`STATES DlS'l"‘R}?C'l‘ C0l;lR"l‘
` l?‘{}R ‘Tl-{Eli E‘-.lAS'l‘lEl§N E) lS’Il‘l§lC'I” OE? TEEXAS
`RGY—G~BlV’ Corporation,
`F&l’l1.U3 Ltd, Fanuc Rcbetics /\.n'1ei'ica, rm, GE
`Fariue Autoinaticn Ainerieas, Zinc, and GE
`Fariuc lntelligent Platforms, lnc.,
`CASE NO. 2I:07—cv-004lS~DF
`{)B.} l3lC'l‘Il(}NS Til} l3lEl3"EN l3AN’Il‘S’ E<‘ lRS'l" SEE‘ {H-I‘ lN'l‘lEl§R(}€§AfE"() RE ES
`Plaintiff ROY—G—BlV Cerpcratien (“ROY—G~BlV"’) l1i?l‘@b‘_V provides its seccnd
`Stl'p}f)lf.?l‘flE31’ll,’al‘)/‘ responses to Detlendants’ First Set of interrogatories.
`l{OYi—G—Blli‘v' incorporates by reference its cbjecticris set foitlt in its February 28, 2998,
`answers and objections to Defendants’ iriterrogateries.
`lNTERROGA.T{lR‘r" N0. l:
`Fer eaeli Accused Product, describe the circumstances leading up to the allegation that
`Deleiidairts allegedly intriirge the patents~in—suit, including the date on wlrielr Plaintift‘ first
`became aware eftlte Deferldarlts’ Accused Products (and irlentil”y all documents i'elating to such
`awareness and all persons with lmewledge of such awareness); the date on which Plaintiff first
`considered the Defendants" accused prednets to be an alleged infringement efthe patents—in—suit
`(and identify all documents relating to such ccirsirleratieri and all perscns with lmnwletlge cf
`such consideration); and all actions taken by or on lielralf of Plaintiff to investigate or pursue its
`beliefs efalleged infringement (lnleluding dneumerlts retlecting or repnrtlng any tests or arnalyses
`perferrned en Defendants’ Accused Products prier tc filing the complaint for purposes cf
`determining whetnei‘tl1nse Accused Products allegedly infringe the patents-in~s1.iit).
`Specific Ol',‘j€CllO11SI
`TRIAL IPR2013-00282
`TRIAL IPR2013-00062

`Plaintiff objects to this interrogatory as seeking inforination that is protected. under the
`attorney~client privilege and/or ‘W0l'i< product doctrine.
`in pa.rticular., the details relating to when
`Plaintiff tirst “considered the Detentlants’ accused products to he an alleged infringement ofthe
`patents~in—suit” and the identification of “all actions taken by or on behalf of Plaintiff to
`investigate or pursue its beliefs of alleged infringement” calls for inforrnation protected under the
`attorney—client privilege and worl<—pi'o<l1tct doctrine, Plztinttiff also objects to the interrogatory as
`vague and ainhiguous. For exarnple, it is unclear what the “circumstances leatling up to the
`allegation that Defendants allegedly infringe the patents—in—suit” encornpass. Flaintiff objects to
`this interrogatory as overly hroad and unduly burdensonie to the extent it requests the
`identification of“a,ll” tloeunients anrl persons,
`Suhiect to the foregoing General and Specific objections, Plaintiff is in the process of
`evaluating which protlucts are accused of infringeinent. Further, even among accused software
`prorluetsg, it is tliflicult at this time to CiE3l6l'l'l'll‘(l6 whether older versions of the soitx. "are
`accused because the older versions may function tliffei'eiitly than the current Versions. Although
`the answer to this interrogatory focuses, in some instance, on the current Versions of the
`software, Plaintiff also has €tl.l'f3111ptC(l'tG answer with respect to prior versions ofthe sofiware.
`Finally, Plairitiffs awareness of the existence of a particular product should not be construed as
`retlecting an awareness of the features, characteristics or capabilities of such a protluct.
