gs L1 n1 e r7_zet* Consulting
` %,i%}%u;artehnan
`g L‘
`EMC/VMware v. PersonalWeb
`V IVP_R2013-00083
`’ LJEMCVMW 1053

` M
`: Theféiluwing fl}4
`a_te: £igure legéndsi:
`are pruned’ pex1§i11s‘e‘éio'r‘\:Vfréfin th‘e aut\ho%zs féferehcéd in the approi:ri~
`11- ,1f12::~1V-13,-V 11;4;;:11:.5}L11-.£;}1~1.7; u.3;‘.1,1.9; 11.10; 11.11;
`.19; i1,I.'20;~1«—1;2.1. 2.1;*1;2.2:1 2.3;~12.4; 125; 12.6;
`', '
`’ 1.IIC1Pd°53“de><«..
`{ISBN 1;ss55sV4o33-5
`..s9;-;1a92 " A

` ‘
`> ‘V Worjldwide Networks
`‘ is
`or V} rm
`fx-om’a1l over the
`‘ refurfi“ a response in the
`15I*NET in the United States, Net~
`srae1,_and »Gu1fNet in the Persian
`and thus pné CfAt_};1Veb oldest cooperative networks
`" i~'TQktida'?.e'Yt-ai 198§].j It isalso one of the
`mgasuire; Vhav;i;;gA u—:.:265,000 users and
`'w'r} in
`i"ur‘e§1O.1;andVranging from
`__.,ersities. In fact,
`){ia:1yonVeV and any
`n ’:’U§e r’s Network.”
`lyg assodafed network LIUCP
`V 811». a new machine
`unicate. with
`hé gérjéral /maps is
`é:ss. There is also
`‘eac'~:h;V/Lhost pays for its own
`fi>"o'1-iiginatingat other
`?'"l<u§eV‘of the net-
`;u§uaHy‘permitted, but
`3? ¥d~i€flfo1fCe~« su3;h«
`tccmpfaints: anyone posting
`bout iffand will see
`‘p1ejth‘inV!<'tL1\:e o17igjnalpost~
`evan do fipa jé[s‘don’f,t-V generally like bad
`H .p
`‘ga on;?byLv/their COflleagl1éS_ and customers, this usually
`fcases, fpeople h_ave?’proiposLed putting pressure on the


`. Worldwide, Networks
`sting machine
`fa fis’.found in the
`onsists ofxthe ma-
`hes’: éosts; (The V
`hafp‘tefr13V.> ‘since
`,ey mdenvéf’ en twork, their administrators
`fthese ~os s- ea_ m ch 0 ;
`tend to take}-£1 sLtro:1g;intére‘st\in the state:of thevnetwork, The exact influence
`V of [the backbone i
` ear,But~it*is,in_‘vo1vecl Vin/the organization of both the
`t» u
`?a_aba%:kbOLn,e'on each con-
`one q‘n,.the,?nétwork
`Us’e‘d~for:new users’ ‘of»the<network
`that are
` These are botlierribdéfated new,S_group s:;that is,’
`aVL‘1Vs e:r,pho3ts an article,
`the asis of con-
`of the net-
`c?al:iLe d énafLti;cIe.V: Its format, as given in
`V-19873 modeled ajfdter that of ARPANET

`» “ munjnayn-r. vfiwcdmp
`, ‘ii "
`‘V r‘e dLjointly:with
`¥ ively, and thére
`a LI.jOu]tsideiV:of7 Europe or
`an Vthestructure of
`and software systems


`‘Distfibufidn: Gebgraplyy
`'is<'rrgflected ~t):1r;$ughout the world. No explicit igatewaying is
`’ osta zirtiicléurtlhatiwill, travg-:I‘5~to~‘vafiouéparts of the world
`‘when mi distribution is
`5fEI\K7[EjT,Ck10€S,-, Acciden—

