
`Webster’s II
`New College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin
`Boston - New York
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` I


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`ISBN-13: 978-04“ 8—39601—6
`ISBN—IO: [1—618-39601—2
`Library of Congress Cataloging—in-I’ublication Data
`Webster’s II new college dictionary. —— 3rd ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0—618-39601-2
`I. Title: Webster’s two new
`Iinglish language—Dictionaries.
`college dictionary.
`'I'itle: Webster’s 2 new college dictionary.
`I’Ii1628.\V55l64 3003
`.\Ianufactured in the United States of America
`Illustration credits: Academy Artworks; Alan \V-"itschonkc; Carlyn Iyerson;
`Cecile Duray—Bito; Chris Costello; Elizabeth Morales; Gail Piaxxa; jetty Malone;
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` YRD-2006
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`photogtammetry I phototypography
`.50 tO-l3:-ot'ikt .tdr. Btol. Needing light For (“lithium
`n-sél’] tr. A '
`:toelectric ccll.
`try it't'i'to-lte..ili-strc_1 rt. The chemistry til the g...
`rant energy and chemical systems. —plln’lo-themcii'
`u-tltent mil-Iv .trt‘tr.
`Ia-tion Ijl'o’to-lto-tig’y.i-l.i"shanl rt. Surgical cu
`J Rt: la.
`g intense light energy. as a laser hearn.
`! no, tri-L-ani - pr'vr 'i it. poser]. pus-ins. dint-es To 0.
`pt] tor p.
`ing by photocoinposition. —plln'loq}1‘n:
`:l-lilttl llo’Io-korn’ps-zish’Jn} Ir. Preparation gt “ti-
`r prlnt t'. by the proiecrion of images of typc CH3:
`itosensitn'c him or paper, from which printing plat.
`i‘ill' ioly tlt'i'to-ltén’dfilt-tiv’i-tcl rt. Fiectrical cond-J.
`Illcctcd lay illumination. —phn'tn-ton-tlttt’lion :
`tt’titie atli.
`[lo’ta-kople-arl ri. A machine for Inalsinc. photo.
`uctio sol printed or graphic material.
`“ta-knp’c: t-r. tap-ted. (op-ping. —copoies to it.”
`Enter} Irv a pltotogra
`c process such as xero’érm
`photographic reproduction.
`.intt tr. An electric current produced by il-
`photoelectric material.
`o-si-lltlfl ifo'to-clc-kom'pa-cish'nn]. rt. l‘horolvsés
`i-Itle llo’to-di-gra’da-hal] adj. Capable of‘hci'na
`:en down by .ght.
`emotion ”o'to- ' -Tn’ti-gra ’sltJn} it. Nuclear disin-
`tnslortttation resulting from absorption of high-
`1. :is of gamma rJ
`J’ta-dra'nta. -d
`. at.
`.-'l photoplav.
`fie tlt‘t’tt‘t-do‘o’pliw t‘. -dyti‘o’-J t-t. «Eat-ell, 1am":
`:‘utty. —plm‘llt-dll’pli0tale {-ki't} tr. Hahn’lotdu'pfi.
`li-nftt‘a'ikl .ttlr. Producing or intensifying;
`’trikl .tlso phn-lu-e-ler-lri-ral t-tr'i'-ltal'i
`the t'lt't. trie effects caused by light. —pllll’lll°&|l2ltlh'i-
`1'. An elcctro:‘.ic device having, an electrical output
`spouse to light.
`substrate. 1". base pin
`phntneleclrir tell
`r\. electrode, B. glass
`window, C. metal case.
`D. photoconduct
`material, E. cetar:
`: tr. Heetion of electrons from a substance [tr inci-
`tetlc radlattun,eso. he \‘isilile li 'ht.
`'l" _
`:.o to-i elr tron’i rt. An electron released .‘turr. J
`ettic effect.
`ish’an} tr. Emission of photoelecttotis.
`e surfaces.
`-cii -g.r.iv’ i t'l. -gratted. grail-lug. -gtaties To regar-
`utter] by photoengraving, —]tl|o'lo-enograti’er H.
`lift-ills} én-grd’ving} tr. I. The process ol reproduc-
`rml by photomechanical transference of the image
`:hud relief for prii
`g. l. A plate prepared by pha-
`made by pltotoengraving.
