`Umted States Patent
`[1 1]
`Oct. 4, 1983
`Inventor: Richard C. Eisfeller, Greenland,
`[73} Assignee:
`Ex-Cell-O Corporation, Troy, Mich.
`[21] App1~ No: 309,783
`[22] “at
`Oct 8’ 1931
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 133,857, Mar. 25,
`Int. CLS .......................... 1333323353/19’ B32B 3/18,
`/16’C23C 13/02
`[52] U.S. Cl. ...................................... 428/31; 427/250;
`427/294;427/296; 423/142;428/143;423/201;
`428/203; 423/208; 428/213
`[58] Field of Search ............... 427/250, 294, 296, 404;
`428/31, 201, 203, 204, 206, 208, 213, 215, 216,
`328, 142, 148
`References Cited
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`Exhibit 1012
`Page 1


`Page 2
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`J. F. Pocza, A. Barna and P. B. Barna, “Formation
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`cles Observed by In Situ Electron Microscopy”, Jour-
`nal of Vacuum Science and Technology, vol. 6, No. 4,
`Jul/Aug. 1969, pp. 472—475.
`Maisel, Leon 1. and Reinhard Gland, Eds., Handbook of
`Thin Film Technology, McGraw Hill, New York, 1970,
`pp. 8—26 to 8—37.
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`Report 339, USC—113P22—2, Annual Progress Report
`No. 2, Department of Materials Science, University of
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`Port, C. Otis, “Restoring the Luster to Metallized Mar-
`kets”, Modern Plastics, Dec. 1974, pp. 42—46.
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`Using a Pure Ion Source: An Answer Looking for
`Problems”, Electronic Packaging and Production, May
`1975, pp. 39—45.
`Thornton, John A., “Influence of Substrate Tempera-
`ture and Deposition Rate on Structure of Thick Sput-
`tered Cu Coatings”, J. Vac Sci. Technol, vol. 12, No. 4,
`JUL/Aug. 1975, pp. 830—835.
`Pal, Arun K. and S. Chaudhuri, “Effect of Grain—-
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`Indium Films”, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 11,
`1976, pp. 872—876.
`Eickelberg, Frederick, “Continuous Vacuum Metalliz-
`ing”, Modern Plastics, Dec. 1977, pp. 42—45.
`Halliday, David and Robert Resnick, “Interference
`from Thin Films,” Physics, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y.,
`1978, pp. 1006—1011.
`Sorg, Richard T., “Automotive Exterior Vacuum
`Metallizing—Past, Present, Future”, Society of Vac-
`uum Coaters (SVC) Tech. Conf., 1978, pp. 66—68.
`Norman, Michael K., “Vacuum Metallized Auto Ex-
`teriors—Past, Present, and Future,” SAE, Jun. 7, 1978,
`10 pp.
`Chopra, Kasturi, L., Thin Film Phenomena, Robert
`Krieger Publishing Co., Huntington, N.Y., 1979, pp.
`Schrantz, Joe, “Sputtering in Production at Chevrolet”,
`Industrial Finishing, Oct. 1979, pp. 33—35.
`Lindsay, D. M., “Alternatives to Conventional Chrome
`Plated Plastics,” SVC Annual Conference, 1979, pp.
`Smith, Hugh R., Jr., “A Critique on Current Deposition
`Techniques”, SVC Annual Conference,
`1979, pp.
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`Particulate Monolayers Just Beneath a Heated Polymer
`Surface", J. Vac. Sci. Technol, vol. 20, No.3, Mar. 1982,
`pp. 419—420.
`Exhibit 1012
`Page 2


`Page 3
`Springborn Laboratories, Inc., “Future of Metallic Fin-
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`Ithaca, NY, (1959), 7 pp.
`Weast, Robert C., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
`Slst Ed., The Chemical Rubber Co., 1970, p. E204.
`Bozorth, Richard M., Ferromagnetism, D. Van Nos—
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`“Metals Handbook”, 8th Edition, vol. 2, ASM Hand-
`book Committee, American Society for Metals, Metals
`Park, Ohio, 1964, pp. 517 and 518.
`Primary Examiner——William J. Van Balen
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—John C. Evans
`on a dielectric substrate consists of minute specular
`electrically—discrete “islands” of the metal topcoated
`with a clear resinous layer which encapsulates and insu-
`lates the islands, one from another. The metal islands
`are less than one thousand angstroms thick and have an
`average diameter of less than three thousand angstroms.
`This island structure is secured by stopping the growth
`of the metal as it is deposited between the nucleation
`stage and the stage of channelization or formation of an
`electrically conductive film. The island structure per-
`mits the dielectric resinous topcoat
`to penetrate in,
`about and under the metal islands encapsulating and
`securely bonding them to the substrate.
