`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,079,413 B2
`*Dec. 20, 2011
`Inventor: W. Lynn Frazier, Corpus Christi, TX
`(73) Assignee: W. Lynn Frazier, Corpus Christi, TX
`2,593,520 A
`2,616,502 A
`2,640,546 A
`2,833,354 A
`3,054,453 A
`2,713,910 A
`10/ 1945 Baker et 81,
`3/1948 Lenz
`6/1953 Baker et al.
`2/1955 Sailers
`3/ 1955 BOIIIIGI
`7/1955 Baker et al.
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`USC 15409) by 0 days
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`“Hallibuiton Services, Sales & Service Catalog No. 43,” Hallibuiton
`C ., 1985 202
`(C t.
`on inue
`(21) APPL N05 13/1941871
`Jul. 29, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2011/0277987 A1
`NOV 17’ 2011
`Primary Examiner — Shane Bomar
`Assistant Examiner — Robert E Fuller
`Related U_s_ Application Data
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Edmonds & Nolte, PC
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/317,497,
`filed on Dec. 23, 2008.
`Int_ CL
`E213 33/129
`(52) U.s. Cl.
`....................... .. 166/124; 165/133; 165/135
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ .. 166/123,
`fil f
`1 166/1241’11h3.5’ 138’ 193
`ee app lcanon
`e or Comp ete Seam Story’
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`A plug for isolating a wellbore. The plug can include a body
`having a first end and a second.end, wherein the body is
`formed fromaone or1II11?I1'e colrlnposéte matieiiilals artid adapted to
`re°e1Ve a Se‘““g‘°° T
`°“g ‘ e
`5‘ en ‘ “*0 rat eaS‘°‘.‘e
`malleable element disposed about the body, at least one slip
`disposed about the body, at least one Conical member diS_
`posed about the body, and one or more shearable threads
`disposed on an inner surface of the body, adjacent the second
`end thereof, wherein the one or more shearable threads are
`adapted to receive at least a portion ofa setting tool that enters
`the body through the first end thereof, and wherein the one or
`more shearable threads are adapted to engage the setting tool
`when disposed through the body and adapted to release the
`setting tool when exposed to a predetermined axial force.
`20 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
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`* cited by examiner
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 1 017
`US 8,079,413 B2
`FIG. 1A
`1/0A/ 7/74
`FIG. 1B
`FIG. 2A
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 2 of7
`US 8,079,413 B2
`FIG. 2B
`FIG. 2C
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 3 of7
`US 8,079,413 B2
`75/ //
`.#uIIé\.“.__fi+/ov\V\\\%w_w..~\.¢/A..I \.i#.5
` A.1
`FIG. 3A
`FIG. 3B
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 8,079,413 B2
`A 300
`FIG. 3C
`FIG. 3D
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`US8079 413 B2
`q 255
`/ 280
`V 250
` 245
`y 300
`F I G
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 6 of7
`US 8,079,413 B2
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 20, 2011
`Sheet 7 of7
`US 8,079,413 B2
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application having Ser. No. 12/317,497, filed Dec. 23, 2008,
`the entirety of which is incorporated by reference herein.
`1. Field
`Embodiments described generally relate to downhole
`tools. More particularly, embodiments described relate to
`downhole tools that are set within a wellbore with a lower
`shear mechanism.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Bridge plugs, packers, and frac plugs are downhole tools
`that are typically used to permanently or temporarily isolate
`one wellbore zone from another. Such isolation is often nec-
`essary to pressure test, perforate, frac, or stimulate a zone of
`the wellbore without impacting or communicating with other
`zones within the wellbore. To reopen and/or restore fluid
`communication through the wellbore, plugs are typically
`removed or otherwise compromised.