`i'l rt. A series at photog ..phs thatconveysa
`ring along with test. who’lo-es’say-lsl tr.
`finish in a race in which the contestants :tl'L' sociosr
`tcr must be determined l'rom a pholugtJPl'l
`h line. 2. ltrll’orttml. An extremely close call? Eil'
`-ll'.'ts'lt’] tr. A llashhulb.
`floodlight giving l‘FEBl“
`“Us "t It. A reusable elect '
`used for photographic ill'. ninuliun.
`'l'l i'lt'J’ta-lltfor’3-grétit’] N.
`.-\ photograph made [‘1'
`'Plflf llct'IO-fltiir-rt'tg’rrt lél H. Merl. l’laott.tgt-‘3|-'t!‘-l‘I 9!
`;es. fiM‘IOoflw'tu-gtaph’it [ floor'a-grfit’ikl 3.5;.
`3:25! tlt't‘tl'rjt'tl’a-tinl it. Collotypc.
`jén’} rr. Plrysr'oi'. Fin alteriinagc.
`'t for pliotttgl'il'
`i-iEIt’ik] adj.
`I. Pleasing as .1 sub; -
`c face) 1. Biol. Producing or emi
`g light il’lim'
`ltrtised or produced by light. who‘lo-gen’i-Bl'll
` "'lm'l “'-
`l. .-\n indistinct image obtained by l‘lJ‘i'
`““1““ “Illi llltn or photosensitive paper and fl"
`pho-tu-pe-tl-od-isnl :fn'io-pir
`tltz‘am] also phn-to-pe-n-o-dit-l-w
`it to light. 1. .-\ phtrtog ph.
`l-dii’i-téi tt.. pl. ~isms also -
`lles. The response ol .ttt organism to
`.lo.gramonte-lfy lttt’ta-grfim’t-trt‘i it. t. The art or process l‘l us-
`. J
`changes it
`its photopcriod. esp. .is indicated liy \it.t| processes.
`1.? rep. aerial photography to produce accurate maps or charts. 2.
`pho-lwlloI-lotts [lo-tot": lasi- .tlso pltn-tu-ph l( ilt'flra-t‘il'ilci .tdr'. Brol.
`TI": 5&- nee 0| snaking precz.
`Inca sureine
`by [he use of photog-
`Grout. g or luthiiOl
`‘fl optimally when exposed to .‘illll or pro-
`.3 tho’to-gram-met'rit [-gra-inct'ri'lc. .rdj. —plm’ln-gram'nte-
`longed light. —plllI-Ittt|!ll'i-It|I it.
`"id rt.
`tr. Altnornml intolerance of light.
`phn-lo-phn-bi-a ifct't.) to'be .1]
`l'tJ gluil'] rt. An image, esp. a positive print. recorded
`“040.5!th ‘
`—plto’lo-pho’bic t-t'c'i'li'i'ki .iti‘r'.
`|:\' J camera and reproduced on .1 photosensitive surlace. —tr.
`phn-lo-plture llo’tJ-for'l It. A light-producing rr'gan found esp
`1mm“, -graph-lng. -graplts —t-r. To ta he a photograph of. —i
`I. To
`tine fishes that emits light from specialised structures Or clct'lve‘j ilthr
`[.lfllCC photography. 2. To lie the subicct for photographs (I never
`from luminescent barre. i:i.
`li‘trlngntpl.’ well > — ll Infra-tiller rt.
`phD-tD-flllIJS-pllm-v-la-linn tlt'i’to-ltis'lfir-a-la’shéu. -l9r—} tr. Phosphor-
`ll'ik] .tlsu pHDOWIgtaph-i-Gl l-i-krtll .rclg'. l. of,
`ylarion induced by radiant energy in photosynthe s
`relatit‘lgto. or con stlng ol photography or a photograph. 2. Used
`pho-lo-pi-a {lo to’pé-n] .l't. Adaptation of the eyes to .igltt : dayli
`hungraplty <11 Jttlrrrtogrrtj'rlric plate) I. Like a photograph. esp.
`yision. —phu-lrl’pit :f-to‘I
`. -lop'ilsl tuft.
