
`Page 1
`Case No.
`Docket No. 0100157—00240
`----------------------------------- 2:
`PATENT OWNER OF 0.3. PATENT NO. 8,001,096
`___________________________________ x
`September 25, 2013
`8:57 a.m.
`Deposition of ROBERT B.K. DEWAR,
`taken by Petitioner, pursuant
`16 Notice, held at the offices of Wilmer
`17 Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP,
`18 World Trade Center, New York, New York,
` 20
`2 3
`2 4
`before Todd DeSimone,
`a Registered
`Professional Reporter and Notary Public of
`the State of New York.
`EMC/VMware v. PersonalWeb
`EMCVMW 1074


`Page 2_———]
`A P P E A R A N C E S
`60 State Street
`Boston, Massachusetts 02109
`Attorneys for EMC Corporation and
`‘901 North Glebe Road
`11th Floor
`'Arlington, Virginia 22203—1808
`Attorneys for PersonalWeb
`Technologies LLC


`Page 3
`R 0 B E R T B.K.
`D E W A R, Ph.D.,
`called as a witness, having been first
`duly sworn, was examined and testified
`as follows:
`Good morning, Dr. Dewar.
`Good morning.
`You understand why you are here
`today, correct?
`I do.
`And that is in connection with
`six IPR review proceedings.
`They are
`officially labeled I
`think IPR 2013—82
`through 87 inclusive.
`Each one of those
`has a separate patent associated with it,
`and I will try today to mostly use the
`patent numbers.
`I think it is a little
`Right. Certainly to me that is
`And you have been deposed
`before, correct?
`I have.
`19 bit more familiar than the IPR numbers.
`1 2
`And just as some basic kind of


`Page 4
` 23
`ground rules for the deposition, your
`testimony today is just like as if you
`were in court giving trial testimony,
`And if I ask a question and it
`is in any way unclear, please let me know
`and I will do my best to try and rectify
`the situation.
`And as I mentioned before, if
`at any point you want a break, just let me
`The only thing I'm going to ask is
`that it not be while there is a question
`Fair enough.
`And I'm here today to represent
`EMC and VMware on two of the IPRs and EMC
`solely on the other four,
`so EMC across
`six, VMware across the first two. With me
`is Cindy Vreeland as well.
`MR. RHOA: Dr. Dewar,
`the only
`time you are allowed to ask for a break
`25 while a question is pending is if you have


`Page 5
`a concern that yOur answer would divulge
`privileged information, attorney—client
`privileged information, or even
`information, something like
`that, you can ask for a break while a
`question is pending. Otherwise you can't
`ask for breaks.
`I understand.
`So, Dr. Dewar,
`just for the
`record, could you identify your name,
`that kind of stuff.
`Robert Dewar, D—e—w-a-r.
`you need middle initials? It is B.K.
`my address is 1591 Carpenter Hill Road,
`16 Bennington, Vermont 05201. That's the
`17 mailing address which is I
`think what we
`need for this.
`And, Dr. Dewar, what is your
`area of expertise?
`I'm a computer scientist.
`22 main areas of expertise have been
`operating systems, programming languages,
`compilers, but
`in 40 years of being a
`professor I have taught very widely, but


`Page 6
`those are my main research areas. But
`have publications in algorithms.-
`I have
`publications in other areas too.
`Then more recently I retired
`from the university,
`I guess it has got
`be six years ago,
`so I devote all my
`attention to the company I
`founded of
`' which I'm still president, although no
`longer CEO.
`And which company is that?
`That is AdaCore Technologies.
`founded that about 20 years ago with two
`colleagues and we specialize in tools for
`building high integrity software,
`20 would a speaker characterize your
`avionics, air traffic control,
`that kind
`of thing.
`And if you were to be
`introduced at a technical canference, how
`expertise if they were introducing you?
`think I'm best known for
`compilers and programming languages in
`recent years, partly because of my
`association with the company, because


`Page 7
`that's where the company's technology
`lies. But
`I would say in recent years I
`would often be more so introduced as an
`in safety and security because a
`lot of the high integrity aspects of the
`software we are involved with involve
`safety critical and security critical
`So a number of the documents we
`are going to use today have already been
`12 marked in this proceeding which I
`13 will make things more smooth.
`So what I'm
`handing you now is a binder that has all
`of the board decisions for the six IPRs we
`talked about.
`They are tabbed.
`You have reviewed the board
`decisions, correct?
`I haven't concentrated on
`them, but
`I have gone through those.
`21 Maybe I have seen these.
`And so you will see that on the
`front page of each of the decisions they
`identify the relevant IPR.
`So if you take
`a look at the first tab,
`there is IPR


