Patent Owner Network-1’s Demonstratives
`Exhibit N1-2030
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`1. Ground 1: anticipation
`2. Ground 2: obviousness
`3. Proposed Amendment
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Elements Missing from Matsuno
`1 2
`Patent Owner Response, Table of Contents (Paper 42)
`‘930 Patent (Exh. 1001)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`evidence that the
`current is not
`Avaya Decision at 17 (Paper 18)
`Dell Decision at 16 (Paper 16)
`Patent Owner Response at 12 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Response at 10 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`10 What you identified as the access device in
`11 Matsuno was the DTE or the NT1 or a combination of both;
`12 is that right?
`13 A. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 28:10-13 (Exh. 2016)
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 5 (Paper 42); Avaya Decision at 17 (Paper 18)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`Zimmerman ¶40 (Exh. 1011)
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Preliminary Response at 14 (Paper 14) [Dell IPR2013‐000385]; Patent Owner 
`Preliminary Response at 18 (Paper 16); Patent Owner Response at 32 (Paper 32):
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`Finisar Corp. v. DirecTV Group, Inc.,
`523 F.3d 1323, 1334 (Fed. Cir. 2008)
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 4 (Paper 42) 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`no express disclosure
`6 Q. Does Matsuno disclose that the 48 volts would
`7 be insufficient to operate the NT1?
`8 A. He doesn't discuss that at all.
`Zimmerman 39:6-8 (Exh. 2016)
`24 Does Matsuno anywhere expressly state that the
`25 48 volts is insufficient to operate a DTE that requires
`1 40 volts?
`2 A. Matsuno does not expressly state that 48 volts
`3 delivered at the U interface point would be insufficient.
`Zimmerman 36:24-37:3 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 6 (Paper 42) 
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`-48 V power source
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`Finisar Corp. v. DirecTV Group, Inc.,
`523 F.3d 1323, 1334 (Fed. Cir. 2008)
`Inherent anticipation requires
`characteristic is necessarily present.
`the missing
`Glaxo Group Ltd v. Apotex, Inc.,
`376 F.3d 1339, 1348 (Fed. Cir. 2004)
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 4 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Response at 6 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`no inherent disclosure
`needed: “voltage of 40 V”
`Matsuno (0004) (Exh. 1004)
`4 Q. Is it the case that the only voltage identified
`5 in Matsuno that would be potentially needed by a
`6 subscriber terminal, a DTE, is the 40 volts that's in
`7 Paragraph 4?
`8 A. I believe that is the case.
`Zimmerman 32:4-8 (Exh. 2016)
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 8 (Paper 42) 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`no inherent disclosure
`Matsuno (0026) (Exh. 1004)
`4 Is it your understanding that in the Matsuno
`5 reference, it discloses that the 48-volt low-level
`6 current will provide 48 volts to the subscriber at his
`7 home?
`8 A. It says "approximately 48 volts," but yes.
`Zimmerman 28:4-8 (Exh. 2016)
`needed: “voltage of 40 V”
`“approximately 48 V”
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 8 ‐9 (Paper 42) 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low level current:”
`no inherent disclosure
`20 Q. Is it the case that, if we have a relatively
`21 short subscriber line, that 48 volts would be sufficient
`22 to power a DTE?
`23 A. Not necessarily. And Matsuno doesn't really
`24 speak to that at all.
`Zimmerman 42:20-24 (Exh. 2016)
`4 Q. Does Mat -- does Matsuno disclose, one way or
`5 the other, whether, if we have 48 volts and a relatively
`6 short subscriber line, that it would be -- the 48-volt
`7 current would be sufficient to operate a DTE?
`8 A. I do not believe it does.
`Zimmerman 43:4-8 (Exh. 2016)
`needed: “voltage of 40 V”
`“approximately 48 V”
`Matsuno Fig. 3 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 6‐7 (Paper 42) 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Petitioners’ remaining arguments fail
` Are approximately 48 volts available?
` “120 V is the minimum for minimal communications”
`Patent Owner Response at 9 (Paper 42); For the top bullet, see slides 14 – 21; 
`Knox Decl. ¶120 (N1‐2015); for the bottom bullet, see slides 22 – 24.
