`Patent Owner
`Patent Number: 8,251,997 B2
`Issue Date: August 28, 2012
`F.A.C.P.E., F.A.C.H.E.
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Case IPR2013-00206
`WARSAW 2038
`NuVasive, Inc. v. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.
`Case IPR2013-00206

`ASSIGNMENT .............................................................................................. 1
`II. QUALIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 2
`III. PERSON OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ...................................... 8
`IV. MATERIALS CONSIDERED ..................................................................... 8
`BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF ʼ997 PATENT ........................... 9
`A. Anatomy of the Human Spine ............................................................... 9
`Interbody Spinal Fusion Procedures ................................................... 14
`The ’997 Patent ................................................................................... 28
`Conception and Reduction to Practice of the ’997 Patent .................. 29
`VI. CLAIM INTERPRETATION .................................................................... 33
`NOT RENDER THE ʼ997 PATENT OBVIOUS ...................................... 46
`Proposed Grounds of Unpatentability ................................................. 46
`Claims 1–8 (IPR2013-00206) ................................................... 46
`Claims 9–30 (IPR2013-00208) ................................................. 47
`Prior Art References ............................................................................ 48
`U.S. Patent No. 4,545,374 (“Jacobson”) ................................... 48
`Hansjörg F. Leu and Adam Schreiber, Percutaneous
`Fusion of the Lumbar Spine: A Promising Technique
`(“Leu”) ...................................................................................... 63
`Brantigan ’327 ........................................................................... 68

`4. Michelson ’247 ......................................................................... 83
`U.S. Patent No. 5,569,290 (“McAfee ’290”) ............................ 89
`Combinations Suggested By Petitioner ............................................... 90
`Jacobson in view of Leu and Brantigan (Claims 1–8, 17–
`23) ............................................................................................. 90
`Jacobson in view of Leu and Michelson ’247 (Claims 1–
`8, 9–16, 24–30) ......................................................................... 94
`X. APPLICABLE LEGAL PRINCIPLES ..................................................... 98

`I, Barton L. Sachs M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.P.E., F.A.C.H.E. of Charleston, South
`Carolina declare that:
`I am a Professor of Orthopaedics and an Interim Chief Medical
`Officer at the Medical University of South Carolina. I also serve as an Adjunct
`Professor of Bioengineering at Clemson University, Department of Engineering
`and Biomechanics. I am a practicing spine surgeon, specializing in minimally
`invasive surgery, spinal arthroplastly and spine deformities, spine reconstruction,
`and deformity surgery.
`I have been retained by counsel for Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.
`(“Warsaw” or “Patent Owner”). I understand that the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board (“PTAB” or “Board”) has instituted an inter partes review of Warsaw’s
`U.S. Patent No. 8,251,997 (the “ʼ997 patent”) based upon a petition filed by
`NuVasive, Inc. (“NuVasive” or “Petitioner”).
`I have been asked to opine on the subject of the validity of claims 1–
`30 of the ʼ997 patent in light of the grounds of rejection at issue in this inter partes
`review. I have also been asked to review and respond to the Declaration of
`Dr. Paul McAfee (the “McAfee Declaration” or “Ex. 1001”) submitted in support
`of NuVasive’s petition for inter partes review.
`In forming my opinions as set forth in this declaration, I have relied

`upon my education, research, training, and experience in the area of spinal surgery.
`I have also relied on my review and analysis of the prior art and information
`provided to me in connection with this case.
`I am being compensated for my work as an expert with respect to this
`inter partes review, but my compensation is not contingent in any way on the
`content of my opinions or the outcome of this proceeding.
`I received my Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, with honors in Biology in
`1973 from Harvard University and my Doctorate of Medicine in 1977 from State
`University of New York. Following medical school, I served as a Resident in
`orthopaedics at the Case Western Reserve University Hospitals of Cleveland,
`Ohio, from 1977 to 1982. From 1982 to 1983, I was the Chief Resident in
`Orthopaedic Surgery at Case Western. In 1998, I received a Masters of Business
`Administration from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.
`I have completed a number of fellowships. From June through
`August of 1974, I was a Clinical and Educational Research Fellow at the
`Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the S.U.N.Y. Upstate Medical Center in
`Syracuse, New York, sponsored by Richard T. Chiroff, M.D. From November of
`1978 through October of 1979, I held a Research Fellowship in Cartilage Disease
`and Bone Growth at the Cartilage Research Laboratories of the Departments of