`Page 8
`2013—00082, and each one is just the next
`number. All right?
`You said you had reviewed them,
`It has not been a major
`My major focus has been on the
`alleged prior art documents and the
`patents themselves.
`I will say now just
`for the record any questions about
`decisions I will probably object to as
`outside the scope.
`So I'm going to ask you to turn
`to pages, on the first one, on the IPR for
`the ‘791 patent, you can see that on the
`front page, if you can turn to pages 7
`through 12.
`And this is where the board is
`discussing the Woodhill prior art patent,
` 1
` 16
`Yes, right.


`And then if you go starting
`from the middle of page 12 through I
`it is page 26,
`that‘s where the board is
`discussing its analysis of the claim
`construction, right?
`And then from 26 through 32 is
`where the board is discussing its analysis
`of the Woodhill prior art in View of its
`claim construction?
`And I
`just want
`to start with
`the first portion,
`the 7
`through 12, where
`they are discussing Woodhill.
`And I
`16 want
`to confirm,
`think you said this
`earlier, but you did consider the
`decisions in forming your opinions in your
`expert report, correct?
`MR. RHOA: Objection, outside
`the scope of his declaration.
`I More I was really asked to
`focus on the claims and how the prior art
`reflected on the claims.' My attorney did
`think inform me of all the relevant


`decisions that might affect that.
`Let me ask you this: Did you
`consider the board's claims constructions.
`in forming your opinion?
`I did.
`I was aware of all
`the claims constructions.
`think in fact
`most of them are quoted in my
`So I'was aware of those
`because I understand that those are
`And did you look at the way the
`board had analyzed the claims in forming
`your opinions in your expert reports?
`I was aware of that.
`I didn't
`analyze it closely from this document.
`Did you consider the board's
`analysis important
`in forming your
`opinions in —-
`I ——
`MR. RHOA: Objection, outside
`the scope of his declaration.
`Just so that we can keep the
`court reporter sane, we have to finish the
`I know where you are going, but


`Page 11
`you have to let me finish my question.
`That is perfectly fine.
`So let me
`take that questiou
`back and start from the top.
`In forming your opinions that
`you expressed in your declarations, did
`you consider the board's analysis
`in forming those opinions?
`I believe that my attorney had
`informed me of anything that would have
`been relevant, but it certainly was not a
`13 major source.
`My major source for my
`declarations was the patents and the
`actual prior art documents.
`I mean,
`I was
`asked really to give my analysis of
`17 whether the prior art documents really
`reflected prior art with respect to the
`patent claims.
`That was my primary task.
`And was one of your
`tasks to
`consider the board's claim constructions
`in forming those opinions?
`Not specifically, no.
`.Did you read the decisions
`before forming your opinions?


`Page 12
`I can't remember, because we
`did discuss them, but
`they were not
`focus certainly of my study and work. But
`as I say,
`I believe that my attorney
`informed me of the critical information
`and in particular the claim constructions
`which I have adhered to those claim
`constructions in my declarations.
`So in forming your opinions, as
`you expressed them in your declarations,
`take it,
`then, you didn‘t try and identify
`13 whether the board had analyzed --
`technically analyzed Woodhill correctly or
`You didn't think that was
`I was asked to really directly
`look at Woodhill and the claims and give
`my independent objective opinion on how
`So you have no opinion whether
`the board analyzed Woodhill correctly or
`just so I'm
`incorrectly? And by that,
`22 Woodhill reflected on those claims.


`Page 13
`I'm talking about pages 7
`just their understanding of the facts
`of Woodhill, not
`the analysis with the
`claims just yet.
`No, not specifically, no.
`So let's turn to the next
`section which was the claim construction
`section starting on page 12, and you might
`to spend just a minute or two just
`seeing the kind of claims that they did
`the claim terms they did
`construe, and let me know when you've had
`a chance to take a look at that.
`(Witness perusing document.)
`All this is familiar to me or
`makes sense.
`Do you have a specific
`The first question is,
`are these the claim constructions you
`considered in forming your opinions
`contained ——
`the Q&A.
`they are.
`Again, we just have to finish


