`ROY-G-BIV Corporation,
`Fanuc Ltd., Fanuc Robotics America, Inc., GE
`Fanuc Automation Americas, Inc., and GE
`Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, Inc.,
`CASE NO, 2:07-cvy-00418-DE
`Plaintiff ROY-G-BIVCorporation CROY-G-BIV’) hereby provides its second
`supplementary responses to Defendants’ First Set of Interrogatories.
`ROY-G-BIVincorporates by reference its objections set forth in its February 28, 2008,
`answers and objections to Defendants’ interrogatories.
`For cach Accused Product, describe the circumstances leading up to the allegation that
`Detendants allegedly infringe the patents-in-suit, including the date on which Plamtifffirst
`became aware of the Defendants’ Accused Products (and identify all documents relating to such
`awareness and all persons with knowledge of such awareness); the date on which Plaintifffirst
`considered the Defendants’ accused products to be an alleged infringement of the patents-in-sult
`(and identify all documents relating to such consideration and all persons with knowledge of
`such consideration}; and all actions taken by or on behalf of Plaintuf to investigate or pursue its
`behets of alleged infringement Gncluding documents reflecting or reporting anytests or analyses
`performed on Defendants’ Accused Products prior to filmg the complaint for purposes of
`determining whether those Accused Products allegedly infringe the patents-in-suit).
`Specific Objections:
`TRIAL IPR2013-00062
`TRIAL IPR2013-00282


`Plaintiff objects to this interrogatory as secking information that is protected underthe
`attorney-client privilege and/or work product doctrine.
`In particular, the details relating to when
`Plaintiff first “considered the Defendants’ accused products to be an alleged infringement of the
`patents-in-suit” and the identification of “ail actions taken by or on behalf of Plaintiff to
`investigate or pursuc its belicts of alleged infringement” calls for information protected under the
`attorney-chent privilege and work-product doctrine. Plaintiffalso objects to the mterrogatoryas
`vague and ambiguous. For example, it is unclear what the “circumstances leading up to the
`allogation that Defendants allegedly infringe the patents-in-suit” encompass. Plaimtiff objects to
`this interragatory as overly broad and unduly burdensome to the extent it requests the
`identification of “all” documents and persons,
`Subject to the foregoing General and Specific objections, Plaintuf is in the process of
`evaluating which products are accused of mfringement. Further, even arnong accused software
`products, tt is difficult at this time to determine whether older versions of the soflware are
`the answerto this interrogatory focuses, in some instance, on the current versions of the
`sottware, Plaintiff also has attenmpted to answer with respect to prior versions of the software.
`Finally, Plaintiif’s awareness of the existence of a particular product should not be construed as
`reflecting an awareness ofthe features, characteristics or capabilities of such a product.
`One product accused of infringement is the FOCAS software, along with applications
`that incorporate and use FOCAS. Plaintiff docs not knowthe exact date on which it first became
`aware of FOCAS. With respect to the current version of FOCASI for Ethernet, released in 2003,
`Plaintiffs best guess is that it knewof this soflware soon after its release date. The earliest