`Orthopaedics and Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, at Case Western Reserve
`University Hospitals and School of Medicine under Victor M. Goldberg, Director
`and M.D. From July 1983 through June of 1984, I completed the John H. Moe
`Scoliosis Fellowship at Twin Cities Scoliosis and Spine Center, University of
`Minnesota, working in clinical operative and spinal surgical training for the
`treatment of spinal disorders under David S. Bradford, Director and M.D.
`I have been licensed to practice medicine for over 30 years, and hold
`Medical Licenses in New York, Minnesota, Texas, New Hampshire (not renewed),
`Massachusetts (not renewed), Arizona, and South Carolina. I have been a board
`certified orthopaedic surgeon since 1988, was recertified by the American Board of
`Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS), and was recertified by the American Board of Spine
`Surgery (ABSS). I also hold a board certification as a Physician Executive and as
`a Certified Health Care Executive. I hold fellowship in A.C.P.E. and A.C.H.E.
`9. My current surgical practice includes standard operative procedures
`such as discectomies, laminectomies, and decompression procedures, as well as
`more complex reconstructive spine operations with fusions, implant devices,
`deformity corrections, osteotomies, and advanced technology operations which
`include minimally invasive and endoscopic surgery of the spine. I began
`performing lateral approach procedures endoscopically in the mid-1990s. I have
`since advanced that technique with new instruments and technology available as

`part of my standard clinical practice over the last fifteen years.
`I have been teaching medicine and surgery since 1985 and have held
`various academic appointments ever since. I have been an Assistant Professor of
`Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Texas and Tufts University Medical
`School. From 1994 to 2000, I was an Associate Professor of Surgery and Physical
`Medicine and Rehabilitation at Albany Medical College in New York. From 2000
`to 2009, I taught as an Adjunct Professor of Surgery in Orthopaedics at Albany
`Medical College. Currently, I am a Professor of Orthopaedics at the Medical
`University of South Carolina in Charleston. I am also currently a Professor of
`Biomedical Engineering at Clemson University.
`11. My major research interests and accomplishments broadly involve
`clinical spine evaluation and treatment outcome studies as well as scientific
`laboratory research projects. Specifically, I have lead clinical developments of
`minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques, including laparoscopic lumbar
`spinal fusions, thoracoscopic spinal surgery, endoscopic percutaneous discectomy,
`and spinal arthroplasty development.
`12. My laboratory research includes the study of bone growth stimulation
`enhancement by recombinant cellular mitogen devices, use of biologically
`manufactured bone void filler material for fusions, use of artificial disc
`replacements, and the development of intradiscal spinal implant fusion devices.

`I have also conducted various animal studies involving in vitro and in
`vivo research studies with multiple, varied species of quadraped and biped animals
`(including goats, sheep, baboons, canines, bovines, and swine). These studies
`involved interbody fusion and stabilization as well as bone-growth stimulation,
`motion preservation, development of techniques for minimally invasive surgical
`approaches to the spine, and vertebral disc space function.
`I also conducted clinical outcomes research of operative
`decompressions of cervical spinal stenosis, lumbar discectomies, cervical
`discectomies, fusion procedures, and lumbar interbody implant fusion devices.
`15. This research has included work on spine and disc spaces, evaluating
`various implants, fusion devices, and motion preservation devices, and
`development of new and dynamic techniques and surgical procedures, including
`minimally invasive surgical procedures for spine applications. The aim of my
`career’s research has been to conceive of and develop products and techniques in
`laboratory research, to practice and refine these concepts in animal studies, and,
`after perfection, ultimately apply my research in clinical settings to improve patient
`I am the principal author or co-author of over 105 medical and
`scientific publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles, non-peer reviewed
`papers presenting primary data, book and scholarly chapters, and peer-reviewed

`submissions and presentations with published abstracts. I have been invited
`numerous times to lecture on various topics related to my medical practice and
`research, acted as course director for various educational courses outside of my
`professorships, and have authored various electronic and poster publications
`detailing surgical techniques and medical summaries.
`I am a named inventor on U.S. Patent No. 6,325,808 (Robotic system,
`docking station, and surgical tool for collaborative control in minimally invasive
`surgery). I have also developed a number of devices, including a percutaneous
`facet screw system in approximately 1997, which was ultimately manufactured and
`sold by DePuy. I received royalty payments for commercial use of this system.
`Other devices I developed that are used in spine surgeries include the PathFinder
`percutaneous facet screw system manufactured by Spinal Concepts (this product
`was later exploited by Abbot and Zimmer); the Paramount percutaneous pedicle
`screw system manufactured by Innovative Spine Technologies (IST); the Integra
`Plate System, an anterior lumbar plate system that I developed with Synthes; and a
`posterior pedicle screw system manufactured by Globus for use in deformity
`correction applications. My inventive and product development activities have
`focused on developing technologies that can be made available for use by myself
`and other surgeons in clinical settings to improve patient care and outcomes.
`I am a member of several professional organizations, including the