`.Page 14
`If I can add to that,
`I believe
`there are one or two cases,
`in fact there
`are one or two cases in my declarations
`where I addressed specifically claim
`construction issues and say if the claim
`construction says this, if it said that,
`then I would have a different opinion.
`But that‘s very clear in the declarations.
`We will get
`to that.
`So just focusing on the IPR for
`the moment that‘s in front of you for the
`'791 patent, were the board's
`constructions wrong?‘
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`The only iSsue I see with the
`claim constructions is the claim
`construction of true name, and we did
`discuss this,
`so this is a familiar issue
`to me,
`that we are working, as I
`understand it, with a construction that
`ignores point
`in the patent
`specification, which relates to it being
`cryptographic, nonreversible hash.


`Page 15
`Where are you pointing to so I
`can follow where you are at?
`I'm really looking at true name
`data —-
`I'm looking at the construction of
`true name on page 16.
`So other than that, do you
`think the board's constructions were
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of his declarations.
`As far as I can tell, yes.
`And for all of the
`including the construction
`of true name, which I understand from what
`18 with their construction, do you think the
`you just said you have some dispute with,
`and realizing that you have a disagreement
`board's constructions were reasonable?
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`I'm not sure what "reasonable"
`23 means.
`Same objection.


`Two people can have reasonable
`views on a matter and disagree about
`outcome, can't they?
`there isn't any dispute,
`question, or confusion over whether ——
`over the meaning of true name in the '791
`It is important that it be a
`cryptographic hash and it definitely must
`be a cryptographic hash for the approach
`to fully work of that particular patent.
`I understand -— my attorney
`explained to me that the board attempts to
`interpret terms as broadly as possible.
`So I don't have a big problem with the
`fact that they say well, we would like to
`extend the notion of true name to
`non-cryptographic hashes.
`I guess that's the point I'm
`trying to get at is you might have a
`reasoned view about why it means
`cryptographic and the board might have a
`view that their interpretation is within
`the broadest reasOnable construction, and
`you understand that, right? —j
` 23


`Page 17
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declaration.
`I understand that.
`And when you were doing your
`analysis, did you consider the board‘s
`constructions or only your own?
`Only the board‘s constructions.
`If I could just repeat,
`to clarify that,
`used the board's constructions only, and
`this doesn't apply to the true name
`situation, but only in certain cases did I
`comment if the construction had been
`then my opinion would have
`15 Ibeen affected in a different way. But
`used the board's constructions,
`I didn't
`25 within the broadest reasonable
`invent my own.
`That is exactly the point I'm
`getting at.
`I used the board's
`And just to confirm, when
`talking about
`the '791, you thought that
`the board's constructions were at least


`Page 18
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`I did, yes.
`And then if you focus on the
`IPR starting at page 26 through 32, it is
`the analysis section -—
`Can I add a little bit of
`clarification to the previous thing?
`Yes, sir.
`My source of information on the
`board's constructions were what my
`attorney told me
`the board constructions
`I've looked through this and as far
`as I can tell, you know, without wasting a
`lot of our time studying it in great
`18‘ detail,
`the constructions I see here
` 15 were.
` 25
`correspond to what
`I was
`So as far
`aslI know, and consistent with looking
`through this material right now,
`I believe
`that I followed the board's constructions
`at all points.
`And then for the portion of the
`IPR starting at page 26 through 32,


` 4
`the portion of the decision where the
`board analyzes Woodhill
`in view of their
`construction, right?
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the-declarations.
`Do you have any opinion one way
`or the other whether the board's analysis
`was correct or incorrect?
`MR. RHOA: Objection,
`also beyond the scope of the declarations.
`So we are going to go through
`I apologize, but we have to go
`through each of the IPRs,
`so if you go to
`the next
`So did you read this decisiou
`in forming your opinions that you provided
`in your expert declarations?
`Ask that again}
`So we are now looking __
`Because you broke it down into
`sections before and now you are asking
`the whole document.
`212—490—3430 ,


`Page 20
`One of the things I'm going to
`try and establish is what were the
`materials you considered in forming your
`declarations, because that sort of goes to
`whether you considered whatever materials
`in forming your decisions,
`so I can ask
`you the basis for your opinions that you
`in your declaration.
`Do you
`understand that?
`I understand that.
`So I just need to confirm on
`the record whether you have considered at
`all, not at all,
`some level, for each of
`the IPRs as we dive into the prior art and
`so forth.
`Just so you know why I'm going
`through this.
`It is not meant
`to he -—
`-I understand completely.
`So for this second IPR which is
`for the '280 patent, have you read this
`I believe I've looked thrOugh
`it, but it certainly wasn't
`the focus of
`my declarations or the work I did on the


