PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`IPR 2013*00082 through 2013-00087
`October 24, 2013
`9:20 a.m.
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale And Dorr LLP
`60 State Street
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Rosemary F.
`rogan, RPR, CSR No. 112993HH
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`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`PATENT NOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
` Behalf of the PATENT OWNER:
`Joseph A. Rhoa, Esquire
`901 N. Glebe Road
`Arlington, VA
`By: Cynthia D. Vreeland, Esquire
`Peter M. Dichiara, Esquire
`3y: Tyler Lacer, Esquire (afternoon session)
`60 State Street
`Boston, MA
`fl, 1"- w,“ .1“, < w
`202—220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENT NOS: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`By Mr. Rhoa
`By Mr. Dichiara
`Webpage Merriam—Webster
`"Metadata" Definition
`Exhibit 2
`"Metadata" Definition
`(Original exhibits were retained by Attorney Rhoa)
`Exhibit 3
`Excerpt from American
`Heritage Dictionary
`"Co11ection" Definition
`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`DOUGLAS W. CLARK, PH.D., having been
`satisfactorily identified by the production of a
`driver's license, and duly sworn by the Notary Public,
`was examined and testified as follows:
`Would you please state your name and address.
`Douglas Clark, 2215 St. James Place,
`Philadelphia ~—
`Sorry. Philadelphia?
`Are you the same Douglas Clark who was deposed
`earlier in these six IPR proceedings?
`I am.
`And that earlier deposition was in July of
`is that right?
`I'm going to hand you some documents, and I
`will identify what I’m going to hand you on the record.
`The first is your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00082;
`then next is your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00083;
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`* ’wsfmwamfihcakwxEmmymnwuimmkmmkafimmm y. .
`.. «.1 up
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENT NOS: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`next is your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00084; next
`is your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00085; next is
`your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00086; and then we
`have your reply declaration in IPR 2013—00087.
`And we‘re not going to mark these as
`separate exhibit numbers because each of these already
`has an exhibit number on it.
`instance, your reply
`declaration in :PR 2013—00082 is identified as
`Exhibit 1081.
`Do you have your six reply declarations
`in front of you?
`I do.
`Are these the reply declarations that you
`signed in these six IPRs?
`I will refrain from checking every page, but I
`believe they are.
`I would like to hand you U.S. Patent
`No. 5,649,196 to Woodhill, W—O—O—D~H—I—L—L, which is
`identified as Exhibit 1005.
`Do you have Woodhill in front of you?
`I do.
`Is this the Woodhill document that you
` m ,1, {1 WM «fizz-v: (inlay-fix Em _-, W,
`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`referred to in your reply declarations?
`It is.
`I would like to hand you Exhibit 1004,
`also known as Kantor, K—A—N~T—O—R.
`Do you have Exhibit 1004 to Kantor in
`front of you?
` ,
`Is this the Kantor document that you referred
`to in your reply declarations?
`It appears to be.
`Any reason to believe that it's not?
`I‘m going to hand you a copy of 0.8.
`Patent No. 5,978,791 which is marked Exhibit 1001 in
`IPR 2013—00082.
`Is this the '791 patent that you
`referred to in at least one of your reply declarations?
`Who drafted your six reply declarations?
`The drafting was done by me and the attorneys,
`but the opinions represented in the drafts are all mine.
`Who prepared the first drafts 0: each one?
`The very first drafts were the attorneys.
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`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`How many drafts did you remember exchange with
`the attorneys?
`The process was not so organized as that.
`was more —- there weren't like numbered drafts. There
`were edits going back and forth and there were phone
`conversations. And it was somewhat more haphazard then,
`you know, first draft, second draft, final draft.
`Did the attorneys email you drafts and you
`would redline them and email back to them?
`Yes and vice versa.
`Q. Which attorneys were emailing you drafts?
`Mr. Dichiara, Mr. Lacey.
`How do you spell that?
`I am blanking on Corey's last name
`but his first name is Corey. And I do not know Andrea's
`last name at all, but his first name is Andreas (sic).
`Do you still have copies of those emails?
`I have at least some.
`I'm not sure I have
`You didn't delete any of those, did you?
`I might have.
`How much time did you spend working on your
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENT NOS: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`six reply declarations?
`So ballpark, more than 10 hours each.
`I would
`say less than 30 hours each and different amounts for
`different ones.