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Matsuno (0026) (Exh. 1004)
`approximately 48 V
`about 8 V
`Matsuno Fig. 5 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 8 ‐ 9 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶275 (N1‐2024)
`Avaya’s Reply at 5 (Paper 56)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`120 - __ = 80
`40 V drop
`line resistance
`Matsuno (0027) (Exh. 1004)
`higher voltage (‐120V) supply
`For Figure 3 of Matsuno, see Notes to Slide 16 (citing 
`Knox Decl. ¶276 (N1‐2024)); Knox Decl. ¶277 (N1‐2024); 
`Knox Decl. ¶275 (N1‐2024); Knox Decl. ¶280 (N1‐2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`For left half, see Notes to slide 15 (citing Knox Decl. ¶275 (N1‐2024)); Knox Decl. ¶276  (N1‐2024): Knox Decl. ¶275  (N1‐2024)
`48 - 40 = __8
`120 - __ = 80
`40 V drop
`line resistance
`higher voltage (‐120V) supply
`lower voltage (‐48V) supply
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Matsuno (0027) (Exh. 1004)
`48 - 40 = __8
`16 Q. That's with the assumption that the 40-volt
`17 drop is due entirely to the loop resistance and not to
`18 the transistors; right?
`19 A. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 273:16-19 (Exh. 2025)
`higher voltage (‐120V) supply
`For Figure 3 of Matsuno, see Notes to Slide 16 (citing Knox Decl. ¶276 
`(N1‐2024)); Knox Decl. ¶277 (N1‐2024): Knox Decl. ¶277 (N1‐2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Matsuno (0027) (Exh. 1004)
`1 Q. Does Matsuno say that the reason for the
`2 voltage drop from 120 to 80 is because of the voltage
`3 drop of the digital subscriber line 12 and the voltage
`4 drop of the transistors 24a and 24b?
`5 A. That is what it says.
`6 Q. And do you agree that that's what Matsuno
`7 discloses, is the basis for the voltage drop from 120 to
`8 80?
`9 MR. LINDSAY: Objection. Cumulative.
`10 THE WITNESS: I would agree with that.
`Zimmerman 225:1-10 (Exh. 2025)
`higher voltage (‐120V) supply
`For left half, see Notes to Slide 17 (citing Knox Decl. ¶277 
`(N1‐2024)); Knox Decl. ¶277 (N1‐2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Knox Decl. ¶276 (N1‐2024)
`higher voltage (‐120V) supply
`lower voltage (‐48V) supply
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`13 Q. Is it the case that if we're using the 48-volt
`14 power supply, then the voltage drop attributable to this
`15 circuit that includes 24a and 24b -- that voltage drop
`16 would not be present; right?
`17 MR. LINDSAY: Objection. Cumulative.
`18 THE WITNESS: That voltage drop would not be
`19 present; that is correct.
`Zimmerman 243:13-19 (Exh. 2025)
`For right half, see Notes to Slide 19 (citing Knox Decl. 
`¶276 (N1‐2024)); Knox Decl. ¶277 (N1‐2024)
`lower voltage (‐48V) supply
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`48 - __ = approximately 48 volts
`Matsuno (0026) (Exh. 1004)
`approximately 48 V
`For Fig. 3, see Notes to Slide 19 (citing Knox Decl. ¶276 (N1‐2024)); 
`Patent Owner Response at 8 ‐9 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶276 (N1‐2024)
`lower voltage (‐48V) supply
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Cite to
`Avaya’s Reply at 3 (Paper 56)
`Patent Owner Response at 11 (Paper 42); 
`Patent Owner Response at 7 (Paper 42) 23
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Petitioners: Matsuno says applying 120V is the minimum
`necessary to operate an access device.
`Matsuno (0004) (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 8 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶120  (N1‐2015); Knox Decl.  ¶278 (N1‐2024)
`Matsuno (0006) (Exh. 1004)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`data signaling pair
`sensing “on”
`11 Q. One of ordinary skill in the art would
`12 understand that if somebody referred to "sensing a
`13 voltage level on a wire," that would be sensing the
`14 voltage level with respect to ground; right?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. That's what "on" means?
`17 A. Yes.
`Zimmerman 76:11-17 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 16 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`voltage level on both wires
`same voltage level
`same voltage level
`sensing “on”
`9 Q. If a data signaling pair has the same voltages
`10 on each wire, then measure -- we could measure -- we
`11 could sense the voltage level on the data signaling pair
`12 by measuring the voltage on one of the wires with respect
`13 to ground; right?
