11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
`INC., )
` )
` Plaintiff(s), )
` vs. ) NO. 01-2373-MI
` )
` )
` Defendant(s). )
` (Taken by Defendant)
` Durham, North Carolina
` Thursday, November 13, 2003
` Reported in Stenotype by
` Dorothy J. M. McGrath, Shorthand Reporter
`3 4
` Transcript Produced by Computer-aided Transcription
`Page 1
`NuVasive, Inc. v. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.
`Case IPR2013-00206


`11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
` VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Starting of Tape 1,
` Volume III, on the record at 9:41 a.m.
` This is the videotaped deposition of
` Lawrence Boyd, Volume III. The case number is
` 01-2373-MI. The court reporter is
` Dorothy McGrath. My name is Scott Swing. We
` are both with Russell Court Reporting out of
` Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
` We are located today at the -- at 3001
` Cameron Boulevard in Durham, North Carolina.
` Today's date and time are indicated on the
` video screen.
` At this time the court reporter will swear
` the witness for the record, please.
` VIDEO TECHNICIAN: At this time, counsel
` will verbally introduce themselves and who they
` represent, please.
` VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We may proceed.
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Boyd.
`Page 2


`11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
` A. Good morning.
` Q. You've had your deposition taken before in
`this matter and in other matters. Do you need me to
`explain any of the deposition procedures for you?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Is there any reason your deposition cannot
`proceed today?
` A. Not that I'm aware of.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for your
`deposition today?
` A. I met with Mr. Pabis yesterday.
` Q. For approximately how long?
` A. Three hours.
` Q. Did you review any documents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did any of them refresh your memory?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you -- since your last deposition,
`besides meeting with Mr. Pabis for three hours
`yesterday, have you done any work as a consultant
`for Medtronic on this litigation?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know the total amount you've billed
`Medtronic as a consultant on this litigation?
` MR. PABIS: Objection, asked and answered.
`Page 3


`11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
`that we -- we talked about.
` Q. What about PLIF instruments? Did you see
`any PLIF instruments at that meeting?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was it a complete set of instruments for
`inserting an interbody fusion device through a PLIF
` A. I believe that the set was complete. It
`was not the final version that we ultimately, you
`know, commercialized, but it was -- it was able to
`go from start to -- to completion, insertion. I
`believe so.
` Q. And did you also see a lateral instrument
`set in January of 1994?
` A. I don't know if he had the instruments
`then or not. I know we looked at a number of
`sketches for the various iterations, yeah.
` Q. Do you recall when you first saw an
`instrument set for lateral that was provided by
`Dr. Michelson?
` A. I don't.
` Q. Do you recall making requests to
`Dr. Michelson for instruments in the January 1994
`time frame?
` A. For instruments to be manufactured?
`Page 4


`11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
` Q. Yes.
` A. I recall asking him to have Dezider make
`some instrument sets for us, yes.
` Q. I'm going to show you what was marked as
`Exhibit 1107, the -- which actually consists of two
`letters. And I'll just ask you for both of those,
`if you could identify whether that's your signature
`on the two letters. They're both to Dr. Michelson.
` The first letter is dated January 13th,
` A. Okay. This looks like mine on the
`January 13th letter. And January 14th, yes, that
`looks like my signature.
` Q. And this would have been three days after
`the meeting that you had with Dr. Michelson, the
`second letter, the January 14th letter?
` A. When was that meeting? Was it the 11th?
` Q. It was the 11th.
` A. Yeah. Well --
` Q. If you look at the second letter that's --
`that's attached here in the exhibit --
` A. Okay. Hold on.
` Q. You're looking at the first letter, but
`the --
` A. I know. I just want to get oriented. It
`Page 5


