Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Artificial
`Intelligence, Monterrey, Mexico, September 1993.
`Improving the Performance of AI Software:
`Payoffs and Pitfalls in Using Automatic Memoization
`Marty Hall
`Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
`AAI Corporation
`PO Box 126
`Hunt Valley, MD 21030
`(410) 792-6000 x3440
`James Mayfield
`Computer Science Department
`University of Maryland Baltimore County
`5401 Wilkens Ave.
`Baltimore, MD 21228
`(410) 455-3099
`Many functions perform redundant calculations. Within a single function invocation, several sub-functions may be in-
`voked with exactly the same arguments, or, over the course of time in a system run, a function may be invoked by dif-
`ferent users or routines with the same or similar inputs. This observation leads to the obvious conclusion that in some
`cases it is beneficial to store the previously calculated values and only perform a calculation in situations that have
`not been seen previously. This technique is called memoization, and the “manual” version of this generally involves
`building lookup tables. This however, is often a tedious and time-consuming process, and requires significant modifi-
`cation and debugging of existing code. This is frequently inappropriate in the dynamic, rapid-prototyping context of
`AI software development. An “automatic” memoization facility is one in which existing functions can be program-
`matically changed to cache previously-seen results in a hash table. These results will then be returned when the func-
`tions are invoked with arguments they have seen previously. This can be done without changing the code, thus
`providing a simple, modular, and transparent way to dramatically accelerate certain types of functions.
`This paper presents an overview of automatic memoization and discusses the types of applications that benefit from it,
`illustrated with experiences on the ARPA Submarine Signature Management System, a large LISP-based decision
`aiding system.
`1. Overview
`The following section (2) outlines the concept of
`automatic memoization, and gives a simplified imple-
`mentation in Common LISP. Section 3 looks at applica-
`tion areas that benefit from automatic memoization,
`with timing results from several sample problems. Sec-
`tion 4 looks at potential pitfalls, and Section 5 gives
`conclusions and areas for future work.
`Code for the entire facility (in portable Common
`LISP) is available for non-commercial purposes via
`anonymous FTP or electronic mail. Anonymous FTP is
`available from (, in
`/pub/Memoization. Requests for the sources can also be
`mailed to the author at
`2. What is Automatic Memoization?
`The term “memoization” was first coined by
`Donald Michie [5] and refers to the process of tabulat-
`ing results in order to prevent wasted calculations. Auto-
`matic memoization refers to a method by which an
`existing function can be changed into one that memoiz-
`For example, consider the simplified version of
`Memo below, adapted from Paradigms of AI Program-
`This work was sponsored in part by the Ad-
`vanced Research Projects Agency under
`JHU/APL subcontract 605089-L.
`ming [6], which was in turn inspired by [1]. It takes a
`function as input and returns an “equivalent” function
`that performs lookup from a hash table. When called,
`this new function compares the argument to ones that it
`has recorded previously. If the argument has been seen
`before, the corresponding value in the hash table is re-
`turned. If it has not been seen previously, the original
`function is called with that argument, the return value is
`stored in the hash table with the argument as key, and
`then that value is returned.
`As a typographical convention throughout the pa-
`per, LISP code will be in constant-width font. System
`functions and variables will be in lower case, and user-
`defined ones will have the first character of each word
`(defun Memo (Function)
` (let ((Hash-Table
` (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
` #'(lambda (&rest Args)
` (multiple-value-bind (Value Found?)
` (gethash Args Hash-Table)
` (if Found?
` Value
` (setf
` (gethash Args Hash-Table)
` (apply Function Args)))))
`For those not familiar with LISP, #’(lambda
`...) indicates that a lexical closure (function with as-
`sociated binding environment) is being created. This
`Page 1 of 7
`ABB Inc.


`benefits of memoization, and saving the hash table to
`disk for use in a later session. But the core implementa-
`tion is very similar to the simple version presented here.
