
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2013—00106
`U.S. Patent 6,526,808
`December 20, 2013
`®Tami L. Le, CSR NO. 8716
`3 6 8 4 4 5
`(858) 455-5444 San Diego
`(949) 955-0400 lrvine
`(310) 207-8000 Los Angeles
`(415) 433-5777 San Francisco
`(951) 686-0606 Riverside
`(760) 322-2240 Palm Springs
`(916) 922-5777 Sacramento
`(408) 885-0550 San Jose
`(518) 490-1910 Albany
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`+852 3693 1522 Hong Kong
`+33 1 70 72 65 26 Paris
`+971 4 8137744 Dubai
`Redline v. Star
`Trial IPR2013-00106
`p. 1052-1
`Redline v. Star
`Trial IPR2013-00106
`p. 1052-1


` ____________________________
` 2
` 3 ____________________________
` 4
` 5 Petitioner
` 6 v.
` Patent Owner
` 8
` 9 ______________________
`10 Case IPR2013-00106
` U.S. Patent 6,526,808
`11 ______________________
`14 Videotaped Deposition of M. DAVID
`15 CHECKEL, Ph.D., taken on behalf of the
`16 Petitioner, at 2040 Main Street,
`17 14th Floor, Irvine, California,
`18 commencing at 9:02 a.m., on Friday,
`19 December 20, 2013, before Tami L. Le,
`20 CSR No. 8716, RPR.


` 2
` 3 For the Petitioner Redline Detection, LLC:
` 75 Enterprise
` 6 Suite 250
` Aliso Viejo, California 92656
` 7 949.855.1246
` 8
` 9
` For the Patent Owner STAR EnviroTech, Inc.:
` 2040 Main Street
`12 14th Floor
` Irvine, California 92614
`13 949.760.0404
`15 The Videographer:
`16 Kevin Wall
` Also Present:
` Jim Saffie


` 1 I N D E X
` 2 Deponent Examined By Page
` 3 M. David Checkel, Mr. Newboles 7, 235
` Ph.D.
` 4 Mr. Bunker 233
` 5
` 7 1001 - United States Patent Pieroni et al, 77
` Patent No. US 6,526,808 B1, dated
` 8 Mar. 4, 2003, 16 pages
` 9 1005 - United States Patent Gilliam, Patent 113
` Number 5,107,696, dated Apr. 28, 1992,
`10 11 pages
`11 1008 - Patent Specification 1 240 867, 132
` Inventor William John Douglass Stoyle,
`12 5 pages
`13 1010 - Patent Specification, Inventor: Alfred 169
` John Pauley, 640,266, 6 pages
` 1012 - United States Patent Swiatosz, 126
`15 4,303,397, Dec. 1, 1981, 8 pages
`16 1013 - Printout from the 206
` website, "Applications for the Smoke
`17 Generator," 4 pages
`18 1014 - United States Patent Pieroni et al, 93
` Patent Number 5,922,944, dated Jul. 13,
`19 1999, 8 pages
`20 1050 - University of Alberta Flammability 218
` Hazards of Fuel System Leak Testing by
`21 Kevin Michael Frank, A thesis submitted
` to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and
`22 Research in partial fulfillment of the
` requirements for the degree of Master
`23 of Science, Department of Mechanical
` Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta, Fall
`24 2006, 145 pages


` 1 I N D E X (Continued)
` (Continued)
` 3
` 1051 - Excerpt from Webster's New World 197
` 4 College Dictionary, Fourth Edition,
` 4 pages
` 5
` 2018 - Declaration of M. David Checkel, PH.D., 17
` 6 84 pages
` 7 2021 - SAE Technical Paper Series 21
` 2007-01-1235, Fuel Tank and Charcoal
` 8 Canister Fire Hazards during EVAP
` System Leak Testing, 11 pages
` 9
` 2023 - "Oxygenated Fuel Considerations for 54
`10 In-Shop Fuel System Leak Testing
` Hazards," by K.M. Frank and M.D.
`11 Checkel, 11 pages
`12 2041 - Excerpt from Webster's Third New 171
` International Dictionary, 3 pages
` 2042 - Excerpt from Random House Webster's 171
`14 College Dictionary, 3 pages
`17 Page Line
`18 15 11


