(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 6,477,890 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 12, 2002
`(75) Inventor: Jon L_ Hulsebus, Grandville, MI (Us)
`4/1980 Kaselaan et a1.
`4,198,856 A
`4,303,397 A 12/1981 SWiatosZ .................. .. 434/226
`4,326,119 A
`4/1982 SWiatosZ
`4,330,428 A
`5/1982 Cli?ord .................... .. 73/40.7
`4,349,723 A
`9/1982 SWiatosZ .................. .. 392/399
`4,419,302 A 12/1983 Nishino et a1.
`4,493,211 A
`1/1 9 85 Weinstein
`(List continued on next page.)
`Combustion Testing Module, Lennox Education, Module
`1204, Sep. 1995.
`Heat Exchanger Inspection Module, Lennox Education,
`Module 12097, Nov. 1994.
`Emi—Tech, Inc., Vacutec Test Information. 1995.
`Smog Check, Motor Apr., 1996, Sue Hannibal.
`Emi_TeCh, Inc‘, Operation Manual, Vacutec, Model 816,
`The Diesel Technician.
`Primary Examiner_Daniel S‘ Larkin
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Price Heneveld Cooper
`Dem“ 8‘ Lmon
`An apparatus for generating smoke includes a closed cham
`ber having a top cover, and a metal air inlet tube, a metal air
`outlet tube and a metal suction tube extending through the
`cover. An electric coiled-Wire heating element is positioned
`transversely in the chamber and connected electrically‘ at
`each end to the metal air inlet tube and the metal suction
`tube. A spray dispenser is attached to the top cover and
`positioned over the heating element and is operably con
`nected to a supply of smoke-producing ?uid, the dispenser
`being con?gured to spread and drop controlled quantities of
`the smoke-producing ?uid onto the heating element. Sepa
`rate controls are provided for controlling ?oW of the ?uid
`onto the heating element for' controlling smoke production,
`and for controlling ?oW of air for carrying smoke through'a
`delivery line for use. An ori?ce and also a condenser is
`positioned at an outlet of the smoke-producing chamber to
`better distribute and control smoke in the air, and to reduce
`oil droplets and heat in the smoke-carrying air. Variations are
`provided to shoW manual, semi-automatic, and automatic
`27 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`0' V 7 ' VEHlCLE
`(73) Assignee. game Industries, Inc., Holland, MI
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject‘ to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adJusted under 35
`U_S_C_ 154(k)) by 18 days_
`(21) APPl- N91 09/662,914
`(22) Filed;
`Sep. 15, 2000
`(51) Int. Cl. ........................ .. G01M 3/04;
`(52) US. Cl. ....................... ..
`(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 73/407, 49.7;
`102/334; 122/40; 239/136; 392/386, 394,
`396, 397, 399
`References Cited
`6/1935 ékorié
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`2/1937 Ban
`2ZO7OZO38 A
`9/1958 Luge’ Jr_ et a1_
`2,850,615 A
`4/1959 Charwat
`2,882,240 A
`3/1960 Vanerstrom
`2,930,511 A
`3,002,237 A 10/1961 SPeXaTth
`3,087,327 A
`4/1963 Kiigi
`3’392’479 A
`7/1968 simmglns
`3’395’514 A
`8/1968 Bub
`3:432:439 A
`3/1969 Dickman
`3,444,721 A
`5/1969 Heam et a1_
`3,483,735 A 12/1969 Packo
`3,835,293 A
`9/1974 McAlister
`3,975,943 A
`8/1976 Brachet
`3,990,987 A 11/1976 Rogers
`4,155,249 A
`5/1979 Scott
`Redline v. Star
`Trial IPR2013-00106
`p. 1048-1

`US 6,477,890 B1
`Page 2
`4,524,607 A
`6/1985 Pelletier et a1.
`272227238 2 13%;; i‘flail‘lsztetlaL
`4’646’558 A
`3/1987 Gilli; 6‘: ‘a1
`4’694’695 A
`9/1987 Sewell et a1 '
`4’764’660 A
`8/1988 Swiatosz '
`4,818,843 A
`4/1989 Swiatosz
`4,871,115 A 10/1989 Hessey
`4,942,920 A
`7/1990 chalifoux et aL
`4,998,479 A
`3/1991 Perham et 81.
