WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`Reed Wade (wade@cs. utk. edu)
`Mon, 08 Aug 1994 1 7:16:44 -0400
`0 Messages sorted by: | date || thread || subject H author |
`0 Next message: Tegy Allen: "Re: Dienst, A Protocol for a Distributed Digital Document
`0 Previous message: Johan Vromans: "Re: ***** Freehand .eps to .gjf ??"
`This seems to relate to the Dienst discussion.
`We're working on a similar piece of the problem. Using LIFNs
`(Location Independent File Names (essentially, URN's that refer
`to an immutable set of octets)) we expect to be able to provide:
`support for easy replication/caching
`high scalability
`file authenticity and integrity
`We (Keith Moore) gave a short presentation describing our scheme
`to the URI and IIIR working groups at the last IETF meeting in
`See attached.
`Reed Wade
` -- http://www.netlib.orgZutk/people/ReedWade.html
`Network Working Group Keith Moore
`Internet Draft Reed Wade
`Expires: January 27, 1995 Stan Green
`University of Tennessee
`July 27, 1994
`An Architecture for Bulk File Distribution
`draft-moore-bfd—arch-Ol .txt
`Status of this Memo
`This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM
`EMC/VMware v. Personal Web
`EMCVMW 1 057


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and
`its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working
`documents as Internet Drafts.
`Internet Drafts are valid for a maximum of six months and may be
`updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
`inappropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference material or to cite
`them other than as a "work in progress".
`This memo describes a system for the automated replication of data files
`and their descriptions to various file servers across the Internet. The
`system maintains a distributed database which contains the locations of
`each file distributed by the system, and will provide a list of
`locations for any file upon request. The system provides assurances of
`integrity, and authenticity, of the replicated files. It is intended
`for use with the World Wide Web, Gopher, and similar applications, to
`provide higher availability, improved response, and better use of
`network resources.
`1. Introduction
`There are a number of problems associated with the current Internet
`information infrastructure, which result in poor service to its users.
`These problems include:
`+ lack of scability. Many files are available at only a single file
`server. Any popular file (e.g. Mosaic home page, weather map) will
`cause a file server to be swamped.
`+ lack of fault tolerance. If a file server is unavailable, there is no
`mechanism to find alternate servers for that file.
`+ inefficient use of network resources. The primary location of a file
`may be halfway across the globe, or on the other side of a low-
`bandwidth link. Even when alternate locations exist, there is
`currently no mechanism to fmd a "nearby" location of a particular
`Moore/Green/Wade Expires 27 January 1995 [Page 1]
`Bulk File Distribution 27 July 1994
`+ no assurances of authenticity or integrity. Files are currently
`replicated from one server to another using a variety of ad hoc
`mechanisms. Various translations may occur during this process, and
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`errors (or even deliberate modifications) may be introduced. There is
`currently no mechanism for ensuring the integrity of replicated files,
`nor any assurance that a copy of a file which is available on a server
`has not been modified by someone other than the author.
`2. Proposal
`In order to address these problems, we propose the following
`architecture. It is intended to provide replication of files across
`multiple servers, scalable access to the files distributed by the
`system, and the assurance of integrity and (optionally) authenticity for
`each file. In addition it provides the ability to reliably cache such
`files as well as the potential to take advantage of network proximity
`for improved utiliziation.
`Each file is given a unique name called a Location Independent File Name
`(LIFN), which refers to that particular sequence of octets. Once a LIFN
`has been assigned to a file, the binding between the LIFN and that
`sequence of octets may not be changed. The space of LIFNs is sub-
`divided among several "publishers" (or "naming authorities"), who are
`responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of LIFNs within their portion of
`LIFN-space, and also provide a LIFN-to-location mapping service for
`those LIFNs.