`3. Applications
`There are four basic applications for automatic
`memoization: Repetitions Within a Function Call, Rep-
`etitions Over Time, Off-Line Runs, and Performance
`3.1 Repetitions Within a Function Call
`This case is when a single routine calls some sub-
`routine (or itself recursively) more than is needed, re-
`sulting in extra calculations. By means of illustration,
`consider the following definition of Divided-Dif-
`ference, which may be used to determine coef-
`ficients of interpolated polynomials. The algorithm is a
`standard one in numerical methods, taken directly from
`Numerical Mathematics and Computing [2]. The appli-
`cation is not particularly important; the point is that the
`recursive calls form a graph, not a tree, and calculations
`are repeated. Determining a calling order to avoid these
`repeated calculations may not appear obvious, and thus
`it is a ripe candidate for Memoization.
`(defun Divided-Difference (Function Points)
` "Determines kth coefficient, where
` ‘Points’ contains k entries"
` (if
` (null (rest Points))
` (apply Function Points)
` (/ (- (Divided-Difference
` Function (rest Points))
` (Divided-Difference
` Function (butlast Points)))
` (- (first (last Points))
` (first Points))) ))
`function is returned from Memo. A hash table, created
`via make-hash-table, is generated each time
`Figure 1: Creating a Memoized Function
`F1 is input to Memo. F2 is output.
`Memo is called, then accessed each time the resultant
`function is invoked. The first gethash form tests to
`see if there is an entry in the table corresponding to the
`argument list Args. That entry, if any, is stored in
`Value, while Found? is assigned a boolean value in-
`dicating whether the lookup was successful. The form
`(apply Function Args) simply invokes the
`original function on the argument list, and (setf
`(gethash ...)) stores the resultant value in the
`hash table, returning it as a side effect.
`Figure 2: Using a Memoized Function
`Input I to F2
`Seen I before?
`Lookup Table
`I with V
`N I
`Newly Calculated
`Retrieved from Table
`(defun Test-Function (N)
` (* pi (cos N)))
`Memo takes a function as input and returns a
`memoized version. Memoize takes a function name
`as input, memoizes the associated function, then assigns
`that new function to the associated function name. This
`supports the memoization of recursive functions, and
`existing code that referred to the function name will
`now automatically get the memoized version.
`(defun Memoize (Function-Name)
` (setf
` (symbol-function Function-Name)
` (Memo (symbol-function
` Function-Name))))
`Memoize would be used as follows:
`(defun Expensive (<Args>)
`(time (Expensive <Values>)) → [30 seconds]
`(Memoize ‘Expensive)
`(time (Expensive <Values>)) → [≤30 seconds]
`(time (Expensive <Values>)) → [0.0001 seconds]
`The real version of the facility has many more util-
`ities for bookkeeping, memoizing and unmemoizing
`functions temporarily or permanently, evaluating the
`the performance of
`Figure 3 compares
`memoized and unmemoized versions of Divided-
`Difference using Test-Function and the
`first N natural numbers as arguments. Since one func-
`tion call with N points results in 2 calls with N-1 points,
`the unmemoized version has O(2N) time complexity.
`After memoization, the first invocation takes O(N2)
`time, since no subsequence of Points is calculated
`+ + +
`3 … N
`more than once, and there are
` =
`N 1+(
`) N
` subsequences. Subsequent invoca-
`tions take near-constant time.
` This type of repetition is common and is normally
`addressed by either determining a better calling se-
`quence or building a special purpose data structure to
`store intermediate results. For instance, in Volume 2
`(Seminumerical Algorithms) of The Art of Computer
`Programming [4], Knuth presents a straightforward
`method for building up the divided differences in the
`proper order to get the same performance as the first in-
`vocation of the memoized version. Similarly, Peter Nor-
`vig shows that the performance of chart parsing or
`Page 2 of 7


`Figure 3: Average Time in Seconds to
`Calculate Divided-Difference on N points
`Unmemoized Memoized
`(First Run)
`100 Centuries
`Earley’s algorithm can be obtained for parsing context-
`free languages by memoizing a simple recursive back-
`tracking parser [7].