`Page 21
`It is the same as you mentioned
`The same as I mentioned before,
`So like the situation before,
`there is a section in here starting at
`page 9 and going forward that deals with
`the claim construction, it goes to the
`10 middle of page 11 I believe.
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`I'm turning to my declaration
`now because in every case my declaration
`gives a very complete statement of the
`claim constructions that I depended on.
`So if you want
`to ask what
`claim constructions did I depend on,
`are explicitly in the declarations.
`But just so that we are clear,
`provided or not?
`My understanding is that they
`22 were they the constructions that the board
`25 were the constructions the board provided.


`Page 22
` 19
`like the former question
`that I asked in connection with the '791
`patent, were the boardfls claim
`constructions within the broadest
`reasonable construction in your opinion or
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`You are asking me
`to look
`specifically at data file? That's the
`only one I see here.
`think that's correct.
`The answer to your question is
`And I have to ask,
`though I
`think I know the answer, on pages 11
`through the end where they analyze the
`claims in View of the construction and in
`view of the prior art, you don't have any
`opinion whether that analysis was correct
`or incorrect?
`objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations,
`form also.
`I guess I would answer,


`Page 23
`to be as complete as possible with my
`answer here,
`I don't really know because I
`addressed many issues in my declaration.
`Some of the issues were obvious just by
`the form of the situation. Many of the
`issues were things my attorney asked me
`So it may well be that the
`declarations do in that sense consider
`this material.
`Maybe we can group some of the
`stuff together to move things along. But
`is it fair to say you read each of the
`decisions in expressing your opinions in
`your declarations?
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declaration.
`I‘m sorry, say that again.
`For your declarations,
`for each
`of the declarations for each of the
`patents, did you read the decisions in
`forming your opinions?
`These decisions were not a
`primary source of forming my Opinions.
`the question was a little


`Page 24
`simpler. Did you just read them?
`I mean,
`the reason I'm
`hesitating is early on there was huge,
`giant piles of stuff, and so I can tell
`you what
`I studied carefully for the
`declaration, and with respect
`to that the
`answer would be no.
`Did I read through them at some
`I‘m not sure. Because certainly
`in our discussions,
`in our discussions
`with my attorney,
`these issues came up
`My attorney would say well,
`board said this. That's why I used
`"directly" in my response.
`Is it the situation that you
`didn't consider the decisions particularly
`in forming your opinions?
`I presume that if there were
`important points in the decisions which I
`needed to address, my attorney requested
`that I address those.
`So your focus was whatever -—
`by your attorney,
`I‘m assuming you mean
`Mr. Rhoa?


`Page 25
`Yes, and the firm.
`And his firm?
`And Brian Siritzky too.
`So I was asked to look at,
`my declarations,
`I was asked to look at
`the question of whether these patents were
`valid with respect to the prior art
`documents and, you know, we discussed many
`specific points in that, as discussing in
`preparation for those declarations. But
`didn't specifically inform the
`declarations independently myself by
`reading this material.
`So you relied on Mr. Rhoa and
`16 Mr. Siritzky to point you to relevant
`No. We never sat down and said
`look at this section of this document.
`And that's your memory.for all
`six of the ——
`them, yes.
`That's my memory for all of
`And in terms of doing your
`declarations, who did you work with
`Q 212—490—3430


`Page 26
`besides Mr. Rhoa and Mr. Siritzky? Were
`there any other attorneys, any others that
`you remember?
`I'm not 100 percent sure, but
`those were my two primary contacts for
`Did you work with Mr. Rhoa more
`or less than Mr. Siritzky?
`-More I would say overall.
`Did each one of those gentlemen
`have like specific patents or specific
`roles that you think?
`MR. RHOA: Objection,
`_ Q.
`Then just to confirm, for each
` 10
`of the six IPRs,
`the board's claim
`construction you did consider, correct?
`‘ Yes.
`And you thought it was within
`the broadest reasonable construction,
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.