`14 A. Yes. If they had the same voltage on each of
`15 them, then the two individual measurements become one.
`Zimmerman 77:9-15 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 25 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`one wire
`120 volts
`40 volts
`sensing “on”
`4 Q. It would tell you a voltage on one wire of a
`5 data signaling pair; right?
`6 A. That is correct.
`7 Q. It wouldn't tell you the voltage on the data
`8 signaling pair; right?
`9 A. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 60:4-9 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 26 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Response at 25 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`one wire
`data signaling pair
`Although the PTO emphasizes that it was required to give all ‘claims their broadest reasonable
`construction’ …, this court has instructed that any such construction be ‘consistent with the
`specification, . . . and that claim language should be read in light of the specification as it would be
`interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.’ In re Bond, 910 F.2d 831, 833 (Fed. Cir. 1990)
`(quoting In re Sneed, 710 F.2d 1544, 1548 (Fed. Cir. 1983)) (emphasis added). The PTO's
`construction here, though certainly broad, is unreasonably broad. The broadest-construction rubric
`coupled with the term ‘comprising’ does not give the PTO an unfettered license to interpret claims
`to embrace anything remotely related to the claimed invention. Rather, claims should always be
`read in light of the specification and teachings in the underlying patent.
`In re Suitco Surface, Inc., 603 F.3d 1255, 1260-61 (Fed. Cir. 2010)
`Patent Owner Response at 17 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Preliminary Response 20 (Paper 16)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`data signaling pair
`15 Q. Now, if we take that reasonable interpretation,
`16 one of ordinary skill in the art would understand that
`17 the '930 patent teaches sensing a voltage level on a data
`18 signaling pair by sensing the voltage on a lead that
`19 connects to a center tap and gives us the voltage level
`20 on both wires of that pair; right?
`21 MR. SANOK: Objection. Foundation.
`22 THE WITNESS: It gives us a voltage level from
`23 both wires of the pair, yes.
`Zimmerman 142:15-23 (Exh. 2016)
`Although the PTO emphasizes that it was required to give all ‘claims their broadest reasonable
`construction’ …, this court has instructed that any such construction be ‘consistent with the
`specification, . . . and that claim language should be read in light of the specification as it would be
`interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.’ In re Bond, 910 F.2d 831, 833 (Fed. Cir. 1990)
`(quoting In re Sneed, 710 F.2d 1544, 1548 (Fed. Cir. 1983)) (emphasis added). The PTO's
`construction here, though certainly broad, is unreasonably broad. The broadest-construction rubric
`coupled with the term ‘comprising’ does not give the PTO an unfettered license to interpret claims
`to embrace anything remotely related to the claimed invention. Rather, claims should always be
`read in light of the specification and teachings in the underlying patent.
`In re Suitco Surface, Inc., 603 F.3d 1255, 1260-61 (Fed. Cir. 2010)
`See slide 28 for bottom half; Patent Owner Response at 25 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Reply (Paper 56) at 6
`same voltage
`data signaling pair
`non-data signaling pair (“spare pair”)
`Knox Decl. ¶57 (N1‐2015)
`Knox Decl. ¶57 (Exh. 2015)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`the claim language “on the data
`signaling pair” does not appear
`in Zimmerman's Declaration.
`Zimmerman ¶40 (Exh. 1011)
`Patent Owner Response at 31‐32  (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`senses the voltage across the
`constant current circuit 21b
`senses the voltage across the
`constant current circuit 21a
`Knox Decl. ¶133 (Exh. 1015)
`Matsuno Fig. 5 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 30 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶133 (N1‐1015)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`one wire
`17 Q. If one were to attach a lead to one wire of the
`18 data signaling pair in Matsuno and then measure the
`19 voltage on that wire with respect to some reference, that
`20 would not tell you the voltage on the data signaling
`21 pair; right?
`22 A. No, it would not. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 60:17-22 (Exh. 2016)
`4 Q. It would tell you a voltage on one wire of a
`5 data signaling pair; right?
`6 A. That is correct.
`7 Q. It wouldn't tell you the voltage on the data
`8 signaling pair; right?