`Given this, memoization can be viewed as a gener-
`al and straightforward technique for automatic dynamic
`programming. Rather than tackling the difficult task of
`determining the proper order in which to build up sub-
`pieces, a simple solution can be memoized to get the
`same performance[3]. The question, then, becomes
`which approach is better: memoizing a less efficient al-
`gorithm or changing to an implementation that either
`uses a different algorithm or maintains special-purpose
`data structures?
`Clearly, automatic memoization is not meant to be
`a substitute for finding the proper algorithm for the task.
`However, in cases where the major benefit of the better
`algorithm is a savings in repeated calculations, memoiz-
`ing the obvious algorithm has several advantages over
`an explicit dynamic programming approach. First of all,
`a different algorithm would not “remember” its results
`after the top-level function exits, so it would have per-
`formance analogous to the third column of Figure 3
`rather than the fourth. This is discussed more in the fol-
`lowing section (3.2). Secondly, memoization tends to
`keep the code shorter and clearer, and requires little ad-
`ditional debugging if the straightforward method has al-
`ready been well tested. On large programs, there is
`often a reluctance to change routines that have already
`been tested and verified, especially if that will require
`changes in multiple places in the code. Furthermore,
`since it is simple to switch back and forth between the
`memoized and unmemoized versions, it is easy to com-
`pare the performances of the two versions. Finally, and
`most importantly, there is the practical issue of pro-
`grammer time and effort. If finding a better algorithm is
`difficult, programmers will tend not to bother unless
`there is a very large payoff. So a lot of effort gets placed
`on a few routines, but others that could benefit from
`memoization are overlooked altogether. This last point
`should be stressed, and in fact this was a common oc-
`currence on the Signature Management System (SMS).
`Places where wasted calculations were suspected or
`even known to occur were often disregarded, since the
`effort to quantify the repeats and determine a method to
`avoid repetition was frequently deemed not worth the
`effort, given the rapidly changing nature of AI software.
`However, providing an easy method for memoization
`made it simple to find the routines that really benefited,
`and additive speedups from several small routines re-
`sulted in greatly increased overall performance.
`3.2 Repetitions Over Time
`In Section 3.1, there was a central routine which in-
`voked the lower-level functions repeatedly. Changes to
`the algorithm at this level, or a data structure local to
`that central routine could gain many of the same effi-
`ciency benefits as automatic memoization, albeit with
`decreased flexibility and increased effort. However in a
`team programming environment different sections of
`the system, written by different programmers, may ac-
`cess the same function. Alternatively, in an interactive
`system the user may invoke calculations at different
`times that make use of some of the same pieces. In these
`cases, there is no central routine which could manage
`the calling sequence, and the only alternative to auto-
`matic memoization is to have the routine in question
`manage its own global data structure to remember pre-
`vious results. Memoization provides an efficient and
`convenient alternative..
`For instance, Figure 4 shows a display used as an
`aid to planning submarine operations in the SMS sys-
`tem. It shows the predicted probability of detection of
`the submarine for various choices of heading and speed,
`drawn on a polar plot with the angle (theta) indicating
`heading (0 corresponding to due north), and the radius
`(r) corresponding to speed. Each (r,theta) pair (arc) in
`the display is coded with a color indicating the cumula-
`tive probability of detection for the sub if it were to op-
`erate at the course and speed.
`Figure 4: SMS Detectability Planning Screen
`This display is used as a high-level tool in plan-
`ning, and thus presents highly summarized information.