`M . ‘V w,md;mu.;Networks
`/alvgoyithmz each hosfsends each article
`V,hiwh;iyt*c:d xnutxiééges. 7I‘her‘g are»two»mechanisms
`each‘irivplyifigésfheadéijlinein each article as well as
`Path: header is
`h[ich t‘he artic1e was just
`traveled from the
`is?,;$u}5pbsedi:to vbevuniquefthroughout
`- usually acéomp1ish’ having it include the host
`ame and;a;séquenceVnumberVfor ~art1‘c1.esgposted -from that host, or the time
`heaj;1erA11neLisVj1sedL«to constructa his-
`!f‘e;:'e_ivje_:c1*o:n.ithaf host‘. If an article with
`isseen, ibis considered to be a
`ifcommunicates with and of the
`O se:\d"'to¢-each‘ of those hosts. If
`p» and distribution are not
`om raiher short period, by
`d ’f;';om ~the histQry- file. It
` i'fhlt:he Expires: header
`ff Lt iC1‘€5- 7
`<;:fr:is to=be avoided by tuning
`host. ‘ Iris alsqpossible to reject
`specified‘ ago, on the
`ssgcjmg fxojm‘%,hosts‘,that have
`,fimf¢L1s‘1_Jsua1ly the same as
`xpxra on : ec use’ expired‘ articles are also

`3151 .does < thjeé
`and; l1SENET'nféw§g_roi1psV‘
`Vb‘etwéen Internet
`isknownfas uclwax on
`It bursts’ di-
`yedgwfith BITNET

`_ :16 L 5, eat‘ D‘u1<e University
`£r<m1979s [Spafford 1988c].
`01;, ’’A goal of USENET
`[nity to join and benefit
`«ifyou. will.” The
`fU?a_S with the newly released
`Bell Laboratories.’ Access was limited to
`ilwhoecould legally have
`thee nl
`aii notfbeen [thought of
`S_e{7ehfth Editieh Ld1's‘tribution—
`Vgrsaduateestudent at the
`‘first two hosts
`ddey:11by{198O; it was
`partitgipatedr ‘in the late 1979
`shell script
`Mskzéax, and he,
`g"-the fnehflork. Many
`‘ ahdesmailjreplies were
`e :recent example, in
`:own_bac1<bone‘host administra-
`.a we *
`’ ;’s'c}ffWa1‘e_~ packages,
`guse of the use of
`out ,the“network.
`Lswarmwide Networks L
`ntis‘ ‘gmany of. them organ-
`others.are~mo1fe\genera;1 than that. At
`_ s';prodi.\c,edVssaL series=—of_ convenfions of its partici-
`n‘t’-sh‘irts.s There are even feuds between newsgroups,
`V _
`V mug attempts of some soawomene participants to ban all
`H “Lo1;;Lp}§this hasrLin¢:1uVded the tactic of creating
`tyL'w0'm,e1fI.haa‘béent:reated*as-a moderated
`without mention of
`Essderiyed from the
`ysedetectable by a
` K

`everything gbur newsgroupsLwitLh fplay asthev
`\ that: was added
`V ;"A
`laLyL,'T ineaxjin
`12 ..

`Worldwide Networks
`_¢}r5rmerv Tniecent years.
`sgroupsl, articles, and data
`dricg1r;—;prOb1em with this
`[W8 50 ;. cope with growth of the
`ydonye in}/lja/flmtrthé Urfiversity of California at Berkeley (UCB)
`fuderit M‘a_rk'Hc“rton.and high school student*Matt Glickman.
`‘bIic._aS—B»n‘ews 2.1 in 1982. Mark
`‘ first “ I
`" 4* d.tO.f1i’ "
`blferrfafter a great deal
` fi*om-’t‘h‘e moderated‘ mailing lists that had
`_ V
`for many years. The first moderated newsgroup
`existed on re
`. was modrznnozmceg whichrwasryzan 1a1ternative,to ynetgeneral, a newsgroup
`V ténded arr.
`"nera dis" ssionsrthroughoujtthe network, but that
`01, the last version
`«element of a
`7‘as ‘released by
`code that handled
`o'_d,.l’<yeyword on 15 Sep-
`86 Horton and Adams
`an hjewfsgroupsrwas not in
` allow users to
`:,ap1ueal\Vareas appropriate td them, while
`sgroupsapprbpfiate to their general topics.
`. voliredxzhan ’
`Ttl/1e namgs of news
`_e' "amés bfull news»
`V was the only
`main top level
`rcéted distribu-