`Have you been retained by any company other
`than EMC or VMware in connection with any 0:
`the patents
`involved in these IPR s?
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection, outside the scope.
`I have not. Beg your pardon. Wait.
`NetApps -~
`Anyone else?
`I'm not sure if finished the
`first answer before the second question came in.
`So NetApps, I had like a two-hour retention
`which I think we discussed last time, and I forget when
`that was;
`some time in the spring.
`Anyone else?
`Same objection.
`What did you do to prepare for this
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`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`I —- let’s see.
`On my own,
`I reviewed the
`declarations and the patents and the references.
`I had
`phone conversations with the attorneys and the most
`intense work has been in the last day I arrived on
`Tuesday and we spent sometime Tuesday night and then all
`of yesterday.
`Who did you meet with?
`I met with -— I know what you mean.
`Mr. Dichiara and Miss Vreeland and Mr. Lacey.
`Are you taking any medications today that
`could affect your testimony?
`So as I have -— may have explained last time,
`I —- I have type one diabetes.
`I take insulin. And I
`doubt that will affect my testimony.
`It‘s very unlikely
`but it's not completely impossible.
`So in these six IPRs, we have one IPR for the
`'791 patent, one for the '280 patent, one for the '544
`patent, one for the ‘539 patent, one for the '662
`patent, and one for the '096 patent, right?
`Is it your understanding that the
`specifications of all six of those patents are the same?
`202-2204 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`Can you briefly read lines 29 through 35 and
`tell me when you‘ve read them?
`(Witness doing as requested)
`I have read them.
`So the specification refers to a data item,
`202—220-4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`I refer to True Name patents, will you
` ;
`understand that I'm talking about
`those patents?
`in the specifications of these patents,
`there‘s reference to filenames, addresses, origins,
`things like that, right?'
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection.
`I'm not positive about origins, but I believe
`Do you have the '791 patent in front 0:
`I do.
`Please refer to the '791 patent at column 3,
`lines 29 through 35 in the Summary section. Are you


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`The specification also refers to a name,
`location and address, correct?
`Is the name part of the data item?
`origin part of the data item?
`location part of the data item?
`address part of the data item?
`Is there a difference between determining
`something and saving something?
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection, outside the scope.
`I do not understand the question.
`Do you have an understanding of what the word
`"determining" means?
`Same objection, outside the
`In any particular context?
`In the context of the technology involved here
`202—2204] 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`with these patents and the art cited?
`Same objection.
`So I think at least one of the patents uses
`the word "determining" in the claims. And "saving," the
`word seems so ordinary and -* and not the same.
`I'm not I'm not following the question.
`Is there a difference between determining
`something and Saving something?
`Same objection, outside the
`I need more context.
`Q. Would there be a difference between
`determining a data item and saving a data item?
`Same objection.
`Determining a data item?
`So first, I don't
`understand what determining a data item might mean.
`I guess I'm not able to answer the question whether
`there‘s a difference between determining and saving.
`Q. Would there be a difference ~—
`Can he finish the answer?
`Were you finished?
`Sounded like you were
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`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`still going.
`Would there be a difference between
`determining data and saving data?
`Same objection, outside the
`So again,
`I do not know what "determining
`data" might mean.
`I need more context.
`Q. What's your understanding of Saving?
`Same objection, outside the
`scope; vague.
`Very generally, keeping somehow.
`Is it safe to say the ordinary meaning of
`saving is different than the ordinary meaning of
`Same objection, outside the
`So I'm sure if one opened a dictionary and
`looked up "determining" and looked up "saving," you
`would see different definitions, so yes.
`Is it safe to say the ordinary meaning of
`copying something is different than the ordinary meaning
`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc,


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`of determining something?
`Same objections.
`Scoping and saving, ordinary meaning?
`So I
`may make a copy of a document by sticking it in a copy
`Then I would have a copy.
`I might save a
`document by putting it -— it in a desk drawer.
`Save it,
`I might save it by putting it —— yeah, putting it in a
`file, file cabinet, or something like that.
`So I think they're different, ordinary
`Do you remember referencing the MULTIS,
` 2-8,
`lists from the Kantor document?
`Is the MULTIS list for allowing a user to
`choose which duplicate to save or delete?
`I think that's generally right.
`Do you recall stating that in one of your
`reply declarations?
`I don't recall that exact phrase, but I'm sure
`there's something like that in there.
