` PART 2

`Page 241
` Petitioner,
` vs. No. IPR2013-00064
` Patent 7,923,311 PATENT
` Patent Owner.
` ------------------------------------------------------
` Irvine, California
` Wednesday, June 26, 2013
` Volume 2
` Reported by:
` CSR No. 12454
` JOB No. 1684556
` PAGES 241 - 472
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company
`3 4

`Page 242
` Petitioner,
` vs. No. IPR2013-00064
` Patent 7,923,311 PATENT
` Patent Owner.
` ------------------------------------------------------
` Deposition of JERZY KANICKI, Volume
` II, taken on behalf of Patent Owner, at 3
` Park Plaza, Suite 1100, Irvine,
` California, beginning at 9:08 a.m. and
` ending at 5:57 p.m. on Wednesday, June
` 26, 2013, before ANGELA METZ, Certified
` Shorthand Reporter No. 12454.
`3 4
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company

`Page 243
` 3 Park Plaza
` Suite 1100
` Irvine, CA 92614
` 949.623.7236
` 115 South LaSalle Street
` Suite 3100
` Chicago, IL 60603
` 312.577.1250
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company

`Page 244
`Exhibit 1006 Japanese Unexamined Patent 286
`Exhibit 1014 Declaration of Jerzy Kanicki, 285
` Ph.D.
`Exhibit 2009 United States Patent 5,270,567 280
`4 5
`6 7
`Exhibit 2010 High Field-Effect-Mobility a-Si:H 370
` TFT Based on High Deposition-Rate
` PECVD Materials
` (None.)
` (None.)
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company

` Irvine, California, Wednesday, June 26, 2013
` 9:08 a.m.
`Page 245
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. 09:08AM
` We are on the record at 9:08 a.m. on
` June 26th, 2013.
` This is the video-recorded deposition of
` Mr. Jerzy Kanicki, Volume 2.
` My name is Scott Slater here with our court 09:08AM
` reporter, Angela Metz. We are here from Veritext
` Legal Solutions at the request of counsel for the
` patent owner.
` This deposition is being held at 3 Park
` Plaza, Suite 1100, in the City of Irvine, California 09:09AM
` 92614.
` The caption of this case is Innolux
` Corporation versus Patent of Semiconductor Energy
` Laboratory Co., dot LTD, Case No. IPR 2013-0006 --
` what are we doing now -- 64 -- thank you -- Patent 09:09AM
` No. 7923311.
` Please note that audio and video recording
` will take place unless all parties agree to go off
` the record. The microphones are sensitive and may
` pick up whispers, private conversations, or cellular 09:09AM
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company
`3 4 5

`Page 246
` interference.
` I am not authorized to administer an oath.
` I am not related to any party in this action, nor am
` I financially interested in the outcome in any way.
` May I please have an agreement from all 09:10AM
` parties that we may proceed.
` MR. SCHLITTER: We agree.
` MR. CORDREY: That's fine.
` At this time, will counsel and all present 09:10AM
` please identify themselves for the record.
` MR. SCHLITTER: For the patent owner,
` Semiconductor Energy Laboratory, Stan Schlitter,
` Doug Peterson, and Terry Tsai.
` MR. CORDREY: For petitioner Innolux 09:10AM
` Corporation, Greg Cordery of Jeffer Mangels Butler &
` Mitchell.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you very much.
` Will the court reporter please administer
` the oath.
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
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`Page 247
` Q Okay. I have a few more questions on 60,
` on the first of the IPR petitions, and then we'll go
` to the second one. 09:10AM
` A Okay.
` Q Although there's a lot of overlap, but --
` What does the word "channel" mean in
` connection with a thin-film transistor?
` A Channel? That's -- it's -- would be 09:11AM
` defined as an area of the semiconductor below gate
` electrodes at the interface between a gate insulator
` -- gate insulator on the semiconductor. It means
` the channel will be extended inside the amorphous
` silicon up to a certain depth. 09:11AM
` Q What is -- have you heard the term
` "channel-forming region"?
` A Channel-forming region will be -- my
` opinion -- same area that I just defined early on.
` It means the area located below the gate electrode 09:12AM
` at the interface, between the gate insulator and the
` semiconductor.
` And so in order to form the channel, you
` will have to apply the gate voltage. And the gate
` voltage, in the case of the amorphous silicon, which 09:12AM
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`1 2