`It presents a single number for probability of detection,
`Page 3 of 7


`a composite of all the potential detection methods (sig-
`natures). The user frequently is interested in the contri-
`bution of individual signature components to this
`composite. Since the probability of detection of each
`component is memoized before it is combined into the
`composite, any component corresponding to a point on
`the display can be retrieved almost instantly. Taking ad-
`vantage of this, the display of Figure 5 can be set up.
`Figure 5: Individual Signature Components
`Whenever the user moves the mouse over the com-
`posite detectability display (Figure 4), the correspond-
`ing speed and course for the point under the mouse is
`calculated. Then, the individual components are calcu-
`lated, with their relative values shown in the bar charts.
`Due to the effects of memoization, the component val-
`ues can be calculated and graphed as quickly as the user
`can move the mouse.
`Accomplishing this was extremely simple, with no
`special purpose routines or data structures needed. The
`original code looked something like the following,
`where PD means “Probability of Detection”:
`(defun Composite-PD (Course Speed <Args>)
`(Signature-1-PD Course Speed <Arg-Subset>)
`(Signature-2-PD Course Speed <Arg-Subset>)
`(Signature-3-PD Course Speed <Arg-Subset>)
`(Signature-4-PD Course Speed <Arg-Subset>)
`(Signature-5-PD Course Speed <Arg-Subset>)
`(defun Signature-1-PD ...)
`(defun Signature-2-PD ...)
`(defun Signature-3-PD ...)
`(defun Signature-4-PD ...)
`(defun Signature-5-PD ...)
`Now, to make the real-time component display, the
`routines need to look up the (x,y) position of mouse,
`convert to (course,speed), then call the individual com-
`ponent functions directly. Since each component has
`been calculated at each course and speed, all of these
`calculations will result in simple table lookups after the
`following simple change:
`(Def-Memo-Fun Signature-1-PD ...)
`(Def-Memo-Fun Signature-2-PD ...)
`(Def-Memo-Fun Signature-3-PD ...)
`(Def-Memo-Fun Signature-4-PD ...)
`(Def-Memo-Fun Signature-5-PD ...)
`3.3 Off-Line Runs
`In the Divided-Difference example and the discus-
`sion of Section 3.1 it was seen how the use of memoiza-
`tion could be viewed as an automatic dynamic
`programming facility, remembering the results of sub-
`problems when building up a larger solution. This can
`result in the reduction of exponential time algorithms to
`polynomial or linear time on the first invocation, but
`without time-consuming rewrites or dynamic program-
`ming algorithm design. In Section 3.2, it was seen how
`memoization could save on repeated invocations of ex-
`pensive calculations, giving a constant factor (but po-
`tentially large) speedup. This still leaves the case where
`even the very first invocation is too expensive. This is
`normally addressed by building a special purpose data
`file, and filling the values with an off-line execution of
`the expensive routine. Then, the function in question is
`modified to access that file. The automatic memoization
`facility provides a method to do the same thing while
`still maintaining the transparency and ease of use of
`memoization, and without forcing the programmer to
`know which ranges of values are stored in the data file,
`and which must be freshly calculated. The idea is that
`the function is memoized and then run off-line in the
`normal manner on the cases of interest. The contents of
`the hash table are then saved to disk in a file with a
`name associated with the LISP function name. Then,
`this file is automatically used to seed the hash table for
`the function when it is reloaded in a later session. For
`instance, to use a simplified example from the SMS sys-
`tem, suppose that Magnetic-Parameter was a
`very time consuming calculation that only depended on
`the latitude and longitude:
`(defun Magnetic-Parameter (Lat Long) <Body>)
`Now, you could run the following at night or over
`the weekend:
`(defun Fill-Magnetic-Table
`(Lat-Min Lat-Max Lat-Step
` Long-Min Long-Max Long-Step)
` (Memoize ’Magnetic-Parameter)
` (loop for Lat from Lat-Min to Lat-Max
` by Lat-Step do
` (loop for Long from Long-Min to Long-Max
` by Long-Step do
` (Magnetic-Parameter Lat Long)))
` (Save-Memo-Table ’Magnetic-Parameter))
`Once this completes, then the previous definition of
`Magnetic-Parameter would be changed as be-
`(Def-Memo-Fun Magnetic-Parameter (Lat Long)
` (:Hash-Table-Source :Disk)
` <Body>)
`This is where the ease of use of memoization par-
`ticularly pays off. If this were a permanent situation, it
`might be feasible to build conventional lookup tables.