`If you can refer to the —— refer to your reply
`declaration regarding the '096 patent at page 17.
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`202—220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`(Witness doing as requested)
`Are you there?
`You see on lines 2, 3, and 4, you state that
`"the user chooses which duplicates to save or delete
`from the MULTIS file"?
`I see that.
`So the MULTIS list could be used for saving or
`deleting, right?
`So the way it works is the MULTIS list
`is —- presents a group of files that are -— have
`identical content, but perhaps different names. And the
`user has the ability to signal the deletion of -- the
`user's intention to have deleted certain of those copies
`and not certain others of those copies.
`So in that sense,
`the ones —— the ones
`that are deleted are deleted. And the ones that are not
`deleted are saved.
`So it's saved in the sense of
`rescued, I guess, not deleted.
`A user can mark items on the MULTIS list with
`202-2204 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENT NOS: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`Can one looking at the MULTIS list tell
`whether files marked with a D have been deleted?
`One could not tell only by looking at the
`MULTIS list whether a file had -— had yet been deleted.
`One learns from the MULTIS list the intention for future
`deletion, but not a record of the —- of any actual
`Does marking a file on the MULTIS list with a
`D necessarily mean that that file will be automatically
`The file is deleted by running another
`command to actually go and do the dirty work of
`And that other command doesn't automatically
`run simply by marking a file with a D, right?
`That is right.
`So it's entirely possible that if a file gets
`marked with a D in the MULTIS list,
`that it may,
`for one
`reason or another, not end up getting deleted?
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection.
`It would not -— it would be peculiar for the
`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`user to mark the files for deletion and then,
`essentially, forget to delete them. Everything is
`People can make mistakes.
`But that's the way the system is supposed
`to work.
`If you mark them with a D,
`then you're
`supposed to delete them.
`You think it would be peculiar for a user to
`change his or her mind about something?
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection, vague; outside the
`I assume you mean in the morning, mark
`something with a D, and then an hour later, say, Oh, no,
`I want
`-— I really meant that other file to be marked
`with a D before running the actual delete command?
`assume people can change their minds in that sense,
`that a scenario you're —-
`That's one possible scenario.
`So I ——
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection, vague, outside the
`These are actions undertaken by humans, and I
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, 1110.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`So it's entirely possible that if a file gets
`marked with a D on the MULTIS list, it doesn't
`necessarily mean that that file is going to be deleted,
`Same objections.
`Under your changing—one‘s—mind scenario,
`then -— then —-
`then that's true.
`The user could make
`another decision before running the delete command.
`would call that,
`though —— actually,
`I would say that
`that ——
`referring to?
`I'm imagining the user faced with a list
`of —— list of files, maybe a big list of files, and
`sticks some BS in. And maybe goes to lunch and comes
`back and sticks some more Be in. And, you know,
`reconsiders a previous decision and moves his BS around.
`I could see a lot of scenarios like that.
`I would think that when the user runs the
`actual delete command is when the user is kind of
`committed to the Ds in the MULTIS file.
`It‘s like a
`work in progress until that point.
`What is the deletion command that you're
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`I cannot recall it exactly.
`I would need to
`Is it on page 190 of Kantor?
`Just for a break here.
` (interruption from door)
`(Off Record Discussion)
` ,
`(Record Read)
`I see the command on page 190 of Kantor.
`not sure it‘s not in other places too.
`What is that command called?
`He names everything after himself; fwkcl7d,
`all lower case.
`So when the user hits that command,
`causes the files that were marked with D to be deleted,
`Does the MULTIS list itself delete files?
`The MULTIS list is a record of -— well,
`the list that is produced by the software is just a list
`of the —- of the repeated contents signatures in the ~-
`in the big database,
`in the CS list. And then a person
`annotates it with D5 to —— to instruct —— well,
`to give
`202-220-4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`input to the command that the user later runs to
`actually do the deletion.
`So it‘s not right to say the list itself
`does any deletion.
`After a user runs fwkcl7d to delete files,
`the MULTZS list changed to reflect those deletions?
`I do not know.
`I could see it —- it going
`either way.
`If you —— if there's not an automatic
`removal of the —- I —— I guess it would be removal of
`the filename with the D —-
`Is there any ~—
`I'm not sure if he was finished
`with his answer.
