-
`nique by which the subassembly 106 is expanded, it operates
`in substantially the same manner as the subassembly 10.
`[0034] The subassembly 106 is set in a conventional man-
`ner, i.e. a setting tool connects to the mandrel 108 through the
`shearpins (not shown) extending through the passage 112. As
`the mandrel 108 is tensioned and the slips/seal section 110 is
`compressed, the plug expands into sealing engagement with
`the production or pipe string. When sufiicient force is applied,
`the shear pins fail thereby releasing the setting tool so it can be
`pulled from the well.
`It will be seen that the subassembly 10 has the
`advantage ofproviding a composite plastic mandrel 20 which
`is less expensive and easier to drill up than the stronger
`mandrel 106 of FIG. 6. It will be seen that the subassembly
`106 has the advantage of using conventional shear pins and a
`conventional manner of expanding the plugs.
`[0036] Referring to FIGS. 7-8,
`there is illustrated an
`improved adapter 122 on the bottom of a commercially avail-
`able setting tool 124. The setting tool may be of any suitable
`type such as an Owen Oil Tools wireline pressure setting tool
`or a Model E-4 Baker Oil Tools wireline pressure setting
`assembly. These setting tools are typically run on a wireline
`and include a housing 126 having male threads 128 on the
`lower end thereof and an internal force applying mechanism
`130 which is typically a gas operated cylinder powered by
`combustion products from an ignition source and includes a
`terminal or connection 132.
`[0037] The diameter and other dimensions of plugs made
`by different manufacturers vary but must adapt, in some man-
`ner, to conventional setting tools. Accordingly, plug manu-
`facturers provide an internal adapter 134 for connection to the
`terminal 132 for applying tension to the plug and an external
`adapter, such as the adapter 122, for resisting upward or
`tension induced movement of the slips/seal section of the
`plug. This results, conventionally, in tension being applied to
`the mandrel of the plug and/or compression to the slips
`assembly. The internal adapter 134 connects between the
`terminal 132 and the setting rod 58, in the embodiments of
`FIGS. 1-5 orbetween the terminal 132 and the mandrel 108 of
`FIG. 6.
`[0038] The adapter 122 comprises a sleeve 136 having
`threads 138 mating with the threads 128 thereby connecting
`the sleeve 136 to the setting tool 124. The lower end of the
`sleeve 136 rides over the O.D. of the upper mandrel end 30 of
`the plug 22 and abuts, or nearly abuts, the upper load ring 56.
`When the force applying mechanism 130 is actuated, the
`adapter 134 pulls upwardly on the setting rod 58 while the
`sleeve 136 prevents upward movement of the load ring 56
`thereby moving the slips/seal section 22 relatively down-
`wardly on the mandrel 20 and expanding the plug 10 into
`engagement with a production string into which the plug 10
`has been run.
`In some embodiments, the sleeve 136 includes a
`series of wear pads or centralizers 140 secured to the sleeve
`134 in any suitable manner. One technique is to use threaded
`fasteners or rivets 142 captivating the centralizers 140 to the
`sleeve 136. In some embodiments, the centralizers 140 are
`elongate ribs although shorter button type devices are equally
`operative although more trouble to manufacture and install. In
`some embodiments, one or more viewing ports 144 may be
`provided to inspect the inside of the sleeve 136. In some
`embodiments, the sleeve 136 can be milled to provide a flat
`spot 146. In some embodiments, the base of the centralizers
`may be curved to fit the exterior of the sleeve 136.
`In some embodiments,
`the centralizers 140 are
`made of a tough composite material such as a tough fabric
`embedded in a resin. In some embodiments, the fabric is
`woven from a para-aramid synthetic fiber such as KEVLAR
`manufactured by DuPont of Wilmington, Del. In use, the
`centralizers 140 increase the effective O.D. of the sleeve 136
`or, viewed slightly differently, reduce the clearance between
`the O.D. of the sleeve 136 and the inside of the production
`string in which the plug 10 is run. This acts to center the sleeve
`136 and the setting tool 124 in the production string and
`introduces a measure of consistency or uniformity in the
`setting of plugs. The force applied by the mechanism 130 is
`substantial, e. g. in excess of 25,000 pounds in some sizes, and
`it is desirable for the plug 10 to be centered in the production
`[0041] Although this invention has been disclosed and
`described in its preferred forms with a certain degree of
`particularity, it is understood that the present disclosure ofthe
`preferred forms is only by way of example and that numerous
`changes in the details of operation and in the combination and
`arrangement of parts may be resorted to without departing
`from the spirit and scope of the invention as hereinafter
`1. A down hole well tool comprising a mandrel having a
`passage therethrough;
`a slips/seal section movable on an exterior of the mandrel
`from a running in position to an expanded position for
`sealing against a production string; and
`a setting assembly for assisting in moving the slips/seal
`section from the running in position to the expanded
`position, the setting assembly including
`a setting device rigid with the mandrel and
`a setting rod connected to the setting device so that
`expanding the slips/seal section into sealing engage-
`ment with the production string removes the setting
`rod from the first and second mandrel, the arrange-
`MEGCO EX. 1003
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`US 2010/0155050 Al
`Jun. 24, 2010
`ment of the setting device and setting rod being that
`removal of the setting rod from the tool opens the
`mandrel passage.
