`O 1"
`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 25, 1986
`John N. Watson, Moorestown, N.J.,
`Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.,
`Pittsburgh, Pa.
`Appl. No.: 496,023
`May 19, 1983
`Int. Cl.4 ......................... HIM-N 7/10; H04N 7/08
`U.S. Cl. ........................ 358/86; 455/4;
`455/12; 358/147
`Field of Search .................. 358/86, 147; 455/3—6,
`References Cited
`5/1982 Van Hulle ............................. 358/86
`6/1983 Cox et a1.
`358/ 147
`9/1983 Wright, Jr.
`........................... 358/86
`................. 358/147
`81/02961 10/1981 PCT Int‘l Appl.
`McClannan et al, “A Satellite System for CATV”,
`Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 58, No. 7, Jul. 1970, pp.
`Primary Examiner—Keith E. George
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—M. P. Lynch
`In a satellite communications network wherein primary
`,video signals containing address and command data
`pulses in the vertical blanking intervals are transmitted
`to a plurality of local television subscriber systems, each
`local system is provided with decoder/controller/—
`switcher apparatus to extract the data from the signals
`and effect control of the programming provided to the
`local subscribers in response to the data.
`20 Claims, 11 Drawing Figures
`a" :: :
`ZYNGA EX. 1016




`US. Patent Nov.25,1986
`FIG' 2
`FIG. 5A
`FIG. 53
`FIG. 5C


`US. Patent Nov. 25, 1986
`Sheet 3 of 4


`U.S. Patent Nov.25, 1986
`m FIG 4A
`oW '
`FIG. 4B
`(_—-~_._._.‘ %
`FIG. 6A
`FIG. 68
`Fl G_ 60


`The use of satellite distribution of television signals
`has introduced numerous opportunities and techniques
`for providing viewers with a wide variety of news,
`entertainment, educational and sports programming.
`Conceptually, a number of these opportunities require
`some means of accurately switching between different
`program sources and/or controlling local equipment at
`the satellite receive locations.
`The 24 hour satellite news network represents one
`such situation wherein sources of news of a national,
`regional and local nature as well as regional and local
`commercial matter are each allocated time slots in a
`given hour of programming thus requiring the appropri-
`ate switching and machine control capability at each
`local cable television system head end and the appropri-
`ate coordination of the various operations involved in
`producing and uplinking the news.
`There is described herein with reference to the ac-
`companying drawings a technique for implementing a
`switching concept wherein data inserted in the vertical
`blanking interval of a primary video signal transmission
`from a central uplinking facility is transmitted via satel-
`lite to a plurality of individiual local cable television
`In a satellite communications news network, for ex-
`ample, wherein each local cable system would receive
`signals from two transponders on the same satellite, one
`for national news and the other for regional news, the
`primary national news transmission from the central
`uplink would include encoded data which, when inter-
`preted by a decoder/controller/switcher apparatus at
`the cable system, would control the switching of the
`cable channel between the national news, the regional
`news, and a number of other possible sources including
`local news produced by the cable system, video tape
`playback, and special news coverage on other transpon-
`The decoder section of the decoder/controller/-
`switcher apparatus located at each receive location
`separates and removes the data from the vertical blank-
`ing interval of the primary video signal to thereby make
`the data available for control and information purposes
`and to make the primary video signal (absent the data)
`available for subscriber viewing.
`A microcomputer included in the decoder/control-
`ler/switcher apparatus responds to the data by effecting
`the appropriate switching among the primary and vari-
`ous secondary video and audio program inputs, as well
`as performing various control functions such as starting
`and stopping video tape machines, tuning receivers, and
`actuating alarms and status indicators.
`By assigning a unique address to each decoder appa-
`ratus, commands and information can be transmitted
`specifically to one receive location. Commands ad-
`dressed to other locations are ignored. There is also
`provision for group addressing, whereby a single com-
`mand can be transmitted to all locations within a spe-
`cific region, and for universal addressing, whereby a
`single command can be sent to all locations with the
`In addition to transmitting data to effect the desired
`switching and control functions at the cable system
`location, commands that change the information stored
`in the decoder microcomputer memories can be trans-
`mitted. Also, text information and other forms of data
`can be transmitted from the central facility.
`A typical national system would be subdivided into a
`plurality of regions with each local cable system being
`supplied with the same national primary news transmis-
`sion and a regional news transmission produced specifi-
`cally for that geographical region.
