`dz’cz [2'0 77 - d7”-32
`definitions — over 200,000
`photographs and illustrations —-over 2,500
`usage guidunte —over 400 notes


`Wow are inch~dtd in dU, Diction." on the buil of their
`UN" Words that are known to have CIIn'alt tndecDark rq(cid:173)
`inrationt are thown wid! lUI initial capital and ate also kJeii·
`tiflcd '1 trld.lnl.rb. No U1ymilldOll. b.. been made of
`annmon·bw uadanark ~ in any word, bcallIH auc:h in(cid:173)
`'feItiption 11 ialprac:tic:.bIi The indudon of ~ WOld in this
`Dietfooary ia DOt, howenr. llD ~otl oI me Publither',
`OpiniOD II to wbnbet or DOt it i. IIIbject to pwprictuy rilha.
`Iridml., no definition in this Dkticmuy 11 to be rcprded 't
`&ffeaio& me 'aUdit)' of la, u.dernarli
`A!nericaD Heritap- and die eapc lose are rqila=d tnde(cid:173)
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`Libra" of Collg"n Ctt4(oging-bl-l'NbliC/ltion Dlft<:I
`The.Ammc;an beritalt ooJltF dit'tiOJlJ;ry. -Jrd ed.
`ISlN ()'J~26691NJ (plain edsel. -ISBN 0-395-44638.....
`(dnllDb celie). -ISBN 0-3'5-66918·9 (dd~ binding).
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`founded m. Po
`m {Ihfln} aw.
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`.. m- "I'era‘
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`fl-mlfl'mlI-M-MMH -.
`. “.03.?
`—a.u.mM-m nun-u. roman:
`aria; 'Iimrh.‘
`. mwmrwmflflflum.
`udder-um -I-r .
`“mm-tho.“ -—I2.1.Tomkdnnr


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`limo-hm 4. slur. film mocha. Sal Infill“.
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