`Plaimtiff likely knewabout any version of FOCAS| likely was in October 2001, when it likely
`learned of FOCAS] for HSSB. Plamtiff probablyfirst learned of FOCAS] for Ethernet around
`May 2002. With respect to FOCAS2, Plaintiff likely knewof it in early 2004 — possibly tn
`January of 2004. With respect to Proficy HMI/SCADA — CIMPLICITY RMI for CNC, Plaintiff
`does not recall an exact date when ut first becarne aware of the product. But Plamtiff believes
`that it became aware of the product within two years of the filmmg date of the complaint —
`probably im 2006.
`Defendant has yet to identify which of its other software is used with POCAS. But to the
`extent other versions of CIMPLICITYor software products therein are used, Plaintiff does not
`recall whenit first became aware of the other CIMPLICITY software. It likely became aware of
`the current version of the software just prior to filing the complaint. Plaintiff may have known
`that GE Fanuc offered CIMPLICITYfor HMI products in late 1999,
`It is possible that Plaintiff
`first became aware that GE Fanue offered a product with the name CIMPLICITYin the 1996-
`1998, time period.
`Plaintiffbelieves it first became aware of the existence of the PROFICY MACHINE
`EDITIONsoftware on or around June 24, 2004.
`Some of the claimsrecite features directed at motion hardware and workstations.
`Plaintiff was generally aware of various GE FANUCand FANUC motion control hardware im
`the late 1990s. It also believes it knewof the alpha and beta servos around 1996. Plaintiff
`believes that it became aware of various other hardware and workstations in the 2001-2003 time
`frame. Plaintiff, however, dees not know when it became aware ofall ofthese products. Ht
`believes that it may have become aware of the series 151, 161, 181, 211, and 1601 products around
`October 2061. Plamtiff believes it may have become aware ofthe Paneli in early 2002 —


`possibly in January 2002. Plaintiff was aware that GE FANUC and FANUCoffered various
`other controls at least as of early 2003 (possibly January 2003), such as the Senes 150, 1501, 160,
`180, 210, 1801, 2161, G1, Power Mate 14, 0, 15, 16, 18, and 21.
`Plaintiff does not knowthe date on which it “first considered the Defendants’ accused
`products to be an alleged infringement of the patents-in-suit.” H likely consideredthere to be an
`infringement — as best it could without having access to confidential mformation sach as source
`code - within a year-and-a-half of the filing of the complaint in September 2007. Plaintiff began
`investigating the possibility of infringement mn the 2006 time frame. Plaintiff worked withits
`counsel in iis unvestigation of the inffmgement. The details regarding this investigation are
`protected by the work product and attorney-client privilege doctrines.
`Separately for cach asserted claim of the patents-in-suit, identify all allogeddates of
`conception, any subsequent diligence until reduction to practice, any dates of actual reduction to
`practice of the claimed invention, the date offirst constructive reduction to practice of the
`claimed subject matter defined bythe claim, all persons who were involved in connection with
`such conception, diligence, or reduction to practice, and the earliest effective filing date Plaintiff
`will assert for each suchclaim, stating in detail all factual bases supporting Plamtilf’s
`identification of each such date, and identifying all persons, documents, and tangible things
`corroborating each such date.
`specific Objections:
`Plaintiff objects to this interrogatoryas overly broad and unduly burdensome to the
`extent it requests “all factual” bases.
`Subject to the foregoing General and Specific Objections, the claims were conceived at
`loast as carly as April i994, The claims were first reduced to practice after the filing of the ‘897
`patent — probablyaround latce-1996 or carly-1997. The carliest effective filmg date for asserted


