A Library of LahVIEW
`Virtual Instruments
`for Motion Control
`Developed by 8nkter Consulta~s, Ino.
`Compumotor Division
`Padr.m" Hannifln Corporation
`88-013929-01 A

`Motion Toolbox- User Guide
`A Library of LabVIEW® Virtual Instruments
`Motion Control
`Version 1.0
`March 1994
`Part Number 88-013929-01
`~ /~ SNIDER
`Copyright 1994 Snider Consultants, Inc.
`All Rights Reserved.

`~o equipn~nt and/or serious injury ~o personnel.
`Limited Warranty
`Compumntor’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be at
`Compumotor’s option, either (a) retura the price pa~d or (b) replacement of the
`software that dees not meet ¢ompumotor’s ~ted Wan’amy and th~ is
`r~turoed to Compumotor with a copy of your receipt. This limited warranty is
`void if failure of the software has re~ulted from accident, abuse, or
`misapplication. Any replacement of software will be w~ for the
`rem~ind~x of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is
`ineinding but ant Ibnited to implied ~ ef merchantability mtd
`fitness for a particular pro-pine, with respect to the software and the
`accompanying written materials. This limited warranty gives you specific
`legal rights. You my have others which vary from state to state.
`In no event shall Comlmmotor or its suppliers or distributors be liable for
`any damages whatsoever (including, without tlnfltatlou, damages for less
`~ business profits, business interruption, less of business information, or
`other pecuniary less) arising out of the use or inability to use this
`Cmnpumotor procine~, even if Compumotor has been advised of the
`possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the
`exclusion of’ limitation for liability for consequemlul or incidental damages,
`the above limitation may aot apply to you.

`Unde~ copyrigh~ laws, this publication may not ~e reproduced or ~smitted in
`my form. elec~’o~ or ~, inc.~,~i~ pho~yi~g, r~’d~, ~
`in an information retrieval systmn, ~" translating, in whole or pa~, without file
`pxior wrirzn conscm of Surer Coasulmm,
`Motion Toolbox is a trad:nmrk o’f Snider Consultants, Inc.
`Motion A_rchlte~t is a regis~red trade.maxk of Parker Hanuifin Corporation,
`Compummor Divlsio~
`LabVIEW is a registex~,d tndemark of Nalional h~rumems Corpormion.
`W’mdows is a rcgis~red trademark of Microsoft Corporation

`Table of Co’tents
`introduction .......................................................................
`Overview ................................................................
`Package Contents .................................................

`Pre-lnstallaUon PrOcedure .............
`M ~ /ns~....allat|o~ Procedurt~ ..........
`g ar~ed .....
`" ............................................... 3
`Related Publioatione .................................................................
`"’"~ ........................... 2
`Using Motfon Toolbox ................................................
`DevJ¢o Communication ...........................
`.C.O~_mo_n VI Inputs and Output~ ................................. 7
`.notion toolbox Error Handling .................................................
`6000 Controller Error Handliog ...................................................
`Timer Resolution ....................................................................
`VI Labeling Conventions ................
`’ -
`.old a.~ ~o.-bold ........... ~..~.i..~.i..~..~.~ ....................
`! 0
`Default Input° ........................................
`...... ............. 10
`Counter & Timer Vie ......................................................... 11
`Counte¢ & Timer VI Descriptions ................. 11
`Start 6000 Timer .............................
`Stop 6000 l"imsr .......................................................
`Reset 8000 Hardware Counter ....................................
`Configuration Vls .............................................................
`Configuration Vl OasoriptJons ...................................
`; .............. 15
`Set Motion Scallng Factors ..........................................
`set p=~., sc,.~ing ~ore .......................
`....,..~ .............
`Enable Scale Factors ................................
`Set Participating Axes .........
`,.... ............ 17
`Configure Command Control .......................................
`1 7
`Set Continuous/Preset Mode .......................................
`I S
`Set Abeolute/Incremantel Mode ..................................
`1 g
`Set Drive ReeoluUort ...................................................
`get Orive Fault Lave| ..................................................
`Enable Ddve ..............................................
`~onfigure Feedrate Override ......
`" ................
`Set En¢oder Resolution .............................
`Set Encodar/MOtor SteD Mode .................
`:’~":’:’.:.-:-::. 23

