Irfan Essa
`School of Interactive Computing
`College of Computing
`Center for Robotics and Intelligence Machines (RIM) 8: The GVU Center
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`801 Atlantic Drive, (College of Computing Building, Room 314)
`Atlanta, GA 30332—0320, USA
`Phones: 404 894 6856 (office) I 404 786 5929 (mobile)
`I Most entries in this CV are in listed in a Reverse Chronological order, with most recent items at the bottom. ln a PDF
`file View online, a click on a highlighted text/link like Research will get you directly to that section, or to an external
`link {e.g. as appropriate. Additional details and papers available from the website
` l
`Irfan Essa (httpu’
`Updated: April 24, 2012
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`Table of Contents
`Courses Taught ....................................................
`Curriculum Development ...............................................
`Individual Guidance ..................................................
`Teaching Honors and Awards ............................................
`Thesis ..........................................................
`Published Journal Papers (refereed) ........................................
`Published Books and Parts of Books {Refereed} ..................................
`Chapters in Books ..............................................
`Edited Proceedings and Collections ........................................
`Conference Presentations ..............................................
`Invited Keynote Addresses .........................................
`Conference Presentations with Proceedings (refereed and archival} .................
`Conference Presentations with Proceedings (refereed) .........................
`Conference Presentations with out Proceedings (abstract refereed} .................
`Conference Presentations: Tutorial and Courses ............................ 27
`Other .......................................................... 27
`Submitted Journal Papers .......................................... 27
`Submitted Conference Papers ....................................... 27
`Technical Reports .............................................. 27
`Software .................................................... 27
`Research Proposals and Grants (Principal Investigator (PI} and Co—PI} ....................
`Research Proposals and Grants (Contributor) ................................... 35
`Research Honors and Awards ............................................ 35
`Professional Activities ................................................ 37
`A.1. Memberships and Activities in Professional Societies .......................... 37
`Invited Study Panels and Planning Workshops .............................. 37
`Conference Committee Activities ...................................... 37
`B. Awards ......................................................... 40
`C. On-Campus Georgia Tech Committees ....................................... 40
`D. Member of PhD. Examining Committees ...................................... 41
`Consulting, Advisory, and Other External Appointments ............................. 41
`Honors and Awards .................................................. 42
`Invited Conference Session Chair .......................................... 42
`Patents ......................................................... 43
`Editorial and Reviewer Work for Technical Journals and Publishers ......................
`Invited Member of Study Panels ........................................... 43
`Reviewing for International Funding Agencies ................................... 43
`Seminar Presentations (Invited Papers and Talks at Meetings and Symposia} ................
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`Degree Year University
`1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA.
`1990 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA.
`Illinois Institute of Technology,
`Chicago, IL., USA.
`Media Arts & Sciences
`School of Interactive Computing 1' College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA-, USA
`School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA-, USA
`Google Research
`Mountain View, CA, USA 8: Atlanta, GA, USA
`Robotics Institute
`Carnegie Mellon University ,
`Pittsburgh, PA-, USA
`Disney Research
`Pittsburgh, PA-, USA
`School of Interactive Computing 1' College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA-, USA
`College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA-, USA
`Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section,
`Scholari'Scie ntist Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cam bridge, MA-, USA
`Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section,
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cam bridge, MA-, USA.
`Vision, Graphics and Visualization Group,
`Thinking Machines Corporation,
`Cam bridge, MA-, USA
`201 1—Present
`1994—1 996
`1988—1 994
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`Founding Director
`Computational Perception Laboratory at Georgia Tech
`Founding Member
`Aware Home Research Initiative at Georgia Tech
`Founding Director
`Computational Journalism Initiative at Georgia Tech
`Associate Director
`GVU Center at Georgia Tech
`Georgia Tech, College of Computing's
`Summer Internship Program for Underrepresented Minorities
`Research Topics:
`Computational Photography and Video; Video Analysis and Synthesis; Temporal Models; Computational
`Journalism; Human—centric Multimedia; Behavior Imaging 8: Activity Recognition
`Research Areas:
`Computer Vision; Computer Graphics and Animation; Robotics; Human—computer Interaction; Machine
`Learning; Numerical Modeling; Computational Perception; Artificial Intelligence; Multimedia; and Games
`8: Entertainment-
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`A. Courses Taught
`I In Reverse Chronological order, most recent at the bottom. I
`Number of
`Students Comments
`Course Number 8: Title
`Spring, 1995
`MAS 961 Machine Understanding of Video
`15 New
`Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
`College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology.