`The producers of regional news uplink their signals
`from a variety of geographical locations. Each regional
`uplink would be provided with a receiver which feeds
`the primary signal to a decoder/controller/switcher
`apparatus at the regional uplink which is similar to those
`used by the cable systems. Because each decoder/con-
`troller/switcher has a unique address, special com-
`mands can be sent to each regional uplink, prompting it
`to power up and prompting it to power down. Coordi-
`nating the regional uplinks in this manner is important
`since different regional uplinks use the-same regional
`transponder at different times and they must not double
`illuminate the transponder. After powering up, a re-
`gional uplink is also given an “on air” indication, mean-
`ing that
`the cable systems in that region are now
`switched to regional.
`The invention will become more readily apparent
`from the following exemplary description in connection
`with the accompanying drawings:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram schematic of a television
`system employing the novel encoder and decoder func-
`tions of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram schematic illustration of the
`encoder function of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram schematic illustration of the
`decoder function of FIG. 1;
`The waveforms of FIGS. 4A and 4B illustrate the
`pulse width modulation technique employed to insert
`the data and information in the vertical blanking inter-
`vals of the primary video signal by the encoder of FIG.
`The waveforms of FIGS. 5A, SB and 5C illustrate the
`separation and processing of the transmitted data by the
`decoder; and
`The waveforms of FIGS. 6A, 6B and 6C illustrate the
`format of the encoded data information and the pulse
`waveforms for deleting the data information from the
`transmitted primary video signal.
`Referring to FIG. 1 there is illustrated a television
`system 10 comprised of a central transmitting facility 20
`having an encoder 30, linked to several region uplink
`facilities 50 and a plurality of local television subscriber
`receive systems 60 each including a decoder 70. The
`communications link between the central facility 20 and
`the reginal uplink stations 50 arid the local systems 60
`may be realized through the use of a satellite communi-
`cations link 100.
`Data to be transmitted via the primary video signal to
`the respective decoders of the regional uplink stations
`50 and the local systems 60 are scheduled using a
`PDP11/23 data processing computer 22. A CRT termi-
`nal 24 displays system status and is used for modifying


`or manually overriding the schedule and for entering
`special commands for immediate execution. The result-
`ing data consisting of address data and command data is
`transmitted from the data processing computer 22 to the
`microcomputer 32 of the encoder 30, in real time, nor-
`mally in response to the time of day clock 26. An indica-
`tion of the data sent is also transferred to a printer 28 for
`logging purposes.
`The microcomputer 32 of the encoder 30 may be
`implemented through the use of a commercially avail-
`able microprocessor type 6502 and appropriate input-
`/output interfaces, random access memory and erasable
`programmable read only memory, with programming
`for the microcomputer 32 residing in the erasable pro-
`grammable read only memory. The microcomputer 32
`converts the data received from the computer 22 into
`binary information consisting of a train of pulse width
`modulated pulses which are supplied to the video/data
`adder circuit 40 of the encoder 30. In addition to receiv-
`ing and storing the data, the microcomputer 32 per-
`forms, as programmed, certain real-time encoder func-
`tions that normally would have required more hard-
`ware. Because of the way in which the microcomputer
`32 is interfaced to the other encoder hardware, many of
`the characteristics of the encoded data, such as the type
`of pulse modulation used and the grouping and location
`of the address and command pulses in the television
`field, are defined by the programming of the microcom-
`puter 32. In the present implementation, the data is
`encoded into six groups of pulse width modulated
`pulses as shown in FIG. 6A. Each group follows one of
`the six trailing equalizing pulses in the vertical interval.
`In the pulse grouping format of FIG. 6A the first two
`groups identify an address of a regional uplink 50 or a
`local system 60. The remaining four groups of pulse
`data contain the command or information to be trans-
`mitted to the designated regional uplink 50 or local
`system 60.
`The adder circuit 34 combines the data pulses with
`the incoming primary television video signal.
`The primary video/data signal transmitted by the
`satellite 100 to the decoder 70 of a local system 60 is
`applied to the video/sync/data circuitry 72 in the de=
`coder 70. The video/sync/data circuitry 72. in the de-
`coder 70 is interfaced to microcomputer 80 which is
`typically represented as a commercially available mi-
`croprocessor 6502A in combination with random access
`memory, erasable programmable read only memory,
`and appropriate input/output interfaces. Also an electri-
`cally erasable programmable read only memory 86 is
`interfaced to the microcomputer 80. Programming for
`the microcomputer 80 may be stored in either the eras-
`able programmable read only memory or the electri-
`cally erasable programmable read only memory 86.