`A preferred application of this invention is the manufac-
`ture of exterior automobile trim components the base
`structure of which is a flexible elastomer such as a ther-
`moplastic urethane and which have the appearance of
`electrodeposited chrome parts.
`A surprisingly corrosion and abuse resistant plastic
`object vacuum-metallized with a corrosion prone metal,
`16 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures
`Exhibit 1012
`Page 3


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 4, 1983
`Sheet 1 of3
`F/G.“ /
`Exhibit 1012
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 4, 1983
`Sheet 2 of 3
`Exhibit 1012
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 4, 1983
`Sheet 3 of 3
`Exhibit 1012
`Page 6


`This application is a continuation-in-part of applica-
`tion Ser. No. 133,857, “Vacuum Metallized Articles”
`filed Mar. 25, 1980 by the present inventor, now aban-
`the description of which is incorporated by
`Vacuum metallizing of plastic and similar dielectric
`substrates has been practiced for some time, see US.
`Pat. Nos.
`4,211,822~Kaufman, and 4,215,170—Oliva.
`The automobile industry has had a desideratum for
`metallized trim components that could be substituted
`for conventional chrome-plated metal parts. See “Re-
`storing the Luster to Metallized Markets”, Modern Plas-
`tics, December,
`1974, page 42, et seq. However,
`weather, abuse and corrosion resistance of such metal-
`lized plastic parts has been marginal and their color
`match with electroplated chrome has been poor.
`Work has been done in other fields with the vacuum
`depositing of indium, e.g.
`see Japanese Pat. No.
`by Nobuyoshi
`and Hiroo
`Miyamoto. Work has also been reported on the effect of
`vacuum metallizing conditions on the deposited metal
`grain structure. See “Influence of Substrate Tempera—
`ture and Deposition Rate on Structure of Thick Sput-
`tered Cu Coatings” by John A. Thornton, J. Vac. Sci.
`Tee/21101., Vol. 12, No. 4, July/August 1975, page 830, et
`Recently some commercial products have been
`made. See “Sputtering in Production at Chevrolet”,
`Industrial Finishing, October, 1979, describing the
`Camaro Berlinetta grilles coated with a chrome alloy;
`“Alternatives to conventional Chrome Plated Plastics”
`by D. M. Lindsey of the General Motors Chevrolet
`Engineering Center; and a “Critique on Current Prepa-
`ration Techniques” by Hugh R. Smith, Jr. of Industrial
`Vacuum Engineering, the latter two papers having been
`presented at the 1979 Society of Vacuum Coaters An-
`nual Conference; “Ion Plating Using 3 Pure Ion Source:
`An Answer Looking for Problems”, by Hale et a1, Elec-
`tronics Packaging and Production, May 1975, pg. 39 et
`seq; and “Continuous Vacuum Metallizing”, Modern
`Plastics, December, 1977, page 42 et seq. While these
`articles describe the supposed successful manufacture of
`exterior automobile trim components that can reason—
`ably be expected to give the performance required in
`service, they all fail to give the slightest hint that the
`vacuum metallized products do not look or appear as
`they should—that they are in fact substantially darker
`appearing than electro—deposited chrome and thus do
`not have the bright sheeny chrome look and showroom
`sparkle that a purchaser of a new automobile expects
`and demands.
`No reference has been found that relates metal film
`island structure and spacing to the appearance and per-
`formance of a commercial product, to the conductivity
`of the metal layer, to the corrosion resistance of the
`metal layer and/or to the adhesion of the top coat. Nor
`does the prior art relate nucleation and film growth to a
`desired island structure and spacing that achieve these
`With regard to the last statement, two excellent refer-
`ence books are:
`Thin Film Phenomena, Kasturi L. Chopra, Robert E.
`Kreiger Publishing Company, Huntington, NY. 1979.
`See especially pp. 163 et seq.
`Handbook of Thin Film Technology, Leon 1. Maissel
`and Reinhard Glang, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
`New York, NY. 1970. See especially pp 8—32 et seq.
`These texts discuss and illustrate the stages of metal
`film growth by vacuum deposition from metal nucle-
`ation and nuclei growth, to liquid coalescence, to elec-
`trically discrete islands, channelization with incipient
`film conductivity and finally full continuous film forma-
`tion. Film formation of vacuum deposited metals on
`plastic substrates for commercial products, especially
`on elastomeric plastic substrates, is not discussed. Nor is
`the interdependence of the natures of the metal film and
`the top coating correlated with product performance.
