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`sunk to an esp. vicious or ener(cid:173)
`propped up by foreign powers)
`n of events in which the respon~e
`lem that aggravates the original
`ln that begs the question
`id\ n [MF, fr. L vicissitudo, fr
`ltion- more at WEEK] (ca. 1576)
`angeable : MUTABIUTY b : natu(cid:173)
`tre. or in human affairs 2 a : a
`mtion that ~urs by chance : a
`-s of daily life) b : a difficulty
`e) a career, or a course of action
`:rnating change : SUCCESsiON
`(,)vi-, -'tyiid-; -'tii·d"n-;~s, -'tYii-\
`846) : marked by or filled With
`. victima.· per h. akin to OH 0 wilt
`cc;d to a deity or in the perfor·
`t ts acted on and usu. adversely
`s are -s of the social system): as
`, or sacrificed wtder any of van.
`lf the auto crash) (a murder ~>
`JQ, hardship, or mistreatment (a
`te that is tricked or duped (a con
`ing (1830) 1: to make a victim
`td : CHEAT- vic-tim•i•za•tion
`r \ 'Vik·tQ-,mi-ZQr\ n
`: havin~ no victim : not of a
`958) 1 : the study of victims
`te problems of a person or group
`n-ol-o-gist \-jist\ n
`?re to conquer, win; akin to OE
`I (14c) : one that defeats an en(cid:173)
`e word for the letter v
`(1839) 1 : of, relating to, or
`"ictoria of England or the art,
`tl of the moral standards, atti(cid:173)
`esp. when considered stuffy or
`during Queen Victoria's reign;
`• '!- : a typically large and or(cid:173)
`: retgn
`'ii·, ·'ii·\ n [Queen Victoria + E
`characteristic of the Victorian
`·:tor·\ n (1905) 1 : a typical
`liOn, taste, or conduct 2 : the
`t taste or conduct
`4c) 1 a : having won a vic·
`: of victory 2 : evincing moral
`vic•tOori•OUS•IY adv
`r. MF victorle, fr. L victoria, fr.
`an enemy or antagonist 2
`• struggle or endeavor against
`j for a phonograph
`·, fr. MF, fr. LL vlctualia. pl.,
`tlis of nourishment, fr. L vlcM
`11:,-refood ":o:io~~~~] (1523)
`>r ·ual·linB vt (1558) : to sup..
`1 provisions
`(1568) 1 : the keeper of a
`:ons an anny, a navy, or a ship
`·'ldi·m>, VQ-, • 'kyii-\ n [Sp vi·
`: a Wild ruminant (Ylcugna
`> from Peru to Argentina that
`: the wool from the vicuna's
`1ade of vicufia wool; also : a
`idere to see - more at WIT]
`mother item
`t\ adv (ME, fr. L, fr. videre to
`' pernutted] (15c) : that is to
`-o Cas in audio)] 0937) 1
`television 2 : VIDEOTAPE: as
`:levision program for playing
`I performance of a song often
`rough visual images
`1r used in the transmission or
`compare AUDIO
`m a television screen or com·
`vld•eO•Cas•sette \,vi-de·o·kQ-'set, -ka·\ n 0970) 1: a case containing
`videotape for use With a VCR 2 : a recording (as of a movie) on a
`videocassette recorder n 0976) : VCR
`vid·eOocon·fer-enc·ing \·'kiin-f(Q-)r:>n(t)-si1] •. f,rn(t)·\ n (1977) : the
`boldin!! of a conference among people at remote locations by means of
`transmitted audio and video signals -
`vid•eO•COn•fer•ence \-'kiin(cid:173)
`f(:~-)r:m(t)s, ·f:>rn(t)s\ n
`vld·eO•disc or vid•eo.disk \'vi-de-0-,disk\ n (1967) 1 : a disc similar
`in appearance and use to a phonograph record on which programs
`have been recorded for playback on a television set; also: omCAL DISK
`z : a recording (as of a movie) on a videodisc
`video game n (1973) : an electronic game played by means of images
`on a video screen and often etnphasizing fast action
`vid-e-os•ra·phy \,vi-de·'ii·gTQ-te\ n (1972) : the practice or art of re(cid:173)
`cording images with a video camera - vid•e-og.ra·pher \-fur\ n
`vid·eO•Iand \-Jand\ n (I 967) : television as a medium or industry
`vid•eO•Phile \'vi-de-"",f!l\ n (1966) : a person fond of video; esp : one
`interested in video equipment or in producing videos
