`Ona RGBO1234017
`TRIAL IPR2013-00062
`EXHIBIT 2010-3
` 1


`(varies per month) Minimum hour base
`Minimum daily hours
`Total work days
` RGB01234018
` 2


` RGB01234019
` 3


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`OPERATIONS: mtg w/ Jay, OPERATIONS: TRAVEL- drove to Seattle.
`R&D: XMC Motion ~ soruce code sweep, revised XMCCMPNT, XMCDRVAD.
`R&D: XMC Motion - source code sweep, revised KMCSETUP, XMCSETUP.EXE;MIS: started setting up Nil's Machine;
`R&D: XMC Motion - source code sweep, revised AT6400DV, AT6400HL; MIS: setup Nil's machine.
`R&D: XMC Motion - source code sweep, revised AT6400DR, AT6400HL, sent information for Patent to Mike Schatchs;
`R&D: XMC Motion- studied Wizdom systems info, R&D: MFC/OLE - studied; R&D: ODBC-studied; MIS: purchased VC++ 1.5 Book, PnP book:
`R&D: XMC Motion - studied VxD's
`R&D: XMC Motion - studied MFC/OLE.
`ee) RGB01234020
` 4


`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`Your Name
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`D: XMC Motion - mtg w/ Mike Schatchts, mtg w/ Rich, mtg w/ Jay - patent stuff; MARKETING: mtg w/ Community Software Company;
`‘D: XMC Motion - began MFC code sweep; MIS: caught up on mail & email;
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekends andholidays. Minimum number of hours one is expected to work in a given month.
`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week).
` RGB01234021
` 5


` RGB01234716
` 6


`(varies per month)
`Reviewed and approved
`Minimum daily hours
`Total work days
`Minimum hour base 170
` RGB01234717
` 7


` RGB01234718
` 8


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`ch3, ch4:
`|9 |R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~MFC code sweep: OPERATIONS:status:
`R&D: XMC Motion - tested Registration work: completed Driver Test Program; MIS: signed Nils onto WinCim:
`R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ made OLE revisions, added cnstom control technology.
`R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ extracted core, more MFC/OLEenabling.
`R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ more MFC/OLEenabling & testing, XMCERRORMGR~ dev & test:
`R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ testing; MIS: setup WINCIM for Nils, setup Nils computer: OPERATIONS: status:
`R&D: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ competed testing - XKMCERRMGR, AT6400DR, AT6400HL, AT6400DV: OPERATIONS:organized office:
`OPERATIONS: TRAVEL - drove to Costco, purchased supplies: MIS: went through email & mail:
`ACCOUNTING:reconciled accounts, organized invoices. MIS: went through mail:
`: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ testing. revised AT6400HL - added diagnostics to HAL:
`: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ testing w/ Hardware.
`: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ created Win3.I driver & tested; MARKETING:updated data project w/ newaddresses; MIS: organized:
`: XMC Motion - Studied VxD's in C in Chicago. MIS: reinstalled WIN95, SDK, DDK & VC++ 2.0:
`(DD: XMC Motion - Studied VxD's in C in Chicago - Worked w/ VxD Demo under Win95 and Win3.1
`> XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ created Win95 VxD. and HAL.
`: XMC Motion - AT6400 Driver ~ worked on Win95 VxD and HAL, reorganized XMCproject; Started strategy doc.
`MIS: organized, OPERATIONS: TRAVEL- drove to Seattle:
`R&D: NN&EL - read Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Applications in C++
`R&D: NN&FL - read Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Applications in C++ ch4, ché:
`R&D: NN&FL - read Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Applications in C++ ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9;
`M8 1.5/J (RODAN)}Project.
` RGB01234719
` 9


`Minimum numberof hours one is expected to work in a given month.
`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`Your Name
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week).
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekends and holidays.
` RGB01234720
` 10


