`Richly Illustrated in Full Color
`fourth edition
`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Pat. No. 7,477,284


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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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`video jockey I vignette
`video jockey n. Abbr. VJ One who announces, plays, and provides
`commentary on videotaped programs, especially music videos, as on
`television or at a discotheque.
`vid•e•o•phile (vid'e-~-ftl') n. One with an avid interest in watching
`television or videos or in making video recordings.
`vid•e•o•phone (vid'IH>-fon') n. A telephone equipped for both
`audio and video transmission.
`vid•e•o•tape (vldli'HHap') n. 1. A relatively wide magnetic tape
`used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent play(cid:173)
`back or broadcasting. 2. A recording made on such a tape. + tr. v.
`-taped, -tap•ing, -tapes To make a videotape recording of.
`vid•e•o•tex (vid'e-o-teks') also vid•e•o•text ( -tekst') n. An in(cid:173)
`formation service in which data is transmitted over television cables or
`telephone lines and displayed on a television or computer screen in the
`home. [VIDI!O + TEX(T).]
`video verite n. A television filming or videotaping technique in
`which the subjects are portrayed with frank, unbiased realism, as for a
`documentary program. [VIDEO + (CINEMA) vmurt.]
`vi•dette (vi-det') n. Variant of vedette.
`vid•i•con (vid'i-kOn') n. A small television camera tube that forms
`a charge-density image on a photoconductive surface for subsequent
`electron-beam scanning. (VID(EO) + ICON(OSCOPE).]
`Vi•din (vc!fdin) A city of extreme northwest Bulgaria on the Danube
`River near the Yugoslav border. Founded in the first century A.D. as a
`Roman fortress, it was under Turkish rule from 1396 to 1807. Population:
`Vi•dor (vefdOr), King Wallis 1894-1982. Amerkan film director
`noted for his experimentation with visual effects and camera movement
`in motion pictures such as The Big Parade (1925) and Wedding Mght
`vie (vi) v. vied, vy•ing (vi'ing), vies -intT. To strive for victory or
`superiority; contend. See synonyms at rival. -tr. 1. Archaic To offer in
`competition; match. 2. Obsolete To wager or bet [Short for Middle Eng(cid:173)
`lish envien, from Old French envier, from Latin invitiire, to invite, give
`occasion for. See INVITE.]
`Vi•en•na (viH!n'~) The capital and largest city of Austria, in the
`northeast part of the country on the Danube River. Originally a Celtic
`settlement, it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in
`1278 and a leading cultural center in the 18th century, particularly under
`the reign (174G-1780) of Maria Theresa. Vienna was designated the cap(cid:173)
`ital of Austria in 1918. Population: 1,560,471.
`Vienna sausage n. A small sausage resembling a fran)d'urter, often
`served as an hors d'oeuvre. [After VIENNA.]
`Vienne (vym) A river, about 349 km (217 mi) long, of southwest-cen(cid:173)
`tral France flowing generally northwest to the Loire River.
`Vi•en•nese (ve'a-nez', -nes') adj. Relating to or characteristic of Vi(cid:173)
`enna, Austria. + n., pL Viennese 1. A native or inhabitant of Vienna.
`2. The variety of German spoken in Vienna.
`Vlen•tiane (vy~n-tyi!n') The capital and largest city of Laos, in the
`north -central part of the country on the Mekong River and the Thailand
`border. It became the capital of the French protectorate of Laos in 1899
`and later the capital of independent Laos. Population: 210,000.
`Vier• sen (flr'z.o~n) A city of west-central Germany west of Diisseldorf.
`It is a textile-manufacturing center. Population: 78,784.
`Viet. abbr. 1. Vietnam 2. Vietuamese
`Vi•et•cong also Vi•et Cong (vi!-et'kOng', -kong', ve'it-, vyc!t'-) n.,
`pL Vietcong also Viet Cong Abbr. VC A Vietnamese belonging to or
`supporting the National Liberation Front of the nation formerly named
`South Vietnam. <- adj. Of or relating to the Vietcong. [Vietnamese, short
`for Gong San Viet Narn, Vietuamese Communist.]
`Vi•et•minh also Vi•et Minh (vi!-i!t'min', vyet' -, vi!'it-) n., pL Viet(cid:173)
`minh also Viet Minh A member of the Vietuamese political and mili(cid:173)
`tary movement that challenged the Japanese and defeated the French be(cid:173)
`tween 1941 and 1954. •> adj. Of or relating to the Vietminh. [Viet(cid:173)
`namese, short for VietNam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi, Vietuam Federation
`of Independence.]
