` 1
` 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` 5 Plaintiff, :
` 6 vs. : Case No. 6:11-cv-00622-LED
` 7 ABB LTD., et al., :
` 8 Defendants. :
` 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` 11 Plaintiff, : Case No. 6:11-cv-00623-LED
` 12 vs. :
` 15 LLC, :
` 16 Defendants. :
` 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` 19 Plaintiff, : Case No. 6:11-cv-00624-LED
` 20 vs. :
` 21 SIEMENS CORP, et al. :
` 22 Defendants. :
` 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` 1
` 2
` 3 This matter came on for hearing before THE
` 4 HONORABLE THOMAS L. GIANNETTI, Administrative Patent
`Page 1


` 5 Judge of The United States Patent and Trademark
` 6 Office, Friday, March 21, 2014, commencing at
` 7 4:00 p.m., when were present on behalf of the
` 8 respective parties:
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13 A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 14
` 19 USPTO
` 20 400 Dulany Street
` 21 Alexandria, Virginia
` 22 (571) 272-3547
` 23 (Via telephone)
` 24
` 25
` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D:
` 5 1200 19th Street, Northwest
` 6 Suite 300
` 7 Washington, D.C. 20036
` 8 (202) 626-6237
` 9
` 10 (Via telephone)
`Page 2


` 11 AND
` 14 One World Trade Center
` 15 Suite 1600
` 16 121 S.W. Salmon Street
` 17 Portland, Oregon 97204
` 18 (503) 595-5300
` 19
` 20 (Via telephone)
` 21 AND
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D:
` 2
` 6 5301 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
` 7 Washington, D.C. 20015
` 8 (202) 237-2727
` 9
` 10 (Via telephone)
` 11 AND
` 14 1111 Third Avenue
` 15 Suite 3400
`Page 3


` 16 Seattle, Washington 98101-3299
` 17 (206) 447-6251
` 19 (Via telephone)
` 20 AND
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D:
` 4 JP Morgan Chase Tower
` 5 600 Travis Street
` 6 Suite 6710
` 7 Houston, Texas 77002
` 8 (713) 221-2000
` 9 (Via telephone)
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
`Page 4


` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` 1 P R O C E E D I N G S
` 2 4:00 p.m.
` 3 (The above-matter came on for hearing
` 5 Administrative Patent Judge with the USPTO, and the
` 6 following proceedings were had; to wit:)
` 7 JUDGE GIANNETTI: I'll hear from the
` 8 Petitioner first.
` 9 MR. MEYER: Rick, are you on?
` 10 MR. McLEOD: I am.
` 11 MR. MEYER: Excellent. I didn't know you
` 12 were there. Thanks.
` 13 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. So Mr. McLeod.
` 14 MR. McLEOD: Yes. And, also, Mr. Auvil,
` 15 Steve Auvil, for the Petitioner.
` 16 JUDGE GIANNETTI: The patent layer, who do
` 17 we have?
` 18 MR. BLACK: Your Honor, I am Richard
` 19 Black, and I have with me today Richard Meyer and
` 20 Doug Wilson.
` 21 MR. MEYER: I'm on the line. I'm not sure
` 22 Mr. Wilson is on the line.
` 23 MR. WILSON: Yes, I'm on.
` 24 MR. MEYER: Okay.
` 25 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Good. So anyone else
`Page 5


` 1 expected on the call?
` 2 MR. MEYER: We have a court reporter, Your
` 3 Honor, as well.
` 4 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. And we will ask
` 5 then that when the transcript is prepared that you
` 6 file this with the exhibit as you should.
` 7 MR. MEYER: Yes.
` 8 JUDGE GIANNETTI: So the Patent owner has
` 9 requested this conference. So I don't know who is
` 10 speaking for the patent owner.
` 11 Mr. Black, is that you?
` 12 MR. BLACK: Mr. Meyer will begin.
` 13 JUDGE GIANNETTI: So, Mr. Meyer, you have
` 14 the floor.
` 15 MR. MEYER: Thank you very much --
` 16 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Yes, go ahead.
` 17 MR. MEYER: Thank you very much, Your
` 18 Honor. There is Richard Meyer. RGB requested this
` 19 call to obtain guidance for submitting supplemental
` 20 evidence under Rule 42.123(d). We just learned of
` 21 evidence that establishes independent corroboration
` 22 of RGB's key conception evidence, and we believe
` 23 it's proper for the Board to consider it under the
` 24 interest of justice standard underneath that rule.
` 25 Last Friday ABB took the deposition of a
` 1 former Compumotor employee, Mark McClung which
` 2 provides the independent evidence of corroboration
` 3 that ABB says is necessary in this case. He
` 4 testified that he and another current Compumotor
` 5 employee, Mr. Stewart Goodnick received and reviewed
` 6 and commented on RGB's key conception evidence that
`Page 6