`Winter, 1997
`CS 7321 Low—level Computer Vision
`Spring, 1997
`Fall 1997
`CS 7322 High—level Computer Vision
`CS 7100 Introduction to Grad Studies
`Fall 1997
`CS 8113 Computational Perception
`Winter 1998
`CS 7321 Low—level Computer Vision
`Spring 1998
`Fall 1998
`CS 7322 High—level Computer Vision
`CS 7100 Introduction to Grad Studies
`Spring 1999
`CS 4803/8113 Digital Special Effects
`Spring 2000
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects
`Spring 2001
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects
`Spring 2002
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects
`Spring 2002
`CS 4496/7496 Computer Animation
`Spring 2003
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects
`Spring 2003
`CS 7496 Computer Animation
`Spring 2004
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects
`26 Revised
`15 Revised
`40 Revised
`15 New
`22 New
`32 New
`33 Revised
`Fall 2004
`CS 4496/7496 Computer Animation
`45 Revised
`Spring 2005
`CS 4480/81 13de Digital Video Special Effects
`Summer 2005 CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`20 Barcelona
`Summer 2005 CS 4803CP Computational Photography
`Spring 2006
`CS 4480/81 13de Digital Video Special Effects
`38 New
`Summer 2006 CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`20 Barcelona
`Summer 2006 CS 4475 Computational Photography
`38 New Course #
`Spring 2007
`Spring 2007
`CS 4480/8803dfx Digital Video Special Effects {SE}
`CS 4803cj/8803cj Computational Journalism
`35 Revised
`31 New
`Spring 2008
`CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`Spring 2008
`CS 4803cj/8803cj Computational Journalism
`40 New
`Spring 2010
`CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`Spring 2010
`CS 4464/6465 Computational Journalism
`Summer 2010 CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`Summer 2010 CS 4475 Computational Photography
`Spring 201 1
`CS 4001 Computerization, Professionalism 8: Society
`Spring 2011
`CS 4475 Computational Photography
`Spring 2012
`CS 4464/6465 Computational Journalism
`Spring 2012
`CS 8803PHO Advanced Computational Photography
`40 New
`30 Barcelona
`40 Barcelona
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`Number of
`Course Number 8.: Title
`Students Comments
`Winter 97—Fall 98
`Software Agents
`Winter—Spring, 98 Technology and Society
`Fall 97—Spring 00
`Future Computing Environments
`1 5—25
`B. Curriculum Development
`Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
`MAS 961 Machine Understanding of Video: A new graduate course dealing with applications of com—
`puter vision and audition techniques for automatic annotation of video- A project—based course in which
`groups of 4 students each designed and implemented systems for processing and analysis of video and
`audio signals.
`College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
`CS 7321 Low-level Computer Vision [1997-98]: A graduate introductory course for computer vision.
`Revised and updated old content. Hands—on work on different techniques of computer vision and image
`understanding in the form of projects and computer labs was added- In addition to theoretical concepts,
`emphasis was also given to real world problem solving-
`CS 7322 High-level Computer Vision (1997-98): Continuation of low—level computer vision concepts
`from CS7321. Revised and updated old content. Emphasis laid on recognition and modeling methods for
`computer vision. Hands—on work on different techniques of computer vision and image understanding in
`the form of projects and com puter labs was added- In addition to theoretical concepts, emphasis was also
`given to real world problem solving.
`CS 8113 Computational Perception (1997}: Designed and taught a completely new class aimed at
`exploring various issues of machine perception of signals (video and audio] for interaction and analysis.
`Material covered included study of both the engineering and psychological issues of perception. Students
`worked hands—on towards the design and development of projects, in teams, which dealt with machine
`A curriculum for Digital Imaging in Science and Engineering Education (In Progress]: Working with
`faculty from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering's Center for Signal and Image Pro—
`cessing and the College of Computing’s Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center to develop and in—
`stitute an Undergraduate/Graduate Certificate Program for Digital Imaging in Science and Engineering
`(with J. Berman and Dr. T. Harpold] Started a new seminar
`Seminar on Technology and Society [1998}:
`class aimed at addressing the issues relating to the effects of modern (computing) technology to past,
`present, and future societies. A weekly seminar with participants from different units at Georgia Tech, in
`the format of round table discussions and invited speakers to bring to bear ideas of where technology has
`taken us, and where it will take us-
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`In preparation for the semester conversion, redesigned the com—
`Conversion to Semesters (1998-99):
`puter vision and computational perception courses for semesters. The two quarter series of computer
`vision courses was merged into a semester long computer vision course. The computer vision course will
`be offered as a 4000 level undergraduate course as well as a 7000 level graduate course. The computa—
`tional perception course will be offered as a 7000 level graduate course.
`CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects [1999-2007]: Developed a new class aimed at teaching under—
`graduates the basics of computing with video and audio. Students learn about digital representations of
`video and study manipulation, processing, interpretation and synthesis of video under the guise of gener—
`ating special effects. Student in groups produce videos to showcase their technical skills of dealing with
`digital video, which are shown in an open public forum- Updated the class for the semester version. Tech—
`nology Licensing funds (about $ 250,000} were acquired in 2002—2004 to upgrade the classrooms and to
`purchase audio/video equipment to support this class. Hewlett Packard, Intel and Microsoft donated com—
`puters for teaching of this class. Microsoft and TechFee funds used to establish a Digital Media Lab (DML)
`a state of the art facility for this and other related classes in video and graphics. Received Georgia Tech.
`Outstanding use of innovative Technologies in Teaching Award, 2000 for designing and teaching of this
`course. In 2007, adapted the class material and content to the study of sports videos.
`CS 4496:7496 Computer Animation [2002-2004]: Redesigned and updated the Computer Animation
`course, and offered it for the first time after 1999- Adapted all of the newer material that has appeared
`in this field in the last few years. Emphasized traditional animation principles while covering fundamental
`approaches that are key for computer methods- Equal coverage of key—framing, motion capture, and sim—
`ulation methods of animation- Students (both grad and undergrad) did assigned problem sets and did a
`final project.
`Undergraduate Program in Computational Media [2004]: Working with Professors Maclntyre, Guzdail,
`and Bobick from the College of Computing to develop a new Undergraduate Degree across the disciplines
`of Computing and New Media, with the Department of Language, Culture, and Communication (LCC). The
`new degree was approved by the Institute and the CA State Regents in Summer 2004 and is available to
`students in 2004—05 academic year. Currently serving on the curriculum committee and working towards
`extensions of this type of computing and other disciplines merger, currently in the area of Computational
`Music with the Music Department.
`CS 4475 Computational Photography [2005-Present): Developed a new course on the computational
`aspects of photography (and imaging). This course was offered for the first time under the Georgia Tech
`College of Computing's Barcelona Study Abroad Program. The environment is best suited for students
`interested in working with imagery while they explore. Half of the students in the first offering are CS
`majors, while the other halffrom other disciplines, which includes Architecture, Engineering, and Sciences.
`This class is an ideal to continue as a part of College of Computing Study Abroad Initiatives and was just
`approved as a regular course (CS 4475). It is one of the electives of the Media and Computing Thread and
`for the Computational Media degree. More importantly, this is class is listed as the founding classes on the
`topic of Computational Photography-
`CS 4464315465 Computational Journalism [2009-Present]: Developed a new course on the compu—
`tational and technology aspects of journalism and the related (multi—media) story telling. This class is
`aimed at understanding the computational and technological advancements in the area ofjournalism. We
`explore themes such as (a) storytelling in the context of news, (b) sense—making from diverse news infor—
`mation sources, (c) the impact of more and cheaper networked sensors (including collaborative human
`models), (d) the impact of mobile computing and data gathering, (e) computational approaches to infor—
`mation verification, (f) data mining for personalization and aggregation, (g) authoring and broadcasting,
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`and (h) citizen journalism. It is one of the electives of the Media and Computing Thread and for the Com—
`putational Media degree. I am also working with folks at the Grady School of Journalism at University of
`Georgia to look into how we can collaborate on this course offering and other related curriculum efforts-
`Individual Guidance
`I in Reverse Chronological order, most recent at the end within each category. I
`Research Scientists
`(School of Interactive Computing)
`Dr. Grant Schindler
`Spring 201 0— Present.
`Publications: E21, E22, E23
`Research on Mobile Vision and Visual Surveillance
`(School of Interactive Computing, with Prof. Charles Isbell)
`Dr. Josh Jones
`Fall 201 1 — Present.
