22/05 2003 THU 15:22
`FM 61
`2 89832210 LR? LYTEMCTIVE
`“ms Patent Sublicmsc Agxczmczu (this. °*Agrc~c:mc::1'*) is cfrcrniva as cf Ocmbc-r 12, 2002 '
`(the "Ef§'cxUv<: Due)‘ mm BRILLIANT DIGYIAL aN'rER?AIN.\«tab'rr. 1Nc.~, a Dclagmxxrg
`ccrpomfion having its ptincipal place ofbusmnss :9. 6355 Taparxga Cansnn Beuievazd. Suite 12.0.
`Woodland Hills, Cziifcmia 93357 {“BriH§z.:t%."'), ALTNIIT, INC'.., 3 Delaware czxpcmzfiozx having
`its principal plum :2? business at 6355 Topanga Canymx Boulzvarfl. Sum:-_120, Wood1md”H\‘Hs.,
`California 91367 (“AItnt:£" and, mgcxhczr with Bxfllixznt.
`that “Snbh'c=ca9.cxr”) and SHARMAN
`NETWORKS I_IMITL’D. a wmprmy imoxpmatecd in Vanuatu imxi lomind at 151 Floor EDD
`Sousa, PO BOX 240, Port \/ma, Vanuam (“Subficcnsc::”}.
`Subliccnsor is the licsnazc of K'm<::c::.h km, 2 I)-.-Iawam ctxporafim: (“Mastct
`Licwsom of the fight? to use. md to acxxblicxtnx far use Unitrxi States P316531 No. 5,978,791 and
`an rciazed inicéimttml prapcxzy puxsuam to the Pam: Bears; Agreemcm, dared ember 13,
`2602, by and axncag Kiucxcxzb. }m:., Brflliant and Alma: (the “Master Liccasxz“), a copy of w ‘ch
`has bczzn dciivaxvd Lo Sublicunscc.
`Suhlicmw: d-::>‘i:c.s to obtain a :<ubh'c:..:nsc of Subficmscn-‘x righxs to use the
`Sublicmsczi xsghxs (as riefined in Sccfion L1 below) within the Fzmvittcd Uue (as defined in
`Scctim 3.1 bdaw) in the Territory (as dwfincdin 3¢\‘:iion 1.2 bdow) (“Business”). Sufifiémwf 53
`willing to pmvidc Sublinmm with a linmsa to us: the Subliceuscd Rights in wnncctipn with
`Sul>Iiccz35s$’s Eusixxuss upon fix: tcmw of this Agrvemcm.
`In ¢Oi"s52<5CI?:t2Dn of thc fiarcgoing and use various abugstmns and fl® sat forth below.
`1221: pazfics agre: as follows:

`‘ "‘“““"_j';‘
`i"‘‘.. .
`. .‘‘~:.‘'‘.'
`-223 wax in this Agrczmcui, {bu fauowing warns arc defined as
`“A,572f£zz1e" shall mead, with rerspezwe auy~¢z1LiEyi,—?.~any other entily mat,
`"‘” ""7””_"
`:"““€‘"Td‘xi“cZ£{‘y‘rT6“r"fld5mmy, eenirsis, is cozitmfiad by orsisaggggggexgmonawgmaimfim that entity:
`J2ri<5.'Lf.é£zi iwwvw. that in each case any such nlhcr c:m'._i13’ shall be co"1i:ii‘ci2h:d ta 1:»: an Affifiaatc
`only during the time pexind during which such camml
`2Fdi~ purposx-4s’ of this dcfinidon,
`“control” Cmcludiug, with coxralafivc mmnimz, (hc lcrms “camrollad by” and ‘mac: cammcm
`control with“),
`29:: used Wm: respzm m any cnkity, shall fnoan the pmssrzmon, dixectly or
`indsmctéy, of mo powa: :9 cfikecwz and/or cause lb: dlrccxion of the masmgcmmr and policies of
`such cntity, whemm‘ through the owmahig cfxcofing $c=.'.‘urEti::$, by ccmtmc: or otbsrwiszz.
`?Q&*§c‘7.'\0~2 ‘DEED
`Z.o\?;. tabbies
` Canfidenfiai
` '
`DD: nn/Inr

`22/05 2oo3flIU1s:2a ‘FAX ex 2 sesame 1&2? L\’TERiC1‘1VE
`“Cbnflderzdal Injbmzxzxion" shall mm all non-public infezxnafion, know-
`how and data which :1 party acquirrs fmm (in: otfser puny irvduciing, in Lbs cm: of Infcmiaticn
`acquimd by Subticcnscc.
`informaticn ' conccniug due Patnm, dzvclopmtm, Leshxical
`spczificstzvns :5: use orrhz Sublicensad Rights, and in 122:; case ofinfonnmifin acquired by Lin:
`Sublicemtar, any informutivn Mating to th: Business cf Sublicznsce, intludivg but not limited to,
`formulm, pamtms, saczmpilnticms, pmgrwm. devices. mcthada.
`tmzhniqucs and pmcc:'ss¢s of
`Sublicazum-4:, Business plans, buslrncss su-atvgicax, uxnxizetiaug plans, c_:us1-ma: lists, pa-ice lists, cos:
`izzframaiion abcm cnxploycas, dcsczignians of invcniiam, pros:-ms W5s
`dwcxiptions uftachnical 3511-GW'hDW. uwginntzing azxhmtmical 59¢-Ci§¢£SfiD1‘.58 and docxmzmrafion,
`and pznding CY ulmmlaxxcedpntant aggzliwsfizms.
`“fmp7wem:m£:” shall tam: all dwdopmenls, xdcpriecs, anhanscmcais or
`Uuadiflcgflnné that constitute impmvements ia or :9 we pass: GT othcrwisx: F331 within the scope
`of the Pam: claims.