`Vi•et•nam (vi!-et'nim', -nam', ve'It-, vyet'-) A country of southeast
`Asia in eastern Indochina on the South China Sea. It comprises the his(cid:173)
`torical regions of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin China, much of which was
`under Chinese control from the 3rd century B.C. to the 15th century A.D.
`Portuguese traders arrived in 1535, and the area came under French in(cid:173)
`fluence in the mid-19th century as part of French Indochina. After the
`fall of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, it was partitioned
`into North Vietuam and South Vietnam. The Vietnam War (1954-1975)
`grew out of the attempt by Communist Vietcong guerrillas backed by
`North Vietnam to overthrow the U.S.-supported regime in the south. The
`South Vietuamese government collapsed in 1975, and the country was
`reunited in 1976. Hanoi is the capital and Ho Chi Minh City the largest
`city. Population: 72,510,000.
`Vi•et•nam•ese (vi!-i!t1na-mez', -mes', ve'it-, vyet'-) adj. Of or re(cid:173)
`lating to Vietuam or its people, language; or culture. + n., pl. Vietnam(cid:173)
`ese 1. A native or inhabitant of Vietnam. 2. The language of the largest
`ethnic group in Vietnam and the official language of the nation.
`Vi•et•nam•i•za•tion (ve-!!t'n~-m1-zals~n. vyet'-, vi!'It-)
`During the Vietnam War, the U.S. program of turning over to the South
`Vietnamese government responsibility for waging the conflict, in order
`to implement withdrawal of U.S. military perso!Ulel.
`'(i•et•nam•ize (vi!-Wm~-miz', vyet'-, ve'it-) tr.v. -ized, -iz•ing,
`-1z•es To turn over responSibility for (military operations, for example)
`to the South Vietnamese: "a policy of Vietnamizing the actual fighting"
`(C.L. Sulzberger).
`Vietnam Warn. Aprotractedmilitaryconflict (1954-1975) between
`Elis;ab•Eith Vigee(cid:173)
`Self-portrait in Straw Ha~
`the Communist forces of North Vietuam supported by China and
`Soviet Union and the non -Communist forces of South Vietnam supp the
`ed by the United States.
`view (vyoo) n. 1a. An examination or inspection: used binoculars
`get a better view. b. A sight; a look. 2. A systematic survey; coverag . to
`view of Ro_mantic poi~f1Y- 3. An !n~dual ?-11~ pers~nal perception, ju~ ~
`ment, or mterpretation; an op101on: In hts VIew, aid to the rebels shoufd
`be suspended. See syno~ at opinion. 4: Field of vision: The aircraft
`has dtsappeared from v1ew. 5. A scene or vxsta: the view from the tow
`6. A picture of a landscape: a view of Paris, done in oils. 7. A way erf
`s~owl;ng or seeing something, as. from a pax?cular posi~on or angle:
`side VIew of the house. 8. Something kept m Sight as an aun or intentio .
`"The pitch of the roof had been calculated with a view to the heavy season~i
`rains» (Caroline Alexander). 9. Expectation; chance: The measure has n
`view of success. + tr. v. viewed, view•ing, views 1. To look at; watch.
`view an exhibit of etchings. 2a. To examine or inspect: viewed the hous ·
`they were thinking of buying. b. To survey or study mentally; consider 3•
`To think of in a particular way; regard: doesn't view herself as a su~:
`viewed their efforts unfavorably. See synonyms at see'. -Idioms: i~
`view of Taking into account; in consideration of. on view Placed so
`as to be seen; exhibited. [Middle English vewe, from Anglo-Norman
`from feminine past participle of veoir, to see, from Latin vidtre. Se~
`weid- in Appendix I.] -view'a•ble adj.
`view•da•ta (vyoo'da'~. -dAt'<~, -di!'~) n. An interactive videotex
`system in which information can be retrieved or transmitted.
`view•er (vyoo';r) n. 1. One that views, especially an onlooker or
`spectator. 2. Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing
`of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them. 3.
`A person who watches television or movies: viewers of prime-time shows·
`viewers of action movies.
`view•er•ship (vy<>o'ar-sh!p') n. The people who watch a television
`program or motion picture: a largely male viewership.