`Permanent, non-retrievable plugs and/or packers are typi-
`cally drilled or milled to remove. Most non-retrievable plugs
`are constructed of a brittle material such as cast iron, cast
`aluminum, ceramics, or engineered composite materials,
`which can be drilled or milled. Problems sometimes occur,
`however, during the removal or drilling of such non-retriev-
`able plugs. For instance, the non-retrievable plug components
`can bind upon the drill bit, and rotate within the casing string.
`Such binding can result in extremely long drill-out times,
`excessive casing wear, or both. Long drill-out times are
`highly undesirable, as rig time is typically charged by the
`In use, non-retrievable plugs are designed to perform a
`particular function. A bridge plug, for example, is typically
`used to seal a wellbore such that fluid is prevented from
`flowing from one side of the bridge plug to the other. On the
`other hand, drop ball plugs allow for the temporary cessation
`of fluid flow in one direction, typically in the downhole direc-
`tion, while allowing fluid flow in the other direction. Depend-
`ing on user preference, one plug type may be advantageous
`over another, depending on the completion and/or production
`Certain completion and/or production activities may
`require several plugs run in series or several different plug
`types run in series. For example, one well may require three
`bridge plugs and five drop ball plugs, and another well may
`require two bridge plugs and ten drop ball plugs for similar
`completion and/or production activities. Within a given
`completion and/or production activity, the well may require
`several hundred plugs and/or packers depending on the pro-
`ductivity, depths, and geophysics of each well. The uncer-
`tainty in the types and numbers of plugs that might be
`required typically leads to the over-purchase and/or under-
`purchase of the appropriate types and numbers of plugs
`resulting in fiscal inefliciencies and/or field delays.
`There is a need, therefore, for a downhole tool that can
`effectively seal
`the wellbore at wellbore conditions; be
`quickly, easily, and/or reliably removed from the wellbore;
`and configured in the field to perform one or more functions.
`Non-limiting, illustrative embodiments are depicted in the
`drawings, which are briefly described below. It is to be noted,
`US 8,079,413 B2
`however, that these illustrative drawings illustrate only typi-
`cal embodiments and are not to be considered limiting of its
`scope, for the invention can admit to other equally effective
`FIG. 1A depicts a partial section view of an illustrative
`insert for use with a plug for downhole use, according to one
`or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 1B depicts a partial section view of another illustra-
`tive embodiment ofthe insert for use with a plug for downhole
`use, according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 2A depicts a partial section view ofan illustrative plug
`configured with the insert of FIG. 1, according to one or more
`embodiments described.
`FIG. 2B depicts a partial section view of the illustrative
`plug configured with the insert of FIG. 1 and a flapper valve,
`according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 2C depicts a partial section view of another illustra-
`tive plug with a lower shear mechanism disposed directly on
`the plug body, according to one or more embodiments.
`FIG. 3A depicts a partial section view of the plug of FIG.
`2A located within a casing prior to installation, according to
`one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 3B depicts a partial section view of the plug of FIG.
`2B located within the casing prior to installation, according to
`one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 3C depicts a partial section view of the plug of FIG.
`2A located in an expanded or actuated position within the
`casing, according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 3D depicts a partial section view of the plug of FIG.
`2B located in an expanded or actuated position within the
`casing, according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 4 depicts a partial section view of the expanded plug
`depicted in FIGS. 3C and 3D, according to one or more
`embodiments described.
`FIG. 5 depicts an illustrative, complementary set of angled
`surfaces that function as anti-rotation features to interact and/
`or engage between a first plug and a second plug in series,
`according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 6 depicts an illustrative, dog clutch anti-rotation fea-
`ture, allowing a first plug and a second plug to interact and/or
`engage in series according to one or more embodiments
`FIG. 7 depicts an illustrative, complementary set of flats
`and slots that serve as anti-rotation features to interact and/or
`engage between a first plug and a second plug in series,
`according to one or more embodiments described.
`FIG. 8 depicts another illustrative, complementary set of
`flats and slots that serve as anti-rotation features to interact
`and/or engage between a first plug and a second plug in series,
`according to one or more embodiments described.