`North American Spine Society (“NASS”) (sitting liaison for coding committee)
`and the Scoliosis Research Society (liaison for coding with NASS). Over the span
`of my career, I have also held various Board and Fellow positions in international,
`national, and regional professional organizations including the American
`Association for Orthopaedic Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, the
`International Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine, the International Intradiscal
`Therapy Society, American Board of Spine Surgery, and many others. I have also
`served on various committees of the Scoliosis Research Society, American Board
`of Spine Surgery, and North American Spine Society.
`I have received numerous awards, including the American Medical
`Association Physician’s Recognition Award for CME, Competitive Research Grant
`Award for the North American Spine Society, and the Regents Scholarship Award.
`In addition to my surgical, research, and academic experience, I was a
`founder and President of TBI Clinical Research Organization, a company formed
`to conduct numerous clinical trial studies for spinal device research applications. I
`was also a founder and President of Texas Back Institute Research Foundation, a
`company formed to capture intellectual property and related concepts for spine
`devices and implants and incubate the devices through the value chain of
`development. I was also a Founder and President of Musculoskeletal Research
`Corporation (MSRC), which later became Innovative Spine Technologies, Inc.

`(IST), where I served as a member of the board of directors. IST manufactured,
`marketed, and sold spine-related devices commercially. I have also held other
`positions with various medical companies and facilities as listed in my curriculum
`21. A true and correct copy of my curriculum vitae is attached to this
`expert report (see Appendix A); it includes a full list of my qualifications,
`including past positions and publications.
`It is my understanding that a person of ordinary skill in the art
`(“POSITA”) at the time of the effective filing date of the application that lead to
`the ʼ997 patent is a surgeon with extensive knowledge of the human anatomy, the
`use of devices in the human spine, and the biomechanical, anatomical, and
`physiological implications of such use. My opinions are thus based upon the
`perspective of a POSITA at the time of the effective filing date of the application
`that led to the ’997 patent.
`In preparing this declaration, I have read the claims, specification, and
`prosecution history of the ’997 patent. I have also considered NuVasive’s two
`petitions for IPR regarding the ’997 patent (IPR2013-00206 and IPR2013-00208),
`including the supporting materials and references such as the Declaration of

`Dr. Paul McAfee (“McAfee Declaration”) and Dr. McAfee’s deposition transcript
`from these proceedings, as well as all of the materials submitted to the Board in
`these proceedings. I also reviewed a variety of case-related documents from the
`parties’ prior litigation, as well as trial and deposition testimony from that case. In
`addition, I have considered the various documents referenced in my declaration.
`Of course, my opinions are also based on the knowledge I have accumulated over
`my years of experience as outlined above.
`24. This section provides an overview of the relevant anatomy,
`pathologies, technological background, and the ’997 patented technology. The
`’997 patent, entitled, “Method for Inserting an Artificial Implant Between Two
`Adjacent Vertebrae Along a Coronal Plane,” issued on August 28, 2012 from an
`application filed on November 29, 2011. I understand that the application that
`issued as the ’997 patent is a continuation of an application filed on February 21,
`2003, which is a continuation of an application filed on June 7, 1995, which is a
`division of an application filed on February 27, 1995, that ultimately issued as U.S.
`Patent No. 5,772,661. See Ex. 1002 at 1:5–11.
`A. Anatomy of the Human Spine
`25. The ’997 patent relates to the treatment of diseases of the human spine
`and, more particularly, to methods for performing surgical procedures on the

`human thoracic and lumbar spine. Id. at 17–19. To place the technology of the
`’997 patent in context, it is thus necessary to provide an overview of the relevant
`anatomy of the human spine.
`26. The human spine, or vertebral column, consists of 26 bones, including
`24 vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. The vertebrae provide a column of
`support, bearing the weight of the head, neck, and trunk, ultimately transferring
`that weight to the skeleton of the lower limbs. The vertebral column also protects
`the spinal cord. Anterior to the vertebral column lie the great vessels, the aorta and
`vena cava. The spinal cord and great vessels can be seen in the figures below.