`One product accused of infringenient is the FOCAS software, along with applications
`that l11CC3l‘pGTfiTlE3 and use FOCAS. Plaintiff does I10tl{11OVVlil1C exact clate on which it first hecanie
`aware ot‘l7OCAS. With respect to the current version of FOCASI for l?,thernet, released in 2083,
`Plaintit‘t”s best guess is that it knew of this software soon after its release date. The earliest

`Plaintiff likely knew about any Version of FOCASl likely was in Oeteber ?.(}0l, when it likely
`learned efFOCASl fer HSSB. Pl?ll,Tltll:l:[)1‘0l')t3.l3ly first learned 0t‘Ft'_)CASl fer Ethernet a,reurid
`May 2€}t)fZ. With respect to F{)C.x’»\S2, l’Eaintit‘t‘ likely knew of it in early 2{3t)4
`possibly in
`January of 2004. With respect to Prefiey Hlvll/'SCA[)A CH»/ll’LlCl'l‘Y' HM} for CNC, Plaintiff
`does not recall an exact date when it first beearne aware efrthe product. But Plaintiff believes
`that it became aware etithe product within two years Of the tiling date ef the eemplairit —
`pmhably in 2906.
`De “entlant has yet to identify which of its other software is used with FOCAS. Butte the
`extent, other versions et‘ClMPLlClTY or sefiware products therein are used, Plaintiff does net
`r'eeall when it first became aware of the ether‘ Cll‘viP1..lClTY seltware.
`lt lilrely became aware ef
`the current version of the settware just prior to filing the complaint. Plaintiff may have knewn
`that GE Fanue offered Ctl\A”PLiECl’l"Y for HM} products in late l999.
`it is possible that Plaintiff
`tirst beearne aware that GE Fanue ellerecl a pietlnet with the nantre ClMPLlClTY in the 1996-
`1998, time period.
`l’Eaintift‘beliex/es it first became aware efthe existence of the i*R{:}Fi(I3Y fvl/\.Ct-ili\‘=lE
`EDITION software on or around June 2.5, 2034.
`Same efthe elairns reeite features directed at rnetien hardw'are and WO1'l{Sl'.?clTEl0I1S.
`Plainti ft‘ was gen,er'ally aware efvatrie us
`FANUC and FAMJC rnetieri eeritre} hardware in
`the late 1990s.
`it also ltrelieves it l{l'I€‘iW efthe alpha and beta serves airnind 1996. Plaiittiff
`believes that it l")GCEil’11€ aware efyarieus other hardware and workstations in the 2091-2003 time
`fianre. Plaintiff, however, ctees netl<:new'w't1en it heearne aware efalt of these pretluets. it
`believes that it may have ‘eeeeine aware efthe series lfii, mt, mi, 211', and 169i precluets armurirl
`October fZG{3l. Plaintiff believes it may have beeerne aware etthe Paneli in early 2082

`possibly in January 2002. Plaintiff was aware that GE FANUC and FANUC otfered various
`other controls at least
`oteariy 2003 (possibly January 2803), such as the Series l5(3, 15€)i,
`l80, 210, l8(3i, Zitii, (Iii, Power Mate i, 0, l5, lo, 18, and 2].
`Plaintiff does not know the date on which it “first considered the Defendants’ accused
`products to he an alleged iiniiiigeiiient ofthe patents—inwsuit.” lt likely considered. there to be an
`infringement —
`best it could witlinut having access to centidential int7oririation such
`code within a u’€al”~3.T1d~£3:li£‘tli‘Oflilfi
`tiling ofthe coinplaiiit in Septeinber 2€3l)t7.
`l-"llaintilli began
`investigating the possibility of infringement in the 2006 time fiarne.
`l*laiiitiffworlt:ed with its
`counsel in its investigation ofthe inliingeinent. The details regarding this investigation are
`protected by the work product and 2t.l;l.0t’Ilf3j/—Cl,l61ll. privilege doctrines.