`"P1112713" shall mam (917.3. ‘Pazmt No. 5,978,791; (ii) an 1mpnovcm<:nL°..
`mafifimfions, uonfinuafions, conzinuzzsions-in-paxf,
`re-issws and Ir:-cxJ).tm'n:tIioi1$
`1bc:wf{'mcIud5ng any patcnt ciszizning gsrictizy fimn at dmivcxl fmm gappiicafinu :30. U8J4:z5,1<S0),
`capiczs of which, to the extent files-:1 wit}: the Unitad Swiss Panm: Office pdor to ma Effccdvc
`Data, am ::m<:h¢d as Exhibit “A“ ham, and cm) my cum‘ United sums or fuwign patmt mad
`by‘ 01' ixmcd or fxssiguzsad to 113:. Masmr.L3:::a5:2r or Subliccmscwr (or for which Subfiommr
`oL§.‘u§”\%r§sz: has a right or ability rt» gran: a sublicmsa mda) that wuuki be ns:::2$.‘§:§.xj;‘ fa:
`Subliccnséc to mzkc. have mu-dc, use, import, sell and affect fur ea}: Subliwc-wees Prodnct,
`Within 11:: wnstraims or thc Pmnlttcd Use.
`”Pan7z:'£I¢~.d Um" shall mm the p~crmi_uad mm set forth in Schedule 1.:
`attached bmstcz and by 1123:: ccfcrcucia ilmotpnraied haw.
`“Sub/iccn&ed.R?,g.’1t.5” mu mean the: Puxcnt, ms Impmyrczmmrs, and all
`additional npfflicaflons fur, conesponding to zmd chiming lbs: bcnafit of, and rzonximmtions,
`......u.. .,-—
`divi§§oa;§,_§eism::s ml fonzign wuntcxpzris of the: Fawn: and Imgraavcmcsm
`1.117 ' 3:‘x$x:1b§c:?i3xT3ETe7.?;P?5duct” shall mm tha para to«pch¥»iEchhb16§yLfE"1'§;‘5xni'fi?~7”
`ourrmuy knqwn as the §<azaa~Mc:fia~Deslc§c:p, which includes Ln»: 5:-:a:chivg‘and filcvaharing
`tcathnafogy currently IQICJWZ1 as tbs “F&ITran}c Tcxhnuiogy”. and my fumrc fixns, npdw-It
`apgsadasami Icplzscexnxznis to orforthz:K:-um Media Desskzap.
`“TarritnI}v“ :ba1}m::auth¢Uni12zi SL2tesnf;A.nxari¢é£izs~Lcn‘r:uric\, mains
`'c5ss3?»s'“”’”""““;ii6s:,*.a3*"well as my other cxzuxmtz-y or gmngmphf$j;;qgj_g_a*fe3=Wifi€fl%?¥_933E§W¥3Dlicafiar\ has
`bwnfilfiby the Matt: Iicznser or Subficzrasor. or :3. Ram: has
`to the Master
`Licamzcr ox Subiicznsar {hat is zrixbstanlially simiiax to the F’::t%§u' or an}? 3?Tz?51aimx.
`Subiicerm éém. Subjcct to the tcrms and cmiditimns sat em in this Agmmezm
`Suézlicarxeaor gmnzs Sublicem 3 Iizuitajl, na::~c.w1usEvc, mow:-t::msi‘e.n:b1e(<mc.:pta.s as: farm. in
`L @
`SHAR 006449
`DIM: :'\('\/H"\f‘«

`22/05 20:13 THU 15:2;
`fax 51 2 sesame mi mzxscrwa
`is: use the
`Smfion 9.7 behsw}, fmsvomblc licensc, muusublicensablrz fight {thc “SubIir.:crsse"),
` Righzs, msttzictzd Lo the Pcamizacd Usc, to make, have made, uszz, import, export,
`distribute, subdistfihutc, sell and oF1‘::r for sale: Sub1i::>.’.m8.z"$ Pmduat wflldn the Terrltnry.
`Sublicensz .Re:m‘cu’on:. Subiiccastc maynot sublkzzmse any of th: rights graniai’
`tn Sublicenses hexmxdcx; pmvidcd, however that Subliccsxsca‘ may distzfburc tn csd was
`SubiI~c:ns«a:’s Pmduct {car use by smzh cm‘. usczs within 31:: constraints of the Pcrrnittcxi Use.
`Submnzzsc.-.-. shall mm mm. any of the Sublim-.n:.¢<i Pdgius to ‘Laccoma subject :1: any licns, ciaims
`at czzcxxrnbmrsoe.-.
`In th: warn: that Sublicwscas rcqacsts that a.
`of the
`sambing and file.-aizaziug tsxrhnslogy kncrsvn as the “'1‘ras:k Tcxzlmology" be cxtmdcd u
`subiis<::-use cf‘ the Sublicezsxcd Righss, Suhliwuses may przmnt ta Sublicuxsur fix‘ raviuw,
`approval and a:.c<:n‘I'$:>::, which app»:-ova} is exp-ccxcd by boih yzrfis to be pmviécd and W2 bc
`muzzsomhly wimhcid (£1 bcing undczatood howcvct.
`that it shall not be 12m*:zsonabl¢r for
`Subficcnsor no vdmmald its causes: 011 am basis that um Master [Sm-.nsor has failed to approve
`such szsbliceznsc). a mblicmsa agrccxnwxt bstwecs Sublicmsor md such third party ‘Lu. wifinh
`Suhliwtscr Iiucuscs the Subllcanscd Rights to suah ih1':d panic‘.