`But for temporary conditions (e.g. running multiple
`simulations in the same environment), the effort to
`build the tables would likely not be worth the effort.
`Page 4 of 7


`3.4 Performance Profiling
`Rather than using memoization for its own sake, it
`can also be used as a tool in conventional optimization.
`Most LISP implementations provide a profiling facility
`whereby the user can see the time that a top-level func-
`tion spends in various lower-level routines. This is im-
`portant since knowing where a routine spends its time
`tells you where to spend your optimization efforts.
`However, these profilers generally take quite a bit of
`overhead. This is certainly worth the effort for impor-
`tant cases, and is an extremely valuable tool. In smaller
`cases, however, memoization provides a quick but
`rough method for determining where to spend the effort
`of optimization. Simplicity is the key: tools that take a
`long time to be used will be used only occasionally;
`tools that are simple for programmers to use will be
`used more often.
`Rather than running the full metering system, users
`would interactively memoize certain functions using
`the Memoized-Time macro. This
`memoizes certain functions, and then executes a body
`of code without memoization, with memoization and an
`empty cache, and with memoization and a full cache. If
`the timing for the second memoized case only improved
`by, for instance 5%, then, for that test case, no amount
`of optimization in the routines in question would pro-
`vide more than a 5% speedup at the higher level.
`For example, consider the following case:
`(defun F1 (A B C D)
`(F2 (F3 A B)
`(F4 B C D)
`(F5 A)))
`(Memoized-Time (F2 F3) (F1 <Values>))
`First Time:
`30.0 seconds
`Second Time: 29.5 seconds
`Third Time:
`29.3 seconds
`This shows that neither F2 nor F3 contribute signif-
`icantly to the overall time of F1. Again, it is the interac-
`tive nature and transparency of the facility that makes it
`useful here; if memoization required changes to the
`source code it would never be used for this application.
`3.5 Two Case Studies
`3.5.1 Magnetics
`Figure 6 gives timing statistics for a magnetics
`module used in the Signature Management System,
`timed after various uses of memoization were put into
`effect. Ignoring the benefits when the user asks for the
`exact same displays at different times (which is in fact
`quite common), the following is a summary of the time
`benefits of memoization on the first time invocation of
`the top-level display, as shown in Figure 4. Times are in
`seconds, and are conservative approximations. Similar
`results were obtained with other modules.
`Figure 6: TIming of Magnetics Module
`Use of Memoization
`Over Time
`Dynamic Programming
`Saved Lookup Tables
`made to estimate the overall contribution of memoiza-
`tion to the system. To do this, the default display (as
`shown in Figure 4) was run both in the default mode
`and then with all memoization turned off:
`(time (Make-PD-Planning Display))
`Elapsed Time: 4.06 seconds
`Ephemeral Bytes Consed: 615,784
`(time (Make-PD-Planning Display))
`Elapsed Time: 2562.74 seconds (42 min 42 sec)
`Ephemeral Bytes Consed: 2,969,392,724
`This showed a 631x improvement in speed, and a
`4,822x improvement in the amount of temporary mem-
`ory (garbage) allocated. Now, benchmarks are notori-
`ously misleading, and in many places the code would
`have been written dramatically differently if memoiza-
`tion had not been available. Nevertheless, the results are
`4. Pitfalls
`One of the chief benefits of memoization is its
`transparency. Since requirements and code tends to
`change rapidly in AI programs, the user needs to be able
`to easily switch back and forth between memoized and
`unmemoized versions, and without making changes in
`the routines that make use of the function that is to be
`memoized. However, an overly transparent view can
`also lead to difficulty, as described in the following sec-
`4.1 Non-Functions
`Memoization only works for true functions, not
`procedures. That is, if a function’s result is not com-
`pletely and deterministically specified by its input pa-
`rameters, using memoization will give incorrect results,
`since it uses the parameter list to retrieve previous val-
`Before memoizing a given routine, the programmer
`needs to verify that there is no internal dependency on
`side effects. This is not always simple; despite attempts
`to encourage a functional programming style, program-
`mers will occasionally discover that some routine their
`function depended upon had some deeply buried depen-
`3.5.2 Detectability Planning Display
`Given the diverse uses of memoization by various
`programmers on the SMS program, an attempt was
`Page 5 of 7


`dence on a global variable or the slot value of a CLOS
`ments in the standard format. It is this internal function
`that would be memoized.