`A plug for isolating a wellbore is provided. The plug can
`include one or more lower shear or shearable mechanisms for
`connecting to a setting tool. The lower shear or shearable
`mechanism can be located directly on the body of the plug or
`on a separate component or insert that is placed within the
`body of the plug. The lower shear or shearable mechanism is
`adapted to engage a setting tool and release the setting tool
`when exposed to a predetermined stress that is suflicient to
`deform the shearable threads to release the setting tool but is
`less than a stress suflicient to break the plug body. The term
`“stress” and “force” are used interchangeably, and are
`intended to refer to a system of forces that may in include
`axial force, radial force, and/or a combination thereof. The
`terms “shear mechanism” and “shearable mechanism” are
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`US 8,079,413 B2
`used interchangeably, and are intended to refer to any com-
`ponent, part, element, member, or thing that shears or is
`capable of shearing at a predetermined stress that is less than
`the stress required to shear the body of the plug. The term
`“shear” means to fracture, break, or otherwise deform thereby
`releasing two or more engaged components, parts, or things
`or thereby partially or fully separating a single component
`into two or more components/pieces. The term “plug” refers
`to any tool used to permanently or temporarily isolate one
`wellbore zone from another, including any tool with blind
`passages, plugged mandrels, as well as open passages extend-
`ing completely therethrough and passages that are blocked
`with a check Valve. Such tools are commonly referred to in the
`art as “bridge plugs,” “frac plugs,” and/or “packers .”And such
`tools can be a single assembly (i.e. one plug) or two or more
`assemblies (i.e. two or more plugs) disposed within a work
`string or otherwise connected thereto that is run into a well-
`bore on a wireline, slickline, production tubing, coiled tubing
`or any technique known or yet to be discovered in the art.
`FIG. 1A depicts a partial section View of an illustrative,
`shearable insert 100 for a plug, according to one or more
`embodiments. The insert 100 can include a body 102 having
`a first or upper end 112 and a second or lower end 114. A
`passageway or bore 110 can be completely or at least partially
`formed through the body 102. One or more threads 120 can be
`disposed or formed on an outer surface of the body 102. The
`threads 120 can be disposed on the outer surface of the body
`102 toward the upper end 112. As discussed in more detail
`below with reference to FIGS. 2A-2C and FIGS. 3A-D, the
`threads 120 can be used to secure the insert 100 within a
`surrounding component, such as another insert 100, setting
`tool, tubing string, plug, or other tool.
`FIG. 1B depicts a partial section view of an alternative
`embodiment of the illustrative, shearable insert 100B for a
`plug. The insert 100B can include any combination of fea-
`tures of insert 100, and additionally, a ball 150 or other solid
`impediment can seat against either or both ends of the bore
`110 to regulate or check fluid flow therethrough. As depicted
`in FIG. 1B, the body 102 can include a shoulder 155 formed
`in, coupled to, or otherwise provided, which can be sized to
`receive the ball 150 and to seal therewith. Accordingly, the
`ball 150 can seat against the shoulder 155 to restrict fluid flow
`through the bore 110 from below the insert 100B. An adapter
`pin 160 can be inserted through the body 102 to cage the ball
`150 or other solid impediment in the bore 110, between the
`pin 160 and the shoulder 155.
`One or more shearable threads 130 can be disposed or
`formed on an inner surface of the body 102. The shearable
`threads 130 can be used to couple the insert 100, 100B to
`another insert 100, 100B, setting tool, tubing string, plug, or
`other tool. The shearable threads 130 canbe located anywhere
`along the inner surface ofthe body 1 02, and are not dependent
`on the location of the outer threads 120. For example, the
`location of the shearable threads 130 can be located beneath
`or above the outer threads 120; toward the first end 112 of the
`insert 100, 100B, as depicted in FIGS. 1 and 1B; and/or
`toward the second end 114 of the insert 100, 100B.