`The pszfics ssgrtvt that
`Suhllcmscc shall bc: cntitlcd to_ 100% of any license fess received mm rims: pmfic: whn
`mcnxly diS‘s’.’ibm',e
`the: searching and fibsirxating wchnoiogy Emawn es.
`the "fiasrfz-wk
`Te>:hn<r1r>gY’E and max subliczmsnr and Sublicmsce shall ncgodnxc in good faith for xi divisioa of
`any Iiccrxsz:
`fcczs rcccivcd fxom ‘any other third party amimrizrzxi Iiccnsca at‘ that P:::s1.Tmk
`Retambn afxzgfm. Suhliccasar mscrm; Ihczight to us: sf? or any portinn cf the:
`Sublicanscd Rights in, my mama, or liccnaa. assign, cxvuvuy, xnnsféc, sell or omexwisa alicuats
`any porfion of or ail chc Sisbléccnscd Rights to any third Pm)’. wheiber or no! such use by
`Sublictmsnr or such third gram is in dime: compr-(ition with {hat busincsa of Sxzbficernsm
`C¢::um:z~m'ng an the E%tiv: Data, in m of the rights grassed
`hereunder solely as in mlaws. to Ihczsc panics (innludiug Subllccnsm) vfm cuxrcmly distribute the
`smrcknng and fihzmhnaring techmlnmr Esnovm as the “"fim:tT‘:*az:ic_T¢c3molog3i"’, Suflixusw shnl}
`~v«:-:;.-....~:-..—:--a—.-.~':-.—-—~-2-V-é*' "'
`' ""
`‘ "“ “ ""~
`. up . .0"
`pay to Sublidesnsotzha following:

`v —v
`""*“’ " '“‘
`‘ ”
`(1) upcm szigningmftbis Agrazmcnl. 3 Eump smn paymcm of~
`fear the period from me Efiezzivc data xhmugh and including Marsh 31.
`2003; pram‘:/ex! that Sublicezma may deduct from sash paymcax all
`amcnmxs that an: currmtiy due no S_>ub1icarssa:c'fiom~Bxi1lianr as of 11>:
`"T ”

`(2) ugson signing cffhis Agxwmm§§§=_h§:);§:§§m:p&§®sfiE6&$15D,0OQ.00
`- rap:-cscnzing the mommy fat fat fi:_¢v:noa:hE?‘A"§'i1“?ZGU3; and
`(3) on or bzfbtfi Kim Hm day of
`01‘. thus Term
`commencing May 1, 2003. $L20.0D0.00 par small: for each month uf
`ma Tcazm fmm and am: Agra, 2003.
`..‘8lID<Symcs£3s.ha3l.bcpa}dinU.S.daH£.x‘3. Aflpaymenlséhaflbcvdsatito:
`SHAR 006450
`‘fink Ul""“lr-xv--n .......
`D!‘\r"' nnrnn;

`22/05 2003 THU 15:23 m 51 2 39682I1ULEFIN1‘ERAC'i‘IVE
`Clrasamanhamzn Bank, N»:.v«’Yo:‘£, NY
`Bcncficizn-yz Salumau Smitin Barney
`As;ctl# 066-498-038
`ForfVl:fl1cfcx‘c:’utto:B>riliiBS1tDig,il3lE:1t¢xmin3JrLant, Inc
`l,.§W__ Szams. The status ofsubfirsensw nndw this Agmecnsnt is that of an ind6p¢nd¢.‘.n_r
`contmcmr and not an agcm 0: employee of Subliccmnr for all p1n*;7v$:;=:;"1'nc1'ud3ng witbom
`limitnnian paymest of an mas and aasmsmcws which any awn, Mm}, mimicipfil or other
`kxxing zmihufity may impose.
`C7¥5’?r'E:'€S.h'1P RIGIITS
`£Irc.tusz‘ve Rights in Mm-mr 1.x'cen:_ar. Snblicenaas acknuwlcdgm that. as b-dwcaxl
`Subliccmczs rind Masm Uccnsar, Mash: Licmsor ovms all right, title and irucrcusfi, including
`imenmuax pwpzrzy nights.
`‘Lu and to xix: Pawm. subject to the eaauluskvc license. gznnlcd m
`Sublicznsor mad the: Subficxznse grzmtud tn Suhlicmsm hemmdar.
`fczr Lb:-. Sublkxzmc
`,;a2mt¢d 10 Subiimnsc:-. bcreundzx, no fiflzro or amurrhiy vffixe Pntcnt in any fixm is trmsfeww
`to Suhlicmszm ‘This Agzccmmt shall be dcv.m¢d inlhzior and zsuhjztct «so any rights rm-zmzd by
`Mastm license: in lhu Mam:-r Lioanse. A31 rights, not oxprassty granztd to Sublicmzr-.2, are
`:x.prcss§y rascrvcd by Subfiiccnam. In :11: cvmt of my crsnflict bctwaea rights gramcd bcrcfindc:
`and the dghzs mméued by Mme: Lizzemat in the Mask: Eicense, the Mastzr License shall be
`dcczrzsd ocntmilingg pmvidcé, howcver, potlning hcsxziu sheik diminfish xha rcgramr-muons and
`wmmfius 0: obligafinns that Suhfiaaisothas mark: or owes to Subliccnszc.
`fmprovevnenv £O.$Ub[lCElX!;2dR1'g}I.L3. Subfitzynsczz ugcr.-:7 that, as batman
`SI2b1l::«:::.=:.a1;<§ Muszcrliamsor, Master I..ic:n.snx will havmizc win and
`e.x<:xusm;igMmLifl2, intcmxst [both legal and oqmfiré)
`ixu£:i!Z:':?mz-.1 i:'x'x$p'ca'r'ty rights in Improvcrnuus to tin: ?3‘.’£IIt'r1'1'.'Bc:7'1y anyfirj
`Mastcr Liccnsdri Subliccnsar or Subiiocnscc.
