`United States Patent
`Barnett et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Sep. 2, 1997
`[5 1]
`Inventors: Bruce Gordon Barnett. Troy; John
`Joseph Bloomer, Schenectady; Hsuan
`Chang. Clifton Park; Andrew Walter
`Crapo. Scotia; Michael James
`Hartman. Clifton Park; Barbara Jean
`Vivier, Niskayuna. all of NY.
`Assignee: General Electric Company.
`Schenectady. N.Y.
`Appl. No.: 686,443
`Jul. 25, 1996
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 364,567, Dec. 27, 1994.21)”.
`Int. Cl.6 ...................................................... G06F 11/34
`US. Cl. ......................................... 395/183.07; 395/50
`Field of Search ..................
`395/50. 54. 183.01.
`395/183.02. 183.07; 364/274, 274.3. 274.5
`References Cited
`.................. 395/[83.02
`12/1989 Benignos et a1.
`5,159,685 10/1992 Kung ................
`9/1993 Thompson et a1.
`11/1993 Janis .........
`3/1994 Cox et a1.
`11/1994 Glider et a1
`.. 371/291
`3/1995 Saadeh et a1. .......................... 364/200
`6/1995 Schwartz et a1.
`9/1995 Lynne et a1.
`9/1995 Nihart et a1.
`7/1996 Winokur et al.
`“Management Moving TowardA Unified View”. Distributed
`Networking. 8 pages.
`University of Michigan. Future Computing Environment
`Monitoring. Team Final Report. Jul. 28. 1994.. 25 pages.
`Primary Examiner—Robert W. Beausoliel. Ir.
`Assistant Examiner—Albert Decady
`Attorney, Agent, or Fimb—David C. Goldman; Marvin
`A system and method for managing faults in a distributed
`system The fault management system includes a configu-
`ration manager that maintains configuration information of
`components used in the distributed system. A plurality of
`measurement agents obtain performance information from
`the components in the distributed system. A diagnostic
`system has a plurality of mics written according to the
`configuration information stored therein. The diagnostic
`system is coupled to the configuration manager and each of
`the plurality of measurement agents and identifies faults
`occurring in the distributed system and provides solutions
`for correcting the faults The diagnostic system receives the
`configuration information from the configuration manager
`and the performance information from the plurality of
`measurement agents and uses the configuration and perfor—
`mance information with the plurality of rules to identify
`faults and provide solutions for the faults.
`6 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 1
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 1


`US. Patent
`meEwZ :
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 2
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 2


`US. Patent
`Sep. 2, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 4
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 3
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 3


`US. Patent
`Sep. 2, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 4
`Error Rate
`_ Error Rate
`Network Interface
`Service [Method
`Disk Controller
`I/O Rate
`Address Type
`' —
`Packets sent _
`Packets Received _
`Error Ftate
`Mount Point
`Usa.e — A
`— — —_
`A _ _
`_ _ _
`_ — _

`_ _
`_ _
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 4
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 4


`US. Patent
`Sep. 2, 1997
`Sheet 4 of 4
`Process A Process B
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 5
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 5


`This application is a Continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/364,567 filed Dec. 27, 1994, now abandoned
`invention relates generally to system
`The present
`management. and more particularly to a system for manag-
`ing faults in a distributed system.
`A distributed system is difficult to manage due to com-
`plicated and dynamic component interdependencies. Man—
`agers are used in a distributed system and are responsible for
`obtaining information about the activities and current state
`of components within the system. making decisions accord—
`ing to an overall management policy, and performing control
`actions to change the behavior of the components.
`Generally. managers perform five functions Within a distrib—
`uted system. namely configuration. performance.
`accounting. security, and fault management.
`None of these five functions are particularly suitable for
`diagnosing faults occurring in complex distributed systems.
`Diagnosing faults using manual management is time con-
`suming and requires intimate knowledge of the distributed
`system. In other management techniques such as SNMP. the
`diagnosis of faults is difficult to obtain because relationships
`between components within the distributed system are not
`easily ascertained. Since relationships are hard to ascertain.