`5,078,976 A
`1/1992 Shibauchi et 81.
`5,095,647 A
`3/1992 Zobele et a1,
`5,107,698 A
`4/1992 Gilliam .................... .. 73/40.7
`5,112,442 A
`5/1992 Goodson
`5,168,544 A 12/1992 Kolasa
`5,182,941 A
`2/1993 Frenkel et 81.
`5,220,637 A
`6/1993 Levin, III 6161.
`5 335 536 A
`8/1994 Runnevik
`5,367,603 A 11/1994 WeIlIiCh et a1.
`5,507,176 A
`4/1996 Kammeraad et a1.
`5,637,788 A
`6/1997 Remboski et a1.
`5,753,800 A
`5/1998 Gilliam .................... .. 73/407
`5,763,764 A
`6/1998 Mieczkowski et 81.
`5,803,359 A
`9/1998 Vandoninck
`5,859,363 A
`1/1999 Gollge ...................... .. 73/407
`5,870,524 A
`2/1999 swlatosz
`5,887,117 A
`3/1999 Desu er al
`5,898,108 A
`4/1999 Mieczkowski et 81.
`5,922,944 A
`7/1999 Pieroni et a1. ............. .. 73/40.7
`5,937,141 A
`8/1999 Swiatosz
`6,018,615 A
`1/2000 Loblick .................... .. 392/397
`p. 1048-2

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 12, 2002
`Sheet 1 0f 2
`US 6,477,890 B1
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`p. 1048-3

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 12, 2002
`Sheet 2 0f 2
`US 6,477,890 B1
`Tléger'gk —- PRODUCING ?- FOR LEAK
`HQ. 2
`_______________________ __|
`TESTER "4|:
`___________ “>214 FIg. 3
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _
`_ _ _ _ _ _ __
`I 21 I g
`Fig. 4
`p. 1048-4

`US 6,477,890 B1
`The present invention relates to smoke-producing appa
`ratus for detecting leaks.
`Leak detection by using smoke-carrying air is knoWn. For
`example, automobile mechanics have, for many years, used
`smoke-laden air pumped into a closed system, such as a
`radiator and engine coolant system, to ?nd leaks. HoWever,
`there is a need for devices that are loWer cost, more reliable,
`non-complex, and that produce a more consistent smoke.
`Also, devices are needed that are adaptable for different
`uses, With different equipment and in different environ
`ments. In particular With automotive fuel and evaporative
`emissions testing, a smoke-producing apparatus is needed
`that does not leave a residue, and that produces a highly
`uniform and loW-particle-siZe smoke.
`Pieroni et al. US. Pat. No. 5,922,944 discloses an appa
`ratus for simultaneously producing smoke and air?oW.
`HoWever, sometimes separate or independent control is
`needed, such as When more or less air?oW is needed, or
`When denser (or less dense) smoke is needed or preferred.
`Further, there is a need for better control of the smoke during
`initial start-up of the apparatus and for more uniform smoke
`concentration, and also for control over ?uid droplets going
`doWnstream. Also there is a need for remote control so that
`a mechanic doesn’t have to go back to tester unit to control
`it or to turn it off (or on).
`Accordingly, an apparatus is desired having the afore
`mentioned advantages and solving the aforementioned prob
`In one aspect of the present invention, an apparatus for
`generating smoke includes a closed chamber having an air
`inlet and an air outlet, an electric heating element positioned
`transversely in the chamber, and a supply of smoke
`producing ?uid. A dispenser is positioned over the electric
`heating element and operably connected to the supply of
`smoke-producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element. An air supply is
`connected to the air inlet, and a conduit is connected to the
`air outlet for communicating air from the air supply mixed
`With smoke generated by the heating element in the closed
`chamber to a location for use.
`In another aspect of the present invention, an apparatus
`for testing for leaks includes a smoke-producing chamber,
`and a ?rst control for controlling a quantity of smoke
`generated. An air supply is operably connected to the
`smoke-producing chamber, and a second control, indepen
`dent of the ?rst control, is provided for controlling ?oW of
`smoke from the smoke-producing chamber.