`' agrcés that the
`Imymvunmxs will be dercmcfi
`the pay:-ma: or additional
`royahies) pm of the Sublicaase grated hzzcnndzr ta Sgbiicamw. Haas
`of Master Ucazsor. Subiiccasm or S1x'pI_iq:}:3¢E gs. bvwcvcr, cbiigstai to
`mah: any hngxouanmtx.
`and macs that any mmm&E "-:snm1 be
`considcved a “work made for hire.” and.Mas::r.L:caLm,_s;;s1 own all right,
`um and ‘masses: thmin. To the extent that the Imprcvmzcsata do nut
`auwrrmfigafiy vest in Mazda Linmaor, Sublimusec hc.-relay gmata, assigns
`amdfiansfexs lo Mme: Liccnsaoran right, we and interest in and to cm
`Imgxovernmts to ma mam: 111:1! Suhliaermze has had 0:‘ will have any
`SHAR O06-451
`\/"\k II""‘Il"'\v'-s u-nu
`l")l"\l"' I’\f\I"r\r\4

`22/05 2003 THU 15:25
`right, ms: or imcavst thvscin. Mazstcr Lioawar shall hm}: the 5012: and
`caclnsiw right: ‘to an the Eznpmvcmtms
`and any additions and
`ziaodificaxious tivzmio tiuengtzout fizz vmrld, whether 315:1: rights mmmzy
`exist crab: xuxrgnizcd in xi2c‘fim:cr~e, and in all mafia and Izmguagzs,
`whcthcr new or subscqucntly mdsxing. Sublicw shall cxccutc each
`fimha‘ Exxsirmnmts as Mme? Limxsor may rcimvnwiy mguezst
`wldcncc, cstubliah. mninxain car protect Masha: I‘..x'cc:nsor's rights in and
`ovsfnershiy of the Impmv:-mums.
`hnpmvemenzs to Proczssas and }2noW~How Axwiilary :5 mo Subiimwd
`to the mm: and crmdificna ccntaincd herein and
`mtwitfnsussding any pwdsicns of tfiis Agreamanx to the crmtxary,
`partics agm: that Subficcnscr. shafl own any imymveznerxt in, modification
`to or d-zvclopmcnt of any mahod or u§p8I‘8t\13 us-=3 for znanutfacmring
`and/or using pmducls or st.-rvicas embodying fly: Subliccnssd Rights as
`ml} as any improvement ‘m. nuxfifinsaxinn to or dcvcioymmz at’ may know-
`bow um! far unmufacmxiug audio: using gzmducts 0: services an‘ _
`€11: Subiicznscd Rights to the cxtcnl that the forcgaiug is dcvcloyai by
`Subsiiczzzscc (czsallastivziy, "R«2£x£::ai Develcpmezmr‘). Th: dcfiniticm of‘
`"Related Dcvuloymmf’ specifically ::x<:Iud_es the Panza. Norsimdancing
`any othns’ pmvisicm of this Agxaazumt, the yartiw azhxawkedec and ::grw
`"that, as bmwwu 3&}bb':c:':nsr.n' and Suhhcmgscx. Subficcnscu has lip:
`wcczlusive. mngrietary vv-mmzhip and Lr<;= mghxs to the: Kama M:-xiza
`togctixxsr wzth an cod: and cam componcmx Lhczrcot; wmzdacr
`developed by or for, :2: Iissnscd to, Suiztiszazmtc and my fizzznuvzzncnis or
`médificalisns Yhaeta, izxeluding all hmsznbznw, lminxiqucs, invezziicma and
`and: rcinting tizercta (::o}!z=:{, tin: “Shaman Snféwam”).
`Sublic-znéce agrzm ta cause: any products maria by or for
`Patent Mcm€:zzrg;:-
`Sublicmwz, which are mvwed by cam: ur more clams of flu: Patent to haw: clearly mark
`Lhtswaa apaimz mficzz Iisiing they numbzrcsfthc Pazeuz.
`____, wA_,m,, _.,......,...._............,..
`, ......
`.,‘.__.......,..,...—..;........ ...
`2 m.w¢&#:'&— ”:’“’...aEfi:fi
`..,.-..._._..............._.............. ...
`\f‘\n n--u--.--.....
`SHAR 006452

`22/05 2003 THU 15:24
`FAX 61 2 89882110 LEF IWTRACTIVE
`_3.I.1 Due to Us: Lsxgonancc zmd szmsifrvity of any Cuufidcndai Luformxuion
`dbmioscd by Subikzcusor, Snaafimscs agrczs that dxndug fine Ag;1:emm1P&'i0d and for this: (3)
`‘yams Ibliowing thc tczzninaticn of this Agzu-.mmt or the Subiiczzzsc for any reason, Subiicsnsasa
`shall (i)
`lmId“s\1<::h Coafidmiliul
`Inforzizztixyzx in confidant;
`(ii) mt use such,WC_gnfid:ozl;:J
`Information except fox tho puxpoaus mmimrplafbd by this Agreanmt, {1'ii)us3l publish or disclcsc
`Such Confidential Infmmfion to third pardw unless auihorizcxi in vrritixsg by Subtliczmsor, and
`(iv) 501 pmzxit my individual who is not
`in SnbIic~cns*::=‘s mrploymcm to use, yubhlsh,
`dissanimxc. disclose or %'::v:: access ta th: Confidazzizxl Infunrxaticxu . cxcwpt for those Third
`Paztm who czxccmn agr=:2a:mLs«sub=aLan:ia1Iy similax to thus: fcfirzred to in Suction 2.3 above:
`3.1.2 Um: to ma impcnanszc am} smasifivity of the Confidmtial Infnrmatiou
`discluscd by Subiiocnszv, Snblicauscr ugrzres thnl during the Agczemenx Pwiod and for three (3)
`ya:-am fanawing the tcrminsfiun of this Agrcssmcat or Eh: Subliccnsc fax-azxy mason, Subiiccnscr
`(1) hold such Coufidmfiai frzfvnnation in Gzmfidmce,
`(313) not use such Confidential
`Infomadou czccpt For Ihcpnx-poses wntnmplaatcd ivythis Agm.-.:uc.ut. (iii)!10<Lpvbl?&h GI‘ cfisaloesa
`such Cmfimnflal lmfounafixin to daird partias unlcss authozizcd In ‘Writing by Subliczmsot‘. and
`(iv) mm pmnit my frsdividxml who is not
`in Subliomsws mrployrwn in use, publish.