`Research on Activity Recognition and Anomaly Detection
`Visiting Researchers
`(Visiting from Tongmyong University, Korea)
`Dr. Hyunsik Ahn
`Spring 2007— Spring 2008.
`Research on building Persistent Robotic Agents in the Home.
`(Visiting from Osaka University, Japan, with Prof. Rehg)
`Dr. Atsushi Nakazawa
`Spring 2007— Spring 2008.
`Publications: £2.71
`Research on Activity Recognition and Behavioral lmaging.
`(Visiting from New Castle University, UK. with Profs. Abowd 8: Rehg}
`Dr. Thomas Ploetz
`Spring 201 1 — Spring 2012.
`Publications: £2.1,£4.10, £23
`Research on Activity Recognition and Behavioral lmaging.
`Post-Doctoral Fellows
`Dr. Lionel Reveret
`Spring 2000 — Fall 2001.
`Publications: £4.4, andI £2.21.
`Research on building Conversational Agents.
`At lNRlA Rhéine-Alpes as Senior Researcher
`Ph.D. Students Supervised (Graduated)
`(ECE, with Professor M. Hayes)
`Darnell J. Moore
`Winter 1 997 — Spring 2000.
`Publications: £3.8,£2.10, £2.20 and £2.23.
`Dissertation Title: ”Vision—Based Recognition of Actions using Context. "
`Member of Research Stafir Texas lnstrument Corp. Dallas, TX. USA. 2000 — Present.
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`Arno Schfidl
`Fall 1 997 — Summer 2002.
`Publications: £28, £29, 8.0.7, £2.15, £2.18, £2.22, and 8.0.9.
`PhD Dissertation Title: ”Multi—Dimensional Exemplar—Based Texture Synthesis. ”
`Awarded Microsoft Research Fellowship 2000-2002.
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding Graduate Student Research
`Award 2002.
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding Thesis Dissertation Award 2003.
`Founder and Technical Director; Think—Cell Software, Berlin, Germany; 2002 — Present
`Gabriel J. Brostow (CoC)
`Fall 1 997 — Spring 2004.
`Publications: 8.0.1 0, £21 1, 8.0.8 and £2.35.
`PhD Dissertation Title: ”Novel Skeletal Representation for Articulated Creatures.”
`Awarded NSF HCl Trainee Fellowship 1998-2000.
`Awarded lntel PhD Student Fellowship 2000—2001.
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding PhD Dissertationa Award 2004.
`Awarded Marshall Sherfield Post Doctoral Fellowship by Marshall Commission 2004
`Lecturer/Assistant Professor at University College of London, U. K.{2009—Present).
`Antonio Haro
`Fall 1997 — Fall 2003.
`Publications: £28, £39, £2.13, £2.16, £2.25, £2.26, £2.33, and £2.32
`PhD Dissertation Title: ”Example—based image and Video Synthesis".
`Awarded AT&T Graduate Fellowship 1 998-2003.
`Technology Lead Viewpoint inc. 2007 — Present.
`Drew Steedly (CoC)
`Spring 1998 — Fall 2004.
`Publications: £21 7, £2.29 and £2.35.
`PhD Dissertation Title: ”Optimal Structure from Motion for Extended Video Sequences. "
`Transferred from Georgia Tech's School of ECE in Fall 1 998.
`Awarded lntel PhD Student Fellowship 2001-2002.
`Member of Research Stafir at Microsoft Research Live Labs in Redmond, WA, Lead on Microsoft's
`Photosynth project {2004—Present).
`(CoC, with Professor Aaron Bobick)
`Vivek Kwatra
`Fall 2001 — 2005.
`Publications: 8.0.9, £2.35, 8.0.12, £2.75, £2.76, £2.80 and £2.82
`PhD Dissertation Title: ”Example—based Rendering of Textural Phenomenon.”
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding Graduate Student Research
`Award 2005.
`Awarded Georgia Tech College of Computing's Outstanding Dissertation Award 2007.
`Joined Google lnc. as Researcher (2007—Present).
`(CoC, with Professor Thad Starner)
`David Minnen
`Fall 2001 — Summer 2008.
`Publications: £2.27, £2.38, £2.52, £4. 7, £2.56, £2.59 and £2.64.
`Thesis Research on Human Activity Recognition.
