Software Distribution Using Xnetlib
`University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`University of Tennessee
`Xnetlib is a new tool for software distribution. Whereas its predecessor netllb uses email as the
`user interface to its large collection of public—domain mathematical software, Xnetlib uses an X
`Window interface and socket-based communication. Xnetlib makes it easy to search through a
`large distributed collection of software and to retrieve requested software in seconds.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.3 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network
`Operations~public networks; D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniques~software
`libraries; user interfaces; D.2.’7 [Software Engineering]: Distribution and Maintenance—docu—
`mentation; portability; G.1.0 [Numerical Analysis]: Generalvnumerical algorithms; GA
`[Mathematics of Computing]: Mathematical Softwareflportability; H.3.0 [Information
`Systems Applications]: Communications Applications; H.3.3 [Information Storage and
`Retrieval]: Information Search and RetrieVa1—search process; selection process; H.3.5 [Infor-
`mation Storage and Retrieval]: Online Information Services—databank sharing; H.5.2
`[Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces—windowing systems; K.6.3
`[Management of Computing and Information Systems]: Software Management—software
`development; software maintenance; software selection
`General Terms: Algorithms, Documentation, Management
`Additional Key Words and Phrases: Netlib, software repositories
`Xnetlib is a new software distribution tool recently developed at the Univer-
`sity of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The goal in developing
`This work was supported in part by ARPA and ARO under contract DAA 03-91-C-0047, and in
`part by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the Otfice of Energy Research, U.S.
`Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC05-84OR2l400.
`Authors’ addresses: J. Dongarra and R. Wade, Department of Computer Science, University of
`Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1301; T. Rowan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are
`not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title
`of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the
`Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or
`specific permission.
`© 1995 ACM 0098-3500/95/0300-0079 $03.50
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No 1, March 1995, Pages 79-88.
`EMC/VMware V.
`EMCVMW 1065

`J. Dongarra et al.
`Xnetlib was to provide Internet users faster and easier access to netlib's large
`collection of software, data, and documents. Unlike netlib, which uses email to
`process requests for software, Xnetlib uses an X Window interface and socket-
`based Communication between the user’s machine and the Xnetlib server1
`machine to process software requests. This enables users to search through a
`large distributed collection of software easily and to retrieve requested soft-
`ware in seconds.
`Xnet|ib’s predecessor, netlib, grew from a need to have a quick and easy
`method for distributing small pieces of mathematical software. Netlib services
`began in 1985 at two sites, Argonne National Laboratory and AT& T Bell
`Laboratories, and distributed software from about 30 libraries. For additional
`information about net|ib’s operation and use, see the introductory paper by
`Dongarra and Grosse [1987].
`One of the changes since netlib’s introduction has been the transfer of netlib
`services from Argonne National Laboratory to Oak Ridge National Labora-
`tory. Also, the availability on netlib of the netlib program itself has enabled
`many other sites to set up their own software repositories? The netlib
`software collection has now grown to over 150 libraries. The number of
`software requests sent to netlib also has grown dramatically. The most
`heavily used netlib server, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, processed over
`147,000 requests in 1993.
`Xnetlib use has grown even more rapidly. In 1993, its third year of opera-
`tion, Xnetlib processed over 233,000 requests.
`We based xnet|ib’s design on the following requirements:
`Speed. Retrieving software should take seconds, not minutes as typically
`required by email.
`Usability. The user interface should make searching through a large
`collection of software and documents easy.
`Organization. The system’s repository should be a moderated collection,
`with up-to-date indexes and a database organized to facilitate searching and
`ease of retrieval. The repository may be distributed over several sites.
`Record Keeping. The system should have the capability of logging re-
`quests so updates and corrections can be reported to users.
`Security. The system should be secure from accidental or intentional
`1Throughout this paper server refers to the process-handling software requests and not to the X
`display server.
`2Send the message send sites from netlib to to receive a list of netlib sites.
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 21, No. 1, March, 1995.

