`F‘QQ PU‘E';
`CANADA $2.50
`-nmnumum u‘fiu‘i
`Petitioner . Kyocera
`PX 1042
`Kyocera PX 1042_1
`Reversing the
`unar factories, satellites, and float-
`islands in the ocean are several
`.s the proposers of Project Phoenix
`planning to help the earth rise
`m the ashes of global warming;
`Founded in 1872/Vol. 239, No.2
`What magic molecule
`has scientists scrambling to
`play a new kind of ball
`game? It’s shaped like a
`soccer ball, and it may rev—
`olutionize everything from
`batteries to plastics to can—
`cer therapy.
`ere’s an exclusive sneak
`ek at what’s coming from
`.S. automobile makers.
`ext month: a look at the
`MM D5:
`The latest child of the computer tech-audio
`5 marriage is Sony’s ultra-portable 2.5-inch format
`~but it’s not compatible with anything else.
`WHAT'S NEW............................. l0
`SCIENCE AND ncuuomev
`Science newsfront...................... . 25
`Purifying water '
`with sunshine. ........................... %
`Sunlight: chandeliers................... 28
`the magic molecule................... 52
`Exploring earth’s
`ancient climate......................... 7O
`Reversing the greenhouse......... 78
`Electronics newsfront................. 39
`The Mini Disc................
`Automotive newsfront................ 32
`Car test: no frills..........................60
`5-year guide: sneak peeks
`atU.S.cars to come..................... 74
`Home newsfront.......................... 47
`The anybody bike....................... 58
`Revenge of the tiny 35s ............... 84
`From the editor.............................. 4
`‘1 Readers talk back.......................... 6
`Product information.................. IOI
`Looking back............................. 102
`Kyocera PX 1042_2
`Kyocera PX 1042_2
` From The Editor—
`As a discovery alone—it’s only the
`third known form of the element that’s
`the basis for all life—buckyball is an
`achievement of major significance. But
`there is also excitement about how this
`60-atom molecule may ultimately afl'ect
`our lives. To scientists itching for new
`ground to explore, buckyball is “like a
`gift from the gods,” says Rice Univer-
`sity professor Richard Smalley, who
`first worked out the elegant structure of
`this magic molecule, which is strong,
`slippery, superconducting, and more.
`Its applications‘are already the subject
`of speculation and experimentation and
`include new medical treatments, new
`types of plastics, superior lubricants,
`' more efficient batteries—and that’s just
`the short list.
`f POPULAR SCIENCE had an award for
`I molecule oftheyear, wewouldgive it
`to the subject of this month’s cover
`story: the buckyball. Buckminster—
`fullerene, as it is officially known, is a
`newly discovered form of carbon that
`has the geometry of a soccer ball. We
`are pretty sure that scientists around
`the world would endorse our vote—that
`is, when they recover from their aston-
`ishment and take enough time away
`from their frenzy of experiments with
`this sooty sensation. “For decades, sci—
`entists thought they knew everything
`about carbon,” explains_Science and
`Technology Editor Arthur Fisher. “Now
`the world of chemistry is in shock.”
`Buckybdl player: Richard Smalley’s discovery
`of a soccer-ball-sllaped carbon molecule has re-
`searchers scramllfing to find new applications.
`l nourJuneissue,wetoldyou abouta
`newly proposed audio cassette for-
`mat, the Digital Compact Cassette,
`that will be showing up in 1992. Just in
`case DCC versus DAT—the rival Digit-
`al Audio Tape format—doesn’t have you
`befuddled about your next audio equip—
`ment purchase, hang on for the latest
`news. Far East Correspondent Dennis
`Normile reports that Sony has devel—
`oped another new format: the Mini Disc.
`Also scheduled for introduction in
`1992, the Sony Mini Disc system is a
`good news/bad news development. It
`promises greatly improved Walkman-
`style portability: lighter weight, smaller
`size, greater tracking reliability than
`portable CD players, and better sound
`reproduction than portable cassette
`units. Unfortunately, Mini Discs aren’t
`compatible with anything else in your
`audio repertoire. Your current and fu-
`ture audio equipment selection process
`just got more complicated.
`Sometimes it’s difficult to believe that
`the makers of these marvels have our
`best interests at heart. Indeed, there is
`plenty of talk that the Mini Disc system
`is simply Sony’s way of countering the
`DCC format of its rivals. Although it is
`hardly possible to judge the pros and
`cons of the various audio formats until
`the two newest ones are Commercially
`available, we have included a compari-
`son chart that can at least get you in
`touch with the trade—offs as we know
`them today.