`11/13/2003 Boyd, Lawrence, V.3, 11/13/2003 (MED)
`will just take a second.
` Okay. Go ahead.
` Q. All right. The second one, this is your
`ordering or asking Dr. Michelson to have Mr. Imre
`make certain sets. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the first item there is a PLIF set,
`and you're having three sets of 65 instruments made?
` A. That's what it says, yes.
` Q. Do you recall doing that?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. All right. The lordotic distractors that
`are listed next, did you understand what those were?
` A. I don't recall what those are.
` Q. Do you know what those -- what those are
`used for, which -- which -- which approach?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Do you see that there's a -- there's a
`trephine that's listed there?
` A. I see that.
` Q. Did you understand that Dr. Michelson was
`disclosing the use of a trephine to -- to core out
`the disk space around distractors?
` A. Yeah. I recall that that -- that trephine
`was used to core over something. I think the -- the
`Page 6


`A 31’ WNW
`l DepOLeI-Iim54.31129
`Lon/99m law
`WATS.- lmdlaithIt
`FAX. mi) :42‘ 39:1:
`January 13, 1994
`(3. Kariin Michetson. MD.
`8610 Sepulveda Btvd;
`Suite 101
`Los Angeles, California 90045
`Dear Dr. Micheison.
`i am very enthusiastic about moving forward
`it was good to talk with you today.
`,with the many fusion device concepts. As we had discussed we would like to
`u uuvfiicu a
`benin wgrking 9:1 the variggs imniant and Inetmmantahnn design5_ Wm. nnttormrl q
`great deai ot information in our drscussions so l have listed some of the things
`we discussed. Please let me know if
`l missed anything or have misunderstood
`anmhinn 1n nrder tQ mQUD inmarg With the D'Gjemute discussed the mugging.
`1.) You will send me (via Fed Ex) today several implants and information on the
`design. This information wit! include prior modeling and analysis information on
`the imotant as wet! as reguIstory filing information on the 510(k) application lay
`KT! on a non-spine application of the threaded fusion device technology.
`2.) You wilt contact your machinist about manufacturing several sets of implant
`and instrumentation systems.~ The machinist will measure the current
`instruments. photograph the instruments and forward these to us to allow us to
`begin modeling the comoiete system. We specifically talked about the foilowing
`'5 FC’C’
`PrimacyPLtFlnstrgmentagign tsetoiinstruments'sentaher
`o n‘
`measu rement by machinist, to atlov' us to get started. 3 additions. 33.3 I...
`primary instruments to be manufactured. (Piease have your machinist
`send a cost and t:mtng estimate first)
`n Fir
`r o to Di
`youor earliest convenience.
`hin -
`'<IP Hob—C
`-iorwardthese at
`mm nt
`tumor“: 5i
`recali it wediscussed manufacture of
`(JD (I)S)Ua.
`Dine; PLIFA mafivelnstrgmegation
`a 6::Jallves “I a Snag“? slz’a‘ U
`discuss anything not already covered byui
`#3 a».
`ALlF lnarumentation‘ggflfi‘sigepnly) - Manufacture 2 full sets (for 3 iuli
`sets totat), this would include the tordotic wooge distractors, double—barret
`outer sleeve and appropriate length reamer. driver. etc. W
`diIscusssed making 2 sets of
`GI IF: :1. ”Ne SnOuiu pit)“ably
`MS and 8 above.
`MSD 0770109
`Confidential Information - Patent Prosecution Sensitive
`Page 7
`Page 7