` 2 9:02 A.M.
` 3 oOo
` 4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. My name is
` 5 Kevin Wall. I am a videographer associated with Barkley
` 6 Court Reporters, located at 2040 Main Street, Irvine,
` 7 California 92614.
` 8 The date is December 20th, 2013. The time is
` 9 9:02 a.m.
`09:02 10 This deposition is taking place at 2040 Main
`11 Street, Irvine, California 92614 in the matter of
`12 Redline Detection, LLC, versus STAR EnviroTech, Inc.,
`13 Case No. IPR2013-00106.
`14 This is the videotaped deposition of M. David
`09:03 15 Checkel, being taken on behalf of the petitioner.
`16 Will counsel for the parties please identify
`17 themselves.
`18 MR. NEWBOLES: Matt Newboles and Lowell
`19 Anderson for petitioner Redline Detection.
`09:03 20 MR. BUNKER: Jared Bunker from the law firm of
`21 Knobbe Martens on behalf of STAR EnviroTech and the
`22 witness, Dr. Checkel. Also attending is Jim Saffie from
`23 STAR EnviroTech.
`24 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you.
`09:03 25 The court reporter may now swear in the


`09:03 1 witness.
` 2
` 4 having been first duly sworn, was
`09:03 5 examined and testified as follows:
` 6
` 9 Q Sir, can you please state your name.
`09:03 10 A My full name is Michael David Checkel. I go as
`11 David Checkel.
`12 Q Could you please spell your last name?
`13 A I spell it C-H-E-C-K-E-L.
`14 Q And you hold a Ph.D.?
`09:03 15 A That's correct.
`16 Q I'll refer to you as Dr. Checkel. Is that okay
`17 for you?
`18 A That's fine.
`19 Q Excellent.
`09:04 20 Just so you're aware, Dr. Checkel, the
`21 deposition testimony you're giving today is the same
`22 testimony and has the same force and effect as if you
`23 were in a court of law.
`24 Do you understand that?
`09:04 25 A I do.


`09:04 1 Q You are sworn to tell the truth under penalty
` 2 of perjury.
` 3 Are you aware of that?
` 4 A Yes.
`09:04 5 Q Procedurally, I will ask you a question and in
` 6 turn I will expect your answer. And in answering my
` 7 question, please try to state clearly "yes" or "no" to
` 8 make it easier for the court reporter.
` 9 Do you understand that?
`09:04 10 A I do.
`11 Q It is also best if you allow me to finish my
`12 question before answering. If you don't understand a
`13 question, please let me know. If you answer the
`14 question, I'm going to assume that you understand that.
`09:04 15 Okay?
`16 A Okay.
`17 Q Also, because this deposition is being -- is
`18 taken in connection with an Inter Partes Review or IPR
`19 proceeding, special rules apply. Once your
`09:04 20 cross-examination has commenced and until your
`21 cross-examination is concluded, your counsel shall not
`22 consult or confer with you regarding the substance of
`23 your testimony already given or anticipated to be given
`24 except for the purpose of conferring with you so as to
`09:04 25 determine whether or not to assert a privilege to keep


`09:05 1 you from testifying.
` 2 Do you understand that?
` 3 A I do understand that.
` 4 Q And your counsel can confer with you for
`09:05 5 purposes of deciding whether or not or how to comply
` 6 with an order from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
` 7 Do you understand that?
` 8 A Okay.
` 9 Q Your counsel cannot suggest to you the manner
`09:05 10 in which any question should be answer.
`11 Do you understand that?
`12 A (Witness nods head.)
`13 Q Sorry --
`14 A I just nodded.
`09:05 15 Q Okay.
`16 A Yes.
`17 Q "Yes" or "no"?
`18 A You can keep reminding me.
`19 Q If at any time during the deposition you need
`09:05 20 to take a break, please let me know. We can accommodate
`21 that. However, we will not take a break if a question
`22 is pending and your attorney cannot initiate a private
`23 conference with you or call for a break while a question
`24 is pending except for the purposes I just mentioned.
`09:05 25 Do you understand that?