`None of the references show an awareness of the
`significant difference in performance to be obtained
`with a vacuum metallized flexible plastic product, top
`coated, where the metal particles are coalesced only to
`the island state instead of being allowed to coalesce to
`beyond the channellization stage where film conductiv-
`ity is established. A careful reading of the patent litera-
`ture will show that while a patentee may speak of the
`metal film being in particle form, these particles have
`resulted from the breaking up of a conductive coalesced
`continuous film by application of a solvent-containing
`top coating with the solvent attacking and causing
`swelling of the plastic base and consequent cracking
`and crazing. This cracking and crazing effect in most
`instances is quite striking, occurring within a few sec-
`onds of the application of the liquid top coat. The “is-
`lands” or particles formed by top coating of an electri—
`cally conductive metal film, while they may be electri-
`cally discrete after the top coat has been heat treated,
`are usually planar and have generally linear and angular
`corners as compared to the rounded, coalesced islands
`of the present inventions. In the present invention, the
`separate islands have coalesced from separate nucle—
`ation points, are globular or rounded and fused appear-
`ing and are part of the nucleation and growth process.
`The islands formed by cracking are substantially larger
`0n the average. They might better be termed “platelets"
`and can be likened to the cracked surface of a dried mud
`puddle, which cracks are usually visible to the naked
`eye and detract from the appearance.
`In general, the coalesced islands forming the indium
`films of the present invention are smaller and there is a
`much greater spacing between them that can be filled
`with the resin of the top coating, in effect encapsulating
`the islands and binding them to the substrate surface.
`The rounded islands are better protected by the resin
`and the film over all
`is far more corrosion resistant,
`surprisingly so. The metal film is much more securely
`adhered to the substrate—a very significant advantage.
`The appearance of the globular island product is bet-
`ter—it is more specular, more reflective.
`The construction of the metal island structure on an
`organic substrated and top coated with a resinous film
`gives a new product not heretofore known. From the
`literature it appears that others in depositing metals by
`vacuum evaporation allowed the films to become con-
`i.e. grow beyond the island stage, at a point
`Exhibit 1012
`Page 7


`where their light transmission is too high to be useful, at
`least for the purposes of this invention.
`In U.S. Pat. No. 3,118,781, while the patentee refers
`to the “particles of the vapor-deposited metal layer”
`(Col. 4) in the same breath he says the applied top coat
`“will penetrate into minute or microscopic cracks or
`spaces” between them (emphasis added). This patentee
`vacuum deposits gold, an inherently corrosion-resistant
`metal, which by the time it
`is of a thickness to give
`sufficient reflectivity of visible light (4,000—7,000° A) to
`be of interest, forms an electrically continuous and con-
`ductive layer. Following application of his top coating,
`(Col. 5, line 32 et seq) the patentee secured an increase
`in light transmission, which is consistent with crazing or
`cracking of a continuous metal film having occurred
`during application of the top coat. The patentee uses an
`“ultra thin” top coat because of the cohesion of the thin
`coating is not great as its adhesion to the metal. His tape
`tests show that the resin does not flow about and encap-
`sulate his metal particles and bond well to the substrate
`under the platelets particles. Such an ultra-thin coating
`offers no physical protection to the metal film. In the
`present invention a top coat at least é mil thick is ap-
`plied to impart good abrasion resistance besides effect-
`ing the requisite encapsulation.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,215,170 speaks of “an extremely thin
`coat of metallic particles deposited on a finely finished
`transfer agent." (Col. 2 lines 11-12) Those skilled in the
`art will appreciate that “particles" are not, cannot, be
`deposited from the vapor phase, Subsequently (Col. 4,
`line 23) the patentee refers to the “interstices or spaces
`between the metallic particles" following application of
`the top coat. Considering the metals (aluminum) and
`substrates (polypropylene) employed and the metal film
`thickness (105° A),
`is obvious that his particles re-
`sulted from crazing of a continuous metal film. An alu-
`minum film deposited to that thickness is electrically
`conductive until
`top coated. To secure the discrete
`coalesced islands of this invention from spaced nucle-
`ation points, it is necessary that the melting point of the
`metal be low enough, and the temperature of the receiv—
`ing surface be high enough to effect the desired liquid
`coalescence of the metal. This could not happen in U.S.
`Pat. No. 4,215,170.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,101,698 says that a metal layer “is
`applied to the elastomeric film as a separate, discontinu-
`ous or captured, (sic) generally planar, reflective seg—
`ments, preferably being applied in individual micro-
`scopic dots by vacuum-deposition.” (Col. 2, line 29 et
`seq). As discussed in the textbook references, the “pla-
`nar” stage of particle shape is reached only after there
`has been sufficient coalescence for
`film formation.