`peaking of future choices, don’t
`miss our exclusive five-year guide
`to new car models. Here too, we
`have compiled achart for ajump—start look
`at what’s ahead. This-mmth offers cloak-
`and-dagger previews of the upcoming
`models from US. makers. Next month,
`we’ll pick up with the imports. This ear-
`ly—warning system will be useful if
`you’re contemplating a new car puré
`chase or even keeping a score card on
`how close the auto makers have come to
`delivering what they originally planned.
`We don’t think you can take everything
`we’ve reported to’the bank. But most of
`what we’ve learned is likely to hold up.
`Of course, we will continue to give
`you news about actual new-model intro-
`ductions in our Automotive Newsfi'ont
`and What’s New departments. We will
`also make the five-year guide an annual
`feature. Drop me a line and let me
`know how you like it and what else you
`would like to see included.
`Editor-in-Chiei '
`Fred Abatemorco
`Richard L Siepler
`Arthur Fisher
`Claudia Valentino
`W. David Houser
`Cecilio Wessner
`Sluart F. Brown (West Coast), John Free,
`Dan McCosh (Detroit), Dawn Siover
`Marielle DiChriinna
`Rochelle Goldslein
`Stefanie Benodo
`Marcelle M. Soviero, Judith Anne Yeaple
`W. Thomas White >
`m A'ssocun
`Carol Drozdyk
`not! morocmun '
`John B. Cornea
`Cynthia van Roden
`DEPUTY noun: armor:
`Gail Henry
`David Scott
`In em mesmnam
`Dennls Normile
`Suzanne Kanfra
`Roberta S. Lee
`Robert Gannon, A. J. Hand,
`Ben Kocivar, Norman 5. M ersohn,
`Jim McCrow, Phil McCaudlerIy
`and olhers regisIered with lhe Copyfighl Clearance Cenlar (cccl la 9
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`Kyocera PX 1042_3
`Kyocera PX 1042_3
`Using handheld devices, subscribers to
`this sotellitebased communications
`system could reéeive and send short
`messages inexpensively. The system,
`proposed by Orbital Communications
`in Fairfax, Va., uses a constellation of
`20 small satellites in low Earth orbits.
`An experimental satellite is scheduled
`for launch this summer.
`WHA'I‘S new ,4
`By l993, Ford plans to lease about 70 electric demonstration vans to US. and
`European electric utilities and other service-oriented companies. Modeled on the
`European Escort van, the vehicles are powered by sodiumsulfur batteriesnnd are
`expected to have a lOO-rnile range, i4-second (Ho-50mph acceleration, and six-
`hour recharge time. Air conditioning is optional.
` Scounm;
`Boeing Helicopters and Sikorsky Aircraft
`won a $30 billion Army contract to build
`this final design of the tight Helicopter,
`- 5W1;
`tumult unmro
`an armed scout aircraft. The twoperson
`"W“ ”l” STINGER ”55"“
`chopper willi'be equipped with night vi
`seasons roe FARGET orr'ccnorr/
`sion and target identification systems.
`aessrrrainon svsrm
`Extra fuel tanks will enable it to fly more
`than 1,250 nautical miles nonstop. The
`first production aircraft of nearly 1,300 heli-
`copters is scheduled for delivery in 1998.
`Kyocera PX 1042_4
`Kyocera PX 1042_4
`The Guardian Interlock System ten
`ders a vehicle inoperable if the driver
`is impaired by alcohol. Required by
`some states for DWI offenders, the
`hand-held breath analyzer and
`microcomputer connect to a
`vehicle’s electrical system. A driver
`must exhale into the analyzer to
`measure his blood alcohol concentra—
`tion; it it’s above a preset limit, the
`car won tstort.
`DeiaShoe women’s walking shoes
`are made entirely from recycled ma
`teriols. The fabric lining and outer
`shoe are used polypropylene, the
`sales are reclaimed fire rubber, the
`eyelets contain recycled metals, and
`the collar and tongue padding are re
`cycled foam rubber. The box, which
`is also recycled, doubles as a gift
`box. Price: $59. Northwest
`Quality Innovations, Box 830,
`lake Oswego OR 97034.
`ongwinded phone users may be in-
`terested in Oki Telecom’s 900
`portable. Its powerconserving circuit
`design, galliumarsenide chips, and
`- optional extended-life battery pro-
`'de 120 minutes of call time or 20
`hours of standby time, double that
`ailable with current cellular battery
`. packs. The phone costs $1,100; op
`tional battery, $66.