`09:05 1 A I understand, yes.
` 2 Q Okay. Have you ever been deposed before?
` 3 A Yes, I have.
` 4 Q In what matters have you been deposed?
`09:05 5 A In the United States, in a class action suit
` 6 on -- that related to lubrication of engines; and also
` 7 in a patent lawsuit in New York relating to hybrid
` 8 electric vehicles.
` 9 Q In any of those depositions, in terms of the
`09:06 10 subject matter, did those ever relate to the subject
`11 matter that we're going to be talking about today and
`12 specifically smoke machines and EVAP testing?
`13 A No, they didn't.
`14 Q Have you ever been deposed in connection with
`09:06 15 the use of smoke machines and detecting leaks in EVAP
`16 systems?
`17 A No, I haven't.
`18 Q Have you ever served as a consultant for STAR
`19 EnviroTech?
`09:06 20 A Yes, I have.
`21 Q What was the nature of that experience?
`22 A That's -- that's a short question with a long
`23 answer because I started working for Global Leak
`24 Detection, which is a company in Edmonton, Canada, on
`09:07 25 matters relating to leak machines, leak-testing


`09:07 1 machines. Over time, the principal of Global Leak
` 2 Detection became associated with STAR EnviroTech, so I
` 3 did a lot of projects that I was never certain who they
` 4 were for specifically, and basically I did a lot of
`09:07 5 small projects for STAR EnviroTech.
` 6 Q Can you describe the nature of those projects
` 7 starting at the beginning?
` 8 A The project specifically for STAR EnviroTech,
` 9 this had to do with things like testing the -- the
`09:07 10 amount of vapors being forced out of fuel systems,
`11 testing flow rates, testing the quality of smoke that
`12 was produced by different machines, some work on trying
`13 to write descriptions for patents, some work on
`14 evaluating the technologies compared with patents.
`09:08 15 Q When did you start working for Global Leak
`16 Protection (sic)?
`17 A Global Leak Detection would have been in the
`18 late 1990s.
`19 Q Do you have any more of a specific time frame?
`09:08 20 A No. I tried to look that up before this
`21 deposition. I suffered some computer losses over the
`22 past 15 years, so I don't have specific records.
`23 Q And can you recall when you started doing work
`24 for STAR EnviroTech?
`09:08 25 A Certainly by 2003. I was just looking back


`09:08 1 through -- through some records. Probably before that
` 2 because Global Leak Detection -- I don't know exactly
` 3 when they became associated with STAR EnviroTech, but it
` 4 was around that time.
`09:08 5 Q But you understand it's STAR EnviroTech, and
` 6 STAR EnviroTech is the parent company you're primarily
` 7 working for?
` 8 A That's correct.
` 9 Q And do you presently have an ongoing
`09:08 10 relationship with STAR EnviroTech?
`11 MR. BUNKER: Objection; form.
`12 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Are you still doing
`13 consulting work for STAR EnviroTech?
`14 A Aside from appearing in this deposition, I'm
`09:09 15 not doing anything at the moment.
`16 Q When was the last time you did any work for
`17 STAR EnviroTech?
`18 A It would have been a little over two years ago.
`19 Q What was the nature of that work?
`09:09 20 A That -- I did some work on writing a patent
`21 description on a particular invention, I did some work
`22 on evaluating another machine relative to some patents.
`23 Q Have those patents issued?
`24 A I don't know.
`09:09 25 Q And you're responsible for drafting those