`Configure Homing ...................................................... 24.
`Configure Position Maintenance ...................................
`Enable Position Maintenance .......................................
`Configure Stall Detection ............................................ 27
`Enable Stall Detection ................................................
`Set Pulse Width .........................................................
`Device Communication ....... . ............................................. 31
`Device Communication VI Descriptions ............................... ’ ..... 31
`Open AT84~30 ................................. ~ ......................... 31
`Open 6200 ............................................................... 32
`Close Device ............................... : ............................. 33
`Set Default Addr/Port .................................................
`Reset 6000 ...............................................................
`Set Error Action .........................................................
`Set parametar Precision .............................................. 34.
`Set AT6400 Polling Parameters ................................... 35
`Set 6200 Pol~ing Parameters .......................................
`Se~ld 6000 Block .......................................................
`Receive (~000 Block ...................................................
`Query 6000 ..............................................................
`Down~o~(cid:128)l 6000 Rio ...................................................
`Enable Communications Tracing .................................. 38
`Configure Convnunicatlona Tracing ..............................
`Delete Trace File ........................................................
`Command Snooper .................................................... 40
`Fast Status Vim ................................. ~ .............................. 41
`Fast Status VI DesGript~ons .....................................................
`Get Fast Status .........................................................
`Set Motor Poe Local Scaling ........................................
`Set Encoder Poe Local Scaling ........... ~ ......................... 43
`Set Velocity Local Scaling ...........................................
`Motor Position Parse ..................................................
`Encodar Position Parse ...............................................
`Velocity Pars ...........................................................
`Poe. Captured Status Parse .........................................
`Command Error Parse .................................................
`Configuration Status Parse ..........................................
`Encoder Feedback Statt~ Parse ...................................
`Hard Limit Status Parse ..............................................
`Motion Status Parse ...................................................
`Sort Limit Status Parse ...............................................
`System Status Parse~ ..................................................
`Drive Statue Pme .....................................................
`User Status Parse ......................................................

`Timer Status Parse ................................. .................... 53
`Analog Input Parse ..................................................... 54
`Limit Input Status Parse .............................................. 54
`Joystick Status Parse ................................................. 55
`Digital Output Status Parse .........................................
`Other Input Parse ....................................................... 66
`Digital Input Parse ...................................................... 57
`& Limit Via
`I/0 & Limit VI Descriptions ...................................................... 59
`Set 6000 Input Active Level ........................................ 59
`Enable 6000 Inputs .................................................... 60
`Set 6000 Input Function ............................................. 6 !
`Enable 6000 Input Functions ....................................... 62
`Set 6000 Input Dabounco Time ................................... 82
`Set 6000 Output Active Level ..................................... 63
`Enable 6000 Outputs .......... , ...................................... 64.
`Set 6000 Output Function .......................................... 64
`Enable 6000 Output Functions .................................... 6B
`set 6oo0 0u~ut stms .............................................
`Configure Hard Limits ................................................. 67
`Enable Herd Umits ..................................................... 67
`Configure Soft Umitl ...................................... ~ ........... 68
`Enable Soft IJmit$ ......................................................
`Enable Analog Input Overdde ....................................... 69
`Set Analog Input Override Voltage ........................ , ...... 70
`Define 6000 User Status ............................................ 71
`Enable 6000 User Status ............................................ 72
`Jogging & Joystick VIa ..................................................... 73
`Jogging and Joystick VI Descriptions ........................................ 73
`Enable Jog Mode ....................................................... 73
`Sat Jog Velocity Low ................................................ 74
`Set Jog Velocity High ................................................. 74
`Set Jog Acceleration .................................................. 75
`Set Jog Deceleration .................................................. 75
`Enalde Joystick Mode ................................................. 76
`Set Joystick Velocity Low ........................................... 76
`Set Joystick Velocity High ..........................................
`Set Joystick Acceleration ............................................ 77
`Set Joystick Deceleration ............................................ 78
`Setup Joystick Be~tronics .......................................... 78
`Set Joystick Analog Input~ .......................................... 79
`Set Joystick Zero ....................................................... 80
`, ;. I