`Any number of shearable threads 130 can be used. The
`number, pitch, pitch angle, and/or depth of the shearable
`threads 130 can depend, at least in part, on the operating
`conditions of the wellbore where the insert 100, 100B will be
`used. The number, pitch, pitch angle, and/or depth of the
`shearable threads 130 can also depend, at least in part, on the
`materials of construction ofboth the insert 100, 100B and the
`component, e.g., another insert 100, 100B, a setting tool,
`another tool, plug, tubing string, etc., to which the insert 100,
`100B is connected. The number of threads 130, for example,
`can range from about 2 to about 100, such as about 2 to about
`50; about 3 to about 25; or about 4 to about 10. The number of
`threads 130 can also range from a low of about 2, 4, or 6 to a
`high of about 7, 12, or 20. The pitch between each thread 130
`can also vary depending on the force required to shear, break,
`or otherwise deform the threads 130. The pitch between each
`thread 13 0 can be the same or different. For example, the pitch
`between each thread 13 0 can vary from about 0.1 mm to about
`200 mm; 0.2 mm to about 150 mm; 0.3 mm to about 100 mm;
`or about 0.1 mm to about 50 mm. The pitch between each
`thread 130 can also range from a low of about 0.1 mm, 0.2
`mm, or 0.3 mm to a high ofabout 2 mm, 5 mm or 10 mm.
`The shearable threads 130 can be adapted to shear, break,
`or otherwise deform when exposed to a predetermined stress
`or force, releasing the component engaged within the body
`102. The predetermined stress or force can be less than a
`stress and/or force required to fracture or break the body 102
`ofthe insert 1 00, 1 00B. Upon the threads 130 shearing, break-
`ing, or deforming, the component engaged within the body
`102 can be freely removed or separated therefrom.
`Any number of outer threads 120 can be used. The number
`of outer threads 120, for example, can range from about 2 to
`about 100, such as about 2 to about 50; about 3 to about 25; or
`about 4 to about 10. The number ofthreads 120 can also range
`from a low of about 2, 4, or 6 to a high of about 7, 12, or 20.
`The pitch between each thread 120 can also vary. The pitch
`between each thread 120 can be the same or different. For
`example, the pitch between each thread 120 can vary from
`about 0.1 mmto about 200 mm; 0.2 mmto about 150 mm; 0.3
`mm to about 100 mm; or about 0.1 mm to about 50 mm. The
`pitch between each thread 120 can also range from a low of
`about 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm, or 0.3 mm to a high ofabout 2 mm, 5
`mm or 10 mm.
`The threads 120 and the shearable threads 130 can be
`right-handed and/or left-handed threads. For example,
`facilitate connection of the insert 100, 100B to a setting tool
`when the setting tool is coupled to, for example, screwed into
`the insert 100, 100B, the threads 120 can be right-handed
`threads and the shearable threads 130 can be left-handed
`threads, or vice versa.
`The outer surface of the insert 100, 100B can have a con-
`stant diameter, or its diameter can vary, as depicted in FIGS.
`1A and 1B. For example, the outer surface can include a
`smaller first diameter portion or area 140 that transitions to a
`larger, second diameter portion or area 142, forming a ledge
`or shoulder 144 therebetween. The shoulder 144 can have a
`first end that is substantially flat, abutting the second diameter
`142, a second end that gradually slopes or transitions to the
`first diameter 140, and can be adapted to anchor the insert into
`the plug. The shoulder 144 can be formed adjacent the outer
`threads 120 or spaced apart therefrom, and the outer threads
`120 can be above or below the shoulder 144.