` 7 the July '94 XMC design spec which has been
` 8 submitted in the IPR proceeding 62, 63 and 74 as
` 9 Exhibit Nos. 2010-1, 212-1 and 213-74 respectively
` 10 in August and September of 1994 under nondisclosure
` 11 of agreements.
` 12 ABB was not only present, but they noticed
` 13 the deposition, they took the deposition, they
` 14 elicited some of these testimonies themselves. I
` 15 cross-examined the witness and brought out some more
` 16 of this corroboration testimony at the time.
` 17 ABB then redirected the witness after this
` 18 evidence fully came out, so there's no prejudice at
` 19 all to ABB. The witness also testified that ABB has
` 20 been working with another Compumotor employee,
` 21 Mr. Goodnick, who I mentioned, very closely on this
` 22 matter, so close that it was becoming burdensome for
` 23 Mr. Goodnick. So the fact that there is independent
` 24 evidence of corroboration is surely no surprise to
` 25 ABB.
` 1 The issue has been briefed extensively.
` 2 It became apparent to us at the last hearing how
` 3 important that this evidence is to the Board.
` 4 So we submit permission just to submit the
` 5 transcript itself. I would suggest you let us
` 6 highlight the relevant portions of the transcript so
` 7 you can see exactly what's relevant, and a few of
` 8 the exhibits.
` 9 There are some specifications and there's
` 10 some e-mails where Mr. McClung is commenting very
` 11 specifically on the RGB design specification that we
`Page 7


` 12 submitted. So he clearly establishes the
` 13 independent corroboration, which is why we
` 14 respectfully request that you permit us to submit it
` 15 to the Board without any argument or anything so the
` 16 Board can come to its own conclusion and review the
` 17 evidence.
` 18 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. We'll hear from
` 19 Mr. McLeod.
` 20 Is there anything further, Mr. Meyer?
` 21 MR. MEYER: No, I don't have anything
` 22 further to add.
` 24 MR. McLEOD: Yes, Your Honor. ABB opposes
` 25 submission for a number of reasons. The first part
` 1 and is under 123(b), the first part of that Rule,
` 2 showing why this evidence could not have been
` 3 obtained earlier, ABB in April 15th of 2013
` 4 submitted counterclaims asserting that Compumotor
` 5 was an unnamed -- or certain Compumotor employees
` 6 were unnamed inventors on this patent and that was
` 7 the basis of an equitable conduct claim.
` 8 Certainly RGB had every opportunity to
` 9 develop this evidence prior to its original
` 10 submission. Moreover, it highly prejudices ABB
` 11 because if they had presented this evidence in the
` 12 patent owner's response, we would have raised a
` 13 number of different issues.
` 14 First of all, we would have investigated
` 15 that issue of joint inventorship more fully. Of
` 16 course, if he's a joint inventor, his testimony is
` 17 corroborated, so in reality this just presents a
`Page 8


` 18 tainted can of worms, it hasn't been properly put
` 19 before the Board.
` 20 Additionally, the -- Mr. McClung, as I
` 21 understand it, whatever documents concerning
` 22 Mr. McClung have been held under -- in terms of the
` 23 protective order, ABB sought inconsistent evidence
` 24 during the course of this proceeding, which art
` 25 should be prevented, as I understand, they still
` 1 maintain confidentiality. If they're allowed to
` 2 submit this, suddenly we have a whole new list of
` 3 potential -- documents which we'd have to go into
` 4 and brief. That's another prejudice against us.
` 5 And then, finally, they can't say that,
` 6 you know, they suddenly realized that this is
` 7 important to the Board. The Hahn v. Wong case which
` 8 we cited in our reply makes it quite clear that, not
` 9 knowing what the appropriate evidentiary standard is
` 10 not good cause, is not even good cause for a
` 11 supplemental submission.
` 12 And so we think that they can't meet the
` 13 terms of the late submission requirement, they
` 14 reasonably could have investigated this and
` 15 presented evidence on this with their timely
` 16 submissions, and that whatever they are trying to
` 17 submit now is just a last-ditch, untimely effort.
` 18 JUDGE GIANNETTI: So I guess it's back to
` 19 Mr. Meyer. I'd like to hear what kind of showing
` 20 you might make on the issue -- you know, the Rule
` 21 places the issue of late submissions, and you have
` 22 to make a showing as to why the information was not
`Page 9