`While this patentee may have thought that his “seg-
`ments” were a result of the vacuum deposition, this was
`not the case—it was the result of the fracturing of a
`continuous film by application of the top coat.
`The fundamental fault with U.S. Pat. No. 4,101,698 is
`that this patentee does not describe a means or appara-
`tus for securing the “microscopic dots" he desired to
`have by vacuum deposition. At Col. 6 line 67 et seq., the
`patentee says the metal is vacuum deposited “in discon-
`tinuous quantities, or separate planar reflective seg-
`ments such as dots”. Did he use a screen or a grid of
`some type interposed between the source and the sub-
`strate? The size of the “dots” is not specified and in all
`probability they are ten to one hundred-fold times
`larger than the coalesced islands here of concern. In the
`present invention, the metal is not “applied” as “micro-
`scopic dots” by “vacuum-deposition” (which is impos-
`sible) but are formed into “dots” or coalesced islands
`during the metallization.
`Neither U.S. Pat. No. 4,101,698 nor any other refer-
`ence makes mention of the highly improved corrosion
`resistance that can be secured via the placing of the
`metal in the coalesced island form. In fact, U.S. Pat. No.
`4,101,698 states in Co]. 2 that he prefers to use corrosion
`resistant metals with the preferred metal being chro-
`mium. Chromium cannot be formed into the coalesced
`islands of the present invention on the substrate and
`the conditions disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,211,822 deposits indium on a plastic
`substrate. Careful reading of this patent establishes that
`the patentee carried the deposition of the indium
`through the coalescence stage to the point where chan-
`nelization has occurred such that there is an intercon-
`necting network of conductive paths and the metal film
`overall appears to be conductive. The corrosion resis-
`tance of this metal film because it is conductive overall
`would be terrible even if a relatively good insulating
`topcoat were placed over the metal film. This patentee
`obviously had no appreciation of the advantage of limit-
`ing the growth of the metal nuclei to the coalesced
`island stage such that there could be no innerconnecting
`electrically conductive pathways between the co-
`alesced islands and the particles would be “free-float-
`ing” as desired in U.S.-Pat. No. 4,101,698 and in the
`present invention. It is believed that the theory of the
`patentee-in U.S. Pat. No. 4,211,882, Col. 2, line 17 et seq.
`is an erroneous theory as it is not the supposed melting-
`/ductility of the metal that is permitting its formability
`as described by the patentee. Instead the coalescence of
`the metal has been carried to a reticulate structure
`which accepts flexing and stretching of the plastic un-
`dercoat without loss of the conductive electrical path-
`The prior art has (1) not appreciated the possibility of
`vacuum depositing a metal on an organic surface
`(which surface is “impure” and causes a high nucleation
`rate) and arresting the film growth before the channeli-
`zation/conductive stage of file formation is reached,
`using a metal and conditions to achieve a sufficient
`reflectivity to be of commercial interest, or (2) relating
`the resulting island structure to a desired product per-
`The present invention is an article of manufacture
`comprising an organic dielectric base or substrate hav-
`ing a smooth surface such as a molded plastic, a macro-
`scopically continuous-appearing very thin layer thereon
`of a vacuum deposited corrosion—prone metal. The
`metal is in the form of minute specular electrically dis-
`crete rounded metal islands. There is a topcoating over
`the metal film of an intimately adhered clear dielectric
`resinous film encapsulating and protecting the metal
`particles, and binding them firmly to the substrate.
`This product is particularly useful in the automotive
`applications as an automobile exterior trim component
`to replace heavier and more expensive conventional
`chrome-plated metal parts.
`The present invention is based on the finding that
`with a thin vacuum metallized layer if the metal layer as
`it is being deposited or coalesced into electrically dis-
`crete islands and maintained electrically non-conduc-
`tive, the metal layer is corrosion resistant if adequately
`Exhibit 1012
`Page 8


`topcoated even though the metal is one that is corrosion
`prone such as indium. The metal film is‘ non-conductive
`as deposited because the metal nuclei initially deposited
`from the vapor phase are allowed to grow in molten
`phase only to a discrete island stage with the particles
`being electrically isolated from one another. The coat-
`ing is kept quite thin and there is insufficient metal de-
`posited to bring about a bridging or coalescence of the
`metal particles and formation of an electrically conduc-
`tive film. For most metals, the metal layer should have
`a nominal thickness less than lOOO’A, preferably less
`than 600° A. By “nominal thickness” is meant the thick-
`ness determined by the weight of metal'deposited per
`unit area as if a continuous film. An interferometer gives
`about the same reading.