`Separately for each asserted claim of the patentswinmsuit, identi_€y all alleged dates of
`conception, any subsequent diligence until reduction to practice, any dates of actual reduction to
`practice nfthe claimed invention, the date otlirst constructive reduction to practice of the
`claimed subject matter defined by the claim, all persons who were involved in connection with
`such conception, diligence, or reduction to practice, and the earliest effective tiling date Plaintiff
`will assert for each such claim, stating in detail all laetual bases siipportiiig Plaintit7t”s
`identification of each such date, and identifying all persons, documents, and tangible things
`corrohmating each such date.
`Specific Objections:
`Plaintiff objects to this interrogatoiy as overly broad and unduly burdensenie to the
`extent it requests “all factual” bases.
`Subject to the t‘oregoing General and Specific Objections, the claims were conceived at
`least as early as April i994. The claims were first reduced to practice after the filing of the ‘897
`patent — probably around late~i9‘96 or eai‘ly—l997. The earliest effective tiling date for asserted

`claims of the pateiits~iii—suit is May 30, 1995. The documents in support of this elleetive filing
`date are US. Patent No. 5,691,8$}'7, along with the original application for this patent. This
`original tlisclosnre, filed on May 30, l995, supports the claims of the p-atents—in-suit pnrsnant to
`35 U.S.C. § l20, and is a eoiistrnctive reduction to practice of the invention.
`"l‘1ie inventors
`diligently worked. on their ideas, including afier their coiieeption date. They worked diligently at
`least through the reduction to practice dates, particularly considering that they were ‘»7v'Ol‘l§1,'(lg on
`other projects and at starting up their business. Persons involved in the conception, diligence,
`and reduction to practice were Dave Brown and .1ay Clark. Tlieir prosecution counsel were
`involved. in the eonsttrnctive reduction to practice — i. the May 30, 1995 tiling date ofthe ‘897
`patent. Persons with loiowledge of the diligence incltn"le Ricltarcl Blacl<, Robert llughes, and
`Michael Schacht.
`l’1aintitl’eontinnes to investigate other potential persons with lonowledge.
`Docunients in support of these contentions tfe.g;, CO1‘1‘0lZ)O1”fl.’tlllg the inventors’ diligent
`WG1‘l{ on the invention well as on other technical and bitsiness projetétsft, may include:
`RGBtltlt}€)l249 — l257; RCsB€ltltl(}40t75 — 4986; R.GB€3€ltltl4l)8t7
`— 4092; RtGB(l(3(ltl4(}95;
`R€3B0(l{3()7322 — 7342; RGlElt)0G{37467 — 7469; R(}lEi€3l)02€i444
`— 26445; R(3tlEi€3l)028786 — 28788;
