
`Page 1
`IPR 2013—00082 through 2013—00037
`PATENT nos;
`5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544;
`7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Los Angeles, California
`Tuesday, August 27, 2013
`Reported by:
`CSR NO- 3558: RPR
`EMCVMW 1077 _


`Page 2
`IPR 2013-00082 through 2013—00087
`5,978,791; 6,415,280; 7,945,544;
`-7,945,539; 7,949,662; 8,001,096
`Videotaped Deposition of KEVIN BERMEISTER,
`taken_at 350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2100 Los
`Angeles, California, commencing at 10:02 A.M-,
`and ending at 2:24 P.M., Tuesday, August 27, 2013,
`before WENDY S. SCHREIBER, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter No. 3558, RPR.


`Page 3
`Attorneys for Patent Owner, PersonalWeb
`Technologies, LLC:
`901 N. Glebe Road
`11th Floor
`Arlington, Virginia 22203
`- and —
`865 South Figueroa Street
`Los Angeles, California 90017
`(213) 694—1200
`4 5


`Page 4
`Attorneys for Petitioner, EMC
`Corporation and VMware, Inc.:
`950 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, California 94304
`(650) 858-6017
`Video Operator - Julian Shine


`Page 5
`TUESDAY, August 27, 2013
`(By Mr. Galvin)
`8, 158
`(By Mr. Rhoa)
`P, M. Session
`Exhibit 1 Warrant to Purchase Common
`Stock of Brilliant Digital
`Exhibit 2
`SEC Form S—3 Registration
`Exhibit 3
`SEC Form lO—KSB for Fiscal Year
`Ended 12/31/02
`Exhibit 4
`SEC Form 10—KSB for Fiscal Year
`Ended 12/31/03
`2 3 4
`5 6
`8 9
`1 6


`Page 6
`SEC Amendment No.
`3 to Form 5-1
`Registration Statement
`SEC Form lO—KSB for Fiscal Year
`Joint Enterprise Agreement Exhibit 154
`8 Hoovers SEP Investments PTY
`Limited Profile
`m C


`10:02 A.M.
`Page 7
`VIDEO OPERATOR: Good morning.
`-We are on
`the record at 10:02 a.m. on August 27th, 2013. This
`is the video—recorded deposition of Kevin
`My name is Julian Shine, here with our
`court reporter, Wendy Schreiber. We are here from
`4 5 6
`10 Veritext Legal Solutions at the request of counsel
`for Petitioner.
`This deposition is being held at WilmerHale,
`LLP, at 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2100,
`Los Angeles, California.
`The caption of this case
`is Patent Owners:
`PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC and
`Level 3 Communications versus Petitioners EMC
`Corporation and VMware, Incorporated, Case No.
`2013-000823 through 2013-00087.
`Please note that audio and video recording
`20 will take place unless all parties agree to go off
`the record. Microphones are sensitive and may pick
`up whispers, private conversations, and cellular
`I am not authorized to administer an oath.
`I am not related to any party in this action nor am


`I financially interested in the outcome in any way.
`May I please have an agreement from all
`Page 8
`parties that we can proceed?
`VIDEO OPERATOR: At this time will counsel
`and all present identify themselves for the record.
`Rob Galvin on behalf of
`Petitioners EMC and VMware.
`Joe Rhoa for PersonalWeb.
`MR. HADLEY: Larry Hadley.
`Thank you.
`The witness
`13 will be sworn in and counsel may begin the
`having been first placed under oath, testified as
`Good morning, Mr. Bermeister.
`Good morning.
`Q. Would you please state your full name.
`Kevin Bermeister. Kevin Glen Bermeister.


`And where do you reside?
`Sydney, Australia.
`Are you currently employed?
`I am.
`And who do you work for?
`My personal management company, Merada
`How do you ~—
`Do you work for any other companies?
`I'm the Chairman of a company called
`12 Brilliant Digital Entertainment, a Non—Executive
`Chairman of PersonalWeb, and a board director of
`several other companies.
`Q. What other companies are you on the Board of
`Directors of?
`A company called Manta Holdings, BUI
`18! Limited, SEP Holdings,
`some family trusts and that's
`all I can recall right now.
`Do any of the entities that you just named
`have any interest direct or indirect in PersonalWeb?
`Sorry, Jerusalem Management Limited is
`another one.
`So do any of these entities that you just
`named have any direct or indirect interest in