`The address for the local system 60 may be set manu-
`ally by the address switches 82. Additional address
`information may be stored in the memory 86. If the
`address pulse data of the data received by the decoder
`70 corresponds to the local system address the mi-
`crocomputer accepts the command pulse data for exe=
`cution. In addition to executing the received com-
`mands, the microcomputer 80 performs, under program
`control, certain real-time data decoder functions that
`otherwise would have required implementation in hard-
`The video/sync/data circuitry 72 has the following
`functions. First, it acts as a conventional television sync
`separator, or sync clipper, supplying composite sync to
`the decoder microcomputer 80. Second, it separates the
`data from the primary video signal and passes the data
`to the microcomputer 80. And third, it deletes the data
`pulses from the video signal.
`The separating of the data and the deleting of the data
`are each enabled by control signals supplied to the vi-
`deo/sync/data circuitry 72 by the microcomputer 80.
`The exact timing of these control signals relative to the
`primary video signal is computed by the microcom-
`puter 80 using the separated composite sync as a refer-
`ence. For this reason, the location(s) within the televi-
`sion field (usually somewhere in the vertical interval) at
`which the decoder attempts to decode data depends
`upon the programming of the microcomputer 80 and
`not upon the decoder hardware.
`Data delete pulses supplied by the microcomputer 80
`are used in the video/sync/data circuitry 72 to remove
`the data from the vertical blanking interval of the video
`signal. The video signal, absent the data pulses, is then
`made available for local use as well as being provided as
`one input to video/audio switcher 74.
`The microcomputer 80 processes and evaluates the
`command data identified by the proper address and
`initiates the appropriate control output responses in-
`cluding selection of the appropriate video and audio
`programming supplied as inputs to the video/audio
`switcher 74. The sequence of video and audio programs
`transmitted from the video/audio switcher 74 in re-
`sponse to switcher control signals from the microcom-
`puter 80 are supplied to the cable subscribers within the
`designated region.
`By controlling the exact times at which commands to
`switch the video section of the video/audio switcher 74
`are executed, the microcomputer 80 is able to provide
`vertical interval switching whenever switching from
`primary video to some other source. Switching during
`the vertical interval of the previous source minimizes
`the disturbance to the picture. The primary composite
`sync signal, already interfaced to the microcomputer 80
`for data decoding reasons, provides the microcomputer
`80 with the necessary timing information to accomplish
`this. When switching between input video signals not
`synchronous with each other, sync from the other input
`video signals would have to be interfaced to the micro-
`processor 80 in order to provide vertical
`switching in all directions.
`The video/audio switcher 74 is a relay switcher. The
`relay coils are driven by drivers connected to parallel
`port output bits from the microprocessor 80. Small
`fast-acting relays are used. Relatively consistent relay
`tum-on and tum-off delays allow the microcomputer 80
`to anticipate these delays when vertical interval switch-
`ing is required.
`In addition to the primary video signal input transmit-
`ted from the central facility 20, additional programming
`inputs to the video/audio switcher may be provided by
`the regional uplink stations 50 and numerous local pro-
`gramming sources. The microcomputer 80 is also pro-
`grammed to respond to command pulse data to develop
`output signals to activate start/stop machine control
`relays 88 of video recorders, etc. Front panel light indi-
`cators 84 provide visual indication of the operational
`status of the decoder 70.
`Assume for the purpose of discussion, that the imple-
`mentation of the system 10 of FIG. 1 is a news network
`application wherein switching and time allocation is
`provided to accommodate both the primary news ser-
`vice from the central facility 20 as well as regional news


`services from one or more regional uplink stations 50
`and numerous local program sources. A typical se-
`quence implemented by the command data pulses in-
`serted in the vertical blanking interval may be such that
`at approximately four minutes and forty seconds into
`the hour, a standby—to-power up signal is sent from the
`central facility 20 to the regional uplink stations 50 that
`are next in line for regional news transmission. Thirty
`seconds later, the signal to power up is given. Fifty
`seconds later, at six minutes after the hour, the decoders
`70 are switched in response to command data pulses to
`their regional programming input and the regional
`uplink stations 50 are cued to start their programs.
`Shortly before the end of the current regional news
`feed, a standby signal is sent to the next group of re-
`gional uplink stations. At the end of the current regional
`news segment a command is sent to return all decoders
`70 to a primary video news feed and a signal is given to
`the regional uplink stations 50 that have just completed
`their regional news program to p0wer down. A signal is
`then sent for the next group of regional uplink stations
`50 to power up. A similar sequence is repeated for the
`remaining regions.