`sh a button on Steiner’s 7x50
`mmander Electronic marine binoculars
`d receive digital compass readings through
`lenses. A pivoting sensor coil and micropro-
`ssor calculate hearings to within one degree. Price: $1,900. Pioneer
`arlceting 8 Research, 2l6 Haddon Ave., Westrnont NJ 08108.
`Colcu—Tape+, a l2-loot measuring
`tape, has a built-in level and angle
`finder on one side and a solarpow
`ered calculator on the other. Sonin
`Inc., 672 White Plains Rd,
`Scarsdale NY l0583. SI 5.
`Kyocera PX 1042_5
`Kyocera PX 1042_5
`ls I'l' REAL, OR IS IT...
`Unlike most underwater propulsion
`systems, which must be held out in
`front of you while you swim, the
`Nautilus system attaches to a scuba
`tank. Rated to operate at depths of
`up to 150 feet, the unit uses two
`lZ-valt batteries that strap to a div
`er’s waist and replace most of the
`diving weights. Batteries recharge in
`five hours. Two speeds, 1.5 and 2.5
`mph, provide 60 or 90 minutes of
`operating time. Price: $995. The
`Parkway Systems, 24] Roritun St.
`South Amboy NJ 08879.
`Campbell Hausteld’s Cordless Air
`Compressor doubles as a power
`pack. Delivering up to 220 psi, it
`flates anything from tires to beac ..
`balls. As a power pack, it can be
`car batteries or run T 2-volt tools.
`The $50 device can be recharged
`on a standard i 1 Such circuit or
`car cigarette lighter, Campbell
`Housfeld, 100 Production Dc,
`Harrison OH 45030.
`Cartridges for Pioneer’s DRM—600 CDROM minichonger store six (DRUMS so you can switch discs
`computer commands instead of manually swapping them The changer offers rapid access to more th
`three billion bytes of data, such as encyclopedia or zip-code CD ROMs. The machine can also play be
`standard audio CDs into hiti systems. Price: $1,295.
`Kyocera PX 1042_6
`The links interactive golf game may make you think you’re on the course instead
`.of at your PC. The $60 program takes into account variables like wind speed, your
`stance, club used, and the force of your swing. Sounds, such as the ball being hit,
`enhance reulism Available from Access Software (545 W. 500 South, Suite l30,
`Bountiful UT 8401 0), it works with IBM PCs and compatibleswithVGA
`TeleBlocker programmable call restric-
`tors plug into your phone to help con—
`trol usage. Restrict long distance calls,
`outgoing calls except 9i l, 900 num
`bers, or others. You can even set time
`limits on calls or confine them to a
`specific time slot. Prices for the three
`models are $50, $80, and ST 00.
`Telegen Corp, lBl Second Ave,
`Suite 21 1, San Mateo CA 9440i,
`Kyocera PX 1042_6
`This segmented prototype robot, de-
`veloped by the Gas Research In-
`stitute in Chicago, crawls through
`gas pipelines looking for faults,
`leaks, and corrosion. Dubbed "The
`Mouse," it travels up to 2,000 feet
`and relays data via a fiberoptic cable.
`Make dovetail ioints precisely and quickly with the wallmounted Woodrot. Clamp
`two boards on a sliding crossbar and cut the joint toils by following a marker
`block. Then use the cut board as a template for perfectly matched pins. You can
`complete a set of seven drawers in oneandahalf hours, claims Woodrat (The Old
`School, Godney, Wells, Somerset, RAS TRY, England). Price: about $700.
`The Security Alarm and Lock Bar pro
`tects household windows or doors
`three ways: a 90decibel alarm, a
`flashing light, and an adiustable bar
`lock. Sensors in the batteryoperated
`bar detect motion and activate the
`alarm. The window unit costs $28;
`the door unit, $30; Honeywell, lnc.,
`T985 Douglas Dr. N., Golden Valley
`MN 55422.
`TH'REE-IN-ONE cmnvnu.
`Flip the Porter Case storage compartment down and the unit becomes a log-
`gage cart for carrying additional bags; snap it back up, and it’s a rolling tote
`(left). Retracting the handle in the tote mode converts the unit to a 22hy—
`12hy8inch canyon case, small enough to fit under most airline
`seats or in overhead compartments. The lOpound case costs
`$l95. Porter Case, Box 2526, South Bend lN 466802526.
`Kyocera PX 1042_7
`Kyocera PX 1042_7
`Voiceactivoted video and data dis-
`plays ore built into the helmet of the
`Command/Control Pressure Suit, al-
`lowing astronauts to view vital data
`and at the some time perform other
`manual operations. The circuitry can
`also connect to Rovers or other ma-
`chinery, tuming the suit into a one
`man cockpit. Flat glass plates pro-
`- vide an undistorted view.