`Miscellaneous VIs ................................................. . .......... 81
`Miscellaneous VI Oescriptions ................................................. 81
`Numeric Event ........................................................... 81
`Go(dean Event ........................................................... 82
`Boolean Transition ..................................................... 83
`Motion VIs ...................................................................... 85
`Motion Vi Oescriptions ........................................................... 85
`Initiate Motion ........................................................... 85
`Stop Motion .............................................................. 86
`Ki# Motion ................................................................ 87
`Set Velocity .............................................................. 88
`Set Ac©elerabon ........................................................ 88
`Set OeceleratJon ........................................................ 89
`Set Oirection ............................................................. 89
`Go Home ..................................................................
`Initiate Linear Int. Motion ............................................ 90
`Set Position .............................................................. 91
`Wait for Move Complete ............................................. 92
`Run Path .................................................................. 92
`Set Path Vel & Aca ....................................................
`Run Program ............................................................. 93
`RP240 Olsplay VIs ........................................................... 95
`RP240 VI Oescdptions ............................................................ 95
`Write Text to RP240 .................................................. 95
`Display Variable on RP240 .......................................... 98
`Set RP240 LED States ................................................ 98
`Clea~ RP240 Display .................................................. 97
`Position RP240 Cursor ................................................ 97
`Enable RP240 Jo9 Mode ............................................. 98
`Set RP240 Password .................................................
`Variable & Transfer VI$ ................................................... 101
`Variable & Transfer VI Oescriptions ........................................ 101
`Set Numeric Variable ................................................ 101
`Set Bina~/Variable~ ..................................................
`Set Binary Variable by Byte ....................................... 102
`Set String Vadable ................................................... 103
`Transfer Nume~c Va~able ......................................... 103
`Transfer BInary Variable ............................................ 104
`Transfer St~ng Variable ............................................ 104
`Transfer Captured Positions ...................................... 105
`Miscellaneous Transfers ............................................ 106

`................... , ............ 107
`Moron Toolbox Error Codes ..................................................
`Tt~J’mical Support .......................
`Compumotor 8uIlet|n Board Serv;~ ........................................ 108
`Systems Integration end Consul~ ........................................ 108

`Motion Toolbox h a library of LabVIEW VIs for Compumotor’s 6000 series
`of minion controllers. Motion Toolbox allows LabVIEW programmers to
`develop motion control sys~,ms for a wide range of applic~ons iae_luding
`automated te~ and m~.,_ractudng, ~ a~l blotech, metedn8 tnd
`dispensing, ma~hiae conlxol, and laboratory automation. Motion Toolbox
`sut~otts both the Compumotor AT6400 4-Axis and 62~0 2-Axis Indexers.
`Motion Toolbox provides developers with the following capabilities and more:
`* Motiotl control including velocity, acceleration, deceleration, 8o, stop,

`SetlIp, (cid:128)OIRrol, arid ~omm~nd ~ trail~.

`Indexer, e~.~kr, and drive confi~oa
`~ Home, hantw~e limit, and so~ limit

`Jo~in~ and]oystick conflsur~lon

`I~O ~ ~ fl~cfi~
`¯ Fa~ sums querying of I;O. limit, home, mo~or ,,a m~l~r pasin’eno
`To u~e Motion Toolbox effectively, you should have a working knowledge of
`LabVIBW aad have at least worked duough the LabVIEW Tutorial manual
`Package Contents
`¯ Motion Tooll~ imtallatim disks
`¯ Motion Architect~ installation disks
`¯ Motion Toolbox U~r Guide
`¯ U~er registration card

`~4otion Toolbox U~er Guide
`If any i~ems are missing, please conu~ your local supplier or
`Software Requirements

`LabVIEW for Windows version 3.0. See the Required ~yslem
`Conflgura~on ~n the Lab viEW for Wlndow~ Release Notes.
`¯ " Mol~on Architect version 2.2 or higher.
`¯ If you are ~sing an AT64~0 Coraroller, you need software revidon 2.2 or
`h~ghe~ of the AT64~0 operating sys~m.
`If yo~ are using a 6200 ¢onuoller, you nsod software revision 2.1 or