`Through the use of special commands, the program-
`ming for new type commands and other software
`changes can be transmitted and down-loaded to the
`electrically erasable programmable read only memory
`86. This capability makes possible nearly instantaneous
`updating of the program memories in each of the re-
`gional decoders 70 from the central facility 20.
`The encoder 30, as schematically illustrated in FIG.
`2, consists basically of the microcomputer 32 and the
`video/data adder circuitry 40. The video/data adder
`circuitry 40 includes a video amplifier 42 which ampli-
`fies the incoming primary television video feed signal
`and supplies the resulting signal as an input to the sync
`clipper circuit 43 and to the adder circuit 44. Clock
`pulses from the microcomputer 32 act through OR gate
`45 to enter the pulse width modulated command pulse
`data developed by the microcomputer 32 into the shift
`register 46.
`The data and clock inputs to the shift register 46 of
`the encoder 30 are interfaced to the microcomputer 32
`in a manner which allows the microcomputer 32 to load
`the shift register 46. The microcomputer preloads the
`shift register 46 with a bit pattern that exactly represents
`the waveform of the encoded signal that is to be com-
`bined with the video signal in the adder circuit 44. The
`resultant video/data signal is amplified by amplifier 48
`and supplied to the satellite system 100. When the time
`to output the encoded signal occurs, the data output
`enable signal from the microcomputer 32 turns on the
`signal from a high speed clock oscillator 47 which,
`acting through the OR gate 45, shifts the signal wave-
`form out of the shift register 46 at the proper rate. The
`microcomputer 32 can preload the shift register 46 at a
`relatively slow rate during the active picture portion of
`each field.
`Assume for the purposes of discussion that mi-
`crocomputer 32 is required to send the binary message
`01 01 01 1 00 using an encoding scheme in which narrow
`pulses represent logic zeros and wide pulses represent
`logic ones. Programming in the microcomputer 32 will
`convert the data bit pattern of FIG. 4A to the shift
`register bit pattern or waveform of FIG. 48. With each
`data bit, the microcomputer 32 flips the logic level sent
`to the shift register 46. The number of shift register bits
`used to represent a particular data bit determines its
`width and hence its encoded value. While in the' wave-
`form examples of FIGS. 4A and 4B, wide pulses are
`exactly twice the width of narrow pulses the only re-
`quirement is that there be an integer relationship be-
`tween the wide and narrow pulses. The software of the
`microcomputer 32 further functions to determine how
`many pulses may be grouped together in a given time
`interval and ensures that each group of pulses begins
`and ends at the binary level corresponding to blanking.
`When pulse data is to appear in multiple groups of
`pulses, with pauses between the groups to avoid inter-
`ference with certain parts to the television waveform
`such as the equalizing pulses, the microcomputer 32 is
`programmed to provide contiguous “no signal” bits in
`the correct locations of the pulse waveform stored in
`the shift register 46. Accordingly, the groups of pulses,
`as well as the pauses between the groups of pulses, form
`a single waveform pattern that is preloaded into the
`shift register 46 from the microcomputer 32 and is sub-
`sequently clocked out of the shift register 46 when a
`data output enable signal is generated by the microcom-
`puter 32.
`The microcomputer 32 detects vertical sync in the
`composite sync signal supplied by the sync clipper cir-
`cuit 43, delays a preprogrammed amount, then at the
`correct time outputs a data output enable control signal
`to turn on a stream of high speed data clock pulses from
`the clock circuit 47 which act through the OR gate 45
`to clock the shift register 46. The high speed clock
`pulses clock the stored data waveform from the shift
`register 46 through the wave shaping circuit 49 to the
`adder circuit 44 wherein the pulse data is added linearly
`to the primary television video feed signal supplied to
`the adder circuit 44 by the video amplifier 42. The
`resultant combined video/data signal is then processed
`through video amplifier 48 and is available for transmis-
`sion via the satellite 100 to remote decoders in the re-
`. gional uplink stations 50 and the local television sub-
`scriber systems 60.