`- 3ll522; RGBOtlO3ll 739 - 3l 753; RGBOtlO5ll2€S€)
`- 5ll2.€S5; RGBOtlO5ll279 -
`Sl.’/199; RGBGOO5l31l — 5l31S; RGBGOGSB19 — 5 B20; RGBOOGS l32l — 5 B26; RGBGOOS l329
`~ 5133:‘-lg RG Btl€}l)5146tl
`~ 51461; RG Btl€}l)51462 ~ 5l466; RGBtltlt'}5l467 — 5l468;
`~ 5l47l; R(IlBtltl€35l4'72 - 5l-476; R(:lBtltl€35l4'77 ~ 5l48l; R(IlBtltl€}5l482 ~
`5 M89; RGBGOGS l4-90 — 5 lfrtll; RGBGOGS l5tl2 — 5l514; RGBGOG5l515 — 5 l527; RGBGOGS l528
`— 51537; RGBO0051549 — 5157/-‘l; RGBO0t)516G?; — 51613; RGBOO0516lr-l — 51636;
`RGBtltl(}5l652 — 5l674; RGBtltl€}5lt787 — .‘5l788; RGBtltl€}5l8(32 — 5l8{34; RGBtltl(}5l8(36 —
`5 l817; RGlEll)0(l5 l 833 — 5 l 856; RGlEll)0(l5 l 857 — 5 l 876; RGlEll)0(l5 l 877 — 5 l 899; h{3'lEll)0(l5 l 891

`— 51916; RGBGGG51917 — 51938; RGBGGG52086 — 52088; RGBOGGSZOXQ - 52101;
`RGBOGEBSZHE6 ~ 52119; RGBOG(35212€)
`- 52143; RGBOGGSZI44 - 52163; RGBOGGSZ164 ~
`52"i'7'7; RGB()(}O52"i’78 ~ 52263; RGBGGOSZZG4 ~ 52226; R(}B()(}O528} 8 ~ 52837; RGB()0O52882
`— 52.924; RGB{)O052925 — 52.927; RGBGOGSBGIZ — 53035; RGBGGGSEGS7 - 53078;
`RGBOGG53G79 - 53204; RGBGGGSSZGS - 53236; RGBOGGSSZ37 - 532.49; RGBOGGSI-3846 -
`54857; RGBWO54858 — 54867; RCsB€}{}O54868 — 54870; RCsB(}{}O548J71 — 54885; RCsB€}{}O54886
`- 54930; RGE?§O€3€)549()1
`- 54921; RGE?§()€3€)54922
`- 54969; RGB(}O€3549’7()
`~ 55614;
`RGBGGOSSGIS - 55017; RGBO{)O55G2€} - 55035; RGBGGOSSG36 - 550639; RGBGCIOSS 1 12 -
`55128; RGBG0055129 — 55143; RGBG0055144 — 55171;RGBGOO55172 — 55199; RGBGGGSSZGG
`~ 55214; RGBO€}€)552l5
`~ 55239; RGBO€}€)5524{}
`~ 55257; RGB{}O€}55258 — 55311;
`RGB~(}O€355312 - 55329; RGB(}O€35533()
`- 55337; RGB(}O€35535l
`~ 5542}; RGB(}()€)55:”>{37 ~
`55514; RGBGOGSSS19 — 5553 ;RGBOOG55534 — 55537; RGBO0G5554O — 55549; RGBGOGSSSSO
`— 55 51; RGB00055552 — 5 559; RGB00055560 — 5556i; RGBM3055562 — 55573;
`RGB{}0(}5562l — 55632; RGB{}O(}55638 — 55646; RGB{}0€}55654 — 55659; RGB{}O€}5566€}
`‘J:5 .692; RGBGOGSS693 — 55698; RG}E3€)0G55699 — 55701; RG}E3€)0G55756 — 55759; RG}3€)0G55766
`— 5768; RGBG{}€}55769 — 55772.; RGBG{}€)55773 — 55777; RGBOGGSSSOS — 55819;
`RGBGOGSSSZG — 55823; RGBGOOSSSZ4 — 55834; RGBGOOSSS47 — 5585i; RGBM3055852 —
`55880; RGB€)0G55881 ~ 55895; RGBGOGSS896 ~ 55949; RGBGOGSS967 ~ 55974; RGB€)0G55975
`— 55980; RGB(3{3()5598E — 55987; RG}E3G{3()55988 — 56066); RGBOG{35606l — 56082;
`RGBOGG56567 — 56570; RGBOG{}56575 — 56576; RGBOGG56577 — 56578; RGBOG{}56579 —
`56584; RGBMJG56585 ~ 56590; RGBWJG56591 ~ 56593; RGBWJG56594 ~ 565%; RGBWJG56597
`— 56598; RTGBG(3€}56599 — 56697; RTGBG{3€}566€)8
`— 56612; RGBOG(3566I3 ~ 56617;
`R€3B0(3(356618 — 56619; }2€3IE30G{35662€)
`— 56622; RGBO(3{356623 — 56624; R<3B0(3(356625 —