`vid-eo·phone \'vi-de-:>-,fon\ n (ca. 1950) : a telephone equipped for
`transmission of video as well as audio signals so that users can see each
`•vid-eo-tape \'vi-de-0-,ti!p\ n (1953) : a recording of visual images and
`sound (as of a television production) made on magnetic tape; a/So : the
`magnetic tape used for such a recording
`lvideotape vt (1958): to make a videotape of<- a show><- the presi(cid:173)
`dent's speech>
`videotape recorder n ( 1953) : a device for recording and playing back
`called also video recorder
`videotapes -
`vid-eo•tex \-,teks\ also vid-eo-text \-,tekst\ n [lvideo + -rex (alter. of
`text)] (1978) : an electronic data retrieval system in which usu. textual
`information is transmitted via telephone or cable-television lines and
`displayed on a tdevision set or video display terminal; esp : such a
`system that is interactive- compare TELETEXT
`video vli·ri·te \-,ver-Q-'tii\ n [cinema verit€]
`(1969) : the filming or
`videotaping of a television program (as a documentary) so as to convey
`candid realism
`vi·dette var of VEDETTE
`vid•icon \'vi-di-,kiin\ n, often cap ['video + iconoscope] (1950) : a
`camera tube using the principle of photoconductivity
`vi·dU•ity \vi·'du-Q-te, ·'dyii-\ n [ME (Sc) viduite, fr. MF viduite, fr. L
`vlduitat-, viduitas, fr. vidua widow more at WIDOW] (15c) : WIDOW-
`vie \'vi\ vb vied; vy.fng \'v!-iiJ\ [modif. of MF envier to invite, chal(cid:173)
`lenge, wager, fr. L invitare to invite] vi (1577) : to strive for superiority
`: CONTEND, COMPETE """ VI, archaic : WAOER, HAZARD: a/so : to ex·
`change in rivalry: MATCH- vi-er \'vi(-~)r\ n
`Vi-en·na sausage \ve-'e·nQ-\ n [Vienna. Austria] (ca. 1902) : a short
`slender frankfurter
`Viet-cong \ve-'et-'ka1], vyet-, ,ve-~t-, vet-, ·'kog\ n. pi Vietcong [Viet(cid:173)
`namese Vl~t-c()ng] (1957) : a guerrilla member of the Vietnamese com(cid:173)
`munist movement
`Viet•minh \-'min\ n, p/ Vietminh (Vietnamese Viit-Minh, short for
`V~t-Nam Di)c-LV,p D/Sng·Minh League for the Independence of Viet(cid:173)
`nam] (1945) : an adherent of the Vietnamese communist movetnent
`from 1941 to 1951
`Viet•nam-ese \vS-,et~n;>-*mez, .vyet-, ,ve-~t-, ,vet-. -na-, .. na-, -'mes\ n.
`pi Vietnamese ( 1947) 1 : a native or inhabitant of Vietnam 2 : the
`language of the largest group in Vietnam and the official language of
`the country- Vietnamese adj
`•view \'vyil\ n [ME vewe, fr. MF veue, vue, fr. OF, fr. fern. of veu, vu,
`pp. of veeir, voir to see, fr. L videre- more at WIT] (15c) 1 : the act of
`seeing or examining : INSPECTION: also : SURVEY (a- of English litera(cid:173)
`ture) 2 a : a mode or manner of looking at or regarding something
`b : an opinion or judgment colored by the feeling or bias of its holder
`the conference bas no chance of success) 3 : sCENE. PROS.
`(in my -
`from the balcony) 4 : extent or range of vision
`PECT (the lovely -
`: SIOHT (tried to keep the ship in ~> (sat high in the bleachers to get a
`good -> 5 : something that is looked toward or kept in sight : OB(cid:173)
`JECT (studied hard with a~ to getting an A> 6 : the foreseeable future
`(no hope in-> 7 : a pictorial reJ?resentation syn see OPINION -In
`view of : in regard to : in constderation of
`on view : open to
`public inspection : on exhibition
`1view vt (1523) 1 : to look at attentively: SCRUTINIZE. OBSERVE<- an
`exhibit)(~ the landscape) 2 a: SEE. WATCH<- a film) b: to look
`on in a particular light: REGARD (doesn't- himself as a rebel) 3: to
`survey or examine mentally : CONSIDER<- all sides of a question>
`view·able \•Q-bQI\ adj
`view-data \'vyiJ-,da-ta also -,da·\ n (1975) : a videotex systetn usu.