`conventional pods, claims the German manufacturer. The sheets come-in e ‘
`fine, medium, and coarse grades, and cost less than $2 each. R. Z. lnternation,’
`1300 Morse Ave, Elk Grove Village IL 6000
`Two nickel-cadmium batteries power the Safari NSX/20 notebook
`computer for up to six hours, says AT8J. The $5,399 computer has a
`386SX processor, 401negabyte hard drive, 3.5inch floppy drive, two
`megabytes of randorrraccess memory, a liquidcrystol display, plus a
`2,40%itper-secand modem. Panasonic manufactures the 7.3pound
`personal computer for ATM Computer Systems.
` Rakso’s steel-Wool sheets for power or manual sanders last 10 times longer th
`Not A mliownwmr
`Unlike the simple, disposable panoramic cameras on the market now, Minoltafs
`Freedom Vista is the first sophisticated, nondisposoble, wide—format 35mm
`camera yielding standard 3 '/2- by -l 0-inch panoramic prints. Its features
`include automatic focus, flash-and film transport, and a fiveelement f/4.5
`24mm lens. Price: $300.
`surement setting, score it with
`tungstentipped scribing tool, on
`press against a work-top edge
`break. Price; $l 5. Excalibur Hand
`' Tools, 1062] S. Lockwood, 00
`LGWn ll 60453.
`Kyocera PX 1042_8
`Kyocera PX 1042_8
`mming the grass and edging the walkway can
`how be done with the same tool. Push a button and
`ack and Becker’s Groom ’n' Edge grass trimmer
`twists 180 degrees to snip grass growing along side
`walks, driveways, or walls. .The $80 model GE600
`has a 3.l-ampere electric motor and an automatic
`nylon line feeding system.
`The Intersections Ceiling System’s
`modules not only create special de
`sign effects, they make it easier to
`install lights, speakers, and firesafe
`ty fixtures without disrupting the de
`sign, claims the maker. USG
`Interiors, 10] S. Wacker Dr.,
`Chicago lL 60606-4385.
`Delanne Mapping of Freeport,
`Maine, combined a global-position
`ingsatellite receiver and a CD—ROM
`data base of US. maps to create the
`GPS MapBox. Connect it to a 286 or
`386 portable and a blinking dot indi-
`cates your location. It’s accurate to
`within i00 feet. Price: $7,995.
`IX DesignR Wall powder with wa-
`ter and apply it to any wall with a
`hawol, roller, or spray gun for a wall
`paperlike finish that hides cracks. It
`omes in l0? color and texture
`ombinations. One bag covers 32 to
`0 square feet and costs Si 7 to
`20. Design-R Products, RD. 2, Box
`7l, Spartansburg PA l6434.
`Scooping up a ground ball may no
`longer be hazardous to your hand.
`_ The doublewelting design on the
`. back of the lZinch TechFire base
`ball glove provides extra protection,
`closefitting finger stalls for better
`control, and longer glove life, claims
`Mizuno Sports (577 Airport Blvd,
`Burlingame CA 940102025).
`Price: 565‘
`Kyocera PX 1042_9
`Kyocera PX 1042_9
`The El Toggle makes anchoring fix-
`tures to drywall as easy as turning a
`screw. Use its sharp point to cut
`through the wall, then insert a
`sheet-metal screw, which flips the
`clamp against the wall’s interior,
`Price: $2 fora set of two. lTW
`Buildex, T349 W. Bryn Maerve.,
`Itasca IL 60143.
`Wedged between an elevated highway and railway
`lines, this boatlike office building will be "moored” in
`Hammersmith, London. The structure's sloping roof will
`help to link aesthetically residential and commercial
`areas. Multilevel walkways, decks, gnd shops will
`surround the atrium. The glass— and copperclad
`building will be completed this fall.
`M“ ‘c t
`The remote control for Fisher’s newest
`fuzzy logic camcorder, the FVC-990,
`sends signals to an infrared receiver ”but-
`ton” that pops up from the camcorder
`body. The button rotates to face any direc-
`tion, so you don’t have to be in front of
`the camera to use the remote. The
`$1,200 binocularstyle camcorder also has a built-
`in microphone with left and right channels for stereo recording.
`NEC’s tic-9801 personal computer is the first PC with a built—in modem for radio
`communication via a switching service. The unit manages 9,600bitpersecond t0-
`dio data communication with backup error correction capabilities. Available only in
`Japan, it costs about $4,000 plus a monthly service fee.