`The insert 100, 100B and/or the shearable threads 130 can
`be made of an alloy that includes brass. Suitable brass com-
`positions include, but are not limited to, admiralty brass,
`Aich’s alloy, alpha brass, alpha-beta brass, aluminum brass,
`arsenical brass, beta brass, cartridge brass, common brass,
`dezincification resistant brass, gilding metal, high brass,
`leaded brass, lead-free brass, low brass, manganese brass,
`Muntz metal, nickel brass, naval brass, Nordic gold, red brass,
`rich low brass, tonval brass, white brass, yellow brass, and/or
`any combinations thereof.
`The insert 100, 100B can also be formed or made from
`other metallic materials (such as aluminum, steel, stainless
`steel, copper, nickel, cast iron, galvanized or non-galvanized
`metals, etc.), fiberglass, wood, composite materials (such as
`ceramics, wood/polymer blends, cloth/polymer blends, etc.),
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`MEGCO Ex. 1001
`US 8,079,413 B2
`and plastics (such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polysty-
`rene, polyurethane, polyethylethylketone (PEEK), polytet-
`rafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyamide resins (such as nylon 6
`(N6), nylon 66 (N66)), polyester resins (such as polybutylene
`terephthalate (PBT), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), poly-
`ethylene isophthalate (PEI), PET/PEI copolymer) polynitrile
`resins (such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN), polymethacrylom-
`trile, acrylonitrile-styrene copolymers (AS), methacryloni-
`trile-styrene copolymers, methacrylonitrile-styrene-butadi-
`ene copolymers; and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)),
`polymethacrylate resins (such as polymethyl methacrylate
`and polyethylacrylate), cellulose resins (such as cellulose
`acetate and cellulose acetate butyrate); polyimide resins
`(such as aromatic polyimides), polycarbonates (PC), elas-
`tomers (such as ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR), ethylene
`propylene-diene monomer rubber (EPDM), styrenic block
`copolymers (SBC), polyisobutylene (PIB), butyl rubber, neo-
`prene rubber, halobutyl rubber and the like)), as well as mix-
`tures, blends, and copolymers of any and all of the foregoing
`FIG. 2A depicts a partial section View ofan illustrative plug
`200 configured with the insert 100, 100B and adapted to
`receive a ball type impediment or another type of impedi-
`ment, according to one or more embodiments. The plug 200
`can include a mandrel or body 210 having a first or upper end
`207 and a second or lower end 208. A passageway or bore 255
`can be formed at least partially through the body 210. The
`body 210 can be a single, monolithic component as shown, or
`the body 210 can be or include two or more components
`connected, engaged, or otherwise attached together. The body
`210 serves as a centralized support member, made of one or
`more components or parts, for one or more outer components
`to be disposed thereon or thereabout.
`The insert 100, 100B can be threaded or otherwise dis-
`posed within the plug 200 at a lower end 208 ofthe body 210.
`A setting tool, tubing string, plug, or other tool can enter the
`bore 255 through the first end 207 ofthe body 210 and can be
`threaded to or otherwise coupled to and/or disposed within
`the insert 100. As further described herein, the shearable
`threads 130 on the insert 100 can be sheared, fractured, or
`otherwise deformed, releasing the setting tool, tubing string,
`plug, or other tool from the plug 200.
`The bore 255 can have a constant diameter throughout, or
`its diameter can vary, as depicted in FIG. 2A. For example, the
`bore 255 can include a larger, first diameter portion or area
`226 that transitions to a smaller, second diameter portion or
`area 227, forming a seat or shoulder 228 therebetween. The
`shoulder 228 can have a tapered or sloped surface connecting
`the two diameter portions or areas 226, 227. Although not
`shown, the shoulder 228 can be flat or substantially flat,
`providing a horizontal or substantially horizontal surface
`connecting the two diameters 226, 227. As will be explained
`in more detail below, the shoulder 228 can serve as a seat or
`receiving surface for plugging off the bore 255 when a ball
`(shown in FIG. 3C) or other impediment, such as a flapper
`member 215 (shown in FIGS. 3D), is placed within the bore
`At least one conical member (two are shown: 230, 235), at
`least one slip (two are shown: 240, 245), and at least one
`malleable element 250 can be disposed about the body 210.
