HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`39 captures
`6 Jun 97 - 3 Oct 08
` 1995
`1996 1997 1999
`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`Simon Spero, UNC Sunsite/EIT (
`About HTTP-NG
`HTTP-NG is an enhanced replacement for HTTP/1.0. It is designed to correct the known performance problems
`in previous versions of HTTP, and to provide extra support for commercial transactions, including enhanced
`security and support for on-line payment.
`About this document
`This document provides an architectural overview of the new protocol. It gives an overall view of how the
`protocol works, and explains how various operations and features interact with each other and the network.
`This document is intended for a general audience, and is not a technical specification. This is not an official
`W3O document.
`About this series
`This document is part of a series describing HTTP-NG.
`1. Architectural Overview
`2. The Session Control Protocol
`3. Introduction to ASN.1 and the Packed Encoding Rules
`4. HTTP-NG Specification
`5. Security Profiles
`6. Payment Profiles
`Why do we need a new protocol?
`HTTP is the fastest growing protocol on the internet. It is simple to implement, and thousands of people use it
`every day to browse through gigabytes of on-line hypertext. If HTTP is working so well, why replace it? The
`driving forces behind this change are the twin needs of performance and commerce.
`The Need For Performance
`Part of the need for a new protocol is caused by the very fact of HTTP's success. The original protocol was
`designed to be a simple way of transferring a file between two machines. This led to several very serious
`performance problems, adding extra delays to the time taken to fetch pages, and preventing browsers from
`making efficient use of the network.
`Commercial Applications
`Although many publishers and companies are now starting to explore the possibilities opened up by the World
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`Wide Web, the protocols currently in use do not support several very important features needed for electronic
`commerce. Currently there is no reliable way to find out the identity of someone trying to access a document.
`There is also no way to convey information about charging and prices; nor is there a way of dealing with on-
`line payment.
`Can these changes be made by just tweaking HTTP 1.0?
`The major problem in making just minor changes HTTP 1.0 is that the modifications which are needed change
`the fundamental model on which the protocol is based. Each extension adds more and more complexity to the
`protocol; as more and more enhancements are made, the problem becomes much worse. Since HTTP 1.0 is a
`simple protocol, it is much simpler to recreate the existing functionality as part of a new protocol than to
`attempt to kludge the new functionality into a protocol not designed to handle such changes.
`User Requirements
`Any new protocol needs to meet the needs to three different groups. Individual users want to be able to
`browse the web without being forced to wait for pages to be delivered. Information providers need to be able
`to support large numbers of users, and to restrict access to authorized users, and to get money from their
`paying customers. Software developers need a system which is easy to implement, but which can be optimized
`and enhanced to differentiate between products.
`HTTP-NG must allow simple implementations to be implemented simply without penalising more optimized
`systems. The protocol should be designed to work well for the commonest cases
`HTTP-NG should allow objects to be transferred over wide area networks efficiently.
`HTTP-NG should allow a client or server to initiate a new request without waiting for previous requests to
`complete. It should be possible to transfer multiple objects in parallel over a single connection.
`HTTP-NG should support the transfer of encrypted objects. The protocol should not impose a single security
`policy or mechanism.
`HTTP-NG should support mutual authentication between all parties involved in a transaction. It should be
`possible to relay authentication information through multiple untrusted intermediaries. It should also be possible
`to use multiple authentication contexts over a single connection.
`HTTP-NG should provide support for on-line payment schemes such as First Virtual and DigiCash. The
`protocol should not impose a single payment policy or mechanism.
`Intermediate Servers:
`HTTP-NG should provide support for server to server interaction to allow for the maintenance of caches and
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`mirrors, and to allow intermediate servers to relay usage information to originating sites.
`Mandatory display:
`HTTP-NG should support the mandatory display of information relating to an object, such as licensing
`information, copyright, authorship.
`Logging Information
`HTTP-NG should support the transfer of logging information between intermediate servers and the original
`source of a resource. Users should be able to specify restrictions on the use of logging information, and to
`discontinue transactions if such restrictions cannot be satisfied.
`Network requirements - Transports of Delight
`HTTP-NG is transport-layer independent, and can arrange for data transfer using different transports. However,
`since all uses of HTTP-NG in the current internet will be over TCP, HTTP-NG must work well over TCP.