`dissesninala, CTtszIas:.~ or £193‘: acccss to tin: Coafidcsstial information . wwcapi far Bias: Third
`Parties wha exasutc sgeemmb subszmzzially similar zc moss mfzrrexi to in Scztion 2.3 abcxvc.
`shall not wnszixum
`3.13 Any infurmatiou wqnisnd [mm 21 cfxsclom
`Confidential Ynfmnzfinn if i1(1)is alrrzady icam-an Lo llzarccipienz at Lbs lime that it '15 dis:.}m=::d
`by the discivsing party: or (2) is pubficty-known at. the dmc of the discfcsm-a ta
`;::m}* by the disclonlug pmy. Additionally,
`the cczzfidcmizl obligations of a rccgving parry
`b.-.z~a'n wiil tease us to particular Confidential Infonnazion that (1) has ‘u-acoznc pnbhrziy kmwn‘
`through no fan}: of the receiving pmty. (2) is received by the mctiving party pmpasriy and
`Lurwfixfly frnm 2: third puny viitignut tcstxiciion on disclosrxc and whhnut knmvlaigr: or rcasonabia
`Busgiciou ‘LE3: tfiixhini p-8:rly’$ dS.sc1os:m: is in breach 6.? any obligaxiom. to-thcrd£seIo=Sn*gj';_:g:j;':"
`(3) has ‘be:-n davulcrpcd b3'F‘tF:”=‘ r¢:e§v7r?g"pLarfy ccrmpieieiy independent 0!
`Ccnfidcmiai Infonnazion by-Lb: disalcsingpany hcrcundcx; {4} has be-an zppmvcd forpuhlic
`release by wriltax authorization of the disulosmg party, or (5) is required byjurlicisl, Itgisimivc
`or rcgulurmy pr<>¢I:s's 10 ha disclosad (providazl, that ifzmy Confidential Infbnnation in required .
`byjudicial, legislative or rcgulazmy process to be: &isc1os:~d, ma mcciving party shall providmhc:
`61515610-3i13'):";7iI’fi"'§fih prompt wfitten umica of any surf: rm1uc\.s1~or re<;m'rE1'n¢:fl$—s0 what ch:
`;’ Efi scek an agprapriztx: pmrccdvc 0x”d¢:=-t2:~‘o__!_§:0_=_r_~;a:j§17x<>_g:i_gt‘~:::.42tn1¢ti): and/«st
`waive compliance wifh thus {mus ¢!'E”his Agxasmlc-.31).
`"W '
`'_ W
`{Duty :0 Disclmc. A xx:-tzcivig party shall with wmmcmially masonahlc
`pmmpmess notify the: cfisclqjsing pafiy cfany infurmaficn which names In the rwriving {i*3!i}"5
`attention whiclxdocs c:tmi§i5tind:’c:a:c that thcxnhasbccax my {ms cfecnfidcmiality
`0; oiirerwise mlatcd In thc Tmuifibg party’: act or omissicms ccmccmizxg ‘Ens disszlosixrg pm*:y’s
` -
`SHAR 006453
`'\("\t ll"“ll"\v'—-In -.........
`Dt"\r"‘ I'\r'\If'r\rv

`22/05 2003 THU 15:25 m 31 2 39S82l10LEF1%x”FER%C1‘WE
`Coafi.d«:ntia1 Enxbnmazioa. In such cvcsxh, ma rcccivingpzrvy was take: an cmrzm-zrtsiafly
`r:a.s-enable stays within its power to limit the sgrcsd or such iznlamnaxiau, inciuiing but not
`1hnit:.d Lo raking whazcvurlcgal asticzn ncémsaryto lnrminnte such the xprcad ofany and an such
`ixlfmmation. Thc dischmng party, in iL<3 sole: discrction, wfilhavc :11: right to take cmrand
`amtzrze cmnzroi ofauy such litigation er Dthc: Iga) action, by pmvidmg the maiving party with
`Wriuzzz noiicc crfits decisicn to do so, and the mcciving party will cooperzxxc fuliy with the
`éisclosing party in such Iit:'g:::§s;n or other legal éction.
`Injuncfivar and Other Reilef.‘ 'E::x:11 party atpkmowlcxigzr. that iffy, 'm—w;};¢3,3ny of its
`vbligzficns under Arfich: 3 of this Agzxxrnml,
`it will cause damage of an irrvzpmblc and
`confinuixsg mm to the disciosiag party, for which money ciamagcs will not provida adequate
`rciiaf. Timzciorc, in addition be any money damages tn which thc dissbsfnggarw '5 untitled, tbs:
`d}m¥osing party also is asztiflmi R: obtcdn iojun-cliva miicf (including but am iixnitcd to immtdiatu
`muy af 5 zcmporaxy mzzraining odd) to ymhibit the rzcaiving party's continuing breach of the
`applicsablm cavatnam. Th: disclosing partywill have the fight to obtain :mc;h r¢Iief'with<mt having
`no pmmzunydamagtsorpmtanybond.