`Software Distribution Using XNETLIB
`"5" "‘“°'“"°
`SENS? machine
`Fig. 1. Xnetlib configuration.
`Portability. The system’s implementation should be as portable as possi-
`Accessibility. The system should be accessible to a large number of users.
`There already exists a variety of tools for Internet browsing and for
`software and document retrieval [Krol 1992; Studt 1998]. Archie, ftp, gopher,
`mosaic, WAIS, and Wor|dWideWeb are among the most widely used.
`In contrast to these other tools, Xnetlib operates on a limited, moderated
`collection that contains the most up—to-date version of software packages.
`This approach of retaining control over the size and contents of xnetIib’s
`repositories simplifies greatly any organization, record keeping, and security.
`Xnetlib uses socket-based communication to provide the desired speed and a
`client design based on X Windows for portability and usability. The accessibil-
`ity requirement is satisfied by making the client software freely available
`over the Internet.
`Figure 1 shows the basic configuration of the Xnetlib system. The system
`consists of an Xnetlib server process running on a machine at a repository site,
`an Xnetlib X client process running on a user’s local machine, and TCP/IP
`socket-based communication links between the client and server.
`Xnet|ib’s server process runs continually at an Xnetlib repository site, listen-
`ing for incoming requests from Xnetlib client processes. Typically, the Xnetlib
`server runs on the same machine and accesses the same software repository
`as the netiib server. Upon receiving a request, the Xnetlib server determines
`the nature of the request and responds by transferring the appropriate file
`from the repository to the Xnetlib client process.
`The Xnetlib client running on the user’s local machine provides an X
`Window interface to the Xnetlib repository. It is programmed in C, using the
`Athena Widget libraries. This interface makes searching through the software
`and document collection easy. For example, an Xnetlib user can View the
`contents of any library simply by clicking a button. Other commands, such as
`key word searching or requesting software, also require just a few button
`clicks. To avoid unnecessary communication between the client and server,
`requested indexes are cached locally. Frequently requested information can
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 1, March, 1995

`J. Dongarra et al.
`therefore be quickly retrieved from local cache instead of repeatedly retrieved
`from the remote server. Other requests are passed to the server via sockets.
`Section 4 describes the use of the interface in more detail.
`Xnetlib features and capabilities include
`—access to a distributed repository,
`—searching by a software libraries list,
`—searching by software classifications,
`—searching by key word,
`esoftware and document retrieval,
`——access to a computer performance database,
`—access to a conferences database,
`——access to the NA—NET White—pages, and
`—online help.
`Many Internet sites have sizable collections of documents or software. It is
`both unnecessary and undesirable to require that these collections reside at a
`single site. Xnetlib gives users access to a distributed repository of software
`and documents by establishing socket-based links with the xnetlib repository
`sites. Users have access to any or all of these repositories through a single
`Xnetlib users control which sites are linked into the distributed repository
`using the set up button. Current repository sites include neilib.0rnl.g0v,
`|.mi|, and The timely message button displays news
`about individual repository sites, and the index button displays their general
`The library button shows the libraries that are available through xnetlib.
`The collection includes major packages such as LAPACK, LINPACK, EIS—
`PACK, algorithms published in the ACM Transactions on Mathematical
`Software, and a large variety of less well—established packages. Figure 2
`shows a unified list of software and documents available at the repositories of
`Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Rice University, and the U.S. Army Re-
`search Laboratory.
`Clicking on a library name lists the contents of that library. For example,
`clicking on lapack displays a partial listing of LAPACK’s contents (Figure 3).
`The complete contents list of LAPACK is too large to fit in the window, but
`the provided scrollbar allows the user to scroll through the rest of the list.
`Clicking on the box adjacent to a routine name selects that routine for future
`downloading. In Figure 3 the user has selected sgetrf and sgetrs from the
`LAPACK library.
`The classifications feature allows a user to narrow a search. The classifi-
`cation of the xnetlib software libraries is based on the highest level of the
`GAMS [Boisvert et al. 1985] Classification system, augmented to include
`classifications other than mathematical software. Selecting linear algebra
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, N0. 1, March, 1995.