`In another aspect, an apparatus for testing for leaks
`includes a smoke-producing device having a control for
`controlling a quantity of smoke generated and dispensed, the
`control including a receiver for receiving signals and being
`constructed to turn off the smoke-producing device upon
`receiving a shutoff signal. A remote control sender is pro
`vided and constructed to send the shutoff signal to the
`In yet another aspect, an apparatus for generating smoke
`includes a closed chamber having a top cover, and an air
`inlet tube and an air outlet tube extending through the cover,
`at least one of the tubes being conductive. An electric
`coiled-Wire heating element is positioned transversely in the
`chamber and operably electrically connected to the at least
`one conductive tube. Aspray dispenser is attached to the top
`cover and positioned over the heating element and operably
`connected to a supply of smoke-producing ?uid, the dis
`penser being con?gured to spread and drop controlled
`quantities of the smoke-producing ?uid onto the heating
`These and other features, objects, and advantages of the
`present invention Will become apparent to a person of
`ordinary skill upon reading the folloWing description and
`claims together With reference to the accompanying draW
`FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of a smoke-producing
`apparatus embodying the present invention, including a
`smoke-producing chamber and related components;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic vieW shoWing the apparatus of FIG.
`1 combined as modular component With an existing emis
`sions tester;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic vieW shoWing the apparatus of FIG.
`1 integrally combined as an integral unit With a pressure
`sensing emissions tester, in a same mobile cabinet; and
`FIG. 4 is a schematic vieW of an arrangement Where the
`above smoke-producing apparatus is combined With a
`remote signal sender and receiver operably connected to
`remotely turn the smoke-producing apparatus on and off
`An apparatus 20 (FIG. 1) for generating smoke includes
`sideWalls and a bottom de?ning a closed chamber 21, and a
`top cover 22 closing the chamber 21. A metal air inlet tube
`23, metal air outlet tube 24, and a metal suction tube 33
`extend through the cover 22. An electric coiled-Wire heating
`element 25 is positioned transversely in the chamber 21 and
`connected electrically at each end 25‘ and 25“ to the metal
`air inlet and suction tubes 23 and 33. A spray dispenser 26
`is attached to the-top cover 22 and positioned over the
`heating element 25 and is operably connected to a supply of
`smoke-producing ?uid 27 contained in a bottom area of the
`chamber 21. The dispenser 26 is con?gured to spread and
`drop controlled quantities 27‘ of the smoke-producing ?uid
`27 onto the heating element 25. A control box 28 includes
`separate controls for controlling ?oW of the ?uid 27 onto the
`heating element for controlling smoke production, and for
`controlling ?oW of air for carrying smoke through a delivery
`line for use. An ori?ce 29 and also a condenser 30‘ (eg a
`coil of piping) is positioned at an outlet 31 of the smoke
`producing chamber ahead of the delivery tube 32 to better
`distribute and control smoke in the air, and to reduce oil
`droplets and heat in the smoke-carrying air. Variations are
`provided to shoW manual, semi-automatic, and automatic
`apparatus, as discussed beloW.
`The closed chamber 21 and the top cover 22 are prefer
`ably made of plastic, although other materials can be used.
`The top cover 22 includes a lip and is sealingly attached to
`the chamber 21 to form an airtight enclosure. It is contem
`plated that a pressure relief valve 46 Will be incorporated
`into the top cover 22 to prevent over-pressuriZation of the
`chamber 21, but it should be understood that a pressure relief
`valve does not have to be used. For example, the top cover
`p. 1048-5

`US 6,477,890 B1
`22 can be constructed to break away at a predetermined
`force, or the sidewalls or bottom of the chamber 21 can be
`designed to fracture at a predetermined force, or a relief
`valve separate from the apparatus 20 can be included (eg on
`the air supply 41).