`09:09 1 patent applications?
` 2 MR. BUNKER: You can answer that "yes" or "no."
` 4 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Since you first started
`09:09 5 consulting for STAR EnviroTech, how much have you been
` 6 compensated by STAR EnviroTech?
` 7 A I don't have the number. It's not a large part
` 8 of my income.
` 9 Q Can you give me an approximation?
`09:10 10 A I would -- I would guess that it would be
`11 something like 30-, $50,000 total over a decade.
`12 Q And, again, the nature of the work that you did
`13 for STAR EnviroTech, other than the patent drafting, and
`14 you mentioned what you did for Global Leak Protection,
`09:10 15 is there anything else specific that you can recall?
`16 A We did a lot of lab testing for things like
`17 flammability formation inside fuel tanks. Some of this
`18 was for STAR EnviroTech, some of it was independent
`19 scientific curiosity-type research that we published.
`09:10 20 Q Okay. Was STAR funding that work?
`21 A They ended up funding -- basically providing us
`22 with equipment and wanting certain answers, and we then
`23 did other work with the equipment.
`24 Q When you say looking for certain answers, can
`09:11 25 you be more specific?


`09:11 1 A The sort of work that we were doing was
` 2 literally to measure what flow rates would produce a
` 3 minimum or acceptable level of hazard and whether the
` 4 hazard would go away if we would use nitrogen.
`09:11 5 The scientific curiosity work was to -- was to
` 6 work at levels that produced a hazard obviously, and to
` 7 try and expand the envelope of the work.
` 8 Q And was this all -- this research you're
` 9 mentioning, was it done in connection with EVAP testing?
`09:11 10 A We did some -- some EVAP system testing in
`11 terms of fuel tank and leak detection testing. We did
`12 some testing on -- on charcoal canisters and the
`13 capability to actually evaluate the effectiveness of a
`14 charcoal canister.
`09:12 15 Q And when I use the word "EVAP" system, you
`16 understand what I'm referring to?
`17 A Yes, I do. I hope I understand -- I hope we
`18 both have the same understanding.
`19 Q EVAP systems as used in connection with motor
`09:12 20 vehicles --
`21 A That's right.
`22 Q -- you have an understanding of what that is?
`23 A Yes.
`24 Q Okay. What did you do to prepare for today's
`09:12 25 deposition?


`09:12 1 A I read through the report that I had written
` 2 and looked over the references again.
` 3 Q The references that you mention in your
` 4 declaration, which we'll get to, you've looked at -- you
`09:12 5 looked at all those?
` 6 A That's right.
` 7 Q Any other documents that you reviewed prior to
` 8 your deposition today?
` 9 MR. BUNKER: You can answer that "yes" or "no."
`09:12 10 THE DEPONENT: Sorry. Yes.
`11 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Can you describe the nature
`12 of those documents?
`13 MR. BUNKER: I'm going to instruct the witness
`14 not to answer. It's our position that the selection of
`09:12 15 which documents we showed and didn't show to Dr. Checkel
`16 is work product.
`17 However, if it would help, I will represent
`18 that Dr. Checkel was not shown any documents that
`19 weren't cited in the declaration or have been produced
`09:13 20 in this proceeding.
`21 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Did you meet with STAR
`22 EnviroTech's counsel prior to your deposition today?
`23 A Yes, I did.
`24 Q And which counsel did you meet with?
`09:13 25 A Jared Bunker.