` A
` 10-Jan
` 11-Jan
` 18-Jan
` 11


`12 RGB01227385
` 12


`13 RGB01227386
` 13


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`MSVC2.0 Support Project.
`|8 [MS 1.5/] (RODAN) Project.
`: COMBUILDER - moved symbolsto rc file, Added full filename replacement support, added symbol descriptions to .rc file, worked on 16bit .mak file.
`R&D: NN&Fuzzy Logic - studied chapters 9-10 in Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications in Ct++; OPERATIONS: wrote up notes on 95' goals.
`MIS:caught up on email and mail; R&D: XMC AT6400 Driver - worked on loading Win95 VxD; R&D: NN&Fuzzy Logic - chapters 10-11.
`OPERATIONS: Status w/ Nils; ACCOUNTING:bills, R&D: XMC AT6400 Driver - extracted generic base code, tested:
`R&D: XMC (TMPL)- generalized errmgr, combase,started to build MFC_IPS template, tested 16/32bit builds:\
`R&D: LOG- converted to new MFC format;
`R&D: LOG - complted conversion to new MFC format; R&D: BASECODE- added regdb interface updating;
`R&D: COMBLDER- started project, prepared ComObjectBase Object, planned project, R&:D:BASECODE- debugged;
`MIS: mtg w/ Jay; R&D: AT6400 - converted to use new COMBASE. R&D: COMBUILDER- started core code construction.
`18 |R&D: COMBUILDER- CTPLParser & CSymbolTable constr, MIS: mtg w/ Jay - 95 goals, 94 review, hr, bonuses, improv, OPERATIONS: cleaned water leak.
`MIS: mtg w/ Jay - corporate meeting, marketing & compnt plan; R&D: COMBUILDER - CTPLParser work, OPERATIONS: TRAVEL- Portland for supplies
`MIS: motg w/ Jay - bonuses, performance reviews, goal oriented; R&D: COMBUILDER - CTPLParser work;
`: COMBUILDER- CTPLParsertesting; MIS: organized office, setup trust relationships in NT.
`: COMBUILDER - CTPLParsertesting, CSymbolTable & CMacroExp construction, reorganized design;
`: COMBUILDER - CMacroParser, CSymbolTable, CTPLParser, CBldMer reorg, Template work,
`: COMBUILDER- tested generated code ~ ClassWizard file, resource file, started working on mak file.
`: COMBUILDER- template testing ~ mak file; OPERATIONS:status w/ Nils;
`27 |R&D: COMBUILDER- TPL_IPS debugging ~ 16bit mak files; MIS: created TPL_IPS, TPL_EXE, COMBLDER, COMBLDER-EXE projects, started Internet.
`R&D: COMBUIDLER - TPL_EXE created & tested, resolved several COMBUILDERbugs, Added new fonts to COMBULDER.EXE,;
`: COMBUILDER - completed TPL_CPL template, added to BaseCode, Verified 32/16bit builds;
`14 RGB01227387
` 14


`32 |R&D: XMC AT6400 - Win95 vxd; MARKETING:called Kavi Singh & Steve. ACCOUNTING:tax info & sent to Randy. talked to InvMgr; MIS: email rvw.
`33 |R&D: XMC Compumotor - emailed status, sent info to Lumina, HMSw/status, info from Cristian O'Conner; Researched RPC OLElocal srvs, Win95 Vxd.
`R&D: XMC AT6400 - loading Win9S5 Vxd; ACCOUNTING:bills: HR reviewinfo with Nils; MIS: Internet rvw and tst; OPERATIONS: TRAVEL-
`ACCOUNTING:mtg w/ Greg Jensen - investment manager; R&D: XMC background check on Parker Hannifin, Galil, and Delta Tau.
`R&D: XMC- studied Licensing ch4; OPERATIONS: TRAVEL- Seattle for Mtg w/ Jay:
`OPERATIONS: TRAVEL- Hood River; R&D: AT6400 Reviewed DDK 95 vxd email; HR:staried Nil's review.
`R&D: COMBUILDER - TPL_EXE, TPLIPS, TPLCPLfinal testing, completed 16bit TPL_CPL.
`OPERATIONS: status report & mtg w/ Nils; MIS: project mgmt ~ TPL_xxx, COMBUILDER & .EXE. LOG; Updated Jayon projects, Updated timelogs.
`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`15 RGB01227388
` 15


`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week).
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekends and holidays.
`Minimum numberof hours one is expected to work in a given month.
` 16
` 16


` RGB01227895
` 17


`(per week)
`Reviewed and approved
`Minimum daily hours
`Total work days
`(varies per month)
`Minimum hour base
`(per month)
`Hourly overtime cap
` 18