`56626; RGBWO56627 — 56629; RGBG005663G — 56631; RGBGOG56632. — 56635; RGBGUO56636
`~ 56638; RGBO(}€)56639 — 56642; RG E30€}€)56643
`~ 56645; RGB{}O€}56646 — 56650;
`RGB(}0€356651 ~ 56655; RGB(}0€356656 ~ 56657; RGB(}O€356658 ~ 5666}; RGB(}O€3566€i2
`56664; RGBGOG56665 — 56667; RGBO0G56668 — 56670; RGBO0G56671 — 56674; RGBGOG56675
`— 56678; RGBO0056679 — 56680; RGBG005668}. — 56687; RGBOG0566S8 — 56717;
`RGB{}O(}566718 — 56719; RGB{}O(}56672(} — 56723; RGB{}O€}566724 — 56726; RGB{}O(}566727 —
`56738; RGB€)0G56739 — 56748; RGBWG56749 — 56751; RG}E3€)0G56752 — 56757; RGB€)0G56758
`— 56769; RGBG{}€)56770 — 56772; RGBGG€}56773 — 56774; RGBOG{}56775 — 56776;
`RGB00056777 — 56779; RGB000567SG — 56783; RGBUOOS678‘-‘E — 56785; RGBOO0567S6 —
`56795; RGBQOGS6796 ~ 56797; RGB€)0G56798 ~ 56799; RGB€)0G56822; RGBOG(356824 -
`56829; RGB()(}O5683{3 ~ 56836; RGB()(}O5683'7 ~ 56841; RGB()(}O56842 ~ 56843; RGBGGO56844
`— 56851; RGB{)O056852 — 56853; RGBGOGS6854 — 56857; RGBGGOS6858 - 56879;
`RGBOGG56871 - 56875; RGBOGGS6876 v 56877; RGBOGG56878 - 56879; RGBOGG56880 -
`56883; RCsB€}{}O56884 — 56887; RCsB€}{}056888 — 56892; RCsB(}{}056893 — 56894; RCsB€}{}O56895
`- 56898; RGE3()€3€)56899
`- 5696i}; RGE3()€3€)569()1
`- 56902; RGB(}()€}569{33 - 56908;
`RGBO{)O569G9 - 56914; RGBO{)O56915 - 56917; RGBO{)O56918 - 56921}; RGBO{)O5692E -
`56922; RGBGOG56923 — 5692-4; RGBGOO56925 — 56933; RGBGGG56934 — 56938; RGBGGO56939
`~ 56943; RGBO0956944 — 56945; RGBO(}€)56946 ~ 56948; RGB{}O€}56949 — 56950;
`RGB(}0€356951 ~ 56952; RGB(}()€356953 ~ 56955; RGB(}0€356956 ~ 56957; RGB(}O€}56958 ~
`56961; RGBOUG56962 — 56964; RGBGOG56965 — 56968; RGBGOG56969 — 56971; RGBOUG56972
`— 56976; RGBG0056977 — 56981; RGB00056982 — 56983; RGBOGGS698‘-‘E — 56987;
`RGB{}O(}56988 — 56990; RGB{}O(}5699l — 56993; RGB{}O(}56994 — 56996; RGB{}O(}56997 —
`5790i}; E{G}E3€)0G57(}OI
`— 57904; RG3E3€)0G57(}O5
`— 57906; RG}E3€)0G57007 — 57913; RG}E3€)0G57014

`— 57043; RGBGGG57044 — 57045; RGBGGG57046 — 57049; RGBOGG57050 - 57052;
`RGBOG(357053 ~ 57064; RGBOG(357065 ~ 57074; RGBOG(357075 ~ 57076; RGBOG(357077 ~
`57082; RGB()0O57083 ~ 57094; RGB()(}O57095 ~ 57362; RGB()(}O57iG3 ~ 57364; RGB()(}O57EG5
`— 57196; RGB{)O0571€)7 — 57199; RGB{)O057ll0 — 57113;RGBO{)O5'7114 - 57115;
`RGBOG{357116 - 57125; RGBOG{357126 - 57127; RGBOGG57128 - 57129; RGBOGG57130 -
`57332; RCsB(}{}057'i35 — 5'7'i4{3; RCsB€}{}057"i41
`— 57344; RCsB(}{}O57'i53; RGB{}O€}5'7217 —
`57228; RGBWG57229 — 57249; RGB€)0(P57572 — 57577; RGB€)0(P57578 — 57579; R{3'3E3€)0G5758€}
`— 57586; RGBGG€)57606 — 57607; RGBGG€)57608 — 57610; RGBOG{}5761iE — 57613;