`is difficult to determine causes and effects. and thus
`diagnose faults. Other approaches that have been used to
`diagnose faults are with conventional expert systems.
`However. conventional expert systems are too fragile since
`their rules are inapplicable for changes occurring in die
`configuration of the distributed system In addition.
`conventional expert system is too general to enable autono-
`mous control. For example. when an expert system attempts
`to analyze a distributed application, the expert system is
`aggravated because the distributed system is dynamic. Every
`time a process starts up. it has a unique identification number
`that changes with each execution. Therefore, the rules in the
`expert system will no longer apply. Also, it is difficult to
`isolate faults in a distributed environment because a resource
`limitation on one system may cause a performance degra-
`dation in another system, which is not apparent unless one
`is very familiar with the architecture of the distributed
`application and how the components work together.
`Therefore, it is a primary objective of the present inven-
`tion to provide a management system that understands
`abstract relationships between components (i.e.. processes,
`hosts. controllers, disks. connections) and has rules that are
`written according to the abstract relationships.
`A second object of the present invention is to provide a
`management system that uses an diagnostic system that
`understands the meta-model and model of the distributed
`system and has rules based on the meta-model relationship.
`Thus. in accordance with the present invention. there is
`provided a fault management system for use in a distributed
`system. The fault management system comprises a configu-
`ration manager that maintains configuration information of
`components used in the distributed system A plurality of
`measurement agents obtain performance information from
`the components in the distributed system. A diagnostic
`system has a plurality of rules written according to the
`configuration information stored therein. The diagnostic
`system is coupled to the configuration manager and each of
`the plurality of measurement agents and identifies faults
`occurring in the distributed system and provides solutions
`for correcting the faults. The diagnostic system receives the
`configuration information from the configuration manager
`and the performance information from the plurality of
`measurement agents and uses the configuration and perfor-
`mance information With the plurality of rules to identify
`faults and provide solutions for the faults.
`While the present invention will hereinafter be described
`in connection with a preferred embodiment and a system and
`method of use. it will be understood that it is not intended
`to limit the invention to this embodiment. Instead. it is
`intended to cover all alternatives. modifications and equiva-
`lents as may be included within the spirit and scope of the
`present invention as defined by the appended claims.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic of a conventional distributed sys-
`FIG. 2 schematic of the fault management system used in
`the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is an example of object model used by the fault
`management system; and
`FIG. 4 is an object diagram of the distributed system
`shown in FIG. 2.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic of a distributed system 10. The
`distributed system includes a plurality of host computers 12.
`In FIG. 1. there are shown two host computers A and B. but
`there may be more host computers. These computers are
`preferably workstations or personal computers connected
`together by a network 11 and a network interface 13. Each
`of the host computers, A and B. each run several application
`processes 14. In particular. host computer Aruns process A
`and host computer B runs processes B and C. In this
`example. process A uses the services of process B on host
`computer B. In addition. each host computer includes a disk
`controller 16 and two disks (i.e.. 0 and 1) 18. If process A on
`hostAis reporting a performance problem, it is very hard for
`a conventional management system to isolate the cause of
`the fault and provide a solution. For example. if the problem
`occurring at process A is being caused by a problem at host
`C, then it will be very difficult for the management system
`to identify the fault because there is no apparent relationship
`between processes A and C.
`The present invention has recognized the problems asso-
`ciated with the distributed system and has overcome these
`problems with a fault management system which is shaded
`in the schematic of FIG. 2. The fault diagnosis system
`includes a configuration manager 22 that maintains configu-
`ration information of components in hosts A and B. Host
`computers A and B each run several application processes A
`and B and C and D, respectively. Aplurality of measurement
`agents 24 obtain performance information from the compo-
`nents and the processes in the hosts A and B. A diagnostic
`system 26 having a plurality of rules written according to the
`configuration information is coupled to the configuration
`manager and each of the plurality of measurement agents
`through lines 28 and 30. respectively. The diagnostic system
`receives the configuration information from the configura-
`tion manager and the performance information from the
`plurality of measurement agents and uses the configuration
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 6
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 6


`and performance information with the plurality of rules to
`identify faults and provide solutions for any faults. There are
`several mechanisms which permit the diagnostic system to
`ask the configuration manager and the measurement agents
`for information. For example, there may be a coordinator
`which the diagnostic system uses to communicate with the
`configuration manager and the agents. The agents may in
`turn talk to other agents if they need to abstract and
`encapsulate information to the diagnostic system.