`And so I can see how it wouldn't be harmful to
`leave the MULTIS list alone because after you've done
`the round of deletion, you're kind of done with the
`MULTIS list. That's what it was for. Next time you run
`the program that generates the MULTIS list, you‘ll get a
`fresh one.
`So leaving it around seems harmless.
`can also imagine it might have been —— there might have
`been some automatic removal of the -— of the deleted
`new“, ',: waxmgzgx’ Jug, m 2., came image.“ a” w
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`files from the MULTIS list.
`Does Kantor describe either 0:
`So that,
`I do not know.
`You're not aware of any description in Kantor
`that describes modifying the MULTIS list after a
`deletion occurs?
`I would like just to check my declarations, if
`that's all right?
`(Witness reviewing)
`So I‘m ready for the question to
`come again.
`You’re not aware of any description in Kantor
`that describes modifying the MULTIS list after a
`deletion occurs, question mark?
`That‘s correct.
`So as far as you're concerned, Kantor does not
`describe that happening?
`So I'm not aware of that happening, but it's a
`big volume and —- and maybe there's something in there.
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`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`As you sit here today, you're not aware of any
`description in Kantor of modifying the MULTIS list after
`A. After the deletion command has been run, I'm
`not aware of a description like that.
`Can we go off the record for a
`(Off Record Discussion)
`think the MULTIS list is a different feature allowing
`Is there an Exclude feature in Kantor?
`there is.
`Does the Exclude feature in Kantor work
`together with or separate from the MULTIS feature in
`Let's see.
`So I would say separately.
`Exclude feature let's you mark files in the CS list, the
`main database,
`that you wish to be permanently banned
`from this system.
`So that anything with a matching
`contents signature that anybody attempts to upload,
`can’t be uploaded.
`It‘s like a black list.
`So that works with the CS list.
`I would
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`deletion of duplicates not banning forever of a
`particular file.
`Q. With the Exclude feature, you say that allows
`you to mark a file in the CS list, right?
`In the Exclude feature, when you mark a file
`list, what do you mark it with?
`I think it's X. Are you okay with I think -—
`~— because I could check?
`Sure. That's fine.
`In the Exclude feature of Kahtor, when
`right now because it might be full of malware or
`you mark a file in the CS list with an X,
`that file that
`you've marked does not get excluded, does it? It‘s
`future files that would be excluded?
`So my understanding is that when you mark
`a file with an X,
`that means you don't want any of these
`in this list ever.
`You keep the entry so that future
`attempts to upload things with the same contents
`signature will fail.
`But you also don't want the one you have
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`202-220-41 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`You want to exclude everybody including that
`So what happens to the file you marked with an
`in your opinion?
`So that file is excluded also ——
`Where does Kantor say that?
`MR. DICHZARA: Let him finish the first
`So it wouldn't make sense.
`The whole feature
`wouldn‘t make sense to allow a -— a —— a file like that
`to survive in the system.
`What survives is the flag in the —— not
`the flag.
`The line in the CS list that signals that no
`future attempt to upload this file will be allowed.
`Isn't the purpose of the Exclude feature to
`prevent duplicate files from being uploaded?
`MR. DICHZARA: Objection.
`It is to prevent —- it is to ban,
`effectively, a certain —- a file —— file contents —— let
`me back up.
`It is to ban permanently any file that
`has a certain contents signature.
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, 1110.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`Where does Kantor say that the "i'e that you
`marked with an X is excluded as opposed to future files
`with the same signatures?
`MR. DZCHIARA: Objection,
`So I will look at my declaration and look at
`Kantor, but it —— even -- it's got to be in there some
`The system has to work like that because it just
`wouldn‘t make sense otherwise.
`Please look.
`(Witness reviewing)
`So I was not able to find a description of
`that. Back up and —— let's back up to the question,
`Where does Kantor say that the file you marked
`with an X in the CS list is excluded as opposed to
`future uploaded files being excluded?
`So I'm going to -— I’m going to assume that
`you mean actually the file in the list got deleted.
`don't want to say because excluded seems to be a term -—
`a —— I don't want to use -— back up.
`I understand the issue to be whether
`excluding a file that's in the CS list, namely which
`mecca-swans”MWAWMWMWWMuwmwmmeW' mm‘\ *- “W’JmeézlhmmwmvmmthlvfiwmdwAW«swamswim~23me
`,.. Mth‘MmAfiA/flMmhogsmnw9mm»Ammammé
`202—220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENT NOS: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`exists in your system, causes the deletion of that file,
`as well as the prohibition of uploading matching
`contents signatures in the future.