`4.2 Destructive Operations
`In LISP, parameters to functions are normally
`pointers to the existing objects, not new copies. Most
`list functions, however, take care not to modify the sup-
`plied lists, but make copies of certain sections if need-
`ed. Limiting most of their code to these types of
`operations allows the LISP programmer to have appar-
`ent call-by-value semantics without the overhead of
`copying lists every time they are passed to a function.
`Destructive operations, however, actually modify
`the supplied argument. A common rule of thumb for
`LISP programmers is to only use destructive operations
`on lists that are freshly consed (generated), to be sure
`that the changes do not inadvertently propagate to unex-
`pected places. If, however, the routine that creates the
`list becomes memoized, then the list is no longer newly
`created each time, and the destructive operation will
`change the value that the memoized function will re-
`For instance, suppose that function Raw-Data
`returns a newly consed list of numbers, and is only
`called by the function Normalized-Data, which
`uses delete to destructively remove the maximum
`and minimum entries from the list before returning it.
`Prior to memoization, this might be perfectly safe. After
`memoizing Raw-Data, however, each subsequent re-
`trieval of supposedly identical data values might in fact
`get a shorter list.
`Before memoizing a routine that returns a list, the
`programmer needs to check the callers of that routine to
`verify no destructive operations are performed on it.
`4.3 Too-Strict Matches
`Memoization is performed by doing an exact match
`on the argument list, using the LISP function equal
`by default. If you write (defun Foo (&key
`(Bar 2) (Baz 3) ...), and then memoize
`Foo, all of the following will be treated as distinct,
`even though the parameters have identical values in all
`(Foo :Bar 2)
`(Foo :Bar 2 :Baz 3)
`(Foo :Baz 3)
`(Foo :Baz 3 :Bar 2)
`Similarly, one can have counterintuitive results
`when the arguments are floating point numbers, forget-
`ting that, for instance, 2 is not equal to 2.0, and
`1.234567 is not equal to 1.23456, even though the
`function may treat them as identical.
`The solution adopted by the SMS program is to in-
`troduce “wrapper” functions that take keyword argu-
`ments, floating point numbers, etc., canonicalize the
`arguments into some common form, then pass them on
`to an internal function that takes only required argu-
`Page 6 of 7
`4.4 Non-Printable Values
`The routine that saves data to disk, described in
`Section 3.3, does so by printing the representation of
`the object using format, then directing that output
`stream to a file. This means that LISP objects whose
`print representation cannot be parsed by read cannot
`be saved to disk. Some objects such as CLOS instances
`and structures allow the definition of a custom print
`function, and this can sometimes be used to save them
`to disk. But this is not a general mechanism, and special
`purpose code will need to be written in those cases.
`4.5 Compiler Optimization of Recursive Calls
`Some LISP implementations will remove all self-
`recursive calls when compilation is done at the highest
`speed optimization. That is, recursive calls will jump
`directly to the code, rather than going through the sym-
`bol-function slot. This means that memoization will
`only be of benefit for repeated calls to the top-level
`form, and speedups of the type described in section 3.1
`will be eliminated. However, compilers that have this
`optimization also provide flags that can be set to pre-
`vent its use.