` 23 submitted earlier, could not have been obtained and
` 24 not submitted earlier. What would be your showing
` 25 if we authorized the motion?
` 1 MR. MEYER: Well, often -- what comes to
` 2 my mind now is we didn't know what this witness was
` 3 going to say until he actually said it. And we have
` 4 not been working behind the scenes with Compumotor
` 5 the way ABB has. And, I mean I think that ABB
` 6 themselves should have brought this evidence
` 7 forward.
` 8 I don't see how they can stand up in court
` 9 to you and say that there is no evidence of
` 10 independent cooperation when they do all this. So
` 11 the fact is that the witness was only deposed a week
` 12 ago, and we would emphasize that. I just received
` 13 the official transcript today, so, you know, that is
` 14 the reason why it wasn't submitted earlier. And,
` 15 frankly, it really wasn't until our most recent
` 16 hearing, as you know, our view of the law, you know,
` 17 we believe that under the facts of our case where
` 18 our documents are so strong that we don't need
` 19 independent cooperation, though it became very clear
` 20 to us when during our most recent hearing that the
` 21 Board felt that this was very important as well, and
` 22 so that was another reason why we would cite that we
` 23 could not have done this sooner.
` 24 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Well, I'm not sure that
` 25 that is your understanding of the law; perhaps your
` 1 misunderstanding of the law is an excuse. I guess
` 2 what's unusual about this situation is that the
`Page 10


` 3 deposition was taken by the Petitioner and not by
` 4 you. So you didn't notice this deposition. Is that
` 5 correct, Mr. Meyer?
` 6 MR. MEYER: That is correct. They noticed
` 7 it, the deposition, they took it on their time
` 8 frame. And their claims of joint inventorship and
` 9 these other claims are not seriously -- the
` 10 transcript itself, as you can see, if you permit us
` 11 to submit it, where the witness says that he didn't
` 12 contribute to any of the key or core concepts and
` 13 that he's not claiming to a co-inventor and he
` 14 specifically disagrees with ABB's claims of
` 15 co-inventorship.
` 16 But, yes, ABB took the deposition. They
` 17 established some on this on their direct examination
` 18 that he reviewed the design specification and
` 19 commented on it in September of 1994. I asked some
` 20 follow-up and some authentication questions. They
` 21 then had the opportunity to redirect him, and they
` 22 did redirect him.
` 23 So I clearly don't think there's any
` 24 prejudice here. I clearly think the issue of
` 25 independent corroboration has been briefed on both
` 1 sides and that this is just in the interest of
` 2 justice submitting this evidence that just became
` 3 available to us for you to consider without our
` 4 argument or anything, I don't think it would be very
` 5 burdensome, and I think it does comply with the
` 6 interest of justice and be why it couldn't have been
` 7 submitted sooner.
`Page 11


` 8 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Well, it seems to me
` 9 that if your opponent hadn't taken this deposition,
` 10 this information would never have come out. You
` 11 didn't notice this deposition, they did.
` 12 MR. MEYER: Correct.
` 13 JUDGE GIANNETTI: And the Compumotor, I
` 14 know that there was a mention of an NDA in your
` 15 papers, and I assume that this is the NDA that you
` 16 were talking about in the papers that you submitted
` 17 on the --
` 18 MR. MEYER: Yes, yes. He authenticated
` 19 that he reviewed the spec. under an NDA that's
` 20 referred to on the second page of the RGB XMC spec,
` 21 and the pages match up, and so that's another
` 22 exhibit that we could submit to you.
` 23 JUDGE GIANNETTI: So you've been aware of
` 24 this Compumotor thing for some time. Is that right?
` 25 MR. MEYER: We have been aware of the
` 1 Compumotor issue as has ABB, yes.
` 2 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Anything further,
` 3 Mr. McLeod?
` 4 MR. McLEOD: Yes, Your Honor. This
` 5 submission would, even if it were allowed, it would
` 6 only address the conception side of corroboration.
` 7 There are cases that note that there needs to be
` 8 corroboration of both phases of, whether it's
` 9 diligence or reduction to practice, and a
` 10 conception. Those both have to be independently
` 11 corroborated. This would not even address -- our
` 12 arguments on diligence, there's still being evidence
` 13 corroborating the alleged diligence and reduction to
`Page 12