`Pre-lnstallatlon Procedure
`Install your 6000 Serks conwoller as indicated in the Compumotor User
`Guide for your prm~t.
`Instafi Motion Architect 2.2, if il is not already on your computer.
`3. Using Motion Architect, emure the 6000 con~oller functions properly.
`For ttelp, refer to the Mo~n Architect documentation shipped with your
`4. Copy the following files from your Motion Architect 2.2 (or higher)
`directory ~o your LabVIEW root directory.
`¯ WI~6400J)LL
`¯ AT6400.OPS
`Washing: Motion Toolbox ¢~mu~ communicate with the AT6400
`controller without these fries in th~ LabVIEW root directory.
`I Warntng: It is importmu d~ the same WIN6400,DLL, METER, DLL, and
`AT6400. O P$ lies e.rist in both the Motion Architect d~rectory and Lab VIEW
`root directory. If the fil~$ are nm the sarn~, conflicts may arise when usin~
`Minion Toolbm¢ in the same Windows se.~ion oJ Motion ArchiIecl. You should
`always u~e the la~at venion of these files Ou~ are
`Page 2

`Installation Procedure
`Minion Toolbox
`Mo~n Toolbox is ~s~ibuted in compressed form on 3.5" flappy ~ A
`Windov~ setup program h provided to ins~ll ~ ~oftwate on your hard drive.
`To imtall Mo~ton Toolbox, comple~ the following steps:
`I. Start Windows.
`2. Place disk l of ~e Motion Toolbox ins~lbt~on disks
`3. From ~ ~ M~, ~ Fi[~.
`4. ~A:S~P.~E~I~tO~ lf~Ais~y~3~-~,
`~bs~ A: ~ ~ ~e ~e le~.
`5. F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e s~p pm~ for
`Motion Toolbox Registration
`To receive free technical s~pport and update iaformation, pl ~e~e fill out the
`Getting Started
`Ifyeu a~e not akeady familiar wt~h LabVIEW, you should at lem work
`thmash the l.abVlEW rato~d manual
`Read the U~in~ Motion Foo//~x chap~, of this tt~er guide.
`Become familiar with the Motion Architect software. The
`Architect lermln~,! program is an.excellent utility for d~ 6000
`series controller applications. If you eucounter problems using Minion
`Toolba~, use Mo~ion Arcl~:ect to ved~ your 6000 conlmller is fim~tioning
`preperly. ,~ee Ihe des~iption for the Down/oad 6000 R/~ VI for more
`ways to use Motion Arc.~ect for application development.

`4. Read the indexer user guide far yo~ product. If you wish, you can skim
`the examples on prog~’amm|ng the 60~) controller as Motion Toolbox will
`isolate you from most of these details.
`Read the.6000 Sedes Conunand L~nguage O~etvIew chap~ ~ ~ ~
`Se~ So~e R~e~e ~. ~ w~ W~ ~ ~o~i~
`(cid:128)omma~ ~ ~ ~m ~ ~ con~.~, y~ ~ Wm tO ~ ~e
`~ ~mma~ gCl~ tO ~e ~.
`Review the example and d~mon.qration VIs included with Motion Toolbox.
`Study the diagrams to see how Motion Toolbox Vls axe used. Try
`modifying and adding your own ideas to these e~*mples to get a feel for
`programming with Moron Toolbox. Mak~ sure to t~name the example
`and demonstration VIs before modifying.
`you accepted the default demo directory when imtagting Motion
`Too//~ox, you will find the exampte and d~mens~ttion VIs located in
`MTDEMO off the LabVIEW root directory.
`a. Open the Simple Preset Motion. Vl Iocamd in the
`b. If you have an AT6400, verify that the addge~ setting in the VI
`diagram is the same a~ you~ ias~led AT6400. If yo~ have a 6200, you
`must r~plaee the Open AT6400 VI with the Ope~ 6200 VI and change the
`in~ address from 768 to the proper serial commtmicafiom port (usually
`COMI or COM2)~ Put the V1 in Edit Mode (CTRL-M) m make the.~
`¢. Retum to the front ~l, the Vl is now ready to run. Press the Rtm
`button (arrow button).
`d. The VI is now nmnlng. Enter a distance to travel and press the GO
`relative to an absolute (cid:128)ounter in this case. In order for tlm motor to
`move, the value displayed in the distance conrail must differ from the
`curren~ position indic,_,.~ on the chart.
`e. If the motor ~ not nlove, conetllI the ~f~,lg oefa/T~[’ SecLion of the
`Hardware R~fe~ace guide for your pardculur controller.
`Page 4

`Mmiam Toolbox User Guid,
`You ar~ ~ow ready to begin ~ork on your application. Be sure to read
`¯rough rh~ refer~ d~scrip~ious of tl~ Mo~ion Toolbox Y~s to so~ wb~
`is avaiJablc.
`Related Publications
`Pa~e ~