`The metal air inlet and outlet tubes 23 and 24 extend
`through the top cover 22. The outlet tube 24 terminates at the
`cover 22, but the inlet tube 23 extends to a mid-level in the
`chamber 21 to assure good mixing of the air and smoke. One
`of the tubes 23, 24, and 33 are designed so that a dipstick
`(not speci?cally shoWn) can be extended through it into the
`chamber 21 to determine the level of ?uid 27. Fluid can be
`added through the one tube, or through a separate hole in the
`top cover 22, or through the air inlet tube 23. The pickup or
`suction tube 33 extends through the top cover 22 to a bottom
`of the chamber 21 at a location Where the ?uid 27 Will be
`picked up, even When the ?uid 27 is at a relatively loW level.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the inlet tube 23 and the
`pickup tube 33 are metal and conductive. The electric
`coiled-Wire heating element 25 is positioned transversely in
`the chamber 21 and is electrically connected at each end to
`the metal air inlet tube 23 and to the pickup tube 33. The hot
`coils of the heating element 25 are positioned generally
`centrally in the chamber 21 at a location Where they Will not
`contact the pool of ?uid 27, even When the chamber 21 is
`tipped over.
`The spray dispenser 26 is attached under the top cover 22
`at a central location Where it is positioned over the heating
`element 25. The spray dispenser 26 provides an angled spray
`(i.e. a “cone” angle) of about 80 to 90 degrees, such that ?uid
`droplets are spread out relatively evenly on the heating coil
`portion of the heating element 25. In the illustrated apparatus
`20, it has been found that a distance of about 2 to 3 inches
`from the dispenser 26 to the heating element 25 is good,
`Where the dispenser is a #15 noZZle (i.e. a noZZle capable of
`outputting 15 gal/hr at 100 psi).
`The pump 34 is mounted to top cover 22 and operably
`connected to the pickup or suction tube 33 and to the
`dispenser 26. The pump 34 is a standard gear-type pump that
`operates at a pressure of about 20 psi. It can be driven by a
`12v DC motor, or by a 120v AC motor, or by compressed air,
`or by other pump means knoWn in the art.
`Avariety of different smoke-producing ?uids can be used
`in the present apparatus 20. The illustrated smoke-producing
`?uid 27 is a mineral oil that is non-toxic as a ?uid and further
`non-toxic as a smoke. Further, the ?uid 27 preferably has a
`controlled vaporiZation and burn rate that provides for safe
`use in the present apparatus.
`The outlet opening in the top cover 22 includes an ori?ce
`29 that is about 0.093 inches in diameter, Which is optimally
`at least less than 50% of a diameter of the hose 32. This siZe
`restricts the ?oW of smoke until suf?cient density has built
`up, yet alloWs suf?cient ?oW of smoke, thus helping to
`provide a more uniform concentration of smoke in the air.
`Also, the ori?ce 29 helps stop or restrict vaporiZed oil
`droplets that are “too large” in siZe from exiting the chamber
`The delivery tube 32 is connected at outlet 31 to the outlet
`nipple of the outlet tube 24 and is ?exible so that it can be
`easily coupled in a use position. The tube 32 is suf?ciently
`large so that the air?oW through it is not excessively quick,
`yet the delivery tube 32 is suf?ciently small so that smoke
`carrying air travels through the tube 32 With acceptable
`speed. The illustrated delivery tube 32 has an ID of about 1A
`to 5/s inch, and is about 8 feet long, such that smoke-laden
`air takes at least several seconds to travel along the tube 32.
`A mini-tank can also be used to give the “delayed” travel of
`For optimal heat control and spark reduction, a Wire-mesh
`condenser 30‘ is positioned at the outlet 31 of the smoke
`producing chamber ahead of the delivery tube 32 to better
`distribute and control smoke in the air, and to reduce oil
`droplets and heat in the smoke-carrying air. Also, the initial
`several inches of the delivery tube 32 can be coiled at a
`location 30 to further provide a condenser-type arrangement.
`As noted above, a pressure relief valve 46 can be incorpo
`rated into the top cover 21, if desired.
`A variety of different air supplies can Work With the
`present arrangement. The illustrated air supply 41 can be a
`mobile compressed air source, bottled air, bottled N2 gas, (or
`other compressed non-combustible gas), or it can be from a
`permanent air compressor or other air source.
`It is contemplated that the control box 28 Will include
`appropriate controls to meet the control needs of the person
`using apparatus 20. Speci?cally, it is contemplated that
`manual controls can be provided (e.g. manual shutoffs for
`controlling air?oW from the supply of air and for controlling
`the ?uid pump), or automated controls can be provided (e.g.