`The configuration manager 22 contains configuration
`information which specifies the model of the distributed
`application. In particular,
`the configuration information
`specifies what classes of components are required.
`instances needed, the interconnection or binding of inter-
`faces and the allocation of software to hardware. An
`example of an object model illustrating configuration infor-
`mation that could be stored within the configuration man-
`ager is shown FIG. 3. The object model was created by using
`OMToolTM. a graphical tool sold by Martin Marietta. but can _
`be generated by any graphical software that is capable of
`producing object-oriented diagrams such as Paradigm
`PlusTM and Software-Through—Picture’s DE”. The haste
`object-oriented diagram element is an object class, which
`provides a description of a set of objects having a common
`structure and behavior. In FIG. 3, the object class is drawn
`as a box with two sections. The top section contains the
`name of the object class. The bottom section contains a list
`of attributes which are data values for the object class. In
`FIG. 3, some of the object classes are process, host, disk,
`network interface, media, segment. The object classes are
`related in many diiferent forms by relationships which are
`portrayed in the object diagram with lines between the
`object boxes. Symbols at one or both extremities of a
`relationship line reflect how many objects of one object class
`are associated with each object of another class. A line
`ending with a solid circle means many (i.e. zero or more); a
`line ending without a symbol means exactly one; and a line
`ending in a circle means zero or one. There are four types of
`relationships, generalization, aggregation, association, and
`qualified association. Generalization segregates an object
`class into subclasses and is designated by using a triangle
`symbol. An aggregation is an assembly-component or a part
`of relationship and is designated by a diamond symboL An
`association is a relationship of two or more independent
`objects and is designated by a line. A qualified association
`uses a qualifier as an attribute and is represented by a box.
`In the object meta model of FIG. 3, each of the processes
`within the distributed system may connect to zero or more
`other processes. Also, each process uses one host, which
`may have one or more disk controllers or network interfaces.
`The disk controllers may have one or more disks, which may
`have one or more partitions, which may have one or more
`directories, which may have one or more files. The network
`interface has one or more protocols which have subclasses
`of TCP, ICMP, and UDP, which are standard protocols. Also.
`the network interface has one media which could be chosen
`from the subclasses of Ethernet, Loopback, FDDI, T1. and
`Frame Relay. The media has exactly one segment which has
`one or more routers and exactly one route. which has one
`The diagnostic system 26 has the capability to understand
`how components in object diagrams are related, but does not
`know the individual instances or meta model of a particular
`distributed system. For example.
`the diagnostic system
`knows flrat the hosts have disk controllers and disk control-
`lers have disks attached to them, processes require machines
`to run on, and that some programs require other programs to
`be running. This information on the meta—model can either
`be stored in a rule base or learned by using a meta meta
`model to query the configuration manager 22. Since the
`diagnostic system knows what objects in the distributed
`system are related, it can query the configuration manager so
`that the meta model can be constructed dynamically. The
`querying operation is performed by an inference engine 32.
`The diagnostic system also includes a rule base 34 compris-
`ing a plurality of rules for the various objects within the
`distributed application. By using the abstract relationships
`learned from the configuration manager and the rules from
`the rule base, the diagnostic system is able to monitor
`performance and diagnose several types of failures that are
`reported from any of the plurality of measurement agents.
`For example, if a service cannot be performed, then the
`diagnostic system will find any malfunctioning component.
`If a service has poor performance, then the rules will explain
`how the various components affect the overall performance.
`By examining the individual components,
`the diagnostic
`system will use its rules to suggest improvements that will
`increase performance. The solutions may include system
`parameter tuning, application modifications, configuration
`changes, load balancing, and suggestions of possible hard—
`ware upgrades if needed.