`_W0rIdzz)ide Networks
`V héifipaign (UIUC) by
`"tad, nstarting in 1979 {Kol-
`5fPLATO1NGTES system.
`L1bliC‘at thelanuary 1982
`'Lareqo.?rigina11y spread
`different interchange
`e ahfe dy in:use onsqme links: some backbone hosts
`eds10f‘4OKbps or more.
`6. measure, but numbers of
`W S; Have been estimated
`:14’ These—are shown
`@9135 ‘sources [Frey
`thin recent years are
`are7,basjed, on" actual readers,
`r,7 the\A‘usual method of
`’NV w's°'Tr’ansfer Protocol
`reader Overload, old
`an hjxgmand unevenly carried costs of
`10 p pagahoneeespee
`raised _e po‘ss,ibi;1Aity of using, theexperience gained in
`.rep1a_ce'it;‘ ”’~I~’2heSe problemsehave been

`may ecL—nw<.{erat19h
`flaws’ 2.10.2
`_ ,awbone
`1 —3y_ NE'I‘,"newsgroup
`vreoxfganx ation completed
`’ Telébii Trai1b1a7.ers
`"V1 /
`3.;5>< ’
`i we éé.;.t1L1at the
`exceeded the capa-
`_ d,rapiC1€ly,fhOwe\'er, and with developments such
`as 80OMbyi halfiheight Winéhester drives for a [few thousand’ dollars
`< expectedfby 1989, »ar'1fIiBM‘PC-icould easily have enough space for the
`C’1\<13?F'e:¥It;:}{f§ffi_E. T

` 16


`",'Wat'lflz0ide Netwdrks
`I V‘Sa’zr‘1— l Reader
`7 53,000
`351 6- 70,000, 630,000
`3546 688,000
`.435 105,000
`n;s,0000 640,000
`* 0,134,000
`, 9910.000
`groups»§h5t‘had‘»n0n'zer0}raffic during the measmement interval.
`e:’:'hos¥ count."
`lmés _lnlthe,p'ast, 12 months.
`*l'me_s«in, the past 3 months‘
`esin the past 80 days.
`store 7news, there is
`’ “tfansfez:
`up ,with,ma.s$es,,of material
`written by
`nentedimterface c7alled«vnéws
`It is similar to the interface to the
`notesfifles software, ,andsi‘tT allows moving among several menus, can list

`capéd ha
`‘ -1,a‘ Lal;
`_o $urV1vLe;a’é
`ed in an Vupdatedy form as
`is:;dis<:ussed' elsewhere in

` ‘ef7*c£RNVfse¢tsonVm
`A 19.5
`iBibz»zogr;:phic Notes
`.VLn*fo,nVacma1 V
`nbaurn.:1988 and I’ar~
`L 3::
` E‘,rex1tiCe%fI‘ia11,-
`fechn L
`iidgn‘-d,»"‘IP'NA,St. Louis,
`‘P1 kige x=[;GeLr;a¢rd,.LJ~M Lord, 13., and
`tephen, 11i$;JameS»and Tnxscott.;Tcm,?‘USENE1‘~A
`80: Da
`Network," Duke,‘Uni've:si‘t ; Durham, NC, Summer
`'I' a slightly modifi'ed'copy‘oi—ithe or_igina_ flyer of ]anuary'1980.
`r:De‘x:nco"1988.' Dér7nco,».,
`‘ Person cemmunicafidns, A—ggu§t'1988,