`The LIFN-to-location mapping service is provided by a network of
`"location servers" collectively known as the "location database". These
`servers accept requests for locations of LIFNs, as well as updates
`containing new locations or requests to delete old LIFN-to-location
`mappings. Such update requests require authentication; only those file
`servers which are authorized by the publisher may store locations in the
`Access to files themselves is provided by more-or-less conventional file
`servers, using any protocol which provides binary transparent file
`access. Such protocols would include HTTP, Gopher, FTP, and others, as
`long as certain restrictions are observed.
`Files are replicated among file servers using a "replication daemon". A
`copy of the replication daemon runs on each file server. It accepts
`descriptions of newly published files, and decides (based on site-
`provided criteria) which files should be acquired by the file server.
`It then queries the location database to find a location for each file
`desired, and retrieves the file fiom one of the locations listed.
`Finally, it updates the location database to inform it of the new
`location for that file. The replication daemon may also act as a file
`Moore/Green/Wade Expires 27 January 1995 [Page 2]
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1994q3/0416.html
`Bulk File Distribution 27 July 1994
`reaper, deciding when to delete files, and informing the location
`database when such files will no longer be available.
`Associated with each file is a description. Included in the description
`is so-called "bibliographic information", such as title, author,
`content-type, etc., but also an MDS or similar fmgerprint of the file.
`The relevant portions of the description are cryptographically signed by
`the publisher. To perform an integrity check, a file server or user can
`retrieve the description for any file (using whois++ or a similar
`protocol), compute the MDS fingerprint for that file, and compare this
`with the one listed in the description. To check authenticity, it can
`also verify the credentials of the file's description.
`A file is "published" in the system by creating a description to go
`along with the file, signing the description with the publisher's
`private key, making the file available via one or more "master" file
`servers, and listing those locations in the location database. The
`description may also be sent (perhaps via ordinary email) to interested
`parties. Such parties may include slave file servers (which can use
`them to decide which new files to acquire), resource discovery servers
`(which can then provide search services based on the file descriptions
`and/or the files themselves), and ordinary users.
`The location database consists of one or more servers for each
`publisher. These are listed in either a well-known master directory, or
`a reserved portion of the DNS name space, so that a client can easily
`fmd out which server to query for a particular LIFN. The query itself
`uses a datagram—based protocol, which is designed to impose the least
`possible overhead for both client and server. Updates to the location
`server use a similar protocol; however, these protocols also require
`authentication to prevent unauthorized (or untrusted) servers fiom
`listing alternate locations for a file. Location updates are posted to
`a single location server and propagated to the other peer servers via a
`batch version of the update protocol (using virtual circuits rather than
`It is not necessary to keep all location servers for a publisher in
`sync. The location query service does not guarantee that it returns all
`instances of a given file. If the list of locations provided by one
`server is insufficient, the client is fiee to consult the other servers
`in the hope of finding a better one. Similarly, if one or more of the
`locations thus provided is "stale" (that is, points to a file that no
`longer exists), the client may also look for the file at its other
`listed locations. (Note that while a file server may delete a file
`whose location is listed in the location database, it may not re-use a
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`filename for a different file or change that file in any way.).
`To minimize the likljhood of stale file locations, file servers are
`encouraged to inform the location database in advance of actually
`deleting a file. The response to a location query includes a "time to
`live" field which is used by clients or proxy servers to maintain a
`Moore/Green/Wade Expires 27 January 1995 [Page 3]
`Bulk File Distribution 27 July 1994
`cache of LIFN-to-location mappings. After being informed that a file is
`going to disappear, the location servers will adjust the "time to live"
`field in future responses to queries for that file, to reflect the time
`when the file is expected to disappear. Until that time, the "time to
`live" field is the value supplied by the file server when it posted the
`location. Specifying a time to live of "N" in a location update is
`tantamount to an agreement that the file server will not delete the file
`without informing the location server "N" seconds in advance of doing
`A special file replication protocol is used between file servers. It
`provides mutual authentication to prevent spoofing, and pipeljning to
`transfer large numbers of files effeciently, even over high-delay links.