`09:13 1 Q Anyone else other than Mr. Bunker?
` 2 A No.
` 3 Q How long did you meet with Mr. Bunker?
` 4 A I met with him on both yesterday and the day
`09:13 5 before.
` 6 Q And in terms of the total time you spent
` 7 preparing for your deposition with Mr. Bunker, can you
` 8 tell me how much time you spent?
` 9 A Approximately 12 hours.
`09:13 10 Q And did you spend any time on your own
`11 preparing for this deposition?
`12 A I spent some time rereading my report.
`13 Q Approximation as to the amount of time you
`14 spent?
`09:14 15 A Four hours.
`16 Q And other than your counsel, did you discuss
`17 this deposition with anyone else?
`18 A No, I haven't.
`19 Q And prior to this matter that we're discussing
`09:14 20 today, this Inter Partes Review, have you had any
`21 previous association with the law firm of Knobbe Martens
`22 Olson & Bear?
`23 A No, I haven't.
`24 Q Have you had any previous association with any
`09:14 25 of the attorneys of Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear?


`09:14 1 A No, I haven't.
` 2 Q All right. Dr. Checkel, at this time I'm going
` 3 to hand you Exhibit 2018 --
` 4 Looks like you already have one there, but I'm
`09:14 5 going to give you another one anyway.
` 6 (Petitioner's Exhibit 2018 was marked for
` 7 identification.)
` 8 (Document handed to counsel and the deponent.)
` 9 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: -- which is your declaration
`09:14 10 that was submitted in this Inter Partes Review.
`11 Dr. Checkel, are you familiar with this
`12 document?
`13 A Yes, I am.
`14 Q If you could turn to the last page of that
`09:15 15 document, please.
`16 A (Witness complies.)
`17 Q Can you let me know if that's your signature.
`18 A That is my signature.
`19 Q Are you responsible for drafting this document?
`09:15 20 A Yes, I am.
`21 Q Did anyone -- did anyone else assist you with
`22 drafting this document?
`23 A Yes, I received some assistance on things like
`24 the legal terms and definitions as well as some actual
`09:15 25 formatting assistance, putting the thing together in the


`09:15 1 end.
` 2 Q And who assisted you with that process?
` 3 A That was through Knobbe Martens.
` 4 Q Any specific attorney?
`09:15 5 A I was working with Jared Bunker.
` 6 Q Referring now to Page 5 of your declaration and
` 7 specifically Paragraph 13, if I could direct your
` 8 attention there, please.
` 9 A (Witness complies.)
`09:15 10 Q You mention that, quote:
`11 "...gasoline fuels generally have
`12 several important properties, including
`13 combustibility and volatility," end
`14 quote; correct?
`09:16 15 A That's correct.
`16 Q And on Page 6 of your declaration,
`17 Paragraph 14, you mention that gasoline has several
`18 distinct hazards; correct?
`19 A That's correct.
`09:16 20 Q Do you think that it's common knowledge to the
`21 general public that gasoline is highly combustible?
`22 A Yes, it is.
`23 Q And do you think it is also common knowledge to
`24 the general public and, again, anybody who's ever pumped
`09:16 25 gasoline, that gasoline's combustibility and volatility


`09:16 1 creates a fire hazard?
` 2 A I think that's well understood.
` 3 Q And that gasoline can cause an explosion?
` 4 A I think so.
`09:16 5 Q And based on your everyday experience, is it
` 6 true that most gasoline stations have warning signs
` 7 about the combustibility of gasoline?
` 8 A I'm sure most of them do.
` 9 Q Okay. Based on your personal experience?
`09:16 10 A Yes.
`11 Q You've seen those before?
`12 A Uh-huh.
`13 Q And gas stations usually post warning signs
`14 that gasoline can explode, is that -- do you have any
`09:17 15 experience seeing that before?
`16 A I'm trying to think about the word "explode,"
`17 but they certainly have warnings about combustibility
`18 and fires.
`19 Q Okay. And would you agree that it would be
`09:17 20 understood by members of the general public that the
`21 fuel tank that holds the gas could be at risk for
`22 exploding or catching fire?
`23 A I agree.
`24 Q And if I could direct your attention to Page 15
`09:17 25 and specifically Paragraph 31 of your declaration,