`TCP and the Internet
`Many performance problems in HTTP are a result of not taking Transport layer interactions into account. Table
`112 lists some important points that need to be taken into account when designing a protocol.
`Connection setup costs
`When TCP sets up a connection, it sends connection request to the server, and waits for the connection to be
`accepted or rejected. This adds a delay of one Round Trip Time.
`Slow start limits transfer rates during start up.
`When a connection is first started, TCP initially sends only a small amount of data. The amount of data that can
`be transmitted before the sender must wait for a reply is increased until a steady state is reached. If congestion
`occurs and packets are lost, the server slows down the send rate until a new stable point is reached.
`Slow-start particularly affects the first request on a new connection. If the request won't fit into a single
`segment, the client must wait an extra Round Trip before it can finish sending the request.
`Congestion information is not shared between connections
`Although slow-start is used to converge upon the correct transmission rate for the path between two
`computers, this information is not shared between different connections to the same host. Thus is there are
`several connections running between a pair of hosts, if the path becomes congested, the connections will
`interfere with each other, leading to poor throughput.
`Special purpose transport layers.
`As resource reservation and guaranteed bandwidth become more commonplace, and as ATM moves into more
`general deployment, it becomes important to be able to make use of special purpose transport layers which are
`optimised for certain types of media, for example, a multicast video transmission, or a ATM telephone channel.
`HTTP-NG should be able to refer a user on to another service for actual data trans- fer, whilst still being able
`to handle the relevant control information.
`Protocol Model
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`HTTP 1.0 works by creating a new transport connection for each request. The client sends a request over the
`connection; the server replies over the same connection, sending information about the response, followed if
`possible by the requested data.
`HTTP-NG uses a different model. Instead of creating a separate connection for each request, HTTP-NG creates
`a single connection which can be used for many different requests. The connection is divided up into a number
`of virtual sessions. One of these sessions is used to carry control information - requests from the client, and
`meta-data from the server. The other channels are used to carry the requested objects.
`Requests and Responses
`Each request and response is sent as an HTTP-NG message. Some parts of a message are the same in all
`cases. For example, each message may need to be signed by the sender to make sure that the request is
`genuine. Other parts of the message are different for each operation. A GET request will specify a list of the
`objects to fetch the response will contain information describing the retrieved objects.
`All of this information must be encoded in some way before it can be sent over the network. HTTP 1.0 uses a
`text based syntax to encode requests, and a modified form of MIME to handle responses. This textural
`representation is easy for humans to understand, but quickly becomes extremely complicated when used to
`handle requests with complicated structure.
`To avoid this complexity, HTTP-NG uses a different way of describing and encoding the request message. The
`scheme used is a simplified form of ASN.1 and PER (Abstract Syntax Notation, and Packed Encoding Rules).
`This scheme allows efficient, compact parsers to be generated automatically, whilst remaining simple enough to
`allow hand-crafted parsers to be built easily.
`HTTP-NG messages can be sent at any time. In the typical case, the client sends a request message to the
`server, and gets back one or more responses in return. The client doesn't have to wait for a response to one
`request before sending out another. Since returned objects can be interleaved on a stream, this allows clients
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`such as Mosaic Communications NetScapeTM to request objects as soon as they discover they are needed, and
`allows intermediate servers to handle requests from different clients to the same server in a fair and efficient
`Although the usual pattern is for the client to issue requests to the server, there are some cases where this
`pattern needs to be reversed. One example for this is the need to warn browsers if a requested action would
`result in a hefty charge. In this case, the server needs to be able to check to see if the client still wishes to
`perform that action, and to discuss with the client how sir wishes to pay.
`Negotiations - The Art of The Deal
`Because HTTP-NG doesn't restrict the types of objects which can be requested, and does not impose a single
`security or payment policy, there needs to be some way of negotiating which types and mechanisms a client
`and server can support.
`HTTP 1.0 allowed clients to propose a list of types which they were able to accept; unfortunately the
`mechanism used had several problems. Because the client had to sent a list of all possible types with each
`request, requests typically contained over 1K of type information. This caused serious performance problem,
`and required a lot of effort to process correctly. As a result of this complexity, very few servers properly
`supported this type negotiation.