`computer controlled, electric shutoffs for air?oW and for the
`?uid pump). Alternatively, semi-automatic controls can be
`provided (eg to provide safety shutoffs, over-pressure
`shutoffs, loW-?uid-level shutoffs, and the like). In particular,
`it is noted that the present apparatus is loW cost and produces
`a very uniform smoke, such that many customers Want to
`incorporate it into their existing leak testing devices. One
`such arrangement is shoWn in FIG. 2. In FIG. 2, an existing
`evaporative emissions tester 40 is coupled to the apparatus
`20, With the outlet of the evaporative emissions tester 40
`being connected to the air inlet of the apparatus 20. The
`emissions test apparatus disclosed in US. Pat. No. 5,507,
`176, issued Apr. 16, 1996, is an example of one such unit,
`and the entire contents of the same are incorporated in its
`entirety herein. Acommon air source 41 can be used for both
`apparatus 40 and 20. Notably, the apparatus 20 and 40 can
`be interconnected in a modular arrangement Where the
`apparatus are separate modular units (i.e. FIG. 3), or they
`can be incorporated into a single apparatus that is supported
`by a single mobile cabinet 42 (FIG. 2).
`In an optimal arrangement, the control box 28 includes
`separate controls for controlling ?oW of the ?uid 27 onto the
`heating element for controlling smoke production, and for
`controlling ?oW of air for carrying smoke through a delivery
`line for use. In one variation Which has proven to be
`particularly useful, a receiver 43 is operably connected to the
`control box 28 for shutting off one or both of the air?oW and
`the ?uid ?oW. A sender 44 is provided to the mechanic
`conducting the test on a vehicle to be tested. The sender 44
`is programmed to communicate With the receiver 43 to turn
`“on” and “off” the air?oW control 50 and the smoke control
`51 (i.e. the pump 34 and/or the heater 25). Receivers 43 and
`senders 44 useful for the present combination are knoWn in
`the art. For example, such receivers and senders are used in
`vehicles to lock and unlock vehicle doors, or to open and
`close garage doors.
`In the foregoing description, it Will be readily appreciated
`by persons skilled in the art that modi?cations may be made
`to the invention Without departing from the concepts dis
`closed herein. Such modi?cations are to be considered as
`included in the folloWing claims, unless these claims, by
`their language, expressly state otherWise.
`The invention claimed is:
`1. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`p. 1048-6

`US 6,477,890 B1
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use; and
`a spark arrester positioned in the air outlet.
`2. The apparatus de?ned in claim 1, Wherein one of the air
`inlet and outlet is metal.
`3. The apparatus de?ned in claim 1, Wherein the closed
`chamber includes a top cover and the dispenser is positioned
`under and proximate the top cover.
`4. The apparatus de?ned in claim 3, Wherein the dispenser
`is attached to the top cover.
`5. The apparatus de?ned in claim 3, Wherein the dispenser
`sprays at a distribution cone of about 80—90 degrees.
`6. The apparatus de?ned in claim 1, Wherein the air inlet
`and air outlet each include tubes and that are mounted to a
`top cover of the closed chamber along With the dispenser.
`7. The apparatus de?ned in claim 1, Wherein a space from
`the dispenser to the heating element is about tWo to three
`8. The apparatus de?ned in claim 1, including a pump for
`pumping the smoke-producing ?uid to the dispenser, and a
`shutoff control for shutting off at least one of the pump and
`the heating element.
`9. The apparatus de?ned in claim 8, Wherein the shutoff
`control includes a remote control.
`10. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use, and
`a suction line extending from a bottom of the closed
`chamber to a top of the chamber, Wherein the suction
`line is metal, and Wherein the heating element includes
`ends connected to the air inlet and the suction line.
`11. The apparatus de?ned in claim 10, including an
`automatic shutoff operably connected to the heating ele
`12. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use, Wherein the air outlet includes an outlet ori?ce
`that is less than about 50% of a diameter of the air
`13. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use;
`an automatic shutoff operably connected to the heating
`element, and
`a pump connected to the dispenser and an automatic
`shutoff operably connected to the pump.
`14. The apparatus de?ned in claim 13, including a suction
`line extending from a bottom of the closed chamber to a top
`of the chamber.