`claims of the patents-in-suit is May 30, 1995, The docurnents in support of this effective filing
`date are U.S. Patent No. 5,691,897, along with the original application for this patent. This
`original disclosure, filled on May 30, 1995, supports the claims of the patents-in-suit pursuant to
`35 ULS.C. § 120, and is a constructive reduction to practice of the invention. The inventors
`dihgently workedon theideas, including after their conception date. They worked diligentlyat
`least through the reductionto practice dates, particularly considering that they were working on
`other projects and at starting up their business. Persons involved in the conception, diligence,
`and reduction to practice were Dave Brown and Jay Clark. Their prosecution counsel were
`involvedin the constructive reduction to practice — ie., the May 30, 1995 filme date of the ‘897
`patent. Persons with knowledge ofthe diligence inchide Richard Black, Robert Hughes, and
`Michael Schacht. Plaintiff contimues to investigate other potential persons with knowledge.
`Documents in support of these contentions (e.g., corroborating the inventors’ diligent
`work on the invention as well as on other technical and business projects), may include:
`RGBOQ000 1249 ~ 1257; RGBOQO0004075 - 4086;RGBOG004087 - 4092; RGBOGO04095;
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`$6829; RGBOOOS6830 - 56836; RGBO0056837 - 56841; RGBOO0S6842 - 56843; RGBO00S6844
`~ 56831; RGBO0056852 - 56853; RGBOO0056854 - 56857; RGBON0S6858 - 56870;
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`~ $6943; RGBO0056944 ~ $6945; RGBO0056946 ~ $6948; RGBO00S6949 - 56930;
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`- 56976; RGBOG056977 - 56981; RGBOGOS6982 - 56983; RGBOUOSGSS4 - 56987;
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`~ 37043; RGBO0057044 - 57045; RGBO005 7046 - 57049; RGBOQOS7050 - 37052;
`RGBO005 7053 - 37064; RGBOGOS7065 - 57074; RGBOGOS7075 - 37076; ROBO0057077 -
`$7082; RGBOODS 7083 - 57094; RGBOODS 7095 - 57102; RGBOOOS7103 - 37104; RGBO00S7105
`~ 57106; RGBO0057 107 - 57109; RGBO0057110 - 57113; RGBOOOS7114 - S7LIS;
`RGBO00057116 - 57125; RGBO0057 126 - 57127; RGBOOQ0S7 128 - 37129; RGB00057 130 -
`$7132; RGBOOOS7135 - 57140; RGBOOOS7141 - $7144: RGBOO0S7133; RGBOO0S7217 -
`37228; RGBO0057229 - 37249; RGBO00S7572 - 37577; RGBOOGS7578 - 37579; RGBOOGS73580
`- 37586; RGBOGOS 7606 - 57607; RGBOGOS7608 - 537610; RGBOUGS7611 - 37613;
`RGBOO0S7614 - 57616; RGBOUGGS7620 - $7621; RGBOGOS7622 - 37623; RGBOUOGS7635 -
`37637; RGBO0057638 ~ 37639; ROBN0057640 - 37641; RGBO00S 7642 - 37644; RGBO00S7649
`- 37650; RGBOOOS765 1 - 57652; RGBO00S7664 - 57666; RIGBO0GS7683 - 37684;
`RGBOUGGS7685 - 57686; RGBOGGS7735 - 37738; RGBOUGS7741 - 37744; RGBUOGS7817 -
`$7823; RGBO0057824 - 37829; RGBOO05 7836 - 57836; RGBO0057837 - 37841; RGBOO0S 7842
`57844; RGBOGOS7845 - 57850; RGBOGOS7S8S1 - 37858; ROBOGOS78S9 - 57862;
`RGBOG0S7863 - 37865; RGBOGOS7866 - 37869; RIGBOGGS9S IS - 59523; RGOBO0062154 -
`62173; RGHO0062478 - 62461; RGBO0062494 - 62495; RGBO0062646 - 62641; RGBG0063239
`~ 63248; RGBO0063249 - 63251; RGBO0063252 - 63252; RGBO0063259 - 63260;
`RGB00063263 - 63265; RGBN0063266 - 63267; RGBO0063268 - 63269; ROB00063373 -
`63376; RGBO0063377 - 63378; RGBO0063414 - 63438: RGBO0063953 - 63953; RGBOODG4 164
`~ 64191; RGBO0070462 - 70467, RGBO0076402 - 76406; RGB00076413 - 76418;
`RGB00076436- 76440; RGBO007644 1 - 76448; RGBO0076449 - 76454; RGB00076459 -
`76313; RGBOQOO77 184 - 77243; RGBOOO77244 ~ 77287,
`Plaintiffcontinues to investigate this interrogatoryand will, if required, timely