`19 RGB01227897
` 19


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`R&D: XMC - mtg w/ Jay - Comblider, Internet, OPERATIONS:trv- Wento Seattle
`R&D: XMC - completed history doc, organized strategy docs. LEGAL: patent - talked to Mike Schacht. OPERATIONS: picked up nnail.
`|16|R&D: XMC - win95 - vxd Joading,; R&D: XMC - completed AT6400DV.VXD andtested, synced up driver for COMBLDER changes.
`R&D: XMC- Fixed AT6400 regdb bugs, more AT6400 Win9Stesting, built 16bit AT6400 and fixed bugs: OPERATIONS: travel - drove to Seattle.
`|18|MIS: upgrd Arun's mach to NT3.5, RAS probs, updid securty to RGB_s: PRJINT: mtg - ComBider & PMS. OPERATIONS: traravel - drove to HR.
`R&D: XMC- more VxD Loading probs, solved. upgraded and tested AT6400 driver.
`R&D: XMC- ComBler- bugfixes, paths added: HR: OLE revww/Nils, setup Comblder w/ Nils: MARKTING:talked to DonD; MIS: installed Win9S,
`MIS:setup Gig drive. reinstalled VC++ 2.1 subscr version.
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - started: ComTest - added cmdline: MIS: reinstalled VC+4 2.1 on server. reinstalled MSOffice 4.3, Converted server to NTFS:
`R&D: XMC - spec #3 - wrote up plan change list, WINSEM - reviewed message: R&D: studied internet.
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - completed change doc, studied Internet and figured out offer to cory for marketing/internet. OPERATIONS: purchclean suppl:
`OPERATIONS: organized office, status w/ Nils: HR: OLE revieww/ Nils: R&D: XMC - ComTestfixed bugs. HR:talked to Steve about Mike.
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - completed Analysis, ComBlder training w/ Nils, mtg w/ Cory- Internet, MARKETING:e-mail blitz:
`R&D: XMC - spec #3 - SPI Ref. API structure, mtg w/ Cory - Internet, user guide structure. HR: OLE review w/Nils:
`R&D: XMC - spec #3 - SPI Ref draft. HR: ComBlder/OLE review w/ Nils, reviewed bonus plan. discussed bp w/ Jay, MARKETNG:e-mail blitz.
`HR: Nils Imo Review. R&D: Discussed WINSEM w/Jay, Discussed WINSEM wi Brad.
`|8|ACCNTING:time logs: OPERATIONS:monthly & weekly goals: MARKTING:sent coverltr to Kavi Singh: R&D: Svnced up w/ WinSem;
`|9 |R&D: Info Sources on CSERVE, wrote up DBASE doc on sources. MARKETNG:revised coverletter for Kavi Singh:
`|10 |R&D: XMC - history, currentstate, cost est documents, studied internet - ftp, usenet, email addresses.
`OPERATIONS: travel - drove to Seattle; R&D: printed XMC state, log, revised state and log;
`MARKTING:mtg w/ Judithla, Tom Barklay @ MSFT: R&D: mtg w/ Jay, Brad, Brian on WOSA:
`R&D: XMC - read up on NT & Internet; LEGAL; mtg w/ Rich: OPERATIONS:travel - drove from Seattle to HR.
`| R&D: XMC - yxd loading in Win95: MIS:instalid NTAS3.5 on srvr and DAVEB2.installd MSOffice. Ordrd 2 GigDrvs. prepared MS machinesfor return:
`29 |R&D: XMC- intrnl - doc map, mtg w/ Cory- Internet: HR: revwd Nils' OLE docs, helpd w/ OLE, discussed docs w/ Nils. OPERATIONS: trv] - Wenatchee.
`MARKTING:discussed business opportunities & licensing w/ Bart Block:
` RGB01227898
` 20


`OPERATIONS: trvl - Sea to Redmnd twice. ACCNTING: mig w/ Greg & Randy; LEGAL-patent - mtg w/ Mike: MARKTING: mtg w/ RickLa
`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`Minimum numberof hours one is expected to work in a given month.
`Your Name
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week).
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekends and holidays.
`21 RGB01227899
` 21


` RGB01228439
` 22


`per week) Hourly overtime cap
`Minimum hour base
`per month)
`Minimum daily hours
`otal work days
`varies per month)
`ourly overtime cap
` RGB01228440
` 23