`employinf. telephone lines

`view-er \ vyii-ar\ n ( 15c) : one that views: as a : a person legally
`appointed to inspect and report on property b : an optical device
`used in viewing c : a person who watChes television
`view•er•ship \-,ship\ n (1954) : a television audience esp. with respect
`to size or makeup
`view•find-er \'vyii-,fin-dar\ n (1889): a device on a camera for show(cid:173)
`ing the area of the subject to be included in the picture
`view haJ.Ioo \,vyii-h>,il\ lnterj 0761)- used in fox hunting on see(cid:173)
`ing a fox break cover
`view·ing n (1535) : an act of seeing, watcltinJ~:. or taking a loolo; esp
`: an instance or the practice of watching televiston
`view•less \ 'vyiJ-I:>s\ adj ( 1603) 1 : not perceivable : INVISIBLE 2 : af(cid:173)
`fording no view 3 : expressing no views or opinions -
`view•point \·,point\ n(l855): POINfOFVIEW,STANDPOINT
`viewy \'vyil-e\ adj (1848) 1 : possessing visionary, impractical, or
`fantastic views 2 : spectacular or arresting in appearance : SHOWY
`vig \ 'vig\ n (1968) : VIOORISH
`vi•ga \'ve-g:>\ n (Sp, beam, rafter] (1844) : one of the heavy rafters and
`esp. a Jog supporting the roof in American Indian and Spanish archi(cid:173)
`tecture of the Southwest
`vi.ges·l·mal \ vr-'je·sQ-mal\ adj [L vlcesimus. vigeslmus twentieth; akin
`to L vill.inti twenty, Gk eilum] (ca. 1656): based on the number 20
` \ vi-j~l\ n [ME vigile. fr. OF, ft. LL & L; LL vlgi/ia watch on the
`videocassette • village
`eve of a feast, fr. L, wakefulness, watch, fr. vigil awake, watchful; akin
`to L vigere to be vigorous, vegere to enliven- more at WAI<El (13c) 1
`a : a watch formerly kept on the night before a religious feas't with
`prayer or other devotions b : the day before a religious feast observed
`as a day of spiritual preparation c : evening or nocturnal devotions or
`usu. used in pl. 2 : the act of keeping awake at times when
`prayers -
`sleep is customary; also : a period of wakefulness 3 : an act or period
`of watching or surveillance : WATCH
`vig·i·lance \'vi-jQ-l:m(tls\ n (1533) : the quality or state of being vigi(cid:173)
`vigilance committee n (1835): a committee of vigilantes
`vig•i•lant \'vi-j""l:>nt\ adi [ME, fr. MF, fr. L vigilant-, vlgilans. fr. prp.
`of vigilare to keep watch, stay awake, fr. vigil awakel (15c) : alertly
`watchful esp. to avoid danger s:rn see WATCHFUL- vfg.f.Iant•IY adv
`vig•i-lan•te \,vi·jQ-'lan·ti!\ n rsp, watchman, guard, fr. vigilante vigilant,
`fr. L vigilant-, vlgilan.s] (1865) : a member of a volunteer committee
`organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the pro(cid:173)
`cesses of law appear inadequate); broadly : a self-appointed doer of

`vig•f.lan·tism \·'lan-,ti-z::.m\ n
`t n (ca. 1931) : a candle lighted devotionally (as in a Roman
`churCh) before a shrine or image- called also vigil candle
`vi•Bin•tiJ.lion \lvi-Jin·'til-yan\ n, often artrib [L vlglntl twenty + E
`·illlon (as in mllion)- more at VIGESIMAL] (ca. 1903)- see NUMBER
`vi•gne-ron \,Vett·Y>'ron\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF vlneron. fr. vine, vigne
`vine, vineyard] (15c) : WINEGROWER
`•vi·gnette \vin-'yet, ven-\ n [F, fr. MF vlgnete, fr. dim. of vigne vine(cid:173)
`more at VINE] (1751) 1 : a running ornament (as of vine leaves, ten(cid:173)
`drils, and grapes) put on or just before a title page or at the beginning
`or end of a chapter; also : a small decorative design or picture so
`:Z a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades
`off gradually into the surrounding paper b : the pictorial part of a
`postage stamp design as distinguished from the frame and lettering 3
`a : a short descriptive literary sketch h : a brief incident or scene (as
`in a play or movie)- vi•gnett•ist \-'ye-tist\ n
`•vignette vtvi•gnett•ed; vi·gnett•ing (1853) 1: to finish (as a photo·
`graph) in the manner of a vignette 2 : to describe briefly - Vi·gnett•
`vig-or \'Vi-gar\ n [ME, fr. MF vigor, fr. L, fr. vigi!re to be vigorous]
`(14c) 1 : active bodily or mental strength or force 2 : active healthy
`well-balanced growth esp. of plants 3 : intensity of action or effect
`: FORCE 4: effective legal status
`vig-o-rish \'vi·~~Q-rish\ n [perh. fr. Ukrainian vygrash or 'Russ vyigrysh
`winnings, profit] (1912) 1 : a charge taken (as by a bookie or a gam·
`bling house) on bets; also : the degree of such a charge (a -
`of five
`~ercent> 2 : interest paid to a moneylender
`VI•·so \,vi-gQ-'rO.(.)so, ,ve-, .(,)zo\ adj or adv [It, lit., vi~orous, fr.