`2. The down hole tool of claim 21 further comprising a ball
`check below the setting rod allowing upward flow through the
`first and second passages and preventing downward flow
`3. The down hole tool of claim 2 further comprising a mule
`shoe connected to the mandrel and having a third passage
`therethrough, the ball check being in the third passage.
`4. The down hole tool of claim 21 wherein the first passage
`provides a tapered inlet so a ball can be inserted into the
`production string to seal against the tapered inlet to prevent
`downward flow into the production string.
`5. The down hole tool of claim 4 further comprising a ball
`seated against the tapered inlet preventing downward flow
`into the production string.
`6. The down hole tool of claim 21 further comprising a
`solid member below the setting tool preventing upward flow
`through the first and second passages and preventing down-
`ward flow therethrough.
`7. The down hole tool of claim 6 further comprising a mule
`shoe connected to the mandrel and having a third passage
`therethrough communicating with the first and second pas-
`sages, the solid member being in the third passage.
`8. The down hole tool of claim 21 wherein the first passage
`extends completely through the mandrel and slips/seal sec-
`9. The down hole tool of claim 21 wherein the second
`passage comprises a threaded section and the setting rod
`comprises a threaded section engaged with the second pas-
`sage threaded section, expansion of the slips/seal section
`acting to pull the threaded sections apart.
`10. The down hole tool of claim 9 wherein the second
`passage comprises an unthreaded section, the unthreaded sec-
`tion being larger than the threaded section.
`11. The down hole tool of claim 10 wherein the threaded
`section is above the unthreaded section.
`12. An expansible down hole plug comprising a mandrel
`having a first axial passage therein, a slips/seal section mov-
`able on an exterior of the mandrel from a first reduced diam-
`eter position to a second expanded position and a setting
`assembly including a setting device in the first passage, the
`setting device providing a second axial passage therethrough
`communicating with the first axial passage and a setting rod
`connected to the setting device so that tensioning the setting
`rod expands the plug into sealing engagement with a produc-
`tion string and removes the setting tool from the first and
`second passages.
`13. The down hole plug of claim 12 wherein the first and
`second passages communicate providing a flow path com-
`pletely through the down hole plug and further comprising a
`ball check below the setting device allowing upward flow
`through the plug and preventing downward flow through the
`14. The down hole plug of claim 12 wherein the first and
`second passages communicate providing a flow path com-
`pletely through the plug and wherein the first passage pro-
`vides a tapered inlet so a ball can be inserted into the produc-
`tion string to seal against
`the tapered inlet
`to prevent
`downward flow into the production string.
`15. The down hole plug of claim 12 wherein the down hole
`tool comprises a mandrel having a passage providing a solid
`member below the setting device preventing upward flow
`through the plug and preventing downward flow through the
`lu .
`P 1g6. A down hole well plug comprising a mandrel having a
`pas sage therethrough; a slip s/seal section movable on an exte-
`rior of the mandrel from a reduced diameter running in posi-
`tion to an expanded position for sealing against a production
`string; and a mule shoe connected to the mandrel and having
`a passage therethrough communicating with the mandrel
`passage, the passage including
`a section, circular in cross-section perpendicular to an
`axis through the plug, having a first end adjacent the
`mandrel and a second end, and
`a valve seat adjacent the second end of the passage
`the mandrel providing an obstruction overlying the passage
`section and having a passage therethrough, the obstruc-
`tion preventing an object in the passage section from
`moving toward the mandrel and having a bypass allow-
`ing fluid flow toward the mandrel in the event there is a
`ball check in the passage section.
`17. The down hole plug of claim 16 wherein the passage
`section is cylindrical.
`18. The down hole plug of claim 16 further comprising a
`ball check in the passage section for seating against the valve
`seat and preventing flow through the plug from the mandrel
`toward the mule shoe.
`19. The down hole plug of claim 16 further comprising a
`blocking element in the passage section preventing flow
`through the plug from the mandrel toward the mule shoe and
`from the mule shoe toward the mandrel.
`20. A setting tool for expanding a slips assembly of an
`expandable plug into engagement with a pipe string, compris-
`a housing having therein a force applying mechanism ter-
`minating in an element for connection to a mandrel for
`applying tension to the plug, and
`an adapter sleeve secured to the housing for resisting ten-
`sion induced movement of the slips assembly,
`adapter sleeve comprising a tube having external cen-
`tralizers thereon extending beyond an exterior of the
`21. The setting tool of claim 20 wherein the setting tool
`includes a longitudinal axis and the external centralizers are
`elongate ribs extending generally parallel to the axis.
`22. The setting tool of claim 1 wherein the mandrel passage
`comprises a first passage and the setting device provides a
`second passage therethrough communicating with the first
`passage and wherein removal ofthe setting rod opens the first
`and second passages.
`MEGCO EX. 1003
`MEGCO Ex. 1003

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