`Thus the microcomputer 32 loads the shift register 46
`at a relatively slow rate with the binary information
`ones and zeros which eventually serve as the command
`pulse data to be added to the television signal. With
`reference to the composite sync signal from the sync
`clipper 43, when correct timing within the vertical
`blanking interval of the primary television video feed
`has been detected by the microcomputer 32, the mi-
`crocomputer 32 causes the data to be clocked from the
`shift register 46 at a steady high speed rate in response
`to the clock pulses from the clock circuit 47. The data
`stored in the shift register 46 is the waveform developed
`by the microcomputer 32 in response to the binary ones
`and zeros of the instructions received from computer
`22. Thus the data clocked into the shift register 46 from
`the microcomputer 32 does not consist of ones and
`zeros but a pulse width modulated waveform represent-
`ing the binary data generated by the computer 22.
`The wave shaping circuit 49 serves to control the
`pulse rise and fall times as well as the shape of the
`pulses. The adder 44 is an analog circuit which linearly
`adds the pulses to the video.
`Referring to FIG. 3 there is illustrated a block dia-
`gram schematic of the decoder 70 which details an
`implementation of the video/data separator 72 as it
`functionally interfaces with the video/audio switcher
`74 and microcomputer 80. The primary video/data
`signal transmitted from the central facility 20 via the
`satellite 100, and shown in the waveform of FIG. 6A, is


`received by the decoder 70 as an input to the amplifier
`circuit 90. The amplified video/data signal is supplied as
`an input to the sync clipper circuit 91, the data clipper
`circuit 92 and the data deleter circuit 93. An active
`clamp circuit 94 is required to maintain the d-c level of
`the video/data signal to assure consistent signal level
`for the removal of the pulse data information and the
`insertion of the correct blanking level. The sync clipper
`91 functions to strip the composite sync signal from the
`video/data signal and the resulting composite sync sig-
`nal is supplied as an interrupt and read signal to the
`microcomputer 80. The software of the microcomputer
`80 recognizes the presence ofa valid vertical sync pulse,
`delays for an appropriate interval, and then generates a
`data enable pulse, to effect the gating of the pulse data
`from the data clipper circuit 92 through the AND gate
`95 to the edge detector circuit 96. Inasmuch as the rate
`at which the data is decoded exceeds the reading speed
`of the microcomputer 80, the data is supplied to the shift
`register 97. The data clipper circuit 92 is adjusted to clip
`the video signal at some predetermined level between
`the extremes of the data pulses. The timing of the data
`enable pulse ensures that the information provided to
`the shift register 97 is only data and does not include
`transitions due to data clipper 92 clipping of other fea-
`tures of the video/data waveform.
`The waveform of the information supplied at the
`input signal to the edge detector circuit 96 is illustrated
`as the waveform of FIG. 5A. The edge detector circuit
`96 is responsive to the edges, i.e. the rising and falling
`transitions in the waveform of FIG. 5A, and generates a
`pulse for every transition. The width of the pulse devel-
`oped by the edge detector circuit 96 is relatively small
`as shown in the waveform of FIG. 5B. It is the output
`of the edge detector circuit 96 that is used for data
`decoding. The purpose of the decoder 70 is to discrimi-
`nate between the “wides” and “narrows” of the pulse
`width modulated data transmitted in the vertical blank-
`ing interval of the video/data signal and received by the
`amplifier 90, and to represent the “wides” and “nar-
`rows” in a pattern of logic ones and zeros. Here the
`terms “wides” and “narrows” refer to the relative
`amounts of time between successive transitions in the
`encoded data waveform. The output of the edge detec-
`tor 96, acting through OR gate 98, clocks or shifts, by
`one shift register bit positiou, each successive value of
`the decoded data into the shift register 97. One bit of
`decoded data is stored in the shift register 97 for each
`transition in the transmitted pulse waveform.
`The data input to the shift register 97 corresponds to
`the output of the retriggerable monostable pulse genera-
`tor circuit 99 which is triggered by the edge pulse out-
`put of the edge detector circuit 96. The period of the
`monostable pulse generator circuit 99 is established
`between Tn, the duration of a “narrow”, and Tw, the
`duration of a “wide”. If after the retriggerable monosta-
`ble 99 is triggered by an edge pulse, a second edge pulse
`occurs at time Tn, the output of the monostable 99 will
`still be asserted at the time of the second edge pulse. On
`the other hand, if after the retriggerable monostable 99
`is triggered by an edge pulse, a second edge pulse oc-
`curs at time Tw, corresponding to a “wide" time, the
`monostable will have timed-out and returned to its off
`state prior to the occurrence of this second pulse. Thus,
`referring to the waveform of FIG. 5C, which corre—
`sponds to the output of circuit 99, the output of the
`retriggerable monostable pulse generator circuit 99 will
`be high or low depending upon the time interval be-
`tween successive edge pulses. Hence each edge pulse
`will clock through the shift register 97 a data value
`corresponding either to a logic one or a logic zero de-
`pending on the amount of time that has elapsed between
`successive pulses supplied to the circuit 99.