`As with the meta model, the diagnostic system 26 does
`not have information about the static or dynamic model, but
`can obtain all of the information from the configuration
`manager 22 and the measurement agents 24. The static
`model includes the diflerent hardware components that are
`important to the diagnostic system. The static model also
`specifies the relationships between applications such as a
`program (i.e., Client A) that requires another program (i.e.,
`Server B). These relationships remain the same for a set of
`specific applications. A different set of applications would
`have a difi‘erent static model. On the other hand, the dynamic
`model understands the relationship between the static model
`and the dynamic nature of applications running on a com-
`puter. For example, every time an application runs on a
`computer, it has different characteristics (i.e., process ID and
`machine 11)). The configuration manager understands how
`the static and dynamic models are related. For example, the
`configuration manager will know that the program Client A
`is running on a machine B with process ID#314. It will also
`know that program Server B is running on a machine C with
`process 1D#2310. Information on the static and dynamic
`model can either be stored in a rule base or learned by
`querying the configuration manager. Therefore, the fault
`management system can be used to diagnose faults that
`occur on either the hardware or applications.
`In addition to obtaining information regarding abstract
`relationships, the diagnostic system can query the measure-
`ment agents 24 about individual objects. The agents use data
`encapsulation to provide information related to any objects
`that the diagnostic system is interested in. More specifically,
`information that is actually derived from several other
`sources may be combined and presented to the fault diag-
`nosis system as belonging to an object that the diagnostic
`system is interested in. By using abstractions and
`encapsulation. it is possible for several diflerent implemen-
`tations to obtain the same information. This also allows
`redundant methods so that the information can be retrieved
`by more than one mechanism, which can be useful when
`diagnosing a malfunctioning system. Upon receiving status
`information from the measurement agents, the diagnostic
`system then can query the configuration manager about any
`component and its relationship with other components. In
`turn. the configuration manager will specify one or more
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 7
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 7


`5 664.093
`related components in response to the query. The diagnostic
`system then can apply rules from its rule base and derive a
`proper control action to be taken. One rule. for example.
`might state that if the error rate of a network interface is
`greater than 0.025%.
`then there is a hardware problem
`associated with a network interface. or that the network may
`be undergoing changes (i.e.. cables being plugged and
`The above procedure enables the diagnostic system to
`determine causes and effects of a particular fault by elimi-
`nating other possible causes that are not applicable. Also.
`this procedure can detect objects that may be a possible
`cause for a fault, even if the object was not detected. In
`addition. this procedure can be used in a “what-ii” scenario
`to diagnose faults. In particular, if an object fails.
`diagnostic system can determine what will break. Also. the
`diagnostic system could be used to determine what fault will
`cause a particular object to break. Another feature of the
`present invention is that a probability analysis can be used
`to determine a likely cause of a fault. By using a probability
`analysis. the time necessary to diagnose a problem will be
`reduced as will the number of measurements taken by the
`The fault management system works as following for a
`fault being reported from a particular application. Initially,
`the fault is reported through the configuration manager 22 or
`from a measurement agent 24. The components that may be
`faulty are treated as objects. The diagnostic system 26 then
`asks the configuration manager what classes of objects
`depend from the application (i.e.. process “X” connects to
`process “Y”). Using its abstract model. the configuration
`manager then reports that the application has certain pro-
`cesses associated with it and that the processes may have a
`certain type of connection. In addition. the configuration
`manager finds any other applications or services being used
`The diagnostic system then asks for the explicit relationships
`about the given fault. More specifically.
`the diagnostic
`system queries about what process does this particular
`application use; does it have any connections; which other
`applications are there; and does it have to be functioning.
`The configuration manager then returns the individual
`objects that exist. if any. Also, the configuration manager
`may state that it does not know how to obtain the desired
`information. The fact that there is a relationship, but the
`configuration manager does not know how to get
`relationship. is itself useful information to the diagnostic
`system. Once a list of objects that are associated with the
`fault are received. the diagnostic system can now query the
`measurement agents 24 about the status of each instance of
`an object. In addition. the diagnostic system can ask about
`other objects that are required by the list of objects require.