` RGB01228441
` 24


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`R&D: XMC - drew up XMCLogo, researched DDE; OPERATIONS: trvi - Sea to HR, went through mail; LEGAL:patent - collected info for Mike;
`|8 |OPERATIONS:monthly, weekly goals, status w/ Nils, ACCNTING:paidbills; MIS:resolved security issues,
`|9|R&D: XMC - spec #3 - updated scenario IAs, internl - designs for Overall XMC, Drv,Cmpnt,Stub LA; HR - discussed bonus plan w/ Nils:
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - worked on UserGuide ch 1-3, intrnl - updided doc map, completed designs, sent to Mike, MIS: attempted Internet connectivity.
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - worked on UserGuide ch 4, revised ch 3, studied DDE.
`R&D: XMC - spec #3 - worked on UserGuide ch 5 & 6, revised ch 4; HR: march goals for Nils, 6-mo goals for Nils; OPERATIONS:status;
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - worked on UserGuide ch 7 & 8, revised ch 3; OPERATIONS: organized office,ACCNTING:paidbills.
`OPERATIONS: trvl - HR to Sea & Sea to HR; MARKTING: mtg w/ Jay, mtg w/ Brad, mtg w/ Brianmo, mtg w/ Rickla all @ MSFT.
`R&D: XMC - spec #3 ~ worked on UserGuide ch 8-10, studied interrupts in NT; HR: helped Nils w/ OLE.
`R&D: XMC- studied ISR's in NT;
`R&D: XMC- studied ISR's in NT, attempted remote DBG and WinDbg, posted question on CServe.
`|18|R&D: XMC- spec #3 - worked on UserGuide ch 11 & 12, spell checking, revised org; HR: helped Nils w/ IDataObj, OPERATIONS: status, week goals;
`|19 |R&D: XMC- spec #3 - completed UserGuide, revised Product Description, discussed License plan w/Jay;
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - finalized UserGuide, Product Descr, XMCSPL XMCAPIdocs, wrote cover letters, created binders, final License plan review;
`R&D: XMC- spec #3 - prepared binders, sent binders out, prepared for meeting w/ Mike Schacht, OPERATIONS: trvl - drove to Seattle.
`LEGAL - patent - mtg w/ Mike Schacht, OPERATIONS:trvl- drove to HR;
`OPERATIONS: collected mail, caught up on e-mail, organized mail; ACCNTING:paidbills.
`R&D: XMC - Is tmpl - reshaped IPS tmplfor local server, worked on OLE local server sample
`R&D: XMC- Is trapl - worked with OLE local server sample.
`R&D: XMC- Is tmpl - completed shaping IPS for LS. worked with sample.
`R&D: XMC-Is tmpl - resolved LS connection issues and tested, completed custom LS, prepared it for templatization.
`R&D: XMC- Is tmpl - converied custom LS to template LS; OPERATIONS: status, status w/ Nils - discussed design of IFaceBuilder:
`R&D: XMC-Is tmpl - debugged LS tmpl, fixed basecode bugs, completed LS tmpl and IPS tpl testing, emailed all, Internet - mtg w/ Cory.
`OPERATIONS: organization - started ogrnaizing office, cleaned office, went through mail and e-mail.
`XMC:talked to BobCook, OPERATIONS:orgnaization- office, purch off supL; ACCNTING: bills; MARKTNG: talked to brianmo, bradstr @ MSFT;
`R&D: XMC- updated history log, OPERATIONS: ortanization - office, purch off supl.; ACCNTING: completed tax prep and sent to Randy;
` RGB01228442
` 25


`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`57 {Minimum number of hours one is expected to work in a given month.
`46 |Your Name
`47 |ROY-G-BIV Corporation
` 26


` 27


`Reviewed and approved
`Minimum daily hours
`Total work days
`(varies per month)
`Minimum hour base
` 28


