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`TRANSLATION from Japanese to English
`This day personally appeared before me Gregor Hartmann, who after being duly sworn
`deposes and states:
`that heis a translator of the Japanese and English languages,aaprofessional provider of
`translations, accredited by the American Translators Association (Alexandria, VA) for
`Japanese to English translation,
`that heis thoroughly familiar with these languages and has carefully made and verified
`the attached translation from the original documentin the Japanese language, to wit:
`JP H2—127714 A (Abe, et a1.)
`Information Processing Device
`and that the attached translation is a true and correct English version of the original to
`the best of his knowledge and belief.
` Gregorfirgartmann,Translator
`Sworn to before me
`CW _
`this date: 5M /l(
`Notary Public
`State of New Jersey
`Kyocera PX 1021_11
`Kyocera PX 1021_11


`JP HZ—1277l4 A
`(19) Japan Patent Office (JP)
`(12) Laid-open Patent Gazette (A)
`G 06 F 1/00 312 E
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G 06 F
`(1 l) Laideopen Application No. H2-127714
`(43) Date of Laid-open Publication: May 16, 1990
`Internal Control No.
`ID Code
`(Total 10 pages)
`Examination: Not Requested Yet No. of Claims: 1
`(54) Title of Invention: Information Processing Device
`(21) Application No.: S63 ~282254
`(22) Application Date: November 8, 1988
`(72) Inventor: Tsugio ABE, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14-40 Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`(72) Inventor: Mayumi WATANABE, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14-40 Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`(72) Inventor: Toru ISHII, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14-40 Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`(72) Inventor: Hiroko YAMADA, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14~40 Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`(71) Applicant: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, 2-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda—ku, Tokyo
`(74) Agent: Masuo OIWA, Patent Agent, and 2 others
`Continued on last page
`Title of Invention
`Information Processing Device
`What Is Claimed Is:
`An information processing device provided with an information input means for inputting
`information, an information processing means for processing information, an information storage
`means for storing information, an information output means for outputting information, and a
`control means for controlling each of said means, wherein two or more screens of display
`devices serving as a man-machine interface are provided, and have a function for displaying the
`information input result or information processing result as said information output means, and a
`tac [sic]1 panel function for inputting information as said information input means.
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`Industrial Field of Application
`1 Translator’s note: Typo in original, corrected by amendment.
`Kyocera PX 1021_12
`Kyocera PX 1021_12


`JP H2-1277l4 A
`The present invention relates to an information processing device that processes
`Prior Art
`FIG. 6 is a perspective View of a conventional information processing device, a
`Mitsubishi Electric2 Corporation laptop-type personal computer, described in the MAXY
`catalog. 1 is a display device for outputting information, 4 is an information processing device
`for processing input information and controlling the various constituent means, 5 is a keyboard
`for inputting information, 6 is a mouse for inputting information, and 8 is a printer for outputting
`information. FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a typical information processing device, in which 9 is
`an information input means for inputting information, 10 is an information processing means for
`processing information, 11 is an information storage means for storing information, 12 is an
`information output means for outputting information, and 13 is a control means for controlling
`each of the aforementioned means.
`Next, the operation shall be described. In the conventional information processing device
`shown in perspective view in FIG. 6, after the power is turned on, information is input using the
`keyboard 5 or mouse 6, the required processing and working is performed by the information
`processing device 4, and the result is output to the information output display device 1 or to the
`printer 8. To describe the information processing flow using the FIG. 7 block diagram of a
`typical information processing device, information is input using the information input means 9,
`and the input information is processed in the information processing means 10 on the basis of an
`information processing procedure previously stored in the information storage means 11 or an
`information processing procedure sequentially input by the information input means 9. The
`control means 13, While controlling the information input means 9 and the information output
`means 12 and the information storage means 11 and the information processing means 10,
`exchanges information with the information storage means 11 and obtains the necessary
`information processing results by processing and working, and this processing result is output to
`the information output means 12.
`Problems the Invention Is to Solve
`In the conventional information processing device shown in FIG. 6, the number of
`information to be input is limited, and if one is running application software in which input
`information is selected and input using a selection menu (for example, electronic notebook
`software, spreadsheet software, form-determined document creation software, etc), in order to
`improve operability in input of information using the keyboard 5 one could conceive of a means
`wherein many function keys are provided on the keyboard 5 to cause display of selection
`menu(s) for information to be input at the information output display device 1, but this leads to
`providing many function keys on the same keyboard 5, and is difficult to implement due to space
`restrictions. Also, in selecting a menu for information to be input on the information output
`display device 1, if one tries to input using the keyboard 5 using the constrained combination of
`alphabetic characters and numeric characters in that selection menu information, it is necessary
`to perform input a number of times. commensurate with the number of those alphabetic
`characters and numeric characters, and the operation of inputting information becomes
`complicated. On the other hand, if one selects a menu for input information and inputs
`information using the mouse 6, that menu must be displayed at the information output display
`2 Translator’s note: A typo in the Japanese was corrected in the original.
`Kyocera PX 1021_13
`Kyocera PX 1021_13