`The metal film on the other hand must be thick
`enough to reflect sufficient light, i.e. it must be opaque
`enough, to make the coated article appear as a metal
`article. Desirably the film will pass less than 25% of the
`light incident thereon at an angle greater than 60° . With
`some metals, such as aluminum and silver it is impossi-
`ble at a practical temperature, to vacuum deposit suffi-
`cient metal to give the desired opacity and reflectivity
`and not to deposit so much as secure film electrical
`conductivity, i.e. bridging between the metal islands.
`The nature and temperature of the substrate surface and
`the operating condition can be important in this regard.
`For most metals,
`the minimum useful nominal
`thickness will be at least 150° A.
`If the individual metal islands have a diameter that is
`a fraction of the wave length of light, say a diameter of
`less than 3500° A, preferably less than 3000” A on the
`average, the metal layer is quite bright and specular and
`not milky or whitish as occurs when the island size
`exceeds about 4000° A. The appearance of an indium
`layer deposited according to this invention and top
`coated approximates that of electroplated chrome.
`While vacuum metallized commercial products have
`heretofore been made from metals that are inherently
`corrosion resistant such as chromium or stainless steel,
`such vacuum metallized films are electrically conduc-
`tive, and dark and unsatisfactory appearing. They do
`not look like electrodeposited chrome.
`The metal film can be deposited by thermal evapori-
`zation, sputtering, ion plating, induction heating, elec-
`tron beam evaporization and like methods. See Thin
`Film Technology, by Berry et al. D. Van Nostrand Com-
`Inc. Princeton, N.J.,
`1968, Lib. of Cong.
`68-25817. Better or more uniform'coverage appears to
`be secured especially with three dimensidnal objects
`having corners, edges, or recesses if some atoms of an
`inert gas such as argon are present in the vacuum cham-
`ber in excess of those required for‘ the evaporation. The
`vacuum deposition is preferably carried 'out at a vacuum
`of 5 ><10—3 Torr Or leSs.
`When the spacing between the metal islands of the
`film is such as to have the metal film electrically non—
`conductive, improved adhesion of the protective plastic
`topcoat results. This adhesion can be measured for ex-
`ample by the Ford adhesion test, specification No. ESB-
`M2P-105 B, or the Chevrolet tape adhesion test, Speci-
`fication No. CTZ VM003 AA. This improved adhesion
`appears to be related to the separation betweenvthe
`individual metal islands or width of the. channels, i.e. to
`the distinctiveness of the islands, rather'than to their
`diameter or size. The top coating in cross sec‘tiori'ap-
`pears to encapsulate the islands, extending around and
`under them to secure good wetting of and adhesion to
`the substrate surface.
`A novel and important point of this invention is this
`feature of encapsulating the metal islands to “fix" the
`electrical non-conductivity of the metal film and thus to
`increase manifold the corroSion resistance of the film. If
`the integrity of the topcoat is broken and moisture en-
`ters it only causes oxidation of the metal islands contigu-
`ous to the break and the blight of the corrosion cannot
`travel along the plane of the film under the topcoat as it
`can with the usual vacuum metallized and coated ob-
`jects made with corrosion prone metals such as alumi-
`num or conductive indium;
`The resinous topcoat also improves resistance to me-
`chanical abuse. Clear moisture resistant acrylic, ure-
`thane, and like coatings applied as a latex and more
`preferably as a solvent solution are suitable. For critical
`applications the topcoat will be baked to assure that a
`good tough continuous film is produced. The plastic
`film appears to fill the interstices and voids between and
`around the individual metal islands and helps further
`isolate one from another.
`This invention is most usefully applied to metals and
`alloys which are not inherently strongly corrosion resis-
`tant: zinc,
`tin, gallium, aluminum, cadmium, copper,
`nickel, cobalt or iron as opposed to stainless steel, gold,
`platinum, chromium, nichrome, palladium and rho-
`dium. Some of the latter such as rhodium are prohibi-
`tively expensive. With some of these metals such as
`nickel, cobalt, chromium and copper it has not been
`demonstrated as yet that the metal can be made to yield
`to the desired rounded island structure on a plastic
`substrate at an operable substrate temperature. The
`metal should have a melting point in the range of 100° to
`350° C., preferably 125° to 250°. The word “metal” as
`used in the claims includes metal alloys having these
`characteristics, as well as pure metals.
`Any suitable dielectric,
`i.e. electrically insulating,
`material can be used to receive the vacuum deposited
`metal such as dry wood, glass, or a plastic. For the
`intended automobile trim component application 2 cas-
`table or moldable plastic is used, preferably an elasto-
`mer that is tough and abuse resistant with so

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