(19) United States
`(12) Reissued Patent
`(10) Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Reissued Patent:
`US RE40,520 E
`Sep. 23, 2008
`Inventor: Karol Doktor, Wheelers Hill (AU)
`WO 00/07354
`WO 01/15811
`(73) Assignee: Financial Systems Technology
`(Intellectual Property) Pty Ltd,
`Malvern, Victoria (AU)
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/152,835
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 14, 2005
`Related U.S. Patent Documents
`Oct. 20, 1998
`May 22, 1997
`Reissue of:
`(64) Patent No.:
`Appl. No.:
`u.s. Applications:
`(63) Continuation of application No. 08/439,207, filed on May
`11, 1995, now Pat. No. 5,675,779, which is a division of
`application No. 08/083,861, filed on Jun. 28, 1993, now Pat.
`No. 5,604,899, which is a continuation of application No.
`07/526,424, filed on May 21,1990, now abandoned.
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 17/30
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`(58) Field of Classification Search .
`707/4; 707/2
`... .... 707/2,
`707/3, 101, 103 Y
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`coded progrannnatically and would not achieve the perfor(cid:173)
`mance levels of the Relationships Processor.
`18 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets


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`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 1 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`(Source Code)
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`FIG. 1A
`(Prior Art)


`u.s. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 23, 2008
`Sheet 2 of 19
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`•~ ~~~=~
`FIG. 2A-1
`(Prior Art)
`Record No. _1_
`2 5
`L 11
`L 12
`L 13
`Record.Addr 11
`Record.Addr 12
`Record.Addr 13
`Record No.
`PR 12
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`L 31
`L 33
`Record.Addr 31
`Record.Addr 32
`Record,Addr 33
`__ ___ __________ __ _ ___ __ __ ______ ---1
`FIG. 2A-2
`(Prior Art)


`•~ ~~~=~
`4~ Book's ~ Book's
`FIG. 28-1
`(Prior Art)
`~ Book's


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`Sep. 23, 2008
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`I 2 H~~~eH~g~el
`I 3 HNI;~eH~~~e I
`Name L_I Home
`I g__~.i1J P42
`FIG. 3-1
`(Prior Art)
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`- - ---
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`~ or~er~P47
`1 °f~er Hve~~le I
`I FIG. 3
`FIG. 3-2
`(Prior Art)


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 9 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`FIG. 4A


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 10 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`FIG. 48
`'s business
`{ 1:m }-y


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 11 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`ENT.DEE )~ble
`Slot No.
`Class Name
`(Full Name)
`Name of
`Single Table
`where instances
`are stored


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 12 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`FIG. 6A
`('s Business)
`-BU- @
`-Ow- ~ .3
`-SM- ~ .3
`~ .1
`Name of
`Relation R I ti
`Single Table
`e a on
`Class Name where instances Head Entity
`of Relation T~e Number T(Fpe Number
`(ull Name)
`(Full Name)
`are stored
`Full Name)
`Tail Entity 600Y
`{1:m} Y
`('s Owning)
`('s 5t.
`('S Main
`{1:1 }Y
`{1:1 } N
`{1:1 } y
`ETN h
`) 600) 60 ) 600d)
`Second thru Fifth
`Tail Entity


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 13 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`FIG. 68
`j .5
`(Phone (Account) .0000
`Second thru Fifth
`Tail Entity
`~ \
`J .7
`(Phone (Contact
`Type Number
`(and Name)
`.3 j
`.0000 [
`•• oeo
`I I
`dJ \\


`•~ ~~~=~
`FIG. 7-1
`(b) InqUiry -
`(c) Update
`(d) Restructure
`-Relation- Level
`L746 abc ~ ~
`--------r .11 ETN II EiN HRTNI[]j[] w
`I .2 [][]~[JJ OJ
`/3~~ . L!J
`I"A""nlrAL.rCi'ilDJ r7l
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`2. L.@J T.Addresses
`l . -
`11.4~~W ~
`I ~
`) Head
`ReI. Tail(1)
`lYRe. __El
`~ __Ei
`AiT! @~~~~ ~743
`r:::1-:l r;;;;-t r::J:ln ! KSO
`• 1L733 ~
`r---~EL~~-~_~_I~~I~I::~:II::I~: I'
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`rb b
`1. L9!J IT.Companies
`1 , . , - - -
`L 751 \
`_______ 1


`•~ ~~~=~
`~ N0
`- - I - - - - - - - - - - -
`.... -
`! .6~.5 ~ID.4 ! ---,-----.,------
`! ETN~ R~T~
`! L752
`EiT-2= t
`T.Companies L
`1------.1 I~~ggr~~~§.
`Allen's Automobiles
`Bob's Books Inc.
`.11 220 Literature Street
`445 Medical Plaza
`Computer Center ltd.
`Dr. Dogood P.C.
`Expert Electronics
`Fred's Furniture
`I"'-.J L732
`106 Car Corner
`'------.4 555 Transistor Lane
`.5 386 Business Machine Dr.
`1000 Office Plaza
`FIG. 7-2
`I FIG. 7