`Awarded NSF Graduate Student Fellowship 2002 - 2005. Currently Director of Computer Vision
`Research at Oblong lnc, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
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`Stephanie Wojtkowski
`Fall 2002 — Fall 2005.
`Awarded NSF Graduate Student Fellowship 2003 - 2006.
`Currently on leave from PhD program, at Googie.
`Yan Huang (CoC)
`Fall 2002 — Fall 2006.
`Publications: £2.28, £2.38, and £2.42
`Currently on leave from PhD program at Google inc.
`Pei Yin
`(CoC, with Professor Thad Starner)
`Fall 2002 — Spring 2010.
`Publications: £2.34, £3.12, £2.37, £2.58, £49, £2.65 and 8.0.1 7
`Thesis on Learning Methods for VideoAnalysis.
`Currently working at Google, Mountain View, CA, USA.
`R. Mitch Parry (CoC)
`Fall 2002 — Fall 2007.
`Publications: £2.31, £2.41,£2.46, £2.48£2.49, £3.13, £2.57 and £2.60
`Thesis Research on Music Processing and Retrieval. Finished PhD October 2007. Currently a
`Post—Doctoral Fellow in GA Tech’s BME Department. Joining Apalachan State College as Assistant
`Professor in 2012
`Ravikrishna Ruddarajju (ECE)
`Spring 2002 — Fall 200 7.
`Publications: £2.26, and £2.32
`On leave from Phi}| program in ECE, working at Goldman—Sachs in NY City: Awarded intei Under-
`graduate Research Fellowship Award 2002.
`Awarded Georgia Tech Presidential Undergraduate Research Award 2003.
`Second Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing Undergraduate Research in Computing
`(UROC) Symposium 2003.
`Nick Diakopolous
`Fall 2003 — Present
`Publications: £2.39, £4.6, £2.47, £2.53, £2.62, £2.68, and £2.66
`Thesis Research on Content—based image and Video Analysis and Synthesis and Computational
`Awarded the GA Tech's Technological innovation: Generating Economic Results (Tl:GER) Fel-
`lowship 2007
`Awarded the NSF/CRA/CCC's Computing innovations Fellowship 2009
`(CoC, with Professor Aaron Bobick)
`Yifan Shi
`Fall 2004 —2007.
`Publications: £2.38 and £2.51
`Research on Activity Recognition.
`At Present working at Twitter inc.
`Mohammed Raffay Hamid
`Fall 2002 — Fall 2008.
`(CoC, with Professor Aaron Bobick)
`Publications: £2.28, £4.5, £2.45, £2.55, £2.63, 8.0.15
`Research on Activity Recognition. At Present working at Ebay inc. as a Research Scientist
`Kihwan Kim (CoC)
`Fall 2005— 2012.
`Publications: £2.54, £2.67, £2.73, 8.0.18, £2.77, £2.78, £2.81, £2.79, F1.1 and £2.83
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`Research on Multiview Modeling and Visualization with Geo Spatial information.
`At Present working at Nvidia Research as Research Scientist.
`PhD. Students Supervised (Current)
`Matthias Grundmann
`Fall 2008— Present.
`Publications: £2.69, E2. 75, E2. 76, E.2.77, E2. 78, E.2.80, £2.82, E25, F.2.4
`Research on Video Analysis and Synthesis.
`Awarded the Google PhD Scholarship/Fellowship in Computer Vision 2011
`Awarded Google Excellent research papers awards for 201 1and 2012.
`Denis Aleshin
`Fall 201 0— Present.
`Working on Human Robot lnteraction.
`(COC, with Professor Gregory Abowd}
`Edison Thomaz
`Fall 201 0— Present.
`Publications: E.4.10
`Working on Smart (lM) sensing in Homes.
`Vinay K. Bettadapura {CDC}
`Fall 201 0— Present.
`Publications: F2.1, F.2.3
`Working on Activity Recognition.
`S. Hussain Raza
`Fall 2012— Present.
`Working on Scene Understanding from Video.
`Yachna Sharma (ECE)
`Fall 2012— Present.
`Working on Workflow Analysis of Surgery:
`(CoC with Professor. James Rehg)
`Ahmed Humayun
`Fall 201 1 — Present.
`Publications: F2.4
`Working on Video Analysis.
`Ph.D. Special Problems students.
`Andrew Gardner
`Summer 1 997 — Fall 1997.
`Publications: E.3.5.
`Title: ’iAudio in interactive Environments."