`Using Motion Toolbox
`Device Communication
`Common Vf Inputs and Outputs
`Most Motion Toolbox Vls ~ve ~evez~J
`commo~ input and
`They are defined below
`to avoid ~ in VI
`oolput ~ermin~.
`P,,¢e 7

`Motion Toolbox User Guide
`E Execute VI? Specifies whether the VI should execute normally or
`do nothing and return.
`True: Pre—peml commands by die immediane specifier.
`False: Do not pre—pend commands by the immediate specifier.
`Addr/port specifies either the switch-selecned address er the
`AT6400 pl-odnct or the serial. pan connected to 1 6200 product.
`6200 Product:
`1: Comnumicatiou port I
`2: Communications port 2
`3: Communications port 3
`4: Comnmnlcatians port 4
`AT6400 Product:
`Page 8
`U1-in; Motion Toolbox

`Error returns any error conditions from the VI. Possible error
`codes are given as an appendix ~o ~ user guide.
`Mo~fon Toolbox U~er Guid~
`Motion Toolbox Error Handling
`AH Mo~o~ Toolbox Vls capable of generating an error have an £rror output
`terminal. The possible error cod~ are given as an app~mdLx to this user guid~.
`All Motion Toolbox VIs t~at have
`handlin~ VI upon encom~ri~ th~ F, rror output automati~l/y ~ an en’or
`a non-zero ,Yrror va~. Using the Stt Error
`Ac~o~ VI, you can dictate the action taken at the time of an error occurr~ge.
`Thh V! a!lows you m disable error emmci=iou altog~h~r or to d~play a
`message describing the nature of the error. See the
`descript~n for more information.
`control q~plicafioa, Depending on the ~ture of the motion
`you may want to augment the capabiliti~ of th~ Motion
`Too/bag Error Ham~r by adding additional error actiom.
`~t Error Ac~on Vl
`6000 Controller Error Handling
`If an invalid command such as a range or symax error is encoumered, ~he 6000
`comrolIer sets b~ I 1 of ~he system status regis~e~ ~o [ndic~e a command error
`ha, occurred. You can check tim status of this bit u.~g the Command Error
`Parse Vl. You may also retrieve the ~ommand that geuerated the error usi~
`the Miscellaneoua Tr~sf#ra VI. It is gcmd practice to include a check for the
`contmand error in your program during developmenL If desired, you (cid:128)ou/d
`disable the check afmr your program is running and debugged.
`Reducing VI load Time
`The first tittle a VI from Motkm Toolbox b loaded, it
`may need to be t~.
`compiled. TI~ will Imppen if yeu do not
`use the default directory when
`loading Motion Toolbog. LabVIEW compil~.~ adds overhead to the loading
`pmces~ that increases the VI’s load thne. To avoid the (cid:128)ompilation process in
`subsequent use of the VI, save it before closing. Make sure not to modify the
`VI in anyway!

`Motion Toolbox rYs, r G~id~
`A better way is to compile all the Motion Toolbox .LLB files using
`LabVIEW’s mass compile featu~. To do ~is, select Mass Com~i/~... under
`LabVIEW’s Fi!~ menu. Now select tbe ~fOTION directory (should be
`located off LabVIEW’s VI.LIB directory) that holds the bfotiou Toolbox Vls.
`You can a!so select cach.~-! ;t ill© septra~ely. If you elect to mass compile
`the entire MOTION director,/of .LLBs, it ,nay talm a while to ex~’utt. See
`tlm La~VlEW J.O for Windows User Manual for more information on mass
`Timer Resolution
`Th¢ default resolution of the timer functions included with LabVI~W for
`Windows is ~.~ millkccom4t, You caa itlcrP.ase th~ resohltion to I mt by
`alteri]~ the LabVIEW pmfermcet file (see LabVIEW rel~ not~). Using
`the i ms timer resolution dramatically increases the performance of 6000
`communications, particularly with the 6200. Under certain circumstances,
`however, the increased interneptload caused by the higher re~ludon diner
`may exceed your Pea capacity to h~.ale the interrupu. Please read the section
`TMmr R~o/urDa in the LabVIEW release notes to see if a ! ms resoludoa will
`be appropriate for your application.
`VI Labeling Conventions
`Bold and Non-bold
`Th¢ !/O paramer.ers of Motion Toollxm Vls are labeled in bold and non-bold
`text. A bold label indicates the parameter is important and is normally wired
`when the VI is used in ~n appl~.ion. Non-bold labels i~dic~e th~ the
`parameter can often be left unwired, thereby using the default, without
`affecting the Vls primary ~ncdou.
`Default Inputs
`Parenthesis ( ) on the label of an input parameter indicate the default value tim
`VI will automatically use if the termiml is leR unwh’ed. The input~ of many
`VIs in Motion Toolbox default to "no change" meantn~ tim no change is made
`to the current setting.
`Pale I0
`U$i~8 Motion Toolbox