`El xncllib
`Software Distribution Using XNETLIB
`magi c
`mi npack
`numeral go
`chensy—kinca1'd hpf
`kincaid—cheney papers
`sparse-bi as
`Xnetlib 3.4
`pi cl
`po'l y2
`scai apack
`Fig. 2. Library menu.
`causes the names of the libraries with linear algebra software to be displayed
`(Figure 4).
`A user may also wish to search by key word instead of viewing the
`contents of a particular library. In this mode, index files containing lists of
`files and their descriptions are searched by a key word string the user
`provides. The key word search can be a search on the intersection or union of
`the words in a search string, a literal search for an exact string (with or
`without case sensitivity), or a fuzzy search based on the latent semantic
`indexing technique [Deerwester et al. 1990]. Latent semantic indexing uses
`statistical analysis to find useful matches that may not be uncovered by other
`types of searches. In contrast, the fuzzy-search capability in WAIS is based on
`a heuristic rather than on a statistical approach.
`Clicking on the download button causes Xnetlib to display a list of selected
`software and documents. The download path button allows a user to change
`the directory to which files will be downloaded. The dependency checking
`button is a modal switch. If dependency checking is off, Xnetlib will send
`only the selected routines. If it is on, Xnetlib will send the selected routines
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 1, March, 1995.

`J. Dongarra et al.
`Elfimly Message
`Index for lapack
`Showin New window
`Contextual Help
`Xnetlib 3.4
`rectangular matrix.
`Computes an RQ factorization of a general
`single, double. complex, double cormlex
`Computes an LU Factorization of a general matrix. using partial
`pivoting with row interchanges.
`single. double, complex. double cotmlex
`lapack/sqetri .f
`lapack/dqetri .f
`lapack/cqetri . f
`lapack/zgetri .f
`Computes the inverse of a general matrix. using the LU factorization
`computed by SGETRF/CGETRF.
`single, double, complex, double complex
`lauack/sqetrs. F
`So ves a general system of linear equations AX=l:l, A**T X=B
`lapack/zgetrs. f
`or n""'H X-B. using the LU factorization corrnutad by SGETRF/CGETRF.
`single, double, complex, double complex
`lapacldsggbak. f
`lapack/dqgbak. f
`lapack/zggbak. F
`Forrrs the right or left eiganvectors of the generalized eigenvalue-
`problem by baclmard transformation on the computed eigenvectnrs of
`Fig. 3. LAPACK index.
`and any routines that they call. If the user is satisfied with the selection list
`and the target directory, the user should click on get files now to initiate the
`transfer. The displayed “gas gauge” shows the progress of file transfers.
`Figure 5 shows the downloading of selections made from the LAPACK,
`SOFTLIB, and RN libraries. These three libraries reside in repositories at
`separate sites. The selected files will appear in the specified directory, usually
`within a few seconds.
`The who button allows a user to search the NA—NET White-pages
`[Dongarra and Rosener 1991; Kent 1988], a database containing information
`about individuals interested in numerical analysis and other disciplines. For
`simple searches the user need only enter an individual’s last name. The
`modify search feature can be used to specify which fields the search applies
`to, and the modify listing feature can be used to control the form of the
`The conferences database contains announcements of conferences and
`meetings. Users can search announcements by title, dates, location, or de-
`scription. Users can also submit conference announcements to the database
`directly through xnetlib.
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, N0. 1. March, 1995.

`S0fhNare Distribution Using XNETLIB
`[E xm-zliih
`view classifications
`Languages non Fortran
`Linear Algebra
`Arithmetic Error Analysis
`Number Theory
`Benchmarks Test Problems
`Computational Geometry
`Parallel Commutation
`Data Handling
`Differential and Integral Equations Service Routines
`Differentiation Integration
`Simulation Stochastic Modeling
`Software Development Tools
`Elementary and Special Functions
`Solution of Nonlinear Equations
`Statistics Probability
`Integral Transforms
`Symbolic Corrputation
`Fig. 4. Classifications menu.
`The performance database [Berry et al. 1994] is a repository of computer
`performance data for a Wide Variety of machines. Users can make selections
`from a menu of computer vendors and from a menu of benchmarks to
`generate a formatted display of benchmark results.
`Xnetlib requires release 4 (or later) of X11, and the Athena widget libraries as
`supplied by MIT. The executable for the Xnetlib client requires approximately
`800 KB on a Sun SPARCstation2. The locally cached indexes can occupy up to
`1 MB. One common customization at multiuser sites is to have a single cache
`of index files so that indexing information can be shared by all local users.
`The first step in installing Xnetlib is to obtain the source code for the Xnetlib
`client. The software for the xnetlib client is itself available from netlib, so a
`simple way to obtain the source is to send the message send xnetlib.shar
`from Xnetlib to net| Netiib will respond by sending a Shar file
`containing all necessary source code and documentation. Xnetlib is also avail-
`able by anonymous ftp from in the Xnetlib directory. The
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 1. March, 1995.