`MF vigorous] (ca. 1724) : energetic in style
`used as a dtrection in
`vig-or-ous \'vi-g("")ras\ adj rME, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. vigor] (14c) 1
`: possessing vigor : full of pliysical or mental strength or active force
`: STRONG (a - youth) (a - plant) 2 : done with vigor : carried out
`forcefully and energetically (- exercises> :- vig-or-ous-ly adv - via·
`or•ous-ness n
`showing great vitality and force. VIGOROUS further implies showing no
`signs of depletion or diminishing of freshness or robustness (as vigor(cid:173)
`ous as a youth half his age). ENERGETIC suggests a capacity for intense
`activity (an energetic campaigner>. STRENUOUS suggests a preference
`for coping with the arduous or the challenging (the strenuous life on
`an oil rig). LUSTY implies exuberant energy and capacity for enjoyment
`(a lusty appetite for life). NERVOUS suggests esp. the forcibleness and
`sustained effectiveness resulting from men tal vigor (full of nervous
`vi~-our \ 'vi-l!;lr\ chiefly Brit var of VIGOR
`Vtoking \'vf-kig\ n [ON vfkingr](J807) 1 a: one of the pirate Norse(cid:173)
`men plundering the coasts of Europe in the 8th to lOth centuries b not
`vile \'vi(a)l\ adj vil-er \'vi-Iar\; Vil•est \·last\ [ME. fr. OF vii, fr. L
`vilisl (14c) 1 11: morally despicable or abhorrent (nothing is so- as
`intellectual dishonesty) b : physically repulsive : FOUL (a -
`slum) 2
`: of little worth or account : COMMON; also : MEAN 3 : tending to
`degrade <- employments) 4 : disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOX(cid:173)
`temper) syn see BASE
`IOUS. CONTEMPTIBLE(- weather) (had a -
`vile-ly \'Yi(,.)J.Je\ adv-vilc•ness n
`vil·i·fl-ca•tion \,vi·IQ-fQ-'ki-sh:>n\ n (1630) 1 : the act of vilifying
`: ABUSE 2 : an instance of vilifying : a defamatory utterance
`vil·l·fy \ 'vi-IQ-,fi\ vt ·tied; ·fy•inlil [ME vilifien, fr. LL vili/icare, fr. L
`vi/is cheap, vile] (15c) 1: to lower 1n estimation orimportance :Z: to
`utter slanderous and abusive statements against : DEFAME
`s;yn see
`MALlON- viloi·fi-er \-,fl(-o)r\ n
`viJ.i.pend \'vi-l>,pend\ vt [ME, fr. MF vilipender, fr. ML vilipendere,
`fr. L vilis + pendere to weigh, estimate] (15c) 1 : to hold or treat as of
`little worth or account : CONTEMN t : to express a low opinion of
`viii \'vii\ n [AF, fr. OF ville village] (1596) 1 : a division of a hundred
`vil•la \'vi-la\ n [It, fr. !..; akin to L vlcus village more at VICINITY]
`(161 I) 1: a country estate 2: the rural or suburban residence of a
`wettlthy person 3 Brit : a detaChed or semidetached urban residence
`with yard and garden space
`vil·la-dom \'Vi-lQ-d:>m\ n (1880) Brit: the world constituted by villas
`and their occupants
`vil•lage \'vi-lij\ n. often artrib [ME. fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. ville farm, vil(cid:173)
`lage, fr. L villa] (14c) 1 a : a settletnent usu. larger than a hamlet
`and smaller than a town h : an incorporated minor murucipality 2
`: the residents of a village 3: something (as an aggregation of bur·
`\o\ abut \"\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \i\ ace \ii\ mop, mar
`\ch\ cltin
`\S\ easy
`\j\ job
`\au\ out
`\e\ bet
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\1\ Ice
`\Q\ sing \6\ go \6\ law \6i\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \il\ foot
`\y\ yet \Zh\ vision \a, k. •, re, a:. re, u;, '\see Guide to Pronunciation

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