`Counter & Timer VIs

`Mat~z Toat&xx Ux~r Gui~
`Stop 6000 Timer
`Configure Encoder Input as Counter
`. E~eauleVl?{TJ ~ I
`Configures dze encoder i~put of the specified AxL~ ~o be used as a (cid:128)ouater.
`The hazdware ¢o~mtex can eidter count up or coum down. The direction o~ the
`count is sp~(cid:128)l~ed by ~e signal ou ~ze ¢ncod~ channel B+ .uut B- co~ctions.
`The default ~nditiou for the controlle~ uses the ~ for encoclers. Only use
`this VI if YOU warn to chanse lhe inpu~ to a counter.
`~ Couater/encoder.
`True: ~onflgure input as up/down ~oun~.
`Fabe: Configure ~ ~r e~r f~L
`Pas~ ,12
`Counter & Timer ~I~

`Reset 6000 Hardware Counter
`Toolbox User Guid~
`Axis 1-4. A tree rese~ the respective
`command reference: CNTR
`Counter & T’un~r

`Configuration VIs
`":l "
`Configuration VI Descriptions
`Set Motion Scaling Factors
`Addrlpmt out
`Dist. factor speci~:s the distance scale factor for ~be respective
`ax~is. Valid rangeis 1 ~o999,999.
`P~ 15

`Vdodty factoe R~a:ifies the velocity scale factor for the reR~etiv~
`axb. Valid range ig I to 999,999.
`Accel ftetor spacifie4 the acceleration scade factor for the respective
`axis. Valid raage is 1 to 999,999.
`6000 command refereme: SCLD, SCLV, $CLA
`Set Path Scaling Factors
`Sets pub scale factors for dhtance, velocity and acceleration. If scaling is
`enabled (Enable ,T~de Factor~ VI), the 6000 controller internally multiplies the
`distance, velocity, and acceleratic~ values used in path contouring and linear
`interpolated moves by the re.~:~five scale fac[or.
`~ Dist. factor specifies the path distance scale factor for contouring
`and liaesr laterpolated moves. VaLid range is 1 to 999,999.
`~ Velocity factor specifies the path velocily scale racer for
`contouring and linear interpolated moves. Valid range h I to
`Aecel factor specifies the path acceleration, scale factor for
`contouring and linear interl~lated moves. Valid range is I to
`6000 connnaud referenc~ PSCLD, PSCLV, PSCLA
`Page 16

`Enable Scale Factors
`Motion Toolbox ~Jxer G~id~
`False: Disable scale factors.
`600~ command referenee: SCALE
`Set Participating Axes
`Def’tnes the tmal number of axes to be cemmlled by the 6000 series pmduc~.
`The 6000 controller defaula to control all axe~ for the product.
`Participating axes se~ the number of axes to be controlled by ~ze
`6000 contrails. Valid range is zero to four and is product
`6000 (cid:128)omman~d refermc~ INDAX
`Pa#~ 17

`Configure Command Control
`Continue gx.~. m Limit determines whether the conuol!er’s
`command buffer will be saved upon hi.rig an end-of-travel limit or
`a ~oft limit. If e~blcd, all comm~d, followhtg tl~ command
`currently being execn~l will rem~;- ;- ~ buffer when a li~ b
`Continue Exee. on In Position determines whether tl~ command
`processing wi~ pause until tlz in-posidoa signal is rcceived from the
`drive. If enabled, command processing is paused until the in-
`posi~on input is ac~ve.
`6600 comm-qd reference: COMEXC, COMEXK, COMEXL, COMEXP,