`JP H2-127714 A
`device 1 and the pointer corresponding to the mouse 6 must be accurately moved to the position
`of the desired information to be selected, and the information input operation becomes
`complicated. In addition, if displaying a menu for selecting information to be input at the
`information output display device 1, in a conventional information processing device the display
`for inputting information and the input results or the information processing results are
`simultaneously displayed at the display device 1, or only one of the display for inputting
`information and the input results or the information processing results is displayed, so on the
`display of a single display it becomes complicated for the user of this information processing
`device to visually recognize [the information or the result].
`As described above, especially in the case of application software in which input
`information is selected and input using a selection menu (for example, electronic notebook
`software, spreadsheet software, form—determined document creation software, etc.), the
`conventional information processing device shown in FIG. 6 has problems in that there are
`complications inherent in the input device for the selection menu for information to be input that
`is displayed at the information output display device, there are limits to improving operability,
`and it becomes troublesome for the user who is using this information processing device to
`visually recognize the information with a single display for displaying.
`The present invention was created to solve the sort of problems described above, so its
`object is to provide an information processing device which increases the user’s visual
`recognition of information, increases operability, and obtains greater simplicity in operation.
`Means for Solving the Problems
`In an information processing device in accordance with the present invention, two or
`more screens of display devices 1 and 2 serving as a man-machine interface are provided, and
`have a function for displaying the information input result or information processing result as the
`information output means, and a touch panel function for inputting information as the
`information input means.
`In this information processing device, information is input using the touch panel function
`of the display devices 1 and 2, and the information input result or information processing result
`is displayed at the display devices 1 and 2. Therefore, the display devices 1 and 2 are used as the
`man-machine interface.
`Embodiments of the Invention
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an information processing device in accordance with one
`embodiment of the present invention. The information processing device 4 is provided with two '
`screens of display devices 1 and 2. Display device 1 at the front upper side is the first screen and
`display device 2 at the forward lower side is the second screen. A transparent touch panel serving
`as an information input means is externally attached to both the first screen and the second
`screen. The keyboard 5, mouse 6, touch pen 7, and printer 8 are externally attached to the
`information processing device 4, or may be built-in.
`Next, the operation of the above-mentioned embodiment shall be described with
`reference to FIG. 1. In FIG. I, after the power is turned on, one of the two display devices 1 and
`2 is made the touch panel 3, and the other is made the display device for displaying the
`information input result and the information processing result; input information is input using
`Kyocera PX 1021_14
`Kyocera PX 1021_14