`Page 27
`My attorney gave me
`the claim
`constructions to follow.
`He did not ask
`to give an opinion on whether they were
`reasonable or consistent.
`They were
`6 material
`that was given to me as a
`starting point for my declarations.
`don't think there is any point at which
`there was a problem with them from my
`point of View. but that‘s what
`I worked
`11 with.
`, Q.
`We will get
`to that.
`there may have been a couple that showed
`up in the declarations which we can talk
`So I'm handing you a binder.
`17 Here is one that should have the patents
` 18
`that are being challenged.
`These have all
`been marked in the proceedings. Usually
`you will see it down in the lower right
`there is some kind of marking.
`think it will be saner if we just
`refer to it by the patent number.
`If we
`go to the '791 patent to begin with.
`I‘m turning to my copy of it


`Page 28
`Just so the record is
`clear, and I have no objection to it, but
`those are Dr. Dewar's broad binder full
`of —— and maybe you can describe what's in
`the binder.
`What's in my binder here is my
`the patents, and the
`following documents, Woodhill, Kantor,
`Langer, Satyanarayanan and Fischer.
`the ZIP standard,
`the C910 standard,
`TAR standard, and I believe that is a
`complete list.
`No notes of any sort?
`There are some notes on some of
`the -— there are minimal number of notes
`in a couple of places tabbed for easy
`Let's focus on the '791 patent.
`You certainly reviewed the '791 patent in
`forming your opinions, right?
`Did you understand the subject
`matter of the '791 patent?
`wwwveritext. com


`Page 29
` whether the subject matter of the '791
`there any part that you
`didn't understand?
`I'm very familiar with the ‘791
`Do you have an opinion about
`patent works?
`MR. RHOA: Objection, beyond
`the scope of the declarations.
`Works? What exactly does that
`Does the system work?
`MR. RHOA: Objection,
`Also beyond the scope of the declarations.
`Well, it is an invention that
`can be used in the construction of a
`It is not a system itself. Most
`certainly there are systems around that
`successfully use the invention of this
`And so the reason I'm asking
`this question is, or I should say one of
`the reasons I'm asking this question, when
`212-279—9424 212—490~3430 unvuhverfiextconl


`I ask you about
`the patent,
`I'm going to
`ask you to just focus on the patent
`itself, not on whether you have any
`independent knowledge of whether
`Mr. Farber and company had some software
`product you might be familiar with or any
`third—party products or anything like
`It is just going to be about
`Is that fair?
`That is completely fair.
`That's why your first question surprised
`I have to admit, sometimes
`people —— there is a product associated_
`with it and understanding bleeds between
`the two and I'm going to focus on the
`text, okay?
`That won‘t be a problem here.
`So in talking about Woodhill,
`to start out with hopefully what is a
`simple example. Assume that you,
`Dr. Dewar, have a really short CV and that
`the only thing it says is "I live in j


`Vermont and I have extensive experience in
`the Ada programming language."
`So far,
`That is your short CV.
`Assume that that file, as luck
`would have it, that it would fit into what
`the patent calls a simple data item.
`you-understand that so far?
`Because the patent talks about
`simple data items and compound data items.
`just want
`to focus on the simple for the
`16 moment.
`I would like to correct a
`possible misimpression you put on the
`table that it is something to do with
`It is something to do with
`structure, not size.
`Let"s assume that the size of
`the file and the structure of the system
`is such that that CV fits in a simple data


`Page 32
`14 _
`Let's just also assume that
`your CV is unique,
`that no one else in the
`system that is using the ‘791 technology
`has the same CV as you do.
`That's a fair assumption,
`That's a fair assumption.
`In fact,
`in file systems there
`is a lot of unique files, right?
`There could be some that are
`duplicates and there could be some that
`are unique?
`So we are talking about a
`unique file, your CV, short form, right?
`I mean,
`I don't think I could
`guarantee it is unique.
`22! have multiple copies of my CV that are
`absolutely identical on my PC, if you were
`to bring it here, under different file
`I don't
`names and different directories.


`Page 33
`think I can presume uniqueness of the
`For this assumption,
`let‘s just
`presume it is.
`We will presume it is unique.
`Your first version of it.
`So just so that we have
`something concrete,
`if you could write
`whateyer you want that short CV to be.
`like the idea of "I live in Vermont and I
`specialize in Ada," but just so that we
`can refer back to it.
`To clarify, you have no
`interest in whether this is accurate or
`This is what we call a
`There is a small file sitting
`in front of me, okay.
`This is so we have a concrete
`example and so we can refer back to it.
`For purposes of this hypothetical, we will
`talk about

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