`27. As depicted above, the vertebral column is divided into regions. The
`cervical spine begins at the skull and consists of seven vertebrae constituting the
`neck and extending inferiorly to the trunk. Below the cervical region lie the twelve
`thoracic vertebrae that form the mid-back regions and articulate with one or more
`pairs of ribs. Five lumbar vertebrae form the lower back, with the fifth articulating
`with the sacrum, which in turn articulates with the coccyx. The cervical, thoracic,
`and lumbar regions consist of individual vertebrae.
`28. As depicted below, each vertebra has three basic parts: (1) a body,
`(2) a vertebral or neural arch, and (3) articular processes. The body of the vertebra
`transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column and is separated from
`neighboring vertebrae by the intervertebral disc. The intervertebral disc is a
`unique, complex structure composed of fibrocartilage, articular cartilage, mucinous
`material (disc material), and collagen ligament material, and attaches to the bony
`endplate. The intervertebral discs serve multiple functions. For example, they
`serve as “shock absorbers,” having soft spongy centers (known as the nucleus
`pulposus), which are surrounded by tough outer rings of circular containment
`collagen ligament tissue (known as the annulus fibrosus).

`The intervertebral disc also serves to provide stability and support at the vertebral
`adjacent motion segments and space that protects spinal nerves and exiting nerve
`roots and the central spinal column, as well as allows a relatively restricted range
`of motion between two adjacent vertebral bodies.
`29. The portion of the vertebral body adjacent to the nucleus pulposus of
`an intervertebral disc is covered by a thin layer of dense, subchondral bone known
`as the vertebral endplate. The vertebral endplate has a central region of condensed,
`cancellous bone. Toward the vertebral periphery lies a thin, strong layer of dense
`bone known as the apophyseal ring that serves as the attachment site for the
`annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. At the very edge of the vertebral body
`lies the cortical rim, which is distinct from the apophyseal ring. The apophyseal
`ring, in turn, is anatomically distinct from the vertebral endplate. For example, the
`vertebral endplate, which is proximate to cancellous bone, is typically vascular,
`whereas the apophyseal ring is almost entirely avascular. As a result, little fusion

`is possible in the avascular apophyseal ring. Blood capillaries often run through
`the vertebral endplate into the nucleus pulpous. These blood capillaries play an
`important role in an interbody fusion procedure because they facilitate the growth
`of new bone. The following (annotated) images illustrate the boundaries of a
`typical vertebral endplate, and indicate that the endplates are distinct from the
`apophyseal ring.
`Source: Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System, Foundations for
`Rehabilitation, Second Edition, Donald A. Neumann, 2010, Mosby Elsevier, ISBN

`Source: The Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, Frank M. Phillips, Carl Lauryssen, 2010,
`ISBN 978-1-60406-048-5
`Interbody Spinal Fusion Procedures
`30. The goal of a spinal fusion procedure is to surgically induce the union
`or healing of bone. For example, the objective of an interbody spinal fusion
`procedure is to induce bone growth between two vertebrae into a single bony
`bridge using surgery. This bridge serves to immobilize the vertebrae to alleviate
`the pain caused by motion, promote stability, and in certain cases, restore lordosis
`(the natural curvature of the spinal column). Interbody spinal fusion is one of
`many types of spinal fusion procedures. For example, fusion of the posterior
`column of the spine (e.g. fusion of adjacent spinous processes or transverse
`processes) is another type of spinal fusion. These fusions of the posterior column
`are often performed without an implant. Based on his deposition testimony in this
`proceeding, I believe Dr. McAfee would agree with this statement. See Ex. 2039
`at 26:12–27:1.
`31. Today, spinal fusion is predominantly facilitated by the insertion of a
`spinal fusion implant, usually with some bone growth agent impacted in or
`provided in combination with this implant. However, spinal fusion implants have
`not always been used in interbody fusions. Many surgeons and commenters credit