`J. Dongarra et al.
`download path:
`begin downloading these files
`i<::z ~.‘.t'x(2~~M'*(i'~N Dependency Checking: off Unselact All Files Select A11 F1135
`lapack/manpages. tar. z
`Fig. 5. Downloading the selected routines.
`Xnetlib distribution includes an Imakefile, so installation is normally trivial if
`the X Window System has been configured properly on the client machine.
`Plans are already under Way to expand xnetlib. One major addition will be the
`capability of remote execution. Many useful utility programs are large,
`making distribution tedious, or are more expensive to build than to execute.
`In such cases, allowing remote execution may be a better use of resources
`from both the distributor’s and user’s point of views. Toolpack [Pollieini 1989],
`a large collection of Fortran software tools, and f2C [Feldman et al. 1990], a
`Fortran—to-C translator, are logical candidates for this remote execution
`service. Users could, instead of downloading, installing, and executing these
`programs, submit suitable input and have a machine at a remote server site
`execute the programs and return the output.
`Another proposed capability will allow users to add their own servers to the
`collection of servers globally available through xnetlib. Any xnetlib user could
`then access this contributed software by adding the appropriate server to his
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No 1, March, 1995.

`Software Distribution Using XNETLIB
`or her active server list. This feature will greatly expand the amount of
`software available through Xnetlib.
`We also plan to expand the scope of the xnetiib system. In the future,
`xnet|ib’s distributed repository will include more nonmathematical software
`and more reports. Additional software and document collections will be linked
`into Xnet|ib’S existing collection.
`Starting with LAPACK, xnetiib began distributing entire libraries. This
`service will be extended to other libraries.
`Xnetlib already provides fast and easy access to a large collection of mathe-
`matical software. In the future xnetlib will provide greatly expanded capabili-
`ties to satisfy more of the computational needs of users.
`Software distributed by netlib comes with the disclaimer that “anything free
`comes with no guarantee.” In contrast to commercial vendors like NAG and
`IMSL, netlib offers no support beyond whatever documentation contributing
`authors choose to provide with their code. These caveats also apply to Xnetlib.
`On the other hand, both netlib and Xnetiib provide free, easy access to a
`large body of high~quality code, and the phenomenal growth of netlib and
`Xnetlib attests to the value of this service. We hope that xnetlib, by making
`high-quality code even more accessible, will encourage software developers to
`make their codes freely available and will make good programming easier for
`the scientific computing community.
`Xnetlib is the product of the efforts of many people. Ken Bateman, David Bolt,
`Shirley Browne, Jennifer Finger, Tracy Gangwer, Stan Green, Brian LaRose,
`Todd Letsche, Sharon Lewis, Keith Moore, Andrew Pearson, Jon Richardson,
`Bill Rosener, and Andrea Van Hull all made valuable contributions to the
`design, development, and testing of various versions of Xnetlib. We also thank
`the many users of early versions of xnetlib for their constructive comments
`and for their patience.
`1994. PDS: A performance database server. Sci.
`Comput. To be published.
`1985. GAMS-A framework for the
`management of scientific software. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 11, 4 (Dec), 313~355.
`Indexing by
`latent semantic analysis. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. 41, 6 (Sept), 391-407.
`1987. Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail.
`Commun. ACM 30, 5 (May), 403~40’7.
`1991. NA—NET numerical analysis net. Tech. Rep. ORNL/TM-
`11986, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dec.
`1990. A F0rtran—to—C converter. Comput.
`Sci. Tech. Rep. 149, AT & T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J., May.
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 1, March, 1995.

`J. Dongarra et al.
`1988. The numerical analysis net. Tech. Rep. 85, Eidgentissische Technische
`Hochschle (ETH), Zurich, Jan.
`1992. The Whole Internet User’s Guide and Catalog. O’Rei11y & Associates, Inc.,
`Newton, Mass.
`1993. Access information anywhere on the internet. Res. Devel. Mag. (Aug), 71.
`1989. Using Toolpack Software Tools. Kluwer Academic, Deventer, The
`Received April 1993; revised January 1994; accepted January 1994
`ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, V01. 21, No. 1, March, 1995

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