` RGB01229077
` 29


`Employee Time Log
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`on Description
`R&D:XMC- Driver Admin CPL Analysis, learned about TreeViews, TabCtrls, ImageLists,; PRJINT-IFBldr- reviewed design, discussed w/ Nils;
`|R&D:XMC - ComplDriverAdmin CPL Anadoc; PRJINT:IFBlder - mtgw/Nils - ana, desManipulator, desIFBlder, desParser, OPR:TRVL -HRto Seattle
`|9 |R&D:XMC- Patent preped for mtg, rvwclaims, Mtg w/ Mike Schacht, Mig w/Jay;
`ACNTING:mtg w/ Jay, MARKETING: mtg w/ Jay; MIS: mtg w/ Jay.
`PRIINT:IFBldr - mtg w/ Nils des IFBider, des Manipulator; OPR: e-mail, mail catchup, OPR:TRVL - Wen to HR.
`PRJINT:IFBldr - mtg w/ Nils des Manipulator; MRKTNG; AOL e-mail blitz, created simple Access database.
`MIS: connected to Internet, tested WWW; OPR:organized office, purchased office supplies.
`MRKTING:responded to e-mail; HR: status w/ Nils, monily goals, weekly goals.
`R&D:XMC:rsrch DrvAdmin creation issues; MRKTING:rspnd to BrianMo@MSFT; R&D Internet - studied sockets; PRJINT:IFBldr - Nils, cade review.
`R&D:XMC:proto DrvAdmin CPL dev; MRKTING:updated resumes, coverlettr, sent io Adam; PRJINT:Intemet- discussed issues w/ Cory.
`R&D:XMC: DrvAdmin CPL Ana filled out text, collected docs for Mike Schacht, MARKTING:discussed Mtg w/ Jay.
`MARKTING:mtg w/ Bill Griffith@MSFT, Mtg w/ Jay; E-mail scan; R&D:Web Browsing - stock resources.
`|19|R&D:XMC: DrvAdmin CPL worked on images; OPR:TRVL - Seattle to HR, organized; R&D :RiverView - notes; MIS: upgraded server to WinNT 3.51.
`R&D:XMC: DrvAdmin CPL dev - CAddModuleDig, CViewSupportDlg, MIS: upgradded worksin to WinNT 3.51
`R&D:XMC: DrvAdmin CPL work - reade for scn shots; MIS: newkeyboard setup, MARKTING:sentprofile to CAC; ACCNTING:bills;
`R&D:XMC:DrvAdmin CPL Ana - completed, TOOLS- resovled ComBlder ASSERT,fixed template bugs, MIS: reconfignred HW on server 250 mbto srvr.
`PRJINT:JFBlder - revwd docs; INTERNET~started doc; MARKTING:followups, business cards; :
`R&D:XMC:reorged proj - movto X drv; PRJINT:IFBider - cmpl doc rvw, mtg w/ Nils, PRJINT:Internet - cmpl spec. MARKETING: filwups; OPR:org.
`PRJINT:Internet: cmp! spec, mtg w/ Cory; PRJINT:helped Nils w/ project organization, ComBlder- helped Arun; OPR:TRVL - HR to Wen uitg w/ Steve.
`R&D:XMC:rsrch WinNT DD (NT Developer), Mtg w/ Steve - strategic alliance relationship with RAYA;
`R&D:XMC:rsrch WinNT DD (NT Develeper)
`OPR:TRVL - Wen to HR, e-mail catchup; HR: weekly goals, status w/ Nils;
`R&D:XMC- DrvAdmin CPL. DrvAdmin, Cmpnt, Driver, Stream design notes; PRJINT-Jnternet - mtg w/ Cory.
` RGB01229078
` 30


`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`Your Name
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`30 |R&D:XMC - DrvAdmin CPL, DrvAdmin, Cmpntdes notes; OPR:TRVL HR to Seattle & back; MARKTING: mtg w/ TBarclay@MSFT, mtg w/ Jay stratg.
`R&D:XMC- Driver, Driver Stub, Stream des notes; ACCNTING: mtg w/ Jay - Central Swap phase #1; PRJENT:Internet - mtg w/ Cory & Heidi.
`R&D:XMC- DrvAdmin CPL des doc, BASECODE- debugged; MARKTING:sente-mail to TBarclay@MSFT; MIS: security scan,
`R&D:XMC - DrvAdmin CPL des doc completion; PRJINT:IFBlder- code revieww/ Nils.
`R&D:XMC - DrvAdmin des doc - notes & ds4.0 pictures; OPR: office cleanup and organization.
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekendsand holidays.
`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week).
`Minimum number of hours one is expected to work in a given month.
` RGBO1229079
` 31


` 25-May
` 32
` 32


`(varies per month) Minimum hour base
`Reviewed and approved
`Minimum daily hours
`Total work days
` 33