`Dr. Bagby with the development of the first interbody spinal fusion implant.
`Dr. Bagby’s original fusion implant was a cylindrical basket that he developed
`through the 1980’s. Much of this early work by Dr. Bagby is disclosed in his U.S.
`Patent No. 4,501,269 (published in 1985) and in a publication authored by
`Dr. Bagby entitled “Arthrodesis by the Distraction-Compression Method Using a
`Stainless Steel Implant,” which was published in 1988. It was not until the late-
`1980’s that development of spinal fusion implants began in earnest and
`experimental use of these implants began in human patients. Prior to the late-
`1980’s, interbody fusions were performed using graft material from the patient’s
`own body (autograft) or from a donor (allograft) without any artificial interbody
`structural support. See, e.g., Ex. 1002 at 2:49–52 (discussing prior art method of
`posterolateral interbody fusion with “tiny fragments of morsalized bone”); Ex.
`1005 at 600 (interbody fusion with “graft conglomerate”); U.S. Patent No.
`4,917,704 (Ex. 1007) at 1:7–31 (interbody fusion with “bone splinters”).
`32. The ’997 patent relates generally to a method of inserting an
`interbody, intraspinal fusion implant for use in an interbody spinal fusion surgery.
`Briefly, the methods of the ’997 patent recite a direct lateral surgical path to an
`intervertebral space, through which a series of increasingly wider surgical
`instruments and, ultimately a spinal fusion implant, are passed. I discuss the
`particular limitations at issue in the claimed methods below. Suffice it to say for

`now, the claimed fusion implants are dimensioned to fit in the interbody space
`between two adjacent vertebrae to permit bone bridging between adjacent
`vertebrae and the implant to ultimately achieve fusion of the adjacent vertebrae.
`See Ex. 1002 at 3:18–30.
`33. The direct lateral approach to the interbody space allows an anatomic
`pathway into the disc space that avoids traversing the major nerve roots that are
`exiting the spinal cord. As compared to a posterior or posterolateral approach,
`surgeons using a direct lateral approach are less likely to encounter major nerves,
`and the nerves that are encountered are more easily displaced and moved out of the
`way (i.e. they are untethered).
`34. Conditions for which spinal fusion are performed include
`degenerative disc disease, spinal fracture secondary to traumatic injury, scoliosis
`(abnormal curvature of the spine), spondylolisthesis (anterior displacement of a
`vertebra), spondylosis (osteoarthritis of the vertebral joints), spinal disc herniation,
`and other spinal instability caused by degeneration of the vertebrae.
`35. Most commonly, spinal fusion is used to treat degenerative disc
`disease, which refers to the gradual deterioration of the intervertebral discs
`between the vertebrae in the spine. As the body ages, the annulus fibrosus may
`wear and eventually crack, while the inner portion of the intervertebral discs may
`lose water content, causing the disc to become thin and stiff. As this occurs, the

`shock absorption properties of the discs weaken, and the nerve openings along the
`sides of the spine narrow, leading to pinched nerves. Abnormal motion between
`the vertebrae also results, causing pain.
`36. Historically, the more common approaches to the spine were either an
`anterior, posterior, or posterolateral approach to the intervertebral disc space. Id. at
`2:37–52. As explained in the ’997 patent, these approaches pose significant risks
`to either the great vessels (abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava), running
`anterior to the vertebral column, or the spinal cord, running posterior to the
`vertebral bodies. Id. at 3:18–30.
`In an anterior procedure, for example, the surgeon performing the
`operation prepares the disc space and implants the spinal device from an anterior
`approach or via the patient’s front through the abdomen. This approach risks
`damage to the aorta and vena cava that lie anterior to the spine and must be
`retracted, often requiring a second “access surgeon.” This is particularly the case
`lower in the lumbar spine where the aorta and vena cava split and make anterior
`access to an intervertebral disc space very difficult. Id. at 2:67–3:3. In an anterior
`approach, the maximum length of an implant that can be inserted is limited by the
`depth of the vertebrae, and further limited by the safety margin needed to minimize
`risk to the great vessels and spinal cord, resulting in a relatively small contact area
`for fusion between the implant and the vertebral endplates of adjacent vertebrae.