`This allows the diagnostic system to learn the relationships
`between all components necessary for a functional system.
`as well as the status of each component. Using the rules in
`the rule base. the diagnostic system can identify perfor-
`mance problems and provide solutions for overcoming faults
`and sluggish performance of an application. The diagnostic
`system enables faults to be determined reactively (i.e.. after
`a failure has occurred) or proactively (i.e.. determine prob-
`lems before they occur).
`An example of the fault management system is illustrated
`in FIG. 4. which shows an object diagram of the distributed
`system in FIG. 2. This object diagram is simplified to
`illustrate one problem that may occur and be solved by the
`present invention. It does not show other objects such as
`network interfaces. parfitions. segments. media. etc.
`may cause faults. In this object model. processAis being run
`on host A. which has a disk controller with two disks.
`Processes B and C are being run on host B which also has
`a disk controller with two disks. Also. process Ais using the
`services of process B on host B. In this example, a problem
`is being reported at process A, but the problem is being
`caused by process C on host B. There is no apparent
`relationship between processes A and C.
`In order to isolate the problem, the diagnostic system 26
`queries the configuration manager 22 to learn the relation-
`ship of the distributed system. Once the relationship is
`known. it is possible to find out if process C is affecting the
`performance of process A. Since the diagnostic system will
`first learn of the problems of process Afrom a failure report.
`it can investigate the resources on Host A. The diagnostic
`system will learn that there is nothing out of limits on this
`machine. Thus. the diagnostic system will conclude that an
`external process is causing the performance problem. By
`learning of the relationship between process A and B. the
`diagnostic system can investigate Host B. In particular, it
`might then learn that disk 1 on host B is over-utilized. and
`that process B uses that disk. Then the diagnostic system can
`ask the configuration manager what other processes are
`using disk 1. It can then learn that process C also uses the
`same disk as process B. and therefore the resource conflict
`of process B and C are causing a performance degradation
`on Process A. In addition. the diagnostic system can elimi-
`nate faults related to non-essential resources. For instance,
`disk 0 might also be over-utilized. but this is not important
`unless the diagnoan system was trying to find an alternate
`disk for process C for purpose of load balancing.
`Since the model of the distributed system is maintained by
`the configuration manager. and because the rules in the
`diagnostic system apply to classes of components. it is
`possible to introduce new component types, which require
`new models and meta-models. This includes new computer
`architectures (e.g. multiprocessor systems) as well as new
`software architectures. Applications may contain services.
`functions. and perform actions. These functions or actions
`may depend on other functions or actions. If the actions
`correspond to individual steps required in building a system.
`then the diagnostic system can report why a step cannot be
`performed. or why the performance may be unsatisfactory.
`In this manner. rules can be developed that can solve
`problems relating to workfiow. etc.
`Since the rules apply to generic classes of objects. the
`fault management system can analyze the performance of
`any system that has the same abstract model or classes. A
`model can be constructed that describes a generic computer
`system. Rules can be constructed that analyze the perfor—
`mance of a generic computer system. The configuration of
`any computer can be learned because the information is
`lmown to the computer. Therefore. this fault management
`system can be used to analyze the performance of any
`computer system. and make recommendations on ways to
`improve the performance of the system without requiring
`any modifications of the rules.
`It is therefore apparent that there has been provided in
`accordance with the present invention. a system and method
`for managing faults in a distributed system that fully satisfy
`the aims. advantages and objectives hereinbefore set forth.
`The invention has been described with reference to several
`embodiments; however. it will be appreciated that variations
`and modifications can be effected by. a person of ordinary
`skill in the art without departing from the scope of the
`For example. the fault and performance analysis can be
`customized to particular applications and provide precise
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 8
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 8


`isolation of the faulty component by adding additional
`relationships in the abstract, or meta-model, and by adding
`additional rules related to these new classes of components.
`Therefore, this invention can identify performance problems
`to a coarse level with little effort, and to a fine level with
`additional customization.