`Page 248
` is anti-polymorphous (phonetic) silicon will be
` positive.
` The gate voltage will make the band bending
` amorphous silicon in such a way that there will be
` accumulation of the electrodes within the channel. 09:12AM
` And that -- and the gate voltage will allow
` formation of the -- of the channel in forming region
` of the channel will be -- then the region between
` source and the drain regions within -- below --
` sorry -- below -- 09:13AM
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. "Regions"?
` THE WITNESS: Regions below gate electrode.
` Q Did I hear the word right, "band bending"?
` A Yes. In amorphous silicon, okay, amorphous 09:13AM
` silicon is a semiconductor. A semiconductor would
` be characterized by conduction with the valance
` band.
` For amorphous silicon specifically, it's
` the bands that are modifying because of the 09:13AM
` existence of disorder (phonetic). And they're
` modified by existence of this so-called telestate
` and the recap state that we discussed yesterday.
` Then if you apply the voltage on the gate,
` then a difference -- at least a potential difference 09:13AM
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`Page 249
` -- will be responsible for the band bending at the
` interface with the gate insulator.
` Q When a band bends, what does that mean?
` A That means that you -- in this specific
` case you will have an accumulation of these 09:14AM
` electrons, because when you have a band bending, in
` the case of the amorphous silicon, the Fermi level
` that exists in amorphous silicon in the middle of
` the gap will go closer to the conduction band. And
` because of that, you have accumulation of the 09:14AM
` carriers, which will be the electrons in this
` specific case.
` Q What does "channel length" mean?
` A Channel length we discussed yesterday, and
` it's -- there are at least two definitions, you may 09:14AM
` say, of the channel length.
` There is a definition, as we discussed
` yesterday, the designers would use, and that would
` be the channel length would be defined by the width
` of the gate electrode. 09:14AM
` And then you have an intrinsic channel
` length that we discussed yesterday also when you
` gave me the past publication.
` And that intrinsic channel length, that
` would be the channel length of the device. That 09:15AM
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`Page 250
` would be corrected for Delta L -- with Delta L would
` be, then, the change in the channel length
` associated with the source drain-contacted
` resistances.
` Q Would you take a look at Figure 2 in Mori? 09:15AM
` A Figure 2 in Mori? Yes.
` Q Where would the channel-forming region be
` in Figure 2?
` A The channel-forming region in Figure 2
` would be below the gate electrodes as region defined 09:15AM
` in the semiconductor, which is Label 14. And it's
` at the interface with the gate insulator, which is
` Labeled 13. And so that would be at the interface
` between the gate insulator and the semiconductor in
` -- in the area where you have a gate electrode. 09:16AM
` Q When you say "below the gate," do you mean
` in the figure, actually is above the gate?
` A Yeah, above the gate. Above the gate.
` Q Okay.
` A So it's at the interface between the 09:16AM
` semiconductor gate and insulator just above the
` gate. Yes, you are correct.
` Q So where would the ends of the
` channel-forming region be in Figure 2?
` A Yeah. It's -- as I mentioned, that -- that 09:17AM
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`Page 251
` would be a definition of the design channel length.
` That is where people who are engineers will use --
` the intrinsic channel length will have to be
` corrected by -- for the contact resistance. Then it
` will be very close to the design channel length with 09:17AM
` some modification of Delta L.
` Q Where are the ends of the channel-forming
` region in Figure 2?
` A Well, that would be L minus Delta L. That
` means you have -- if you have an L, a Delta L will 09:17AM
` be in the -- the different -- not different -- I
` would say reduction or increase of channel length
` due to a contact resistance.
` Then it depend on the devices. Either the
` channel length would be slightly smaller or slightly 09:18AM
` larger than the design channel length.
` Q And the design channel length again is
` what?
` A And the design channel length will be the
` width of the gate electrode. 09:18AM
` Q 12?
` A Label 12, yes.
` Q Is there no difference, then, in
` channel-forming region between Figure 1 and
` Figure 2? 09:18AM
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`Page 252
` A Yes, that would be correct. That would be
` -- the region would be -- as long as the Figure 1,
` the gate electrode, Label No. 2, has the same design
` channel length as in Figure 2, Label 12.
` As long as in both cases the channel length 09:19AM
` -- design channel length is the same, then
` channel-forming region would be the same.
` Q So the channel-forming region isn't
` affected by whether the electrodes are positioned as
` in Figure 1 where they overlap the gate, or 09:19AM
` Figure 2, where they are set back away from the gate
` vertically?
` A Yeah. The channel-forming regions, they
` are defined by the band bending of the
` semiconductor. Hence, the capacities of between the 09:19AM
` source draining gate pass the capacitance of this
` case, based on this invention, looks like it will be
` influenced by the position of the metal gate with
` respect to N-Plus amorphous silicon.
` In other words, in the Figure 1, the metal 09:20AM
` gate in numeral 7 and numeral 6, it's aligned with
` the N-Plus region. Figure 2, numeral 17 and numeral
` 16 represents cells contacts is not aligned with
` N-Plus regions. Then based on this invention, at
` least based on the data that they are providing, 09:20AM
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company