`And you were asking me to find support
`for my view in the document. And my answer is,
`in part,
`that I kind of don't need to because it's got to be in
`there some place.
`It's got to work like that because it
`doesn't make sense otherwise to have a file that, you
`know, could have —— have a virus or whatever in your
`system. That is not sensible.
`I did find a suggestion in support of
`that, although it does seem kind of obvious,
`that on
`page 117, there's a way to send an excluded list to
`another system.
`So that's contemplating putting a list
`of —— of entries in -— a list of recommended exclusions
`in the CS list format into a CS list in another system.
`So that would establish the situation in
`another system, where there was a line in the CS list
`with an X, but no file, unless they already had a file.
`MR. DZCHIARA: Off the record.
`(0" Record Discussion)
`ommoinmwmmowmmmmmm‘ ammo»Sm:45.meimam\ Was-mmmxmmmmmym,_ azmmmiesmMWMMW' MmmmmmWM." smegma330W“dywanAB-‘bédmeflwmmh’ifimmlmamzdiummxm'mcomma“gems:
`202-220-415 8
`Henderson Legal Services, 1110.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`Q. Aren't the exclusions on page 117 referring to
`things that were excluded when they were attempted to be
`uploaded and there was a match found?
`JiCHIARA: Objection, outside the scope,
`(Witness reviewing)
`So can I get the question again, please?
`How do you know the exclusions on page 117
`aren't future uploads that matched and were therefore
`MR. DICHZARA: Objection, outside the scope —~
`So I'm interpreting the passage ——
`~— form.
`—— the second half of page 117, as a
`suggestion that you can send a list of recommended —-
`essentially recommended exclusions to others.
`It says
`make a file available to others. And they can load it
`into their systems.
`And I —— I cited that only for support
`that it made sense to have a line that says "exclude"
`without having the file.
`So that would be the
`situation —- that would be the result of a deletion of
`mzmazmuw4* mmmmmswwmamm, ‘vM“Mx1"”W""“wormkmxmmmim' WWMMw‘szW‘\ ‘ Mum»hmnmmmmwmmwmmimAM;WV'V1IWiW:‘He’mwalm‘axmmmmmmmmrwmm“ 1%mm' mumJummwdmma-yrmvngfi
`202—2204 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`an existing file when someone decides to put the X in.
`Let‘s take a look at page 81 of Kantor.
`Exclude Feature is discussed there, right?
`Doesn‘t page 81 o: Kantor state that "future
`uploads of the same material can then be quickly and
`automatically recognized as redundant or duplicate"?
`I'm not seeing that. Can you just point me to
`where on the page?
`Bottom paragraph 0: page 81.
`(Witness reviewing)
`So I interpret the bottom paragraph of page 81
`to apply to the heading in the margin that says
`exclamation point capital N and not to the excludes
`thing in the margin.
`I think that ends in the line
`remarking material for exclusion, C all caps exclude, et
`I think that‘s just describing some
`different thing and not the Exclude feature.
`Does Kantor ever describe deleting a file that
`is marked with an X?
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection, scope,
`202-220—4 1 5 8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.


`PATENTNOS.: 5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544; 7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Clark, Ph.D., Douglas W.
`October 24, 2013
`So I've already said that I'm not aware of a
`place where he describes deleting that exact file when
`you put the X in there, as a consequence of putting the
`X in there, although that must be what happens.
`Is that what you meant?
`Why do you say "that must be what happens"?
`The feature does not make sense otherwise.
`Isn't it true that a file is excluded only if
`a match is found?
`File is —-
`MR. DICHIARA: Objection w~
`._... is __
`—— form, scope.
`—— I would say that a —— I would put it this
`way: That an attempted upload is —— is forbidden, which
`I think is the meaning of excluded.
`Is forbidden if
`it's contents signature matches a line that's marked
`with an X in the CS list.
`So you have to, according to the
`Exclude feature, you have to do a comparison in order to
`exclude something that's trying to be uploaded?
`MR. D
`ARA: Objection,
`mmm’ammm‘ -'mawm‘mm’smmrammmmwzmmmmmm«59mmmeuminwmmctmmnwmawnmms1:24ammlmsumflg

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