`Set ContlnuouslPreset Mode
`Moron Toolbox User Gu~e
`Specifies whether the axes are to move in a continuous fashioa at a specified
`velocity or move a preset distance established with u~e Set D/stance
`~ Axis 1-4 determin~ the mode for the respective axis.
`O: Con,figure axis ~or preset mode.
`1: Configure axis ~or ~ontinuom mode.
`2: Do not ~ange a~ive sctdng.
`6000 command re~e~ence: MC
`Set Absolute/Incremental Mode
`~ nv~(cid:128)i~e?
`~ec~e ~l? ~TI ------~ |
`Ad&lpmt [defaull) __---~,, Addrlpod out
`(no change)-- L.~.~
`.A~_" 3 (no change) -
`(no e..l~,.~q.
`Speei~es whether subsequent moves are made ~ith respect to the current
`pesition (locremeutal) or with respect to an absolute zero position.
`~ Axis 1-4 determines the mode for the respective axis.
`O: Configure axis for inc~mental mode.
`I: Configure axis for absolute umde.
`2: Do not change active s~tl~$.
`fee0 command reference: MA
`Pa~e 19

`Moron Too/~x User G~
`Set Drive Resolution
`, ,
`range is 200 to 1,024,000 step~ per revolution.
`6000 command reference:. DRES
`Set Orive Fault Level
`Sets the drive fault l~vel for each axis. To enable the drive faull input, you
`must use the Enable 6000 lnp~/Functions VI to enable input fun~tiom. Use
`the following table for setting the drive fault level for Compumolor drive~.
`Page 20

`AxJs 1-4 determines ~be drive level for ~e respective axis.
`Motion Toolbox User

`Moron Too~ox ~ser Ouid~
`Configure Feedrate Override
`O~erride accd speciz~es ~e acceleration and decelerazion ~o use
`w~n ~h~ ve[oci~ is cba~sing due to a change in o~e of lhe analog
`inputs, or when the software feedra~ overriAe percentage is
`changing. Valid range L~ 1 to 50,000 percen~seca.
`6000 command reference: FRA, FIll. FRL, FRPER

`Enable Feedrate Override
`Set Encoder Resolution
`! a,lll
`Aai, I lno dmmgel ~Addr/pod
`Axis 3 (no -(cid:128)~mgeI ------J I
`.4~ 4 (no change! ....
`Configures the enc(x~ to,ha Imr re~olution (J~t ~) for ~
`~ ~" ~ ~ ~s ~ CO~ll~ ~ ~ ~t mo~
`~, ~lmaim, ~ ~rafio~ w~e ~ ~ ~ +t~ ~.
`~ ~ 14 ~ ~e e~ rmolu~n ~r ~ ~ve ~.
`V~id r~ ~ 2~ ~ 65.5~5 ~ ~ ~1~.
`Page 25

`Set Encoder/Motor Step Mode
`Addflpod: out
`Speci~es whether the move distances are based on motor steps or encoder
`Axis 1-4 detenaines step mode for the respective axis.
`O: Configure axis for motor step mode.
`1: Configure axis for encodm" step mode.
`2: 13o not change c=xem seeing.
`60~) (cid:128)~Omm~gd reference: ENC
`Configure Homing
`Immediate7 (T) "----"----I
`Exe~uteVl? (TI -----"1 I
`Adds/pod |deea~l
`A~ 111 ~ I~
`Home ~e ~ ff~J ~ ~
`Homo B~ I~1~ ~ J
`Coa.r~e= various settings fo~ lhe specified ~ u~d when homing.

`Home Active Levd defines ~ active sta~ of ~e home input.
`True; Aotivc level is high.
`False: Active level is low.
`Home to Z-~. enables Ixoming ~o an encoder Z-channe! after the
`initial home input has gone active.
`True: F-.nable home to Z-channel.
`False: Disable home to Z-c~mei. ~
`Home Backup is a cluster of controls that dictates l:mme backup
`configorat~lo~ The cluster contains the t’ollowing variables:
`Bac~p Enables or disables the home backup faciliq,.
`True: Enable home backup.
`False: Disable home backup.
`~’ma/Direcl~on specifies the direction of ~ravel a motor wfll’takn
`upon its final approach of the homing sequence.
`True: ~et final direction to coun~r.cloclcwise.
`False: Se~ ~ direction to clockwise.
`~Tn~ Ve~ species the veloci~ to use when the home algorithm
`does its’final approach. Valid range is 0 to 1,600.G00

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