`Oracle Exhi
`UNIX User 5 Reference Manual
`4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution
`Virtual VAX—ll Version
`April, 1986
`Computer Systems Research Grou
`Computer Science D
`Department of Electrical Eng
`ineering an
`d Computer Sc
`ty of California
`Berkeley, California 94720
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`Oracle Exhibit 1009, page 1
`is ~ list contents of directory
`is I ~acdfgilqrstulACLFR ] name
`For each directory argument~ Is lists the contents of the directory; for each file argument, is
`repeats its name and any other information requested. By default, the output is sorted alpha—
`betically] When no argument is given. the current directory is listed. When several argu-
`ments are given. the arguments are first sorted appropriately, but tile arguments are processed
`before directories and their contents.
`There are many options:
`List in long format. giving mode, number of links, owner, size in bytes, and time of
`last modification for each file (see below).
`If the file is a special file the size field will
`instead contain the major and minor devrce numbers. If the file is a symbolic link the
`pathname of the linked-to file is printed preceded by ~> .
`include the group ownership of the tile in a long output.
`Sort by time modified {latest first) instead of by name.
`List all entries: in the absence of this option. entries whose names begin with a period
`l.) are not listed,
`ll"argument is a directory, list only its name: often used with ~l to get the status ofa
`Give size in kilobytes of each file.
`if argument is a symbolic link. list the file or directory the link references rather than
`the link itself.
`Reverse the order of sort to get reverse alphabetic or {With one of the time-oriented
`options} oldest first.
`Use time of last access Instead of last modification for sorting (With the —t option)
`May 12’ l936
`if the entry is a directory:
`if the entry is a block-type special file:
`il‘the entry is a Character-type special file;
`if the entry is a symbolic link;
`if the entry is a socket. or
`if the entry is a plain file.
`The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three hits each. The first set refers to
`owner permissions: the next refers to permissions to others in the same user—group: and the
`last to all others. Within each set the three characters indicate permission respectively to
`read. to write, or to execute the file as a program. For a directory. ‘execute’ permission is
`interpreted to mean permission to search the directory. The permissions are indicated as fob
`if the file is readable;
`ifthe file is writable
`x if the tile is executable;
`~ if the indicated permission is not granted.
`The groupexecute permission character is given as 5 if the file has the set~group—id bit set'
`ltkewrse the user—execute permtssron character is given as s ifg‘lhe file has the set—user-id bit
`The last character of the mode (normally ‘x‘ or ‘—"l is t if the Will) bit
`chmud(2) for the meaning of this mode.
`6 mode 15 on. See
`335:52:11:12]?dethe files in a directory are listed. a total count ofblocks, including indirect
`ietc/passwd to get user id 5 for ‘ls —l‘.
`letcfgroup to get group id’s for ‘15 ~g‘.
`Newline and tab r
`. 1'
`a econsr ere
`rm in c a
`meters in file names.
`The output device is assumed to he 80 columns wide,
`Setting options based on whether the output is a teletypc is undesirable as “ls ~s" is much
`different than is —-s
`l lpr”. 0n the other hand, not doing this setting would make old shell
`scripts which use is almost certain losers.
`f th
`andfor printing {with the 4 option).
`Use time of tile creation for sorting or printing.
`For each file print the i-number in the first column ofrthe report.
`Force each argument to be interpreted as a directory and list the name found in each
`slot. This option turns of? —l, “t, «s, and ur, and turns on ~a; the order is the order in
`which entries appear in the directory.
`cause directories to be marked with a trailing ‘1’. sockets with a trailing ‘=”, symbolic
`links with a trailing ‘@‘. and executable files with a trailing ‘e‘.
`recursively list subdirectories encountered.
`force one entry per line output format; this is the default when output is not to a ter«
`force mulli-column output; this is the default when output is to a terminal.
`force printing of non-graphic characters in file names as the character “2’; this is the
`default when output is to a terminal.
`The mode printed under the 4 option contains ll characters which are interpreted as follows:
`the first character is
`3rd Berkeley Distribution
`May 12, 1986
`3rd Berkeley Distribution
`r 2*
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`Orac e Exhibit 1009, page 2
`Oracle Exhibit 1009, page 2