`15. The apparatus de?ned in claim 13, including an
`automatic shutoff operably connected to the air supply.
`16. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use; and
`a pump for pumping the smoke-producing ?uid to the
`dispenser, and a shutoff control for shutting off at least
`one of the pump and the heating element;
`Wherein the shutoff control includes a remote control, and
`Wherein the remote control includes a receiver associ
`ated With the chamber and further includes a sender for
`communicating With the receiver to activate the shutoff
`17. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`p. 1048-7

`US 6,477,890 B1
`an air supply connected to the air inlet;
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply mixed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use; and
`a control for controlling production of smoke and How of
`smokeying air, the control including a sender con?g
`ured to send a radio frequency shutoff signal, and
`including a receiver con?gured to receive the radio
`frequency shutoff signal and to then shut off at least one
`of the air?oW, the smoke-generating ?uid, and the
`heating element.
`18. An apparatus for testing for leaks comprising:
`a smoke-producing chamber;
`a ?rst control for controlling a quantity of smoke gener
`an air supply operably connected to the smoke-producing
`chamber; and
`a second control, independent of the ?rst control, for
`controlling How of smoke from the smoke-producing
`19. The apparatus de?ned in claim 18, including a remote
`control constructed to shut off the ?rst and second controls
`from a location remote from the apparatus.
`20. The apparatus de?ned in claim 19, Wherein the remote
`control is a Wireless control constructed to send signals
`through the air to the apparatus.
`21. An apparatus for testing for leaks comprising:
`a smoke-producing device including a control for con
`trolling a quantity of smoke generated and dispensed,
`the control including a receiver for receiving signals
`and being constructed to turn off the smoke-producing
`device upon receiving a shutoff signal; and
`a remote control sender constructed to send the shutoff
`signal to the receiver.
`22. An apparatus for generating smoke comprising:
`a closed chamber having a top cover, and an air inlet tube
`and an air outlet tube extending through the cover, at
`least one of the inlet and outlet tubes being conductive;
`an electric coiled-Wire heating element positioned trans
`versely in the chamber and operably electrically con
`nected to the at least one conductive tube; and
`a spray dispenser attached to the top cover and positioned
`over the heating element and operably connected to a
`supply of smoke-producing ?uid, the dispenser being
`con?gured to spread and drop controlled quantities of
`the smoke-producing ?uid onto the heating element.
`23. The apparatus de?ned in claim 22, including an air
`supply connected to the air inlet; and
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply miXed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use.
`24. The apparatus de?ned in claim 22, Wherein the top
`cover is sealingly attached to the chamber but constructed to
`break aWay When a predetermined over-pressurization force
`is generated in the chamber.
`25. An apparatus for generating smoke, comprising:
`a closed chamber having an air inlet and an air outlet;
`an electric heating element positioned transversely in the
`a supply of smoke-producing ?uid;
`a dispenser positioned over the electric heating element
`and operably connected to the supply of smoke
`producing ?uid, the dispenser being con?gured to
`spread and drop controlled quantities of the smoke
`producing ?uid onto the heating element;
`an air supply connected to the air inlet; and
`a conduit connected to the air outlet for communicating
`air from the air supply miXed With smoke generated by
`the heating element in the closed chamber to a location
`for use;
`Wherein the smoke-producing chamber includes sideWalls
`and a top cover sealingly attached to the sideWalls, the
`top cover being constructed to break aWay When a
`predetermined over-pressurization force is generated in
`the chamber.
`26. An apparatus comprising:
`a chamber adapted to hold smoke-producing ?uid in a
`bottom thereof;
`a heating element positioned in the chamber including
`contacts for operating the heating element to produce
`a pump including a suction line With an end positioned in
`the bottom for pumping the smoke-producing ?uid
`onto the heating element; and
`the chamber including a sideWall and a top cover seal
`ingly attached to the sideWall to close the chamber, one
`of the top cover and the sideWall being constructed to
`release When a predetermined over-pressuriZation force
`is generated in the chamber.
`27. The apparatus de?ned in claim 26, Wherein the top
`cover is constructed to break aWay from the sideWall When
`the predetermined over-pressuriZation force is generated in
`the chamber.
`p. 1048-8

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