` 34


`Employee Time Log
`|2|ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`R&D:XMC- rvwpatent draft: XMC:TOOLS- tested TPL_JPS.102: PRIEXT:SS40 - wrote letter clarifying Schedule A-1
`|9|MIS: Setup Windows 95: PRJEXT: SS40 ~ contract rev #1, sent to Jay, Tom, Rich: ACCNTING: April TimeLog; HR: Monthly Goals:
`|10 |PRIINT: Intmcon- revised doc, HW Quote from Dell: PRJEXT: S840 - verified contract sent to Tom, Notified Tom of UNICODEbug.
`R&D:XMC - DrvAdm, CPL, & Cmpnt Des drnv, Tikd/ Kevin Holloway - Ctrl Eng Artcl, PRIEXT: SS40 - rvwRich's ctr rev. MRKTNG:tlkd to Steve Clk
`OPERATIONS: wrote up Corp Annual Mig notes: PRIEXT: SS40- sent contract to Tom. OPERATIONS: TRVL - drovefo Seattle.
`OPERATIONS: TRVL-travel to Company Meeting. OPERATIONS: Annual Company Meeting.
`OPERATIONS: TRVL - returned from Company Meeting, R&D: Studied OCX Clients.
`MARKTING: mtg prep, mtg w/ Jay, mtg w/ SoftSell on Visual Expert Project: OPERATIONS: TRVL - drove to Hood River from Seattle.
`OPERATIONS: mail & e-mail catchup, organized office, PRIEXT: S540- reviewed contract; HR: monthly mtg w/ Nils, status: ACCNTING:timelogs;
`R&D:XMC - Stream Design dew aud document, XMC Trademark. LEGAL: ROY-G-BIV Trademark application:
`R&D:XMC - Cmpl Stream Design: collected & sent MMI info to Mike Schacht. PRIEXT: $840 - rvwcontr. LEGAL: NDA for Cory:
`R&D:XMC- Driver Design. Stream Design revisions.
`R&D:XMC- Driver Stub Design, Component Design:
`R&D:XMC- Driver Adinin Design, Driver Adniin CPL Design: HR: status w/ Nils: PRJINT: Intrncon - mtg w/ Cory connectivity & US Sprint contract.
`R&D:XMC- Doc Roadmap. sent info to Mike Schacht, Wrote article for Control Engineering,
`R&D:XMC- Mtg w/ Mike Schacht on Patent. Mtg w/ Jay - update on Patent. OPERATIONS:drove to Hood River from Seattle.
`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- revised template testing by splitting it into a DLL; OPERATIONS:e-mail, mail:
`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- revised template testing: PRJINT:Interncon - setup hardware for Cory.
`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- revised template testing: HR: mtg w/ Jay on Aaron, reviewed Aaron's e-mail.
`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- revised template testing, XMC: revised drawings for Mike Schacht, drew System [A-Map: OPERATIONS: e-mail.
`R&D:XMC:discussed issues with Mike Schacht. OPERATIONS: organized: ACCOUNTING:timelogs:
`Microsoft Corporation - SourceSafe 4.0 Support & Utility Development
`29 |R&D:XMC:TOOLS- fixed template test bugs, upgraded TPL.102 and AFXEXT. 101 projects for test changes, upgraded TPL.101 for AFXEXTchanges.
`30 [R&D:XMC - convdes docs to Patent format, merged into patent draft, completed Svsl[A: PRIEXT:SS40 - sched rvw, thkd w/ Tom, made schd revisions:
` RGB01229650
` 35


`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- TPL_LS.102 devandtesting.
`R&D:XMC:TOOLS- TPL_LS. 102 testing,
`HR:quarter meeting w/ Jay, Arun, Nils - second HR meeting.
`R&D:XMC:TOOLScomplted TPL_LS.102. created simple logger added to AFXEXT: MIS: prepared for
`NT3.51 dbg build: HR: month,week goals:
`You calculate this manually each month. Exclude weekends and holidays.
`R&D:XMCcinstalled debug version of WinNT3.51, setup NISDK, NTDDK, VC20. CDK32. MSDN; PRIEXT-SS40 - revised sched ammdmntsentto Jay.
`Total overtime compensation to receive for the month.
`Your Name
`ROY-G-BIV Corporation
`This includes project plus general business responsibilities (for a 42.5-hr work week),
`Minimum number of hours one is expected to work in a given month,
`ee RGBO1229651
` 36

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