`3.4 ' Tide Pmzeclfcn. Subhlccnsms ccvzzzmrs that it shad! mt attack, coznproxnisc, ma 2:
`mi! against or in any manna: attempt to vitizie er cumin}: ctr fail to talc: my action, which could
`vitiatc any aflha righta, rifles at inbarcsts o€‘:be Master Licmsor csr Sublicmxcr in the Pakzm.
`Sxmhul afcavcmzxu. Suhiiscnmfs obligations uncicr Sections 3.1. 3.2 and 3.3
`xvii! suxvisrc fofihzts (3) years falievving t.he‘ten:c1fn::u‘oa ofzhjes Agmcxnans for any zmscs.
`.S'ubL'cz!I:.$er"S Wzrmnrias. Subiiccamr waxmnns that (i) Subiicmsor has suficimt
`15.23.1115 in um SuhHcm.<:.d Rights to grant me summc; co m the: bcst of Subficwmfs actual
`Emowlcadga on the Effective Dubs, the Palm: is valid and cxxforccable: and (iii) Sublicmsors
`liczctssz: of‘ that Subficcnwl Rights pursqggt
`to U115 Agrwmcnx dcms not,
`in the best of
`Sub1imnso鑧'a%."é>.”:"§.l"kn9wlcdga km rhc Eftzgguvc Data,
`'m1':ingc any propn‘<:imy'righ!:s of my
`Thirfl Pm)? Uncizzr any United Sfiaia P315111-lfiw.
`Wammxy Frc}-.m‘<m and Waim.
`> 4.2
`p1§gL,u}g’§,‘X;?i§jr1ca4sEa SPf:'C1T’ICAI.L‘{ wmvss, .Iu;r.:~w-;:mz~z:':~=r1ss~w:::cz-3
`‘xxx: n-nu--.u......
`SHAR 006454
`DFNIZ" nncnn

`22/06 2003 THU 15:23
`4.3 Mutual Regresmmtiom and H’arrw:.'.z’as. Subfiezmsez and Subl.i::.-mwr hcmby
`each, wifiarcsgaccttoiisaltj rcprwznmaxxdwarzrmnstolbnothczaa fallow:
`It is 3 corpemfica duly uxzpmfizcd, vaiidfy misting and in gwd Siaudixig
`uudcr the {aura of me szaré of its incoryomfian.
`1’: km: an rcquisiic coxpomic powc: and suiharity
`to crwnand upc:-aicitspropzmizs and 8.‘€3¢:!$,L0 cxcvutcaaddszlivwrthis Agmnncxxtandtocarry
`out lhc17rovi$io<’fl‘€:>ftR§l5 A
`4.3.2 It has all requisite corpomzx: power and amhmity tr: cm.-uts, deliver and
`pcrfcrm its cbfigziiom Lands: mi; Agreaemczlt. All cczpomw antics: on its pan and on the pmaf
`in afficczs. dire-euxs and ssocicholdczs nmesary ti»: the auztmizaxsca ozmis Agrtzmcaz and the
`pcrfomaszncc of all of its obliguticvns hzwndm‘ has been taken. This Ayczzmeut, Whfil eztcnutzd
`and delivacd, slmll Em, valid and htsding upcm it and caforccahin in mcflfiiwma with its terms,
`¢.w:p\: (‘sJ~:x:=
`by awficnablc banicmptcy, inmivcmy, m mmmvrlum er cnhrrr
`law: cf gmcrsl upglication afkszting mfomemcnt of cmfitnra‘ righb; and (F1) gm;-ml pfimiplcs
`ofaqmziiy that rasmict the nvziéabifity of aaqnizsblc mnesfies.
`swazscmartx aa§ngazzm~.'
`,--.u..—:;. -
`Subjw: to lb: Hmitadovu 3:: ford: in Scékiun 6. bcicmr, Sublicenscr agrees
`‘ 5.1.1
`U» defend, indcmnify and holds Xxzarmless Sublicmsea fmm all
`and reasonable Expczses
`(including but no: liming: no 5u.c>m«rys' f::s) judgmmts, fines or pamlfias which Subliccnsoc
`{hams that maul: 15mm (3) asiiexzs of Subliccnsor which msstiruts :1 bread: of Suhlinmsofs
`rtzpzrcscflialions, warranties or abiigaiions under this Agxcanem. whcthcr such actions an: civil.
`m‘,rm‘.n.u3, vdrllinislndivc or invcs-Jgntive, including any msocislmd 947196312. and (ii) any third party
`claim, mziczn, suit or pmccsdinz (whcthezu ¢ivi1. criminal nr adminismnivc,
`including any
`assxacziaxcd agzgcals) the usaiarini ullegaflau bfwhich svuis that tbx: Subliczxmcd Rights. as maxi
`flu: scope of the P:riz31‘€1‘é¢'5"U§é¥an:1“ $1:
`the Te.-rn‘zaT3’: eunsfimtes an mfnng’'
`»”:i‘f"é?"?""’“"”" "
`Unitcd Stalcs rcgistcrczi c<:mxigb,t,'tI'ad:x:13:‘n‘:‘s:I'Vi::¢ D3212. Want at uthcr iuiellazlu-31 WW3‘?
`rigid in the Tcaitory, pmvidai that Suhfimnsae both (1) ncrtifics Subliczuecr in writing urithin
`thiny(30) days cf mcnipt of nolic.-: ofsuch claim, wan, mil or gxooegding Gt being undcrstocd.