`JP H2-127714 A —-,
`the touch panel 3 and the input results for the input information and the processing results by the
`information processing means are output to the display device for display. The flow when the
`input information is processed and worked and until it is displayed at the information output
`means is the same as described for the operation of prior art. FIG. 2 is an embodiment of
`application software with which, when inputting information, input information is selected and
`input using a selection menu; it is software such as spreadsheet software, electronic notebook
`software, form-determined document creation software, etc. In FIG. 2, the second screen is the
`input display device 2 used as the touch panel 3, and the first screen is the display device 1 for
`output display of the input result and the information processing result.
`In addition, when the output result is displayed across a wide range or as multiple types
`of information, the touch panel 3 is switched to a display for displaying, and the information
`input result and information processing result are displayed on both of the two display devices 1
`and 2. FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 are display screen examples of simultaneously using the first screen and
`the second screen to display information processing results. FIG. 3 displays the image of a
`person on two screens. Also, FIG. 4 displays two types of information processing results; the
`second screen shows part of a table of contents for a document that was created, and the first
`screen shows part of the content of that document.
`On the other hand, when the information for input at the touch panel 3 is displayed across
`a wide range or as multiple types of information, the display devices 1 and 2 are switched to
`touch panels for both the first screen and the second screen, and display the information for
`input. FIG. 5 is a display screen example in which both the first screen and the second screen are
`used as touch panels 3 in order to enlarge the range of input information. The JIS level-l kanji
`codes to be input as choices are displayed in a variety of types at the first screen and the second
`Thus the information processing device of the above-mentioned embodiment is provided
`with two screens of display devices having a function for displaying information input results or
`information processing results and a touch panel function for inputting information, so it
`increases the user’s visual recognition, increases operability, and obtains greater simplicity in
`operation. Especially in the case of application software in which input information is selected
`and input using a selection menu (for example, electronic notebook software, spreadsheet
`software, form—determined document creation software, etc), operation is simplified by using a
`touch panel as the information input means. Also, information input using the two screens of
`display devices and information input results and information processing results can be displayed
`across a wide range, and in addition it is possible to display a wide variety of information to be
`input and information processing results.
`Furthermore, in the above-mentioned embodiment, the keyboard 5, mouse 6, and touch
`pen 7 that are externally attached or built into the information processing device 4 may also be
`used as auxiliary means for information input. In FIG. 1, some of the necessary keys among the
`keys on the keyboard 5 may be directly installed at a part near the first screen display device 1
`and the second screen display device 2 as part of the information processing device. In FIG. 1,
`the display devices for display of input and output are configured as two screens, but in the
`information processing device 4 the display devices for input and output of information may be
`configured as three screens or more. Also, the touch panel function that is the information input
`means may be externally attached to all of the three screens or more of diSplay devices for input
`and output display of the information processing device, or to only some of the screens.
`Kyocera PX 1021_15
`Kyocera PX 1021_15


`JP H2-127714 A
`Effect of the Invention
`The present invention, as described above, is configured such that two or more screens of
`display devices serving as a man-machine interface are provided, and have a function for
`displaying the information input result or information processing result as the information output
`means, and a touch panel function for inputting information as the information input means, so
`input information and input results and processing results can be displayed across a wide range,
`and therefore it has the effect of increasing the user’s visual recognition of information, and
`increasing operability, and obtaining greater simplicity in operation.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`FIG. l is a perspective View of an information processing device in accordance with one
`embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 2 through FIG. 5 are perspective views of information
`processing devices for describing display screens in this embodiment. FIG. 6 is a perspective
`View of a conventional information processing device. FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing the
`electrical structure of a typical information processing device.
`l, 2... display device, 3... touch panel, 4... information processing device, 9... information
`input means, 10... information processing means, 1 1... information storage means, 12...
`information output means, 13... control means.
`Agent: Masuo OIWA, Patent Agent (and 2 others)
`FIG. 1
`unucuunu can
`ugngnn u
`Dim“ 9
`Display device (first screen, front, upper side)
`Display device (second screen, forward, lower side)
`Touch panel
`Information processing device
`Touch pen
`Kyocera PX 1021_16
`Kyocera PX 1021_16


`FIG. 2
`FIG. 3
`Display of
`' Spreadsheet
`Electronic notebook
`docxirnent crearion
`inpuiloutput 2
`Display device (first screen, front, upper side)
`Display device (second screen, forward, lower side)
`Touch panel
`Information processing device
`JP HZ-127714 A
`Kyocera PX 1021_17
`Kyocera PX 1021_17


`JP H2—127714 A
`FIG. 4
`2. RISCNHfiz
`R15C3:"“ aww-Wfll 12mm, am
`IBMZIT Chap‘erz
`J: E31~7
`P1497: fénusu ram fryinmzvm‘m-
`7Mfifmv7-v>zz zqsogms—si'i'fi
` L 3111'!
`~ nver-1IIW\
`table of contents; 315591.77-
`FIG. 6
`Kyocera PX 1021_18
`Kyocera PX 1021_18


`JP I‘D-1277 14 A
`Kyocera PX 1021_19
`,— ______________ 1
`=3: lnformation now
`1 —p ', Centre! signal flow
`2:) information
`I i
`.— J
`2? “W's
`Kyocera PX 1021_19


`JP H2-1277l4 A
`Continued from Page 1
`(72) Inventor: Satoshi NOMURA, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14-40 Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`(72) Inventor: Kazuo KAMIMURA, c/o Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s Consumer Products
`Development Laboratories, 2-14—40 Ofima, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
`AMENDMENT (Voluntary)
`October 11, 1989
`Commissioner, Japan Patent Office
`Matter Indicator:
`Application No.: 863—282254
`Title of Invention:
`Information Processing Device
`Amending Party
`2-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda—ku, Tokyo
`Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (601)

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