`' of representation (a portrait painted in photographic
`phn-to-play {lt'i’tJ-plj'] rt.
`.-\ drama l'ilmt‘t‘l or adapted lor filming HS
`.1 !'I‘.[I\'l‘.'.
`.1 paltle of retaining aecura re or vivid impressions (a pho-
`.ietail> Ii.
`togmplue memory) w-1Illt)'ltt-gta[lll’i-cal-lit .tdtr.
`pho-ta-re-aloism [lt'i’tt'i-re’a-liz'aml Jr. A painting style resettibling
`PhMogora-phy {la-to,
`ra-lel rt. I. The process or technique or render-
`hotngraphy in clo
`attention to detail. —ttlto'to-re’aI-ist rt.
`ins opii
`| images on photosensitive surl'.tci:s.1. The art. practice.
`p u-lo-re-tepation t'I-t'i'lo-ri-sep’shan] rt, 'I he detection or tierceptiiiin
`mince-upturn of taking and printing photographs. 1. A body of pho
`.le light : \'I.‘~lUN. —pho’lo-re-t.ep’litie .tilj.
`phootoore-rep-lor ilo'lo-rl-sép’tar] tr. A pliotoreceptive nerve.
`FMJo-gfi-tfllre {lti'ta-gra-vyt'rot'l ll, '1 he. art or process of prlnttng
`pho-to-re-tnnona'ts-sante tio’tt'i
`ns 13m: tr. Photographic
`[tom an iitraglio plate. etched according to .1 photographic image.
`litary t
`Jcrléll reconnaissance. csp. or
`Win-he-Ii-o-gtaplt tlo'to-he’le-a grail": H. A telescope designed or
`pha-tu-re-frac-tive :ft'i’tc'i-
`. k
`lad Of or relatin? to a material
`modified for solar photography.
`that undergoes a change in rL-l'r
`ve index when st: hiccrcd to light
`or an electric l'ielcl.
`Filmlo-jnur-tlal-ism ilé’té-jfir’nn-liz'ann rt. Jtrurtullsn‘l making pri-
`malt use of photographs in presenting news or leattlres. —pllo'loo
`pho-lo-res-pi-ra-tinn Iflt't'to-rcs'pa
`'shan'.‘ rt. 0 " lation [ll-Cttrltfllllv-
`iguj'll'lal'lsl ii. tho'to-inur'nal-isrtlc .ru‘i'.
`drates in plants accompanied lJy the release or carbon dioxide dur
`Phn-lo-lii-Iteosls [lo’to- k3 né’sis. -
`tr. Burl. Movement in response
`ing photosynrhe
`to light. apho’ln-ki-net'ic {-nE'L’IkJ .td}.
`S’to-sén’si tiv} adj. 1. Sc
`the or responsive to
`Fmtoolithooograph tti'i’tt'rlitl-i’a-grli
`'; i-t. graphed. graphing. -gtaphs
`light or other
`idiant energy (a .rrlrotosettsttr'i-e etnttlsion> <a grlm-
`To reproduce lan image] by menus {it pltott'
`'tl'Iography. —pl|0'lfl-
`.rrisertst'lrt'c orgatism) 2. flied. Allnormally sensitive or reactive in
`mhtpagraplt’ rt. —plln'lo'
`fllog’taopllet ilo'tf li-thog’re-léri it.
`light. —plll]'l|l°ilen'
`Illlt’i-IY J'l'.
`phn-lo-li-lhog-ra-plty ilo“tti-li-tlit'ig’ra-let it. A pla nographie
`pho-IO-Sfil‘l-Sl' «Ia-lion ilé'tfi-Stinlsi-ti-zfl’shatt] It. l. The an or ptl‘hl-
`ing process using plates made according to a photographic image.
`css or photosensitizing something. 1. Merl. A condition of hypersen-
`-Pho'tn-Iitlt'o-graplt'it t-lith’a-griif’ik] .tri'r'.