` ,

`Worldwide Networks
`”USENET: Death by
`ey J¥d€hi§,",Ric1<;
`’ ,l;lNIX~‘REVJE«W) V91». 5, no. 8, pp. 55 +60, August 1987.
`’ and Hartman, '1‘. C., "Evolution of
`umal, vol; .18,.no. 1, p. 111, 1979.
`‘ om utfer ~Networking, Report of
`En’ergy,’Washingto_n, DC,
`fiw-‘:l%r'Be1lovin,‘ Steven M.,
`“ o‘,/" Proceedings of the
`[mg ‘1986), pp. 126- 141,
`of fhfé Summer 1983
`71) V1‘
`June 1984), pp. 368-372,
` ‘»’1n§e;change Format Standard;
`for Comments, February 1986.
`1*. Van gg dams~,,Rick, ”Standard for Inter-
`Workingcroup Requests
`{fort Europe,” Nature, vol.
`Transfer Pro-
` ‘
`‘c_tiufgs}" IFNA, St. Louis, MO,
`, _Ne¢"i‘E1e‘c:tfOnic"Mail F'rotoco1,” IFNA, St.
` :Kantcx?,‘ Brian—,-oryxd —I.apsley, Phil, ”Network News
`RFC977,” iARPANET¢Working Group Requests for Comments,
`‘}k.ADiré¢ta;y,,vg1; i, no. 2, Spring 1986.
`.4§)0i;andV‘rRFC822; RFC987,” ARPANET
`em?»-Iurieoo1986: I “
`7 (Maj)pk1g;between X.400 and RFC-
`fooor,Comments, September
`'7 Inside Autono-
`V, gs,— g‘
`ne onseeifhejlnteroperubility Report,
`uting Eriviroximents, Mountain View,

`‘ E11 ' eetifig
`?are:F—1'Vowing (or
`pp.'6-'_8,,-ACM srcsorrr.

`Worldwide Networks
`Thompson, K., The UNIX Time-
`V éisfl Ritchié; D
`¢?1Ch(1ict1I»,]auz:naZ;'_'vo1. 57, no. 6, part 2,
`a Sysimli
`, Auggst 1978.. «This version describes Seventh Edition
`ctiyef‘New§sgrQups (Updated: 2~Apri1
`n_p1mct.new_uStrS,,USENET, 3 April 1988.
`_ _fie,—‘..",USEN£T Softwatei __History and Sources
`min,"nezus.a,n'§zou'ncemewusers, USENET, 3
` xie, "1UsI~:NET,'f {Err Prcibéeiiings, IETF, Washington,
`"ACcessibi Mafuing Lists (Updated: 14
`T; 17 April 1988.
`_ erswltidrton, Karen, and Horton, Mark,
`orton198S; - Su,
`Sumnie, _
`!'s§gjtus,of‘thé’USENIX UUCP1Project,”'Proceedings of the Winter 1985 USENIX
`(Dallas, T_e:;as, ,2,3-. ,
`1985), _p.1,83,,USENIX Association,
`’netwc;:rl§ community we mezashite),”
`p; %,22,j1.986;‘_Transcript-[of a panel discussion, in
`. ,
`ry 1988.
`,_gP}jaceed1'ngs 0f the Summer
`f—_-I4 Iune I985), pp. 79-80,
`‘ CA,,19a5.,
`iiren, ’f«P3,-oject Starga¢e,?‘ EUlIG»‘5pring '86 Conference
`W13}? 21
`-2f4"Apr:z'l':'1986),‘Euiropégin UNIX systems User
`., »“PHYSi"iet

`J3_ECn<;tjMai1,?? Data, orijiiiiunication and Network Ser-
`Iifornia at Berkélf.§y,:14:Sept§ixiberV1987.
`‘and SPAN,” infa-

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