`RGBOO057614 — 57616; RGBOG05762G — 5762i; RGBOO057622 — 57623; RGBM3057635 —
`57637; RGB€)0G57638 ~ 57639; RGB€)0G5764(} ~ 57641; RGB€)0G57642 ~ 57644; RGB€)0G57649
`— 57650; R=C}}E3(P{3()5765‘i — 57652; R_GB(P{3()57664 — 57666; RGBOG{357683 — 57684;
`RGBOGG57685 — 57686; RGBOG{}57735 — 57738; RGBOGG5774iE — 57744; RGBOGG57817 —
`5782.3; RGBQOGY/8214 ~ 5782183‘; RGBOGGY/830 ~ 57836; RGBOM357837 ~ 57841; RGBOGGY/'84-2
`— 57844; R;GBG(3(}57845 — 57850; R;GBG(3(}578.‘5'i — 57858; RGBOG(357859 ~ 57862;
`RGBOG{357863 — 57865; RGBOG(357866 — 57869; RGE30(3{359518 — 59523; R€3BOG(362154 —
`623 73; RGBQGG62478 ~ 6248}; RGBQ0062494 ~ 62495; 3153890062640 ~ 6264}; RGBQ0063259
`— 63248; RGBO{)063249 — 63251; RGBOG063252 — 632.52; RGBOGG632I59 - 63260;
`RGBMK363263 ~ 63265; RGBOG(363266 ~ 63267; RGBOG(363268 ~ 63269; RGBOGEE63373 ~
`63376; RGB()0O633'7’7 ~ 63378; RGB()(}O634]4 ~ 63438; R(}B()(}O63:953 ~ 639:3}; RGB()(}O64"i64
`— 64191; RGB{)O07G462 — 70467; RGB{)O0764€)2 — 76406; RGBO{)(Y/6413 - 76418;
`RGBOGG764-36 - 76440; RGBOGG764-41 - 76448; RGBOGG764-49 - 76454; RGBGGG764-59 -
`76533; RCsB(}{}O77'i 84 — 77243; RGBWO77244 — 77287.
`Piaintiffcantinues to investigate this intermgat0ry' and will, ifreq’uired, tin'3e1y'

`supplenierit this interrogaitoryi
`lNTERROGAT{lR‘r" N0. 5:
`With respect to each of the patents—in—snit, identify all facts and documents, and all
`persons competent to testify with respect thereto, upon which Plaintiff relies for proof of
`secondary considerations under 35 U.S.C. § l(}3 for each paterit.
`lllairitiffobjects to this interrogatory as a prernature contention interrogatory. Plaiiitiff
`fnrtlier objects insofar as this interrogatoiy is predicated on legal terms or conclusions of law
`including the term “seeontlary corisiderations.” Plaintiff further objects to the extent that this
`iriterrogatory calls for infoi'inatiori that is properly the subject of expert discovery.
`Subject to the foregoing General and Specific objections, Plaintif” states
`Discovery has only recently begun in this
`and Plaintiff will tiniely supplement, Plaintiff s
`invention solved a long—sta:nding problem in the inotiori control industry. Stpecilticallly, the
`motion controller market consisted primarily of hardware~oriented companies.
`'Tl‘hese companies
`provided ioW—level software that worked directly with their hardware components. The software
`from each eonipany, however, was specific to that coinpanyls harclwae products. As a result, a
`consumer wisliing to irnplenierit high—level software, such as factory autornatiori applications,
`could do so only ifall of its hardware used the same low~level sottWai‘e.