`Page 253
` then pass the capacity or CGS, is reduced.
` Q But the -- but the channel-forming region
` isn't affected, whether it's the structure Figure 1
` or Figure 2; am I correct?
` A Yes. The channel-forming region will -- 09:20AM
` will be as I mentioned, dictated by band and
` bending. And then for a given gate bias that would
` be applied in Figure 1 on the gate, numeral 2, and
` the Figure 2 on the gate numeral 12.
` If the gate bias is the same, and the 09:21AM
` channel length the same, the on current will be the
` same in both devices.
` Q What would be the path that the electrons
` would take in Figure 1?
` A Figure 1? Yeah. The path would be once 09:22AM
` you accumulate the electrons in the -- within the
` channel, it would be at the interface between the
` gate insulator number -- Label No. 3, and the
` semiconductor, Label No. 4 in Figure 1 in that
` interface. 09:22AM
` Then it's -- you will -- those electrons
` will have to be extracted in one contact and
` injected on the other contact.
` If it's extraction is taking place on the
` source electrode, then injection will take place on 09:22AM
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`Page 254
` the drain electrode.
` Then the electrons will have to go through
` the thickness of the amorphous silicon, will have to
` go through the interface between amorphous silicon
` and N-Plus region. 09:23AM
` We have to go through the N-Plus. We have
` to go through the interface between N-Plus and the
` metal. And that would be true in both cases on the
` source -- on the source side and drain side in the
` Figure 1. 09:23AM
` Q Because the -- do the electrons flow from
` the semiconductor layer to the N-Plus layer equally
` distributed along the length of the N-Plus layer?
` A I think I would like you to clarify that
` question. It's not quite clear what you're asking. 09:23AM
` Q Well, if you look at the N-Plus layer five
` in Figure 1.
` A Yes.
` Q So the chart is that accumulate when a gate
` voltage is applied at the interface of the amorphous 09:24AM
` layer four, amorphous silicon layer four and the
` gate insulator three --
` A Yes.
` Q -- you said travel up to the -- ultimately
` to the source drain electrodes? 09:24AM
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`Page 255
` A That's correct.
` Q So do they travel along -- through the
` N-Plus layer along the entire length of the N-Plus
` layer equally?
` A No. I think yesterday when we had 09:24AM
` discussed about the contact resistance and the
` source and drain, and we had discussed about the
` channel length -- design channel length and
` intrinsic channel length, I also mentioned or
` introduced another concept which was the carrier 09:25AM
` charge transfer length.
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Carrier?
` THE WITNESS: Carrier charge transfer
` length.
` And that means that the length that the 09:25AM
` carriers in the amorphous silicon can be transferred
` from the channel to the source or drain contacts.
` And then once those carriers, they are
` transferred from the channel to the source drain
` contacts, then if the metal that's just above, then 09:25AM
` of course the carriers will go vertically and they
` will be collected by the metal electrode because the
` resistance electrode is smaller than N-Plus. That
` is Figure 1.
` But then Figure 2, on the other hand, then 09:25AM
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`Page 256
` the carriers, once they are transferred to the
` N-Plus region, since we have the electrode -- source
` drain electrode recessed with respect to the etch of
` the N-Plus region, then they will have to be -- they
` will transfer along the layer of N-Plus before they 09:26AM
` can at least be collected by the -- by the metal.
` Then in Figure 2, the carriers will have to
` at least travel through the N-Plus depending on the
` offset between the gate, numeral 12, and the
` electrode, numeral 16. 09:26AM
` If that offset is larger than -- I would
` say probably .2 micron, they will travel because the
` transfer length for the amorphous silicon is about
` .2 -- .2 length.
` That's why you need the overlap. Yesterday 09:26AM
` we discussed about that overlap between the gate and
` source and drain. So that overlap is needed because
` of that transfer length.
` It's different from amorphous. You know,
` it is different from the amorphous case in the 09:27AM
` crystalline silicon because in the crystalline
` silicon amorphous case you have accumulation -- you
` have a depletion region being formed --
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Because you have
` a? 09:27AM
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`Page 257
` THE WITNESS: Depletion region being formed
` in the case of the amorphous silicon we have
` accumulation that being formed, and that will
` accumulate electrons.