`9 A. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 60:4-9 (Exh. 2016)
`Matsuno Fig. 5 (Exh. 1004)
`Patent Owner Response at 24 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`1 2 3
`access access
`Patent Owner Response at 33 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Response at 33‐34 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 10: eighth embodiment
`Fig. 6: fourth embodiment
`Patent Owner Response at 37‐38 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶146 (N1‐2015)
`Zimmerman Decl. ¶28 (Exh. 1011)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 10: eighth embodiment
`Fig. 6: fourth embodiment
`Dell Decision at 17‐18 (Paper 16); Patent Owner Response at 37‐38 (Paper 42):
`Dell Decision at 17-18 (Paper 16)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 10: eighth embodiment
`voltage level increases, not drops
`Patent Owner Response at 41 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 10: eighth embodiment
`17 Q. You haven't reached a conclusion one way or the
`18 other yet?
`19 A. For the record, I'm looking at Claim 9 of the
`20 '930 patent.
`21 Maybe. I didn't look at -- I did not look at
`22 Matsuno for what it didn't say.
`23 It's implying here that the actual things that
`24 are sensed are the voltages. In the case of -- in the
`25 case of 51a, it's voltage relative to a -- relative to a
`1 constant voltage source; and it does not expressly
`2 discuss physical removal of the device, but does discuss
`3 removal of the device from -- from power. But it's a
`4 little bit of a stretch.
`5 There's a reason I didn't use -- didn't use 53
`6 in my -- in my Declaration. It's more directed
`7 towards -- towards fault conditions.
`Patent Owner Response at 37‐38 (Paper 42)
`Zimmerman 179:17-180:7 (Exh. 2016)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 6: fourth embodiment
`voltage level increases, not drops
`21 Q. In Figure 6, if we're supplying power from the
`22 secondary power source and the NT1 is removed, what
`23 happens to the voltage level that's measured by voltage
`24 detection part 34?
`25 A. If we're supplying power from the secondary
`1 power source and the NT1 is removed, the voltage at
`2 voltage detection part 34 would increase.
`3 Q. Does the fourth embodiment in Figure 6 teach
`4 something that is the opposite of what Claim 9 requires?
`5 MR. SANOK: Objection. Foundation.
`6 THE WITNESS: Well, if I'm right, in the
`7 offhand circuit analysis I did, it may.
`Patent Owner Response at 41‐42 (Paper 42)
`Zimmerman 114:21-115:7 (Exh. 2016)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Avaya Petition at 26
`(Paper 1)
`Fig. 10: eighth embodiment
`Fig. 6: fourth embodiment
`Avaya Reply:
`Fig. 5: third embodiment
`11 In the description of Figure 5 in Matsuno, does
`12 it teach a situation where we have a drop in the sensed
`13 voltage that then is used to trigger a reduction in the
`14 secondary power?
`15 A. No, it does not.
`Zimmerman Depo. 164:11-15 (Exh. 2016)
`See slides 35 – 39 for top half; Patent Owner Response at 43‐44 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`9 Q. As you understand Claim 9, for a prior-art
`10 reference to anticipate, it's going to have to have this
`11 Claim 9 situation occur while the secondary power is
`12 being applied; right?
`13 A. Yes.
`14 Q. In particular, removal of the access device
`15 would have to take place while secondary power is being
`16 applied; right?
`17 A. Yes, it would.
`Zimmerman 154:9-17 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 35 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`8 Does Matsuno teach a circumstance where, when
`9 power is being supplied from the secondary power source,
`10 120 volts, then that is followed by removal of an access
`11 device?
`12 MR. SANOK: Objection. Form.
`13 THE WITNESS: I don't believe I saw that in
`14 Matsuno. One of ordinary skill would be able to look at
`15 these circuits, similar to the way we've done, and
`16 understand how that would work.
`Zimmerman 117:8-16 (Exh. 2016)
`Q. Okay. But you would agree, sir, that it’s not
`5 necessary – not necessarily the case that the only time
`6 access devices are removed is when they are undergoing
`7 secondary power; right?
`A. Yes.
`Zimmerman 156:4-8 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 33‐34 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Response at 35‐ 36 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`access access
`Zimmerman Decl. ¶41 (Exh. 1011)
`Patent Owner Response at 39 (Paper 42); See Slide 34 for removal
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`access access
`7 Q. Does Matsuno, either inherently or expressly,
`8 disclose the physical removal of the access device while
`9 secondary power is being provided?
`10 A. No, it does not.