`Page 10
`I believe so.
`Q. Which of them have --
`I believe Manta Holdings and Brilliant
`57 Digital Entertainment.
`7 7
`How about SEP Holdings?
`No, I don't think so.
`Is there a company called SEP Investments?
`There may be.
`It may be SEP Holdings is SEP
`It's quite possible.
`Did SEP Investments at one time have an
`interest in PersonalWeb or Brilliant Digital?
`You know,
`I may be confusing Manta and SEP.
`It could be held in either one of those companies.
`I doubt that the holdings of PersonalWeb are held in
`16% both of those companies but probably one of those
`and I'm not sure r— I may be mistaken as to exactly
`which ones.
`They both relate to companies in which
`I hold various investments so it's quite possible
`that you may be right and I may be wrong.
`Other than you, who else has an interest in
`SEP Investments or SEP Holdings?
`MR. RHOA: Objection:
`SEP is primarily a company
`that is established for my family interests, my


`Page 11
`immediate family interests, and so that's -— that's
`how the holdings are structured.
`And so the only people that would have an
`interest in SEP Investments would be you or members
`of your immediate family?
`All corporations which are involved with my
`immediate family.
`Do you have any ownership interest currently
`in Brilliant Digital Entertainment?
`I do.
`And what percentage of ownership do you have
`in Brilliant Digital?
`I don‘t recall -- I don't recall right now
`but a relatively -- personally I have a relatively
`small percentage at present.
`Who has the majority of Billiant, if anyone?
`I don't believe there is a majority control
`of the company.
`Is there anyone who has voting control of
`I don't believe so.
`How about Altnet? Do you have any ownership
`interest in Altnet currently?


`Page 12
`7 Brilliant Digital at this time?
`Do you have any ownership interest in
`Kinetech currently?
`You're talking about me personally?
`Is Altnet a loo—percent-owned subsidiary of
`I believe so.
`And is Kinetech a lOO-percent-owned
`subsidiary of Brilliant Digital at this time?
`I believe so. Yes,
`I think so.
`I can‘t
`recall whether or not we actually sold the assets of
`Kinetech to PersonalWeb or whether or not we sold
`the corporate entity, but I believe Kinetech is
`actually retained by Brilliant Digital.
`Okay. Have you ever owned any interest
`direct or indirect in Skype?
`In —— in -— I held some shares in Skype in
`the beginning,
`in the early formation of the
`I answer the Question reservedly because
`I'm just not sure exactly which entities I held
`those shares in or whether or not your question
`relates to today or at what point in time the
`question relates.
`So when did you first have any direct or


`Page 13
`indirect interest in Skype?
`In about 2002, 2003 was my first interest in
`the company.
`And was that approximately when the company
`was founded?
`Roughly, yes .
`And at some time did your interest cease to
`When was that?
`I can't recall exactly the date but
`somewhere in the -— somewhere around 2006 or'
`thereabouts, 2007.
`Is that when Skype was sold to eBay?
`And when it was sold to eBay after it was
`sold to eBay you had no —— you no longer had an
`interest in Skype?
`Q. After 2006 did you ever acquire any direct
`or indirect interest in Skype?
`I —- after H~ you're talking about once it
`was sold to eBay?
`I need to understand.
`No. Well, sorry.


`Page 14
`once the company was sold —- after it was sold to
`eBay I had no interest in Skype.
`Any time after 2006 did you acquire a direct
`or indirect interest in Skype?
`Q. After 2006 did you ever acquire a direct or
`indirect interest in warrants in Skype?
`Currently do you have any interest held
`directly or indirectly in Skype?
`Have you ever had any direct or indirect
`interest in Sherman Networks Limited?
`I —— just explain indirect interest.
`not sure whether or not it relates to a company ——
`contracts that I have with Sharman through my
`company or how are you ——
`Any ownership interest.
`So either directly
`owning stock or owning an entity that owns stock.
`Q. What interests broadly or what relationship
`have you had with Sharman Networks Limited?
`Back to inception?
`We had a -— my company Brilliant Digital


`Page 15
`Entertainment had a relationship with Sharman to
`distribute technologies and to operate a business
`‘venture with Sharman.
`So Brilliant Digital had contractual
`relationships with Sharman?
`Besides these contractual relationships, any
`other relationships between the two companies?
`Sharman may have —- Sharman may have
`had some equity in Brilliant, if I'm not mistaken,
`or some warrants, one of the two.
`How about Joltid Ltd., Jno-L-T-I—D, Ltd.?
`Have you ever had any direct or indirect ownership
`interest in Joltid Ltd.?
`Have you or your —— or companies that you've
`been associated with had any contractual
`relationships with Joltid Ltd.?
`Q. What contractual relationships have you had?
`A. Altnet, which was a subsidiary of Brilliant
`today, but was originally formed as a joint venture
`with Joltid.
`Oh, Altnet had contractual relationships
`with Joltid Ltd.; is that correct?