` Q So the transfer length in Figure 1, for
` example --
` A Yes.
` Q -- will be sort of a horizontal distance in
` Figure 1? 09:27AM
` A Yes. In Figure 1, that will be a
` horizontal -- yeah, it can be some horizontal
` distance, yes.
` Q Measured from the respective ends of the
` N-Plus layer? 09:27AM
` A Respective ends of the gate electrode -- of
` the ends of gate electrode.
` Q Well, they're the same in Figure 1, are
` they not?
` A Yeah, but the transfer length, that means 09:27AM
` that you have to -- at least the carriers can be
` collected vertically, but also can be collected also
` on the up to about certain distance which will be
` transfer length outside of the edge of the gate
` electrode. 09:28AM
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`Page 258
` Q Okay.
` A But it's small anyway.
` Q Okay. So are you saying the transfer
` length is?
` A .2 micron. 09:28AM
` Q .2 microns along the vertical etch of the
` N-Plus gate electrode layer or -- I mean source
` drain electrode metal?
` A It's -- if I -- yeah. If I have -- yes.
` If you have a gate -- can I maybe -- okay. 09:28AM
` Okay. This is my gate electrode. And that
` would be my source drain electrode. And now I have
` a source and drain -- or drain electrode, gate
` electrode right now, and this specific gate is
` perfectly aligned, okay, what I'm showing right now. 09:28AM
` Q That's not Figure 1?
` A I know, no. But they're perfectly aligned.
` Then another for the carriers to be
` collected from the channel region there is a certain
` transfer length from that channel region. And that 09:29AM
` transfer length is about .2 micron, I mentioned.
` What that means now -- that means now I
` will have to now move my drain electrode .2 micron
` to the left or .2 to your right.
` Q To overlap -- 09:29AM
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`Page 259
` A To overlap.
` And that would be a minimum that would be
` required for the electrons to be transferred from
` the channel to the drain electrode.
` Q Do the electrons transfer mainly through 09:29AM
` the transfer length?
` A In the case of the amorphous silicon on
` this agreement is that because amorphous silicon is
` high resistant material, there is a confinement
` region where the carriers can be injected and 09:29AM
` extracted. And that's its region, which is about,
` as I mentioned, transfer length.
` Q That's the transfer length?
` A Yeah, because the transfer length, it's
` related -- there's a relation between transfer 09:30AM
` length and the Debye length.
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry?
` THE WITNESS: Debye. Debye length.
` Debye length is associated --
` Q How do you spell that?
` A Debye? Oh, D-a-b-y-e (sic), I believe.
` Debye length.
` And Debye length is associated directly
` with the density of trap states or deep gap states 09:30AM
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`Page 260
` in the amorphous silicon.
` Then if you have a large density of -- of
` -- of trap states, then the Debye length is small,
` transfer length is small. That's why amorphous
` silicon, you like to have as small as possible 09:30AM
` density of interface states to be able to extract
` large number the carriers, the largest number
` possible of carriers.
` Q So I'm not sure you said this, but -- in
` other words, the transfer length is the horizontal 09:31AM
` distance with reference to Figure 1 --
` A Yes.
` Q -- in the N-Plus and metal electrode
` layers?
` A It's -- maybe put it differently. 09:31AM
` That is the minimum required overlap
` distance between the source drain and gate electrode
` in order to extract maximum of the carriers that
` being accumulated within the channel.
` Q Do most of the carriers pass from the 09:31AM
` semiconductor layer to the -- to the N-Plus layer
` through the transfer length?
` A Based on the experimental data, and based
` on the simulations, that would be the case. That's
` -- that's accepted knowledge, at least today, to the 09:32AM
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`Page 261
` best -- to my best knowledge.
` Q So in Figure 1, most of the electrons would
` pass -- or carriers would pass from -- or they would
` travel from the interface between the semiconductor
` layer four and the gate insulator, up to the N-Plus 09:32AM
` and metal electrode layers at the transfer length,
` mostly?
` A The most of this carriers will be confined
` for the extraction with the transfer length, yes;
` yes. But it's very difficult, as I'm discuss 09:32AM
` yesterday, to control .2 micron overlap because of
` the lithography requirements, because of the process
` control, because of the edging.
` Then if you have very good equipment,
` edging -- for edging, if you have very good 09:33AM
` equipment for lithography, then you can minimize
` that overlap to one micron or .5 micron, that would