`sitii ity. cw. ol the skin to sunl “ht or ultraviolet radiation. caused
`phu-Iol-V-Sis t'l'o-tol’i-sis} tr. Chet tieal decomposition induced lay ra-
`lay certain disorders or by ingestion of endocrine ptoducts, small
`diant energy. esp. light. mpho'to-lvt’lr {Fo’ra-lit’ikj .rti‘i'. —pho‘tn-
`amounts or heavy metals, or fluorescent dyes and characterized by
`M’i-(al-lf .It‘lL
`derruntitis‘ and swelling of the skin.
`phone-map [l'o’ta-stfip'} it. A map produced lay superimposing ori-
`pha-lo-sen-si-tlte llo'tt'i-sEn’si 12'! ct. vtiled. til-ins. -tiz-es 'l'o itttlls'tt
`9, data, as a grid, on an aerial photograph. —t-. «tapped, map-
`[a substance or organist-rt] se
`ive to light.
`ping. maps -—r-r. To make u photomap of. — -'t'. To make a pho-
`tori-ta p.
`-sel. «toting. 5215 To plu'itocompose.
`—pho’to-set’ler J'J'.
`.trt’j. 0f. relating to,or ilcs-
`Fltfl-llO-I'flE-dlall'i'llal {Eti'tc'i-ini-kan’l ls
`'lhe surFrice of a star. esp. ot' the sun.
`PhD-lo-spllere [Fo’tn-sli
`igrieting any or various methods lay “''l plates are prepared tor
`'ir ik. sterliki .trlt'.
`printing by means of photograpln —plto'tuomeot.ltan’i-ral-IV .ttlt-i
`Plto-lu-slal {lo’ta-s sir} A trademark tor a device used to make nega-
`pho-lum-e-ter {lt'i-tEittt’l-Eatl rt. An
`t for measuring .1 prop-
`tive or positive copies of graphic
`e:ty of light. esp. luminous intens y or lltix.
`[lo'to sit't’thi
`rt. The process hy which
`plttt-lomoeotnt [lo-tom'i-trE} rt.
`.'\lc.1.surenicnt of the properties ol'
`chlorophyll-contalning cells in grccn plants convert
`tcldent light [0
`iight. esp. of luminous intens —|)IID'lD-lttel’rit llo’ta-met’tilsl.
`chctnical energy and synthesize organic compound ’ nn int)
`plm'tnornet’tiocaladi'. who-tam mist rt.
`is. esp. carbohydrates l'rotn carbon dioxide and wat
`.-\ photograph made us-
`phodmmiqruugraph tfé'ré ini’kra-gril": tr.
`colnpa led by the simultaneous release of oxygen. —pllll'l|l-S"n-
`ing a pliotoiiiicrosenpe. -—t!t'. —graplteil, graph-in; graphs To photo-
`thet’il: l-sin-thét’ik]
`pltu'lfloStrn-lhel’i-cal-lv Jtlll.
`graph I.'.t
`itiagnified image} by means of a pltfltt
`pho-tn-synothe-size :Eo’ ri'i -tn’ilit-si'z') c. —sited. Asiloing, sit-es - —vt. To
`wM'm-mi-crug'tasphert int-krog’ra-lsr] it. —pltn'tn-m (to-graph’it
`synthesize {organic compounds] by the process of photosynthesis.
`adj. who're-miocmg'ra-phr H.
`—t-t'. To perform the process of photosynthesis.
`. pltD-Io-I'ni-CFDISIDIIE [to’to mi’krn-sltt'm'l H. Al] instrument for mak-
`plwoln-laJt-is {fo’rt't-tr'ik’sisl .tr'so pho-lo-lax-V [Eo’tii-tak’sE} tr. Biol.
`ing photmiiicrographs. —pltn'to-mi'croostnp’it: { skfip’ik) :trli'.
`Movement of an orgattisizi in response to .1 source of '_' —plm’lo-
`lac’tic t tfik’rikt .iri‘i'.
`rho-lo-tnonotage tlo’to Inon-tli'rh’. -inc'iit-! it.
`'I. 1 ht: art or technique
`of ma
`3 picture by assemhling photographic images, olten in
`pho-tu-teI-eagraph il’o’ie'i-rél 'a-grit’i i-i. graphed. graph-ins. -graplts 1'0
`Combination with other types of graphic material. 2. A composite
`trnnsl'nit [images or printed matter} by lacsii
`. —plto'le-lel“e-
`picture made by pltotomontage.