`i3 ‘5”
`[44?fo T—
`Agjgrigr Lgxgrai lmglani anHQ Instruments 524;} 25 52L size oniyz- ccrnoiets
`the current set (9 9., manufacture 5:lap hammer) and manufacwre one
`duplicate set (for a total of 2 complete sets).
`Qewics! imp!sdl__.a._r_i_d_i_ossiimsrit.Sssfiiza-.1._’§ mincolid - please send this
`set for our review at your earliest sonvensncs.
`NonThreaded Concepts (Push in Desions Truncated Desions and
`5;ngwjgai E515 9p. ngfig wrih Front Slot] Please send me some samples
`01 these 10f GUI" [EVIBW and records at your earliest COTTVBT'MBTICE.
`Dr. Michelson. i think this covers all the devices we discussed. Please call me if I
`have missed anything.
`i will ioo’K forward to receiving the impianis and additional
`iniormation tomorrow.
`i wiii stay in touch with you as we move toward to this
`project and wiil
`look forward to hearing lrornyour machinist regarding the
`manufacture of the additional implantiinstrument sets. Aiso, please do not
`hesitate to call me at any time. Due to the time ditterence and our schedules,
`you will probably need to call me at homelat times. My home phone number is
`(901) 681—0243. Please do not hesitate to call me.
`i will talk with you soon.
`Take care.
`[uawrenoi ’Eoyd
`FOdUCI Development
`Ron Pickard.
`John Patton:
`Confidential intermafiun
`SDG 34151
`Confidential Information - Patent Prosecution Sensitive
`Page 8
`Page 8


`David Brumfield
`Brad Estes
`SDG 34162
`Enniifiéi‘itiai 3i
`Confidential Information - Patent Prosecution Sensitive
`Page 9
`Page 9


`m mummy-an
`WIRES rl man
`«us ”film
`In: manna
`Fax 339 521-5335
`GROUP, mo.
`January :4. 1994
`G. KarEn Michelson. MD.
`3610 Sepuiveda Blvd.
`Suite 101
`I an Anmlae f‘al'
`bu: ru vawq, vu!
`Dear Dr. Michetson‘
`In inflow-up to our discussion today about manuiacture of the various instrument
`sets, here are the various items we discussed:
`1. PLtF Set 3 sets of 65 insts per set at $3.000 pet set
`{Timing appreximatety 3 weeks}
`2. Lorm‘c Distramers Size 16 mm
`Total $9.000
`Lordoitc distractors
`inner Sleeve
`Cap Driver
`Rotary Knife
`5300 e
`$35 0
`5 150 o
`3 150 0
`5 200 Q
`3 sets total at $600 per set
`Total $1.300
`3. ALIF instrumentation {Size 18 mm and 20 mm)
`Wedge Distractots
`01,115: Shotgun Steeve
`Inns: Steeve
`Driver Cap
`1mplam Driver
`$1 50
`Per Set
`a 9
`1 Q
`1 o
`1 @
`1' (it
`1 a
`i Q
`1 o
`'i 9
`Need thsee comptete .45 _! 3-..fi95 9e:
`Tmai $113955
`Confidentiai Information
`I I 1|
`Confidential Information - Patent Prosecution Sensitive
`Page 10
`Page 10


`4. Anterior Laterai instrumentation {2413 x 42L)
`Distractor S. '8, 10, 12. 14 mm
`Siap Hammer
`Driver Cap
`implant Driver
`5275 @
`$225 @
`5275 @
`$175 @
`Totai per set is $2750 and we can use some components from the existing set
`Total approx. $4.500
`Qvereii. it Eooirs iiire it adds up as toziowsz
`1. PLIF instrumentation ('3 Sets Manufactured)
`2 Lordotic Dtstractors and Trephine (3 8‘13)
`3. ALI? instruments {3 Sets 8:; 18 and _9 man
`4 Anterior uteri insts {2 Sets Torar“
`$11 (335
`Dr. Michelson, pieese let me know if this agrees with your notes from our
`conversation. Pteasa have your machinist send me a written quotation for these
`items and i will cut a purchase order. Cali me if you have any items to discuss,
`Taik with you soon.
`'7 ”‘9’“
`r/na ______ H______
`3 Lawrencé‘M’.’Boyd
`-.1 manager, r-ruduct Devéiép em
`John Paflord
`David Brumtieid
`Brad Estes
`Confidential Information - Patent Prosecution Sensitive
`Page 11
`Page 11

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