` be fantastic because that's -- it's enough.
` But because of that difficulties, then it's
` most of the engineers will try to give a little bit 09:33AM
` of leeway, and they will go for the overlap between
` source drain gate of two micron. But .2, .5 micron
` is sufficient on the overlap.
` Q So in Figure 1, is it the case that not
` many carriers will travel from the interface between 09:33AM
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`Page 262
` the semiconductor layer and the gate insulator layer
` to the metal electrode six and seven through the
` regions of layers 5, 6, and 7 that are offset from
` the gate electrode?
` A Are they offset? You mean if they will be 09:34AM
` outside of the etches of the gate electrodes?
` Q Right. So in Figure 1 --
` A Yes. Yes.
` Q -- the portions of the metal electrode
` layer and the N-Plus layer that are not vertically 09:34AM
` over --
` A Yes. Yes.
` Q -- the gate electrode?
` A Most of the charge transfer would be
` confined within the transfer length, yes. At least 09:34AM
` that is my understanding.
` Q Right. So in Figure 2, where would the
` transfer length be measured?
` A It would be the same thing. There would be
` no difference between Figure 1 and Figure 2 from 09:35AM
` transfer length point of view.
` Q So it's that little length of the N-Plus
` layer?
` A Yes, you can say that. That's correct.
` And then at that moment, the carriers, as 09:35AM
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`Page 263
` we just discussed, the difference between Figure 1
` and 2 will be -- I would say the measure difference
` that the carriers, when they are transferred, they
` still have to travel along N-Plus before they reach
` the metal. Then there will be some additional 09:35AM
` resistance.
` But that additional resistance will very
` much depend, I would say, on the dimension of the
` devices and the current density. Then if you have
` at least different current densities, then the drop 09:35AM
` voltage could be different within that N-Plus
` region.
` Q How would you get a different current
` density?
` A Oh, if you change the gate bias. 09:35AM
` Q Okay. If the gate bias is the same --
` A Yeah.
` Q -- in Figure 1 and Figure 2, is the
` transfer length -- assuming the dimensions -- see
` the dimension L1 between the N-Plus layers -- 09:36AM
` A Yeah, yeah, yeah.
` Q -- in Figure 2?
` Assuming that that dimension between the
` N-Plus layers and the metal electrode layer in
` Figure 1 is the same as L1, would the transfer 09:36AM
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`Page 264
` length in Figure 2 be the same -- in the same place
` as in Figure 1?
` A Assuming everything equal; assuming that
` amorphous silicon is same quality, assuming that the
` gate insulator is the same quality, assuming that 09:36AM
` all thickness is the same, assuming that the
` geometry of the transistor channel length and width
` is the same, then the transfer length for the
` Figure 2 and the Figure 1 would be very much the
` same. It would be maybe -- could be some slight 09:36AM
` difference for the Figure 2, but I don't -- I don't
` believe it. We have to do experimental -- collect
` experimental data to see it, but I don't believe it.
` I think the source drain contact resistance
` for the Figure 1 and 2 would be very close for the 09:37AM
` amorphous silicon transistor -- for the amorphous
` silicon transistor. If it's different
` semiconductor, what I said would be most likely not
` true.
` Q So in both Figure 1 and Figure 2 09:37AM
` structures, the path that the carriers would take
` would be from the interface between the
` semiconductor layer four and the gate insulator
` three in the case of Figure 1 --
` A Uh-huh. 09:37AM
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`Page 265
` Q -- or the semiconductor layer 14 and the
` gate insulator 13 in Figure 2 along that interface,
` up to the transfer length, which would be at the
` inner edges of the gap between the two N-Plus layer
` regions? 09:38AM
` A To simplify, I would say probably even our
` discussion, I would just say that transfer length
` for the Figure 1 and Figure 2 will take place where
` you have overlap between source drain and gate, as
` long as that overlap the same transfer length, the 09:38AM
` carrier transfer will be the same.
` Q And Figure 2, the overlap, is with the
` N-Plus layer?
` A Yes; that's correct. That's correct.
` Q So moving the electrodes away from the 09:38AM
` gate, so that they are not offset vertically with
` the gate in Figure 2, does not affect the path that
` the carriers take from the gate insulator
` semiconductor interface up to the N-Plus layer, all
` dimensions being equal -- 09:38AM
` A Yes.
` Q -- and voltages and everything being equal?
` A Then assuming, as you said, that

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