`The waveform of FIG. 5A is the encoded data signal
`which, when applied to the edge detector circuit 96 of
`FIG. 3, results in a pulse output waveform of relatively
`narrow pulses as shown in the waveform of FIG. 5B.
`This corresponds to each transition in the waveform of
`FIG. 5A. In the waveform of FIG. 5B the encoded
`digital information resides in the timing between succes-
`sive pulses. Hence the output of the monostable circuit
`99, which is represented by the waveform of FIG. 5C,
`is the decoded data output.
`Since the same pulse output of the edge detector 96 is
`used both to trigger the monostable circuit 99 and to
`clock the shift register 97, circuit delays should be made
`such that the output is read before the resetting effect of
`triggering the monostable circuit 99 is able to appear at
`the output. Where normal circuit propagation times do
`not provide delays, a small amount of time delay can be
`added anywhere in the signal path of the monostable.
`Correct timing also can be achieved without resort-
`ing to added delay circuitry by taking advantage of the
`small finite width of the edge pulses themselves. Read-
`ing of the monostable 99 output may be performed on
`the leading edges of the pulses of the waveform of FIG.
`5B while triggering of the monostable 99 may be made
`to Occur in response to the trailing edges.
`The microcomputer 80 has a control line which is
`also capable of clocking the shift register 97. The data
`clock signal from the microcomputer 80 is transmitted
`to the shift register 97 through the OR gate 98 and
`causes the data bits stored in the shift register 97 to be
`transferred to the microcomputer 80 at the rate which is
`compatible with the data processing capabilities of the
`microcomputer 80. The microcomputer 80 performs
`parity operations on the data and checks the address. If
`the address of the data corresponds to the local system
`address the microcomputer 80 formats the data into a
`recognizable format and stores the data in memory. The
`data received may be‘ command pulse data for control-
`ling the video/audio switcher ‘74 or it may consist of
`software program changes which are to be down-
`loaded in memory. Updated software information may
`be down-loaded to the electrically erasable programma-
`ble read only memory 86. The data may also be text
`material to be displayed on a local monitor 87 to pro-
`vide information and instruction to personnel located at
`the receive location 60.
`A train of data delete pulses as shown in the wave-
`form of FIG. 6B is transmitted from the microcomputer
`80 to the data delete circuit 93. The data delete circuit
`93 removes the data pulses from the waveform of FIG.
`6A and produces an output primary video signal, absent
`the data pulses, as shown in the waveform of FIG. 6C.
`The action of the data delete circuit 93 restores the
`vertical interval of the primary video signal to normal
`prior to providing the primary video signal as an input
`to the video/audio switcher 74.
`The data delete pulses are each initiated by the mi-
`crocomputer 80 slightly before each burst of data pulses
`and are each terminated before the next equalizing pulse
`occurs so that the data pulses are deleted and the equal-
`izing pulses are not.
`For the type of pulse width modulation used, the time
`required to transmit a message containing a fixed num-


`her of bits will depend upon the content of the message,
`that is, upon the fraction of those bits that are repre—
`sented by ”wides” rather than by “narrows”. The worst
`case message would consist entirely of “wides”. In
`order to improve the efficiency of data transmission, a
`pulse data format has been chosen such that the pulses
`representing a given message conform to one of two
`possible conventions. For a given binary message from
`the computer 22 “wides” may represent either logical
`ones or logical zeros, depending on the ones count in
`the binary message. For example, if the binary data
`received from the computer 22 consists of a majority of
`logic ones then “narrows” will be assigned to the logic
`one content of the input binary data and “wides” will be
`assigned to logic zeros. Conversely, if logic zeros repre-
`sent the majority of the binary data received from com-
`puter 22, the encoder 30 will assign “narrows” to the
`logic zero binary information and “wides” to the logic
`one binary information. In this manner more efficient
`transmission is achieved by predetermining that, for any
`message, the number of “wides” will never exceed the
`number of “narrows”. The terms “wides” and “nar-
`rows” refer to the durations between successive transi-
`tions, described above with reference to the waveform
`of FIG. 5A.
`A mode bit somewhere in the transmission defines for
`the decoder which convention is being used. While the
`mode bit may occur at any point in the transmitted pulse
`data, it is assumed for the purpose of discussion that t

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