`As used herein, the term “disposed about” means surrounding
`the component, e.g., the body 210, allowing for relative
`movement therebetween (e.g., by sliding, rotating, pivoting,
`or a combination thereof). A first section or second end of the
`conical members 230, 235 has a sloped surface adapted to rest
`underneath a complementary sloped inner surface ofthe slips
`240, 245. As explained in more detail below, the slips 240,
`245 travel about the surface of the adjacent conical members
`230, 235, thereby expanding radially outward from the body
`210 to engage an inner surface of a surrounding tubular or
`borehole. A second section or second end of the conical
`members 230, 235 can include two or more tapered pedals or
`wedges adapted to rest about an adjacent malleable element
`250. One or more circumferential voids 236 can be disposed
`within or between the first and second sections of the conical
`members 230, 235 to facilitate expansion ofthe wedges about
`the malleable element 250. The wedges are adapted to hinge
`or pivot radially outward and/or hinge or pivot circumferen-
`tially. The groove or void 236 can facilitate such movement.
`The wedges pivot, rotate, or otherwise extend radially out-
`ward, and can contact an inner diameter of the surrounding
`tubular or borehole. Additional details of the conical mem-
`bers 230, 235 are described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,762,323.
`The inner surface of each slip 240, 245 can conform to the
`first end of the adjacent conical member 230, 235. An outer
`surface of the slips 240, 245 can include at least one out-
`wardly-extending serration or edged tooth to engage an inner
`surface of a surrounding tubular, as the slips 240, 245 move
`radially outward from the body 210 due to the axial move-
`ment across the adjacent conical members 230, 235.
`The slips 240, 245 can be designed to fracture with radial
`stress. The slips 240, 245 can include at least one recessed
`groove 242 milled or otherwise formed therein to fracture
`under stress allowing the slips 240, 245 to expand outward
`and engage an inner surface of the surrounding tubular or
`borehole. For example, the slips 240, 245 can include two or
`more, for example,
`four, sloped segments separated by
`equally-spaced recessed grooves 242 to contact the surround-
`ing tubular or borehole.
`The malleable element 250 can be disposed between the
`conical members 230, 235. A three element 250 system is
`depicted in FIG. 2A, but any number of elements 250 can be
`used. The malleable element 250 can be constructed of any
`one or more malleable materials capable of expanding and
`sealing an annulus within the wellbore. The malleable ele-
`ment 250 is preferably constructed of one or more synthetic
`materials capable of withstanding high temperatures and
`pressures, including temperatures up to 450° F., and pressure
`differentials up to 15,000 psi. Illustrative materials include
`elastomers, rubbers, TEFLON®, blends and combinations
`The malleable element(s) 250 can have any number of
`configurations to effectively seal the annulus definedbetween
`the body 210 and the wellbore. For example, the malleable
`element(s) 250 can include one or more grooves, ridges,
`indentations, or protrusions designed to allow the malleable
`element(s) 250 to conform to variations in the shape of the
`interior of the surrounding tubular or borehole.
`At least one component, ring, or other armular member 280
`for receiving an axial load from a setting tool can be disposed
`about the body 210 adjacent a first end of the slip 240. The
`annular member 280 for receiving the axial load can have first
`and second ends that are substantially flat. The first end can
`serve as a shoulder adapted to abut a setting tool (not shown).
`The second end can abut the slip 240 and transmit axial forces
`Each end ofthe plug 200 can be the same or different. Each
`end of the plug 200 can include one or more anti-rotation
`features 270, disposed thereon. Each anti-rotation feature 270
`can be screwed onto, formed thereon, or otherwise connected
`to or positioned about the body 210 so that there is no relative
`motion between the anti-rotation feature 270 and the body
`210. Alternatively, each anti-rotation fea