`Zimmerman 121:7-10 (Exh. 2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 35 (Paper 42); See Slide 34 for removal 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`access access
`secondary power
`turn off remote power
`data still being transmitted
`Patent Owner Response at 39 (Paper 42); Knox Decl. ¶155 (N1‐2015); See Slide 34 for removal
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Elements Missing from Matsuno
`(have the burden of proof)
`6 Q. Does Matsuno disclose that the 48 volts would
`7 be insufficient to operate the NT1?
`He doesn't discuss that at all.
`8 A. He doesn't discuss that at all.
`Zimmerman 39:6-8 (Exh. 2016)
`7 Q. It wouldn't tell you the voltage on the data
`8 signaling pair; right?
`9 A. That is correct.
`Zimmerman 60:4-9 (Exh. 2016)
`I don't believe I saw that in Matsuno.
`Zimmerman 117:8-16 (Exh. 2016)
`See Slides [8], [33], and [42] above; Patent Owner Response, Table of Contents (Paper 42):
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`missing elements
`Petitioners Argument:
`combine elements from Matsuno and De Nicolo
`Petition at Table of Contents (Paper 1)
`Petition, at Table of Contents (Paper 1)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`missing elements
`De Nicolo
`18 Q. Does De Nicolo disclose the steps of providing
`19 a low-level current, sensing a voltage on the data
`20 signaling pair, and then controlling power in response to
`21 that?
`22 A. No. Those were the elements I combined with
`23 Matsuno for.
`Zimmerman 189:18-23 (N1-2016)
`Patent Owner Response at 48 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`missing elements
`De Nicolo
`1 2
`See Slide 48 for right half; See Slide 46 for left half 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Chang reference:
` use a data signal (not a low level
`current) for detection
`use spare pair (not data
`signaling pair) for detection
`use spare pair (not data
`signaling pair) for delivering
`powering current
`spare pairs
`Chang Fig. 6a (Exh. 1006)
`Patent Owner Response at 50 (Paper 42); Patent Owner Reply at 5 (Paper 65); Patent Owner Preliminary Response at 42 (Paper 16)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Initial skepticism followed by industry recognition
`3Com Corp.
`SEC 1 Form (Exh. 1043)
`Patent Owner Response at 56‐57 (Paper 42); Petitioners’ Reply at 15 (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Proposed Amendment
`Motion to Amend at 2‐3 (Paper 43)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`For Matsuno:  Reply / Motion to Amend at 3 (Paper 65) last paragraph; Patent Owner Motion to Amend at 9 (Paper 43) last paragraph; For 
`Woodmas:  Reply to Opposition to Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65) first full paragraph; Knox Decl. ¶286; id. ¶288; for De Nicolo, Patent Owner 
`Response at 48 (Paper 42) second full paragraph; For Chang:  Motion to Amend at 15 (Paper 43) second paragraph; Patent Owner Preliminary 
`Reponses at 50 (Paper 16) second paragraph
`De Nicolo
`data network
`determining step
`low level current step
`sensing step
`controlling step
`data network
`determining step
`low level current step
`sensing step
`controlling step
`determining step
`data network
`determining step
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
` currently needs remote power
`Zimmerman 2nd Decl. ¶ 78-79 (Exh. 1041)
`Patent Owner Reply / Motion to Amend at 3 (Paper 65)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
` currently needs remote power
`‘930 Patent 3:23-27 (Exh. 1001)
`not designed to accept 
`remote power
`detection system
`Reply Motion to Amend at 3; Knox Decl. ¶248 (N1‐2024); Knox Decl. ¶250 (N1‐2024)
`designed for 
`remote power
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
` currently needs remote power
`‘930 Patent 3:23-27 (Exh. 1001)
`‘930 Patent 3:1-13 (Exh. 1001)
`Patent Owner Reply at 3 (Paper 65)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`16 THE WITNESS: Well, as I stated before, Matsuno
`17 did not -- does not, to my recollection, talk about
`18 devices that are not capable of accepting remote power.