`Page 16
`Q. Were there any contractual relationships
`between Brilliant and Joltid?
`I can't recall.
`Are there any other companies that you've
`had an interest in which have had a contractual
`.relationship with Joltid Ltd. other than Altnet and
`At one stage I had a -— a management
`agreement‘with Joltid.
`I can't recall whether that
`was personally or through my management service
`And what services did you provide Joltid
`Ltd. pursuant to that contract?
`Consulting services, management services.
`And approximately what time frame did that
`consulting relationship exist?
`I can't recall exactly.
`Sometime 2007.
`Did you have any consulting relationship
`before 2003 with Joltid?
`Q. What are your duties and responsibilities as
`a Non—Executive Chairman of PersonalWeb?
`I —— I provide advice to management and I
`provide it when they need it and we discuss matters


`'Page 17
`that are all public to the Board and then reach
`resolutions accordingly.
`You've had your deposition taken before,
`I have.
`Have you ever testified in court before?
`I have.
`Q. Where did you testify in court?
`In Sydney, Australia.
`Was this in connection with the lawsuit
`involving the KaZaA technology?
`Did it have any relationship to any work
`that was done by Brilliant, Altnet or Kinetech?
`Now, one thing I wanted -- I don't think I
`need to go through the rules of this examination but
`one thing I wanted to make you aware of and in case
`your attorney didn't is that under the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office's rules for inter parties
`reviewy once my questioning begins until it is
`concluded you're not allowed to consult or confer
`with your counsel regarding the substance of your
`testimony except for conferring on whether to assert
`Do you understand
`a privilege against testifying.


`Page 18
`that rule?
`And do you intend to comply with it?
`I do.
`Are you taking any medication that would
`interfere with your ability to provide truthful and
`accurate testimony today?
`Could you briefly describe your educational
`I completed high school.
`In Australia?
`In South Africa.
`Q. What, if anything, did you do to prepare for
`your deposition testimony today,_examination?
`We had a meeting yesterday and -- in which
`we discussed the deposition today.
`And who did you meet with?
`A. With my lawyers.
`And did you review any documents?
`I did.
`Q. What did you review?
`MR. RHOA: Objection.
`The question calls
`for work product, attorney-client privilege.
`The witness is instructed not to answer.


`Page 19
`Did you review any agreements?
`Same objection.
`MR. GALVIN: Are you instructing him not to
`MR. RHOA: Yep.
`(Exhibit 2009 previously marked.)
`(Exhibit 2014 previously marked.)
`Let me hand you what's been previously
`marked as Exhibit 2009 -—
`MR. RHOA: And, by the way} Rob, whenever I
`say "privileged" today,
`that covers both
`14' attorney“client privilege and work product.
`Is that
`25 l
`MR. GALVIN: That is okay. Understood.
`I'm handing you what‘s been previously
`marked as Exhibit 2009 and 2014,
`the Declaration of
`Kevin Bermeister and the Supplemental Declaration of
`Kevin Bermeister. Start with Exhibit 2009.
`Do you
`recognize ~-
`MR. RHOA: Rob, do you have copies for me?
`Thank you.


`Page 20
`Do you recognize Exhibit 2009 as the
`Declaration that you submitted in this inter parties
`I do.
`And is that your signature on page 3?
`It is.
`And looking at Exhibit 2014, is that the
`Supplemental Declaration that you submitted in this
`Yes, it is.
`Are there any corrections or errors that
`you're aware of in Exhibit 2009 and Exhibit 2014
`that you wish to make at this time?
`MR. RHOA: Objection:
`I believe 2014 corrects 2009
`in at least one place.
`Other than that correction, do you have any
`other corrections to Exhibit 2009?
`I don't believe so.
`Does Europlay Capital currently own any
`interest in Brilliant Digital?
`I don't know.
`I don't know.
`Does Europlay Capital own any interest in


`Page 21
`PersonalWeb at this time?
`I believe it does.
`Does Europlay Capital own any interest in
`Does Europlay Capital own any interest in
`Who are the original shareholders of Altnet?
`I believe that was Brilliant Digital and
`And who are the principal investors behind
`I don‘t know.
`I don't know who the
`investors were.
`Q. Were there two individuals that are
`associated with Joltid that you're aware of?
`There are. There were.
`And who were they?
`Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis.
`And were they two of the founders of KaZaA?
`I believe so.
`And were they two of the founders of Skype?
`I believe so.
`Turning to Exhibit 2009, your declaration,