`l.ow—level soltware
`varied from rnarinfacturer to inanufactnrer, but also could vary Within a single rnanufacturerls
`h.‘i1‘t.lW‘c1l‘£) ol’l’ei'iiigs. Due to the lac}; of interoperability, a consumer wishing to iniplenient a
`factory automation application was limited not only to liardvvare lroin a single rnanntacturer, but
`also to specific hardware offerings from that rrianufacturer. Altliougli Plaintiff does not recall
`any particular persons who expressed slteptieisni about its idea, it does generally recall that, on

`ecearsierr, ethers expressed skepticism about the ability efits irrverrtimr to work. Nevertlreless,
`P}aitrtit‘f’s hard work and ingermity led to :1 solution to the pmbletrr. Others, such as defendzmts,
`have enjoyed great commercial success from the use ef E’1ai11tiff’s invention. Persons whe eeuid
`testify about these facts include the inventors efthe patentsdn-suit, Dave Brawn and Jay Clark.
`Other peterrtiat persens include perserts currently and formerly asseeietted. with deferrdants, and
`the parties’ experts.

`Dated: Apr1125,2GG8
`01“ C011T1S€*1i
`‘Wiiam A. Isaacson
`11 1‘v'1iCh31€?11.1T1<3€A
`E1310 5- M3/ILTGY
`A&1‘0T1 3} SW‘/V
`BOEES, SC1~11L E.,ER 8:.
`-301 Wisconsin Avenue, NW"
`‘Wash1ng‘u3n, DC 20:13: 5
`Fflxi 292~237~6131
`.4 fl(2i‘ney5']?)i‘ f’!::zintz;;ff"R(_} }"—G~Bi 1/
`As ta {he O13j€:C11G11S,
`1E,1a11ce1..Au 81
`Lead Attomczy
`Texas State Bar N0. 12651125
`I01111 M. B1ac1<
`'1‘<—:xas State Bar No. 24006850
`3800 Buffzdo Speedway, 511‘ P1901
`'1‘e;?<2:s 77098
`Teiepimne: (713) 65€}—12(1(3
`Fax: (713) 650-14110
`* ‘
` E3—mai1:
`1_.L P
`Kjp Glgisggggk
`Texas Stair: Bar No. 08011000
`K11’ (}1;,AE§SC()C1§, P.<;:.
`550 F'<1‘(11’11,‘(1, Suite 1350
`Beaumont, Texas 777111
`'1'e1ep110ne: (409) 833-8822
`(.496) 838-4666
`‘‘‘ ’
`Ruggcfl A_ Chgjrugh
`Texas State Bar N0. 24031948
`1%E E,11‘v’1, PAYNE. & CHORUSH, 1_..L.P.
`JP Morgan C11ase Towel‘
`6110 'TE‘1‘avis Eétreet, Suite 6711}
`Houston, Tems 77002
`Te1eph011e: (713) 221-2000
`Fax; (713) 22 1.3021


`l hereby certify that on April 25, 2008, C01l1’lSf3l0.l"l‘f3COl”(.l for the parties
`being S61‘\7£:§d
`a copy 0f tlie faregoing e:10c1.imei'1l Via E~mail, with a coiifirinatioii ccpy to be sent Via First Class
`T. Jolm W-arcl, Jr.
`Texas Stale Bar No. 0079-’£8l8
`Daniel T, Slwodiaii
`Califernia Stale Bar No. 184576
`WARD Sc Sl\/ill}-ii L./»\‘vV FERM
`ll ll West Tyler Sireet
`l950 Uiriiveimly Avsllllfi, 4l.7l1Fi001‘
`Longview, TX 75601
`East Palo Alto, CA 94303
`Telephone: 903.757.6400
`Telephanei 650.798.3500
`Facsiinile: 903.757.2323
`Facsimile: 650.798.3600
` Email: E3
`Henry C. Bunsow
`California State Bar N0. 60707
`James F. ‘v’alle.1'1tiirie
`California State Bar No. 149269
`Daniel T. Shvodian
`Califoriiia State. Bar No. 184576
`1950 University Aveiiue, 41h Fleor
`East Pale Alto, CA 94303
`’l‘eleph0ns::: 650.7:08.350{3
`Fa,csin‘iilie: 650.798.3600
`Eric J. l\ aurer

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