`HTTP-NG tries to simplify negotiation by adding an extra mechanism to support the most common cases
`without affecting more complicated situations. This new form of negotiation is based on the observation that
`the vast majority of all WWW traffic involves the exchange of just a few well-known object types. HTTP-NG
`defines a small list of these well-known types, and allows sets of these types to be encoded in a short bitmap.
`A text only browser would sent a bitmap indicating support for just HTML and plain text. A graphical brower
`would claim support for several graphics and sound formats. A server or browser which only supports these
`types need only support this simple form of negotiation.
`To indicate support for other types. HTTP-NG also allows the client and server to add extra items to the bit-
`sets. The proposer send a message containing the option being proposed (for example, text/ms-word), together
`with a numeric code which will be used in later messages to refer to the proposed value.
`This kind of indirect reference is useful, because it allows the proposed types and values to become more
`structured without affecting performance. This extra freedom can be used to support parameterized types; for
`example, if a client is running on a 4-bit display, a server can avoid generating a 24-bit deep image.
`The same method is used to indicate supported security schemes, authentication information, and payment
`Because there are so many different security schemes and policies, HTTP-NG provides a general security
`framework into which the various security components can be fitted. This results in several architectural
`decisions. One such is the absence of any special support for certificate exchange; this exchange is handled
`using the Fetch request (which is after all the most fundamental operation in HTTP-NG).
`The HTTP-NG message wrapper has fields which can carry arbitrary authentication and security information.
`This allows each message to be individually authenticated.
`HTTP-NG also allows an intermediate server to relay authorisation and verification to and from another server
`on behalf of one of its clients. This feature allows untrusted proxies to cache encrypted data, and to relay the
`information needed to decrypt this data to the end user without having to be able to decode the document
`Charging and Payment
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`HTTP-NG allows a server to initiate a payment request in response to an action of the client. This allows the
`server to request specific authorisation from the client for actions for which charges will be incurred. The
`challenge includes cost information, and a list of acceptable payment mechanisms; the response may include
`payment using a mutually acceptable method of on-line payment.
`The Client may also use the negotiation mechanisms to authorise a series of payments without requiring explicit
`approval for each item. The server can also provide pricing information as part of an objects meta-data.
`Mandatory Display
`The client may negotiate a set of fields such as licensing information and authorisation which it is prepared to
`automatically display to the user along with the actual requested information. This allows information providers
`whose database licences require such information to be displayed at the start of each session to be made
`available over the web.
`Copyright Control
`Each transferred object may have associated copying information associated with it. This information can be
`used to assist honest implementations from accidentally violating the terms of a licence agreement.
`Transition from HTTP 1.0
`HTTP-NG uses two strategies for transition from HTTP 1.0 to the new protocol. One strategy uses a dual stack
`approach - the other is based on the use of proxy servers.
`To support the dual stack approach, HTTP-NG has been designed to co-exist with HTTP-NG on the same port.
`Each HTTP-NG connect begins with a syntactically legal HTTP 1.0 request, using a non-existent method. If an
`HTTP-NG client tries to talk to an old HTTP server, the HTTP server will send back a `Method not supported'
`message; the client can then cache this information, and repeat the request using the old protocol. If an old
`server tries to access a new server, the server can either handle the transaction using HTTP 1.0, or return an
`error message.
`The dual stack approach doesn't offer much improvement for clients that don't support HTTP-NG directly. Proxy
`servers allow old clients to take advantage of some of the newer performance features. The proxy server can
`pre-fetch inlined images using the new protocol, so that they are ready and waiting when the client requests
`them; since the proxy server will usually be on the same network as the client, this reduces latency delays to a
`A proxy server can also multiplex several HTTP 1.0 requests over the same connection. This allows browsers
`like NetScape to request multiple concurrent images without causing congestion problems.
`Historical Notes
`This document was produced with assistance of David St. John Raggett (Hewlett Packard), Phillip Hallam-Baker
`(CERN), Allan Schiffman (EIT), and Tim Berners-Lee (MIT).
`HTTP-NG has been inspired and influenced by several earlier protocols. The roll of honor includes:
`HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
`WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers)
`NISO Z39.50 (Search and Retrieve)
`IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol)
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`HTTP-NG Architectural Overview
`TCP (Transport Control Protocol)
`T/TCP (Transaction TCP)
`HTTP 1.0: A protocol for networked information
`Analysis of HTTP/1.0 performance problems
`Introduction to ASN.1 and the Packed Encoding Rules
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