`view•find•er (vyoo'fm'&r) n. A device on a camera that indicates,
`either optically or electronically, what will appear in the field of view of
`the lens.
`view hal•loo (vyoo' ~-loo') n. A strident call given during a fox
`hunt to indicate that the fox has been seen breaking cover.
`+ view• ing (vyoormg) n. 1. The act of seeing, watching, or examining.
`2. The act or an instance of watching a movie or television. 3. Pennsyl(cid:173)
`vania See wake' (sense 2). +adj. Engaged in watching a movie or tele(cid:173)
`vision: a poll of the viewing audience.
`view• less (vyool!i.s) adj. 1. Providing no view. 2. Not having or ex(cid:173)
`pressing opinions or views. -viewfless•ly adv.
`view•point (vyoo'point') n. A position from which something is
`observed or considered; a point of view.
`view•y (vyooli!) adj. ·i•er, -i•est 1. Exhibitingextravagantorvision(cid:173)
`ary opinions. 2. Conspicuous or striking; showy.
`+ vi•ga (vel~) n. Southwestern U.S. A rafter or roofbeam, especially a
`trimmed and peeled tree trunk whose end projects from an outside
`adobe wall. [American Spanish, from Spanish, perhaps from Latin b!ga,
`team of horses, cart (from the long pole between the two horses). See
`yeug- in Appendix I.]
`Vi•gee-Le•brun (vi!-zhii/b-brreN'), (Marie Louise) Elisabeth
`1755-1842. French painter noted for her portraits, especially those of
`Marie Antoinette and the royal family.
`vi•ges•i•mal (vi-jes'a-m;~l) adj. 1. Twentieth. 2. Proceeding or oc(cid:173)
`curring in intervals of 20. 3. Based on or relating to 20. [From Latin
`vigisimus, variant of vicisiinus, twentieth, from viginti, twenty. See
`wik1J1ti in Appendix I.]
`vi•gi•a (vi-W~. -he'-) n. A warning on a navigational chart indicating
`a possible rock, shoal, or other hazard, the exact position of which is un(cid:173)
`known. [Spanish vigfa, from Portuguese vi~, from vigiar, to look out,
`from Latin See VIGILANTE.]
`vig•il (vij'3l) n. 1a. A watch kept during normal sleeping hours. b.
`The act or a period of observing; surveillance. 2. The eve of a religious
`festival observed by staying awake as a devotional exercise. 3. Ritual de(cid:173)
`votions observed on the eve of a holy day. Often used in the plural. [Mid(cid:173)
`dle English vigile, a devotional watching, from Old French, from Latin
`vigilia, wakefulness, watch, from vigil, awake. See weg- in Appendix I.]
`vig•i•lance (vij';-bns) n. Alert watchfulness.
`vigilance committee n. A volunteer group of citizens that with·
`out authority assumes powers such as pursuing and punishing those sus(cid:173)
`pected of being criminals or offenders.
`vig•i•lant (vij':~-bnt) adj. On the alert; watchful. See synonyms at
`aware. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vigilii.ns, vigilant-,
`present participle of, to be watchful. See VIGILANTE.] -vigli•
`lant•ly adv.
`vig•l•lan•te (vij'a-lanlte) n. 1. One who takes or advocates the
`taking of law enforcement into one's own hands. 2. A member of a vig(cid:173)
`ilance committee. [Spanish, watchman, vigilante, from Latin vigilii.ns,
`vigilant-, present participle of, to be watchful, from vigil. watch(cid:173)
`ful. See weg- in Appendix L] -vig'i•lan'tism (-lan'tiz-;~m), vig'i•
`lan'te•ism (-tiH'z';~m) n.
`vigil light n. 1. A small candle kept burning in the chancel of Chris(cid:173)
`tian churches to symbolize the presence of the Holy Sacrament; an altar
`light. 2. A candle lighted by a worshiper for a special devotional purpose.
`3. A light or candle kept burning at a shrine or before an icon.
`vi•gin•til•lion (vi'jln-nl.lpn) n. 1. The cardinal number equal to
`1063• 2. Chiefly British The cardinal number equal to 10120• [Latin vigintf,
`twenty; see wikqtti in Appendix I+ (M)IWON.]-vi'gin•tiJIIion adj.
`-vi'gin•ti!flionth adj., adv. &: n.
`vi•gnette (vin-yet') n. 1. A decorative design placed at the beginning

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