`38. The posterior approach to the spine traverses back support muscles to
`access a posterior aspect of the intervertebral disc space. The posterior approach
`has the benefit of a relatively shorter surgical channel to the spine, however, this
`approach risks damages to the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Id. at 2:45–49.
`39. As Dr. Michelson explains in the ’997 specification, in the mid-1990’s
`the posterolateral approach “has generally been utilized as a compliment to
`percutaneous discectomy and has consisted of pushing tiny fragments of
`morsalized bone down through a tube and into the disc space.” Id. at 2:49–52.
`40. The anatomical constraints imposed by anterior and posterior
`approaches to the intervertebral space limit the efficacy of the interbody implants
`that can be used, primarily by limiting the size of the implants to the dimensions of
`the vertebrae relative to the direction in which the implants were inserted. Id. at
`3:18–30. As the ’997 patent explains, the maximum possible length for an implant
`that is inserted from either the front or the back of the patient is limited to the depth
`of the vertebrae, measured from the anterior to the posterior end of the vertebrae,
`and further limited by safety considerations attendant to the vessels and nerves
`adjacent to the vertebra. Id. To promote fusion and provide stability, however, a
`spinal implant must be large enough to occupy a sufficient portion of the transverse
`width of a vertebral body. Id. As a result of the structural limitations on spinal
`implants inserted anteriorly or posteriorly, surgeons often used multiple implants.

`Id. at 20:42–54. Figures 31 and 32 demonstrate the prior anterior approach with
`two implants:
`41. The direct lateral approach of the methods claimed by the ’997 patent
`and the resulting placement of a spinal implant is illustrated in Figures 30 and 31
`of the ’997 patent. Dr. Michelson explains, “It can be seen from Fig. 30 that the
`implant I has a true lateral orientation with respect to the vertebra L4 such that
`there is a great area of contact between the implant I and the vertebrae L4.” Id. at
`As illustrated by Figure 30, when inserted from a direct or “true” lateral approach,
`the implant disclosed by Michelson occupies substantially the full transverse width

`of the vertebral body.
`I have been a practicing surgeon for over 30 years and am not aware
`of any surgeons who performed a direct lateral interbody implant fusion procedure
`prior to 1995. This is consistent with Dr. Michelson’s disclosure in the ’997 patent
`that, at the time of filing his disclosure in 1995, “interbody fusions have been
`performed from posterior, posterolateral, and anterior” approaches. Id. at 2:41–42.
`Consultants for NuVasive—Dr. Mark D. Peterson and Dr. William D. Smith—
`stated that in 1994, “all lower spine surgery was ‘open surgery’ wherein the spine
`was accessed from either the front (anterior) or the back (posterior).” Ex. 2043 ¶¶
`2, 4; Ex. 2044 ¶¶ 2, 4.
`In the past, surgeons utilized a lateral path to the spine only when
`required by a certain pathology or patient condition. For example, a lateral
`approach may have been utilized to address the following clinical indications:
`tumors, unstable fractures of the vertebral body with nerve compression, or spine
`deformity (e.g. scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.). In other words, the lateral approach to
`the spine was reserved for situations when it was necessary. In a corpectomy
`procedure—the removal of a vertebral body, in part or in full—an anterior
`approach to the spine in the thoracic or thoracolumbar region is not anatomically
`possible. The heart, aorta, vena cava, duodenum, renal vessels, and the esophagus
`all block an anterior approach in this area of the spine. Similarly, a posterior

`approach to spine in a corpectomy procedure is difficult, if not impossible, because
`the spinal canal with spinal cord lies directly posterior to the vertebral body being
`removed. Thus, out of necessity, the surgeon must utilize a lateral approach to the
`spine. I note, however, a corpectomy would not be performed using the direct
`lateral approach in the lumbar spine because the psoas muscle prevents removal of
`vertebral body in that direction, and therefore, a more oblique approach would be
`utilized in that situation.
`In 1994, surgeons appreciated the benefits of performing interbody
`fusions using anterior, posterior, or posterolateral approaches. For example,
`benefits to the anterior approach included direct access to the disc, the ability to
`completely eradicate and remove the disc, the ability to release the anterior
`longitudinal ligament for better distraction, and the ability to avoid nerve roots that
`would otherwise be dealt with in the posterior approach. With the posterior
`approach, surgeons appreciated that it provided a shorter surgical path, and the
`ability to avoid the need to manipulate the great vessels. Regarding the
`posterolateral approach, surgeons appreciated the comparatively unobstructed path
`to the disc space for minor fusion procedures, which still traversed the paraspinal
`and psoas muscles but avoided the patient’s bowel and peritoneum. The
`posterolateral approach is approximately sixty degrees off midline. Content with
`these prior art approaches, surgeons at the relevant time did not appreciate the

`benefits of a direct lateral approach to the spine for an interbody fusion procedure,
`including the ability to place a very long implant across the disc space to provide
`for more biomechanical stability and contact area for

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