`Scott Stillman (ECE)
`Winter 1 997 — Spring 2002.
`Publications: E3. 7 and E.2.1 9.
`Audio—visual tracking of multiple people, using multiple sensors.
`Member of the Bell South SNT Center, Atlanta, GA.
`Byungmoon Kim {CDC}
`Spring 2002 — Spring 2005.
`Publications: E.2.44.
`Non—Photorealistic Rendering of Motion
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`M.S. Students supervised (Graduated).
`I Dr. Essa has worked with over 30 MS Studentd Researchers over the years. Here are listed a select few. I
`Ken Miller
`Fall 1 994 — Spring 1995.
`Graduated: Spring 1 995
`Thesis title: ”Eigenmethods for Representing 3D Face Data.”
`Sumit Basu (MIT, Co—advised with Dr. Alex Pentlan d)
`Fall 1 994 — Spring 1995.
`Publications: £25, and £2. 7.
`Research Scientist at Microsoft Research 2002.
`(Psychology, with Prof. Richard Catrambone}
`Katherine Sukel
`Winter 1 998 — Present.
`Publications: 3.0.10.
`Completed MS June 1999. Admitted to PhD. Program in CoC, decided not to pursue PhD.
`Sunil Mishra
`Fall 1 997 — Fall 1999.
`Research on analyzing audio and video streams to extract relevant communicative features.
`Working at Stanford Research institute (SRl), Menlo Park, California.
`J Austin Hijar
`Summer 2001 — Fall 2001.
`Research on Sound Spaces with Vision Support.
`Alan Chen
`Fall 2000 — Fall 2002.
`Research on Generating Non—photorealistic Renderings of Motion.
`Now at Sony lmageworks Studios
`Siddhartta Maddi
`Fall 2002 — Fall 2005.
`Publications: £4.5, £2.45, £2.55 and £2.53
`Working on Plan Recognition in the Aware Home.
`Awarded Georgia Tech's Presidential Undergraduate Research Award 2003.
`At Present working at MlT Lincoln Labs.
`Guarav Chanda
`Summer 2003 — Spring 2005.
`Research on image and Video—based Rendering.
`At Present working at Amazon inc. in Seattle, WA, USA.
`Nipun Kwatra
`Fall 2004— Spring 2005.
`Publications: 3.0.12.
`Research on Physical Simulation and Motion Capture. Finished PhD at Stanford. At Present work—
`ing at Google.
`Kevin Quennesson (CoC, with Professor Michael Mateas)
`Fall 2004— Fall 2005.
`Research on Motion Capture Synthesis from Data. Also worked with Professors Dellaert and Maza—
`Now working at Apple inc.
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`(CoC and Exchange Student from TU Munich}
`Franziska Meier
`Fall 2007—2009
`Publications: E.2.59, 3.0.14
`Research on Video Analysis and Synthesis.
`Currently a PhD student at USC, Los Angeles, CA., USA.
`MS. Students supervised (Current).
`Radford Parker
`Fall 201 1 —2012
`Publications: E24
`Research on Video Analysis and Synthesis.
`Joining ESPN in 2012.
`Chris McClanahan
`Fall 201 1 —201 2
`Publications: E25
`Research on Video Analysis and Synthesis.
`Joining Accler Eyes, Atlanta, GA in 2012.
`Jing Wang (CoC with Grant Schindler)
`Fall 201 1 —201 2
`Publications: E22
`Research on Video Analysis and Synthesis.
`Undergraduate Research Students.
`I Dr. Essa has worked with over 50 Undergraduate Researchers over the years. Here are listed a select few. I
`(MIT) with Professor Alex Pentland
`Thad Starner
`Spring 1989 — Spring 1 992
`Title: ”Efficient C implementation of the ThingWorld Modeling System.”
`Finished PhD. From MIT and joined Georgia Tech / College of Computing as faculty (January
`1 999).
`Roberto Peon
`Spring 1997 — Spring 2000.
`Awarded the Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research internship Award, 1999.
`Awarded the Undergraduate Research in Computing Research Award, 2000.
`Currently on staff at Google lnc.
`Awarded an EMMY award for Television Academy in 2006for his work on NASCAR Video
`Telecast with Sportvision lnc.
`Tim Keenan (CoC)
`Fall 2000 — Spring 2001.
`Awarded Undergraduate Research in Computing Award 2001.
`on Stafir at PDl Dreamworks Studios.