`Page 22
`you're currently the Chief Executive Officer and
`Director of Brilliant Digital, correct?
`Are there any other employees of Brilliant
`5‘ Digital at this time?
`Yes, yes.
`And who else is employed by Brilliant
`The names?
`Anthony Neumann and one other.
`I just can‘t
`recall whether or not he's an employee or a
`contractor but I think he's a contractor.
`And what's Anthony Neumann's position at
`15 Brilliant?
`He's a Vice President.
`Does he have a particular area of
`No, business development.
`Does —— is Brilliant Digital an operating
`company at this time?
`Not really.
`Why do you say not really?
`A. Well, because mostly its interests are
`really operated through other —— through its


`Page 23
`subsidiaries or other companies.
`in paragraph 3 you refer to the
`TruNames patents and you say that you are referring
`to the U.S. Patent Nos. 5,978,791 and all
`continuations thereof.
`If I use the name "TruNames
`patents" during this examination, will you
`understand that I'm referring to it in a way that
`you defined it in paragraph 3?
`‘Is that fair? Now,
`in paragraph 3 you talk
`about the fact that the TruNames patents were
`originally owned by a company called Kinetech.
`your knowledge was Kinetech the only owner of the
`TruNames patents?
`MR. RHOA: Objection:
`I don't know how you define
`"owner." Can you perhaps describe it a little bit
`Q. Well, you say in paragraph 3 that the
`TruNames patents were originally owned by a company
`called Kinetech.
`In the way that you described it
`there, was it your understanding that Kinetech
`solely owned the TruNames patents originally?
`I know that Kinetech owned the patents


` F.
`Page 24
`and they also had an agreement with Level 3.
`don't know —- I'm not a lawyer and I don't
`understand the
`—— the nature of ownership.
`So you
`used the term "oan and I'm just not sure whether or
`not I'm qualified to answer the question.
`Then how —— do you know if -— did Kinetech
`own the patents ——
`I certainly know that Kinetech were an owner
`of the patents when we acquired them —— I acquired
`them from Kinetech.
`And you entered into a license agreement
`first with Kinetech in 2002, correct?
`MR. RHOA: Objection to the form.
`Is that correct?
`In 2002 we —— Brilliant Digital licensed the
`patent in a field —— limited field of use from
`Now, prior to entering into the license
`agreement, was there any relationship between
`Kinetech and Brilliant Digital?
`Prior to entering into the license
`agreement, was there any relationship between -- let
`me withdraw that.


`Page 25
`Who were the officers or directors of
`Kinetech when you entered into the license in 2002?
`MR. RHOA: Objection:
`I don't know who they were.
`know —— I don't know who they were.
`I know who I
`negotiated with but I don't know what positions they
`held in the company.
`And who did you negotiate the Brilliant
`license with Kinetech?
`A. With a gentleman called Ezra Goldman and Ron
`And did you understand Ron Lachman to have
`an ownership interest in Kinetech?
`I_be1ieve so, yeah.
`Did you understand Ezra Goldman to have an
`ownership interest?
`I don't know.
`Was ——
`I don't know.
`Was Ezra Goldman an attorney?
`I don't believe so.
`He appeared to be
`working for the company.
`Prior to entering into -- prior to the
`license agreement being signed between Brilliant and


`Page 26
`Kinetech, was there any relationship between
`Mr. Lachman and Brilliant Digital?
`I don't believe so.
`the agreement between Kinetech and
`5 Brilliant Digital license agreement was signed in
`October 2002; is that correct?
`You have the agreement there?
`I believe it
`was but maybe I said that in the declaration. Yes,
`that's correct.
`I believe so. Yes.
`So prior to October 18th, 2002,
`there was no
`relationship between Mr. Lachman and Brilliant
`_ Digital?
`I don't believe so.
`Mr. Lachman had no ownership interest in
`15 Brilliant Digital prior to October 18th, 2002?
`Don‘t think so.
`Mr. Lachman didn't have any contractual
`relationship with Brilliant Digital prior to October
`18th, 2002?
`I don't believe so.
`I don't recall but I
`don't believe so.
`Q. What do you recall about the negotiations
`between Kinetech and Brilliant Digital that led to
`the license agreement in 2002?
`I don‘t recall very
`That's a long time ago.
`2 121—279—9424