`gtaph'k.plm’m-lel'e-gtaph’i-(altidi'. —plla'tn-tel'e-graph’i-cal-ht.iilir.
`.-\n electronic sensing de-
`FM-lo-mul-ti-p i-er tft'i'to-mt‘il'ta-pli’at) it.
`—pllo'tooteoleg’ra-plly l-ra-lég’ra- lei it.
`vice that is used for LlL‘lCL
`lg electromagnetic energy of a wide range
`pho-lo-llter-a-petl-tits [lt'r'to-thér'a pycfit’r'ilts} J't. (sing. orpl. HT I'tttttt-
`fll lrrquencies and intensity levels.
`lrerl. Photothcrapy.
`. esp. cer-
`Phallflt'l [lit—ilton’,I rt. 1. The quantum ol electromagnetic energy. re-
`phD-lo-lllet-a-w {it'ilto-thér’a pé] rt. Treatment of tlist
`tlrared ta-
`Eatdcd as a discrete particle '
`:zaying :tero mass. I'll) ClL‘L‘RtiL‘ charge.
`Lain skin conditions. with light, including ultraviolet and.
`fl-‘Id an indefinitely long lifetime. 2. .-\ unit of retinal illumination,
`equill to the amount of light that rcaclit
`the retina through 1 square
`phootDl-IJ-nus llo-tot’a-nns: it. Biol. Photoscnsitiv ity. rplto'lo-lnn'ir
`-:_fo't.1-tc':n"iki .rdr.
`cter ol' pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 can
`delfl per square meter. —pltn-lon’i( .rrt’i.
`pho-tn-lran-sisotor [Eti'tt'i-trfin-ris'tar. -sis’--) it.
`phu-lunoits lfo-lfrn’lks} it. (sing. in tr:trtlii)cr_l. The study or applica-
`highly photosensitive electrical characteristics.
`ltDn ol electromagnetic energy \vliose httsic unit is the photon. in-
`plIu-lo-ltopll {id'ta-tn‘il’i it.
`[PI ittto- + Gk. trrrplrtr. lood] An organ-
`ism that ohtains Illcl’al‘tllil: en
`y through photosynthesis.
`‘EUrPDFJFiIEg optics.
`technology. materials science. and.
`'nfD-‘rnatiun storage.
`plutotot-rn-pism ift'i-tot 'ra piz’Jm, fond-trot! also phoolot-to-py [-pt':}
`)1. Growth or It‘loverncnt in re pause to a source of light. —1Iltu'tlt-
`llI'O'lll-IIII-clmr [lo'to-ndo’ltlt': 3t, -n_vtfii’-] .tdt'. l'ltysr'rs. Designat
`1313.1 tlUClenr reuclion induced by photons.
`lm’pic {t'o'ta-tvo’p'i'k, -tr:'ip'ik] adj. —|tlm'tn-tro’pi-tal-IV .rtlii
`motto-afloset :to'to (it’si‘t’. off-J ii. Offset printing.
`pM-lo-lube tfz'i'tt'i-to‘ob‘. «yo—oh“: it. An electron tuhc equipped with
`Li photosen tiye cathode.
`Pllflln OPllllflunity rt. A brief period reserved for the press to photo-
`phn-tn-type-sel-ler [fo'tt't-tip’sE-t'pr: ii. A machine used in pliotocom-
`B'EPh the participants in a newsworthy evcn:.
`Pl“"tll'l'll’t-ri-tltl tlo’to-rlr'e-ad} tr. The length ot'an organism‘s
`pho-lo-lype-set-ling :_i-u't0-t "sf: ’ingl .I't. l‘ltotocomposition.
`E'E‘F‘mure (it an organism to light. considered esp. as to the et'ft
`pho-lo-ty-pog-laophy [lo’tt'J-ti-pog’ra-le] rr. l’hottilnecitanicai print.-
`mlitxgical processes. —|tho'tu-pe“ti-0ti’it l-od ’ik}. pho’ln-pe'rioud’i-
`inp, that resembles metal typography. —pho'tB-ly-png’ra-pher rr.
`ir piL‘r
`t3 pot
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`Page 3 of 3
`Page 3 of 3
`.-\ transistor having

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