`James Hays
`Spring 2001 — Fall 2003.
`Publications: E.2.35
`Awarded lntel Undergraduate Research Fellowship Award 2001.
`First Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing's Undergraduate Research in Computing
`(UROC) Symposium 2002.
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`Attending PhD Program at CMU CS Dept, 2003.
`Georgia Tech Outstanding Undergraduate Award 2003.
`NSF Graduate Student Fellowship Honorable Mention 2003.
`NSF Graduate Student Fellowship 2005.
`Joined Faculty at Brown University in Computer Science in 2009.
`Scott Carter
`Spring 2000 — Spring 2002.
`Awarded Undergraduate Research in Computing Award 2001.
`On Stafir at EA Studios, Los Angeles, CA.
`Ravikrishna Ruddarajju (ECE)
`Spring 2002 — Spring 2004.
`Publications: £2.25 and £2.32
`Awarded lntel Undergraduate Research Fellowship Award 2002.
`Awarded Georgia Tech Presidential Undergraduate Research Award 2003.
`Second Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing Undergraduate Research in Computing
`(UROC) Symposium 2003
`Currently on leave as a PhD Student in ECE at Georgia Tech. Working at Goldmann Sachs.
`Siddhartta Maddi
`Fall 2002 — Spring 2003.
`Publications: £2.45
`Working on Plan Recognition in the Aware Home.
`Awarded Georgia Tech's Presidential Undergraduate Research Award 2003.
`Currently an MS student in Math and CS at Georgia Tech.
`Matthew Fong
`Fall 2006— Spring 200 7.
`Publications: £3.14
`Research in Computational Journalism, primarily advised by PhD Student Nick Diakopoulos.
`Third Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing Undergraduate Research in Computing {UROC}
`Symposium 2007
`First Prize, Georgia Tech lntel Opportunity Scholar's Program “05) Symposium 2007
`Aaron St. Clair
`Fall 2006— Summer 2007.
`Publications: £3.14
`Research in Computational Journalism, primarily advised by PhD Student Nick Diakopoulos.
`Third Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing Undergraduate Research in Computing {UROC}
`Symposium 2007,
`First Prize, Georgia Tech lntel Opportunity Scholar's Program “05) Symposium 2007.
`Sweta Vajjhala
`2008— Present.
`Research in Computation and Journalism.
`Honorable Mention, CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Award 2008.
`Joy Buolamwini
`201 1 — 201 2.
`Research in Human Robot interaction.
`Second Prize, Georgia Tech College of Computing Undergraduate Research in Computing
`(UROC) Symposium 201 1.
`NASA Scholar 201 1.
`Fullbright Scholar 2012.
`Irfan Essa (httpu’lproerfanessaLom)
`Complete CV
`Page 14 of 46
`YRD—2009 l Page 14 of 46


`Daniel Castro (CoC)
`Fall 2009— Present.
`Publications: £2.82
`Research in Computational Photography
`2nd Prize (People's Choice Awards category), Georgia Tech College of Computing Under-
`graduate Research in Computing (UROC) Symposium 2012,
`Outstanding Undergraduate Researches Georgia Tech College of Computing 2012,
`Outstanding Undergraduate Researches Georgia Tech UROP Program2012.
`Ryan Gom ba
`201 1 — Present.
`Research in Social Photography on lnstacam.
`Joined lnstacam as employee # 13 before Facebook acquisition.
`D. Teaching Honors and Awards
`1. Georgia Tech- Outstanding use of Innovative Technologies in Teaching Award, 2000.
`2. Georgia Tech- College of Computing's William A. "gus" Baird Faculty Teaching Award, 2002-
`Irfan Essa (httpu’
`Complete CV
`Page 15 of 46
`YRD—2009 l Page 15 of 46


`I All publications listed in reverse chronological order, with recent publications showing at the end. I
`A. Thesis
`S.M. Thesis
`Title: ”Contact Detection, Collision Response and Friction for Physically—based Virtual World Mod—
`eling and Vision Systems. ”
`Date Completed: June 1990,
`Advisors: Dr. Alex Pentland and Dr. John Williams,
`University: Massachusetts institute of Technology.
`Ph.D. Thesis
`Title: ’iAnalysis, interpretation, and Synthesis of Facial Expressions.”
`Date Completed: February 1 995,
`Advisor: Dr. Alex Pentland,
`University: Mas

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