`4.6 Memory Usage
`In most cases, memoization is a time vs. memory
`trade-off. In some cases, where a frequently repeated
`function generates large structures or a lot of garbage,
`memoization may actually save memory by simply re-
`using the previously created structures. This was the
`case in the example of section 3.5.2 . However, in most
`cases you sacrifice space in order to gain speed. These
`trade-offs should be evaluated carefully to avoid con-
`suming large amounts of memory with little speedup.
`Several automated tools can assist in this process.
`on how many times a memoized function was called,
`broken down by whether those calls resulted in new cal-
`culations or previous results being returned from the
`hash table. With-Memoization is a macro that al-
`lows the user to execute forms in a context where cer-
`temporarily memoized.
`Memoized-Time runs a body of code three times:
`unmemoized, memoized but with an empty cache, and
`memoized with the values of the previous run, returning
`time and space information for each run.
`5. Conclusions and Future Work
`In summary, an automatic memoization facility
`provides the tools to easily convert functions to varia-
`tions that “remember” previous arguments and associat-
`ed results. This can be used to get behavior similar to
`dynamic programming, where a solution is built up
`from subproblems, but without the necessity for deter-
`mining the proper order for calculation. The facility can
`also be used for calculations that are repeated in time


`[8] [Warrren, David S., “Memoing for
`Logic Programs,” Communications of the
`ACM, 35 No 3, March 1992, pp. 93-111.
`throughout a system run, and to save expensive calcula-
`tions during an off-line session. It is also a useful aid for
`timing and profiling code, even in applications where
`only conventional optimization is being performed. The
`simplicity and transparency of use allows the facility to
`be quickly adopted by programmers, and helps mini-
`mize the debugging and verification time.
`Tools for determining when cached values are out
`of date need to be developed. This is particularly true
`when storing the contents of the cache to disk for use in
`a later session. Also, there is a lot of area to explore re-
`garding inexact matches for memoization. An orga-
`nized framework for “fuzzy memoization” might
`provide utility for applications in planning and/or learn-
`ing. Finally, methods for limiting the size of the memo
`tables (either by total entries or time of last access)
`should be developed.
`6. Acknowledgments
`People providing valuable feedback on the code
`and early drafts of the paper were V.J. Benokraitis (AAI
`Corporation), Lien T. Duong (AAI Corporation), Tim
`Finin (UMBC), J. Paul McNamee (AAI Corporation),
`Peter Norvig (Sun Microsystems), and David J. Scheer-
`er (The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory).
`John Aspinall (Symbolics) suggested the use of the Di-
`vided Difference example.
`7. References
`[1] Abelson, Harold, Sussman, Gerald Jay,
`and Sussman, Julie, Structure and Inter-
`pretation of Computer Programs, MIT
`Press, 1985.
`[2] Cheney, Ward, and Kincaid, David,
`Numerical Mathematics and Computing,
`Brooks/Cole, 1980.
`[3] Cormen, Thomas, Leiserson, Charles,
`and Rivest, Ronald, Introduction to Algo-
`rithms, McGraw Hill and MIT Press,
`[4] Knuth, Donald E., The Art of Comput-
`er Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1969.
`[5] Michie, Donald, “Memo Functions and
`Machine Learning,” Nature, 218 No. 1,
`April 1968, pp. 19-22.
`[6] Norvig, Peter, Paradigms of AI Pro-
`gramming: Case Studies in Common LISP,
`Morgan Kaufmann, 1992.
`[7] Norvig, Peter, “Techniques for Auto-
`matic Memoization with Applications to
`Context-Free Parsing,” Computational
`Linguistics, 1991.
`Page 7 of 7

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