`u.s. Patent
`Sheet 16 of 19
`US RE40,520 E
`(Binary Gode Strings)
`Access Control
`jRiT-1\ jRiT-2\ r
`~ 812
`Compiler ~814
`FIG. 8
`Access Control
`~ !
`110 :
`- - - - - - - - - -
`·Please find
`ali books
`having xxx·
`1. - - - -
`2. ----
`3. ----
`"Please add
`new books
`"Please add
`new REl


`•~ ~~~=~
`' ~ '
`CR' ~~
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`FIG. 9-1
`Lvl-1 ( ETN4' ??
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`US RE40,520 E
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appears in the
`original patent but forms no part ofthis reissue specifica(cid:173)
`tion; matter printed in italics indicates the additions
`made by reissue.
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/439,207, filed May II, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,675,
`779, which is a divisional of Ser. No. [08/083,361] 081083,
`861, filed Jun. 28, 1993, now [issued;] u.s. Pat. No. 5,604,
`899, which issued on Feb. 18, 1997, which is a continuation
`ofSer. No. 07/526,424, filed May 21,1990, now abandoned.
`Cross Reference to Microfiche Appendix
`This application includes a plurality of computer program
`listings (modules) in the form of a Microfiche Appendix
`which is being filed concurrently herewith as 1162 frames
`(not counting target and title frames) distributed over 20
`sheets of microfiche in accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.96.
`The disclosed computer program listings are incorporated
`into this specification by reference but it should be noted that
`the source code and/or the resultant object code of the dis(cid:173)
`closed program modules are subject to copyright protection.
`The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile repro(cid:173)
`duction by anyone of the patent document (or the patent
`disclosure as it appears in the files or records of the u.s.
`Patent and Trademark Office) for the sole purpose of study(cid:173)
`ing the disclosure but otherwise reserves all other rights to
`the disclosed computer program modules including the right
`to reproduce said computer program modules in machine(cid:173)
`executable form.
`Field ofInvention
`The present invention relates generally to computer data(cid:173)
`base management systems and more specifically to appara(cid:173)
`tus and methods for modifying and searching through large
`scale databases at high speed.
`Description of Related Art
`Modem computer systems are capable of storing volumi(cid:173)
`nous amounts of information in bulk storage means such as
`magnetic disk banks. The volume of stored information can
`be many times that of the textural information stored in a
`conventional encyclopedia or in the telephone directory of a
`large city. Moreover, modem computer systems can sift 50
`through the contents of their bulk storage means at
`extremely high speed, accessing as many as one million
`bytes of information or more per second (a byte is a string of
`eight bits, equivalent to approximately one character of text
`in layman's terms). Despite this capability, it may take an
`undesirably long time (i.e., hours or days) to retrieve desired
`pieces of information. In commercial settings such as finan(cid:173)
`cial data storage facilities, there will be literally billions of
`pieces of information that could be sifted through before the
`right one or more pieces of information are found. Thus,
`even at speeds of one million examinations per second, it can
`take thousands of seconds (many hours) to retrieve a desired
`piece of information. Efficient organization of the stored
`information is needed in order to minimize retrieval time.
`The methods by which pieces of information are orga(cid:173)
`nized within a computer, searched through or reorganized,
`often parallel techniques used by older types of manual
`information processing systems. A well known example of a
`manual system is the index card catalog found in public
`libraries. Such a card catalog consists of a large number of
`uniformly dimensioned paper cards which are serially
`stacked in one or more trays. The cards are physically posi(cid:173)
`tioned such that each card is directly adjacent to no more
`than two others (for each typical examination there is a pre(cid:173)
`ceding card, the card under examination and a following
`card in the stack). On the front surface of each index card a
`10 librarian enters, in left to right sequence; the last name of an
`author, the first name of the author, the title of a single book
`which the author wrote and a shelf number indicating the
`physical location within the library where the one book may
`be found. Each of these four entries may be referred to as a
`15 "column" entry. Sufficient surface area must be available on
`each card to contain the largest of conceivable entries.
`After the entries are made, the index cards are stacked one
`after the next in alphabetical order, according to the author's
`last name and then according to the author's first name and
`20 then by title. This defines a "key-sequenced" type of data(cid:173)
`base whose primary sort key is the author's name. The
`examination position of each card is defined relative to the
`contents of preceding and following cards in the stack. That
`is, when cards are examined, each intermediate card is
`25 examined immediately after its alphabetically preceding
`card and immediately before is alphabetically succeeding
`card. When a new book is acquired, the key-sequenced data(cid:173)
`base is easily "updated" by inserting a new card between two
`previously created cards. Similarly, if a book is removed
`30 from the collection, its card is simply pulled from the card
`stack to reflect the change.
`If a library user has an inquiry respecting the location of a
`particular book or the titles of several books written by a
`named author, the librarian may quickly search through the
`35 alphabetically ordered set of index cards and retrieve the
`requested information. However, if a library use

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