`Zimmerman Depo. 47:16-18 (Exh. 2016)
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`not designed to 
`accept remote power
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`Motion to Amend at 11 (Paper 43); Reply / Motion to 
`Amend at 3 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶248 (N1‐2024) 
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`switch closes
`remote power delivered
`power stops
`Fig. 1 (Exh. 1004)
`Motion to Amend at 11 (Paper 43): Knox Decl. ¶263 (N1‐2024): Knox Decl. ¶279 (N1‐2024) 
`Matsuno Abstract (Exh. 1004)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`always designed to
`accept remote power
`Woodmas Fig. 1 (Exh. 1040)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶248 (N1‐2024); 
`Knox Decl. ¶294 (N1‐2024)
`not designed to 
`accept remote power
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`always designed to
`accept remote power
`Woodmas Fig. 1 (Exh. 1040)
`Knox Decl. ¶294 (Exh. 2024)
`See slide 59; Knox Decl. ¶294 (N1‐2024)
`not designed to 
`accept remote power
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`always designed to
`accept remote power
`Woodmas Fig. 1 (Exh. 1040)
`Knox Decl. ¶294 (Exh. 2024)
`See Slide 59; Knox Decl. ¶294 (N1‐2024)
`not designed to 
`accept remote power
`designed to accept 
`remote power
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`always designed to
`accept remote power
`device connected
`remote power delivered
`Woodmas Fig. 1 (Exh. 1040)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65): Knox Decl. ¶294 (N1‐2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`combinations still have missing elements
`determining step
`data network
`determining step
`See notes to Slide 53 for cites covering all but the title of the slide; For 
`the title of the slide, see Motion to Amend at 12 – 13 (Paper 43)
`De Nicolo
`data network
`determining step
`low level current step
`sensing step
`controlling step
`data network
`determining step
`low level current step
`sensing step
`controlling step
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`references should not be combined
`‘930 Patent 1:11-14 (Exh. 1001)
`Zimmerman Decl. ¶32 (Exh. 1011)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 5 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶311 (N1‐2024); Knox Decl. ¶183 (N1‐2015); Knox Decl. ¶284 (N1‐2024) 
`Woodmas 1:6-8 (AV-1040)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`references should not be combined
`Problem addressed
`determine which
`devices can accept
`remote power
`deliver safe voltages
`when not using
`remote power
`maintain voltage
`at desired level
`‘930 Abstract (Exh. 1001)
`Matsuno Abstract (Exh. 1004)
`Reply – Motion to Amend at 5 (Paper 65); Motion to Amend at 6 (Paper 43); Knox 
`Decl. ¶185 (N1‐2024); Knox Decl. ¶279  (N1‐2024); Knox Decl. ¶248 (N1‐2024) 
`Woodmas Abstract (Exh. 1040)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


` designed to accept remote power
`Woodmas 7:44-52 (Exh. 1040)
`no discussion of:
`• “capable of accepting remote power”
`• “designed to accept remote power”
`Reply Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65); Zimmerman Decl. ¶¶ 93‐97 (AV‐1041)
`Zimmerman ¶¶ 93-97 (Exh. 1041)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`a power status signal
`Avaya’s Opposition at 10 (Paper 57)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶296 (N1‐2024):
`Knox Decl. ¶296 (Exh. 2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Patent Owner Reply at 4‐5 (Paper 65); 
`See Slide 50 for diagram of Chang.
`Avaya’s Opposition at 8 (Paper 57)
` use a data signal (not a low
`level current) for detection
`Chang Fig. 6a (Exh. 1006)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Trial Practice Guide 77 Fed. Reg. at 48767
`Trial Practice Guide 77 Fed. Reg. at 48767; Patent Owner Preliminary Response at 18‐19 (Paper 16)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`Not obvious over Matsuno in light of De Nicolo
` missing elements
` teaching away
` secondary factors
`Patent Owner Response, Table of Contents (Paper 42)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`references should not be combined
`De Nicolo
`Knox Decl. ¶¶304; 181-187 (Exh. 2015)
`Knox Depo. 253:2-254:5 (Exh. 2029)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 5 (Paper 65); 
`Response to Observations at 9‐10 (Paper 90)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`references should not be combined
`De Nicolo
`Knox Decl. ¶¶ 310-314
`no evidence
`Zimmerman Decl. ¶______
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 5 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶310 (N1‐2024)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030


`“low power level”
`“power status signal”
`(data signal)
`Woodmas Fig. 1 (Exh. 1040)
`Reply / Motion to Amend at 4 (Paper 65); Knox Decl. ¶296 (N1‐2024)
`Avaya Observation 8 at 6 (Paper 80)
`IPR2013-00071 Network-1's Demonstrative Exhibits, Exhibit N1-2030

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