`building 1
`teeth for
`fit. Secur
`ranging 1
`They ftflt
`value on
`square Ti
`Hills PA
`Because numerous iniections can damage veins, doctors may someday impla
`the Osteoport into a patient's hip so that medication is infused directly into bone .
`marrow. The membrane on the 3/4-inch stainlesssteel device reseals after ea
`iection to prevent leakage. Developed by ijtequest Medical in San Antonio, Teti
`the Osteoport was approved by the FDA for clinical testing.
`Kyocera PX 1042_10
`tiueusr mt
`Kyocera PX 1042_10
`A proposal by Art Center College of
`Design students in Pasadena, Calif.,
`plans for a mass-transit electric train
`system elevated above highway me-
`dians. Express trains would run atop
`the tracks, and smaller trains would
`hang below, making local stops.
`Sanyo’s SPTT 000 Sportable combines an AM-FM cassette
`player with a builtin pedometer. Select one of three set-
`tings—walking, speed walking, or iagging—and input
`your stride, average pace, and target distance. The unit
`then calculates actual number of steps, pace, and dis-
`tance, and displays them on the LCD panel. The $55 unit
`comes with headphones and features an extended AM
`band and a clock/stopwatch.
`'I'mv TORCH
`Use the Instant-Ignite Pencil Torch
`for soldering, plumbing, iewelry re
`pairs, or paint removal. To ignite, flip
`the onswitch and tap the ball at the
`end of the tool. The adjustable
`2,500degreeF flame lasts for 45
`minutes per butane refill. Price:
`$50. Blazer Corp, T14 E. 32 St,
`— New York NY 10016.
`ilding blocks have interlocking
`eeth for quick assembly and a tight
`. Secured with reinforcing rods, the
`nctrwide blocks are filled with
`concrete and finished with materials
`nging from stucco to wood siding.
`‘ They have an H 6-toR—ZT insulating
`value and cost less than $5 per
`square foot assembled and finished.
`Reddi—Form, 250 Canal Rd, Fairless
`Hills PA T9030.
`Renault ups the ante in the European
`luxury sports car market with the up
`graded Alpine A610 Turbo. The rear-
`mounted V6 engine with a three
`way catalyst is enlarged to three
`liters, with a 25—percent power boost
`to 250 hp. Available in France, the
`vehicle’s peak torque is 258 lb.-ft.,
`with 246 lb.-ft. available from
`2,000 to 5,200 rpm. Price: about
`ch in-
`Kyocera PX 1042_11
`Kyocera PX 1042_11
`The Memory Craft 8000 sewing ma-
`chine's computerized minicassettes
`produce preprogrammed sotinstitch
`embroidery designs. Touching an on—
`screen pattern sets the width,
`length, and sewing speed and pro
`vides how-to instructions. Two cas-
`settes are included with the $3,000
`machine; two additional cassettes
`cost $69 each. The New Home
`Sewing Machine (0., TOO Hollister
`Rd., Teterboro NJ 07608.
`Made with aluminum oxide and ce
`ramic material, the Purple Belt an the
`Model 360 series sanders lasts twice
`as long as standard belts, provides
`faster stock removal, and reduces heat
`and loading, says Porter Cable (4825
`Hwy. 45 N., Box 2468, Jackson TN
`38302-2468). Cost. about 30 per-
`cent more than other belts.
`‘ }
`"""‘°"J‘ ""‘ “i"
`Turn old newspapers, cardboard, and milk cartons into greeting cards with the
`RemakingSet, a home recycling kit. Materials are shredded and boiled to make
`pulp, which is poured into wood homes, dried, and pressed. Price: about $38
`Japan. Sun-Star Stationary (0., 3-35-13 Ryusen, Taitoku, Tokyo 1 10, Japan
`A sleek, aerodynamic bicycle fairing, designed for the long-distance cyclist to re
`duce drug, can cut five minutes from a 25mph hour-long ride on a level course.
`The 24ounce Flyer fairing doesn’t interfere with hands or broke levers. Once in
`stalled, the molded lexan shell can be removed withouttoals via small hitch pins.
`Price: $90. Zwaan Design, Box 844, Sierra Madre (A 91025.
`The polrrrsize (FR-900 cellular a
`tenna adheres to the inside of a
`car's windshield so it can’t be do
`aged by wind, storms, or a car
`wash. Price: $80. Terk Technolo
`Corp, 233-8 Robbins lane, Syo
`NY 1 T79].
`Kyocera PX 1042_12
`Kyocera PX 1042_12