`hoxyg.g:;-,"L_1xaz subucgtgsor shall not bc nzlicvcd of its obligations hzrmmdcr as a ¢¢n§:;u;.:ncfi cf
`any 54:13; in Emv,idi'r_i§‘n:c‘x1 noiiau1'fSub13::auss: is not materially prcajudisai-byrsuctrdalay): and
`“§m mm a1L infuzmazion within su2szzuan».e¢z'-r‘:*@nmu:sg:;a: .- “es;
`the dci‘v:nsc.of—su<:_I1»s§1it.
`Eu Hm af md Sublfcziscr, gtgpfifinx ma)’: C1)
`obtain fut Sublinmsce the right to Utilize any mxh nllegvdly inffinging Sublicmscd Rights; or G1)
`its best
`aijiforis La make $3011 Subfimrmtxzl
`‘Rights nonvinfiinging withom muiwinlly
`dimirlixhing Lh: utility to
`uflhc Sublincmcd
`3.1.2 Suhficuzsor agrcns in tiefmd, indemnify and was harmicss Sublicznscc
`SHAR 006455
`RDF3 Gflfiflf

`22/05 200lTHU15:25 M512 asssmo llll? Imlcrlvl
`regxrzsmlnfivus, , pram:
`and its dfiecwrx. officcxs, cmyicytzs. consultmts,
`companics. corporal: asiilixcs and .mb:a‘dln::'cs fiom all Iiubllitics and rcasanabla expanses
`Cmcluziing but not lirniu-.d ta uumwys’ fees) judgtnmls, fins or pensltlxzs which Suhliccnscc or
`its direswm. officers. cmployaa. consultants, regaxcantatives, pxvciasmsnzrz, yarmt companies,
`corpomta alfiliauzs and subsiadiaxies incur that men}! from any claim, action. suit or procczding
`(whether civil. criminal or adnfinislrafivc, ixxclwllpg any asmcimui apycalsl by Mzzaleer lieenscr
`that lbs crzntion. sale, offer to sell, dlsarfaulion or use of Subl5c:ms<:c’:s Product privr lrmha
`Efiaclive Daic at this Agrocmcn: lnfringzxi the Palcnl, psovidxtd Lbs: Sublicmsaa both (1) nnlifizs
`Sublicmsor in Wxiling withill dzitrty (30) days of reseipl of lactic; of such claim, action, suit or
`pmccediag {ll bang mxlerstooq. hawcvar. that Suhfictasor shall not be rtllzved of it: cbligw
`hexeimdcr as a crrnscqumcaz: of any delay in prcviclixxg such notice if8uh1ix>a::.sor1'5 not malmially
`pmjuditred by such delay}; and {if} prcsridcs Sublicmsc-r with all inflzrmzztion within S;xblice:zsee’s
`possession: tharis rmquircdihrlhzdcfcnscufstzthaalil.
`.9‘s.eE2l1::¢n.w¢’s Oéllgazlzms. Subliocnscz: agrrzs to d:£':z3d, indemnify and holds
`hazmlzm Snhlicmsor from all
`and rcnsonabla =xp€I1545 Cznclukiing lam not limited to
`attorneys‘ fc:-.-:) judgments, firm or puxallles which Sublisx-mar may incur thm result from any
`claims. actions. suits or pmccedinas which an's¢ dues to (1) actions of Snbliccz-mac»: which
`constimrc :3 branch of Sulwlicztdzécm tl§§ waxmafim or obllgcdians wads:
`Agrczmcan whether such actimxs are civil, cxitninnl, v: GT izzvstigalivc. ixlcluding
`any associated zzppcals, and (ii) any third party claim, union, slit or pxocaeading (wlgzlhcr civll,
`crézninal or w’¢. including my xmocialcd appeals) arising ml: cf the crcmion, sale,
`ciislributiou or use of Subliue:1zscc’s Pmdunt, including without limitation: that Sublicmscds
`Prtxiu-=31 infiingcs upon any cnpytigizt, 23-anazzarlg smricz: mark, czi~s:ing~ pazcnr, or vfiler
`in:cHccmal;:rup<:nyx:$gm(ualcss suchalmimisbassdupcn ax:-elated wmcsubficmmdmghs
`Snfiinging ar canstiiulizlg an mzesiazeslce with such copyright, lmdz::1mԤc;savfs:aa mark, existing
`pazcnt, or what
`imcllccmzl pxvpcny right), pmvidcd that Skfzlicmsor bath (4') xmtifics
`Sublicexzscc in wziblng within ninety (90) days of rectfipt ornotioc of such claim, acliun. suit or
`pmcceding (‘ubcizlg understood, buwcvcr, that Sublicensca shall mart bx: rclicvzxl of its ubllgalimv:
`harcundzr as a. cuxwcqumcv: of any delay in praviding slab antic: ifsubllcmscc is not mmerially
`by sxxh de1ay):e:m{ii)p:o'»-ides Subliczunsae with all intbrmazion within Sublicmsolls
`raquinzl f'm'!I1:: dtsfi:n.s::.m"sUc}x mil.
`No layer than" ,
`1122211‘ map‘Lofnotice of a suit or é1siln~?1$hE2§‘""‘""7‘”‘7“"“ ‘
`{nvolvas the irzdcnmifiuzfion oblignlinm of Lh¢‘olhe1- pm-ty, mall party to this Agremen: will
`pr<m'c3¢ wtirtcs notice is th: cztlmr paw ofthc irzdtzunifiablc suit or claim in guaticm, 31 bdng
`Lmdmzzood, howcva, that apany that ls rcguircd to pmvidc 3.1%!) 395:: shall haw: an liability fer
`any clclzy in px*o_'g_id_i:_1g_s§oh twice: if %h+=F3‘*3’T¢quir¢d :2: be notifial $8. 3333395-'l7*”Y PT‘-‘l‘13‘35°9‘d
`_5z1L!eme;:: Ofin. Th: part? with the ind:zunlfical3on"oblig2l.ion--(the
`’-'wmumm n salsa: a rezlranamzxtivc mww"@3m%@.¥§i “W
`mspousibilizylfonsuch claim or salt. at lts sole cost and czapznsc.