` 14 practice. So the submission itself would also be
` 15 futile.
` 16 Again, if they had put this in the record
` 17 back in July, our reply brief probably would have
` 18 devoted so much of it to specifically corroboration
` 19 of conception, we would have attacked the conception
` 20 documents more directly -- so I do believe it's
` 21 highly prejudicial at this point.
` 22 JUDGE GIANNETTI: All right. Well, the
` 23 Panel and I have discussed this before this hearing
` 24 and I think this is a complicated enough issue that
` 25 we are going to authorize briefing, so we will
` 1 authorize a motion under Rule 123(e), and the motion
` 2 will be due by noon, by Monday, noon Eastern time on
` 3 Monday, limited to five pages. And it will require
` 4 support by declaration as to why this information --
` 5 let me quote the Rule here so we get it exactly
` 6 right, "must show why the supplemental information
` 7 reasonably could not have been obtained earlier." I
` 8 want to see a decoration from you on that point and
` 9 you are limited to 5 pages.
` 10 Mr. McLeod, you can file an opposition of
` 11 five pages that will be done by Wednesday 12 noon
` 12 Eastern time.
` 13 MR. McLEOD: Yes, Your Honor.
` 14 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay? In addition I
` 15 would like to have, because we are under a time
` 16 limit here for getting our final decision done, I
` 17 don't want to delay in getting the transcript, so I
` 18 will ask the Patent owner to submit the transcript
`Page 13


` 19 and you are permitted to have three pages of
` 20 observations. Are you familiar with that?
` 21 I believe you submitted observations
` 22 earlier. So three pages, maximum, observation in
` 23 the form that we require which basically allows you
` 24 to cite page and line number and what issue it's
` 25 relevant to, no argument. Understood?
` 1 MR. MEYER: Yes.
` 2 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. And that will be
` 3 due at the same time as the motion, that is, by 12
` 4 noon Eastern time on Monday. If we decide to grant
` 5 the motion, then the transcript will be in the
` 6 record. If we decide not to grant the motion, we
` 7 will expunge the transcript and the exhibits. Also
` 8 file the exhibits.
` 9 MR. MEYER: So you want us to file the
` 10 exhibits also at the same time?
` 11 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Yeah, file the
` 12 transcript and the exhibits and the three pages,
` 13 maximum, observations, and meanwhile we consider the
` 14 motion, we take that under submission when we get
` 15 Mr. McLeod's response and we'll decide whether to
` 16 fit in the transcript or whether to expunge it.
` 17 But we will require you to make a showing
` 18 under Rule 123(b), Late Submission of Supplemental
` 19 Information. So I think you should review that Rule
` 20 and make sure that your declaration covers the
` 21 requirements of the rule. Any questions?
` 22 MR. MEYER: No, Your Honor. Thank you
` 23 very much.
` 24 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. Mr. McLeod,
`Page 14


` 25 anything from you?
` 1 MR. McLEOD: Do I get to file
` 2 counter-observation?
` 3 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Yes, can you file
` 4 counter observation, subject to the same
` 5 restriction, three pages maximum.
` 6 MR. McLEOD: Thank you, Your Honor.
` 7 JUDGE GIANNETTI: And those will be due,
` 8 Wednesday 12 noon with your opposition.
` 9 MR. McLEOD: Yes, Your Honor.
` 10 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. Anything further
` 11 from either party?
` 12 MR. MEYER: Just one thing, Your Honor, on
` 13 the exhibits, I just remember that I don't have the
` 14 exhibits yet. The exhibits are supposed to come on
` 15 Monday. Would it be possible that we could submit
` 16 our filing, as opposed to noon on Monday, by
` 17 5:00 p.m. on Monday? They should be there at that
` 18 time, or maybe we should just wait until Tuesday?
` 19 JUDGE GIANNETTI: No, file what you have
` 20 at 12 noon. If the exhibits come in later, I'll
` 21 give you an extra day on those.
` 22 MR. MEYER: Okay.
` 23 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Because I want the
` 24 motion by 12 noon on Monday.
` 25 MR. MEYER: Okay. Thank you very much.
` 1 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. Anything further?
` 2 MR. MEYER: Not from us.
` 3 JUDGE GIANNETTI: Okay. Thanks very much,
`Page 15


` 4 everyone. We're adjourned.
` 5 (Whereupon, the hearing concluded at
` 6 4:17 p.m.)
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25

` 2 I, Bess A. Avery, Registered Merit
` 3 Reporter, the officer before whom the foregoing
` 4 proceedings was taken, do hereby certify that the
` 5 foregoing transcript is a true and correct record of
` 6 the testimony given; that said testimony was taken
` 7 by me stenographically and thereafter reduced to
` 8 typewriting under my supervision; and that I am
` 9 neither counsel for, related to, nor employed by any
`Page 16


` 10 of the parties to this case and have no interest,
` 11 financial or otherwise, in its outcome.
` 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my
` 13 hand and affixed my notarial seal this 21st day of
` 14 March 2014.
` 15
` 16 My commission expires:
` 17 March 31, 2018
` 18
` 19 ____________________________
` 22 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Notary Reg. # 7016339
` 23
` 24
` 25

`Page 17

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