`09:17 1 that's Exhibit 2018.
` 2 Let me know when you're there.
` 3 A Okay.
` 4 Q You mention that the fuel vapor concentration
`09:17 5 in a sealed gasoline tank vapor space can be diluted
` 6 into the flammable range by mixing the tank vapor space
` 7 with air or air-based smoke mixtures; correct?
` 8 A That's what it says, yes.
` 9 Q And that would occur during EVAP testing?
`09:17 10 A It can occur during EVAP testing.
`11 Q Does it occur during EVAP testing?
`12 MR. BUNKER: Objection; form.
`13 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: It can occur?
`14 A It can occur. It depends how it's done.
`09:18 15 Q Can I please have you refer now to Paragraph 32
`16 of your declaration. And, in particular, the first
`17 sentence, that passage says, quote:
`18 "Leak testing in EVAP systems using
`19 air at even moderate leak detection
`09:18 20 flow rates (5 to 15 liters per minute
`21 or 0.20 to 0.5 cubic feet per minute)
`22 produces substantial amounts of
`23 flammable fluid (sic) inside the fuel
`24 tank, particularly for low-volatility
`09:18 25 fuel," end quote.


`09:18 1 MR. BUNKER: Mr. Newboles, I think you --
` 2 THE DEPONENT: I think you used the word
` 3 "fluid" instead of "volume."
` 4 MR. NEWBOLES: Did I use "volume"? Okay.
`09:18 5 I'm sorry. Could you read that into the
` 6 record.
` 7 A "Leak testing in EVAP systems
` 8 using air at even moderate leak
` 9 detection flow rates (5 to 15 liters
`09:18 10 per minute or .2 to .5 cubic feet per
`11 minute) produces substantial amounts of
`12 flammable volume inside the fuel tank,
`13 particularly for low-volatility fuel."
`14 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Thank you very much.
`09:19 15 Is that statement true and correct to the best
`16 of your knowledge?
`17 A It is.
`18 Q And in support of that passage, you rely on
`19 Exhibit 2021; correct?
`09:19 20 A That's right.
`21 Q Okay. At this time I'd like to hand you
`22 Exhibit 2021.
`23 (Petitioner's Exhibit 2021 was marked for
`24 identification.)
`09:19 25 (Document handed to counsel and the deponent.)


`09:19 1 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: Dr. Checkel, are you familiar
` 2 with this document?
` 3 A Yes, I am.
` 4 Q You coauthored the paper that is the subject of
`09:19 5 Exhibit 2021; correct?
` 6 A I did.
` 7 Q On Page 2 of Exhibit 2021, left-hand column, in
` 8 the paragraph right above In-Tank Vapor Behavior, do you
` 9 see that?
`09:20 10 A Yes, paragraph which starts "Leak testing" --
`11 (Simultaneous speaking.)
`12 Q "Leak testing" -- yes, thank you.
`13 Can you please read the second and third
`14 sentences of that paragraph.
`09:20 15 A The second sentence is:
`16 "The flow rate of typical 'smoke'
`17 leak detection equipment varies from
`18 5 liters per minute to 15 liters per
`19 minute," Reference 1. "The duration of
`09:20 20 the purge flow varies depending on the
`21 characteristics of the system under
`22 test, but usually ranges from 1 to 5
`23 minutes."
`24 Q Thank you.
`09:20 25 Are those sentences true and correct to the