`In addition, the fault and performance analysis of the
`present invention can be used for any system composed of
`hardware and software components, and even abstract com-
`ponents like actions,
`tasks, and deliverables. It can be
`integrated into network management applications and
`capacity planning tools. It can do load balancing and pre-
`dictive fault analysis. In general it can be applied to any
`distributed application on a computer network that needs to
`react to changes in a dynamic or static environment
`The fault management system can also determine what
`higher level components will be affected by out—of-
`specification system components. In particular, if a particu-
`lar disk must be replaced, then the fault management system
`will determine what applications will be affected Ifa system
`has high performance disks and low performance disks. then
`the fault management system will determine what is the
`optimum configuration. Also, the fault management system
`can determine whether the network needs to be reconfigured
`and if so, how. This information can be used to make time
`critical decisions and intelligent guesses. Each component
`may have a value that indicates the probability of failure.
`Even if the diagnostic system cannot find out precisely
`which component is being used, as long as it knows the
`component reporting the problem requires another
`component, and other component used are working properly,
`it can estimate the probability that any particular component
`can cause the problem. Also, if the system knows that a
`component is used during action A, but not during action B,
`then if action B fails, that component is not the cause of the
`We claim:
`1. A fault management system for use in a distributed
`system, comprising:
`a configuration manager maintaining configuration infor-
`mation of components used in the distributed system,
`the configuration information comprising an object-
`oriented model describing relationships between the
`components, wherein the object-oriented model main—
`tains a list of the components as objects and an under-
`standing of how the objects are related;
`a plurality of measurement agents obtaining performance
`information from the components in the distributed
`system; and a diagnostic system coupled to the con-
`figuration manager and each of the plurality of mea-
`surement agents for identifying faults occurring in the
`distributed system and providing solutions for correct-
`ing the faults,
`the diagnostic system comprising a
`knowledge base having a plurality of rules for the
`components and an inference engine for applying the
`rules to the performance information, the diagnostic
`system receiving the configuration information from
`the configuration manager and the performance infor-
`mation from the plurality of measurement agents and
`using the configuration and performance information to
`identify faults and provide solutions for the faults, the
`diagnostic system identifying faults by querying the
`configuration manager for the object-oriented model of
`the components and using the model along with the
`plurality of rules in the knowledge base to identify the
`causes responsible for the fault and to provide a solu-
`tions for correcting the faults, the diagnostic system
`initiating the identification of faults at any location in
`the object—oriented model.
`2. The fault management system according to claim 1,
`wherein, the object-oriented model comprises a static model
`and a dynamic model.
`3. The fault management system according to claim 1,
`wherein the components comprise hardware components.
`software components, actions, tasks, and operation results.
`4.Amethod for managing faults occurring in a distributed
`system with a fault management system comprising a con-
`figuration manager maintaining configuration information of
`components used in the distributed system, a plurality of
`measurement agents obtaining performance information
`from the components in the distributed system, and an
`diagnostic system coupled to the configuration manager and
`each of the plurality of measurement agents for identifying
`faults occurring in the distributed system and providing
`solutions for correcting the faults, the method comprising
`the steps of:
`developing an object-oriented model describing relation-
`ships between the components, wherein the object-
`oriented model includes a list of the components as
`objects and an understanding of how the objects are
`identifying the component where a fault is being reported;
`querying the configuration manager to obtain the object-
`oriented model describing the relationship of the
`reported faulty component with other components in
`the distributed system;
`determining from the obj ect-oriented model which com-
`ponents may be responsible for the reported fault, the
`determination of faults being initiated at any location in
`the object-oriented model;
`examining the components and applying rules within the
`diagnostic system to the relationship described in the
`object—oriented model to identify causes responsible for
`the fault; and
`providing solutions for correcting the faults.
`5. The method according to claim 4, wherein, the object-
`oriented model comprises a static model and a dynamic
`6. The method according to claim 4, wherein the compo-
`nents comprise hardware components, software
`components, actions, tasks, and operation results.
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 9
`Oracle Exhibit 1005, page 9

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