`It may also accomodate compression on a per-file basis (for low-
`bandwidth links), and checkpointing to allow for recovery when transfers
`of large files are interrupted.
`3. Evaluation
`The system should scale in several ways. User demand for any particular
`file can be distributed over multiple file servers. The location
`database is also distributed, both because each publisher maintains its
`own servers, and also because several servers can be provided for any
`publisher. In addition, the current location query protocol provides
`for a cacheable "redirect" response that allows the LIFN space for a
`particular publisher to be divided across several secondary servers,
`without imposing any additional structure on the LIFNs themselves.
`Because there is no need for synchronization, location updates can also
`be distributed across several servers, and effeciently transmitted among
`location server peers. This avoids the overhead with multi—phase commit
`protocols which would be needed to ensure consistency.
`Integrity and authenticity are provided by the MDS fingerprint and the
`cryptographic signature in the file description. A possible weak point
`in the current system is the assumption that DNS will be used to
`identify location servers for a particular publisher, since DNS is not
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`itself secure. It should be pointed out that since only trusted
`locations will be listed by the location service, a user may not wish to
`perform integrity or authenticity checks for every file accessed.
`However, the capability is there for when it is needed.
`The system allows a client to consult a local cache or proxy server
`before attempting to access a file which may already be available
`locally. Since the binding between a LIFN and the file is fixed, if a
`client has a LIFN for a file, and the cache has a file which goes with
`it, the client has a reasonable assurance that the cached copy is
`correct (assuming it trusts the cache). If the time-to-live field in a
`location response is nonzero, LIFN-to-location bindings can also be
`reliably cached for that amount of time.
`Moore/Green/Wade Expires 27 January 1995 [Page 4]
`Bulk File Distribution 27 July 1994
`Finally, this system allows the potential that a client can select a
`"nearby" location fiom among several locations for a file, or from among
`several available location servers. A means by which this may be
`accomplished has been proposed and is under investigation.
`4. Open Problems
`As stated above, there is a need to provide a means by which a client
`may choose fiom among several service locations to take advantage of
`network proximity.
`If existing file servers are to adopt this plan, there needs to be a
`transition scheme. As stated above, locations (i.e. file names) of
`files provided by the location databases may not be reused, even for
`updates to the file. This is in contrast to the present-day use of file
`locations (URLs) which are expected to be stable references to the
`*current* version of a file. If the replication daemon is to replace
`the ordinary mirroring software that is presently in use, it must also
`provide "stable" locations for the same files, which may be updated in
`place and accessed by more traditional means. This could be
`accomplished by having each description include a "suggested-filename"
`field. The file server would concoct a local filename fiom this field;
`any new file fiom the same publisher with the same suggested-filename
`would replace the old copy of the file stored in that location (but not
`the copy of the file stored in the location listed in the location
`There is a need to describe many types of relationships in the file
`description. The details of such descriptions are yet to be defmed.
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM


`WWW-Talk Jul-Sep 1994: re: Dienst and BFD/LIFN document
`http: // 1997.webhistoryorg/www.lists/www-talk.1994q3/0416.html
`5. Implementation status
`A prototype version of this system is being constructed by the authors.
`A distributed location database and client library have been constructed
`and interfaced to Mosaic; the resulting client demonstrated the ability
`to (crudely) select from among multiple locations of a file, and to
`recover fiom the failure of both file servers and location database
`servers. The replication daemon and its associated protocols are
`currently under development.
`Experience fiom the use of the prototype will be used to construct a
`second version of the system, which the authors intend to make widely
`Moore/Green/Wade Expires 27 January 1995 [Page 5]
`0 Next message: Tegv Allen: "Re: Dienst, A Protocol for a Distributed Digital Document
`0 Previous message: Johan Vromans: "Re: ***** Freehand .eps to .gjf ??"
`7 of7
`8/16/2012 12:33 PM

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