`09:20 1 best of your knowledge?
` 2 A Yes, they are.
` 3 Q So that means typical smoke leak detection
` 4 equipment produces a flow rate from 5 liters per minute
`09:20 5 to 15 liters per minute and is run from 1 to 5 minutes
` 6 during leak testing a fuel tank; is that correct?
` 7 A That's correct.
` 8 Q Okay. And then over on Page 4, at the bottom
` 9 right-hand corner, there is a Results section. And in
`09:21 10 the second-to-last sentence in that second-to-last
`11 paragraph, the sentence starting with "Therefore" --
`12 Do you see what I'm referring to?
`13 -- could you please read that into the record?
`14 A Sorry. I'm thinking I should have brought my
`09:21 15 glasses.
`16 Q I'm sorry. I can try, but I can only hope that
`17 I can read this verbatim.
`18 A "Therefore, if the flow rate is
`19 limited to 10 liters per minute
`09:21 20 typical purge times less than 5
`21 minutes are safe if air is used as
`22 the carrier fluid. Lower volatility
`23 gasoline reached significant
`24 flammable volumes much earlier,
`09:21 25 shortly after 1 minute had elapsed."


`09:22 1 Q The sentence above the "Therefore, if the flow
` 2 rate is limited to 10 liters per minute typical purge
` 3 times less than 5 minutes are safe if air is used as the
` 4 carrier fluid," that's the sentence I'm focusing on.
`09:22 5 Is that sentence true and correct to the best
` 6 of your knowledge?
` 7 A Yeah, it's put in the -- in the perspective of
` 8 the previous sentence, which says:
` 9 (As read) "High volatility (RVP 90
`09:22 10 kil Pascal) gasoline did not form
`11 significant flammable vapor until 5
`12 minutes had elapsed. Therefore, if the
`13 flow rate is limited to 10 liters per
`14 minute typical purge times less than 5
`09:22 15 minutes are safe if air is used as the
`16 carrier fluid."
`17 Q So is it correct to say that if you have a flow
`18 rate of 10 liters per minute and are operating that flow
`19 rate for five minutes or less through a fuel tank, is
`09:22 20 that completely safe?
`21 MR. BUNKER: Objection; form.
`22 THE DEPONENT: Again, putting it in
`23 perspective, with a high volatility gasoline, it is
`24 acceptably safe. And the next sentence points out that
`09:22 25 lower volatility gasoline is unsafe, reached significant


`09:23 1 flammable volumes shortly after one minute had elapsed.
` 2 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: So while you say, in the
` 3 first sentence of Paragraph 32 of your declaration, that
` 4 using air and leak testing EVAP systems with a flow rate
`09:23 5 of 5 to 15 liters per minute produces substantial
` 6 amounts of flammable volume, is it also correct to say
` 7 that, per your Exhibit 2021, that if you have a flow
` 8 rate of 10 liters per minute and are operating at a flow
` 9 rate of 5 minutes or less, that is completely safe?
`09:23 10 MR. BUNKER: Objection; form.
`11 THE DEPONENT: The -- each of those sentences
`12 can be true, but it has to be taken in the context of
`13 what the fuel volatility is. That's why there's a large
`14 section on describing what fuel volatility is and how it
`09:23 15 has changed from high volatility fuels to low volatility
`16 fuels.
`17 Q BY MR. NEWBOLES: But the purge time, 1 to 5
`18 minutes is the normal purge time; is that correct?
`19 A It depends on the size of the fuel tank and
`09:24 20 literally how much volume needs to be filled.
`21 Q But in -- on Page 2, you mention that --
`22 A This is Page 2 of the technical paper?
`23 Q Yeah. I'm going back to -- just referring to
`24 what was said earlier.
`09:24 25 The duration of the purge flow varies depending


`09:24 1 on the characteristics of the system under test, but
` 2 usually ranges from 1 to 5 minutes.
` 3 Is that range of 1 to 5 minutes, is that
` 4 correct, in your opinion?
`09:24 5 A Yeah, it's -- it's a normal range for a fuel
` 6 tank that's not a large fuel tank and empty, for
` 7 instance.
` 8 Q Okay.
` 9 A So if you go to a large fuel tank and it's
`09:24 10 empty, then you have to run longer simply in order to
`11 fill it full of smoke.
`12 Q Okay. On this same exhibit, Exhibit 2021,
`13 Page 1 on the left column, towards the e

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