`'TI1z5_1;§§_;;;:_p§)3_{r3g__P_:g_ty, at fix
`sole cxpmmz, will assume: comml of thc ncgorlztian of any settlement am: as or {mm a third
`party, if szleh setxlcmml is due: to 8 claim or suit whluh involves llu: Indcnulifyibg Pmys
`mdacnnificau-im obllga.tlons~undcr this Agexznmt.
`'I’hz yany being indumxfificd xv-ssaxznbly will
`assist the Imlczmnifying Forty ln my wall settlenumt. suit or prucecding, pmvidml Tim: such
`usaisxancc will ha 13!. the sole: cast zmd empcns: arm: Imlmnnifyiug Pug.‘ Unless Sublirmnscc: and
`SH/-\R 006456
`\/’\k |I““!!'\v---an u---.
`nmr" nmr-nn.-.

`22/05 2903 WU 15326
`FAX 61 2 89882110 [BF I:\’IER:§CTWE‘
`Subiiccznsor ncherwisc agree, no &:.1I!exment shall limit, rastfict or omerwisa afifm ch: right of
`Subficmzm car Subliocu.-an: to carry an or cxmdmtt mm’: business (then or in the mm) or requim
`a licmsc to be wanted By Suhlipcusm or Snbliczzxxsszzz. or limit. rcsirict. mak: more c:x;aa.m'w: or
`lcm [smfinsblc or otllszzwisa aévmcky aB'cc: the: manna ha which Sublicamnr at Sublig-matte
`carries <31 or wnducts its busincss (than or in tin: fixture).
`In ed-difion. Subliccnsar and
`Subliccnsras than rm! ha abliguied Io consnni
`In any sakdauxenr which does not include tin:
`dctlivcry by the settling <§¢f:mhm of :2 fail and £331 rclcasc of Subficmxar and Sublicensca from
`any and a}! liability with rzspcnz 10 :5: subject maizwofsuch action.
`sacs OF suraucamsoa Am:
`Waimv‘ of Damagm and Remadias.
`PARTY HEREBY wmvss my cmms cm :z~a_m=.nn=,s rr MAY HAVE AGAINST ms
`ofrmaa wary, FOP. _ mnrmacr,
`srEcz;~.L. CO’NS':EQUEn’I'IAI.,
`PUN1‘.[‘IVF. nmvmcss, mauomn BLT!‘ NOT LIM.‘€1‘3D TC) m.M.n.<:1=. ARISING mom
`LOST moms, CUSTOMER cums, Loss or use or ANY OF. ALL x..1cm~'s1=.r>
`MATERIAL OR ANY EQUIPMENT, somvmza svswm ox mcmm, LOSS our
`mam LACK ox Loss or mzonucrrvmr, com“ av su3s'1*m.r1'53 mxrcrsmmm
`sovrwme. SYSTEIMS ox smmcas. ca powmmm <:0s‘rs wmca ARISE cm or
`ANY wozzr cmcwnrrm maswsamzzs Am RTRICT LIABELI1‘Y, mrr mC1.UDINi3
`(moss Nsaucsnczs ox wzLL.2=vL M1SCOréDUC'1‘} ox ANY mm cum. EVEN :3
`sum: mzrv was am: ADVISED o1= ma Possmmrw my SUCH (SARA? IN
`AGREEM.‘-‘..NT ANDIOR Al31SR"¥G‘”UNDER?“"FE‘¥Y THEORY AT LAW OF.‘ "EQ£II37Y““"“"‘”‘»"“‘”""
`ECEEJ) $500,000.
`BP.£;a;crH OF‘CON'I‘R»2-\;CT, TORT. ox omrsxwxsrs. Noxmug in fiiis-Aguanznk-bgvmm,
`'1iii1T£§?1h”cr;'ab‘i!i?iiQffSubfir,cn$¢ror Subliczcmz.-: to suck mjmdw.mi&mdm
`cq\zi1a{3LaVxf:;_nc:{ie:9 ip_zqa£it:S invoking bvmahm :21‘ obligations zmd:-.v this .€;x*:~é:riEf1‘1”5ii£5lf3‘<iing,,
`wifizant lixnizatioxi. tbs pmvizions of Articic 1, 3 and 4. it bcing scknowlcdgéii dist’
`may csuxc 3 psrty I0 sufier izrzparabla harm and may noiba adagmufiyccnxpcuawd in damages.
`Nmhin; In this Agrczmcat pmrcuts citbcr Snblicmsor ¢~r Subiicenacnc from bringing such an
`acxion, for injxmcuvc r::I1'&f'«in lieu of cmzxzising Immizxafim right: or in adxiitina to 5:.-.xk.'mg
`dztrnagxz undzr this Agnmucm.
`SHAR 006457
`FINE flflfiflfl

`22/05 2003 THU 15:2?
`LAX61. 2 38632110 LEI’
`rm 1.:
`Infn'nge7m'.m. Sublicaxsea shall notify Sublice-osur, ha -vriiing pursuant to thc
`zmtica prcrviszicns conmirxa-d h¢r:E'n, of my su.3>c-Mai infdngcsmni of the Subliccnscd Rights in
`the Tmiwry, mi 3132311 inform Suhiicmsmr of any ev:'@ of such infxisgcznmu (it being
`mmdmstood, howava, aha; Subiipc

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