`supplement this interrogatory.
`With respect to cach of the patents-in-suit, identify all facts and documents, and all
`persons competent to testify with respect thereto, upon which Plaintiffrelies for proof of
`secondary considerations under 35 U.S.C. § 103 for cach patent.
`Plaintiffobjects to this interrogatoryas a premature contention interrogatory. Plaintiff
`further objects imsofar as this interrogatoryis predicated on legal terms or conclusions of law
`including the term “secondary considerations.” Plaintiff further objects to the extent that this
`interrogatory calls for informationthat is properly the subject of expert discovery.
`Subject to the foregoing General and Specific objections, Plaintufstates as follows:
`Discovery has only recently begun in this case and Plaintiff will timely supplernent. Plamtiff’s
`invention solved a long-standing problemin the motion control industry. Specifically, the
`motion controller market consisted primarily of hardware-oriented companies. These companies
`provided low-level software that worked directly with thew hardware cornponents. The software
`from each company, however, was specific to that company’s hardware products. As a result, a
`consumer wishing to iraplement high-level software, sach as factory automation applications,
`could do so only ifall of its hardware used the same low-level software. Low-level software
`varied from manufacturer to manufacturer, but also could vary within a single manufacturer's
`hardware offermgs, Due to the lack of mteroperability, a consumer wishing to implementa
`factory automation application was limited not only to hardware from a single manufacturer, bat
`also to specific hardware offerings from that manufacturer. Although Plaintiff does not recall
`any particular persons who expressed skepticism about its idea, it does genorallyrecall that, on


`occasion, others expressed skepticism about the ability of its invention to work. Nevertheless,
`Plamtif’s hard work and ingenuity fed to a solution to the problem. Others, such as defendants,
`have enjoyed great commercial success fromthe use of Plaintiif’s invention. Persons who could
`testify about these facts include the inventors of the patents-in-suit, Dave Brown and Jay Clark.
`Other potential persons include persons currently and formerly associated with defendants, and
`the parties’ experts.


`Dated: April 25, 2008
`As to the Objections,
`Lance Latel
`Lead Attorney
`Texas State Bar No. 12651125
`John M. Black
`Texas State Bar No. 24006850
`3800 Buffalo Speedway, 5" Floor
`Houston, Texas 77098
`Telephone: (713) 650-1200
`Fax: (713) 650-1400
`Of Counsel:
`William A. Isaacson
`D. Michael Underhill
`Erie F. Maurer
`Aaron J. Snow
`S301 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20015
`Telephone: 202.237.272
`Fax: 202.237.6131
`E-mail: a
`Atiorneys for Plaintiff ROY-G-BIV
`Kip Glasscock
`Texas State Bar No. 08011000
`550 Fannin, Suite 1350
`Beaumont, Texas 77701
`Telephone: (409) 833-8822
`Fax: (409) 838-4666
`Russell A. Chorush
`Texas State Bar No. 24631948
`JP Morgan Chase Tower
`600 Travis Street, Suite 6710
`Houston, Texas 77002
`Telephone: (713) 221-2006
`Fax: (713) 221-202)




`I hereby certify that on April 25, 2008, counsel of record for the parties are being served
`a copy of the foregoing document via E-mail, with a confirmation copyto be sent via First Class
`T. John Ward, Jr.
`Texas State Bar No. 00794818
`1Li West Tyler Street
`Longview, TX 75601
`Telephone: 903.757.6400
`Facsimile: 903,.757,2323
`E-Maik pw
`Daniel T, Shvodian
`California State Bar No. 184576
`1950 University Avenue, 4th Floor
`East Palo Alta, CA 94303
`Telephone: 656.798.3500
`Facsimile: 650.798.3600
`E-maik §
`Henry C. Bunsow
`California State Bar No. 60707
`James F. Valentine
`California State Bar No. 149269
`Daniel T. Shvedian
`California State Bar No. 184576
`1956 University Avenue, 4th Floor
`East Pala Alto, CA 94303
`Telephone: 650.798.3506
`Facsimile: 650.798.3600
` E-mail: Shvod
`Eric J. Meurer

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