`Page 27
`much but —— more than ten years ago now —- so
`perhaps if you ask me specific questions I can try
`and recall but, you know, we —- we held meet —- a
`meeting probably telephonically. We held -— I
`recall having one or two meetings at my office with
`Ron Lachman and negotiating an agreement to license.
`Pretty much it -- that's it.
`‘Do you recall an exchange of drafts?
`I don't specifically recall an exchange of
`I'm absolutely sure that there have been ——
`there would have been an exchange of drafts but I
`don't specifically recall one event.
`Do you recall any particular points of being
`in contention in the negotiation?
`I think the field of use was -— was a -— you
`know, probably the most complex aspect of the
`Do you recall any discussions during the
`negotiation about the consideration that Brilliant
`would pay -~
`there were some discussions about
`consideration but I don't specifically recall, you
`know, any one of those.
`I mean,
`I generally have a
`recollection of —— of a discussion about duration as
`I do
`well as contract generally and, you know,


`7 Brilliant would issue warrants to Kinetech in
`exchange for the license?
`You know, again, I haye some vague
`recollection of board meetings and discussions at
`board meetings but I don't recall the specifics.
`Q. Were you communicating via e—mail with
`Mr. Lachman or Mr. Goldman during this time of the
`Quite possibly.
`And would you still have those?
`I wouldn't.
`Now, originally in paragraph 7 you said that
`the consideration for the Kinetech license was
`approximately $5 million and then in your
`21‘ Supplemental Declaration, Exhibit 2014, you
`corrected it to say it.was $1 million.
`Page 28
`recall field of use is one of those areas that we
`spent quite a lot of time on.
`Do you recall any discussion in negotiations
`about what royalties Brilliant should pay?
`I don't.
`Do you recall how it was decided that
`Q. What's that valuation based on?
`The $1 million? .


`Page 29
`If I recall} it was based on the value of
`So how did you arrive at that number?
`A. Warrants times shares. Warrants times share
`value, I think.
`I just can't recall exactly how.we
`arrived at that number but I think that‘s how I
`calculated it.
`_ So you performed this calculation in July of
`2013 when you submitted this declaration?
`I really —— I looked back at the share price
`at that time and then I poured the-calculation in.
`And where do you look to see the share
`On one of the websites.
`Q.- Do you remember what website you looked at?
`I can‘t recall exactly.
`And is there a site that keeps historic
`values for Brilliant?
`There are a few of them and I think I went
`back —— I just can‘t recall which one I used.
`Okay. Which ones are you aware of that you
`could get this information?
`3 Brilliant's shares at the time or shortly'
`I Googled one or two and found a few of them


`Page 30
`and I looked back at the website,
`the history.
`may have been NB -- CNBC or Yahoo! or one of the
`websites that I found.
`And so you recall in July 2013 doing a
`search and looking up the historic price of
`6 Brilliant Digital ~—
`I spoke with Anthony Neumann as well and he
`validated that the —— you know, my information was
`Q. What did Anthony Newman tell you?
`That the price was what I told him.
`So just going back, so you recall looking at
`some site, you can't recall what site?
`Yeah, I can't recall the site now.
`And you -~ what date did you look up the'
`It was —— I looked back at the ten-year
`history of BDLN was the —— was the last code I
`believe and then that BD used on the AMEX or I think
`at that time we were a pink sheet traded company and
`then I did some research.
`I used quite a few
`sites —— actually,
`two or three different sites.
`That's why I just can't recall the name of any one
`of them. There's several sites that offer services
`to go back and look at historical prices.


`Page 31
`But you don't remember any of them?
`As I said, may have been Yahoo!, CNBC, one
`of those.
`I seem to recall that it had a specific
`name that related to the services that had offered
`historical stock prices or something.
`So what was the Google search you ran?
`I want to try to find it and say historical
`stock prices for public companies.
`And then you entered in -—
`It gave —- Google gave me back a list of
`site options and I used one of them.
`And then you entered in —— what ticker code
`did you use?
`I think BDLN and I may have also used BDE,
`15 Brilliant Digital.
`I tried a few options.
`And you personally did this?
`I did, yes-
`And what date did you use to assess the
`valuation that you ascribe to -—
`Roughly the October 2002 period.
`And so if I understand your methodology, if
`there were warrants for 5 million shares, if you
`arrived at a_valuation of approximately $1 million,
`then what was the share price, historical share


`Page 32
`If I recall correctly, it was something in
`the range of 30 cents, 35 cents, or something like
`It fluctuated a little bit around those days.
`So if it was 30 or 35 cents, how did you
`reach a $1 million valuation on an issuance of 5
`6 million warrants or 5 million dollars worth of
`You know,
`there was some fluctuation in the
`share price around that time so I took —— I took a
`I made an approximate valuation and just
`estimated what I thought they were valued out
`because I know there's some calculation for -— you
`know, historically I've looked at things like
`Black-Scholes and various methods of valuing shares
`so —- but I thought that the fairest way to do that
`was to multiply it by the share price that was
`fluctuating at that time.
`It was lower before we
`made the announcement and higher after we made the

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