`Page 1
` Plaintiff,
` vs. Case No.
` 3:08-CV-1512 MMA (AJB)
` Defendant.
` /
` Counterclaimant,
` vs.
` Counterclaim Defendants.
` /
` /
` Deposition of
` November 19, 2010
`Reported by LAURY WASOFF, CSR NO. 10995, RPR
` Certified Shorthand Reporters
` 1838 El Camino Real, Suite 108
` Burlingame, California 94010
`Page 1
`NuVasive, Inc. v. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.
`Case IPR2013-00206

`Page 6
` 8:46 A.M.
` -oOo-
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are on the record.
`The time is currently 8:46 A.M. This marks the beginning
`of tape No. 1 in Volume I of the deposition testimony of
`Gary Michelson, M.D. in the matter of Warsaw Orthopedic,
`Inc. v. Nuvasive pending before the United States District
`Court, Southern California District, Case No. 3:08-CV-1512.
` Today's date is November 19 of 2010, and the
`videographer is Michael Figari contracted by Eureka Street
`Legal Video, telephone (415) 215-2041.
` This deposition is being held at the LAX Marriott
`in Los Angeles, California and was noticed by Fish &
`Richardson for the defense and cross-complainant.
` Counsel, would you please introduce yourselves and
`state your appearances for the record.
` MR. SCHERKENBACH: Frank Scherkenbach and Neil Warren
`of Fish & Richardson for the defendant and counter-claimant
` MR. DAUCHOT: Luke Dauchot here on behalf of the
`witness, the plaintiff, and the counter-defendants.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Your reporter is Laury Wasoff of
`Shari Moss & Associates. Would she swear in the witness.
`4 5
`Page 2

`Page 7
` the witness herein, having been first duly
` sworn, deposed and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Doctor.
` A Good morning.
` Q You have obviously had your deposition taken a
`number of times before. Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q So you're familiar generally with the process of
`the deposition and how it works. Is that fair?
` A Yes.
` Q You understand that if you don't understand a
`question I ask, you can ask me to rephrase it and I'd be
`happy to do that. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q And at the same time it's important you let me
`finish my question before you begin answering so that the
`court reporter can get down both my question and your
`answer. You understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q As usual we will probably go in about hour-long
`Page 3

`Page 64
`describes in some level of detail what was shown. Just at
`a high level again, if you were explaining it to a
`layperson, what is it you showed Danek at that meeting or
`told Danek at that meeting? What was the technology
` A Well, I mean, some things I can remember quite
`clearly. And I guess I'll need to ask you a question. Do
`you want to turn this into a memory test or do you want my
`best testimony? Because if you want me to remember, I can
`only remember what I can remember.
` Q Let me ask a more specific question. The
`August/September '93 meeting, did you show them implants?
` A Yes. I showed them -- that I clearly remember.
`I showed them the threaded interbody spinal fusion
`implants. I actually showed them the instruments and the
`surgical procedure for doing it both anteriorly and
` Q But not laterally?
` A Not laterally.
` Q And is that because you had not yet conceived at
`that time of doing the procedure laterally? And I mean
`direct laterally.
` A That would be consistent with my best
` Q Dr. Michelson, I'm going to hand you what I'm
`Page 4

`Page 65
`marking as Exhibit 721. This is an invoice to Karlin
`Technology from Mr. Imre, production numbers MNUV0005459.
` A I'm sorry. What number did you just read me?
` Q There's multiple numbers on it. The one that
`applies to this case is the one at the extreme lower
` A Oh, I'm sorry. You're just talking about -- oh,
`I apologize.
` Q Just an identification number is all.
` A I apologize.
` (Exhibit 721 marked for identification.)
` Q BY MR. SCHERKENBACH: Have you seen this document
`before today?
` A I've seen this before.
` Q When is the last time you saw it?
` A A couple of days ago.
` Q This is one of the ones you looked at in prep for
`your deposition?
` A Yeah.
` Q And does this, in your view, relate to what you
`call the second generation of implants?
` A I think -- it would be yes on that.
` Q How can you tell?
` A Well, that's what it is. The dimensions are 24
`times 42. That was the original translateral implant I
`Page 5

`Page 66
`had made. And my actual -- I guess common name for these
`were jumbo implants because they were clearly jumbo'd in
`comparison to anything that was in existence before.
`There were never implants that were 42 millimeters long or
`24 millimeters in diameter. So I think the biggest
`threaded implants that we had before were either 18 or 20,
`and we never had anything I think that was longer than 28.
`So this thing was absolutely jumbo.
` Q Do you recall using the phrase "jumbo" in the
`second meeting with Danek in L.A., November/December '93?
` A I don't recall.
` Q The first iteration of the implant and
`instruments that you referred to, was it the same size as
`the second iteration? So 24 millimeters in diameter,
`42 millimeters in length?
` A That's my best recollection, yes.
` Q Do you recall what the changes were between the
`first iteration and the second?
` A I'm just trying to see if there was something
`here that reminds me. One of the things I do recall is
`that one of the original distracters that was made weighed
`so much I couldn't lift it. It was just this big long rod
`of steel. And I remember saying to Dezider "Do you think
`you could hollow this out a little bit?" You couldn't
`lift it.
`Page 6

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`Case ND. CV 01-2373 GV
`Confidential-Attorneys' Eyes Only
`Page 7

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